
740 lines
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2020-01-04 19:31:52 +00:00
"welcome": "Witamy w",
"cake_wallet": "Cake Wallet",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"first_wallet_text": "Świetny portfel na Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, i Haven",
"please_make_selection": "Wybierz poniżej, aby utworzyć lub przywrócić swój portfel.",
"create_new": "Utwórz nowy portfel",
"restore_wallet": "Przywróć portfel",
2021-12-31 13:17:30 +00:00
"monero_com": " by Cake Wallet",
2021-12-30 17:20:00 +00:00
"monero_com_wallet_text": "Awesome wallet for Monero",
2022-03-30 15:57:04 +00:00
"haven_app": "Haven by Cake Wallet",
"haven_app_wallet_text": "Awesome wallet for Haven",
"accounts": "Konta",
"edit": "Edytuj",
"account": "Konto",
"add": "Dodaj",
"address_book": "Kontakty",
"contact": "Kontakt",
"please_select": "Proszę wybrać:",
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"ok": "Ok",
"contact_name": "Nazwa Kontaktu",
"reset": "Wyczyść",
"save": "Zapisz",
"address_remove_contact": "Usuń kontakt",
"address_remove_content": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrany kontakt?",
"authenticated": "Uwierzytelniony",
"authentication": "Uwierzytelnianie",
"failed_authentication": "Nieudane uwierzytelnienie. ${state_error}",
"wallet_menu": "Menu portfela",
"Blocks_remaining": "Pozostało ${status} bloków",
"please_try_to_connect_to_another_node": "Spróbuj połączyć się z innym węzłem",
"xmr_hidden": "Ukryty",
"xmr_available_balance": "Dostępne środki",
"xmr_full_balance": "Pełne saldo",
"send": "Wyślij",
"receive": "Otrzymaj",
"transactions": "Transakcje",
"incoming": "Przychodzące",
"outgoing": "Wychodzące",
"transactions_by_date": "Transakcje według daty",
"trades": "Transakcje",
2022-12-23 23:09:54 +00:00
"filter_by": "Filtruj według",
"today": "Dzisiaj",
"yesterday": "Wczoraj",
"received": "Odebrane",
"sent": "Wysłano",
"pending": " (w oczekiwaniu)",
"rescan": "Skanuj ponownie",
"reconnect": "Połącz ponownie",
"wallets": "Portfele",
"show_seed": "Pokaż frazy seed",
"show_keys": "Pokaż seed/klucze",
"address_book_menu": "Kontakty",
"reconnection": "Ponowne łączenie",
"reconnect_alert_text": "Czy na pewno ponownie się ponownie połączysz?",
"exchange": "Wymień",
"clear": "Wyczyść",
"refund_address": "Adres do zwrotu",
"change_exchange_provider": "Zmień dostawcę wymiany",
"you_will_send": "Konwertuj z",
"you_will_get": "Konwertuj na",
"amount_is_guaranteed": "Otrzymana kwota jest gwarantowana",
"amount_is_estimate": "Otrzymana kwota jest wartością szacunkową",
"powered_by": "Obsługiwane przez ${title}",
"error": "Błąd",
"estimated": "Oszacowano",
"min_value": "Min: ${value} ${currency}",
"max_value": "Max: ${value} ${currency}",
"change_currency": "Zmień walutę",
"overwrite_amount": "Nadpisz ilość",
"qr_payment_amount": "Ten kod QR zawiera kwotę do zapłaty. Czy chcesz nadpisać obecną wartość?",
"copy_id": "skopiuj ID",
"exchange_result_write_down_trade_id": "Skopiuj lub zanotuj identyfikator transakcji (ID), aby kontynuować.",
"trade_id": "ID transakcji:",
"copied_to_clipboard": "Skopiowano do schowka",
"saved_the_trade_id": "Zapisałem ID",
"fetching": "Pobieranie",
"id": "ID: ",
"amount": "Ilość: ",
"payment_id": "ID Płatności: ",
"status": "Status: ",
"offer_expires_in": "Oferta wygasa za ",
"trade_is_powered_by": "Ta wymiana jest obsługiwana przez ${provider}",
"copy_address": "Skopiuj adress",
"exchange_result_confirm": "Naciskając Potwierdź, wyślesz ${fetchingLabel} ${from} z twojego portfela ${walletName} na adres podany poniżej. Lub możesz wysłać z zewnętrznego portfela na poniższy adres / kod QR.\n\nNaciśnij Potwierdź, aby kontynuować lub wróć, aby zmienić kwoty.",
"exchange_result_description": "Musisz wysłać co najmniej ${fetchingLabel} ${from} na adres podany na następnej stronie. Jeśli wyślesz kwotę niższą niż ${fetchingLabel} ${from}, może ona nie zostać uwzględniona i może nie zostać zwrócona.",
"exchange_result_write_down_ID": "*Skopiuj lub zanotuj identyfikator transakcji pokazany powyżej.",
"confirm": "Potwierdzać",
"confirm_sending": "Potwierdź wysłanie",
"commit_transaction_amount_fee": "Zatwierdź transakcję\nIlość: ${amount}\nOpłata: ${fee}",
"sending": "Wysyłanie",
"transaction_sent": "Transakcja wysłana!",
"expired": "Przedawniony",
"time": "${minutes}m ${seconds}s",
"send_xmr": "Wyślij XMR",
"exchange_new_template": "Nowy szablon wymiany",
"faq": "FAQ",
"enter_your_pin": "Wpisz kod PIN",
"loading_your_wallet": "Ładowanie portfela",
"new_wallet": "Nowy portfel",
"wallet_name": "Nazwa portfela",
"continue_text": "Dalej",
"choose_wallet_currency": "Wybierz walutę portfela:",
"node_new": "Nowy węzeł",
"node_address": "Adres węzła",
"node_port": "Port węzła",
"login": "Login",
"password": "Hasło",
"nodes": "Węzły",
"node_reset_settings_title": "Zresetuj ustawienia węzłów",
"nodes_list_reset_to_default_message": "Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić ustawienia domyślne?",
"change_current_node": "Czy na pewno chcesz wybrać ten węzeł? ${node}?",
"change": "Zmień",
"remove_node": "Usuń węzeł",
"remove_node_message": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrany węzeł?",
"remove": "Usuń",
"delete": "Skasuj",
"add_new_node": "Dodaj nowy węzeł",
"change_current_node_title": "Zmień bieżący węzeł",
"node_test": "Test",
"node_connection_successful": "Połączenie powiodło się",
"node_connection_failed": "Połączenie nie powiodło się",
"new_node_testing": "Testowanie nowych węzłów",
"use": "Użyj ",
"digit_pin": "-znakowy PIN",
"share_address": "Udostępnij adres",
"receive_amount": "Ilość",
"subaddresses": "Podadresy",
"addresses": "Adresy",
"scan_qr_code_to_get_address": "Zeskanuj kod QR, aby uzyskać adres",
"qr_fullscreen": "Dotknij, aby otworzyć pełnoekranowy kod QR",
"rename": "Zmień nazwę",
"choose_account": "Wybierz konto",
"create_new_account": "Stwórz nowe konto",
"accounts_subaddresses": "Konta i podadresy",
"restore_restore_wallet": "Przywróć portfel",
"restore_title_from_seed_keys": "Przywróć z seedów / kluczy",
"restore_description_from_seed_keys": "Odzyskaj swój portfel z seedów / kluczy, które zapisałeś w bezpiecznym miejscu",
"restore_next": "Kolejny",
"restore_title_from_backup": "Przywróć z pliku kopii zapasowej",
"restore_description_from_backup": "Możesz przywrócić całą aplikację Cake Wallet z pliku kopii zapasowej",
"restore_seed_keys_restore": "Przywracanie seedów / kluczy",
"restore_title_from_seed": "Przywróć z seedów",
"restore_description_from_seed": "Przywróć swój portfel z 25 lub 13-słownej frazy seed",
"restore_title_from_keys": "Przywróć z kluczy",
"restore_description_from_keys": "Przywróć swój portfel z kluczy prywatnych",
"restore_wallet_name": "Nazwa portfela",
"restore_address": "Adres",
"restore_view_key_private": "Podaj klucz prywatny",
"restore_spend_key_private": "Podaj prywatny klucz wglądu (view key)",
"restore_recover": "Przywróć",
"restore_wallet_restore_description": "Przywracanie portfela",
"restore_new_seed": "Nowy seed",
