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synced 2024-12-22 19:49:22 +00:00
CW-475-Better-error-message-if-there-isnt-enough-network-fee-asset-available (#1092)
* Better error message * minor fixes * localization * Update strings_tl.arb * Update append_translation.sh
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 46 additions and 5 deletions
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/send/send_view_model_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/parsed_address.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/bitcoin/bitcoin.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/haven/haven.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
part 'send_view_model.g.dart';
@ -325,7 +326,8 @@ abstract class SendViewModelBase extends WalletChangeListenerViewModel with Stor
state = TransactionCommitted();
} catch (e) {
state = FailureState(e.toString());
String translatedError = translateErrorMessage(e.toString(), wallet.type, wallet.currency);
state = FailureState(translatedError);
@ -412,4 +414,14 @@ abstract class SendViewModelBase extends WalletChangeListenerViewModel with Stor
selectedCryptoCurrency = wallet.currency;
String translateErrorMessage(String error, WalletType walletType, CryptoCurrency currency,) {
if (walletType == WalletType.ethereum || walletType == WalletType.haven) {
if (error.contains('gas required exceeds allowance (0)') || error.contains('insufficient funds for gas')) {
return S.current.do_not_have_enough_gas_asset(currency.toString());
return error;
@ -689,5 +689,8 @@
"default_buy_provider": "مزود شراء الافتراضي",
"ask_each_time": "اسأل في كل مرة",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "مزود حاليا غير متوفر.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "ليس لديك ما يكفي من ${currency} لإجراء معاملة وفقًا لشروط شبكة blockchain الحالية. أنت بحاجة إلى المزيد من ${currency} لدفع رسوم شبكة blockchain، حتى لو كنت ترسل أصلًا مختلفًا.",
"totp_auth_url": " TOTP ﺔﻗﺩﺎﺼﻤﻟ URL ﻥﺍﻮﻨﻋ"
@ -685,5 +685,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Доставчик по подразбиране купува",
"ask_each_time": "Питайте всеки път",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Понастоящем доставчик не е наличен.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Нямате достатъчно ${currency}, за да извършите транзакция с текущите условия на блокчейн мрежата. Имате нужда от повече ${currency}, за да платите таксите за блокчейн мрежа, дори ако изпращате различен актив.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -685,5 +685,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Výchozí poskytovatel nákupu",
"ask_each_time": "Zeptejte se pokaždé",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Poskytovatel aktuálně nedostupný.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Nemáte dostatek ${currency} k provedení transakce s aktuálními podmínkami blockchainové sítě. K placení poplatků za blockchainovou síť potřebujete více ${currency}, i když posíláte jiné aktivum.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL AUTH TOTP"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Standard-Kaufanbieter",
"ask_each_time": "Jedes Mal fragen",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Anbieter derzeit nicht verfügbar.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Sie verfügen nicht über genügend ${currency}, um eine Transaktion unter den aktuellen Bedingungen des Blockchain-Netzwerks durchzuführen. Sie benötigen mehr ${currency}, um die Gebühren für das Blockchain-Netzwerk zu bezahlen, auch wenn Sie einen anderen Vermögenswert senden.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP-Auth-URL"
@ -694,5 +694,6 @@
"ask_each_time": "Ask each time",
"robinhood_option_description": "Buy and transfer instantly using your debit card, bank account, or Robinhood balance. USA only.",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Provider currently unavailable.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "You do not have enough ${currency} to make a transaction with the current blockchain network conditions. You need more ${currency} to pay blockchain network fees, even if you are sending a different asset.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Proveedor de compra predeterminado",
"ask_each_time": "Pregunta cada vez",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Proveedor actualmente no disponible.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "No tienes suficiente ${currency} para realizar una transacción con las condiciones actuales de la red blockchain. Necesita más ${currency} para pagar las tarifas de la red blockchain, incluso si envía un activo diferente.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL de autenticación TOTP"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Fournisseur d'achat par défaut",
"ask_each_time": "Demandez à chaque fois",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Fournisseur actuellement indisponible.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Vous n'avez pas assez de ${currency} pour effectuer une transaction avec les conditions actuelles du réseau blockchain. Vous avez besoin de plus de ${currency} pour payer les frais du réseau blockchain, même si vous envoyez un actif différent.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL D'AUTORISATION TOTP"
