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layout: post
title: Logs for the Community Meeting Held on 2017-10-14
summary: Community highlights, Forum Funding System updates, Monero Coffee Chat debrief, Monero meetups & meetup kit, open ideas time, and miscellaneous
tags: [dev diaries]
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
# Logs
**\<sgp>** 1. Greetings
**\<ErCiccione>** hi!
**\<cryptochangement>** hey everyone!
**\<parasew[m]>** hey all! (travelling, so only online for 10more minutes!)
**\<nevvton>** Hi all
**\<sgp>** 2. Community highlights
**\<sgp>** For a great weekly summary, please read the Monero Observer: http://monero-observer.com/
**\<sgp>** I think we will just refer to the Observer from now on, since it covers this section nicely. Make sure to contribute to the FFS https://forum.getmonero.org/8/funding-required/88453/monero-observer-weekly-recap-for-all-things-monero-weekly-newsletter
**\<ArticMine>** hi
**\<rehrar>** Yo yo
**\<sgp>** In addition to the Observer, amiuhle’s FFS for Kasisto development is in funding required: https://forum.getmonero.org/8/funding-required/88633/amiuhle-part-time-november-december-kasisto-development-monero-developer-documentation
**\<sgp>** 3. FFS updates
**\<serhack>** Oh community meeting! Hi everyone
**\<sgp>** (the part about Kasisto was supposed to be under item 3)
**\<rupee>** o/
**\<rehrar>** It's a bit of a shame. The Monero community just funded tons of stuff before these two FFS's, so I think everyone's a little 'gived out'
**\<sgp>** Welcome everyone making their way in
**\<serhack>** Thanks sgp
**\<sgp>** Yeah, there was a huge push a few weeks ago and things are quieter now
**\<sgp>** 4. Monero Coffee Chat debrief
**\<sgp>** Last Saturday, we hosted the first Monero Coffee Chat. I want to speak for a few minutes about how it went.
**\<sgp>** You can see the GitHub issue here: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/123
**\<sgp>** You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcKgnjqSXpA
**\<monerobux>** [ Monero Coffee Chat - 2017.10.07 - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com
**\<sgp>** The livestreaming did not work as expected. We used Jitsi instead of Hangouts to address several privacy concerns. Jitsi is open-source and has many of the same features as Hangouts, except for some reason I could not get the livestreaming function to work properly the day of the event.
**\<sgp>** (before I continue, let's have serhack and msvb-lab talk about their progress if they want)
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp: Thanks, we've made some progress on RFC-HWALLET-1.
**\<msvb-lab>** Some news about that on the Taga site:
**\<msvb-lab>** https://taiga.getmonero.org/project/michael-rfc-hwallet-1-implementation/
**\<msvb-lab>** First batch of boards is back from the printer and ready for assembly.
**\<msvb-lab>** And I'm writing the terms of the first device preview programme right now.
**\<sgp>** Sweet looks awesome! https://taiga.getmonero.org/media/attachments/3/c/c/e/942f59f32ca35f050c2bc8827405a48f991b2ee1bde275fc7bdfaecaa76a/rfchwalnulbrd-1.png
**\<msvb-lab>** Anyone interested in that should keep an eye on the project page and probably sign up as a Taiga user.
**\<serhack>** Hello guys, a little update by me. I have some news: whmcs estension released. We (I and cryptochangements) started Magento and OpenCart Extensions. I have tried to develop a custom manual payment gateway for shopify. Thanks everyone. My project is avaiable on Taiga too.
**\<sgp>** Thanks for using Tagia so people can stay updated on the progress
**\<msvb-lab>** We unfortunately still don't have a Github repository, but it will be called 'Sekura'.
**\<serhack>** msvb: Can I share that photo?
**\<cryptochangement>** sgp i would also like to say a quick word about magento if thats ok
**\<msvb-lab>** serhack: Yes, share anything at all.
**\<serhack>** I think you can cryptochangements
**\<vP11>** nice progress, I'll keep an eye on these projects :)
**\<msvb-lab>** Whoever has access to the taiga server config, please contact me to work out a problem sending email to the admins (me and Ivan.)
**\<msvb-lab>** That's all, any questions about a future Monero hardware wallet?
**\<sgp>** @cryptochangement feel free
**\<nevvton>** good work!! Platine looks great
**\<sgp>** @msvb-lab not really, though I'm excited :)
**\<msvb-lab>** serhack: I sent you a 'email to the project admins' on your taiga site, in order to become a tester for your project. Did you get the email?
