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layout: post
title: Logs for the Community Meeting Held on 2019-09-28
summary: Community highlights, CCS updates, Workgroup report, and miscellaneous
tags: [dev diaries, crypto]
author: el00ruobuob / SamsungGalaxyPlayer
# Logs
**\<sgp\_>** Meeting time
**\<sgp\_>** 0. Introduction
**\<sgp\_>** We would like to welcome everyone to this Monero Community Workgroup Meeting!
**\<sgp\_>** Link to agenda on GitHub: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/391
**\<sgp\_>** wait jk
**\<sgp\_>** Link to agenda on GitHub: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/396
**\<sgp\_>** Monero Community meetings are a discussion place for anything going on in the Monero Community, including other Monero workgroups. We use meetings to encourage the community to share ideas and provide support.
**\<sgp\_>** 1. Greetings
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<el00ruobuob>** o/
**\<intj440>** hello
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** hiya
**\<xmrscott[m]>** Sup
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** will be on IRC soon.
**\<darkaleph>** hey everyone
**\<sgp\_>** welcome everyone. thanks for being here!
**\<sgp\_>** 2. Community highlights
**\<sgp\_>** See Monero weekly highlights at https://revuo-monero.com/
**\<sgp\_>** There was an initial "policy & regulation" meeting here earlier this week: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/392
**\<sgp\_>** Head to #monero-compliance to join that initiative
**\<sgp\_>** Of course, the most important news is that 0.15 is expected on October 31, with the scheduled protocol upgrade on November 30. Here are some of the major changes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/d9lbji/what\_are\_some\_of\_the\_major\_notable\_changes\_coming/
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] What are some of the major notable changes coming to Monero this Oct 2019 for v0.15? (self.Monero) | 31 points (80.0%) | 16 comments | Posted by patoshii | Created at 2019-09-26 - 15:38:56
**\<sgp\_>** Release schedule: https://twitter.com/JEhrenhofer/status/1175830009254166534
**\<monerobux>** [ Justin Ehrenhofer on Twitter: "Tentative Monero 0.15 release schedule: Oct 24: code freeze Oct 31: release Nov 30: network upgrade… " ] - twitter.com
**\<sgp\_>** Are there any outstanding questions regarding the upcoming update?
**\<sgp\_>** None? Wow, you people are quite informed
**\<sgp\_>** Please help us contact exchanges. I'll make a Blockfolio notification today, and we should make a Monero-announce mailing list announcement: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/daacw0/reaching\_out\_to\_the\_exchanges\_network\_upgrade\_v015/
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] Reaching out to the exchanges / Network Upgrade / v0.15 (self.Monero) | 26 points (90.0%) | 4 comments | Posted by mishka1984 | Created at 2019-09-28 - 02:37:16
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone have community (non-workgroup) updates to share?
**\<sgp\_>** 3. CCS updates
**\<sgp\_>** Monero Wiki October 2019 (5.2 XMR): https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/merge\_requests/98
**\<sgp\_>** All ideas in funding required have been fully funded.
**\<sgp\_>** Any comments on this new proposal in ideas?
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** hmmm
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** Thoughts on the wiki thing sgp?
**\<sgp\_>** It's a really small amount. I'd like to see a better idea how the funds are rewarded though
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** I'm a little bit skeptical
**\<sgp\_>** Asking for sensible server hosting costs is totally reasonable to me
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** I know asymptomatically is as good as they get
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** but I'm just afraid of the burnout that comes with having to maintain something as..."intensive" as a wiki
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** but hey, he's asking for server costs, so I guess it doesn't matter
**\<sgp\_>** Possibly, but the ability to edit the wiki is much simpler than editing the getmonero website
**\<sgp\_>** especially from a newcomer perspective
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** meh, what the heck? it's not much XMR, and we'll see how it goes
