
750 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"welcome": "Barka da zuwa",
"cake_wallet": "Cake Wallet",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"first_wallet_text": "Aikace-aikacen e-wallet ga Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, da kuma Haven",
"please_make_selection": "Don Allah zaɓi ƙasa don ƙirƙira ko dawo da kwalinku.",
"create_new": "Ƙirƙira Sabon Kwalinku",
"restore_wallet": "Dawo da Kwalinku",
"monero_com": " ta Cake Wallet",
"monero_com_wallet_text": "Aikace-aikacen e-wallet ga Monero",
"haven_app": "Haven da Cake Wallet",
"haven_app_wallet_text": "Aikace-aikacen e-wallet ga Haven",
"accounts": "Lissafi",
"edit": "Gyara",
"account": "Asusu",
"add": "Ƙara",
"address_book": "Littafin adireshi",
"contact": "Tuntuɓar",
"please_select": "Don Allah zaɓi:",
"cancel": "Soke",
"ok": "OK",
"contact_name": "Sunan Tuntuɓi",
"reset": "Sake saiti",
"save": "Ajiye",
"address_remove_contact": "Cire lamba",
"address_remove_content": "Kuna tabbatar kuna so ku cire wannan Contact?",
"authenticated": "Ingantacce",
"authentication": "Tabbatarwa",
"failed_authentication": "Binne wajen shiga. ${state_error}",
"wallet_menu": "Menu",
"Blocks_remaining": "${status} Katanga ya rage",
"please_try_to_connect_to_another_node": "Don Allah yi ƙoƙarin haɗa da wani node",
"xmr_hidden": "Boye",
"xmr_available_balance": "Akwai Ma'auni",
"xmr_full_balance": "Cikakken Ma'auni",
"send": "Aika",
"receive": "Samu",
"transactions": "Ma'amaloli",
"incoming": "Mai shigowa",
"outgoing": "Mai fita",
"transactions_by_date": "Ma'amaloli ta kwanan wata",
"trades": "Cinikai",
"filter_by": "Tace ta",
"today": "Yau",
"yesterday": "Jiya",
"received": "Samu",
"sent": "Aika",
"pending": "(pending)",
"rescan": "Rescan",
"reconnect": "Sake haɗawa",
"wallets": "Wallets",
"show_seed": "Nuna iri",
"show_keys": "Nuna iri/maɓallai",
"address_book_menu": "Littafin adireshi",
"reconnection": "Sake haɗawa",
"reconnect_alert_text": "Shin kun tabbata kuna son sake haɗawa?",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"clear": "Share",
"refund_address": "Adireshin maidowa",
"change_exchange_provider": "Canza Mai Bayar da Musanya",
"you_will_send": "Maida daga",
"you_will_get": "Maida zuwa",
"amount_is_guaranteed": "Adadin da aka karɓa yana da garanti",
"amount_is_estimate": "Adadin da aka karɓa shine kimantawa",
"powered_by": "An ƙarfafa shi ta ${title}",
"error": "Kuskure",
"estimated": "Kiyasta",
"min_value": "Min: ${value} ${currency}",
"max_value": "Max: ${value} ${currency}",
"change_currency": "Canja Kuɗi",
"overwrite_amount": "Rubuta adadin",
"qr_payment_amount": "Wannan QR code yana da adadin kuɗi. Kuna so ku overwrite wannan adadi?",
"copy_id": "Kwafi ID",
"exchange_result_write_down_trade_id": "Da fatan za a kwafa ko rubuta ID ɗin ciniki don ci gaba.",
"trade_id": "ID na kasuwanci:",
"copied_to_clipboard": "An kwafi zuwa Clipboard",
"saved_the_trade_id": "Na ajiye ID na ciniki",
"fetching": "Daukewa",
"id": "ID:",
"amount": "Adadi:",
"payment_id": "ID na biyan kuɗi:",
"status": "Matsayi:",
"offer_expires_in": "tayin zai ƙare a:",
"trade_is_powered_by": "Ana yin wannan ciniki ta hanyar ${provider}",
"copy_address": "Kwafi Adireshin",
"exchange_result_confirm": "Ta danna tabbatarwa, zaku aika ${fetchingLabel} ${from} daga walat ɗin ku mai suna ${walletName} zuwa address dake kasa. Ko zaka iya aika daga kwalinku na external zuwa address/QR code dake kasa.\n\nDon Allah shigar da confirm don ci gaba ko dawo ka canja adadinku.",
"exchange_result_description": "Dole ne ku aika mafi ƙarancin ${fetchingLabel} ${from} zuwa adireshin da aka nuna akan shafi na gaba. Idan ka aika adadi kasa da ${fetchingLabel} ${from} bazai yi converting ba kuma ba zai koma ba.",
"exchange_result_write_down_ID": "*Don Allah kwafi ko rubuta ID dake nuna sama.",
"confirm": "Tabbatar",
"confirm_sending": "Tabbatar da aikawa",
"commit_transaction_amount_fee": "Aikata ciniki\nAdadi: ${amount}\nKuda: ${fee}",
"sending": "Aika",
"transaction_sent": "An aika ciniki!",
"expired": "Karewa",
"time": "${minutes}m ${seconds}s",
"send_xmr": "Aika XMR",
"exchange_new_template": "Sabon template",
"faq": "FAQ",
"enter_your_pin": "Shigar da PIN",
"loading_your_wallet": "Ana loda walat ɗin ku",
"new_wallet": "Sabuwar Wallet",
"wallet_name": "Sunan walat",
"continue_text": "Ci gaba",
"choose_wallet_currency": "Da fatan za a zaɓi kuɗin walat:",
