
727 lines
41 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"welcome": "Selamat datang di",
"cake_wallet": "Cake Wallet",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"first_wallet_text": "Dompet luar biasa untuk Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, dan Haven",
"please_make_selection": "Silahkan membuat pilihan di bawah ini untuk membuat atau memulihkan dompet Anda.",
"create_new": "Buat Dompet Baru",
"restore_wallet": "Pulihkan Dompet",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"monero_com": " Oleh Cake Wallet",
"monero_com_wallet_text": "Dompet luar biasa untuk Monero",
"haven_app": "Haven Oleh Cake Wallet",
"haven_app_wallet_text": "Dompet luar biasa untuk Haven",
"accounts": "Akun",
"edit": "Edit",
"account": "Akun",
"add": "Menambahkan",
"address_book": "Buku Alamat",
"contact": "Kontak",
"please_select": "Silakan pilih:",
"cancel": "Batal",
"ok": "OK",
"contact_name": "Nama Kontak",
"reset": "Reset",
"save": "Simpan",
"address_remove_contact": "Hapus kontak",
"address_remove_content": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus kontak yang dipilih?",
"authenticated": "Terotentikasi",
"authentication": "Otentikasi",
"failed_authentication": "Otentikasi gagal. ${state_error}",
"wallet_menu": "Menu",
"Blocks_remaining": "${status} Blok Tersisa",
"please_try_to_connect_to_another_node": "Silakan coba untuk terhubung ke node lain",
"xmr_hidden": "Tersembunyi",
"xmr_available_balance": "Saldo Tersedia",
"xmr_full_balance": "Saldo Penuh",
"send": "Mengirim",
"receive": "Menerima",
"transactions": "Transaksi",
"incoming": "Masuk",
"outgoing": "Keluar",
"transactions_by_date": "Transaksi berdasarkan tanggal",
"trades": "Perdagangan",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"filter_by": "Filter berdasarkan",
"today": "Hari ini",
"yesterday": "Kemarin",
"received": "Diterima",
"sent": "Dikirim",
"pending": " (pending)",
"rescan": "Pindai ulang",
"reconnect": "Sambungkan kembali",
"wallets": "Dompet",
"show_seed": "Tampilkan seed",
"show_keys": "Tampilkan seed/kunci",
"address_book_menu": "Buku alamat",
"reconnection": "Koneksi kembali",
"reconnect_alert_text": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menyambungkan kembali?",
"exchange": "Tukar",
"clear": "Hapus",
"refund_address": "Alamat pengembalian",
"change_exchange_provider": "Ganti Penyedia Tukar",
"you_will_send": "Konversi dari",
"you_will_get": "Konversi ke",
"amount_is_guaranteed": "Jumlah penerimaan dijamin",
"amount_is_estimate": "Jumlah penerimaan diperkirakan",
"powered_by": "Didukung oleh ${title}",
"error": "Kesalahan",
"estimated": "Diperkirakan",
"min_value": "Min: ${value} ${currency}",
"max_value": "Max: ${value} ${currency}",
"change_currency": "Ganti Mata Uang",
"overwrite_amount": "Timpa jumlah",
"qr_payment_amount": "QR code ini berisi jumlah pembayaran. Apakah Anda ingin menimpa nilai saat ini?",
"copy_id": "Salin ID",
"exchange_result_write_down_trade_id": "Silakan salin atau tulis ID perdagangan untuk melanjutkan.",
"trade_id": "ID Perdagangan:",
"copied_to_clipboard": "Disalin ke Clipboard",
"saved_the_trade_id": "Saya telah menyimpan ID perdagangan",
"fetching": "Mengambil",
"id": "ID: ",
"amount": "Jumlah: ",
"payment_id": "ID Pembayaran: ",
"status": "Status: ",
"offer_expires_in": "Penawaran kedaluwarsa dalam: ",
"trade_is_powered_by": "Perdagangan ini didukung oleh ${provider}",
"copy_address": "Salin Alamat",
"exchange_result_confirm": "Dengan menekan tombol konfirmasi, Anda akan mengirimkan ${fetchingLabel} ${from} dari dompet Anda yang disebut ${walletName} ke alamat yang ditampilkan di bawah. Anda juga dapat mengirim dari dompet eksternal Anda ke alamat/QR code di bawah.\n\nSilakan tekan konfirmasi untuk melanjutkan atau kembali untuk mengubah jumlah.",
"exchange_result_description": "Anda harus mengirimkan minimal ${fetchingLabel} ${from} ke alamat yang ditampilkan di halaman berikutnya. Jika Anda mengirimkan jumlah yang lebih rendah dari ${fetchingLabel} ${from} maka uang tersebut mungkin tidak akan diubah dan mungkin tidak akan dikembalikan.",
"exchange_result_write_down_ID": "*Silakan salin atau tulis ID Anda yang ditampilkan di atas.",
"confirm": "Konfirmasi",
"confirm_sending": "Konfirmasi pengiriman",
"commit_transaction_amount_fee": "Lakukan transaksi\nJumlah: ${amount}\nBiaya: ${fee}",
"sending": "Mengirim",
"transaction_sent": "Transaksi terkirim!",
"expired": "Kedaluwarsa",
"time": "${minutes}m ${seconds}s",
"send_xmr": "Kirim XMR",
"exchange_new_template": "Template baru",
"faq": "Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan",
"enter_your_pin": "Masukkan PIN Anda",
"loading_your_wallet": "Memuat dompet Anda",
"new_wallet": "Dompet Baru",
"wallet_name": "Nama Dompet",
"continue_text": "Lanjutkan",
"choose_wallet_currency": "Silahkan pilih mata uang dompet:",
"node_new": "Node Baru",
"node_address": "Alamat Node",
"node_port": "Port Node",
"login": "Masuk",
"password": "Kata Sandi",
"nodes": "Node",
"node_reset_settings_title": "Atur ulang pengaturan",
"nodes_list_reset_to_default_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengatur ulang pengaturan ke default?",
"change_current_node": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengubah node saat ini menjadi ${node}?",
"change": "Ubah",
"remove_node": "Hapus node",
"remove_node_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus node yang dipilih?",
"remove": "Hapus",
"delete": "Hapus",
"add_new_node": "Tambah node baru",
"change_current_node_title": "Ubah node saat ini",
"node_test": "Uji",
"node_connection_successful": "Koneksi berhasil",
"node_connection_failed": "Koneksi gagal",
"new_node_testing": "Pengujian node baru",