"restore_active_seed": "Aktywne seedy",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_seed": "Przywróć swój portfel z frazy seed złożonej z 24 słów",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_keys": "Przywróć swój portfel z klucza prywatnego",
"restore_bitcoin_title_from_keys": "Przywróć z klucza prywatnego",
"restore_from_date_or_blockheight": "Wprowadź datę na kilka dni przed utworzeniem tego portfela, lub jeśli znasz wysokość bloku, wprowadź go zamiast daty",
"seed_reminder": "Musisz zapisać tą fraze, bo bez niej możesz nie odzyskać portfela!",
"seed_title": "Seed",
"seed_share": "Udostępnij seed",
"copy": "Kopiuj",
"seed_language_choose": "Proszę wybrać język słów we frazie seed:",
"seed_choose": "Wybierz język",
"seed_language_next": "Następny",
"seed_language_english": "Angielski",
"seed_language_chinese": "Chiński",
"seed_language_dutch": "Holenderski",
"seed_language_german": "Niemiecki",
"seed_language_japanese": "Japoński",
"seed_language_portuguese": "Portugalski",
"seed_language_russian": "Rosyjski",
"seed_language_spanish": "Hiszpański",
"seed_language_french": "Francuski",
"seed_language_italian": "Włoski",
"send_title": "Wyślij",
"send_your_wallet": "Twój portfel",
"send_address": "Adres ${cryptoCurrency}",
"send_payment_id": "Identyfikator płatności (opcjonalny)",
"all": "WSZYSTKO",
"send_error_minimum_value": "Minimalna wartość to 0,01",
"send_error_currency": "Waluta może zawierać tylko cyfry",
"send_estimated_fee": "Szacowana opłata:",
"send_priority": "Obecnie opłata ustalona jest na ${transactionPriority} priorytet.\nPriorytet transakcji można zmienić w ustawieniach",
"send_creating_transaction": "Tworzenie transakcji",
"send_templates": "Szablony",
"send_new": "Nowy",
"send_amount": "Ilość:",
"send_fee": "Opłata:",
"send_name": "Imię",
"got_it": "Wysłano",
"send_sending": "Wysyłanie...",
"send_success": "Twoje ${crypto} zostało pomyślnie wysłane",
"settings_title": "Ustawienia",
"settings_nodes": "Węzły",
"settings_current_node": "Bieżący węzeł",
"settings_wallets": "Portfele",
"settings_display_balance": "Wyświetl saldo",
"settings_currency": "Waluta",
"settings_fee_priority": "Priorytet opłaty",
"settings_save_recipient_address": "Zapisz adres odbiorcy",
"settings_personal": "Osobiste",
"settings_change_pin": "Zmień PIN",
"settings_change_language": "Zmień język",
"settings_allow_biometrical_authentication": "Zezwalaj na uwierzytelnianie biometryczne",
"settings_dark_mode": "Tryb ciemny",
"settings_transactions": "Transakcje",
"settings_trades": "Transakcje",
"settings_display_on_dashboard_list": "Wyświetl na pulpicie",
"settings_all": "Wszystkie",
"settings_only_trades": "Tylko transakcje",
"settings_only_transactions": "Tylko transakcje",
"settings_none": "Żaden",
"settings_support": "Wsparcie",
"settings_terms_and_conditions": "Zasady i warunki",
"pin_is_incorrect": "PIN jest niepoprawny",
"setup_pin": "Ustaw PIN",
"enter_your_pin_again": "Wprowadź ponownie swój kod PIN",
"setup_successful": "Twój kod PIN został pomyślnie skonfigurowany!",
"wallet_keys": "Klucze portfela",
"wallet_seed": "Seed portfela",
"private_key": "Klucz prywatny",
"public_key": "Klucz publiczny",
"view_key_private": "Prywatny Klucz Wglądu",
"view_key_public": "Publiczny Klucz Wglądu",
"spend_key_private": "Klucz prywatny",
"spend_key_public": "Klucz publiczny",
"copied_key_to_clipboard": "Skopiowaneo ${key} do schowka",
"new_subaddress_title": "Nowy adres",
"new_subaddress_label_name": "Etykieta nazwy adresu",
"new_subaddress_create": "Stwórz",
"address_label": "Etykieta Adresu",
"subaddress_title": "Lista podadresów",
"trade_details_title": "Szczegóły transakcji",
"trade_details_id": "ID",
"trade_details_state": "Status",
"trade_details_fetching": "Pobieranie",
"trade_details_provider": "Dostawca",
"trade_details_created_at": "Utworzono ",
"trade_details_pair": "Para",
"trade_details_copied": "${title} skopiowane do schowka",
"trade_history_title": "Historia wymian",
"transaction_details_title": "Szczegóły transakcji",
"transaction_details_transaction_id": "ID Trancakcji",
"transaction_details_date": "Data",
"transaction_details_height": "Wysokość Bloku",
"transaction_details_amount": "Ilość",
"transaction_details_fee": "Opłata",
"transaction_details_copied": "${title} skopiowane do schowka",
"transaction_details_recipient_address": "Adres odbiorcy",
"wallet_list_title": "Portfel Monero",
"wallet_list_create_new_wallet": "Utwórz nowy portfel",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"wallet_list_edit_wallet": "Edytuj portfel",
"wallet_list_wallet_name": "Nazwa portfela",
"wallet_list_restore_wallet": "Przywróć portfel",
"wallet_list_load_wallet": "Załaduj portfel",
"wallet_list_loading_wallet": "Ładuję ${wallet_name} portfel",
"wallet_list_failed_to_load": "Nie udało się załadować ${wallet_name} portfel. ${error}",
"wallet_list_removing_wallet": "Usuwanie ${wallet_name} portfel",
"wallet_list_failed_to_remove": "Nie udało się usunąć ${wallet_name} portfel. ${error}",
"widgets_address": "Adres",
"widgets_restore_from_blockheight": "Przywróć z wysokości bloku",
"widgets_restore_from_date": "Przywróć od daty",
"widgets_or": "lub",
"widgets_seed": "Seed",
"router_no_route": "Brak zdefiniowanej trasy dla ${name}",
"error_text_account_name": "Nazwa konta może zawierać tylko litery, cyfry\ni musi mieć od 1 do 15 znaków",
"error_text_contact_name": "Nazwa kontaktu nie może zawierać symboli ` , ' \"\ni musi mieć od 1 do 32 znaków ",
"error_text_address": "Adres musi odpowiadać typowi kryptowaluty",
"error_text_node_address": "Wpisz adres iPv4",
"error_text_node_port": "Port węzła może zawierać tylko liczby od 0 do 65535",
"error_text_node_proxy_address": "Wprowadź <adres IPv4>:<port>, na przykład",
"error_text_payment_id": "ID może zawierać od 16 do 64 znaków w formacie szesnastkowym",
"error_text_xmr": "Wartość XMR nie może przekraczać dostępnego salda.\nLiczba cyfr ułamkowych musi być mniejsza lub równa 12",
"error_text_fiat": "Wartość kwoty nie może przekroczyć dostępnego salda.\nLiczba cyfr ułamkowych musi być mniejsza lub równa 2",
"error_text_subaddress_name": "Nazwa podadresu nie może zawierać symboli ` , ' \"\ni musi mieć od 1 do 20 znaków",
"error_text_amount": "Kwota może zawierać tylko liczby",
"error_text_wallet_name": "Nazwa portfela może zawierać tylko litery, cyfry lub symbole _ - \ni musi mieć od 1 do 33 znaków",
"error_text_keys": "Klucze portfela mogą zawierać tylko 64 znaki w systemie szesnastkowym",
"error_text_crypto_currency": "Liczba cyfr ułamkowych\nmusi być mniejsza lub równa 12",
"error_text_minimal_limit": "Wymiana dla ${provider} nie została utworzona. Kwota jest mniejsza niż minimalna: ${min} ${currency}",
"error_text_maximum_limit": "Wymiana dla ${provider} nie została utworzona. Kwota jest większa niż maksymalna: ${max} ${currency}",
"error_text_limits_loading_failed": "Wymiana dla ${provider} nie została utworzona. Ładowanie limitów nie powiodło się",
