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synced 2025-03-24 16:18:45 +00:00
finished first draft of getting started chinese translations
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 167 additions and 49 deletions
@ -121,4 +121,64 @@ gs:
correctly: "确保您的节点运行正确"
correctly_text_1: "首次启动门罗网络节点时,你屏幕会显示如下图:"
correctly_text_2: "黄色文字表示在同步更新门罗网络的剩余部分同时,它也在接收的数据区块。一旦同步成功完成, 屏幕会显示绿色的'synchronized OK'字样。至此,您的门罗网络节点顺利开始运行!"
correctly_text_3: "若要退出节点,您可在任何时候在后台键入'exit',然后按回车键,程序便会自行关闭。"
correctly_text_3: "若要退出节点,您可在任何时候在后台键入'exit',然后K按回车键,程序便会自行关闭。"
donate_title: "募捐及赞助"
how_funded: "此项目是如何获得资助呢?"
how_funded_text: "门罗币(Monero)项目的持续发展完全有赖于募捐和赞助商的支持。目前,该项目出于资金匮 乏阶段,因此,门罗币团队将感激任何形式的捐赠。"
donate_sponsor: "捐赠和赞助"
donate_sponsor_text_1: "如果您愿意捐献一份力量,可以通过以下任何一种方式:"
donate_sponsor_text_2: "- 门罗币捐款:您可以向 [donate.getmonero.org](monero:46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em?recipient_name=Monero%20Development&tx_description=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team), 捐赠 XMR,或直接向我们的门罗币地址捐 款 - [46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em](monero:46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em?recipient_name=Monero%20Development&tx_description=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team)"
donate_sponsor_text_3: "- 比特币捐款:您可以想 [donate.getmonero.org](bitcoin:1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb?label=Monero%20Development&message=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team), 捐赠 BTC,或直接向我们的比特币地址捐款: [1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb](bitcoin:1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb?label=Monero%20Development&message=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team)"
donate_sponsor_text_4: "- 信用卡,电汇,或支付宝捐款,请直接致邮件给核心团队 [{{ site.email }}]({{ site.email }})"
donate_sponsor_text_5: "同时,我们也非常感谢赞助商,包括向我们提供免费或折扣的开发硬件,网页寄存等服务,以及 软件许可证。如您愿意以任何方式赞助门罗币的开发,请您致邮件给核心团队 [{{ site.email }}]({{ site.email }})"
current_sponsors: "当前赞助商"
current_sponsors_text: "目前有部分矿池向门罗币提供免费服务。矿池赞助商详细列表请 [Bitcointalk 的 Monero 线程的第一篇帖子](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.0). 除此之外,我们的赞助商也包括:"
hall_of_fame: "门罗币社区之名人堂"
hall_of_fame_text: "所有捐赠者的名字会荣登 [社区名人堂](getting-started/donate/hall-of-fame). 最富盛名的捐赠者 8th Dan 也在此列。查看完整的 [名人 堂请点击此处](http://getmonero.dev/getting-started/donate/hall-of-fame)"
basics: "基础"
basics_text_1: "门罗币与您之前接触的加密货币略有不同。其他电子货币,如比特币及其多种衍生物,会为每笔 交易或每个接收人创建一个新的地址。"
basics_text_2: "然而门罗币的隐形地址免去了区分每笔交易的接受地址的麻烦,您只需将一个账户地址公开。取 而代之的是,商家在接受付款时,为付款人提供一个“付款编号”。"
basics_text_3: "“付款编号” 为 64 个字符长的十六进制字符串,通常是由商机随机设置,例如: 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"
checking_sw: "使用 simplewallet 查看交易记录"
checking_sw_text_1: "如使用 simplewallet 查看您交易记录,您可以使用“支付”命令查询对应的一个或多个付款编 号。如下图:"
checking_sw_text_2: "如使用编程查看您的交易记录,请见本页后半部分。"
receiving: "收款步骤:"
receiving_text_1: "- 随机生成一个十六进制 64 个字符的字符串,以便付款使用;"
receiving_text_2: "- 与付款方交换付款编号和门罗币接受地址;"
receiving_text_3: "- 使用 simplewallet 的“付款”命令检查交易记录"
checking_prog: "使用编程查看交易记录"
checking_prog_text_1: "您可使用 get_payments 或 get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API 命令查看交易。"
checking_prog_text_2: "get_payments:需要一个 payment_id 参数,即付款编号。"
checking_prog_text_3: "get_bulk_payments(推荐选项):需要两个 payment_ids 参数,包括一个 JSON 数组的付款 编号,和可选 min_block_height,从而以便进行扫描。"
checking_prog_text_4: "反馈数据如下图:"
checking_prog_text_5: "非常重要的一点是:反馈的金额是以门罗币为单位,而非以客户终端显示的单位为准。由于一笔 交易的总金额往往会由多个输出数字的总和组成,因此,这些量应按照 tx_hash 或 payment_id 分组相加。此外,由于相同的总金额可以由不同输出量组成,应此要注意避免从单个 get_bulk_payments 滤出反馈数据。"
checking_prog_text_6: "扫描,它是非常有用的检查与守护 RPC API(中的 get_info RPC 调用),看看是否还有其他区块 已收到。"
scanning: "编程扫描付款"
scanning_text_1: "- 从后台获得当前区块的高度,确保此数值比上一次扫描增加后,再继续此程序;"
scanning_text_2: "- 使用最近一次扫描高度以及系统中所有付款编号列表运行 get_bulk_payments RPC API;命令;"
scanning_text_3: "- 存储当前块的高度;"
scanning_text_4: "- 删除已经接受并处理过的重复交易散列。"
directory: "目录"
exchanges: "交易"
block_explorers: "区块浏览"
libraries: "Libraries and Helpers"
tools: "工具"
services: "服务"
goods: "商品"
entertainment: "娱乐"
merchants_text: "所有的商家按字母顺序排列。如果有任何商家不再提供门罗币服务或有意加盟,请 [Github repository](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues) 来提醒我们"
core: "门罗币下载大全"
core_text_1: "门罗币(Monero)核心由多个应用程序组成,包括 bitmonerod(如运行完整的网络结点,则 需此后台程序进行与门罗币网络连接),和 simplewallet(门罗币帐户管理程序),以及若干其 它辅助应用程序。"
