mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 09:15:07 +00:00
CW-277-Allow-editing-nodes (#827)
* allow editing nodes * fix buttons size * fix comments
This commit is contained in:
29 changed files with 150 additions and 85 deletions
@ -515,10 +515,14 @@ Future setup(
type ?? getIt.get<AppStore>().wallet!.type,
() => NodeCreateOrEditPage(getIt.get<NodeCreateOrEditViewModel>()));
getIt.registerFactoryParam<NodeCreateOrEditPage, Node?, bool?>(
(Node? editingNode, bool? isSelected) => NodeCreateOrEditPage(
nodeCreateOrEditViewModel: getIt.get<NodeCreateOrEditViewModel>(),
editingNode: editingNode,
isSelected: isSelected));
getIt.registerFactory(() => OnRamperPage(
settingsStore: getIt.get<AppStore>().settingsStore,
@ -796,7 +800,7 @@ Future setup(
return IoniaMoreOptionsPage(giftCard);
getIt.registerFactoryParam<IoniaCustomRedeemViewModel, IoniaGiftCard, void>((IoniaGiftCard giftCard, _)
getIt.registerFactoryParam<IoniaCustomRedeemViewModel, IoniaGiftCard, void>((IoniaGiftCard giftCard, _)
=> IoniaCustomRedeemViewModel(giftCard: giftCard, ioniaService: getIt.get<IoniaService>()));
getIt.registerFactoryParam<IoniaCustomRedeemPage, List, void>((List args, _){
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/ionia/cards/ionia_payment_status_page.da
import 'package:cake_wallet/anypay/any_pay_payment_committed_info.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/ionia/ionia_any_pay_payment_info.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
late RouteSettings currentRouteSettings;
@ -307,8 +308,11 @@ Route<dynamic> createRoute(RouteSettings settings) {
builder: (_) => getIt.get<OtherSettingsPage>());
case Routes.newNode:
final args = settings.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>?;
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => getIt.get<NodeCreateOrEditPage>());
builder: (_) => getIt.get<NodeCreateOrEditPage>(
param1: args?['editingNode'] as Node?,
param2: args?['isSelected'] as bool?));
case Routes.login:
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/core/execution_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/nodes/widgets/node_form.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/alert_with_one_action.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/show_pop_up.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/scollable_with_bottom_section.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/node_list/node_create_or_edit_view_model.dart';
class NodeCreateOrEditPage extends BasePage {
NodeCreateOrEditPage({required this.nodeCreateOrEditViewModel,this.editingNode, this.isSelected})
: _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(),
_addressController = TextEditingController(),
_portController = TextEditingController(),
@ -62,9 +63,11 @@ class NodeCreateOrEditPage extends BasePage {
final TextEditingController _passwordController;
String get title => S.current.node_new;
String get title => editingNode != null ? S.current.edit_node : S.current.node_new;
final NodeCreateOrEditViewModel nodeCreateOrEditViewModel;
final Node? editingNode;
final bool? isSelected;
Widget body(BuildContext context) {
@ -108,6 +111,7 @@ class NodeCreateOrEditPage extends BasePage {
content: NodeForm(
formKey: _formKey,
nodeViewModel: nodeCreateOrEditViewModel,
editingNode: editingNode,
bottomSectionPadding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 24),
bottomSection: Observer(
@ -140,7 +144,8 @@ class NodeCreateOrEditPage extends BasePage {
await nodeCreateOrEditViewModel.save();
await nodeCreateOrEditViewModel.save(
editingNode: editingNode, saveAsCurrent: isSelected ?? false);
text: S.of(context).save,
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/core/node_port_validator.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/base_text_form_field.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/standard_checkbox.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/node_list/node_create_or_edit_view_model.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
import 'package:cw_haven/api/signatures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
@ -12,22 +14,20 @@ class NodeForm extends StatelessWidget {
required this.nodeViewModel,
required this.formKey,
}) : _addressController = TextEditingController(),
_portController = TextEditingController(),
_loginController = TextEditingController(),
_passwordController = TextEditingController() {
reaction((_) => nodeViewModel.address, (String address) {
if (address != _addressController.text) {
_addressController.text = address;
reaction((_) => nodeViewModel.port, (String port) {
if (port != _portController.text) {
_portController.text = port;
}) : _addressController = TextEditingController(text: editingNode?.uri.host.toString()),
_portController = TextEditingController(text: editingNode?.uri.port.toString()),
_loginController = TextEditingController(text: editingNode?.login),
_passwordController = TextEditingController(text: editingNode?.password) {
if (editingNode != null) {
if (nodeViewModel.hasAuthCredentials) {
reaction((_) => nodeViewModel.login, (String login) {
if (login != _loginController.text) {
@ -42,18 +42,15 @@ class NodeForm extends StatelessWidget {
.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.address = _addressController.text);
.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.port = _portController.text);
.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.login = _loginController.text);