"error_text_template": "Nazwa i adres szablonu nie mogą zawierać ` , ' \" symbolika\ni musi mieć od 1 do 106 znaków",
"auth_store_ban_timeout": "przekroczenie limitu czasu",
"auth_store_banned_for": "Zablokowany za ",
"auth_store_banned_minutes": " minuty",
"auth_store_incorrect_password": "Niepoprawny PIN",
"wallet_store_monero_wallet": "Portfel Monero",
"wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length": "Nieprawidłowa długość frazy seed",
"full_balance": "Pełne saldo",
"available_balance": "Dostępne środki",
"hidden_balance": "Ukryte saldo",
"sync_status_syncronizing": "SYNCHRONIZACJA",
"sync_status_syncronized": "ZSYNCHRONIZOWANO",
"sync_status_not_connected": "NIE POŁĄCZONY",
"sync_status_starting_sync": "ROZPOCZĘCIE SYNCHRONIZACJI",
"sync_status_failed_connect": "POŁĄCZENIE NIEUDANE",
"sync_status_connecting": "ŁĄCZENIE",
"sync_status_connected": "POŁĄCZONY",
"sync_status_attempting_sync": "PRÓBA SYNCHRONIZACJI",
"transaction_priority_slow": "Wolna(Zalecane)",
"transaction_priority_regular": "Regularna",
"transaction_priority_medium": "Średnia",
"transaction_priority_fast": "Szybka",
"transaction_priority_fastest": "Najszybsza",
"trade_for_not_created": "Wymiana za ${title} nie została utworzona.",
"trade_not_created": "Wymiana nie została utworzona",
"trade_id_not_found": "Transakcja ${tradeId} ${title} nie znaleziona.",
"trade_not_found": "Nie znaleziono transakcji.",
"trade_state_pending": "Oczekująca",
"trade_state_confirming": "Potwierdzanie",
"trade_state_trading": "Wymiana",
"trade_state_traded": "Wymienione",
"trade_state_complete": "Ukończona",
"trade_state_to_be_created": "Została stworzona",
"trade_state_unpaid": "Nie opłacona",
"trade_state_underpaid": "Niedopłacone",
"trade_state_paid_unconfirmed": "Transakcja niepotwierdzona",
"trade_state_paid": "Opłacona",
"trade_state_btc_sent": "Wysłanie",
"trade_state_timeout": "Koniec czasu",
"trade_state_created": "Stworzona",
"trade_state_finished": "Zakończona",
"change_language": "Zmień język",
"change_language_to": "Zmień język na ${language}?",
"paste": "Wklej",
"restore_from_seed_placeholder": "Wpisz lub wklej tutaj swoją frazę seed",
"add_new_word": "Dodaj nowe słowo",
"incorrect_seed": "Wprowadzony seed jest nieprawidłowy.",
"biometric_auth_reason": "Zeskanuj swój odcisk palca, aby uwierzytelnić",
"version": "Wersja ${currentVersion}",
"extracted_address_content": "Wysyłasz środki na\n${recipient_name}",
"card_address": "Adres:",
"buy": "Kup",
2022-01-13 18:10:27 +00:00
"sell": "Sprzedać",
"placeholder_transactions": "Twoje transakcje zostaną wyświetlone tutaj",
"placeholder_contacts": "Twoje kontakty zostaną wyświetlone tutaj",
"template": "Szablon",
"confirm_delete_template": "Ta czynność usunie ten szablon. Czy chcesz kontynuować?",
"confirm_delete_wallet": "Ta czynność usunie ten portfel. Czy chcesz kontynuować?",
"change_wallet_alert_title": "Zmień obecny portfel",
"change_wallet_alert_content": "Czy chcesz zmienić obecny portfel na ${wallet_name}?",
"creating_new_wallet": "Tworzenie nowego portfela",
"creating_new_wallet_error": "Błąd: ${description}",
"seed_alert_title": "Uwaga",
"seed_alert_content": "Fraza Seed to jedyny sposób na odzyskanie portfela. Zapisałeś ją?",
"seed_alert_back": "Wróć",
"seed_alert_yes": "Tak",
"exchange_sync_alert_content": "Poczekaj, aż portfel zostanie zsynchronizowany",
"pre_seed_title": "WAŻNY",
"pre_seed_description": "Na następnej stronie zobaczysz serię ${words} słów. To jest Twoja unikalna i prywatna fraza seed i jest to JEDYNY sposób na odzyskanie portfela w przypadku utraty lub awarii telefonu. Twoim obowiązkiem jest zapisanie go i przechowywanie w bezpiecznym miejscu (np. na kartce w SEJFIE).",
"pre_seed_button_text": "Rozumiem. Pokaż mi moją fraze seed",
"xmr_to_error": "Błąd XMR.TO",
"xmr_to_error_description": "Nieprawidłowa kwota. Maksymalny limit to 8 cyfr po przecinku",
"provider_error": "${provider} pomyłka",
"use_ssl": "Użyj SSL",
"trusted": "Zaufany",
"color_theme": "Motyw kolorystyczny",
"light_theme": "Jasny",
"bright_theme": "Biały",
"dark_theme": "Ciemny",
"enter_your_note": "Wpisz notatkę…",
"note_optional": "Notatka (opcjonalnie)",
"note_tap_to_change": "Notatka (dotknij, aby zmienić)",
"view_in_block_explorer": "Zobacz w eksploratorze bloków",
"view_transaction_on": "Zobacz transakcje na ",
"transaction_key": "Klucz transakcji",
"confirmations": "Potwierdzenia",
"recipient_address": "Adres odbiorcy",
"extra_id": "Dodatkowy ID:",
"destination_tag": "Tag docelowy:",
"memo": "Notatka:",
"backup": "Kopia zapasowa",
"change_password": "Zmień hasło",
"backup_password": "Hasło kpoii zapasowej",
"write_down_backup_password": "Zapisz swoje hasło kopii zapasowej, które jest używane do importowania plików kopii zapasowych.",
"export_backup": "Eksportuj kopię zapasową",
"save_backup_password": "Upewnij się, że zapisałeś swoje hasło kopii zapasowej. Bez tego nie będziesz mógł zaimportować pliku kopii zapasowej.",
"backup_file": "Plik kopii zapasowej",
"edit_backup_password": "Edytuj hasło kopii zapasowej",
"save_backup_password_alert": "Zapisz hasło kopii zapasowej",
"change_backup_password_alert": "Twoje poprzednie pliki kopii zapasowej nie będą dostępne do zaimportowania z nowym hasłem kopii zapasowej. Nowe hasło kopii zapasowej będzie używane tylko dla nowych plików kopii zapasowych. Czy na pewno chcesz zmienić hasło zapasowe?",
"enter_backup_password": "Wprowadź tutaj hasło kopii zapasowej",
"select_backup_file": "Wybierz plik kopii zapasowej",
"import": "Zaimportuj",
"please_select_backup_file": "Wybierz plik kopii zapasowej i wprowadź hasło.",
"fixed_rate": "Stała stawka",
"fixed_rate_alert": "Będziesz mógł wprowadzić kwotę do otrzymania, gdy wybrany bedzie tryb stałego przeliczenia. Czy chcesz przejść do trybu stałej stawki?",
"xlm_extra_info": "Nie zapomnij podać dodatkowego identyfikatora (memo) podczas wysyłania transakcji XLM do wymiany",
"xrp_extra_info": "Nie zapomnij podać tagu docelowego podczas wysyłania transakcji XRP do wymiany",
"exchange_incorrect_current_wallet_for_xmr": "Jeśli chcesz wymienić XMR z salda Cake Wallet Monero, najpierw przełącz się na portfel Monero.",
"confirmed": "Potwierdzone saldo",
"unconfirmed": "Niepotwierdzone saldo",
"displayable": "Wyświetlane",
"submit_request": "Złóż wniosek",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"buy_alert_content": "Obecnie obsługujemy tylko zakup Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin i Monero. Utwórz lub przełącz się na swój portfel Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin lub Monero.",
"sell_alert_content": "Obecnie obsługujemy tylko sprzedaż Bitcoin, Ethereum i Litecoin. Utwórz lub przełącz się na swój portfel Bitcoin, Ethereum lub Litecoin.",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_description": "Nowe portfele Bitcoin utworzone w Cake mają teraz fraze seed składające się z 24 słów. Konieczne jest utworzenie nowego portfela Bitcoin i przeniesienie wszystkich środków do nowego portfela na 24 słowa oraz zaprzestanie korzystania z portfeli z frazą seed na 12 słów. Zrób to natychmiast, aby zabezpieczyć swoje fundusze.",