core_text_2: "If you are using Monero Core for the first time you can simply download an appropriate release, and run bitmonerod to get synced up to the network."
core_text_3: "Note: the SHA hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-signed list of the hashes is at [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) and should be treated as canonical, with the signature checked against the appropriate GPG key in the source code (in /utils/gpg_keys)."
bit: "位"
current_version: "当前版本"
coming_soon: "即将推出"
other_downloads: "其他下载资料"
other_text_1: "- 下载数据区块连请参照上表。"
other_text_2: "- 查看门罗币研究室出版物,请您点击 [门罗币研究室区](http://getmonero.dev/research-lab)"
other_text_3: "- 高清版门罗币标志图请 [点此下载](https://downloads.getmonero.org/resources/branding.zip)"
@ -122,3 +122,63 @@ gs:
correctly_text_1: "When starting Monero for the first time you will see something similar to this screen:"
correctly_text_2: "The yellow text indicates it is receiving blocks as it synchronises up with the rest of the Monero network. The green 'synchronized ok' text will appear once it has correctly synched up. Once you see this there's nothing further you need to do, you are now running a Monero node!"
correctly_text_3: "To exit the node at any time you can type 'exit' into the daemon window and press enter, and it will shut itself down."
how_funded: "How this Project is Funded"
how_funded_text: "Ongoing development of the Monero Project is solely supported by donations and sponsors. At this time the project is vastly underfunded, and thus donations are greatly appreciated."
donate_sponsor: "Donating and Sponsoring"
donate_sponsor_text_1: "If you would like to make a donation you can do so by using any of the methods below:"
donate_sponsor_text_2: "- Donating in Monero: you can send XMR donations to [donate.getmonero.org](monero:46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em?recipient_name=Monero%20Development&tx_description=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team), or directly to our Monero donation address - [46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em](monero:46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em?recipient_name=Monero%20Development&tx_description=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team)"
donate_sponsor_text_3: "- Donating in Bitcoin: you can also send BTC donations to [donate.getmonero.org](bitcoin:1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb?label=Monero%20Development&message=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team), or directly to our Bitcoin address: [1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb](bitcoin:1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb?label=Monero%20Development&message=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team)"
donate_sponsor_text_4: "- To donate via credit card, wire transfer, or PayPal, please email the core team at [{{ site.email }}]({{ site.email }})"
donate_sponsor_text_5: "Sponsorships are also greatly appreciated, including those companies that give us free or reduced-cost access to development hardware, hosting and other services, and software licenses. If you would like to sponsor Monero development in some form, please email the core team at [{{ site.email }}]({{ site.email }})"
current_sponsors: "Current Sponsors"
current_sponsors_text: "Current sponsors include several mining pools that contribute a portion of their fees to development. You can find a list of these pools in [the first post on the Monero thread on Bitcointalk](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.0). Over and above that, our sponsors include:"
hall_of_fame: "The Monero Community Hall of Fame"
hall_of_fame_text: "All donators to Monero development are also eligible to be listed in the [Community Hall of Fame](getting-started/donate/hall-of-fame). Members of the most prestigious level of donators, 8th Dan, are also listed below. The full [Hall of Fame can be viewed at this link.](http://getmonero.dev/getting-started/donate/hall-of-fame)"
basics: "The Basics"
basics_text_1: "Monero works a little differently to what you may have become accustomed to from other cryptocurrencies. In the case of a digital currency like Bitcoin and its many derivatives merchant payment systems will usually create a new recipient address for each payment or user."
