
766 lines
45 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-01-04 19:31:52 +00:00
"welcome": "환영 에",
"cake_wallet": "Cake Wallet",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"first_wallet_text": "Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin 및 Haven을 위한 멋진 지갑",
"please_make_selection": "아래에서 선택하십시오 지갑 만들기 또는 복구.",
"create_new": "새 월렛 만들기",
"restore_wallet": "월렛 복원",
2021-12-31 13:17:30 +00:00
"monero_com": " by Cake Wallet",
2021-12-30 17:20:00 +00:00
"monero_com_wallet_text": "Awesome wallet for Monero",
2022-03-30 15:57:04 +00:00
"haven_app": "Haven by Cake Wallet",
"haven_app_wallet_text": "Awesome wallet for Haven",
"accounts": "계정",
"edit": "편집하다",
"account": "계정",
"add": "더하다",
"address_book": "주소록",
"contact": "접촉",
"please_select": "선택 해주세요:",
"cancel": "취소",
"ok": "승인",
"contact_name": "담당자 이름",
"reset": "다시 놓기",
"save": "구하다",
"address_remove_contact": "연락처 삭제",
"address_remove_content": "선택한 연락처를 삭제 하시겠습니까?",
"authenticated": "인증",
"authentication": "입증",
"failed_authentication": "인증 실패. ${state_error}",
"wallet_menu": "월렛 메뉴",
"Blocks_remaining": "${status} 남은 블록",
"please_try_to_connect_to_another_node": "다른 노드에 연결을 시도하십시오",
"xmr_hidden": "숨김",
"xmr_available_balance": "사용 가능한 잔액",
"xmr_full_balance": "풀 밸런스",
"send": "보내다",
"receive": "받다",
"transactions": "업무",
"incoming": "들어오는",
"outgoing": "나가는",
"transactions_by_date": "날짜 별 거래",
"trades": "거래",
2022-12-23 23:09:54 +00:00
"filter_by": "필터링 기준",
"today": "오늘",
"yesterday": "어제",
"received": "받았습니다",
"sent": "보냄",
"pending": " (보류 중)",
"rescan": "재검색",
"reconnect": "다시 연결",
"wallets": "지갑",
"show_seed": "종자 표시",
"show_keys": "시드 / 키 표시",
"address_book_menu": "주소록",
"reconnection": "재 연결",
"reconnect_alert_text": "다시 연결 하시겠습니까?",
"exchange": "교환",
"clear": "명확한",
"refund_address": "환불 주소",
"change_exchange_provider": "교환 공급자 변경",
"you_will_send": "다음에서 변환",
"you_will_get": "로 변환하다",
"amount_is_guaranteed": "수령 금액이 보장됩니다.",
"amount_is_estimate": "수신 금액은 견적입니다",
"powered_by": "에 의해 구동 ${title}",
"error": "오류",
"estimated": "예상",
"min_value": "최소: ${value} ${currency}",
"max_value": "맥스: ${value} ${currency}",
"change_currency": "통화 변경",
"overwrite_amount": "Overwrite amount",
"qr_payment_amount": "This QR code contains a payment amount. Do you want to overwrite the current value?",
"copy_id": "부 ID",
"exchange_result_write_down_trade_id": "계속하려면 거래 ID를 복사하거나 적어 두십시오..",
"trade_id": "무역 ID:",
"copied_to_clipboard": "클립 보드에 복사",
"saved_the_trade_id": "거래 ID를 저장했습니다",
"fetching": "가져 오는 중",
"id": "ID: ",
"amount": "양: ",
"payment_id": "지불 ID: ",
"status": "지위: ",
"offer_expires_in": "쿠폰 만료일: ",
"trade_is_powered_by": "이 거래는 ${provider}",
"copy_address": "주소 복사",
"exchange_result_confirm": "확인을 누르면 전송됩니다 ${fetchingLabel} ${from} 지갑에서 ${walletName} 아래 주소로. 또는 외부 지갑에서 아래 주소로 보낼 수 있습니다 / QR 코드로 보낼 수 있습니다.\n\n확인을 눌러 계속하거나 금액을 변경하려면 돌아가십시오.",
"exchange_result_description": "다음 페이지에 표시된 주소로 최소 ${fetchingLabel} ${from} 를 보내야합니다. ${fetchingLabel} ${from} 보다 적은 금액을 보내면 변환되지 않고 환불되지 않을 수 있습니다.",
"exchange_result_write_down_ID": "*위에 표시된 ID를 복사하거나 적어 두십시오.",
"confirm": "확인",
"confirm_sending": "전송 확인",
"commit_transaction_amount_fee": "커밋 거래\n양: ${amount}\n보수: ${fee}",
"sending": "배상",
"transaction_sent": "거래가 전송되었습니다!",
"expired": "만료",
"time": "${minutes}m ${seconds}s",
"send_xmr": "보내다 XMR",
"exchange_new_template": "새 템플릿",
"faq": "FAQ",
"enter_your_pin": "PIN을 입력하십시오",
"loading_your_wallet": "지갑 넣기",
"new_wallet": "새 월렛",
"wallet_name": "지갑 이름",
"continue_text": "잇다",
"choose_wallet_currency": "지갑 통화를 선택하십시오:",
"node_new": "새로운 노드",
"node_address": "노드 주소",
"node_port": "노드 포트",
"login": "로그인",
"password": "암호",
"nodes": "노드",
"node_reset_settings_title": "설정 초기화",
"nodes_list_reset_to_default_message": "설정을 기본값으로 재설정 하시겠습니까?",
"change_current_node": "현재 노드를 다음으로 변경 하시겠습니까 ${node}?",
"change": "변화",
"remove_node": "노드 제거",
"remove_node_message": "선택한 노드를 제거 하시겠습니까?",
"remove": "없애다",
"delete": "지우다",
"add_new_node": "새 노드 추가",
"change_current_node_title": "현재 노드 변경",
"node_test": "테스트",
"node_connection_successful": "성공적으로 연결되었습니다.",
"node_connection_failed": "연결 실패",
"new_node_testing": "새로운 노드 테스트",
"use": "사용하다 ",
"digit_pin": "숫자 PIN",
"share_address": "주소 공유",
"receive_amount": "양",
"subaddresses": "하위 주소",
"addresses": "구애",
"scan_qr_code_to_get_address": "QR 코드를 스캔하여 주소를 얻습니다.",
"qr_fullscreen": "전체 화면 QR 코드를 열려면 탭하세요.",
"rename": "이름 바꾸기",
"choose_account": "계정을 선택하십시오",
"create_new_account": "새 계정을 만들",
"accounts_subaddresses": "계정 및 하위 주소",
"restore_restore_wallet": "월렛 복원",
"restore_title_from_seed_keys": "시드 / 키에서 복원",
"restore_description_from_seed_keys": "안전한 장소에 저장 한 종자 / 키로 지갑을 되 찾으십시오.",
"restore_next": "다음 것",
"restore_title_from_backup": "백업 파일에서 복원",
"restore_description_from_backup": "백업 파일에서 전체 Cake Wallet 앱을 복원 할 수 있습니다.",
"restore_seed_keys_restore": "종자 / 키 복원",
"restore_title_from_seed": "종자에서 복원",
"restore_description_from_seed": "25 단어 또는 13 단어 조합 코드에서 지갑을 복원하십시오.",
"restore_title_from_keys": "키에서 복원",
"restore_description_from_keys": "개인 키에서 저장된 생성 된 키 스트로크에서 월렛 복원",
"restore_wallet_name": "지갑 이름",
"restore_address": "주소",
"restore_view_key_private": "키보기 (은밀한)",
"restore_spend_key_private": "지출 키 (은밀한)",
"restore_recover": "다시 덮다",
"restore_wallet_restore_description": "월렛 복원 설명",
"restore_new_seed": "새로운 씨앗",
"restore_active_seed": "활성 종자",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_seed": "24 단어 조합 코드에서 지갑 복원",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_keys": "개인 키에서 생성 된 WIF 문자열에서 지갑 복원",