**\<msvb-lab>** I suspect that the Taiga email system is not working.
**\<cryptochangement>** okay cool
**\<serhack>** No, I didnt
**\<serhack>** We should report that to rehrar
**\<msvb-lab>** Anyone know who's administrating Taiga?
**\<msvb-lab>** Rehrar yes?
**\<msvb-lab>** Cool.
**\<ErCiccione>** msvb-lab: it's not, i had problem recovering my email, hopefully rehrar can fix it soon
**\<msvb-lab>** So just this invitation to anyone interested in the hardware wallet:
**\<msvb-lab>** Please become a Taiga user, and request being on the RFC-HWALLET-1 project through non email means, like IRC.
**\<msvb-lab>** ...until the email problem is solved.
**\<msvb-lab>** Me or another admin will then add you manually, okay?
**\<rehrar>** pigeons1[m]: you around?
**\<parasew[m]>** just briefly (on plane now) we (riat) are organising a monero-month in december in vienna, including a larger monero-meetup around 13th-17th dec. nevvton will explain more. plan is also to prepare for the ccc monero-assembly in leipzig (which is confirmed!).
**\<rehrar>** He handles server-side stuff for the Mattermost and Taiga. :)
**\<serhack>** Cool msvb
**\<sgp>** @parasew I have a section later for nevvton to speak a bit about this
**\<nevvton>** yes.. I will wait for that!! stay tuned
**\<msvb-lab>** https://getmonero.org/community/events/
**\<sgp>** @msvb-lab we can talk about how that page needs to be updated later in the meeting
**\<sgp>** because it definitely does
**\<vP11>** msvb-lab, I don't think this page receives a lot of updates
**\<vP11>** yeah
**\<serhack>** That page doesnt receives any update
**\<sgp>** @cryptochangement want to talk about Magneto briefly?
**\<rehrar>** There is an update waiting to be merged
**\<cryptochangement>** yes, give me a second to type it all out ;)
**\<rehrar>** and it has an update to that page
**\<rehrar>** but the merging process for the website is taking quite some time
**\<rehrar>** besides ArticMine the people on Core have been quiet lately
**\<rehrar>** It doesn't matter how often PRs are sent for updating pages if they don't get merged and put up on the site. fluffypony is on vacation, I know, and he will be getting back very soon, so hopefully things will pick up a bit.
**\<cryptochangement>** okay so to give a quick update on magento: Right now the github repo hasnt seen activity in a while (sorry for keeping you guys in the dark) but i should be pushing loads of commits to the repo this weekend and ill probably make a reddit update about it (since i wasnt able to get everything done before this meeting) about it being functional as a "demo". Right now there are only
**\<cryptochangement>** 2 "mechanical" pieces that still need to be finished "behind the scenes" before it is *really* ready but the big eye-sore is the gateway design. Right now it is pretty bland (basically the payment box and a white background), so ill probably be looking to reddit for some design inspiration.
**\<serhack>** Cryptochangements: we should start to think about a New design for Monero Payment Box
**\<sgp>** We have a growing number of people in the community who are good at design. The Monera made our student group's latest Meetup poster, for instance
**\<serhack>** @krokbaltsar is a good designer :)
**\<cryptochangement>** yeah, the Monera is amazing with that kind of thing
**\<sgp>** @crytpochangement anything else you would like to add, or should we expect a Reddit update soon?
**\<vP11>** Indeed, we have a couple of good artists out there who would gladly help you. did you post it on reddit already?
**\<cryptochangement>** nothing else right now, ill update reddit once everything is pushed to github
**\<sgp>** Cool. Thanks for sharing
**\<cryptochangement>** ;)
**\<themonera>** Hi, TheMonera here... I'd be happy to help !
**\<sgp>** :)
**\<serhack>** Hello @themonera
**\<sgp>** I'm going to move back to the Coffee Chat discussion for time
**\<serhack>** cryptochangements: I wrote you on Telegram
**\<cryptochangement>** awesome! is it cool if i PM you on reddit? (or IRC if that works for you)?
**\<nevvton>** in case of additional help for designs I could also contribute..
**\<serhack>** Great, there are a Lot of designers
**\<sgp>** Last Saturday, we hosted the first Monero Coffee Chat. I want to speak for a few minutes about how it went.
**\<sgp>** You can see the GitHub issue here: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/123
**\<sgp>** You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcKgnjqSXpA
**\<monerobux>** [ Monero Coffee Chat - 2017.10.07 - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com
**\<sgp>** The livestreaming did not work as expected. We used Jitsi instead of Hangouts to address several privacy concerns. Jitsi is open-source and has many of the same features as Hangouts, except for some reason I could not get the livestreaming function to work properly the day of the event.