basics_text_2: "However, because Monero has stealth addresses there is no need to have separate recipient addresses for each payment or user, and a single account address can be published. Instead, when receiving payments a merchant will provide the person paying with a 'payment ID'."
basics_text_3: "A payment ID is a hexadecimal string that is 64 characters long, and is normally randomly created by the merchant. An example of a payment ID is: 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"
checking_sw: "Checking for a Payment in simplewallet"
checking_sw_text_1: "If you want to check for a payment using simplewallet you can use the 'payments' command followed by the payment ID or payment IDs you want to check. For example:"
checking_sw_text_2: "If you need to check for payments programmatically, then details follow the next section."
receiving: "Receiving a Payment Step-by-Step"
receiving_text_1: "Generate a random 64 character hexadecimal string for the payment"
receiving_text_2: "Communicate the payment ID and Monero address to the individual who is making payment"
receiving_text_3: "Check for the payment using the 'payments' command in simplewallet"
checking_prog: "Checking for a Payment Programatically"
checking_prog_text_1: "In order to check for a payment programatically you can use the get_payments or get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API calls."
checking_prog_text_2: "get_payments: this requires a payment_id parameter with a single payment ID."
checking_prog_text_3: "get_bulk_payments: this is the preferred method, and requires two parameters, payment_ids - a JSON array of payment IDs - and an optional min_block_height - the block height to scan from."
checking_prog_text_4: "An example of returned data is as follows:"
checking_prog_text_5: "It is important to note that the amounts returned are in base Monero units and not in the display units normally used in end-user applications. Also, since a transaction will typically have multiple outputs that add up to the total required for the payment, the amounts should be grouped by the tx_hash or the payment_id and added together. Additionally, as multiple outputs can have the same amount, it is imperative not to try and filter out the returned data from a single get_bulk_payments call."
checking_prog_text_6: "Before scanning for payments it is useful to check against the daemon RPC API (the get_info RPC call) to see if additional blocks have been received. Typically you would want to then scan only from that received block on by specifying it as the min_block_height to get_bulk_payments."
scanning: "Programatically Scanning for Payments"
scanning_text_1: "Get the current block height from the daemon, only proceed if it has increased since our last scan"
scanning_text_2: "Call the get_bulk_payments RPC API call with our last scanned height and the list of all payment IDs in our system"
scanning_text_3: "Store the current block height as our last scanned height"
scanning_text_4: "Remove duplicates based on transaction hashes we have already received and processed"
directory: "DIRECTORY"
exchanges: "Exchanges"
block_explorers: "Block Explorers"
libraries: "Libraries and Helpers"
tools: "Tools"
services: "Services"
goods: "Goods"
entertainment: "Entertainment"
merchants_text: "All of the merchants are organised alphabetically. If there are any merchants that no longer provide Monero services, or a merchant that wishes to be added, please open an issue on this website's [Github repository](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues) to alert us."
core: "Monero Core"
core_text_1: "Monero Core consists of several applications, including bitmonerod (the daemon used if running a full node, as it maintains the connection to the Monero network) and simplewallet (a Monero account manager application), as well as several other helper applications."
core_text_2: "If you are using Monero Core for the first time you can simply download an appropriate release, and run bitmonerod to get synced up to the network."
core_text_3: "Note: the SHA hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-signed list of the hashes is at [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) and should be treated as canonical, with the signature checked against the appropriate GPG key in the source code (in /utils/gpg_keys)."
bit: "bit"
current_version: "Current Version"
coming_soon: "Coming Soon"
other_downloads: "Other Downloads"
other_text_1: "- If you'd prefer to use a blockchain bootstrap, instead of syncing up from scratch, you can [use this link for the most current bootstrap.](https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw)"
other_text_2: "- For Monero Research Lab publications please visit the [Monero Research Lab](http://getmonero.dev/research-lab) section of this site."
other_text_3: "- High resolution and vector copies of the Monero logo [can be downloaded at this link.](https://downloads.getmonero.org/resources/branding.zip)"
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ icon: "icon_all_downloads"
attribution: "<!-- Icon is based on work by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->"
### Monero Core
### {% t downloads.core %}
Monero Core consists of several applications, including bitmonerod (the daemon used if running a @full-node, as it maintains the connection to the Monero network) and simplewallet (a Monero @account manager application), as well as several other helper applications.