"restore_bitcoin_title_from_keys": "WIF에서 복원",
"restore_from_date_or_blockheight": "이 지갑을 생성하기 며칠 전에 날짜를 입력하십시오. 또는 블록 높이를 알고있는 경우 대신 입력하십시오.",
"seed_reminder": "휴대 전화를 분실하거나 닦을 경우를 대비해 적어 두세요.",
"seed_title": "씨",
"seed_share": "시드 공유",
"copy": "부",
"seed_language": "종자 언어",
"seed_choose": "시드 언어를 선택하십시오",
"seed_language_next": "다음 것",
"seed_language_english": "영어",
"seed_language_chinese": "중국말",
"seed_language_dutch": "네덜란드 사람",
"seed_language_german": "독일 사람",
"seed_language_japanese": "일본어",
"seed_language_portuguese": "포르투갈 인",
"seed_language_russian": "러시아인",
"seed_language_spanish": "스페인의",
"seed_language_french": "프랑스 국민",
"seed_language_italian": "이탈리아 사람",
"send_title": "보내다",
"send_your_wallet": "지갑",
"send_address": "${cryptoCurrency} 주소",
"send_payment_id": "지불 ID (optional)",
"all": "모든",
"send_error_minimum_value": "금액의 최소값은 0.01입니다",
"send_error_currency": "통화는 숫자 만 포함 할 수 있습니다",
"send_estimated_fee": "예상 수수료:",
"send_priority": "현재 수수료는 ${transactionPriority} 우선 순위.\n거래 우선 순위는 설정에서 조정할 수 있습니다",
"send_creating_transaction": "거래 생성",
"send_templates": "템플릿",
"send_new": "새로운",
"send_amount": "양:",
"send_fee": "회비:",
"send_name": "이름",
"got_it": "알았다",
"send_sending": "배상...",
"send_success": "${crypto}가 성공적으로 전송되었습니다",
"settings_title": "설정",
"settings_nodes": "노드",
"settings_current_node": "현재 노드",
"settings_wallets": "지갑",
"settings_display_balance": "디스플레이 잔액",
"settings_currency": "통화",
"settings_fee_priority": "수수료 우선",
"settings_save_recipient_address": "수신자 주소 저장",
"settings_personal": "개인적인",
"settings_change_pin": "PIN 변경",
"settings_change_language": "언어 변경",
"settings_allow_biometrical_authentication": "생체 인증 허용",
"settings_dark_mode": "다크 모드",
"settings_transactions": "업무",
"settings_trades": "거래",
"settings_display_on_dashboard_list": "대시 보드 목록에 표시",
"settings_all": "모든",
"settings_only_trades": "거래 만",
"settings_only_transactions": "거래 만",
"settings_none": "없음",
"settings_support": "지원하다",
"settings_terms_and_conditions": "이용 약관",
"pin_is_incorrect": "PIN이 잘못되었습니다",
"setup_pin": "설정 PIN",
"enter_your_pin_again": "다시 핀을 입력",
"setup_successful": "PIN이 성공적으로 설정되었습니다!",
"wallet_keys": "지갑 시드 / 키",
"wallet_seed": "지갑 시드",
"private_key": "개인 키",
"public_key": "공개 키",
"view_key_private": "키보기(은밀한)",
"view_key_public": "키보기 (공공의)",
"spend_key_private": "지출 키 (은밀한)",
"spend_key_public": "지출 키 (공공의)",
"copied_key_to_clipboard": "복사 ${key} 클립 보드로",
"new_subaddress_title": "새 주소",
"new_subaddress_label_name": "라벨 이름",
"new_subaddress_create": "몹시 떠들어 대다",
"address_label": "Address label",
"subaddress_title": "하위 주소 목록",
"trade_details_title": "거래 세부 사항",
"trade_details_id": "ID",
"trade_details_state": "상태",
"trade_details_fetching": "가져 오는 중",
"trade_details_provider": "공급자",
"trade_details_created_at": "에 작성",
"trade_details_pair": "쌍",
"trade_details_copied": "${title} 클립 보드에 복사",
"trade_history_title": "무역 역사",
"transaction_details_title": "상세 거래 내역",
"transaction_details_transaction_id": "트랜잭션 ID",
"transaction_details_date": "날짜",
"transaction_details_height": "신장",
"transaction_details_amount": "양",
"transaction_details_fee": "회비",
"transaction_details_copied": "${title} 클립 보드에 복사",
"transaction_details_recipient_address": "받는 사람 주소",
"wallet_list_title": "모네로 월렛",
"wallet_list_create_new_wallet": "새 월렛 만들기",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"wallet_list_edit_wallet": "지갑 수정",
"wallet_list_wallet_name": "지갑 이름",
"wallet_list_restore_wallet": "월렛 복원",
"wallet_list_load_wallet": "지갑로드",
"wallet_list_loading_wallet": "로딩 ${wallet_name} 지갑",
"wallet_list_failed_to_load": "불러 오지 못했습니다 ${wallet_name} 지갑. ${error}",
"wallet_list_removing_wallet": "풀이 ${wallet_name} 지갑",
"wallet_list_failed_to_remove": "제거하지 못했습니다 ${wallet_name} 지갑. ${error}",
"widgets_address": "주소",
"widgets_restore_from_blockheight": "블록 높이에서 복원",
"widgets_restore_from_date": "날짜에서 복원",
"widgets_or": "또는",
"widgets_seed": "씨",
"router_no_route": "에 정의 된 경로가 없습니다 ${name}",
"error_text_account_name": "계정 이름은 문자, 숫자 만 포함 할 수 있습니다\n1 ~ 15 자 사이 여야합니다",
"error_text_contact_name": "담당자 이름은 포함 할 수 없습니다 ` , ' \" 기호\n1 자에서 32 자 사이 여야합니다",
"error_text_address": "지갑 주소는 유형과 일치해야합니다\n암호 화폐",
"error_text_node_address": "iPv4 주소를 입력하십시오",
"error_text_node_port": "노드 포트는 0에서 65535 사이의 숫자 만 포함 할 수 있습니다",
"error_text_node_proxy_address": "<IPv4 주소>:<포트>를 입력하십시오(예:",
"error_text_payment_id": "지불 ID는 16 ~ 64 자의 16 진 문자 만 포함 할 수 있습니다",
"error_text_xmr": "XMR 값은 사용 가능한 잔액을 초과 할 수 없습니다.\n소수 자릿수는 12 이하 여야합니다",
"error_text_fiat": "금액은 사용 가능한 잔액을 초과 할 수 없습니다.\n소수 자릿수는 2보다 작거나 같아야합니다",
"error_text_subaddress_name": "하위 주소 이름은 포함 할 수 없습니다 ` , ' \" 기호 \n1 ~ 20 자 사이 여야합니다",
"error_text_amount": "금액은 숫자 만 포함 할 수 있습니다",
"error_text_wallet_name": "지갑 이름은 문자, 숫자, _ - 기호만 포함할 수 있습니다.\n1~33자 사이여야 합니다.",
"error_text_keys": "지갑 키는 16 진수로 64 자만 포함 할 수 있습니다",
"error_text_crypto_currency": "소수 자릿수\n12 이하 여야합니다",
"error_text_minimal_limit": "거래 ${provider} 가 생성되지 않습니다. 금액이 최소보다 적습니다. ${min} ${currency}",
"error_text_maximum_limit": "거래 ${provider} 가 생성되지 않습니다. 금액이 최대 값보다 많습니다. ${max} ${currency}",
"error_text_limits_loading_failed": "거래 ${provider} 가 생성되지 않습니다. 로딩 실패",
"error_text_template": "템플릿 이름과 주소는 포함 할 수 없습니다 ` , ' \" 기호 \n1 ~ 106 자 사이 여야합니다",
"auth_store_ban_timeout": "타임 아웃 금지",
"auth_store_banned_for": "금지",
"auth_store_banned_minutes": " 의사록",
"auth_store_incorrect_password": "잘못된 PIN",