"understand": "Rozumiem",
"apk_update": "Aktualizacja APK",
"buy_bitcoin": "Kup Bitcoin",
"buy_with": "Kup za pomocą",
"moonpay_alert_text": "Wartość kwoty musi być większa lub równa ${minAmount} ${fiatCurrency}",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_receive_warning": "Jeśli ten portfel ma 12-wyrazowy seed i został utworzony w Cake, NIE Wpłacaj Bitcoina do tego portfela. Wszelkie BTC przeniesione do tego portfela mogą zostać utracone. Utwórz nowy portfel z 24 słowami (dotknij menu w prawym górnym rogu, wybierz Portfele, wybierz Utwórz nowy portfel, a następnie Bitcoin) i NATYCHMIAST przenieś tam swoje BTC. Nowe (24 słowa) portfele BTC Cake Wallet są bezpieczne",
"do_not_show_me": "Nie pokazuj mi tego ponownie",
"unspent_coins_title": "Niewydane monety",
"unspent_coins_details_title": "Szczegóły niewydanych monet",
"freeze": "Zamróź",
"frozen": "Zamrożone",
"coin_control": "Kontrola monet (opcjonalnie)",
"address_detected": "Wykryto adres",
"address_from_domain": "Ten adres to ${domain} na Unstoppable Domains",
"add_receiver": "Dodaj kolejnego odbiorcę (opcjonalnie)",
"manage_yats": "Zarządzaj Yats",
"yat_alert_title": "Łatwiejsze wysyłanie i odbieranie kryptowalut dzięki Yat",
"yat_alert_content": "Użytkownicy Cake Wallet mogą teraz wysyłać i odbierać wszystkie swoje ulubione waluty za pomocą jedynej w swoim rodzaju nazwy użytkownika opartej na emoji.",
"get_your_yat": "Zdobądź swój Yat",
"connect_an_existing_yat": "Podłącz istniejący Yat",
"yat_address": "Adres Yat",
"yat": "Yat",
2021-11-02 09:17:24 +00:00
"connect_yats": "Połącz Yats",
"address_from_yat": "Ten adres jest od ${emoji} na Yat",
"yat_error": "Błąd Yat",
"yat_error_content": "Brak adresów powiązanych z tym Yat. Wypróbuj inny Yat",
"choose_address": "\n\nWybierz adres:",
"yat_popup_title": "Twój adres portfela może być zemotkowany.",
"yat_popup_content": "Możesz teraz wysyłać i odbierać krypto w Cake Wallet za pomocą swojego Yat krótkiej nazwy użytkownika opartej na emotikonach. Zarządzaj Yats w dowolnym momencie na ekranie ustawień",
"second_intro_title": "Jeden adres emoji, aby zarzadzać wszystkimi walutami",
"second_intro_content": "Twój Yat to jeden unikalny adres emoji, który zastępuje wszystkie Twoje długie adresy szesnastkowe dla wszystkich Twoich walut.",
"third_intro_title": "Yat ładnie bawi się z innymi",
"third_intro_content": "Yats mieszkają również poza Cake Wallet. Każdy adres portfela na ziemi można zastąpić Yat!",
"learn_more": "Dowiedz się więcej",
"search": "Szukaj",
"search_language": "Wyszukaj język",
"search_currency": "Wyszukaj walutę",
"new_template": "Nowy szablon",
"electrum_address_disclaimer": "Za każdym razem, gdy wykorzystasz adres, dla wiekszej prywatności generujemy nowy, ale poprzednie adresy nadal działają, i moga odbierać środki",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"wallet_name_exists": "Portfel o tej nazwie już istnieje",
"market_place": "Rynek",
"cake_pay_title": "Karty podarunkowe Cake Pay",
2022-12-21 17:15:02 +00:00
"cake_pay_subtitle": "Kup karty upominkowe ze zniżką (tylko USA)",
"cake_pay_web_cards_title": "Cake Pay Web Cards",
"cake_pay_web_cards_subtitle": "Kupuj na całym świecie karty przedpłacone i karty podarunkowe",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"about_cake_pay": "Cake Pay umożliwia łatwe kupowanie kart podarunkowych z wirtualnymi aktywami, które można natychmiast wydać u ponad 150 000 sprzedawców w Stanach Zjednoczonych.",
"cake_pay_account_note": "Zarejestruj się, używając tylko adresu e-mail, aby przeglądać i kupować karty. Niektóre są nawet dostępne ze zniżką!",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"already_have_account": "Masz już konto?",
"create_account": "Utwórz konto",
"privacy_policy": "Polityka prywatności",
"welcome_to_cakepay": "Witamy w Cake Pay!",
"sign_up": "Zarejestruj się",
"forgot_password": "Zapomniałem hasła",
"reset_password": "Zresetuj hasło",
"gift_cards": "Karty podarunkowe",
"setup_your_debit_card": "Skonfiguruj swoją kartę debetową",
"no_id_required": "Nie wymagamy Dowodu. Doładuj i wydawaj gdziekolwiek",
"how_to_use_card": "Jak korzystać z tej karty?",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"purchase_gift_card": "Kup kartę podarunkową",
"verification": "Weryfikacja",
"fill_code": "Proszę wpisać kod weryfikacyjny który otrzymałeś w wiadomości e-mail",
2023-05-24 16:02:28 +00:00
"didnt_get_code": "Nie dostałeś kodu?",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"resend_code": "Wyślij go ponownie",
"debit_card": "Karta debetowa",
"cakepay_prepaid_card": "Przedpłacona karta debetowa CakePay",
"no_id_needed": "Nie potrzeba Dowodu!",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"frequently_asked_questions": "Często zadawane pytania",
"debit_card_terms": "Przechowywanie i używanie numeru karty płatniczej (oraz danych uwierzytelniających odpowiadających numerowi karty płatniczej) w tym portfelu cyfrowym podlega Warunkom odpowiedniej umowy posiadacza karty z wydawcą karty płatniczej, zgodnie z obowiązującym od od czasu do czasu.",
"please_reference_document": "Proszę odwołać się do poniższych dokumentów, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.",
"cardholder_agreement": "Umowa posiadacza karty",
"e_sign_consent": "Zgoda na podpis elektroniczny",
"agree_and_continue": "Zgadzam się i kontynuuj",
"email_address": "Adres e-mail",
"agree_to": "Tworząc konto wyrażasz zgodę na ",
"and": "i",
"enter_code": "Wprowadź kod",
"congratulations": "gratulacje!",
"you_now_have_debit_card": "Masz teraz kartę debetową",
"min_amount": "Min: ${value}",
"max_amount": "Max: ${value}",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"enter_amount": "Wprowadź kwotę",
"billing_address_info": "Jeśli zostaniesz poproszony o podanie adresu rozliczeniowego, podaj swój adres wysyłki",
"order_physical_card": "Zamów kartę fizyczną",
"add_value": "Dodaj wartość",
"activate": "Aktywuj",
"get_a": "Zdobądź ",
"digital_and_physical_card": " cyfrowa i fizyczna przedpłacona karta debetowa",
"get_card_note": " które możesz doładować walutami cyfrowymi. Nie są potrzebne żadne dodatkowe informacje!",
"signup_for_card_accept_terms": "Zarejestruj się, aby otrzymać kartę i zaakceptuj warunki.",
"add_fund_to_card": "Dodaj przedpłacone środki do kart (do ${value})",
"use_card_info_two": "Środki są przeliczane na USD, gdy są przechowywane na koncie przedpłaconym, a nie w walutach cyfrowych.",
"use_card_info_three": "Użyj cyfrowej karty online lub za pomocą zbliżeniowych metod płatności.",
"optionally_order_card": "Opcjonalnie zamów kartę fizyczną.",
"hide_details": "Ukryj szczegóły",
"show_details": "Pokaż szczegóły",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"upto": "do ${value}",
"discount": "Zaoszczędź ${value}%",
"gift_card_amount": "Kwota karty podarunkowej",
"bill_amount": "Kwota rachunku",
"you_pay": "Płacisz",
"tip": "wskazówka:",
"custom": "niestandardowy",