.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.password = _passwordController.text);
_addressController.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.address = _addressController.text);
_portController.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.port = _portController.text);
_loginController.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.login = _loginController.text);
_passwordController.addListener(() => nodeViewModel.password = _passwordController.text);
final NodeCreateOrEditViewModel nodeViewModel;
final GlobalKey<FormState> formKey;
final Node? editingNode;
final TextEditingController _addressController;
final TextEditingController _portController;
@ -84,8 +81,7 @@ class NodeForm extends StatelessWidget {
child: BaseTextFormField(
controller: _portController,
hintText: S.of(context).node_port,
keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(
signed: false, decimal: false),
keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(signed: false, decimal: false),
validator: NodePortValidator(),
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/settings/widgets/settings_cell_with_arro
import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/show_pop_up.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/dashboard/dashboard_view_model.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
@ -90,12 +89,12 @@ class ConnectionSyncPage extends BasePage {
final dismissibleRow = Slidable(
key: Key('${node.keyIndex}'),
startActionPane: _actionPane(context, node),
endActionPane: _actionPane(context, node),
startActionPane: _actionPane(context, node, isSelected),
endActionPane: _actionPane(context, node, isSelected),
child: nodeListRow,
return isSelected ? nodeListRow : dismissibleRow;
return dismissibleRow;
@ -124,33 +123,42 @@ class ConnectionSyncPage extends BasePage {
ActionPane _actionPane(BuildContext context, Node node) => ActionPane(
ActionPane _actionPane(BuildContext context, Node node, bool isSelected) => ActionPane(
motion: const ScrollMotion(),
extentRatio: 0.3,
extentRatio: isSelected ? 0.3 : 0.6,
children: [
onPressed: (context) async {
final confirmed = await showPopUp<bool>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertWithTwoActions(
alertTitle: S.of(context).remove_node,
alertContent: S.of(context).remove_node_message,
rightButtonText: S.of(context).remove,
leftButtonText: S.of(context).cancel,
actionRightButton: () => Navigator.pop(context, true),
actionLeftButton: () => Navigator.pop(context, false));
}) ??
if (!isSelected)
onPressed: (context) async {
final confirmed = await showPopUp<bool>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertWithTwoActions(
alertTitle: S.of(context).remove_node,
alertContent: S.of(context).remove_node_message,
rightButtonText: S.of(context).remove,
leftButtonText: S.of(context).cancel,
actionRightButton: () => Navigator.pop(context, true),
actionLeftButton: () => Navigator.pop(context, false));
}) ??
if (confirmed) {
await nodeListViewModel.delete(node);
backgroundColor: Colors.red,
if (confirmed) {
await nodeListViewModel.delete(node);
backgroundColor: Colors.red,
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: CupertinoIcons.delete,
label: S.of(context).delete,
onPressed: (_) => Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(Routes.newNode,
arguments: {'editingNode': node, 'isSelected': isSelected}),
backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: CupertinoIcons.delete,
label: S.of(context).delete,
icon: Icons.edit,
label: S.of(context).edit,
@ -5,13 +5,16 @@ import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart';
import 'node_list_view_model.dart';
part 'node_create_or_edit_view_model.g.dart';
class NodeCreateOrEditViewModel = NodeCreateOrEditViewModelBase
with _$NodeCreateOrEditViewModel;
abstract class NodeCreateOrEditViewModelBase with Store {
NodeCreateOrEditViewModelBase(this._nodeSource, this._walletType, this._settingsStore)
NodeCreateOrEditViewModelBase(this._nodeSource, this._walletType, this._settingsStore,
: state = InitialExecutionState(),
connectionState = InitialExecutionState(),
useSSL = false,
@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ abstract class NodeCreateOrEditViewModelBase with Store {
final WalletType _walletType;
final Box<Node> _nodeSource;
final SettingsStore _settingsStore;
final NodeListViewModel nodeListViewModel;
void reset() {
@ -77,9 +81,30 @@ abstract class NodeCreateOrEditViewModelBase with Store {
Future<void> save({bool saveAsCurrent = false}) async {
void setPort (String val) => port = val;
void setAddress (String val) => address = val;
void setLogin (String val) => login = val;
void setPassword (String val) => password = val;
void setSSL (bool val) => useSSL = val;
void setTrusted (bool val) => trusted = val;
Future<void> save({Node? editingNode, bool saveAsCurrent = false}) async {
try {
state = IsExecutingState();
if (editingNode != null) {
await nodeListViewModel.delete(editingNode);
final node =
Node(uri: uri, type: _walletType, login: login, password: password,
useSSL: useSSL, trusted: trusted);
@ -682,5 +682,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "أرسل ${currency} ${tag}إلى هذا العنوان",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "سيصل ${currency} ${tag}إلى هذا العنوان",
"do_not_send": "لا ترسل",
"error_dialog_content": "عفوًا ، لقد حصلنا على بعض الخطأ.\n\nيرجى إرسال تقرير التعطل إلى فريق الدعم لدينا لتحسين التطبيق."