"wallet_store_monero_wallet": "모네로 월렛",
"wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length": "시드 길이가 잘못되었습니다",
"full_balance": "풀 밸런스",
"available_balance": "사용 가능한 잔액",
"hidden_balance": "숨겨진 균형",
"sync_status_syncronizing": "동기화",
"sync_status_syncronized": "동기화",
"sync_status_not_connected": "연결되지 않은",
"sync_status_starting_sync": "동기화 시작",
"sync_status_failed_connect": "연결 해제",
"sync_status_connecting": "연결 중",
"sync_status_connected": "연결됨",
"sync_status_attempting_sync": "동기화 시도 중",
"transaction_priority_slow": "느린",
"transaction_priority_regular": "정규병",
"transaction_priority_medium": "매질",
"transaction_priority_fast": "빠른",
"transaction_priority_fastest": "가장 빠른",
"trade_for_not_created": "거래 ${title} 생성되지 않습니다.",
"trade_not_created": "거래가 생성되지 않았습니다",
"trade_id_not_found": "무역 ${tradeId} 의 ${title} 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"trade_not_found": "거래를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"trade_state_pending": "대기 중",
"trade_state_confirming": "확인 중",
"trade_state_trading": "거래",
"trade_state_traded": "거래",
"trade_state_complete": "완전한",
"trade_state_to_be_created": "만들려면",
"trade_state_unpaid": "미지급",
"trade_state_underpaid": "미지급",
"trade_state_paid_unconfirmed": "미확인 유료",
"trade_state_paid": "유료",
"trade_state_btc_sent": "보냄",
"trade_state_timeout": "타임 아웃",
"trade_state_created": "만들어진",
"trade_state_finished": "끝마친",
"change_language": "언어 변경",
"change_language_to": "언어를로 변경 ${language}?",
"paste": "풀",
"restore_from_seed_placeholder": "여기에 코드 문구를 입력하거나 붙여 넣으십시오.",
"add_new_word": "새로운 단어 추가",
"incorrect_seed": "입력하신 텍스트가 유효하지 않습니다.",
"biometric_auth_reason": "지문을 스캔하여 인증",
"version": "버전 ${currentVersion}",
"extracted_address_content": "당신은에 자금을 보낼 것입니다\n${recipient_name}",
"card_address": "주소:",
"buy": "구입",
2022-01-13 18:10:27 +00:00
"sell": "팔다",
"placeholder_transactions": "거래가 여기에 표시됩니다",
"placeholder_contacts": "연락처가 여기에 표시됩니다",
"template": "주형",
"confirm_delete_template": "이 작업은이 템플릿을 삭제합니다. 계속 하시겠습니까?",
"confirm_delete_wallet": "이 작업은이 지갑을 삭제합니다. 계속 하시겠습니까?",
"change_wallet_alert_title": "현재 지갑 변경",
"change_wallet_alert_content": "현재 지갑을 다음으로 변경 하시겠습니까 ${wallet_name}?",
"creating_new_wallet": "새 지갑 생성",
"creating_new_wallet_error": "오류: ${description}",
"seed_alert_title": "주의",
"seed_alert_content": "씨앗은 지갑을 복구하는 유일한 방법입니다. 적어 보셨나요?",
"seed_alert_back": "돌아 가기",
"seed_alert_yes": "네, 있어요",
"exchange_sync_alert_content": "지갑이 동기화 될 때까지 기다리십시오",
"pre_seed_title": "중대한",
"pre_seed_description": "다음 페이지에서 ${words} 개의 단어를 볼 수 있습니다. 이것은 귀하의 고유하고 개인적인 시드이며 분실 또는 오작동시 지갑을 복구하는 유일한 방법입니다. 기록해두고 Cake Wallet 앱 외부의 안전한 장소에 보관하는 것은 귀하의 책임입니다.",
"pre_seed_button_text": "이해 했어요. 내 씨앗을 보여줘",
"xmr_to_error": "XMR.TO 오류",
"xmr_to_error_description": "금액이 잘못되었습니다. 소수점 이하 최대 8 자리",
"provider_error": "${provider} 오류",
"use_ssl": "SSL 사용",
"trusted": "신뢰할 수 있는",
"color_theme": "색상 테마",
"light_theme": "빛",
"bright_theme": "선명한",
"dark_theme": "어두운",
"enter_your_note": "메모를 입력하세요…",
"note_optional": "참고 (선택 사항)",
"note_tap_to_change": "메모 (변경하려면 탭하세요)",
"view_in_block_explorer": "View in Block Explorer",
"view_transaction_on": "View Transaction on ",
"transaction_key": "거래 키",
"confirmations": "확인",
"recipient_address": "받는 사람 주소",
"extra_id": "추가 ID:",
"destination_tag": "목적지 태그:",
"memo": "메모:",
"backup": "지원",
"change_password": "비밀번호 변경",
"backup_password": "백업 비밀번호",
"write_down_backup_password": "백업 파일 가져 오기에 사용되는 백업 암호를 적어 두십시오.",
"export_backup": "백업 내보내기",
"save_backup_password": "백업 암호를 저장했는지 확인하십시오. 그것 없이는 백업 파일을 가져올 수 없습니다.",
"backup_file": "백업 파일",
"edit_backup_password": "편집 백업 암호",
"save_backup_password_alert": "백업 비밀번호 저장",
"change_backup_password_alert": "이전 백업 파일은 새 백업 암호로 가져올 수 없습니다. 새 백업 암호는 새 백업 파일에만 사용됩니다. 백업 비밀번호를 변경 하시겠습니까?",
"enter_backup_password": "여기에 백업 비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
"select_backup_file": "백업 파일 선택",
"import": "수입",
"please_select_backup_file": "백업 파일을 선택하고 백업 암호를 입력하십시오.",
"fixed_rate": "고정 비율",
"fixed_rate_alert": "고정 금리 모드 체크시 수취 금액 입력이 가능합니다. 고정 속도 모드로 전환 하시겠습니까?",
"xlm_extra_info": "교환을 위해 XLM 거래를 보낼 때 메모 ID를 지정하는 것을 잊지 마십시오",
"xrp_extra_info": "교환을 위해 XRP 트랜잭션을 보내는 동안 대상 태그를 지정하는 것을 잊지 마십시오",
"exchange_incorrect_current_wallet_for_xmr": "Cake Wallet Monero 잔액에서 XMR을 교환하려면 먼저 Monero 지갑으로 전환하십시오.",
"confirmed": "확인된 잔액",
"unconfirmed": "확인되지 않은 잔액",
"displayable": "표시 가능",
"submit_request": "요청을 제출",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"buy_alert_content": "현재 Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin 및 Monero 구매만 지원합니다. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin 또는 Monero 지갑을 생성하거나 전환하십시오.",
"sell_alert_content": "현재 Bitcoin, Ethereum 및 Litecoin의 판매만 지원합니다. Bitcoin, Ethereum 또는 Litecoin 지갑을 생성하거나 전환하십시오.",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_description": "Cake에서 생성 된 새로운 비트 코인 지갑에는 이제 24 단어 시드가 있습니다. 새로운 비트 코인 지갑을 생성하고 모든 자금을 새로운 24 단어 지갑으로 이체하고 12 단어 시드가있는 지갑 사용을 중지해야합니다. 자금을 확보하려면 즉시이 작업을 수행하십시오.",
"understand": "이해 했어요",
"apk_update": "APK 업데이트",
"buy_bitcoin": "비트 코인 구매",
"buy_with": "구매",
"moonpay_alert_text": "금액은 다음보다 크거나 같아야합니다 ${minAmount} ${fiatCurrency}",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_receive_warning": "이 지갑에 12 단어 시드가 있고 Cake에서 생성 된 경우이 지갑에 비트 코인을 입금하지 마십시오. 이 지갑으로 전송 된 모든 BTC는 손실 될 수 있습니다. 새로운 24 단어 지갑을 생성하고 (오른쪽 상단의 메뉴를 탭하고 지갑을 선택한 다음 새 지갑 생성을 선택한 다음 비트 코인을 선택하십시오) 즉시 BTC를 그곳으로 이동하십시오. Cake의 새로운 (24 단어) BTC 지갑은 안전합니다",