"use": "Beralih ke ",
"digit_pin": "-digit PIN",
"share_address": "Bagikan alamat",
"receive_amount": "Jumlah",
"subaddresses": "Sub-alamat",
"addresses": "Alamat",
"scan_qr_code": "Scan kode QR untuk mendapatkan alamat",
"qr_fullscreen": "Tap untuk membuka layar QR code penuh",
"rename": "Ganti nama",
"choose_account": "Pilih akun",
"create_new_account": "Buat akun baru",
"accounts_subaddresses": "Akun dan sub-alamat",
"restore_restore_wallet": "Pulihkan Dompet",
"restore_title_from_seed_keys": "Pulihkan dari seed/kunci",
"restore_description_from_seed_keys": "Dapatkan kembali dompet Anda dari seed/kunci yang Anda simpan di tempat yang aman",
"restore_next": "Selanjutnya",
"restore_title_from_backup": "Pulihkan dari cadangan",
"restore_description_from_backup": "Anda dapat memulihkan seluruh aplikasi Cake Wallet dari file cadangan Anda",
"restore_seed_keys_restore": "Pulihkan Seed/Kunci",
"restore_title_from_seed": "Pulihkan dari seed",
"restore_description_from_seed": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari kombinasi kode 25 atau 13 kata",
"restore_title_from_keys": "Pulihkan dari kunci",
"restore_description_from_keys": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari tombol yang dihasilkan yang disimpan dari kunci pribadi Anda",
"restore_wallet_name": "Nama dompet",
"restore_address": "Alamat",
"restore_view_key_private": "Lihat kunci (pribadi)",
"restore_spend_key_private": "Habiskan kunci (pribadi)",
"restore_recover": "Pulihkan",
"restore_wallet_restore_description": "Deskripsi pemulihan dompet",
"restore_new_seed": "Seed baru",
"restore_active_seed": "Seed aktif",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_seed": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari kombinasi kode 24 kata",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_keys": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari string WIF yang dihasilkan dari private keys Anda",
"restore_bitcoin_title_from_keys": "Pulihkan dari WIF",
"restore_from_date_atau_blockheight": "Silakan masukkan tanggal beberapa hari sebelum Anda membuat dompet ini. Atau jika Anda tahu blockheight, silakan masukkannya sebagai gantinya",
"seed_reminder": "Silakan tulis ini di tempat yang aman jika kamu kehilangan atau menghapus ponselmu",
"seed_title": "Bibit",
"seed_share": "Bagikan bibit",
"copy": "Salin",
"seed_language_choose": "Silakan pilih bahasa bibit:",
"seed_choose": "Pilih bahasa bibit",
"seed_language_next": "Selanjutnya",
"seed_language_english": "Inggris",
"seed_language_chinese": "Cina",
"seed_language_dutch": "Belanda",
"seed_language_german": "Jerman",
"seed_language_japanese": "Jepang",
"seed_language_portuguese": "Portugis",
"seed_language_russian": "Rusia",
"seed_language_spanish": "Spanyol",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"seed_language_french": "Perancis",
"seed_language_italian": "Italia",
"send_title": "Kirim",
"send_your_wallet": "Dompetmu",
"send_address": "Alamat ${cryptoCurrency}",
"send_payment_id": "ID Pembayaran (opsional)",
"all": "SEMUA",
"send_error_minimum_value": "Nilai minimum jumlah adalah 0.01",
"send_error_currency": "Mata uang hanya dapat berisi angka",
"send_estimated_fee": "Biaya yang diperkirakan:",
"send_priority": "Saat ini biaya diatur dengan prioritas ${transactionPriority}.\nPrioritas transaksi dapat diubah pada pengaturan",
"send_creating_transaction": "Membuat transaksi",
"send_templates": "Template",
"send_new": "Baru",
"send_amount": "Jumlah:",
"send_fee": "Biaya:",
"send_name": "Nama",
"got_it": "Sudah paham",
"send_sending": "Mengirim...",
"send_success": "${crypto}mu berhasil dikirim",
"settings_title": "Pengaturan",
"settings_nodes": "Nodes",
"settings_current_node": "Node saat ini",
"settings_wallets": "Dompet",
"settings_display_balance": "Tampilkan saldo",
"settings_currency": "Mata uang",
"settings_fee_priority": "Prioritas biaya",
"settings_save_recipient_address": "Simpan alamat penerima",
"settings_personal": "Pribadi",
"settings_change_pin": "Ganti PIN",
"settings_change_language": "Ganti bahasa",
"settings_allow_biometrical_authentication": "Izinkan otentikasi biometrik",
"settings_dark_mode": "Mode gelap",
"settings_transactions": "Transaksi",
"settings_trades": "Perdagangan",
"settings_display_on_dashboard_list": "Tampilkan di daftar dashboard",
"settings_all": "SEMUA",
"settings_only_trades": "Hanya perdagangan",
"settings_only_transactions": "Hanya transaksi",
"settings_none": "Tidak ada",
"settings_support": "Dukungan",
"settings_terms_and_conditions": "Syarat dan Ketentuan",
"pin_is_incorrect": "PIN salah",
"setup_pin": "Pasang PIN",
"enter_your_pin_again": "Masukkan PIN Anda lagi",
"setup_successful": "PIN Anda telah berhasil diatur!",
"wallet_keys": "Seed/kunci dompet",
"wallet_seed": "Seed dompet",
"private_key": "Kunci privat",
"public_key": "Kunci publik",
"view_key_private": "Kunci tampilan (privat)",
"view_key_public": "Kunci tampilan (publik)",
"spend_key_private": "Kunci pengeluaran (privat)",
"spend_key_public": "Kunci pengeluaran (publik)",
"copied_key_to_clipboard": "Kunci ${key} disalin ke Clipboard",
"new_subaddress_title": "Alamat baru",
"new_subaddress_label_name": "Nama label",
"new_subaddress_create": "Buat",
"address_label": "Label alamat",
"subaddress_title": "Daftar sub-alamat",
"trade_details_title": "Detail Transaksi",
"trade_details_id": "ID",
"trade_details_state": "Status",
"trade_details_fetching": "Mengambil",
"trade_details_provider": "Penyedia",
"trade_details_created_at": "Dibuat pada",
"trade_details_pair": "Pasangan",
"trade_details_copied": "${title} disalin ke Clipboard",
"trade_history_title": "Riwayat Transaksi",
"transaction_details_title": "Rincian Transaksi",