"error_dialog_content": "عفوًا ، لقد حصلنا على بعض الخطأ.\n\nيرجى إرسال تقرير التعطل إلى فريق الدعم لدينا لتحسين التطبيق.",
"edit_node": "تحرير العقدة"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Send ${currency} ${tag}to this address",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}ще отидат на този адрес",
"do_not_send": "Не изпращай",
"error_dialog_content": "Получихме грешка.\n\nМоля, изпратете доклада до нашия отдел поддръжка, за да подобрим приложението."
"error_dialog_content": "Получихме грешка.\n\nМоля, изпратете доклада до нашия отдел поддръжка, за да подобрим приложението.",
"edit_node": "Редактиране на възел"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Poslat ${currency} ${tag}na tuto adresu",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}přijde na tuto adresu",
"do_not_send": "Neodesílat",
"error_dialog_content": "Nastala chyba.\n\nProsím odešlete zprávu o chybě naší podpoře, aby mohli zajistit opravu."
"error_dialog_content": "Nastala chyba.\n\nProsím odešlete zprávu o chybě naší podpoře, aby mohli zajistit opravu.",
"edit_node": "Upravit uzel"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Senden Sie ${currency} ${tag}an diese Adresse",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}wird an dieser Adresse ankommen",
"do_not_send": "Nicht senden",
"error_dialog_content": "Hoppla, wir haben einen Fehler.\n\nBitte senden Sie den Absturzbericht an unser Support-Team, um die Anwendung zu verbessern."
"error_dialog_content": "Hoppla, wir haben einen Fehler.\n\nBitte senden Sie den Absturzbericht an unser Support-Team, um die Anwendung zu verbessern.",
"edit_node": "Knoten bearbeiten"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Send ${currency} ${tag}to this address",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}will arrive in this address",
"do_not_send": "Don't send",
"error_dialog_content": "Oops, we got some error.\n\nPlease send the crash report to our support team to make the application better."
"error_dialog_content": "Oops, we got some error.\n\nPlease send the crash report to our support team to make the application better.",
"edit_node": "Edit Node"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Enviar ${currency} ${tag}a esta dirección",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}llegará a esta dirección",
"do_not_send": "no enviar",
"error_dialog_content": "Vaya, tenemos un error.\n\nEnvíe el informe de bloqueo a nuestro equipo de soporte para mejorar la aplicación."
"error_dialog_content": "Vaya, tenemos un error.\n\nEnvíe el informe de bloqueo a nuestro equipo de soporte para mejorar la aplicación.",
"edit_node": "Edit Node"
@ -682,5 +682,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Envoyez ${currency} ${tag}à cette adresse",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}arrivera à cette adresse",
"do_not_send": "N'envoyez pas",
"error_dialog_content": "Oups, nous avons eu une erreur.\n\nVeuillez envoyer le rapport de plantage à notre équipe d'assistance pour améliorer l'application."
"error_dialog_content": "Oups, nous avons eu une erreur.\n\nVeuillez envoyer le rapport de plantage à notre équipe d'assistance pour améliorer l'application.",
"edit_node": "Modifier le nœud"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "इस पते पर ${currency} ${tag}भेजें",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}इस पते पर पहुंचेंगे",
"do_not_send": "मत भेजो",
"error_dialog_content": "ओह, हमसे कुछ गड़बड़ी हुई है.\n\nएप्लिकेशन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए कृपया क्रैश रिपोर्ट हमारी सहायता टीम को भेजें।"
"error_dialog_content": "ओह, हमसे कुछ गड़बड़ी हुई है.\n\nएप्लिकेशन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए कृपया क्रैश रिपोर्ट हमारी सहायता टीम को भेजें।",
"edit_node": "नोड संपादित करें"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Pošaljite ${currency} ${tag}na ovu adresu",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}će stići na ovu adresu",
"do_not_send": "Ne šalji",
"error_dialog_content": "Ups, imamo grešku.\n\nPošaljite izvješće o padu našem timu za podršku kako bismo poboljšali aplikaciju."