"do_not_show_me": "나를 다시 표시하지 않음",
"unspent_coins_title": "사용하지 않은 동전",
"unspent_coins_details_title": "사용하지 않은 동전 세부 정보",
"freeze": "얼다",
"frozen": "겨울 왕국",
"coin_control": "코인 제어 (옵션)",
"address_detected": "주소 감지",
"address_from_domain": "이 주소는 ${domain} 의 주소입니다 Unstoppable Domains",
"add_receiver": "다른 수신기 추가(선택 사항)",
"manage_yats": "관리하다 Yats",
"yat_alert_title": "Yat으로 더 쉽게 암호화폐를 보내고 받으십시오.",
"yat_alert_content": "Cake Wallet 사용자는 이제 독특한 이모티콘 기반 사용자 이름으로 좋아하는 모든 통화를 보내고 받을 수 있습니다.",
"get_your_yat": "당신의 Yat를 얻으십시오",
"connect_an_existing_yat": "기존 Yat 연결",
"yat_address": "Yat 주소",
"yat": "Yat",
2021-11-02 09:17:24 +00:00
"connect_yats": "야츠 연결",
"address_from_yat": "이 주소는 ${emoji} 의 주소입니다 Yat",
"yat_error": "Yat 오류",
"yat_error_content": "이 Yat와 연결된 주소가 없습니다. 다른 Yat 시도",
"choose_address": "\n\n주소를 선택하십시오:",
"yat_popup_title": "지갑 주소를 이모티콘으로 만들 수 있습니다.",
"yat_popup_content": "이제 Yat(이모티콘 기반의 짧은 사용자 이름)으로 Cake Wallet에서 암호화폐를 보내고 받을 수 있습니다. 설정 화면에서 언제든지 Yats 관리",
"second_intro_title": "그들을 모두 지배하는 하나의 이모티콘 주소",
"second_intro_content": "귀하의 Yat는 귀하의 모든 통화에 대해 긴 16진수 주소를 모두 대체하는 고유한 단일 이모지 주소입니다.",
"third_intro_title": "Yat는 다른 사람들과 잘 놉니다.",
"third_intro_content": "Yats는 Cake Wallet 밖에서도 살고 있습니다. 지구상의 모든 지갑 주소는 Yat!",
"learn_more": "더 알아보기",
"search": "찾다",
"search_language": "검색 언어",
"search_currency": "통화 검색",
"new_template": "새 템플릿",
"electrum_address_disclaimer": "사용할 때마다 새 주소가 생성되지만 이전 주소는 계속 작동합니다.",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"wallet_name_exists": "해당 이름의 지갑이 이미 존재합니다.",
"market_place": "마켓플레이스",
"cake_pay_title": "케이크 페이 기프트 카드",
2022-12-21 17:15:02 +00:00
"cake_pay_subtitle": "할인된 기프트 카드 구매(미국만 해당)",
"cake_pay_web_cards_title": "케이크페이 웹카드",
"cake_pay_web_cards_subtitle": "전 세계 선불 카드 및 기프트 카드 구매",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"about_cake_pay": "Cake Pay를 사용하면 미국 내 150,000개 이상의 가맹점에서 즉시 사용할 수 있는 가상 자산이 포함된 기프트 카드를 쉽게 구입할 수 있습니다.",
"cake_pay_account_note": "이메일 주소로 가입하면 카드를 보고 구매할 수 있습니다. 일부는 할인된 가격으로 사용 가능합니다!",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"already_have_account": "이미 계정이 있습니까?",
"create_account": "계정 만들기",
"privacy_policy": "개인 정보 보호 정책",
"welcome_to_cakepay": "Cake Pay에 오신 것을 환영합니다!",
"sign_up": "가입",
"forgot_password": "비밀번호 찾기",
"reset_password": "비밀번호 재설정",
"gift_cards": "기프트 카드",
"setup_your_debit_card": "직불카드 설정",
"no_id_required": "신분증이 필요하지 않습니다. 충전하고 어디에서나 사용하세요",
"how_to_use_card": "이 카드를 사용하는 방법",
"purchase_gift_card": "기프트 카드 구매",
"verification": "검증",
"fill_code": "이메일에 제공된 인증 코드를 입력하세요.",
2023-05-24 16:02:28 +00:00
"didnt_get_code": "코드를 받지 못하셨습니까?",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"resend_code": "다시 보내주세요",
"debit_card": "직불 카드",
"cakepay_prepaid_card": "CakePay 선불 직불 카드",
"no_id_needed": "ID가 필요하지 않습니다!",
"frequently_asked_questions": "자주 묻는 질문",
"debit_card_terms": "이 디지털 지갑에 있는 귀하의 지불 카드 번호(및 귀하의 지불 카드 번호에 해당하는 자격 증명)의 저장 및 사용은 부터 발효되는 지불 카드 발행자와의 해당 카드 소지자 계약의 이용 약관을 따릅니다. 수시로.",
"Please_reference_document": "자세한 내용은 아래 문서를 참조하십시오.",
"cardholder_agreement": "카드 소유자 계약",
"e_sign_consent": "전자 서명 동의",
"agree_and_continue": "동의 및 계속",
"email_address": "이메일 주소",
"agree_to": "계정을 생성하면 ",
"and": "그리고",
"enter_code": "코드 입력",
"congratulations": "축하합니다!",
"you_now_have_debit_card": "이제 직불카드가 있습니다.",
"min_amount": "최소: ${value}",
"max_amount": "최대: ${value}",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"enter_amount": "금액 입력",
"billing_address_info": "청구서 수신 주소를 묻는 메시지가 표시되면 배송 주소를 입력하세요.",
"order_physical_card": "물리적 카드 주문",
"add_value": "값 추가",
"activate": "활성화",
"get_a": "가져오기",
"digital_and_physical_card": " 디지털 및 실제 선불 직불 카드",
"get_card_note": " 디지털 통화로 충전할 수 있습니다. 추가 정보가 필요하지 않습니다!",
"signup_for_card_accept_terms": "카드에 가입하고 약관에 동의합니다.",
"add_fund_to_card": "카드에 선불 금액 추가(최대 ${value})",
"use_card_info_two": "디지털 화폐가 아닌 선불 계정에 보유하면 자금이 USD로 변환됩니다.",
"use_card_info_three": "디지털 카드를 온라인 또는 비접촉식 결제 수단으로 사용하십시오.",
"optionally_order_card": "선택적으로 실제 카드를 주문하십시오.",
"hide_details": "세부 정보 숨기기",
"show_details": "세부정보 표시",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"upto": "최대 ${value}",
"discount": "${value}% 절약",
"gift_card_amount": "기프트 카드 금액",
"bill_amount": "청구 금액",
"you_pay": "당신이 지불합니다",
"tip": "팁:",
"custom": "커스텀",
"by_cake_pay": "Cake Pay로",
"expires": "만료",
"mm": "mm",
"YY": "YY",
"online": "온라인",
"offline": "오프라인",
"gift_card_number": "기프트 카드 번호",
"pin_number": "PIN 번호",
"total_saving": "총 절감액",
"last_30_days": "지난 30일",
"avg_savings": "평균 절감액",
"view_all": "모두 보기",
"active_cards": "활성 카드",
"delete_account": "계정 삭제",
"cards": "카드",
"active": "활성",
"redeemed": "구함",
"gift_card_balance_note": "잔액이 남아 있는 기프트 카드가 여기에 표시됩니다.",
"gift_card_redeemed_note": "사용한 기프트 카드가 여기에 표시됩니다.",
"logout": "로그아웃",
"add_tip": "팁 추가",
"percentageOf": "${amount} 중",
"is_percentage": "이다",
"search_category": "검색 카테고리",
"mark_as_redeemed": "사용한 것으로 표시",
"more_options": "추가 옵션",
"awaiting_payment_confirmation": "결제 확인 대기 중",
"transaction_sent_notice": "1분 후에도 화면이 진행되지 않으면 블록 익스플로러와 이메일을 확인하세요.",
"agree": "동의하다",
"in_store": "매장 내",
"generating_gift_card": "기프트 카드 생성 중",
"payment_was_received": "결제가 접수되었습니다.",
"proceed_after_one_minute": "1분 후에도 화면이 진행되지 않으면 이메일을 확인하세요.",
"order_id": "주문 ID",
"gift_card_is_generated": "기프트 카드가 생성되었습니다",
"open_gift_card": "기프트 카드 열기",
"contact_support": "지원팀에 문의",
"gift_cards_unavailable": "기프트 카드는 현재 Monero, Bitcoin 및 Litecoin을 통해서만 구매할 수 있습니다.",
"background_sync_mode": "백그라운드 동기화 모드",
"sync_all_wallets": "모든 지갑 동기화",