"transaction_details_transaction_id": "ID Transaksi",
"transaction_details_date": "Tanggal",
"transaction_details_height": "Tinggi",
"transaction_details_amount": "Jumlah",
"transaction_details_fee": "Biaya",
"transaction_details_copied": "${title} disalin ke Clipboard",
"transaction_details_recipient_address": "Alamat Penerima",
"wallet_list_title": "Dompet Monero",
"wallet_list_create_new_wallet": "Buat Dompet Baru",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"wallet_list_edit_wallet": "Edit dompet",
"wallet_list_wallet_name": "Nama dompet",
"wallet_list_restore_wallet": "Pulihkan Dompet",
"wallet_list_load_wallet": "Muat dompet",
"wallet_list_loading_wallet": "Memuat ${wallet_name} dompet",
"wallet_list_failed_to_load": "Gagal memuat ${wallet_name} dompet. ${error}",
"wallet_list_removing_wallet": "Menghapus ${wallet_name} dompet",
"wallet_list_failed_to_remove": "Gagal menghapus ${wallet_name} dompet. ${error}",
"widgets_address": "Alamat",
"widgets_restore_from_blockheight": "Pulihkan dari tinggi blok",
"widgets_restore_from_date": "Pulihkan dari tanggal",
"widgets_or": "atau",
"widgets_seed": "Biji",
"router_no_route": "Tidak ada rute yang ditentukan untuk ${name}",
"error_text_account_name": "Nama akun hanya dapat berisi huruf, angka\ndan harus antara 1 dan 15 karakter panjang",
"error_text_contact_name": "Nama kontak tidak boleh berisi simbol `, ' \"\ndan harus antara 1 dan 32 karakter panjang",
"error_text_address": "Alamat dompet harus sesuai dengan tipe\nmata uang kripto",
"error_text_node_address": "Silakan masukkan alamat iPv4",
"error_text_node_port": "Port node hanya dapat berisi angka antara 0 dan 65535",
"error_text_node_proxy_address": "Masukkan <alamat IPv4>:<port>, misalnya",
"error_text_payment_id": "ID pembayaran hanya dapat berisi dari 16 hingga 64 karakter dalam hex",
"error_text_xmr": "Nilai XMR tidak boleh melebihi saldo yang tersedia.\nJumlah digit pecahan harus kurang atau sama dengan 12",
"error_text_fiat": "Nilai jumlah tidak boleh melebihi saldo yang tersedia.\nJumlah digit pecahan harus kurang atau sama dengan 2",
"error_text_subaddress_name": "Nama subalamat tidak boleh berisi simbol `, ' \"\ndan harus antara 1 dan 20 karakter panjang",
"error_text_amount": "Jumlah hanya dapat berisi angka",
"error_text_wallet_name": "Nama dompet hanya dapat berisi huruf, angka, _ - simbol\ndan harus antara 1 dan 33 karakter panjang",
"error_text_keys": "Kunci dompet hanya dapat berisi 64 karakter dalam hex",
"error_text_crypto_currency": "Jumlah digit pecahan harus kurang atau sama dengan 12",
"error_text_minimal_limit": "Perdagangan untuk ${provider} tidak dibuat. Jumlah kurang dari minimal: ${min} ${currency}",
"error_text_maximum_limit": "Perdagangan untuk ${provider} tidak dibuat. Jumlah lebih dari maksimal: ${max} ${currency}",
"error_text_limits_loading_failed": "Perdagangan untuk ${provider} tidak dibuat. Gagal memuat batas",
"error_text_template": "Nama template dan alamat tidak boleh berisi simbol ` , ' \"\ndan harus antara 1 dan 106 karakter panjang",
"auth_store_ban_timeout": "ban_timeout",
"auth_store_banned_for": "Dilarang selama ",
"auth_store_banned_minutes": "menit",
"auth_store_incorrect_password": "PIN yang salah",
"wallet_store_monero_wallet": "Dompet Monero",
"wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length": "Panjang seed yang salah",
"full_balance": "Saldo Penuh",
"available_balance": "Saldo Tersedia",
"hidden_balance": "Saldo Tersembunyi",
"sync_status_syncronizing": "SEDANG SINKRONISASI",
"sync_status_syncronized": "SUDAH TERSINKRONISASI",
"sync_status_not_connected": "TIDAK TERHUBUNG",
"sync_status_starting_sync": "MULAI SINKRONISASI",
"sync_status_failed_connect": "GAGAL TERHUBUNG",
"sync_status_connecting": "MENGHUBUNGKAN",
"sync_status_connected": "TERHUBUNG",
"sync_status_attempting_sync": "MENCOBA SINKRONISASI",
"transaction_priority_slow": "Lambat",
"transaction_priority_regular": "Normal",
"transaction_priority_medium": "Sedang",
"transaction_priority_fast": "Cepat",
"transaction_priority_fastest": "Tercepat",
"trade_for_not_created": "Perdagangan untuk ${title} belum dibuat.",
"trade_not_created": "Perdagangan belum dibuat",
"trade_id_not_found": "Perdagangan ${tradeId} dari ${title} tidak ditemukan.",
"trade_not_found": "Perdagangan tidak ditemukan.",
"trade_state_pending": "Menunggu",
"trade_state_confirming": "Menegkonfirmasi",
"trade_state_trading": "Berdagang",
"trade_state_traded": "Telah Berdagang",
"trade_state_complete": "Selesai",
"trade_state_to_be_created": "Akan dibuat",
"trade_state_unpaid": "Belum dibayar",
"trade_state_underpaid": "Kurang bayar",
"trade_state_paid_unconfirmed": "Dibayar belum dikonfirmasi",
"trade_state_paid": "Dibayar",
"trade_state_btc_sent": "Btc dikirim",
"trade_state_timeout": "Waktu habis",
"trade_state_created": "Dibuat",
"trade_state_finished": "Selesai",
"change_language": "Ganti bahasa",
"change_language_to": "Ganti bahasa ke ${language}?",
"paste": "Tempel",
"restore_from_seed_placeholder": "Silakan masukkan atau tempel seed Anda di sini",
"add_new_word": "Tambahkan kata baru",
"incorrect_seed": "Teks yang dimasukkan tidak valid.",
"biometric_auth_reason": "Pindai sidik jari Anda untuk mengautentikasi",
"version": "Versi ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title": "Alamat Terdeteksi",
"openalias_alert_content": "Anda akan mengirim dana ke\n${recipient_name}",
"card_address": "Alamat:",
"buy": "Beli",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"sell": "Jual",
"placeholder_transactions": "Transaksi Anda akan ditampilkan di sini",
"placeholder_contacts": "Kontak Anda akan ditampilkan di sini",
"template": "Template",