@ -671,5 +671,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Tsohuwar Siyarwa",
"ask_each_time": "Tambaya kowane lokaci",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Mai ba da kyauta a halin yanzu babu.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Ba ku da isassun ${currency} don yin ma'amala tare da yanayin cibiyar sadarwar blockchain na yanzu. Kuna buƙatar ƙarin ${currency} don biyan kuɗaɗen cibiyar sadarwar blockchain, koda kuwa kuna aika wata kadara daban.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "डिफ़ॉल्ट खरीद प्रदाता",
"ask_each_time": "हर बार पूछें",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "वर्तमान में प्रदाता अनुपलब्ध है।",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "वर्तमान ब्लॉकचेन नेटवर्क स्थितियों में लेनदेन करने के लिए आपके पास पर्याप्त ${currency} नहीं है। ब्लॉकचेन नेटवर्क शुल्क का भुगतान करने के लिए आपको अधिक ${currency} की आवश्यकता है, भले ही आप एक अलग संपत्ति भेज रहे हों।",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP प्रामाणिक यूआरएल"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Zadani davatelj kupnje",
"ask_each_time": "Pitajte svaki put",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Davatelj trenutno nije dostupan.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Nemate dovoljno ${currency} da izvršite transakciju s trenutačnim uvjetima blockchain mreže. Trebate više ${currency} da platite naknade za blockchain mrežu, čak i ako šaljete drugu imovinu.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -681,5 +681,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Penyedia beli default",
"ask_each_time": "Tanyakan setiap kali",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Penyedia saat ini tidak tersedia.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup ${currency} untuk melakukan transaksi dengan kondisi jaringan blockchain saat ini. Anda memerlukan lebih banyak ${currency} untuk membayar biaya jaringan blockchain, meskipun Anda mengirimkan aset yang berbeda.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL Otentikasi TOTP"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Provider di acquisto predefinito",
"ask_each_time": "Chiedi ogni volta",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Provider attualmente non disponibile.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Non hai abbastanza ${currency} per effettuare una transazione con le attuali condizioni della rete blockchain. Hai bisogno di più ${currency} per pagare le commissioni della rete blockchain, anche se stai inviando una risorsa diversa.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL DI AUT. TOTP"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "デフォルトの購入プロバイダー",
"ask_each_time": "毎回尋ねてください",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "現在、プロバイダーは利用できません。",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "現在のブロックチェーン ネットワークの状況では、トランザクションを行うのに十分な ${currency} がありません。別のアセットを送信する場合でも、ブロックチェーン ネットワーク料金を支払うにはさらに ${currency} が必要です。",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP認証URL"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "기본 구매 제공자",
"ask_each_time": "매번 물어보십시오",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "제공자는 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "현재 블록체인 네트워크 조건으로 거래를 하기에는 ${currency}이(가) 충분하지 않습니다. 다른 자산을 보내더라도 블록체인 네트워크 수수료를 지불하려면 ${currency}가 더 필요합니다.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP 인증 URL"
@ -691,5 +691,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Default Provider ကိုဝယ်ပါ",
"ask_each_time": "တစ်ခုချင်းစီကိုအချိန်မေးပါ",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "လက်ရှိတွင်လက်ရှိမရနိုင်ပါ။",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "လက်ရှိ blockchain ကွန်ရက်အခြေအနေများနှင့် အရောင်းအဝယ်ပြုလုပ်ရန် သင့်တွင် ${currency} လုံလောက်မှုမရှိပါ။ သင်သည် မတူညီသော ပိုင်ဆိုင်မှုတစ်ခုကို ပေးပို့နေသော်လည်း blockchain ကွန်ရက်အခကြေးငွေကို ပေးဆောင်ရန် သင်သည် နောက်ထပ် ${currency} လိုအပ်ပါသည်။",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Standaard Koopprovider",
"ask_each_time": "Vraag het elke keer",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Provider momenteel niet beschikbaar.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "U heeft niet genoeg ${currency} om een transactie uit te voeren met de huidige blockchain-netwerkomstandigheden. U heeft meer ${currency} nodig om blockchain-netwerkkosten te betalen, zelfs als u een ander item verzendt.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH-URL"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Domyślny dostawca zakupu",
"ask_each_time": "Zapytaj za każdym razem",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Dostawca obecnie niedostępny.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Nie masz wystarczającej ilości ${currency}, aby dokonać transakcji przy bieżących warunkach sieci blockchain. Potrzebujesz więcej ${currency}, aby uiścić opłaty za sieć blockchain, nawet jeśli wysyłasz inny zasób.",
"totp_auth_url": "Adres URL TOTP AUTH"
@ -692,5 +692,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Provedor de compra padrão",