"by_cake_pay": "przez Cake Pay",
"expires": "Wygasa",
"mm": "MM",
"yy": "RR",
"online": "online",
"offline": "Offline",
"gift_card_number": "Numer karty podarunkowej",
"pin_number": "Numer PIN",
"total_saving": "Całkowite oszczędności",
"last_30_days": "Ostatnie 30 dni",
"avg_savings": "Śr. oszczędności",
"view_all": "Wyświetl wszystko",
"active_cards": "Aktywne karty",
"delete_account": "Usuń konto",
"cards": "Karty",
"active": "Aktywny",
"redeemed": "wykupione",
"gift_card_balance_note": "Tutaj pojawią się karty podarunkowe z pozostałym saldem",
"gift_card_redeemed_note": "Karty podarunkowe, które wykorzystałeś, pojawią się tutaj",
"logout": "Wyloguj",
"add_tip": "Dodaj wskazówkę",
"percentageOf": "z ${amount}",
"is_percentage": "jest",
"search_category": "Kategoria wyszukiwania",
"mark_as_redeemed": "Oznacz jako wykorzystany",
"more_options": "Więcej opcji",
"awaiting_payment_confirmation": "Oczekiwanie na potwierdzenie płatności",
"transaction_sent_notice": "Jeśli ekran nie zmieni się po 1 minucie, sprawdź eksplorator bloków i swój e-mail.",
Ionia (#437) * Initial ionia service * Ionia manage card UI (#374) * design ui for cakepay * Add manage cards page ui * create auth ui for ionia * add authentication logic * implement user create card * Add ionia merchant sevic * Add anypay. Add purschase gift card. * display virtual card (#385) * display virtual card * fix formatting * Remove IoniaMerchantService from IoniaViewModel * Add hex and txKey for monero pending transaction. * Changed monero version and monero repo to cake tech. * Add anypay payment. Add filter by search for ionia, add get purchased items for ionia. * Fix for get transactions for hidden addresses for electrum wallet * Add ionia categories. * Add anypay commited info for payments. * Update UI with new fixes (#400) * Change ionia base url. Add exception throwing for error messaging for some of ionia calls. * CW-102 fix logic for ionia issues (#403) * refactor tips (#406) * refactor tips * refactor ionia tips implementation * Cw 115 implement gift cards list for ionia (#405) * Implement show purchased cards * fix padding * Fixes for getting of purchased gift cards. * Implement gift card details screen (#408) * Implement gift card details screen * Add redeem for ionia gift cards * Fix navigation after ionia opt redirection. * Fix update gift cards list. * Add payment status update for ionia. * Add usage instruction to gift card. * Add copy for ionia gift card info. * Change version for Cake Wallet ios. * Add localisation (#414) * Fixes for fiat amounts for ionia. * CW-128 marketplace screen text changes (#416) * Change text on marketplace * fix build issues * fix build * UI fixes for ionia. * UI fixes for ionia. (#421) * CW-129 ionia welcome screen text changes (#418) * update welcome text * Update localization * Cw 133 (#422) * UI fixes for ionia. * Fixes for display card item on gift cards screen. * Fix signup page (#419) * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 132 (#425) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Cw 131 (#426) * UI fixes for ionia. * Changed tips for ionia. * Fixes for IoniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage screen. Renamed 'Manage Cards' to 'Gift Cards'. Hide discount badge label for 0 discount. * Change ionia heading font style (#427) * Fix for AddressResolver in di * Changed build number for Cake Wallet ios. * fix currency format for card details and routing for mark as redeemed (#431) * fix terms and condition overflow in ionia (#430) * fix terms and condition scroll * fix color issues * reuse * refactor widget * Remove IoniaTokenService * Change api for ionia to staging * Update versions for Cake Wallet for android and ios. * Fixes for instructions. Remove diplay error on payment status screen. * Change build versions for Cake Wallet * Add ionia sign in. * Update for discounts and statuses for ionia merch. * Fixes for qr/barcode on ionia gift card screen. * Fixed formatting for display ionia discounts. * Fix issue * Add savingsPercentage to ionia merch discount. * Change build number for Cake Wallet ios and android. * Disable ionia for haven (#440) Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2022-07-28 17:03:16 +00:00
"agree": "Zgadzam się",
"in_store": "W Sklepie",
"generating_gift_card": "Generowanie karty podarunkowej",
"payment_was_received": "Twoja płatność została otrzymana.",
"proceed_after_one_minute": "Jeśli ekran nie przejdzie dalej po 1 minucie, sprawdź pocztę.",
"order_id": "Identyfikator zamówienia",
"gift_card_is_generated": "Karta podarunkowa jest generowana",
"open_gift_card": "Otwórz kartę podarunkową",
"contact_support": "Skontaktuj się z pomocą techniczną",
"gift_cards_unavailable": "Karty podarunkowe można obecnie kupić tylko za pośrednictwem Monero, Bitcoin i Litecoin",
"background_sync_mode": "Tryb synchronizacji w tle",
"sync_all_wallets": "Synchronizuj wszystkie portfele",
"introducing_cake_pay": "Przedstawiamy Cake Pay!",
"cake_pay_learn_more": "Kupuj i wykorzystuj karty podarunkowe od razu w aplikacji!\nPrzesuń od lewej do prawej, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.",
"automatic": "Automatyczny",
"fixed_pair_not_supported": "Ta stała para nie jest obsługiwana na wybranych giełdach",
"variable_pair_not_supported": "Ta para zmiennych nie jest obsługiwana na wybranych giełdach",
"none_of_selected_providers_can_exchange": "Żaden z wybranych dostawców nie może dokonać tej wymiany",
"choose_one": "Wybierz jeden",
"choose_from_available_options": "Wybierz z dostępnych opcji:",
"custom_redeem_amount": "Niestandardowa kwota wykorzystania",
"add_custom_redemption": "Dodaj niestandardowe wykorzystanie",
"remaining": "pozostałe",
"delete_wallet": "Usuń portfel",
"delete_wallet_confirm_message": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć portfel ${wallet_name}?",
"low_fee": "Niska opłata",
"low_fee_alert": "Obecnie korzystasz z niskiego priorytetu opłaty sieciowej. Może to spowodować długie oczekiwanie, różne stawki lub anulowane transakcje. Zalecamy ustawienie wyższej opłaty, aby zapewnić lepsze wrażenia.",
"ignor": "Ignorować",
"use_suggested": "Użyj sugerowane",
"do_not_share_warning_text": "NIE udostępniaj ich nikomu innemu, w tym pomocy technicznej.\n\nTwoje środki wtedy prawdopodobnie zostaną skradzione!",
2022-11-16 07:29:14 +00:00
"help": "pomoc",
2022-11-10 15:38:23 +00:00
"all_transactions": "Wszystkie transakcje",
"all_trades": "Wszystkie operacje",
2022-11-30 13:28:27 +00:00
"connection_sync": "Połączenie i synchronizacja",
"security_and_backup": "Bezpieczeństwo i kopia zapasowa",
"create_backup": "Utwórz kopię zapasową",
2022-11-16 07:29:14 +00:00
"privacy_settings": "Ustawienia prywatności",
"privacy": "Prywatność",
"display_settings": "Ustawienia wyświetlania",
2022-11-22 20:52:28 +00:00
"other_settings": "Inne ustawienia",
"require_pin_after": "Wymagaj kodu PIN po",
"always": "zawsze",
"minutes_to_pin_code": "${minute} minut",
"disable_exchange": "Wyłącz wymianę",