"confirm_delete_template": "Tindakan ini akan menghapus template ini. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?",
"confirm_delete_wallet": "Tindakan ini akan menghapus dompet ini. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?",
"change_wallet_alert_title": "Ganti dompet saat ini",
"change_wallet_alert_content": "Apakah Anda ingin mengganti dompet saat ini ke ${wallet_name}?",
"creating_new_wallet": "Membuat dompet baru",
"creating_new_wallet_error": "Error: ${description}",
"seed_alert_title": "Perhatian",
"seed_alert_content": "Seed adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mengembalikan dompet Anda. Apakah Anda sudah menuliskannya?",
"seed_alert_back": "Kembali",
"seed_alert_yes": "Ya, sudah",
"exchange_sync_alert_content": "Silakan tunggu sampai dompet Anda tersinkronisasi",
"pre_seed_title": "PENTING",
"pre_seed_description": "Di halaman berikutnya Anda akan melihat serangkaian kata ${words}. Ini adalah seed unik dan pribadi Anda dan itu SATU-SATUNYA cara untuk mengembalikan dompet Anda jika hilang atau rusak. Ini adalah TANGGUNG JAWAB Anda untuk menuliskannya dan menyimpan di tempat yang aman di luar aplikasi Cake Wallet.",
"pre_seed_button_text": "Saya mengerti. Tampilkan seed saya",
"xmr_to_error": "XMR.TO error",
"xmr_to_error_description": "Jumlah tidak valid. Batas maksimal 8 digit setelah koma",
"provider_error": "${provider} error",
"use_ssl": "Gunakan SSL",
"trusted": "Dipercayai",
"color_theme": "Tema warna",
"light_theme": "Terang",
"bright_theme": "Cerah",
"dark_theme": "Gelap",
"enter_your_note": "Masukkan catatan Anda...",
"note_optional": "Catatan (opsional)",
"note_tap_to_change": "Catatan (tap untuk mengubah)",
"view_in_block_explorer": "Lihat di Block Explorer",
"view_transaction_on": "Lihat Transaksi di ",
"transaction_key": "Kunci transaksi",
"confirmations": "Konfirmasi",
"recipient_address": "Alamat penerima",
"extra_id": "ID tambahan:",
"destination_tag": "Tag tujuan:",
"memo": "Memo:",
"backup": "Cadangan",
"change_password": "Ubah kata sandi",
"backup_password": "Kata sandi cadangan",
"write_down_backup_password": "Silakan menuliskan kata sandi cadangan Anda, yang digunakan untuk impor file cadangan Anda.",
"export_backup": "Ekspor cadangan",
"save_backup_password": "Pastikan Anda telah menyimpan kata sandi cadangan Anda. Anda tidak akan dapat mengimpor file cadangan Anda tanpa itu.",
"backup_file": "File cadangan",
"edit_backup_password": "Edit Kata Sandi Cadangan",
"save_backup_password_alert": "Simpan kata sandi cadangan",
"change_backup_password_alert": "File cadangan sebelumnya tidak akan tersedia untuk diimpor dengan kata sandi cadangan baru. Kata sandi cadangan baru hanya akan digunakan untuk file cadangan baru. Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengubah kata sandi cadangan?",
"enter_backup_password": "Masukkan kata sandi cadangan di sini",
"select_backup_file": "Pilih file cadangan",
"import": "Impor",
"please_select_backup_file": "Silakan pilih file cadangan dan masukkan kata sandi cadangan.",
"fixed_rate": "Rate tetap",
"fixed_rate_alert": "Anda akan dapat memasukkan jumlah penerimaan saat mode rate tetap dicentang. Apakah Anda ingin beralih ke mode rate tetap?",
"xlm_extra_info": "Jangan lupa untuk menentukan ID Memo saat mengirim transaksi XLM untuk pertukaran",
"xrp_extra_info": "Jangan lupa untuk menentukan Tag Tujuan saat mengirim transaksi XRP untuk pertukaran",
"exchange_incorrect_current_wallet_for_xmr": "Jika Anda ingin menukar XMR dari saldo Monero Cake Wallet Anda, silakan beralih ke dompet Monero Anda terlebih dahulu.",
"confirmed": "Saldo Terkonfirmasi",
"unconfirmed": "Saldo Belum Dikonfirmasi",
"displayable": "Dapat ditampilkan",
"submit_request": "kirim permintaan",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"buy_alert_content": "Saat ini kami hanya mendukung pembelian Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, dan Monero. Harap buat atau alihkan ke dompet Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, atau Monero Anda.",
"sell_alert_content": "Saat ini kami hanya mendukung penjualan Bitcoin, Ethereum, dan Litecoin. Harap buat atau alihkan ke dompet Bitcoin, Ethereum, atau Litecoin Anda.",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_description": "Dompet Bitcoin baru yang dibuat di Cake sekarang memiliki biji semai 24 kata. Wajib bagi Anda untuk membuat dompet Bitcoin baru dan mentransfer semua dana Anda ke dompet 24 kata baru, dan berhenti menggunakan dompet dengan biji semai 12 kata. Silakan lakukan ini segera untuk mengamankan dana Anda.",
"understand": "Saya mengerti",
"apk_update": "Pembaruan APK",
"buy_bitcoin": "Beli Bitcoin",
"buy_with": "Beli dengan",
"moonpay_alert_text": "Nilai jumlah harus lebih atau sama dengan ${minAmount} ${fiatCurrency}",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"outdated_electrum_wallet_receive_warning": "Jika dompet ini memiliki biji semai 12 kata dan dibuat di Cake, JANGAN deposit Bitcoin ke dalam dompet ini. BTC apapun yang ditransfer ke dompet ini mungkin hilang. Buat dompet 24 kata baru (ketuk menu di pojok kanan atas, pilih Dompet, pilih Buat Dompet Baru, lalu pilih Bitcoin) dan SEGERA pindahkan BTC Anda ke sana. Dompet BTC (24 kata) baru dari Cake aman",
"do_not_show_me": "Jangan tampilkan ini lagi",
"unspent_coins_title": "Koin yang tidak terpakai",
"unspent_coins_details_title": "Rincian koin yang tidak terpakai",
"freeze": "Freeze",
"frozen": "Dibekukan",
"coin_control": "Kontrol koin (opsional)",
"address_detected": "Alamat terdeteksi",
"address_from_domain": "Alamat ini dari ${domain} di Unstoppable Domains",
"add_receiver": "Tambahkan penerima lain (opsional)",
"manage_yats": "Kelola Yats",
