2015-06-14 12:57:43 +01:00

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static_page Wallet RPC documentation How to Wallet RPC documentation green-kicks icon_client <!-- Icon is based on work by Freepik ( and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->

This is a list of the daemon and wallet RPC calls, along with their inputs and outputs.




Wallet RPC commands are in JSON format, and can be accessed like this:

curl \
  -X POST http://$IP:$PORT/json_rpc \
  -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"'$METHOD'","params":'"$PARAMS"'}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

getbalance return the wallet's balance outputs: balance: unsigned int unlocked_balance: unsigned int

getaddress return the wallet's address outputs: address: string

transfer send monero to a number of recipients inputs: destinations: array of: amount: unsigned int address: string fee: unsigned int ignored, will be automatically calculated mixin: unsigned int number of outpouts from the blockchain to mix with (0 means no mixing) unlock_time: unsigned int number of blocks before the monero can be spent (0 to not add a lock) payment_id: string outputs: tx_hash: array of: string

transfer_split same as transfer, but can split into more than one tx if necessary inputs: destinations: array of: amount: unsigned int address: string fee: unsigned int ignored, will be automatically calculated mixin: unsigned int number of outpouts from the blockchain to mix with (0 means no mixing) unlock_time: unsigned int number of blocks before the monero can be spent (0 to not add a lock) payment_id: string outputs: tx_hash: array of: string

sweet_dust send all dust outputs back to the wallet's, to make them easier to spend (and mix) outputs: tx_hash_list: list of: string

store save the blockchain

get_payemnts get a list of incoming payments using a given payment id inputs: payment_id: string outputs: payments: list of: payment_id: string tx_hash: string amount: unsigned int block_height: unsigned int unlock_time: unsigned int

get_bulk_payments get a list of incoming payments using a given payment id, or a list of payments ids, from a given height inputs: payment_id: list of: string min_block_height: unsigned int the block height at which to start looking for payments outputs: payments: list of: payment_id: string tx_hash: string amount: unsigned int block_height: unsigned int unlock_time: unsigned int

incoming_transfers return a list of incoming transfers to the wallet inputs: transfer_type: string "all": all the transfers "available": only transfers which are not yet spent "unavailable": only transfers which are already spent outputs: transfers: list of: amount: unsigned int spent: boolean global_index: unsigned int mostly internal use, can be ignored by most users tx_hash: string several incoming transfers may share the same hash if they were in the same transaction tx_size: unsigned int

query_key return the spend or view private key inputs: key_type: string which key to retrieve: "mnemonic": the mnemonic seed (older wallets do not have one) "view_key": the view key outputs: key: string the view key will be hex encoded

make_integrated_address make an integrated address from the wallet address and a payment id inputs: payment_id: string hex encoded; can be empty, in which case a random payment id is generated outputs: integrated_address: string

split_integrated_address retrieve the standard address and payment id corresponding to an integrated address inputs: integrated_address: string outputs: standard_address: string payment: string hex encoded