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post Overview and Logs for the Dev Meeting Held on 2016-10-02 Review and discussion of Open PRs, brief update on Ring CT, the official GUI, and Trezor for Monero
dev diaries
dEBRUYNE / fluffypony

October 2nd, 2016


An overview can be found on Hello Monero


<fluffypony> Hi all <fluffypony> starting meeting bot <moneromooo> I'm none of them. <dEBRUYNE> I am here <fluffypony> moneromooo: I know you're here :) <fluffypony> ok meeting bot is up <dnaleor> watching <fluffypony> so <meeting-bot> [anonimal] #kovri-dev too? <fluffypony> kovri-dev is roped in too <othe> k <meeting-bot> [i2p-relay] {-moneromooo} o <fluffypony> this is our first post-0.10.0 meeting <fluffypony> the 0.10.0 release went fairly smoothly <fluffypony> apart from the boost oddities <fluffypony> on the Boost serialisation stuff <fluffypony> it's not really feasible to do a point release just for that just yet - in a few weeks I'll have local build infrastructure that will make releases a lot easier on me <fluffypony> since I can secure local machines far more easily than Internet-facing machines at a DC <fluffypony> in the interim, if anyone is struggling with it the easiest thing for them to do is recover their wallet from the seed / keys <moneromooo> And keep the old cache if they have tx keys they want to keep. <fluffypony> ^^ <fluffypony> I'd also like to welcome all the new contributors <fluffypony> even if it's just correcting a spelling error, all contributions are valuable <fluffypony> and very much appreciated <fluffypony> one thing I would like to encourage with the new contributors is to submit your GPG key via PR <fluffypony> and side-channel it to myself or moneromooo or someone so we can independently verify the correct key goes in <fluffypony> they live in utils/gpg_keys/ <meeting-bot> [anonimal] and if moneromooo says "ok" in your PR, that's a GOOD thing! <fluffypony> and then once you've done that you can GPG sign your commits with -S <fluffypony> eg. git commit -S -am "meaningful commit message" <moneromooo> Only if it's at the start. <patthehuman> Is there anything that needs to be made for iOS <fluffypony> lol anonimal <fluffypony> patthehuman: it's an open-source project, so if you want to build something for iOS then please do <fluffypony> no need to ask permission or anyway <fluffypony> I'd be interested to see if we could package a full node for iOS (without the wallet, lest it get removed from the app store) <patthehuman> sure, i guess i'm wondering more along the lines of what needs to be built <patthehuman> can you outline how that would work? <fluffypony> and then an old iPhone or iPod Touch would work as a full node on wifi <fluffypony> well we have native ARMv8 builds <fluffypony> and interacting with the daemon over RPC isn't hard <ArticMine> Why not just go with Cydia on jailbroken iOS? <fluffypony> but I have no idea if an iOS app would let you arbitrarily launch a process <endogenic> ArticMine: too few jailbreak their devices, no? <fluffypony> ArticMine: absolutely - would be nice to be able to launch it as an app tho <patthehuman> generally apps get removed from the app store if they are simple "remotes" <endogenic> fluffypony: iOS does not allow you to spawn processes... no NSTask etc equivalent <fluffypony> ah <TedTheFicus> ArcticMine: I think Cydia is a good plan B. Not many non tech people are going to have jail broken phones <patthehuman> right, they have a list of closed API's that will get you banned <fluffypony> does Objective-C let you also run native C / C++ code? <endogenic> fluffypony: yep as long as you can compile for an ARM target <endogenic> compile it* <MK__> ArticMine : A good idea and a lot of IOS devices have Jailbreak , Remember that XMR are used in the DNM as well <fluffypony> yeah we have ARMv8 support across the board <endogenic> Objective-C is a strict superset of C, so any C is good, and C++ can be compiled too <ArticMine> Net applications Android 69.18% IOS 25.02% market share <fluffypony> anyway we're getting side-tracked a little - patthehuman feel free to play around with it, if you feel like it <patthehuman> sure <fluffypony> so <fluffypony> ringCT is live in testnet, and more testing would be appreciated <fluffypony> mWo12's testnet block explorer is helpful <fluffypony> but performance testing is also immensely useful <fluffypony> see what cracks under pressure <fluffypony> we have a short window until the January hard fork, so we need to hammer testnet as much as possible <trustedsetup> is there a testnet faucet somewhere? or is mining or irc begging for testnet xmr