"advanced_privacy_settings": "Zaawansowane ustawienia prywatności",
"settings_can_be_changed_later": "Te ustawienia można później zmienić w ustawieniach aplikacji",
"add_custom_node": "Dodaj nowy węzeł niestandardowy",
"disable_fiat": "Wyłącz waluty FIAT",
"fiat_api": "API Walut FIAT",
2022-12-07 12:04:14 +00:00
"disabled": "Wyłączone",
"enabled": "Włączone",
"tor_only": "Tylko sieć Tor",
"unmatched_currencies": "Waluta Twojego obecnego portfela nie zgadza się z waluctą zeskanowanego kodu QR",
2023-01-14 21:29:47 +00:00
"orbot_running_alert": "Upewnij się, że Orbot działa przed połączeniem z tym węzłem.",
"contact_list_contacts": "Łączność",
2023-01-25 10:28:44 +00:00
"contact_list_wallets": "Moje portfele",
"bitcoin_payments_require_1_confirmation": "Płatności Bitcoin wymagają 1 potwierdzenia, co może zająć 20 minut lub dłużej. Dziękuję za cierpliwość! Otrzymasz wiadomość e-mail, gdy płatność zostanie potwierdzona.",
"send_to_this_address": "Wyślij ${currency} ${tag}na ten adres",
"arrive_in_this_address": "${currency} ${tag}dotrze na ten adres",
"do_not_send": "Nie wysyłaj",
"error_dialog_content": "Ups, wystąpił błąd.\n\nPrześlij raport o awarii do naszego zespołu wsparcia, aby ulepszyć aplikację.",
"scan_qr_code": "Skanowania QR code",
"cold_or_recover_wallet": "Dodaj zimny portfel lub odzyskaj portfel papierowy",
"please_wait": "Proszę czekać",
"sweeping_wallet": "Zamiatanie portfela",
"sweeping_wallet_alert": "To nie powinno zająć dużo czasu. NIE WYCHODŹ Z TEGO EKRANU, W PRZECIWNYM WYPADKU MOŻE ZOSTAĆ UTRACONA ŚRODKI",
"decimal_places_error": "Za dużo miejsc dziesiętnych",
"edit_node": "Edytuj węzeł",
"invoice_details": "Dane do faktury",
"donation_link_details": "Szczegóły linku darowizny",
"anonpay_description": "Wygeneruj ${type}. Odbiorca może ${method} z dowolną obsługiwaną kryptowalutą, a Ty otrzymasz środki w tym portfelu.",
"create_invoice": "Wystaw fakturę",
"create_donation_link": "Utwórz link do darowizny",
"optional_email_hint": "Opcjonalny e-mail z powiadomieniem odbiorcy płatności",
"optional_description": "Opcjonalny opis",
"optional_name": "Opcjonalna nazwa odbiorcy",
"clearnet_link": "łącze Clearnet",
"onion_link": "Łącznik cebulowy",
Dashboard desktop view (#737) * Add build scripts for macOS. Add macos for cw_monero plugin. Add macos proj to the application. * - Update Flutter secure storage to work with macos - Enable uni links only on Mobile - Update devcelocale to work with macos * Add network access to mac * Change Dashboard view on desktop size screens * Add on Tap to desktop_action_button.dart Remove unused functions * Fix arch match for monero lib for darwin x86_64 -> x86-64 * Add Bundle ID in entitlements files through app config script * Update deployment target to 10.13 * Revert back to Cake fork for secure storage * Revert back to Cake fork for secure storage * Revert mac os version * Revert mac os version * Add platform channel specific code for mac os * Add desktop sidebar * [skip ci] Add desktop sidebar * [skip ci] Add desktop sidebar * - Remove legacy migration from macos - Remove wake lock native code and just use the ready made package * Remove wake lock native code and just use the ready made package * Remove unstoppable domain from macos since it's not supported * Temporarily fetch unstoppable domains only on mobile * refactor desktop settings sidebar * Ignore increasing brightness for non-mobile platforms * Add Wallet selection dropdown to dashboard desktop view * Generate MacOS icons * localize settings * fix dashboard sidebar and responsive utils * Change Mac os app name and bundle id * Fix exchange page as fullScreenDialog * Remove constants * - Refactor onRamper to have a single point of modification - Enlarge initial app size - update Flutter and Packages * Add pubspec.lock and Podfile.lock to gitignore * Remove Podfile.lock from cache * Fix bug on sidebar reset * Fix issues from code review * [skip ci] reformat desktop dashboard * [skip ci] reformat desktop dashboard * Revert removing .lock files * Revert changes in .gitignore * [skip ci] remove .project changes * [skip ci] remove .project changes * Separate Dashboard desktop view from mobile view * constraint images and pincoded box * Remove drawer from mac os * - Listen to keyboard events in PIN screen - Fix PIN buttons style * Fix desktop nav bar UI * Add Marketplace to dashboard view * Update trailing icon to open transaction page * Update widget contraints * Add empty trailing to center page title on desktop * Refresh desktop dashboard actions on wallet change * Change ionia welcome page animation * Fix Constrained width screens UI * Refactor sidebar state management * remove empty line * Add max width constrain to Welcome page * Change Exchange page UI depending on platform * - Change design/paddings for Send page on desktop view - Make AddTemplateButton instead of having it duplicated in send/exchange * Fix Desktop dashboard actions background color * Constrain primary Buttons width * Make side menu items toggle back to dashboard * Add padding to support page * Add width constraints to desktop dashboard * Fix UI issues, paddings and alignments * Rename misleading variable Change initial mac window size * Fix wallet create in settings * remove unnecessary code * remove unnecessary code * Remove duplicated constrains * - Use close icon on main screens - Minor UI fixes * fix pageview controller reset index * Add create and restore wallet options to dropdown menu * Fix desktop background color and address book view issues * Fix input field * Add onFieldSubmitted to allow "enter" button interaction * Fix issue from code review * Fix Popup width constraint and add focus orders * Fix variable name * Fix issues from code review * refactor dropdown items * Fix alignment in create and restore wallet screens * Fix dropdown change state bug Hide scanner for desktop * remove space * override navbar with desktopnavbar * Remove autofocus * remove unused code * Fix ionia input field alignment * Replace removed code * Add app lock feature on mac * Add assertion to avoid null * Add Nano currency image * Enable adding contact from send screen * Fix UI issues Add missing translation * pop only PIN screen after successful auth * Add back wallet settings page to desktop settings actions * Fix Navigation animation for settings screens * Fixate MobX version to fix restore issue * CW-324 Refresh current settings page if wallet changed (#811) * Fix refresh current settings page if wallet changed * Fix refresh current settings page if wallet changed * Refresh Wallet Seeds/Keys List upon wallet change --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> * Remove navigation workaround for duplicate key, and fix the issue by handling creation/disposing of global key (#840) * Cw 323 add wallet list to settings on mac (#843) * Remove navigation workaround for duplicate key, and fix the issue by handling creation/disposing of global key * - Register Wallet List