"introducing_cake_pay": "소개 Cake Pay!",
"cake_pay_learn_more": "앱에서 즉시 기프트 카드를 구매하고 사용하세요!\n자세히 알아보려면 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 스와이프하세요.",
"automatic": "자동적 인",
"fixed_pair_not_supported": "이 고정 쌍은 선택한 교환에서 지원되지 않습니다.",
"variable_pair_not_supported": "이 변수 쌍은 선택한 교환에서 지원되지 않습니다.",
"none_of_selected_providers_can_exchange": "선택한 공급자 중 누구도 이 교환을 할 수 없습니다.",
"choose_one": "하나 선택",
"choose_from_available_options": "사용 가능한 옵션에서 선택:",
"custom_redeem_amount": "사용자 지정 상환 금액",
"add_custom_redemption": "사용자 지정 상환 추가",
"remaining": "남은",
"delete_wallet": "지갑 삭제",
"delete_wallet_confirm_message": "${wallet_name} 지갑을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"low_fee": "낮은 수수료",
"low_fee_alert": "현재 낮은 네트워크 요금 우선 순위를 사용하고 있습니다. 이로 인해 긴 대기 시간, 다른 요금 또는 취소된 거래가 발생할 수 있습니다. 더 나은 경험을 위해 더 높은 요금을 설정하는 것이 좋습니다.",
"ignor": "무시하다",
"use_suggested": "추천 사용",
"do_not_share_warning_text": "지원을 포함하여 다른 사람과 이러한 정보를 공유하지 마십시오.\n\n귀하의 자금은 도난당할 수 있고 도난당할 수 있습니다!",
2022-11-16 07:29:14 +00:00
"help": "돕다",
2022-11-10 15:38:23 +00:00
"all_transactions": "모든 거래 창구",
"all_trades": "A모든 거래",
2022-11-30 13:28:27 +00:00
"connection_sync": "연결 및 동기화",
"security_and_backup": "보안 및 백업",
"create_backup": "백업 생성",
2022-11-16 07:29:14 +00:00
"privacy_settings": "개인정보 설정",
"privacy": "프라이버시",
"display_settings": "디스플레이 설정",
2022-11-22 20:52:28 +00:00
"other_settings": "기타 설정",
"require_pin_after": "다음 이후에 PIN 필요",
"always": "언제나",
"minutes_to_pin_code": "${minute}분",
"disable_exchange": "교환 비활성화",
"advanced_settings": "고급 설정",
"settings_can_be_changed_later": "이 설정은 나중에 앱 설정에서 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"add_custom_node": "새 사용자 정의 노드 추가",
"disable_fiat": "법정화폐 비활성화",
"fiat_api": "명목 화폐 API",
2022-12-07 12:04:14 +00:00
"disabled": "장애가 있는",
"enabled": "사용",
"tor_only": "Tor 뿐",
2023-01-05 10:53:05 +00:00
"unmatched_currencies": "현재 지갑의 통화가 스캔한 QR의 통화와 일치하지 않습니다.",
"orbot_running_alert": "이 노드에 연결하기 전에 Orbot이 실행 중인지 확인하십시오.",
"contact_list_contacts": "콘택트 렌즈",
2023-01-25 10:28:44 +00:00
"contact_list_wallets": "내 지갑",
"bitcoin_payments_require_1_confirmation": "비트코인 결제는 1번의 확인이 필요하며 20분 이상이 소요될 수 있습니다. 기다려 주셔서 감사합니다! 결제가 확인되면 이메일이 전송됩니다.",
"send_to_this_address": "이 주소로 ${currency} ${tag}송금",
"arrive_in_this_address": "${currency} ${tag}이(가) 이 주소로 도착합니다",
"do_not_send": "보내지 마세요",
"error_dialog_content": "죄송합니다. 오류가 발생했습니다.\n\n응용 프로그램을 개선하려면 지원 팀에 충돌 보고서를 보내주십시오.",
"scan_qr_code": "QR 코드 스캔",
"cold_or_recover_wallet": "콜드 지갑 추가 또는 종이 지갑 복구",
"please_wait": "기다리세요",
"sweeping_wallet": "스위핑 지갑",
"sweeping_wallet_alert": "오래 걸리지 않습니다. 이 화면을 떠나지 마십시오. 그렇지 않으면 스웹트 자금이 손실될 수 있습니다.",
"decimal_places_error": "소수점 이하 자릿수가 너무 많습니다.",
"edit_node": "노드 편집",
"invoice_details": "인보이스 세부정보",
"donation_link_details": "기부 링크 세부정보",
"anonpay_description": "${type} 생성. 수신자는 지원되는 모든 암호화폐로 ${method}할 수 있으며 이 지갑에서 자금을 받게 됩니다.",
"create_invoice": "인보이스 생성",
"create_donation_link": "기부 링크 만들기",
"optional_email_hint": "선택적 수취인 알림 이메일",
"optional_description": "선택적 설명",
"optional_name": "선택적 수신자 이름",
"clearnet_link": "클리어넷 링크",
"onion_link": "양파 링크",
Dashboard desktop view (#737) * Add build scripts for macOS. Add macos for cw_monero plugin. Add macos proj to the application. * - Update Flutter secure storage to work with macos - Enable uni links only on Mobile - Update devcelocale to work with macos * Add network access to mac * Change Dashboard view on desktop size screens * Add on Tap to desktop_action_button.dart Remove unused functions * Fix arch match for monero lib for darwin x86_64 -> x86-64 * Add Bundle ID in entitlements files through app config script * Update deployment target to 10.13 * Revert back to Cake fork for secure storage * Revert back to Cake fork for secure storage * Revert mac os version * Revert mac os version * Add platform channel specific code for mac os * Add desktop sidebar * [skip ci] Add desktop sidebar * [skip ci] Add desktop sidebar * - Remove legacy migration from macos - Remove wake lock native code and just use the ready made package * Remove wake lock native code and just use the ready made package * Remove unstoppable domain from macos since it's not supported * Temporarily fetch unstoppable domains only on mobile * refactor desktop settings sidebar * Ignore increasing brightness for non-mobile platforms * Add Wallet selection dropdown to dashboard desktop view * Generate MacOS icons * localize settings * fix dashboard sidebar and responsive utils * Change Mac os app name and bundle id * Fix exchange page as fullScreenDialog * Remove constants * - Refactor onRamper to have a single point of modification - Enlarge initial app size - update Flutter and Packages * Add pubspec.lock and Podfile.lock to gitignore * Remove Podfile.lock from cache * Fix bug on sidebar reset * Fix issues from code review * [skip ci] reformat desktop dashboard * [skip ci] reformat desktop dashboard * Revert removing .lock files * Revert changes in .gitignore * [skip ci] remove .project changes * [skip ci] remove .project changes * Separate Dashboard desktop view from mobile view * constraint images and pincoded box * Remove drawer from mac os * - Listen to keyboard events in PIN screen - Fix PIN buttons style * Fix desktop nav bar UI * Add Marketplace to dashboard view * Update trailing icon to open transaction page * Update widget contraints * Add empty trailing to center page title on desktop * Refresh desktop dashboard