"error_dialog_content": "Ups, imamo grešku.\n\nPošaljite izvješće o padu našem timu za podršku kako bismo poboljšali aplikaciju.",
"edit_node": "Uredi čvor"
@ -666,5 +666,6 @@
"unmatched_currencies": "Mata uang dompet Anda saat ini tidak cocok dengan yang ditandai QR",
"orbot_running_alert": "Pastikan Orbot sedang berjalan sebelum menghubungkan ke node ini.",
"contact_list_contacts": "Kontak",
"contact_list_wallets": "Dompet Saya"
"contact_list_wallets": "Dompet Saya",
"edit_node": "Sunting Node"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Invia ${currency} ${tag}a questo indirizzo",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}arriverà a questo indirizzo",
"do_not_send": "Non inviare",
"error_dialog_content": "Ups, imamo grešku.\n\nPošaljite izvješće o padu našem timu za podršku kako bismo poboljšali aplikaciju."
"error_dialog_content": "Spiacenti, abbiamo riscontrato un errore.\n\nSi prega di inviare il rapporto sull'arresto anomalo al nostro team di supporto per migliorare l'applicazione.",
"edit_node": "Modifica nodo"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}をこのアドレスに送金",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}はこの住所に到着します",
"do_not_send": "送信しない",
"error_dialog_content": "Spiacenti, abbiamo riscontrato un errore.\n\nSi prega di inviare il rapporto sull'arresto anomalo al nostro team di supporto per migliorare l'applicazione."
"error_dialog_content": "エラーが発生しました。\n\nアプリケーションを改善するために、クラッシュ レポートをサポート チームに送信してください。",
"edit_node": "ノードを編集"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "이 주소로 ${currency} ${tag}송금",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}이(가) 이 주소로 도착합니다",
"do_not_send": "보내지 마세요",
"error_dialog_content": "죄송합니다. 오류가 발생했습니다.\n\n응용 프로그램을 개선하려면 지원 팀에 충돌 보고서를 보내주십시오."
"error_dialog_content": "죄송합니다. 오류가 발생했습니다.\n\n응용 프로그램을 개선하려면 지원 팀에 충돌 보고서를 보내주십시오.",
"edit_node": "노드 편집"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "ဤလိပ်စာသို့ ${currency} ${tag}သို့ ပို့ပါ။",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}ဤလိပ်စာသို့ ရောက်ရှိပါမည်။",
"do_not_send": "မပို့ပါနှင့်",
"error_dialog_content": "အိုး၊ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့တွင် အမှားအယွင်းအချို့ရှိသည်။\n\nအပလီကေးရှင်းကို ပိုမိုကောင်းမွန်စေရန်အတွက် ပျက်စီးမှုအစီရင်ခံစာကို ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ပံ့ပိုးကူညီရေးအဖွဲ့ထံ ပေးပို့ပါ။"
"error_dialog_content": "အိုး၊ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့တွင် အမှားအယွင်းအချို့ရှိသည်။\n\nအပလီကေးရှင်းကို ပိုမိုကောင်းမွန်စေရန်အတွက် ပျက်စီးမှုအစီရင်ခံစာကို ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ပံ့ပိုးကူညီရေးအဖွဲ့ထံ ပေးပို့ပါ။",
"edit_node": "Node ကို တည်းဖြတ်ပါ။"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Stuur ${currency} ${tag}naar dit adres",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}komt aan op dit adres",
"do_not_send": "Niet sturen",
"error_dialog_content": "Oeps, er is een fout opgetreden.\n\nStuur het crashrapport naar ons ondersteuningsteam om de applicatie te verbeteren."
"error_dialog_content": "Oeps, er is een fout opgetreden.\n\nStuur het crashrapport naar ons ondersteuningsteam om de applicatie te verbeteren.",
"edit_node": "Knooppunt bewerken"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Wyślij ${currency} ${tag}na ten adres",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}dotrze na ten adres",
"do_not_send": "Nie wysyłaj",
"error_dialog_content": "Ups, wystąpił błąd.\n\nPrześlij raport o awarii do naszego zespołu wsparcia, aby ulepszyć aplikację."