as singleton in Desktop to be modify the same instance from settings and dropdown - General Fixes and Enhancements * Fix Changing/Restoring wallet from settings * Fix Create wallet not showing seeds screens if launched from settings * Add max width constraint for Alerts * - Add Desktop API keys - Fix Change back up password issue - Fix Popup width * Sync Mac with latest main updates * Swap Transactions icon with lock icon * Save backup file locally on desktop * Sync with latest main updates * Fix Navigation issues with anonpay * Update macos build version * Remove deprecated custom wake lock code for Android * Remove Legacy CryptoSwift package from MacOS * - Refactor Payfura page code - Add OnRamper new configs to onramper_buy_provider.dart - Fix Conflicts with main * Updated device locale package * Update android tools * Revert changes and update only gradle version * Downgrade android tools version * Update gradle version * Update package/gradle/plugin version * - Fixate device locale version - Downgrade gradle version * Update kotlin version * Update gradle version * Trial for a custom fork from devicelocale * Fixate shared preferences package version * Revert gradle version * Revert kotlin version * Downgrade gradle version * Downgrade gradle version * Repair cache and clean before build * Fixate flutter version * update google services version * revert google services version * Force shared pref android version * Override shared prefs android package version * Override shared prefs android package [skip ci] --------- Co-authored-by: M <> Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <> Co-authored-by: Godwin Asuquo <>
2023-04-14 04:39:08 +00:00
"settings": "Ustawienia",
"sell_monero_com_alert_content": "Sprzedaż Monero nie jest jeszcze obsługiwana",
"error_text_input_below_minimum_limit": "Kwota jest mniejsza niż minimalna",
"error_text_input_above_maximum_limit": "Kwota jest większa niż maksymalna",
"show_market_place": "Pokaż rynek",
"prevent_screenshots": "Zapobiegaj zrzutom ekranu i nagrywaniu ekranu",
"profile": "Profil",
"close": "Zamknąć",
"modify_2fa": "Zmodyfikuj ciasto 2FA",
"disable_cake_2fa": "Wyłącz Cake 2FA",
"question_to_disable_2fa": "Czy na pewno chcesz wyłączyć Cake 2FA? Kod 2FA nie będzie już potrzebny do uzyskania dostępu do portfela i niektórych funkcji.",
"disable": "Wyłączyć",
"setup_2fa": "Skonfiguruj ciasto 2FA",
"verify_with_2fa": "Sprawdź za pomocą Cake 2FA",
"totp_code": "Kod TOTP",
"please_fill_totp": "Wpisz 8-cyfrowy kod znajdujący się na drugim urządzeniu",
"totp_2fa_success": "Powodzenie! Cake 2FA włączony dla tego portfela. Pamiętaj, aby zapisać swoje mnemoniczne ziarno na wypadek utraty dostępu do portfela.",
"totp_verification_success": "Weryfikacja powiodła się!",
"totp_2fa_failure": "Błędny kod. Spróbuj użyć innego kodu lub wygeneruj nowy tajny klucz. Użyj kompatybilnej aplikacji 2FA, która obsługuje 8-cyfrowe kody i SHA512.",
"enter_totp_code": "Wprowadź kod TOTP.",
"add_secret_code": "Dodaj ten tajny kod do innego urządzenia",
"totp_secret_code": "Tajny kod TOTP",
"important_note": "Ważna uwaga",
"setup_2fa_text": "Cake 2FA NIE jest tak bezpieczny jak przechowywanie w chłodni. 2FA chroni przed podstawowymi typami ataków, takimi jak udostępnienie odcisku palca przez znajomego podczas snu.\n\n Cake 2FA NIE chroni przed zhakowanym urządzeniem przez wyrafinowanego atakującego.\n\n Jeśli utracisz dostęp do swoich kodów 2FA , UTRACISZ DOSTĘP DO TEGO PORTFELA. Będziesz musiał przywrócić swój portfel z mnemonicznego materiału siewnego. DLATEGO MUSISZ ZROBIĆ KOPIĘ SWOICH NASION MNEMONICZNYCH! Co więcej, ktoś z dostępem do twoich mnemonicznych nasion będzie mógł ukraść twoje fundusze, omijając Cake 2FA.\n\n Personel pomocniczy Cake nie będzie mógł ci pomóc, jeśli stracisz dostęp do swojego mnemonicznego seeda, ponieważ Cake jest portfel niezabezpieczony.",
"setup_totp_recommended": "Skonfiguruj TOTP (zalecane)",
"disable_buy": "Wyłącz akcję kupna",
"disable_sell": "Wyłącz akcję sprzedaży",
"auto_generate_subaddresses": "Automatycznie generuj podadresy",
"cake_2fa_preset": "Ciasto 2FA Preset",
"narrow": "Wąski",
"normal": "Normalna",
"aggressive": "Nadgorliwy",
"require_for_assessing_wallet": "Wymagaj dostępu do portfela",
"require_for_sends_to_non_contacts": "Wymagaj wysyłania do osób niekontaktowych",
"require_for_sends_to_contacts": "Wymagaj wysyłania do kontaktów",
"require_for_sends_to_internal_wallets": "Wymagaj wysyłania do portfeli wewnętrznych",
"require_for_exchanges_to_internal_wallets": "Wymagaj wymiany do portfeli wewnętrznych",
"require_for_adding_contacts": "Wymagane do dodania kontaktów",
"require_for_creating_new_wallets": "Wymagane do tworzenia nowych portfeli",
"require_for_all_security_and_backup_settings": "Wymagaj dla wszystkich ustawień zabezpieczeń i kopii zapasowych",
"available_balance_description": "Dostępne saldo jest równoważne z saldem portfela minus zamrożone saldo.",
"syncing_wallet_alert_title": "Twój portfel się synchronizuje",
"syncing_wallet_alert_content": "Twoje saldo i lista transakcji mogą nie być kompletne, dopóki u góry nie pojawi się napis „SYNCHRONIZOWANY”. Kliknij/stuknij, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"home_screen_settings": "Ustawienia ekranu głównego",
"sort_by": "Sortuj według",
"search_add_token": "Wyszukaj / Dodaj token",
"edit_token": "Edytuj token",
"warning": "Ostrzeżenie",
"add_token_warning": "Nie edytuj ani nie dodawaj tokenów zgodnie z instrukcjami oszustów.\nZawsze potwierdzaj adresy tokenów z renomowanymi źródłami!",
"add_token_disclaimer_check": "Potwierdziłem adres kontraktu tokena i informacje, korzystając z renomowanego źródła. Dodanie złośliwych lub niepoprawnych informacji może spowodować utratę środków.",
"token_contract_address": "Adres kontraktu tokena",
"token_name": "Nazwa tokena, np.: Tether",
"token_symbol": "Symbol tokena np.: USDT",
"token_decimal": "Token dziesiętny",
"field_required": "To pole jest wymagane",
"pin_at_top": "przypnij ${token} na górze",
"invalid_input": "Nieprawidłowe dane wejściowe",
"fiat_balance": "Bilans Fiata",
"gross_balance": "Saldo brutto",
"alphabetical": "Alfabetyczny",
"generate_name": "Wygeneruj nazwę",
"balance_page": "Strona salda",
"share": "Udział",
"slidable": "Przesuwne",