actions on wallet change * Change ionia welcome page animation * Fix Constrained width screens UI * Refactor sidebar state management * remove empty line * Add max width constrain to Welcome page * Change Exchange page UI depending on platform * - Change design/paddings for Send page on desktop view - Make AddTemplateButton instead of having it duplicated in send/exchange * Fix Desktop dashboard actions background color * Constrain primary Buttons width * Make side menu items toggle back to dashboard * Add padding to support page * Add width constraints to desktop dashboard * Fix UI issues, paddings and alignments * Rename misleading variable Change initial mac window size * Fix wallet create in settings * remove unnecessary code * remove unnecessary code * Remove duplicated constrains * - Use close icon on main screens - Minor UI fixes * fix pageview controller reset index * Add create and restore wallet options to dropdown menu * Fix desktop background color and address book view issues * Fix input field * Add onFieldSubmitted to allow "enter" button interaction * Fix issue from code review * Fix Popup width constraint and add focus orders * Fix variable name * Fix issues from code review * refactor dropdown items * Fix alignment in create and restore wallet screens * Fix dropdown change state bug Hide scanner for desktop * remove space * override navbar with desktopnavbar * Remove autofocus * remove unused code * Fix ionia input field alignment * Replace removed code * Add app lock feature on mac * Add assertion to avoid null * Add Nano currency image * Enable adding contact from send screen * Fix UI issues Add missing translation * pop only PIN screen after successful auth * Add back wallet settings page to desktop settings actions * Fix Navigation animation for settings screens * Fixate MobX version to fix restore issue * CW-324 Refresh current settings page if wallet changed (#811) * Fix refresh current settings page if wallet changed * Fix refresh current settings page if wallet changed * Refresh Wallet Seeds/Keys List upon wallet change --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> * Remove navigation workaround for duplicate key, and fix the issue by handling creation/disposing of global key (#840) * Cw 323 add wallet list to settings on mac (#843) * Remove navigation workaround for duplicate key, and fix the issue by handling creation/disposing of global key * - Register Wallet List as singleton in Desktop to be modify the same instance from settings and dropdown - General Fixes and Enhancements * Fix Changing/Restoring wallet from settings * Fix Create wallet not showing seeds screens if launched from settings * Add max width constraint for Alerts * - Add Desktop API keys - Fix Change back up password issue - Fix Popup width * Sync Mac with latest main updates * Swap Transactions icon with lock icon * Save backup file locally on desktop * Sync with latest main updates * Fix Navigation issues with anonpay * Update macos build version * Remove deprecated custom wake lock code for Android * Remove Legacy CryptoSwift package from MacOS * - Refactor Payfura page code - Add OnRamper new configs to onramper_buy_provider.dart - Fix Conflicts with main * Updated device locale package * Update android tools * Revert changes and update only gradle version * Downgrade android tools version * Update gradle version * Update package/gradle/plugin version * - Fixate device locale version - Downgrade gradle version * Update kotlin version * Update gradle version * Trial for a custom fork from devicelocale * Fixate shared preferences package version * Revert gradle version * Revert kotlin version * Downgrade gradle version * Downgrade gradle version * Repair cache and clean before build * Fixate flutter version * update google services version * revert google services version * Force shared pref android version * Override shared prefs android package version * Override shared prefs android package [skip ci] --------- Co-authored-by: M <> Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <> Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2023-04-14 04:39:08 +00:00
"settings": "설정",
"sell_monero_com_alert_content": "지원되지 않습니다.",
"error_text_input_below_minimum_limit": "금액이 최소보다 적습니다.",
"error_text_input_above_maximum_limit": "금액이 최대 값보다 많습니다.",
"show_market_place": "마켓플레이스 표시",
"prevent_screenshots": "스크린샷 및 화면 녹화 방지",
"profile": "프로필",
"close": "닫다",
"modify_2fa": "수정 케이크 2FA",
"disable_cake_2fa": "케이크 2FA 비활성화",
"question_to_disable_2fa": "Cake 2FA를 비활성화하시겠습니까? 지갑 및 특정 기능에 액세스하는 데 더 이상 2FA 코드가 필요하지 않습니다.",
"disable": "장애를 입히다",
"setup_2fa": "케이크 2FA 설정",
"verify_with_2fa": "케이크 2FA로 확인",
"totp_code": "TOTP 코드",
"please_fill_totp": "다른 기기에 있는 8자리 코드를 입력하세요.",
"totp_2fa_success": "성공! 이 지갑에 케이크 2FA가 활성화되었습니다. 지갑 액세스 권한을 잃을 경우를 대비하여 니모닉 시드를 저장하는 것을 잊지 마십시오.",
"totp_verification_success": "확인 성공!",
"totp_2fa_failure": "잘못된 코드입니다. 다른 코드를 시도하거나 새 비밀 키를 생성하십시오. 8자리 코드와 SHA512를 지원하는 호환되는 2FA 앱을 사용하세요.",
"enter_totp_code": "TOTP 코드를 입력하세요.",
2023-12-13 11:55:22 +00:00
"add_secret_code": "또는 이 비밀 코드를 인증 앱에 추가하세요.",
"totp_secret_code": "TOTP 비밀 코드",
2023-12-14 10:58:02 +00:00
"setup_2fa_text": "Cake 2FA는 TOTP를 두 번째 인증 요소로 사용하여 작동합니다.\n\nCake 2FA의 TOTP에는 SHA-512 및 8자리 지원이 필요합니다. 이는 보안을 강화합니다. 자세한 정보와 지원되는 앱은 가이드에서 확인할 수 있습니다.",
"setup_totp_recommended": "TOTP 설정",
"disable_buy": "구매 행동 비활성화",
"disable_sell": "판매 조치 비활성화",
"cake_2fa_preset": "케이크 2FA 프리셋",