recommended? <fluffypony> just ask me and I'll send testnet XMR your way <patthehuman> are there any automation processes that can hammer on testnet? <patthehuman> i have access to a lot of r510 servers that i could potentially mirror some script to hammer on it <fluffypony> patthehuman: you could pretty much just write a bash script to send to yourself once a second <fluffypony> and cycle it that way <patthehuman> cool <fluffypony> and then see how your testnet node(s) handle catch ups, and if they keep up with testnet when blocks are bigger <fluffypony> we also have our new buildbots ticking along nicely <fluffypony> so we'll be killing off Travis at some point in the coming weeks <fluffypony> build bot output has been relegated to #monero-bots <fluffypony> and that channel is relayed to irc2p <meeting-bot> [anonimal] Thanks pigeons <meeting-bot> [anonimal] monero-build.i2p is also online <fluffypony> yeah pigeons has done great work <fluffypony> at the moment we're building for a ton of platforms <fluffypony> including macOS 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 <fluffypony> so we should pick up PRs that break compilation more rapidly <fluffypony> how we handle testing is a bit harder <fluffypony> especially since some of the tests take several hours to run <fluffypony> my current leaning is towards nightly builds + tests <fluffypony> (of master) <fluffypony> that way we'll catch tests that are broken by any merged PRs <moneromooo> Daily core_tests would be useful. <fluffypony> performance_tests would also be useful <fluffypony> that way we can track anything that has a huge impact on performance <moneromooo> As long as the outcome can be seen without too many hoops (ie, javacrsipt) <fluffypony> moneromooo: we'll probably just grab the output, parse it, and shove it in a database <fluffypony> then we can create a profiler for the site without too many issues <fluffypony> on the PR side <fluffypony> has anyone looked at 1082? <patthehuman> no my apologies for being new but can you elaborate on what 1082 is <fluffypony> or actually moneromooo: can you give everyone a brief overview of what 1082 does <fluffypony> oh sorry patthehuman - PR = pull request <fluffypony> so PR 1082 = <patthehuman> yeah im familiar with PR's (worst part of my work day lol) <moneromooo> Ah, as the comment says, really. <moneromooo> It just tries to avoid the case where someone sends money just after receiving it. <moneromooo> That's a common enough case. <fluffypony> "25% of the outputs are selected from the last 5 days (if possible), in order to avoid the common case of sending recently received outputs again. 25% and 5 days are subject to review later, since it's just a wallet level change." <trustedsetup> where did the 25% come from? 25% seems somewhat arbitrary. did MRL have input on this number? <moneromooo> They're aribtrary. <fluffypony> trustedsetup: the MRL is of the opinion that we're never going to find a "perfect" distribution, and that distribution should be re-evaluated regularly <luigi1112> Will look at it <fluffypony> 25% would only be a single output at minimum mixin <trustedsetup> ok thanks <moneromooo> It's actually 25%, except if that gives 0, in which case it uses 1. <fluffypony> moneromooo: and it's 25% including the "real" output, right? <moneromooo> Yes. <moneromooo> See line 2744 in wallet2.cpp <fluffypony> kk <fluffypony> as to the other open PRs <fluffypony> most of them are not merged yet due to their being unreviewed <fluffypony> I try give PRs a little while before reviewing them myself, otherwise I end up being the only reviewer, which is bad for security obvs <fluffypony> bear in mind that a review is not in-depth line-by-line analysis <patthehuman> pr is just a quick overview <moneromooo> I'd hope the review does look at all lines. <fluffypony> yup <fluffypony> it's a sanity check, and a check for obvious screw-ups, and a check for snuck-in backdoors <fluffypony> moneromooo: the key there was in-depth, not line-by-line ;) <moneromooo> OK, that's fine. <fluffypony> medusa_: are you around? <fluffypony> ok in the absence of medusa_ being around, dEBRUYNE have you been following Ilya's progress on medusa_'s issues? <dEBRUYNE> Yeah, he has fixed all issues opened by medusa_ as far as I know <fluffypony> ok great <medusa_> yes im here <dEBRUYNE> Except -> <dEBRUYNE> but that's more of a feature, which should be implemented later <fluffypony> oh cool - medusa_ how are you finding it now that most of the issues have been fixed? <dEBRUYNE> could* <TedTheFicus> MK_ + Others who are wondering, the monero-core project that is being discussed