"yat_alert_title": "Kirim dan terima crypto dengan lebih mudah dengan Yat",
"yat_alert_content": "Pengguna Cake Wallet sekarang dapat mengirim dan menerima semua mata uang favorit mereka dengan nama pengguna berbasis emoji yang satu-of-a-kind.",
"get_your_yat": "Dapatkan Yat Anda",
"connect_an_existing_yat": "Hubungkan Yat yang ada",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"connect_yats": "Hubungkan Yats",
"yat_address": "Alamat Yat",
"yat": "Yat",
"address_from_yat": "Alamat ini berasal dari ${emoji} di Yat",
"yat_error": "Kesalahan Yat",
"yat_error_content": "Tidak ada alamat yang terkait dengan Yat ini. Coba Yat lain",
"choose_address": "\n\nSilakan pilih alamat:",
"yat_popup_title": "Alamat dompet Anda dapat diubah menjadi emoji.",
"yat_popup_content": "Anda sekarang dapat mengirim dan menerima crypto di Cake Wallet dengan Yat Anda - nama pengguna berbasis emoji yang pendek. Kelola Yats kapan saja pada layar pengaturan",
"second_intro_title": "Satu alamat emoji untuk menguasainya semua",
"second_intro_content": "Yat Anda adalah satu alamat emoji yang unik yang menggantikan semua alamat heksadesimal panjang Anda untuk semua mata uang Anda.",
"third_intro_title": "Yat bermain baik dengan yang lain",
"third_intro_content": "Yats hidup di luar Cake Wallet juga. Setiap alamat dompet di dunia dapat diganti dengan Yat!",
"learn_more": "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"search": "Cari",
"search_language": "Cari bahasa",
"search_currency": "Cari mata uang",
"new_template": "Template Baru",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"electrum_address_disclaimer": "Kami menghasilkan alamat baru setiap kali Anda menggunakan satu, tetapi alamat sebelumnya tetap berfungsi",
"wallet_name_exists": "Nama dompet sudah ada. Silakan pilih nama yang berbeda atau ganti nama dompet yang lain terlebih dahulu.",
"market_place": "Pasar",
"cake_pay_title": "Kartu Hadiah Cake Pay",
"cake_pay_subtitle": "Beli kartu hadiah dengan harga diskon (hanya USA)",
"cake_pay_web_cards_title": "Kartu Web Cake Pay",
"cake_pay_web_cards_subtitle": "Beli kartu prabayar dan kartu hadiah secara global",
"about_cake_pay": "Cake Pay memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah membeli kartu hadiah dengan aset virtual, yang dapat digunakan segera di lebih dari 150.000 pedagang di Amerika Serikat.",
"cake_pay_account_note": "Daftar hanya dengan alamat email untuk melihat dan membeli kartu. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan tersedia dengan diskon!",
"already_have_account": "Sudah punya akun?",
"create_account": "Buat Akun",
"privacy_policy": "Kebijakan Privasi",
"welcome_to_cakepay": "Selamat Datang di Cake Pay!",
"sign_up": "Daftar",
"forgot_password": "Lupa Kata Sandi",
"reset_password": "Atur Ulang Kata Sandi",
"gift_cards": "Kartu Hadiah",
"setup_your_debit_card": "Pasang kartu debit Anda",
"no_id_required": "Tidak perlu ID. Isi ulang dan belanja di mana saja",
"how_to_use_card": "Bagaimana menggunakan kartu ini",
"purchase_gift_card": "Beli Kartu Hadiah",
"verification": "Verifikasi",
"fill_code": "Silakan isi kode verifikasi yang diterima di email Anda",
2023-05-24 16:02:28 +00:00
"didnt_get_code": "Tidak mendapatkan kode?",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"resend_code": "Silakan kirim ulang",
"debit_card": "Kartu Debit",
"cakepay_prepaid_card": "Kartu Debit Prabayar CakePay",
"no_id_needed": "Tidak perlu ID!",
"frequently_asked_questions": "Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan",
"debit_card_terms": "Penyimpanan dan penggunaan nomor kartu pembayaran Anda (dan kredensial yang sesuai dengan nomor kartu pembayaran Anda) dalam dompet digital ini tertakluk pada Syarat dan Ketentuan persetujuan pemegang kartu yang berlaku dengan penerbit kartu pembayaran, seperti yang berlaku dari waktu ke waktu.",
"please_reference_document": "Silakan referensikan dokumen di bawah ini untuk informasi lebih lanjut.",
"cardholder_agreement": "Persetujuan Pemegang Kartu",
"e_sign_consent": "E-Sign Consent",
"agree_and_continue": "Setuju & Lanjutkan",
"email_address": "Alamat Email",
"agree_to": "Dengan membuat akun Anda setuju dengan ",
"and": "dan",
"enter_code": "Masukkan kode",
"congratulations": "Selamat!",
"you_now_have_debit_card": "Anda sekarang memiliki kartu debit",
"min_amount": "Min: ${value}",
"max_amount": "Max: ${value}",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"enter_amount": "Masukkan Jumlah",
"billing_address_info": "Jika diminta alamat billing, berikan alamat pengiriman Anda",
"order_physical_card": "Pesan Kartu Fisik",
"add_value": "Tambahkan nilai",
"activate": "Aktifkan",
"get_a": "Dapatkan ",
"digital_and_physical_card": " kartu debit pra-bayar digital dan fisik",
"get_card_note": " yang dapat Anda muat ulang dengan mata uang digital. Tidak perlu informasi tambahan!",
"signup_for_card_accept_terms": "Daftar untuk kartu dan terima syarat dan ketentuan.",
"add_fund_to_card": "Tambahkan dana pra-bayar ke kartu (hingga ${value})",
"use_card_info_two": "Dana dikonversi ke USD ketika disimpan dalam akun pra-bayar, bukan dalam mata uang digital.",
"use_card_info_three": "Gunakan kartu digital secara online atau dengan metode pembayaran tanpa kontak.",
"optionally_order_card": "Opsional memesan kartu fisik.",
"hide_details": "Sembunyikan Rincian",
"show_details": "Tampilkan Rincian",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"upto": "hingga ${value}",
"discount": "Hemat ${value}%",
"gift_card_amount": "Jumlah Kartu Hadiah",
"bill_amount": "Jumlah Tagihan",
"you_pay": "Anda Membayar",
"tip": "Tip:",
"custom": "kustom",
"by_cake_pay": "oleh Cake Pay",
"expires": "Kadaluarsa",
"mm": "MM",