"narrow": "좁은",
"normal": "정상",
"aggressive": "지나치게 열심인",
"require_for_assessing_wallet": "지갑 접근을 위해 필요",
"require_for_sends_to_non_contacts": "비접촉자에게 보내는 데 필요",
"require_for_sends_to_contacts": "연락처로 보내기에 필요",
"require_for_sends_to_internal_wallets": "내부 지갑으로 보내는 데 필요",
"require_for_exchanges_to_internal_wallets": "내부 지갑으로의 교환에 필요",
"require_for_adding_contacts": "연락처 추가에 필요",
"require_for_creating_new_wallets": "새 지갑 생성에 필요",
"require_for_all_security_and_backup_settings": "모든 보안 및 백업 설정에 필요",
"available_balance_description": "이 지갑에서 사용할 수 있는 잔액입니다. 이 잔액은 블록체인에서 가져온 것이며, Cake Wallet이 사용할 수 없습니다.",
"syncing_wallet_alert_title": "지갑 동기화 중",
"syncing_wallet_alert_content": "상단에 \"동기화됨\"이라고 표시될 때까지 잔액 및 거래 목록이 완전하지 않을 수 있습니다. 자세히 알아보려면 클릭/탭하세요.",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"home_screen_settings": "홈 화면 설정",
"sort_by": "정렬 기준",
"search_add_token": "검색 / 토큰 추가",
"edit_token": "토큰 편집",
"warning": "경고",
"add_token_warning": "사기꾼의 지시에 따라 토큰을 편집하거나 추가하지 마십시오.\n항상 신뢰할 수 있는 출처를 통해 토큰 주소를 확인하세요!",
"add_token_disclaimer_check": "신뢰할 수 있는 출처를 통해 토큰 컨트랙트 주소와 정보를 확인했습니다. 악의적이거나 잘못된 정보를 추가하면 자금 손실이 발생할 수 있습니다.",
"token_contract_address": "토큰 계약 주소",
"token_name": "토큰 이름 예: Tether",
"token_symbol": "토큰 기호 예: USDT",
"token_decimal": "토큰 십진수",
"field_required": "이 필드는 필수입니다",
"pin_at_top": "상단에 ${token} 고정",
"invalid_input": "잘못된 입력",
"fiat_balance": "피아트 잔액",
"gross_balance": "총 잔액",
"alphabetical": "알파벳순",
"generate_name": "이름 생성",
"balance_page": "잔액 페이지",
"share": "공유하다",
"slidable": "슬라이딩 가능",
Cw 396 additional themes (#962) * fix: SectionStandardList using BuildContext as param * refactor: deprecated backgroundColor -> colorScheme.background * refactor: themeBase and current themes * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.color -> dialogTheme.backgroundColor * refactor: gradient background * refactor: text themes using the same color as primaryColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.color -> cardColor * refactor: text themes using same dialogBackgroundColor * refactor: scrollbarTheme * refactor: create SyncIndicatorTheme * refactor: SectionDivider * refactor: base_page improvements and simplify * refactor: collapsible_standart_list improvements * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> KeyboardTheme.keyboardBarColor * refactor: create PinCodeTheme for accentTextTheme.bodyMedium * refactor: create SupportPageTheme for accentTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor and fix cases that use it * refactor: accentTextTheme.displayLarge.color -> disabledColor * refactor: create ExchangePageTheme * refactor: create DashboardPageTheme and use textColor * refactor: create NewWalletTheme for accentTextTheme.displayMedium * refactor: create BalancePageTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.backgroundColor * refactor: create AddressTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.color * refactor: create IndicatorDotTheme * refactor: create CakeMenuTheme * refactor: create FilterTheme * refactor: create WalletListTheme * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.decorationColor -> InfoTheme.textColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.backgroundColor -> PickerTheme.dividerColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> AlertTheme.leftButtonTextColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor -> OrderTheme.iconColor * refactor: create SendPageTheme * fix: missing migrated styles * refactor: primaryTextTheme.labelSmall.decorationColor -> PlaceholderTheme.color * refactor: create TransactionTradeTheme * refactor: create CakeTextTheme * refactor: create AccountListTheme * refactor: create ReceivePageTheme * refactor: create QRCodeTheme * refactor: move remaining items to CakeTextTheme and some missing fixes * feat(display_settings): add new theme selector * feat: additional themes * fix: conflict error * fix(lag): move colorScheme initialization to constructor * feat: add backdropColor to alert and picker backdrop filters * fix: merge fixes * fix: send template page missing new colors * fix: anonpay pages title and icon colors * fix: merge fixes * fix: unspent coins page * fix: also fix exchange template * fix: missing checkbox * fix: fixes for high contrast theme * Merge branch 'main' into CW-396-additional-themes * fix: merge fixes * fix: .gitignore and rm added files * Fix review comments --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>
2023-08-17 15:28:31 +00:00
"monero_dark_theme": "모네로 다크 테마",
"bitcoin_dark_theme": "비트코인 다크 테마",
"bitcoin_light_theme": "비트코인 라이트 테마",
"high_contrast_theme": "고대비 테마",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "매트릭스 그린 다크 테마",
"monero_light_theme": "모네로 라이트 테마",
"manage_nodes": "노드 관리",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"etherscan_history": "이더스캔 역사",
"template_name": "템플릿 이름",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"unsupported_asset": "이 저작물에 대해 이 작업을 지원하지 않습니다. 지원되는 자산 유형의 지갑을 생성하거나 전환하십시오.",
"manage_pow_nodes": "PoW 노드 관리",
"support_title_live_chat": "실시간 지원",
"support_description_live_chat": "자유롭고 빠릅니다! 훈련 된 지원 담당자가 지원할 수 있습니다",
"support_title_guides": "케이크 지갑 가이드",
"support_description_guides": "일반적인 문제에 대한 문서화 및 지원",
"support_title_other_links": "다른 지원 링크",
"support_description_other_links": "다른 방법을 통해 커뮤니티에 가입하거나 파트너에게 연락하십시오.",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"choose_derivation": "지갑 파생을 선택하십시오",