**\<sgp>** I had previously tested it earlier with just two members and it worked.
**\<sgp>** In desperation, I quickly set up OBS with the default settings and did a very simple screen-capture. Apparently, the default quality is around 720p, and I should have tweaked with the audio settings more if I had more time. Nevertheless, we have a recording of the event, which in my opinion is better than no recording.
**\<sgp>** I have continued tweaking the OBS settings so we should have much better quality next time.
**\<sgp>** We simply invited those who wanted to watch to the Jitsi room at the time, which worked fine for this meeting, but I have concerns for the future. There is no way to permanently mute people (they can unmute), and there is no way to ban people. They can just rejoin. I’m afraid that someone down the line will ruin this for everyone.
**\<sgp>** Thus, I will continue working to find a way to reliably livestream the event to YouTube. People can comment there without disrupting the conversation.
**\<sgp>** I would like to thank those who participated in the first event. Endogenic, erciccione, violentlypeaceful, john\_alan, rehrar, ArticMine, and others I may have forgotten. If you would like to be involved in the next one, please message me and I will keep you in mind.
**\<sgp>** The next Monero Coffee Chat is tentatively on 4 November https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/127
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp: Anyway to download the coffee chat so we don't have to use Youtube?
**\<sgp>** Yeah, I can send you the file if you want
**\<sgp>** PM me with what medium you prefer
**\<sgp>** Now I invite anyone who would like to speak about the event. Did everyone enjoy it? Is there anything we should do differently?
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp: Send a video file via email? You mean post it somewhere and send the link right?
**\<sgp>** @msvb-lab it won't fit as an attachment, but I can upload it somewhere else if you want
**\<sgp>** Does anyone have any thoughts about the event itself?
**\<ErCiccione>** was very nice and i think has a great potential. as sgp said, it need some technical adjustment, but beside that, was very enjoyable. looking forward for the next one
**\<serhack>** Great Erciccione, I am good at developing but I am not good at speaking english
**\<serhack>** Make italian community great (again?)
**\<nevvton>** :)
**\<sgp>** Well if anyone has any feedback, please let me know. I'm happy to make changes
**\<sgp>** 5. Monero meetups
**\<ErCiccione>** hehehe @serhack, if we can find an easy way i will be happy to translate for you if you wish. My spoken english is not great but hey..:D
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp: There are a couple events coming up (as we may talk about later) and it's common to have live coffee chat like sessions on site. Do you think we should try that?
**\<sgp>** There's an increasing chance every day that there's a Monero community near you.
**\<sgp>** @msvb-lab good idea, we can coordinate that with the event organizers
**\<sgp>** My group Crypto@UMN is hosting a Monero meetup on 20 October in Minneapolis. This event is open to students and the wider community. Free food and drinks will be provided. More details here: https://gopherlink.umn.edu/event/1581653
**\<sgp>** A stream of Justin Smith’s talk at Bitcoin Munich should be posted shortly, according to the event organizers. Here are some photos: https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/8/4/2/b/highres_465273835.jpeg https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/8/4/2/e/highres_465273838.jpeg
**\<sgp>** RIAT in Vienna would like to discuss some exciting updates for December. I just got an email from them about an hour ago with lots of exciting stuff!
**\<sgp>** \^nevvton
**\<nevvton>** hi everyone!!
**\<nevvton>** so yeah.. as Matthias introduced me, I am part of riat in Vienna...
**\<nevvton>** for those who haven't heard of me, I am working on research topics along with the institute and together with parasew organise all kinds of community meetups
**\<nevvton>** for which monero is one of them..
**\<nevvton>** so for our current wrap up, as we have been closely working with
**\<nevvton>** we are getting closer to finishing up our this years attendance at 34C3 - CCC event in leipzig
**\<nevvton>** so a lot of community talk to mainly their organisers took place and things went quiet well sofa, as one unofficially can announce that it seems to be happening!!