now is the GUI <medusa_> i think we need more feedback regarding the performance difference between gui wallet creation time and CLI wallet creation time <medusa_> and i dont know of any major bugs that would be dangerous <fluffypony> medusa_: there's a PR that's supposed to fix that <fluffypony> I haven't merged it yet, but it's gone through review <dEBRUYNE> Ilya merged jacquee's PR as well <dEBRUYNE> he noticed a significant improvement <medusa_> so my opinion is merge all to monero-core project master, test there again and if its good we build the bins <dEBRUYNE> ^ +1 <dEBRUYNE> Beta binaries will also bring more testers, who possibly could notice something we might have overlooked <fluffypony> ok <TedTheFicus> Im down to test once the Betas are out <fluffypony> we'll need a point release of 0.10 to go with it <fluffypony> so we should at least get through the current group of pending PRs before we do that <medusa_> but we must communicate its for testing, since the seed is nowhere displayed after creation we dont want people to lose money <moneromooo> It creates a keys file, right ? <fluffypony> medusa_: well that's a pretty big issue :-P <medusa_> yes <fluffypony> ah ok <fluffypony> so monero-wallet-cli could be shipped with it for recovery <TedTheFicus> Good idea <moneromooo> Well, you do need the daemon anyway, don't you. <medusa_> yes <dEBRUYNE> <fluffypony> so monero-wallet-cli could be shipped with it for recovery <= It's able to recover seeds <dEBRUYNE> It's just that only in the wizard the seed is shown once <dEBRUYNE> oh wait, you mean restore with the .keys file? <fluffypony> yes I meant recovery as in "recover my seed from the .keys file" <ArticMine> Recovery from seed is the issue with the GUI? <dEBRUYNE> ah gotcha <dEBRUYNE> No ArticMine, there isn't a window yet to see your seed <dEBRUYNE> after the initial wizard <fluffypony> ArticMine: no - it just doesn't display the seed again after the wizard <fluffypony> and given how many MyMonero support emails I get where people didn't write down their seed... <dEBRUYNE> Should be fairly trivial to add though <fluffypony> ok so that's about it from my side - tewinget isn't around to give us a 0MQ update <fluffypony> hyc I don't think has started tinkering with the walletDB stuff <fluffypony> also the forum - I know, I'm working on it, moved all broken deps into monero-project repos to better manage them and am fixing the last few niggly issues <dEBRUYNE> fluffypony: re: GUI, preferably we would have a tab that displays viewkey/seed/spendkey, the tab could be named Private Keys or something, with a big fat warning label :P <dEBRUYNE> Like I said, should be fairly trivial to add <fluffypony> dEBRUYNE: good idea - open an issue for it and let Ilya do it asap :) <fluffypony> ok so we have 7 minutes before the Kovri meeting, any other things to discuss? <dEBRUYNE> fluffypony: will do <dEBRUYNE> NoodleDoodle isn't here right? <moneromooo> Who wants to volunteer to review some patches from time to time ? :) <dEBRUYNE> moneromooo: Similiarly, would you be able to glance over / review the trezor XMR code? <moneromooo> Where is it ? <fluffypony> on NoodleDoodle's computer <dEBRUYNE> <dEBRUYNE> ^ moneromooo <dEBRUYNE> he has some commits in his monero repository and in trezor-xmr <fluffypony> :-P <i2p-relay> {-anonimal} moneromooo: I review many of them but I don't spend enough time with the codebase to ack/nack <moneromooo> anonimal, thanks :) <moneromooo> dEBRUYNE: Do you know which one of the three repos is the right one ? <moneromooo> xmr, common, mcu. xmr seems likely to be one at least. <dEBRUYNE> oh trezor-xmr <dEBRUYNE> and monero <dEBRUYNE> So his commits here -> <moneromooo> OK, I'll keep that in mind then. <dEBRUYNE> & here -> <medusa_> i can not review the code, but i can test specific pull requests if you guys explain me what you changed <dEBRUYNE> trezor-mcu / trezor-common has no commits from NoodleDoodle moneromooo <moneromooo> medusa_: 1082 and 1121 could do with some testing if you feel like it. <moneromooo> And 1140 :) <moneromooo> 1082 changes the way fake outs are selected <cryptotekk> wow in this pace i see GUI by tonight lol <moneromooo> 1121 replaces the sweep_unmixable code to be more stable and, well, better <moneromooo> 1141 adds cold wallet signing <medusa_> oh i can test 1141 <medusa_> i still have the setip from the --offline thing <moneromooo> 1140, sorry. Off by one... <fluffypony> oh no off by one bug! <medusa_> will have a look, thanks <moneromooo> Mac, Linux, and Plan9. <cryptotekk> android please <liberte> lol <fluffypony> hokay <fluffypony> that's the end of that