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** I'm for
**\<sgp\_>** Any other comments? I prefer the format and approachability of a wiki compared to the main website
**\<sgp\_>** 4. Workgroup report
**\<sgp\_>** a. Daemon/CLI workgroup
**\<sgp\_>** RandomX was merged, and all hands are on preparing for release at this point.
**\<sgp\_>** There were a few instabilities on testnet that are being ironed out, hence the slightly later than expected network upgrade (hardfork) date
**\<sgp\_>** b. Localization workgroup
**\<sgp\_>** ErCiccione has a new translation platform at translate.getmonero.org.
**\<sgp\_>** Join #monero-translations to help out
**\<sgp\_>** c. GUI workgroup
**\<sgp\_>** i2p support is finally anticipated in the GUI for 0.15! It may also include the ability to send funds to multiple addresses in one transaction (feature available in the CLI), but this is lower priority.
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** I2P is for this update? woof
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** when did vtnerd say this?
**\<sgp\_>** As of a few minutes ago, pigeons set up an i2p Monero node for testing that "seeds" peers to other monero clients. So that's coming along nicely :)
**\<sgp\_>** That was the main holdup afaict
**\<dEBRUYNE>** and we should make a Monero-announce mailing list announcement \<= I will have that ready tomorrow
**\<dEBRUYNE>** ErCiccione[m] will put it on the site as announcement too
**\<sgp\_>** Tor support probably won't make it
**\<sgp\_>** But most users will see larger practical benefits from i2p anyway
**\<sgp\_>** d. Monero Research Lab
**\<sgp\_>** Sarang and Surae have focused their attention on CLSAG, Omniring, Lelantus, RingCT 3.0, and matching. A new RingCT 3.0 preprint is out with large changes.
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** sad on the Tor, but it's good for I2P{
**\<sgp\_>** You can always view their logs in the meta repo
**\<sarang>** Yes, I've been focusing on sublinear protocols mostly
**\<sgp\_>** Any questions on Monero workgroups? We are speeding through this meeting
**\<sgp\_>** 5. Open ideas time
**\<sgp\_>** It’s open ideas time! Feel free to propose your ideas to this discussion group, and feel free to comment on others’ ideas. If you disagree with the idea, please reply with constructive criticism. Thank you!
**\<xmrscott[m]>** Just a comment that I don't think technically translate.getmonero.org has been released to the masses, so keep it on the downlow
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** I have something to discuss.
**\<kinghat>** \*hands torch to rehrar\*
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** This is a semi-serious idea. Similar to the testing of the minecraft server for people to play on
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** what are some things the community might be interested in doing, that's online?
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** together, I mean
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** online board game, book club, debates, discussions?
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** maybe the answer is nothing
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** but it'd be cool to have a few different things going, and having a vibrant "community space"
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** that's not just Monero-centric
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** different people want different levels of engagement. I'm sure there's some people that don't care to be involved in a "Monero community" in anything past Monero related matters
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** but others might feel differently. Just wanted to ask in this meeting what people might think
**\<sgp\_>** I'm not going to directly answer your question, but I can speak to the importance of something like this
**\<sgp\_>** For university student groups, they strongly encouraged us to have someone who role was to focus on promoting group "culture." Bonding, doing fun things, etc
**\<sgp\_>** Maybe it would be worth making a long list of ideas people would be interested in doing and seeing who wants to do these?
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** if engagement in this meeting is anything to go by..... :P
**\<xmrscott[m]>** Yeah, probably best done offline
**\<xmrscott[m]>** Make a reddit post etc, a select few can only be so representive of a community
**\<xmrscott[m]>** \*select few in a meeting
**\<sgp\_>** It seems like people are busy doing other stuff today. Make a reddit post and hopefully it will help encourage engagement
**\<sgp\_>** Unless there are other comments, I can end the meeting early
**\<sgp\_>** 6. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<rehrar>** kthanksbai
**\<sgp\_>** The next community meeting will be in 2 weeks on 12 October at 17:00 UTC. The next Coffee Chat will be on 19 October at 16:00 UTC.
**\<sgp\_>** 7. Conclusion
**\<sgp\_>** That’s all! Thanks for attending this Monero Community meeting, and we hope to see you on r/MoneroCommunity and #monero-community. Take care, and know that change starts with YOU.