"yy": "YY",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Offline",
"gift_card_number": "Nomor Kartu Hadiah",
"pin_number": "Nomor PIN",
"total_saving": "Total Pembayaran",
"last_30_days": "30 hari terakhir",
"avg_savings": "Rata-rata Pembayaran",
"view_all": "Lihat Semua",
"active_cards": "Kartu Aktif",
"delete_account": "Hapus Akun",
"cards": "Kartu",
"active": "Aktif",
"redeemed": "Ditukar",
"gift_card_balance_note": "Kartu hadiah dengan saldo yang tersisa akan muncul di sini",
"gift_card_redeemed_note": "Kartu hadiah yang sudah Anda tukar akan muncul di sini",
"logout": "Keluar",
"add_tip": "Tambahkan Tip",
"percentageOf": "dari ${amount}",
"is_percentage": "adalah",
"search_category": "Cari kategori",
"mark_as_redeemed": "Tandai sebagai Ditukar",
"more_options": "Opsi Lainnya",
"awaiting_payment_confirmation": "Menunggu Konfirmasi Pembayaran",
"transaction_sent_notice": "Jika layar tidak bergerak setelah 1 menit, periksa block explorer dan email Anda.",
"agree": "Setuju",
"in_store": "Di Toko",
"generating_gift_card": "Membuat Kartu Hadiah",
"payment_was_received": "Pembayaran Anda telah diterima.",
"proceed_after_one_minute": "Jika layar tidak bergerak setelah 1 menit, periksa email Anda.",
"order_id": "ID Pesanan",
"gift_card_is_generated": "Kartu Hadiah telah dibuat",
"open_gift_card": "Buka Kartu Hadiah",
"contact_support": "Hubungi Dukungan",
"gift_cards_unavailable": "Kartu hadiah hanya tersedia untuk dibeli dengan Monero, Bitcoin, dan Litecoin saat ini",
"introducing_cake_pay": "Perkenalkan Cake Pay!",
"cake_pay_learn_more": "Beli dan tukar kartu hadiah secara instan di aplikasi!\nGeser ke kanan untuk informasi lebih lanjut.",
"automatic": "Otomatis",
"fixed_pair_not_supported": "Pasangan tetap ini tidak didukung dengan bursa yang dipilih",
"variable_pair_not_supported": "Pasangan variabel ini tidak didukung dengan bursa yang dipilih",
"none_of_selected_providers_can_exchange": "Tidak ada dari penyedia yang dipilih yang dapat melakukan pertukaran ini",
"choose_one": "Pilih satu",
"choose_from_available_options": "Pilih dari pilihan yang tersedia:",
"custom_redeem_amount": "Jumlah Tukar Kustom",
"add_custom_redemption": "Tambahkan Tukar Kustom",
"remaining": "sisa",
"delete_wallet": "Hapus dompet",
"delete_wallet_confirm_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus dompet ${wallet_name}?",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"low_fee": "Biaya rendah",
"low_fee_alert": "Anda saat ini menggunakan prioritas biaya jaringan rendah. Ini dapat menyebabkan tunggu yang lama, kurs yang berbeda, atau perdagangan yang dibatalkan. Kami merekomendasikan menetapkan biaya yang lebih tinggi untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik.",
"ignor": "Abaikan",
"use_suggested": "Gunakan yang Disarankan",
"do_not_share_warning_text": "Jangan berikan ini pada siapapun, termasuk dukungan.\n\nDana Anda bisa dan akan dicuri!",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"help": "bantuan",
"all_transactions": "Semua transaksi",
"all_trades": "Semua perdagangan",
"connection_sync": "Koneksi dan sinkronisasi",
"security_and_backup": "Keamanan dan cadangan",
"create_backup": "Buat cadangan",
"privacy_settings": "Pengaturan privasi",
"privacy": "Privasi",
"display_settings": "Pengaturan tampilan",
"other_settings": "Pengaturan lainnya",
"require_pin_after": "Meminta PIN setelah",
"always": "Selalu",
"minutes_to_pin_code": "${minute} menit",
"disable_exchange": "Nonaktifkan pertukaran",
"advanced_privacy_settings": "Pengaturan Privasi Lanjutan",
"settings_can_be_changed_later": "Pengaturan ini dapat diubah nanti di pengaturan aplikasi",
"add_custom_node": "Tambahkan Node Kustom Baru",
"disable_fiat": "Nonaktifkan fiat",
"fiat_api": "API fiat",
"disabled": "Dinonaktifkan",
"enabled": "Diaktifkan",
"tor_only": "Hanya Tor",
"unmatched_currencies": "Mata uang dompet Anda saat ini tidak cocok dengan yang ditandai QR",
"orbot_running_alert": "Pastikan Orbot sedang berjalan sebelum menghubungkan ke node ini.",
"contact_list_contacts": "Kontak",
"contact_list_wallets": "Dompet Saya",
"decimal_places_error": "Terlalu banyak tempat desimal",
"edit_node": "Sunting Node",
"frozen_balance": "Saldo Beku",
"invoice_details": "Detail faktur",
"donation_link_details": "Detail tautan donasi",
"anonpay_description": "Hasilkan ${type}. Penerima dapat ${method} dengan cryptocurrency apa pun yang didukung, dan Anda akan menerima dana di dompet ini.",
"create_invoice": "Buat faktur",
"create_donation_link": "Buat tautan donasi",
"optional_email_hint": "Email pemberitahuan penerima pembayaran opsional",
"optional_description": "Deskripsi opsional",
"optional_name": "Nama penerima opsional",
"clearnet_link": "Tautan clearnet",
"onion_link": "Tautan bawang",
"sell_monero_com_alert_content": "Menjual Monero belum didukung",
"error_text_input_below_minimum_limit": "Jumlah kurang dari minimal",
"error_text_input_above_maximum_limit": "Jumlah lebih dari maksimal",
"show_market_place": "Tampilkan Pasar",
"prevent_screenshots": "Cegah tangkapan layar dan perekaman layar",
"profile": "Profil",
"close": "Menutup",
"modify_2fa": "Ubah Kue 2FA",
"disable_cake_2fa": "Nonaktifkan Kue 2FA",
"question_to_disable_2fa": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menonaktifkan Cake 2FA? Kode 2FA tidak lagi diperlukan untuk mengakses dompet dan fungsi tertentu.",
"disable": "Cacat",
"setup_2fa": "Siapkan Kue 2FA",
"verify_with_2fa": "Verifikasi dengan Cake 2FA",
"totp_code": "Kode TOTP",
"please_fill_totp": "Harap isi kode 8 digit yang ada di perangkat Anda yang lain",
"totp_2fa_success": "Kesuksesan! Cake 2FA diaktifkan untuk dompet ini. Ingatlah untuk menyimpan benih mnemonik Anda jika Anda kehilangan akses dompet.",