**\<msvb-lab>** In case anyone is interested in the 34C3 event, the first round of tickets go on sale 19 October.
**\<nevvton>** with regard to the CCC we worked out - as an extension to the former "crypto table" more generell version (see CCC assemblies for more detail) -- to put it in a more broader sense..
**\<sgp>** info about the 34c3 https://www.ccc.de/en/updates/2017/34C3-in-leipzig
**\<nevvton>** so we aim for a general crypto "atmosphere" which will host kind of like in a relaxed - dedicated area monero community members as well as (for now) bitcoin assembly as well..
**\<nevvton>** the thing about CCC is, that their organisers are very politically active and thus concerned about crypto-currencies in general. for which it needs some sensible ways and communication for them to accept direct
**\<nevvton>** community efforts and support these kind of ideas
**\<nevvton>** -- but as we've been getting a hold of two of their old time initiators explaining the concept and that -- as along with the community efforts monero as a movement -- community will be representing and discussing latest efforts in the whole ecosphere of crypto related concepts.. bringing everyonee together
**\<nevvton>** they found an interest (not feeling instrumntalized in that sense) as- many companies are applying -- and it is hard for them to distinguish
**\<nevvton>** so -- things are evolving.. parasew at some later stage will inform you a bit more about the actual things that we can make use of at the conference.
**\<nevvton>** but so far as I am informed. we will be given a dedicated space, also a lot of fun is pre-programmed, as we have friendly people involved in Leipzig (this years CCC location), Germany - who will help and contribute the whole thing
**\<nevvton>** -- but so far , it seems there will be a crypto track, where a couple of interesting topics can be covered from our community on stage, of course we can do workshops, etc
**\<nevvton>** in means of accommodation, we are already trying to organise spaces so that we will be accommodated as well as have a separate location for a party of ourselves if needed..
**\<nevvton>** -- second thing is actually prior to the CCC
**\<nevvton>** so as RIAT has been hosting various meet ups, even samsunggalaxyplayer held one of his famous :) meet ups in our space in vienna
**\<nevvton>** -- we are planning a monero month in september
**\<sgp>** :p
**\<nevvton>** -- so a bit of a historic brief.
**\<msvb-lab>** Whoever doesn't know what the *** this is about, CCC events are generally quite cool, like Defcon. The 34C3 is their yearly congress attracting about 10-15k folks (kids too) and takes place between the end of year holidays.
**\<nevvton>** http:/www.riat.at for those interested to read
**\<msvb-lab>** nevvton: I think you mean to write 'we are planning a monero month in December' right?
**\<nevvton>** we are running a research residency - where Riat invites various crypto related people to come to Vienna in order to have lectures,
**\<nevvton>** -- yes! sryy
**\<nevvton>** ... research residency - where people are invited along with all different kind of in depth technologies, so --\> research that work on the very heart of technology.
**\<nevvton>** we also care for accommodation at that time.. and parasew and I had in mind for a long time , as we're both very much in love with monero
**\<nevvton>** to turn the month of December into a focus month for monero..
**\<nevvton>** wrapping up things that all of us took efforts upon, discuss future (upcoming) trends etc.. as to say we would like people to come to vienna
**\<nevvton>** and turn it into a session, from 13th to 17th - with talks, lectures, workshops...
**\<serhack>** We should do something in christmas
**\<serhack>** For Monero
**\<rehrar>** secret santa
**\<sgp>** I'm glad to hear Monero will be well-represented at the 34C3. Feel free to ask at any time for what you need, even outside meeting time.
**\<nevvton>** generally also this time could be used In order to prepare CCC related topics .. so it might be a good opportunity to stop by in advance
**\<serhack>** Serhack is thinking
**\<nevvton>** thank you
**\<nevvton>** so in case of any questions with that regards.. we are very much open to any hints and help.. along with that...
**\<nevvton>** (puh' my fingers..)
**\<msvb-lab>** nevvton: Some folks travelling from far need a lot of time before the 13-17 meeting to decide.
**\<nevvton>** generally -- just for more adequate info -- of course we can help finding a cheap fare to host people here.. (we have some community run beds) so -- in order to not have expenses explode..
**\<msvb-lab>** Maybe we should already promote the 'Monero December' meeting(s) on events.getmonero.org or whatever that page is.