"new_first_wallet_text": "cryptocurrency를 쉽게 안전하게 유지하십시오",
"select_destination": "백업 파일의 대상을 선택하십시오.",
"auto_generate_subaddresses": "자동 생성 서브 아드 드레스",
"save_to_downloads": "다운로드에 저장",
"select_buy_provider_notice": "위의 구매 제공자를 선택하십시오. 앱 설정에서 기본 구매 제공자를 설정 하여이 화면을 건너 뛸 수 있습니다.",
"onramper_option_description": "많은 결제 방법으로 암호화를 신속하게 구입하십시오. 대부분의 국가에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 스프레드와 수수료는 다양합니다.",
"default_buy_provider": "기본 구매 제공자",
"ask_each_time": "매번 물어보십시오",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "제공자는 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"signTransaction": "거래 서명",
"errorGettingCredentials": "실패: 자격 증명을 가져오는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.",
"errorSigningTransaction": "거래에 서명하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.",
"pairingInvalidEvent": "잘못된 이벤트 페어링",
"chains": "쇠사슬",
"methods": "행동 양식",
"events": "이벤트",
"reject": "거부하다",
"approve": "승인하다",
"expiresOn": "만료 날짜",
"walletConnect": "월렛커넥트",
"nullURIError": "URI가 null입니다.",
"connectWalletPrompt": "거래를 하려면 WalletConnect에 지갑을 연결하세요.",
"newConnection": "새로운 연결",
"activeConnectionsPrompt": "활성 연결이 여기에 표시됩니다",
"deleteConnectionConfirmationPrompt": "다음 연결을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"event": "이벤트",
"successful": "성공적인",
"wouoldLikeToConnect": "연결하고 싶습니다",
"message": "메시지",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "현재 블록체인 네트워크 조건으로 거래를 하기에는 ${currency}이(가) 충분하지 않습니다. 다른 자산을 보내더라도 블록체인 네트워크 수수료를 지불하려면 ${currency}가 더 필요합니다.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP 인증 URL",
"awaitDAppProcessing": "dApp이 처리를 마칠 때까지 기다려주세요.",
"copyWalletConnectLink": "dApp에서 WalletConnect 링크를 복사하여 여기에 붙여넣으세요.",
"enterWalletConnectURI": "WalletConnect URI를 입력하세요.",
"seed_key": "시드 키",
"enter_seed_phrase": "시드 문구를 입력하십시오",
"change_rep_successful": "대리인이 성공적으로 변경되었습니다",
"add_contact": "주소록에 추가",
"exchange_provider_unsupported": "${providerName}은 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다!",
"domain_looks_up": "도메인 조회",
"require_for_exchanges_to_external_wallets": "외부 지갑으로의 교환을 위해 필요",
"camera_permission_is_required": "카메라 권한이 필요합니다.\n앱 설정에서 활성화해 주세요.",
"switchToETHWallet": "이더리움 지갑으로 전환한 후 다시 시도해 주세요.",
"order_by": "주문",
"creation_date": "생산 일",
"group_by_type": "유형별 그룹",
"importNFTs": "NFT 가져오기",
"noNFTYet": "아직 NFT가 없습니다",
"address": "주소",
"enterTokenID": "토큰 ID를 입력하세요",
"tokenID": "ID",
"name": "이름",
"symbol": "상징",
"seed_phrase_length": "시드 문구 길이",
"unavailable_balance": "사용할 수 없는 잔액",
"unavailable_balance_description": "사용할 수 없는 잔액: 이 총계에는 보류 중인 거래에 잠겨 있는 자금과 코인 관리 설정에서 적극적으로 동결된 자금이 포함됩니다. 잠긴 잔액은 해당 거래가 완료되면 사용할 수 있게 되며, 동결된 잔액은 동결을 해제하기 전까지 거래에 액세스할 수 없습니다.",
"unspent_change": "변화",
2023-12-13 11:55:22 +00:00
"tor_connection": "토르 연결",
2023-12-14 10:58:02 +00:00
"setup_warning_2fa_text": "Cake 2FA는 지갑의 특정 작업에 대한 두 번째 인증입니다. 냉장 보관만큼 안전하지 않습니다.\n\n2FA 앱 또는 TOTP 키에 대한 액세스 권한을 상실하면 이 지갑에 대한 액세스 권한도 잃게 됩니다. 니모닉 시드에서 지갑을 복원해야 합니다.\n\n2FA 또는 니모닉 시드에 액세스할 수 없는 경우 Cake 지원팀에서 도움을 드릴 수 없습니다.\nCake 2FA를 사용하기 전에 가이드를 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.",
2023-12-13 11:55:22 +00:00
"scan_qr_on_device": "다른 기기에서 이 QR 코드를 스캔하세요.",
"how_to_use": "사용하는 방법",
"seed_hex_form": "지갑 씨앗 (16 진 양식)",
"seedtype": "시드 타입",
"seedtype_legacy": "레거시 (25 단어)",
"seedtype_polyseed": "다문 (16 단어)",
"seed_language_czech": "체코 사람",
"seed_language_korean": "한국인",
CW-527-Add-Polygon-MATIC-Wallet (#1179) * chore: Initial setup for polygon package * feat: Add polygon node urls * feat: Add Polygon(MATIC) wallet WIP * feat: Add Polygon(MATIC) wallet WIP * feat: Add Polygon MATIC wallet [skip ci] * fix: Issue with create/restore wallet for polygon * feat: Add erc20 tokens for polygon * feat: Adding Polygon MATIC Wallet * fix: Add build command for polygon to workflow file to fix failing action * fix: Switch evm to not display additional balance * chore: Sync with remote * fix: Revert change to inject app script * feat: Add polygon erc20 tokens * feat: Increase migration version * fix: Restore from QR address validator fix * fix: Adjust wallet connect connection flow to adapt to wallet type * fix: Make wallet fetch nfts based on the current wallet type * fix: Make wallet fetch nfts based on the current wallet type * fix: Try fetching transactions with moralis * fix: Requested review changes * fix: Error creating new wallet * fix: Revert script * fix: Exclude spam NFTs from nft listing API response * Update default_erc20_tokens.dart * replace matic with matic poly * Add polygon wallet scheme to app links * style: reformat default_settings_migration.dart * minor enhancement * fix using different wallet function for setting the transaction priorities * fix: Add chain to calls * Add USDC.e to initial coins * Add other default polygon node * Use Polygon scan some UI fixes * Add polygon scan api key to secrets generation code --------- Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <>
2023-12-02 02:26:43 +00:00
"seed_language_chinese_traditional": "중국 전통)",
"ascending": "오름차순",
"descending": "내림차순",
"dfx_option_description": "EUR 및 CHF로 암호화폐를 구매하세요. 추가 KYC 없이 최대 990€. 유럽의 소매 및 기업 고객용",
"polygonscan_history": "다각형 스캔 기록",
"wallet_seed_legacy": "레거시 지갑 시드",
"default_sell_provider": "기본 판매 공급자",
"select_sell_provider_notice": "위에서 판매 공급자를 선택하세요. 앱 설정에서 기본 판매 공급자를 설정하면 이 화면을 건너뛸 수 있습니다.",
"custom_drag": "사용자 정의 (홀드 앤 드래그)",
"switchToEVMCompatibleWallet": "EVM 호환 지갑으로 전환 후 다시 시도해 주세요. (이더리움, 폴리곤)"