{% t downloads.core_text_1 %}
If you are using Monero Core for the first time you can simply download an appropriate release, and run bitmonerod to get synced up to the network.
{% t downloads.core_text_2 %}
Note: the SHA hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-signed list of the hashes is at [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) and should be treated as canonical, with the signature checked against the appropriate GPG key in the source code (in /utils/gpg_keys).
{% t downloads.core_text_3 %}
<div class="row">
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Note: the SHA hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-sign
<strong>Current Version:</strong> {{ data_downloads.version }} <em>{{ data_downloads.tag }}</em><br>
<strong>{% t downloads.current_version %}</strong> {{ data_downloads.version }} <em>{{ data_downloads.tag }}</em><br>
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Note: the SHA hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-sign
<strong>Coming Soon</strong><br>
<strong>{% t downloads.coming_soon %}</strong><br>
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Note: the SHA hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-sign
<strong>Current Version:</strong> {{ data_downloads.version }} <em>{{ data_downloads.tag }}</em><br>
<strong>{% t downloads.current_version %}:</strong> {{ data_downloads.version }} <em>{{ data_downloads.tag }}</em><br>
<strong>SHA Hash:</strong> {{ data_downloads.hash }}<br>
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ Note: the SHA hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-sign
{% endfor %}
### Other Downloads
### {% t downloads.other_downloads %}
- If you'd prefer to use a blockchain bootstrap, instead of syncing up from scratch, you can [use this link for the most current bootstrap](https:////downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw).
- For Monero Research Lab publications please visit the [Monero Research Lab section](/research-lab) of this site.
- High resolution and vector copies of the Monero logo [can be downloaded at this link](https://downloads.getmonero.org/resources/branding.zip).
{% t downloads.other_text_1 %}
{% t downloads.other_text_2 %}
{% t downloads.other_text_3 %}
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ icon: "icon_accepting"
attribution: "<!-- Icon is based on work by Icons8 (http://www.icons8.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->"
### The Basics
### {% t gs.accepting.basics %}
Monero works a little differently to what you may have become accustomed to from other @cryptocurrencies. In the case of a digital currency like Bitcoin and its many derivatives merchant payment systems will usually create a new recipient @address for each payment or user.
{% t gs.accepting.basics_text_1 %}
However, because Monero has @stealth-addresses there is no need to have separate recipient addresses for each payment or user, and a single @account address can be published. Instead, when receiving payments a merchant will provide the person paying with a "payment ID".
{% t gs.accepting.basics_text_2 %}
A @payment-ID is a hexadecimal string that is 64 characters long, and is normally randomly created by the merchant. An example of a payment ID is: <span class="long-term">666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572</span>
{% t gs.accepting.basics_text_3 %}
### Checking for a Payment in simplewallet
### {% t gs.accepting.checking_sw %}
If you want to check for a payment using simplewallet you can use the "payments" command followed by the payment ID or payment IDs you want to check. For example:
{% t gs.accepting.checking_sw_text_1 %}
<span style="color: yellow;">[wallet 49VNLa]:</span> payments 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572
@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ If you want to check for a payment using simplewallet you can use the "payments"
<span style="color: lime;"><666c75666679706f6e79206973207> <7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e> 441942 30.00000 0</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">[wallet 49VNLa]:</span> <span style="color: gray;">█</span><br><br><br><br><br><br>
If you need to check for payments programmatically, then details follow the next section.
{% t gs.accepting.checking_sw_text_2 %}
### Receiving a Payment Step-by-Step
### {% t gs.accepting.receiving %}
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> Generate a random 64 character hexadecimal string for the payment
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> Communicate the payment ID and Monero address to the individual who is making payment
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> Check for the payment using the "payments" command in simplewallet
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> {% t gs.accepting.receiving_text_1 %}
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> {% t gs.accepting.receiving_text_2 %}
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> {% t gs.accepting.receiving_text_3 %}
### Checking for a Payment Programatically
### {% t gs.accepting.checking_prog %}
In order to check for a payment programatically you can use the get_payments or get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API calls.
{% t gs.accepting.checking_prog_text_1 %}
*get_payments*: this requires a payment_id parameter with a single payment ID.