**\<nevvton>** yes..
**\<nevvton>** thats what parasew also encouraged.. would be great to have an update on the event site
**\<msvb-lab>** I'm already planning on being there and will buy my train ticket once December comes online at the ticket office.
**\<msvb-lab>** 13-17 that is...
**\<nevvton>** -- also in means of graphics for CCC : I am already working on it..
**\<cryptochangement>** isnt there an events page on getmonero that could use some love anyways?
**\<rehrar>** scroll up
**\<nevvton>** if anyone would want to get earlier in December or stay longer (for instance until CCC) it is also possible...
**\<msvb-lab>** nevvton: Write a bug on the Github monero-project/monero-site bug tracker to insert the text you want, like describing how to get there and so on.
**\<nevvton>** okay.. thats a great idea!!
**\<msvb-lab>** Then we can see about doing a coffee table chat live on site and stuff like that...
**\<nevvton>** yes
**\<sgp>** @nevvton this all sounds great, and we will be happy to work with you to make these efforts a success
**\<nevvton>** thank you.. me and parasew will get back to you with some more detailed infos as soon as everythign is more settled..
**\<sgp>** I'm going to spend the last few minutes covering the last meeting item, but of course feel free to continue discussions after the meeting
**\<nevvton>** (next week or so)
**\<sgp>** This is all very exciting. Thanks for your efforts
**\<sgp>** Last item: 6. Monero Meetup Kit
**\<sgp>** Just a brief update. Though my FFS has not yet moved on, I have recently purchased all the materials for the Monero Meetup Kit https://forum.getmonero.org/6/ideas/88374/monero-meetup-kit
**\<sgp>** Each kit will include 100 Monero logo stickers, 50 webcam covers with the Monero logo, about 2 each of various other community-designed stickers, 50 flyers, and $20 in activity paper wallets.
**\<sgp>** The webcam covers are the most expensive part of the kit, but I think they are worth the cost. Here is how they will look: https://i.imgur.com/zu0rDE2.png
**\<sgp>** I will create an application for groups who would like a free kit. Expect this around the end of this month, when the webcam covers come in. To simplify things, I prefer to only ship in the US. I can do something later if this is a success
**\<ErCiccione>** very nice!
**\<cryptochangement>** personally i love the idea of monero webcam covers. it really highlights that monero is about PRIVACY
**\<sgp>** Jumping to #8 so we can let people on a tight schedule go:
**\<sgp>** 8. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<sgp>** The next meeting will two weeks from today on 28 October at 17:00 UTC. It will be the Saturday before the dev meetings. This meeting time seems to work out for most people.
**\<cryptochangement>** same as always :p
**\<sgp>** So that's it for the formal meeting everyone. Thanks for all the updates and discussions!
**\<sgp>** Back to #7: open ideas time
**\<sgp>** For those who still have things to discuss
**\<ErCiccione>** i have one idea
**\<sgp>** go ahead
**\<ErCiccione>** it started again the 'hacktoberfest'. This project aim to get people to contribute to open source projects in the month of October.
**\<ErCiccione>** more info:https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/
**\<ErCiccione>** Basically it's enough to put the label 'hacktoberfest' to issues in github, and they will be listed on the website, where developers from all over the world can see them and contribute.
**\<ErCiccione>** This can be very useful for monero, especially for easy/not important issues that might catch somebody's interest. It's enough to put the label on some issues and we might see some developers working on it.Is this interesting? should we propose it to our developers?
**\<sgp>** I will have to take a look at this
**\<sgp>** We should take advantage of it if we can
**\<cryptochangement>** more devs getting involved is always good
**\<msvb-lab>** Isn't it a bit too late? Very good idea though.
**\<sgp>** @nevvton I cannot come in person between the 13-17 because of finals, but I may be able to come after Christmas, or I can speak over videoconference between the 13-17
**\<nevvton>** yes.. we definatley are open to video streams during that time..
**\<nevvton>** also after Christmas you're very much invited to come over..
**\<ErCiccione>** yes, i'm talking about it here because i find it out yesterday and seems very cool, but maybe somebody has some reason to oppose to it. msvb-lab: yes maybe for bigger issues, but might be usefull for those annoying issues that just take time or somebody dedicated to them
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp: How about the first week of December?
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp: Can you go to Wien then?