"ask_each_time": "Pergunte cada vez",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Provedor atualmente indisponível.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Você não tem ${currency} suficiente para fazer uma transação com as condições atuais da rede blockchain. Você precisa de mais ${currency} para pagar as taxas da rede blockchain, mesmo se estiver enviando um ativo diferente.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL de autenticação TOTP"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "По умолчанию поставщик покупки",
"ask_each_time": "Спросите каждый раз",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Поставщик в настоящее время недоступен.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "У вас недостаточно ${currency} для совершения транзакции при текущих условиях сети блокчейн. Вам нужно больше ${currency} для оплаты комиссий за сеть блокчейна, даже если вы отправляете другой актив.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL-адрес TOTP-АВТОРИЗАЦИИ"
@ -691,5 +691,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "ผู้ให้บริการซื้อเริ่มต้น",
"ask_each_time": "ถามทุกครั้ง",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "ผู้ให้บริการไม่สามารถใช้งานได้ในปัจจุบัน",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "คุณมี ${currency} ไม่เพียงพอที่จะทำธุรกรรมกับเงื่อนไขเครือข่ายบล็อคเชนในปัจจุบัน คุณต้องมี ${currency} เพิ่มขึ้นเพื่อชำระค่าธรรมเนียมเครือข่ายบล็อคเชน แม้ว่าคุณจะส่งสินทรัพย์อื่นก็ตาม",
"totp_auth_url": "URL การตรวจสอบสิทธิ์ TOTP"
@ -687,5 +687,7 @@
"support_title_other_links": "Iba pang mga link sa suporta",
"support_description_other_links": "Sumali sa aming mga komunidad o maabot sa amin ang aming mga kasosyo sa pamamagitan ng iba pang mga pamamaraan",
"select_destination": "Mangyaring piliin ang patutunguhan para sa backup file.",
"save_to_downloads": "I -save sa mga pag -download"
"save_to_downloads": "I -save sa mga pag -download",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Wala kang sapat na ${currency} para gumawa ng transaksyon sa kasalukuyang kundisyon ng network ng blockchain. Kailangan mo ng higit pang ${currency} upang magbayad ng mga bayarin sa network ng blockchain, kahit na nagpapadala ka ng ibang asset.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -691,5 +691,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Varsayılan Satın Alma Sağlayıcısı",
"ask_each_time": "Her seferinde sor",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Sağlayıcı şu anda kullanılamıyor.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Mevcut blockchain ağ koşullarıyla işlem yapmak için yeterli ${currency} paranız yok. Farklı bir varlık gönderiyor olsanız bile blockchain ağ ücretlerini ödemek için daha fazla ${currency} miktarına ihtiyacınız var.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP YETKİ URL'si"
@ -693,5 +693,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Постачальник покупки за замовчуванням",
"ask_each_time": "Запитайте кожен раз",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "В даний час постачальник недоступний.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "У вас недостатньо ${currency}, щоб здійснити трансакцію з поточними умовами мережі блокчейн. Вам потрібно більше ${currency}, щоб сплатити комісію мережі блокчейн, навіть якщо ви надсилаєте інший актив.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -685,5 +685,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "پہلے سے طے شدہ خریدنے والا",
"ask_each_time": "ہر بار پوچھیں",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "فراہم کنندہ فی الحال دستیاب نہیں ہے۔",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "آپ کے پاس موجودہ بلاکچین نیٹ ورک کی شرائط کے ساتھ لین دین کرنے کے لیے کافی ${currency} نہیں ہے۔ آپ کو بلاکچین نیٹ ورک کی فیس ادا کرنے کے لیے مزید ${currency} کی ضرورت ہے، چاہے آپ کوئی مختلف اثاثہ بھیج رہے ہوں۔",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -687,5 +687,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "Aiyipada Ra Olupese",
"ask_each_time": "Beere lọwọ kọọkan",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Olupese lọwọlọwọ ko si.",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "O ko ni to ${currency} lati ṣe idunadura kan pẹlu awọn ipo nẹtiwọki blockchain lọwọlọwọ. O nilo diẹ sii ${currency} lati san awọn owo nẹtiwọọki blockchain, paapaa ti o ba nfi dukia miiran ranṣẹ.",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL"
@ -692,5 +692,6 @@
"default_buy_provider": "默认购买提供商",
"ask_each_time": "每次问",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "提供者目前不可用。",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "您没有足够的 ${currency} 来在当前的区块链网络条件下进行交易。即使您发送的是不同的资产,您也需要更多的 ${currency} 来支付区块链网络费用。",
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP 授权 URL"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# if you get an error `command not found`
# give the correct permissions to this file using `chmod 777 append_translation.sh`
langs=("ar" "bg" "cs" "de" "en" "es" "fr" "ha" "hi" "hr" "id" "it" "ja" "ko" "my" "nl" "pl" "pt" "ru" "th" "tr" "uk" "ur" "yo" "zh")
langs=("ar" "bg" "cs" "de" "en" "es" "fr" "ha" "hi" "hr" "id" "it" "ja" "ko" "my" "nl" "pl" "pt" "ru" "th" "tl" "tr" "uk" "ur" "yo" "zh")
Reference in a new issue