"totp_verification_success": "Verifikasi Berhasil!",
"totp_2fa_failure": "Kode salah. Silakan coba kode lain atau buat kunci rahasia baru. Gunakan aplikasi 2FA yang kompatibel yang mendukung kode 8 digit dan SHA512.",
"enter_totp_code": "Masukkan Kode TOTP.",
"add_secret_code": "Tambahkan kode rahasia ini ke perangkat lain",
"totp_secret_code": "Kode Rahasia TOTP",
"important_note": "Catatan penting",
"setup_2fa_text": "Cake 2FA TIDAK seaman cold storage. 2FA melindungi dari jenis serangan dasar, seperti teman Anda memberikan sidik jari saat Anda sedang tidur.\n\n Cake 2FA TIDAK melindungi dari perangkat yang disusupi oleh penyerang canggih.\n\n Jika Anda kehilangan akses ke kode 2FA , ANDA AKAN KEHILANGAN AKSES KE DOMPET INI. Anda perlu memulihkan dompet Anda dari benih mnemonik. OLEH KARENA ITU, ANDA HARUS MENYIMPAN BIJI MNEMONIK ANDA! Selanjutnya, seseorang yang memiliki akses ke benih mnemonik Anda akan dapat mencuri dana Anda, melewati Cake 2FA.\n\n Staf pendukung Cake tidak akan dapat membantu Anda jika Anda kehilangan akses ke benih mnemonik Anda, karena Cake adalah dompet tanpa hak asuh.",
"setup_totp_recommended": "Siapkan TOTP (Disarankan)",
"disable_buy": "Nonaktifkan tindakan beli",
"disable_sell": "Nonaktifkan aksi jual",
"auto_generate_subaddresses": "Menghasilkan subalamat secara otomatis",
"cake_2fa_preset": "Preset Kue 2FA",
"narrow": "Sempit",
"normal": "Normal",
"aggressive": "Terlalu bersemangat",
"require_for_assessing_wallet": "Diperlukan untuk mengakses dompet",
"require_for_sends_to_non_contacts": "Wajibkan untuk mengirim ke non-kontak",
"require_for_sends_to_contacts": "Membutuhkan untuk mengirim ke kontak",
"require_for_sends_to_internal_wallets": "Diperlukan untuk mengirim ke dompet internal",
"require_for_exchanges_to_internal_wallets": "Diperlukan untuk pertukaran ke dompet internal",
"require_for_adding_contacts": "Membutuhkan untuk menambahkan kontak",
"require_for_creating_new_wallets": "Diperlukan untuk membuat dompet baru",
"require_for_all_security_and_backup_settings": "Memerlukan untuk semua pengaturan keamanan dan pencadangan",
"available_balance_description": "“Saldo yang Tersedia” atau “Saldo yang Dikonfirmasi” adalah dana yang dapat langsung dibelanjakan. Jika dana muncul di saldo bawah tetapi tidak di saldo atas, maka Anda harus menunggu beberapa menit agar dana masuk mendapatkan konfirmasi jaringan lainnya. Setelah mereka mendapatkan lebih banyak konfirmasi, mereka akan dapat dibelanjakan.",
"syncing_wallet_alert_title": "Dompet Anda sedang disinkronkan",
"syncing_wallet_alert_content": "Saldo dan daftar transaksi Anda mungkin belum lengkap sampai tertulis “SYNCHRONIZED” di bagian atas. Klik/ketuk untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"home_screen_settings": "Pengaturan layar awal",
"sort_by": "Sortir dengan",
"search_add_token": "Cari / Tambahkan token",
"edit_token": "Mengedit token",
"warning": "Peringatan",
"add_token_warning": "Jangan mengedit atau menambahkan token seperti yang diinstruksikan oleh penipu.\nSelalu konfirmasikan alamat token dengan sumber tepercaya!",
"add_token_disclaimer_check": "Saya telah mengonfirmasi alamat dan informasi kontrak token menggunakan sumber yang memiliki reputasi baik. Menambahkan informasi jahat atau salah dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya dana.",
"token_contract_address": "Alamat kontrak token",
"token_name": "Nama token misalnya: Tether",
"token_symbol": "Simbol token misalnya: USDT",
"token_decimal": "Desimal token",
"field_required": "Bagian ini diperlukan",
"pin_at_top": "sematkan ${token} di atas",
"invalid_input": "Masukan tidak valid",
"fiat_balance": "Saldo Fiat",
"gross_balance": "Saldo Kotor",
"alphabetical": "Alfabetis",
"generate_name": "Hasilkan Nama",
"balance_page": "Halaman Saldo",
"share": "Membagikan",
"slidable": "Dapat digeser",
Cw 396 additional themes (#962) * fix: SectionStandardList using BuildContext as param * refactor: deprecated backgroundColor -> colorScheme.background * refactor: themeBase and current themes * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.color -> dialogTheme.backgroundColor * refactor: gradient background * refactor: text themes using the same color as primaryColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.color -> cardColor * refactor: text themes using same dialogBackgroundColor * refactor: scrollbarTheme * refactor: create SyncIndicatorTheme * refactor: SectionDivider * refactor: base_page improvements and simplify * refactor: collapsible_standart_list improvements * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> KeyboardTheme.keyboardBarColor * refactor: create PinCodeTheme for accentTextTheme.bodyMedium * refactor: create SupportPageTheme for accentTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor and fix cases that use it * refactor: accentTextTheme.displayLarge.color -> disabledColor * refactor: create ExchangePageTheme * refactor: create DashboardPageTheme and use textColor * refactor: create NewWalletTheme for accentTextTheme.displayMedium * refactor: create BalancePageTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.backgroundColor * refactor: create AddressTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.color * refactor: create IndicatorDotTheme * refactor: create CakeMenuTheme * refactor: create FilterTheme * refactor: create WalletListTheme * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.decorationColor -> InfoTheme.textColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.backgroundColor -> PickerTheme.dividerColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> AlertTheme.leftButtonTextColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor -> OrderTheme.iconColor * refactor: create SendPageTheme * fix: missing migrated styles * refactor: primaryTextTheme.labelSmall.decorationColor -> PlaceholderTheme.color * refactor: create TransactionTradeTheme * refactor: create CakeTextTheme * refactor: create AccountListTheme * refactor: create ReceivePageTheme * refactor: create QRCodeTheme * refactor: move remaining items to CakeTextTheme and some missing fixes * feat(display_settings): add new theme selector * feat: additional themes * fix: conflict error * fix(lag): move colorScheme initialization to constructor * feat: add backdropColor to alert and picker backdrop filters * fix: merge fixes * fix: send template page missing new colors * fix: anonpay pages title and icon colors * fix: merge fixes * fix: unspent coins page * fix: also fix exchange template * fix: missing checkbox * fix: fixes for high contrast theme * Merge branch 'main' into CW-396-additional-themes * fix: merge fixes * fix: .gitignore and rm added files * Fix review comments --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>
2023-08-17 15:28:31 +00:00
"monero_dark_theme": "Tema Gelap Monero",
"bitcoin_dark_theme": "Tema Gelap Bitcoin",
"bitcoin_light_theme": "Tema Cahaya Bitcoin",
"high_contrast_theme": "Tema Kontras Tinggi",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Tema Matrix Green Dark",
"monero_light_theme": "Tema Cahaya Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Kelola node",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"etherscan_history": "Sejarah Etherscan",
"template_name": "Nama Templat",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"change_rep": "Ubah Perwakilan",
"change_rep_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengubah perwakilan?",
"unsupported_asset": "Kami tidak mendukung tindakan ini untuk aset ini. Harap buat atau alihkan ke dompet dari jenis aset yang didukung.",
"manage_pow_nodes": "Kelola Node PoW",
"support_title_live_chat": "Dukungan langsung",
"support_description_live_chat": "Gratis dan Cepat! Perwakilan dukungan terlatih tersedia untuk membantu",
"support_title_guides": "Panduan Dompet Kue",
"support_description_guides": "Dokumentasi dan dukungan untuk masalah umum",
"support_title_other_links": "Tautan dukungan lainnya",
"support_description_other_links": "Bergabunglah dengan komunitas kami atau hubungi kami mitra kami melalui metode lain",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"choose_derivation": "Pilih dompet dompet",
"new_first_wallet_text": "Dengan mudah menjaga cryptocurrency Anda aman",
"select_destination": "Silakan pilih tujuan untuk file cadangan.",
"save_to_downloads": "Simpan ke Unduhan",
"select_buy_provider_notice": "Pilih penyedia beli di atas. Anda dapat melewatkan layar ini dengan mengatur penyedia pembelian default Anda di pengaturan aplikasi.",
"onramper_option_description": "Beli crypto dengan cepat dengan banyak metode pembayaran. Tersedia di sebagian besar negara. Spread dan biaya bervariasi.",
"default_buy_provider": "Penyedia beli default",
"ask_each_time": "Tanyakan setiap kali",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Penyedia saat ini tidak tersedia.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"signTransaction": "Tandatangani Transaksi",
"errorGettingCredentials": "Gagal: Terjadi kesalahan saat mendapatkan kredensial",
"errorSigningTransaction": "Terjadi kesalahan saat menandatangani transaksi",
"pairingInvalidEvent": "Menyandingkan Acara Tidak Valid",
"chains": "Rantai",
"methods": "Metode",
"events": "Acara",
"reject": "Menolak",
"approve": "Menyetujui",
"expiresOn": "Kadaluarsa pada",
"walletConnect": "DompetConnect",
"nullURIError": "URI adalah nol",
"connectWalletPrompt": "Hubungkan dompet Anda dengan WalletConnect untuk melakukan transaksi",
"newConnection": "Koneksi Baru",
"activeConnectionsPrompt": "Koneksi aktif akan muncul di sini",
"deleteConnectionConfirmationPrompt": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus koneksi ke",
"event": "Peristiwa",
"successful": "Berhasil",
"wouoldLikeToConnect": "ingin terhubung",
"message": "Pesan",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup ${currency} untuk melakukan transaksi dengan kondisi jaringan blockchain saat ini. Anda memerlukan lebih banyak ${currency} untuk membayar biaya jaringan blockchain, meskipun Anda mengirimkan aset yang berbeda.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"totp_auth_url": "URL Otentikasi TOTP",
"awaitDAppProcessing": "Mohon tunggu hingga dApp menyelesaikan pemrosesan.",
"normal_exchange_description": "Changenow, sideshift, simpleswap, dan trocador",
"select_exchange_provider_notice": "Pilih penyedia pertukaran di atas. Anda dapat melewatkan layar ini dengan mengatur penyedia pertukaran default Anda di pengaturan aplikasi.",
"default_exchange_provider": "Penyedia pertukaran default",
"copyWalletConnectLink": "Salin tautan WalletConnect dari dApp dan tempel di sini",
"enterWalletConnectURI": "Masukkan URI WalletConnect",
"seed_key": "Kunci benih",
"enter_seed_phrase": "Masukkan frasa benih Anda",
"add_contact": "Tambah kontak",
"exchange_provider_unsupported": "${providerName} tidak lagi didukung!",
"domain_looks_up": "Pencarian domain",
"require_for_exchanges_to_external_wallets": "Memerlukan pertukaran ke dompet eksternal",
"camera_permission_is_required": "Izin kamera diperlukan.\nSilakan aktifkan dari pengaturan aplikasi.",
2023-11-16 14:19:34 +00:00
"switchToETHWallet": "Silakan beralih ke dompet Ethereum dan coba lagi",
"moonpay_exchange_description": "Pertukaran cryptocurrency yang mulus.",
"kyc_required": "Akun dan KYC diperlukan"