**\<nevvton>** I'll coordinate things with parasew but as far as I can see for now it looks great that everyone will get supported in having a flat, etc.
**\<nevvton>** would be also a good time coming the prior week
**\<msvb-lab>** ErCiccione: We might still get lucky with it, and if not it's important enough to put in some calendar of sorts, in order to attack the problem early next year. Like in August or September. What do you think?
**\<msvb-lab>** Can Github do a calendar based notification or something?
**\<nevvton>** but obviously if you'd be coming for CCC as well it makes more sense , probably to come after
**\<sgp>** @msvb-lab unlikely
**\<msvb-lab>** nevvton: Then we'll have to do without sgp, bummer. Maybe 34C3 though, as you say.
**\<rehrar>** So about that Secret Santa?
**\<nevvton>** I think it might be a good idea to come up with a doodle or smthg. if more people could come right before we could find out what dates suites best..
**\<nevvton>** :)
**\<msvb-lab>** serhack: Are you planning to come to Vienna in December?
**\<ErCiccione>** msvb-lab: that's a good idea, i will write about this in #monero-dev let's see what they think about it, but we should definitely save the date for next year
**\<msvb-lab>** We should have this kind of calendar to be onboard Google Summer of Code too, without forgetting and passing it up.
**\<sgp>** @rehrar will enough people be ok giving away their addresses?
**\<rehrar>** even if it's just you and me sgp \<3
**\<ErCiccione>** i remember a community member set up a calendar few months ago, would be nice to have something like that integrated on the website, maybe to resuscitate the 'events' page
**\<msvb-lab>** The welcome package is quite nice, what about more than one variant? Like different proportions of items in the package?
**\<sgp>** For practical reasons it may be best if someone else hosted a good resource like that
**\<sgp>** It would be annoying if it took more than a few days to update an event
**\<ErCiccione>** sgp: that's a good point
**\<cryptochangement>** true...
**\<nevvton>** hey everybody.. I think I have to leave for now.. but spread the word.. and we'll get back to you very soon in time!!
**\<nevvton>** looking forward seeing you in Vienna
**\<nevvton>** and CCC of course
**\<serhack>** msvb-lab: I don't know, I'm planning some Holiday with my friends
**\<msvb-lab>** Would be great to see you there in Vienna on 13-17 December. Maybe you can bring your friends too? That's what I'm doing.
**\<serhack>** I would like to come to Vienna msvb-lab. But I don't know
**\<msvb-lab>** serhack: Would be great to hang and hack, don't forget that Austrian christmas markets are really enjoyable and Vienna is a great city.
**\<msvb-lab>** Excellent hackerspace there as well, and I'm sure nevvton and parasew are nice hosts.
**\<selsta>** msvb-lab: what’s in Vienna?
**\<msvb-lab>** selsta: The official announcement will appear on getmonero.org/community/events/
**\<msvb-lab>** It is a event being put on by users nevvton and parasew and hosted by RIAT.
**\<selsta>** msvb-lab: I live there :p
**\<msvb-lab>** Kind of a 'Monero December' month long focus session.
**\<msvb-lab>** selsta: It's not at metalab as far as I know.
**\<msvb-lab>** Probably someplace in a university or research institute, and I hope this get's cleared up once they advertise on the events page.
**\<msvb-lab>** selsta: Are you on board, if we have meetings on the weekend 15-17 December?
**\<msvb-lab>** That just means eating pizza together and every once in a while making some plan or have a nice argument about crypto.
**\<msvb-lab>** Watch a film, go to metalab, christmas market, hangout, then repeat.
**\<selsta>** maybe I’ll look there, dunno I’ve never been to such an event
**\<msvb-lab>** The quality of the event probably depends on what each of us do and bring on our own. I doubt it will be well organized because nobody wants a fixed agenda in December when it's vacation time (almost.)
**\<msvb-lab>** So especially if you're a local, I would encourage you to just swing by and hang out.
**\<msvb-lab>** In order to know what we're up to, keep in touch via email and IRC, as well as glancing at the events page.
**\<selsta>** ok thanks
**\<msvb-lab>** I'm assuming something will be posted at the metalab as well, not sure if you go there often.
**\<selsta>** not really into the ”hacker“ culture here
**\<selsta>** so I’ve only heard about metalab
**\<selsta>** never been there
**\<msvb-lab>** You need to check it out, it's quite a relaxing place with nice people and cool machines. |