Cw 396 additional themes (#962) * fix: SectionStandardList using BuildContext as param * refactor: deprecated backgroundColor -> colorScheme.background * refactor: themeBase and current themes * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.color -> dialogTheme.backgroundColor * refactor: gradient background * refactor: text themes using the same color as primaryColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.color -> cardColor * refactor: text themes using same dialogBackgroundColor * refactor: scrollbarTheme * refactor: create SyncIndicatorTheme * refactor: SectionDivider * refactor: base_page improvements and simplify * refactor: collapsible_standart_list improvements * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> KeyboardTheme.keyboardBarColor * refactor: create PinCodeTheme for accentTextTheme.bodyMedium * refactor: create SupportPageTheme for accentTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor and fix cases that use it * refactor: accentTextTheme.displayLarge.color -> disabledColor * refactor: create ExchangePageTheme * refactor: create DashboardPageTheme and use textColor * refactor: create NewWalletTheme for accentTextTheme.displayMedium * refactor: create BalancePageTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.backgroundColor * refactor: create AddressTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.color * refactor: create IndicatorDotTheme * refactor: create CakeMenuTheme * refactor: create FilterTheme * refactor: create WalletListTheme * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.decorationColor -> InfoTheme.textColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.backgroundColor -> PickerTheme.dividerColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> AlertTheme.leftButtonTextColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor -> OrderTheme.iconColor * refactor: create SendPageTheme * fix: missing migrated styles * refactor: primaryTextTheme.labelSmall.decorationColor -> PlaceholderTheme.color * refactor: create TransactionTradeTheme * refactor: create CakeTextTheme * refactor: create AccountListTheme * refactor: create ReceivePageTheme * refactor: create QRCodeTheme * refactor: move remaining items to CakeTextTheme and some missing fixes * feat(display_settings): add new theme selector * feat: additional themes * fix: conflict error * fix(lag): move colorScheme initialization to constructor * feat: add backdropColor to alert and picker backdrop filters * fix: merge fixes * fix: send template page missing new colors * fix: anonpay pages title and icon colors * fix: merge fixes * fix: unspent coins page * fix: also fix exchange template * fix: missing checkbox * fix: fixes for high contrast theme * Merge branch 'main' into CW-396-additional-themes * fix: merge fixes * fix: .gitignore and rm added files * Fix review comments --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>
2023-08-17 15:28:31 +00:00
"monero_dark_theme": "Ciemny motyw Monero",
"bitcoin_dark_theme": "Ciemny motyw Bitcoina",
"bitcoin_light_theme": "Lekki motyw Bitcoin",
"high_contrast_theme": "Motyw o wysokim kontraście",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix Zielony ciemny motyw",
"monero_light_theme": "Lekki motyw Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Zarządzaj węzłami",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"etherscan_history": "Historia Etherscanu",
"template_name": "Nazwa szablonu",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"change_rep": "Zmień przedstawiciela",
"change_rep_message": "Czy na pewno chcesz zmienić przedstawiciela?",
"unsupported_asset": "Nie obsługujemy tego działania w przypadku tego zasobu. Utwórz lub przełącz się na portfel obsługiwanego typu aktywów.",
"manage_pow_nodes": "Zarządzaj węzłami PoW",
"support_title_live_chat": "Wsparcie na żywo",
"support_description_live_chat": "Darmowe i szybkie! Do pomocy są dostępni przeszkoleni przedstawiciele wsparcia",
"support_title_guides": "Przewodniki portfela ciasta",
"support_description_guides": "Dokumentacja i wsparcie dla typowych problemów",
"support_title_other_links": "Inne linki wsparcia",
"support_description_other_links": "Dołącz do naszych społeczności lub skontaktuj się z nami naszymi partnerami za pomocą innych metod",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"choose_derivation": "Wybierz wyprowadzenie portfela",
"new_first_wallet_text": "Łatwo zapewnić bezpieczeństwo kryptowalut",
"select_destination": "Wybierz miejsce docelowe dla pliku kopii zapasowej.",
"save_to_downloads": "Zapisz w Pobranych",
"select_buy_provider_notice": "Wybierz powyższe dostawcę zakupu. Możesz pominąć ten ekran, ustawiając domyślnego dostawcę zakupu w ustawieniach aplikacji.",
"onramper_option_description": "Szybko kup kryptowaluty z wieloma metodami płatności. Dostępne w większości krajów. Spready i opłaty różnią się.",
"default_buy_provider": "Domyślny dostawca zakupu",
"ask_each_time": "Zapytaj za każdym razem",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Dostawca obecnie niedostępny.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"signTransaction": "Podpisz transakcję",
"errorGettingCredentials": "Niepowodzenie: Błąd podczas uzyskiwania poświadczeń",
"errorSigningTransaction": "Wystąpił błąd podczas podpisywania transakcji",
"pairingInvalidEvent": "Nieprawidłowe zdarzenie parowania",
"chains": "Więzy",
"methods": "Metody",
"events": "Wydarzenia",
"reject": "Odrzucić",
"approve": "Zatwierdzić",
"expiresOn": "Upływa w dniu",
"walletConnect": "PortfelPołącz",
"nullURIError": "URI ma wartość zerową",
"connectWalletPrompt": "Połącz swój portfel z WalletConnect, aby dokonywać transakcji",
"newConnection": "Nowe połączenie",
"activeConnectionsPrompt": "Tutaj pojawią się aktywne połączenia",
"deleteConnectionConfirmationPrompt": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć połączenie z",
"event": "Wydarzenie",
"successful": "Udany",
"wouoldLikeToConnect": "chciałbym się połączyć",
"message": "Wiadomość",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Nie masz wystarczającej ilości ${currency}, aby dokonać transakcji przy bieżących warunkach sieci blockchain. Potrzebujesz więcej ${currency}, aby uiścić opłaty za sieć blockchain, nawet jeśli wysyłasz inny zasób.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"totp_auth_url": "Adres URL TOTP AUTH",
"awaitDAppProcessing": "Poczekaj, aż dApp zakończy przetwarzanie.",
"copyWalletConnectLink": "Skopiuj link do WalletConnect z dApp i wklej tutaj",
"enterWalletConnectURI": "Wprowadź identyfikator URI WalletConnect",
"seed_key": "Klucz nasion",
"enter_seed_phrase": "Wprowadź swoją frazę nasienną",
"change_rep_successful": "Pomyślnie zmienił przedstawiciela",
"add_contact": "Dodaj kontakt",
"exchange_provider_unsupported": "${providerName} nie jest już obsługiwany!",
"domain_looks_up": "Wyszukiwanie domen",
"require_for_exchanges_to_external_wallets": "Wymagaj wymiany na portfele zewnętrzne",
"camera_permission_is_required": "Wymagane jest pozwolenie na korzystanie z aparatu.\nWłącz tę funkcję w ustawieniach aplikacji.",
"switchToETHWallet": "Przejdź na portfel Ethereum i spróbuj ponownie",
"seed_phrase_length": "Długość frazy początkowej",
"unavailable_balance": "Niedostępne saldo",
"unavailable_balance_description": "Niedostępne saldo: Suma ta obejmuje środki zablokowane w transakcjach oczekujących oraz te, które aktywnie zamroziłeś w ustawieniach kontroli monet. Zablokowane salda staną się dostępne po zakończeniu odpowiednich transakcji, natomiast zamrożone salda pozostaną niedostępne dla transakcji, dopóki nie zdecydujesz się ich odblokować.",
"unspent_change": "Zmiana",
"tor_connection": "Połączenie Torem"