"error_dialog_content": "Ups, wystąpił błąd.\n\nPrześlij raport o awarii do naszego zespołu wsparcia, aby ulepszyć aplikację.",
"edit_node": "Edytuj węzeł"
@ -683,5 +683,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Envie ${currency} ${tag}para este endereço",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}chegará neste endereço",
"do_not_send": "não envie",
"error_dialog_content": "Ops, houve algum erro.\n\nPor favor, envie o relatório de falha para nossa equipe de suporte para melhorar o aplicativo."
"error_dialog_content": "Ops, houve algum erro.\n\nPor favor, envie o relatório de falha para nossa equipe de suporte para melhorar o aplicativo.",
"edit_node": "Editar nó"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Отправить ${currency} ${tag}на этот адрес",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}придет на этот адрес",
"do_not_send": "Не отправлять",
"error_dialog_content": "Ой, у нас какая-то ошибка.\n\nПожалуйста, отправьте отчет о сбое в нашу службу поддержки, чтобы сделать приложение лучше."
"error_dialog_content": "Ой, у нас какая-то ошибка.\n\nПожалуйста, отправьте отчет о сбое в нашу службу поддержки, чтобы сделать приложение лучше.",
"edit_node": "Редактировать узел"
@ -682,5 +682,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "ส่ง ${currency} ${tag}ไปยังที่อยู่นี้",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}จะมาถึงที่อยู่นี้",
"do_not_send": "อย่าส่ง",
"error_dialog_content": "อ๊ะ เราพบข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่าง\n\nโปรดส่งรายงานข้อขัดข้องไปยังทีมสนับสนุนของเราเพื่อปรับปรุงแอปพลิเคชันให้ดียิ่งขึ้น"
"error_dialog_content": "อ๊ะ เราพบข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่าง\n\nโปรดส่งรายงานข้อขัดข้องไปยังทีมสนับสนุนของเราเพื่อปรับปรุงแอปพลิเคชันให้ดียิ่งขึ้น",
"edit_node": "แก้ไขโหนด"
@ -684,5 +684,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Bu adrese ${currency} ${tag}gönder",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}bu adrese ulaşacak",
"do_not_send": "Gönderme",
"error_dialog_content": "Hay aksi, bir hatamız var.\n\nUygulamayı daha iyi hale getirmek için lütfen kilitlenme raporunu destek ekibimize gönderin."
"error_dialog_content": "Hay aksi, bir hatamız var.\n\nUygulamayı daha iyi hale getirmek için lütfen kilitlenme raporunu destek ekibimize gönderin.",
"edit_node": "Düğümü Düzenle"
@ -683,5 +683,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "Надіслати ${currency} ${tag}на цю адресу",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}надійде на цю адресу",
"do_not_send": "Не надсилайте",
"error_dialog_content": "На жаль, ми отримали помилку.\n\nБудь ласка, надішліть звіт про збій нашій команді підтримки, щоб покращити додаток."
"error_dialog_content": "На жаль, ми отримали помилку.\n\nБудь ласка, надішліть звіт про збій нашій команді підтримки, щоб покращити додаток.",
"edit_node": "Редагувати вузол"
@ -685,5 +685,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "اس پتے پر ${currency} ${tag} بھیجیں۔",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}اس پتے پر پہنچے گا۔",
"do_not_send" : "مت بھیجیں۔",
"error_dialog_content" : "افوہ، ہمیں کچھ خرابی ملی۔\n\nایپلی کیشن کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے براہ کرم کریش رپورٹ ہماری سپورٹ ٹیم کو بھیجیں۔"
"error_dialog_content" : "افوہ، ہمیں کچھ خرابی ملی۔\n\nایپلی کیشن کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے براہ کرم کریش رپورٹ ہماری سپورٹ ٹیم کو بھیجیں۔",
"edit_node": "نوڈ میں ترمیم کریں۔"
@ -682,5 +682,6 @@
"send_to_this_address" : "发送 ${currency} ${tag}到这个地址",
"arrive_in_this_address" : "${currency} ${tag}将到达此地址",
"do_not_send": "不要发送",
"error_dialog_content": "糟糕,我们遇到了一些错误。\n\n请将崩溃报告发送给我们的支持团队,以改进应用程序。"
"error_dialog_content": "糟糕,我们遇到了一些错误。\n\n请将崩溃报告发送给我们的支持团队,以改进应用程序。",
"edit_node": "编辑节点"
Reference in a new issue