{% t gs.accepting.checking_prog_text_2 %}
*get_bulk_payments*: this is the preferred method, and requires two parameters, payment_ids - a JSON array of payment IDs - and an optional min_block_height - the block height to scan from.
{% t gs.accepting.checking_prog_text_3 %}
An example of returned data is as follows:
{% t gs.accepting.checking_prog_text_4 %}
<span style="color: cyan;">[ monero->~ ]$</span> curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_bulk_payments","id":"test", "params":{"payment_ids": ["666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ An example of returned data is as follows:
It is important to note that the amounts returned are in base Monero units and not in the display units normally used in end-user applications. Also, since a transaction will typically have multiple outputs that add up to the total required for the payment, the amounts should be grouped by the tx_hash or the payment_id and added together. Additionally, as multiple outputs can have the same amount, it is imperative not to try and filter out the returned data from a single get_bulk_payments call.
{% t gs.accepting.checking_prog_text_5 %}
Before scanning for payments it is useful to check against the daemon RPC API (the get_info RPC call) to see if additional blocks have been received. Typically you would want to then scan only from that received block on by specifying it as the min_block_height to get_bulk_payments.
{% t gs.accepting.checking_prog_text_6 %}
### Programatically Scanning for Payments
### {% t gs.accepting.scanning %}
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> Get the current block height from the daemon, only proceed if it has increased since our last scan
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> Call the get_bulk_payments RPC API call with our last scanned height and the list of all payment IDs in our system
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> Store the current block height as our last scanned height
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> Remove duplicates based on transaction hashes we have already received and processed
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> {% t gs.accepting.scanning_text_1 %}
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> {% t gs.accepting.scanning_text_2 %}
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> {% t gs.accepting.scanning_text_3 %}
<i class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90 fa-lg instruction-list"></i> {% t gs.accepting.scanning_text_4 %}
@ -9,34 +9,32 @@ icon: "icon_donations"
attribution: "<!-- Icon is based on work by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->"
### How this Project is Funded
### {% t gs.donate.how_funded %}
Ongoing development of the Monero Project is solely supported by donations and sponsors. At this time the project is vastly underfunded, and thus donations are greatly appreciated.
{% t gs.donate.how_funded_text %}
### Donating and Sponsoring
### {% t gs.donate.donate_sponsor %}
If you would like to make a donation you can do so by using any of the methods below:
{% t gs.donate.donate_sponsor_text_1 %}
{:.text-center style="letter-spacing: 30px;"}
- Donating in Monero: you can send XMR donations to [donate.getmonero.org](monero:46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em?recipient_name=Monero%20Development&tx_description=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team), or directly to our Monero donation address -
<span class="long-term">[46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em](monero:46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em?recipient_name=Monero%20Development&tx_description=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team)</span>
- Donating in Bitcoin: you can also send BTC donations to [donate.getmonero.org](bitcoin:1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb?label=Monero%20Development&message=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team), or directly to our Bitcoin address: [1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb](bitcoin:1FhnVJi2V1k4MqXm2nHoEbY5LV7FPai7bb?label=Monero%20Development&message=Donation%20to%20Monero%20Core%20Team)
- To donate via credit card, wire transfer, or PayPal, please email the core team at [{{ site.email }}](mailto:{{ site.email }})
{% t gs.donate.donate_sponsor_text_2 %}
{% t gs.donate.donate_sponsor_text_3 %}
{% t gs.donate.donate_sponsor_text_4 %}
{% t gs.donate.donate_sponsor_text_5 %}
Sponsorships are also greatly appreciated, including those companies that give us free or reduced-cost access to development hardware, hosting and other services, and software licenses. If you would like to sponsor Monero development in some form, please email the core team at [{{ site.email }}](mailto:{{ site.email }})
### {% t gs.donate.current_sponsors %}
### Current Sponsors
Current sponsors include several mining pools that contribute a portion of their fees to development. You can find a list of these pools in [the first post on the Monero thread on Bitcointalk](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.0). Over and above that, our sponsors include:
{% t gs.donate.current_sponsors_text %}
{:.text-center style="letter-spacing: 30px;"}
[](https://mymonero.com) [](http://kitware.com) [](http://dome9.com) [](http://araxis.com) [](http://www.jetbrains.com/) [](http://www.navicat.com/)
### The Monero Community Hall of Fame
### {% t gs.donate.hall_of_fame %}
All donators to Monero development are also eligible to be listed in the [Community Hall of Fame](/getting-started/donate/hall-of-fame). Members of the most prestigious level of donators, 8th Dan, are also listed below. The full [Hall of Fame can be viewed at this link](/getting-started/donate/hall-of-fame).
{% t gs.donate.hall_of_fame_text %}
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