"node_new": "Sabon Node",
"node_address": "Address Node",
"node_port": "Node tashar jiragen ruwa",
"login": "Shiga",
"password": "Kalmar wucewa",
"nodes": "Nodes",
"node_reset_settings_title": "Sake saitunan",
"nodes_list_reset_to_default_message": "Kuna tabbatar kuna so ku sake saitunan zuwa default?",
"change_current_node": "Kuna tabbatar kuna so ku canja node yanzu zuwa ${node}?",
"change": "Canja",
"remove_node": "Cire node",
"remove_node_message": "Kuna tabbatar kuna so ku cire wannan node?",
"remove": "Cire",
"delete": "Share",
"add_new_node": "Ƙara sabon node",
"change_current_node_title": "Canja node yanzu",
"node_test": "Gwaji",
"node_connection_successful": "Haɗin ya yi nasara",
"node_connection_failed": "Haɗin ya gaza",
"new_node_testing": "Sabbin gwajin kumburi",
"use": "Canja zuwa",
"digit_pin": "-lambar PIN",
"share_address": "Raba adireshin",
"receive_amount": "Adadi",
"subaddresses": "Subaddresses",
"addresses": "Addresses",
"scan_qr_code": "Gani QR kodin",
"qr_fullscreen": "Matsa don buɗe lambar QR na cikakken allo",
"rename": "Sake suna",
"choose_account": "Zaɓi asusu",
"create_new_account": "Ƙirƙiri sabon asusu",
"accounts_subaddresses": "Accounts da subaddresses",
"restore_restore_wallet": "Maida Wallet",
"restore_title_from_seed_keys": "Dawo da iri/maɓallai",
"restore_description_from_seed_keys": "Maido da walat ɗin ku daga iri/maɓallan da kuka adana don amintaccen wuri",
"restore_next": "Na gaba",
"restore_title_from_backup": "Dawo daga madadin",
"restore_description_from_backup": "Kuna iya dawo da duk aikace-aikacen Wallet ɗin Cake daga fayil ɗin ajiyar ku",
"restore_seed_keys_restore": "Mayar da iri/Maɓallai",
"restore_title_from_seed": "Maidowa daga iri",
"restore_description_from_seed": "Dawo da kwalinku daga 25 ko 13 lambar haɗin kalma",
"restore_title_from_keys": "Dawo daga maɓallai",
"restore_description_from_keys": "Maido da walat ɗin ku daga maɓallan maɓalli da aka ƙera da aka ajiye daga maɓallan ku na sirri",
"restore_wallet_name": "Sunan kwalinku",
"restore_address": "Address",
"restore_view_key_private": "Maɓallin Duba (key kalmar sirri)",
"restore_spend_key_private": "Maɓallin kashewa (key kalmar sirri)",
"restore_recover": "Maida",
"restore_wallet_restore_description": "Bayanin dawo da walat",
"restore_new_seed": "Sabon iri",
"restore_active_seed": "iri mai aiki",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_seed": "Dawo da kwalinku daga 24 lambar haɗin kalma",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_keys": "Dawo da kwalinku daga WIF string dake generate daga maɓallan sirri",
"restore_bitcoin_title_from_keys": "Dawo daga WIF",
"restore_from_date_or_blockheight": "Don Allah shigar da wata kwanan a kafin ku ƙirƙirar wannan kwalinku. Ko idan kun san blockheight, don Allah shigar da shi",
"seed_reminder": "Don Allah rubuta wadannan in case ka manta ko ka sake kwallon wayarka",
"seed_title": "iri",
"seed_share": "Raba iri",
"copy": "Kwafi",
"seed_language": "Harshen Magani",
"seed_choose": "Zaɓi harshen seed",
"seed_language_next": "Na gaba",
"seed_language_english": "Ingilishi",
"seed_language_chinese": "Sinanci",
"seed_language_dutch": "Dutch",
"seed_language_german": "Jamus",
"seed_language_japanese": "Jafananci",
"seed_language_portuguese": "Fotigal",
"seed_language_russian": "Rashanci",
"seed_language_spanish": "Spanish",
"seed_language_french": "Faransanci",
"seed_language_italian": "Italiyanci",
"send_title": "Aika",
"send_your_wallet": "Walat ɗin ku",
"send_address": "${cryptoCurrency} address",
"send_payment_id": "ID na biyan kuɗi (optional)",
"all": "DUK",
"send_error_minimum_value": "Mafi ƙarancin ƙimar adadin shine 0.01",
"send_error_currency": "Kudi zai iya ƙunsar lambobi kawai",
"send_estimated_fee": "Ƙimar kuɗi:",
"send_priority": "Yanzu haka fee yana set a ${transactionPriority} fifiko.\nAna iya daidaita fifikon ciniki a cikin saitunan",
"send_creating_transaction": "Ƙirƙirar ciniki",
"send_templates": "Samfura",
"send_new": "Sabon",
"send_amount": "Adadi:",
"send_fee": "Kudin:",
"send_name": "Sunan",
"got_it": "Gama",
"send_sending": "Aika...",
"send_success": "${crypto} kwalinku ya aika da nasara",
"settings_title": "Saitunan",
"settings_nodes": "Nodes",
"settings_current_node": "Node yanzu",
"settings_wallets": "Wallets",
"settings_display_balance": "Nuna ma'auni",
"settings_currency": "Kudi",
"settings_fee_priority": "fifikon kuɗi",
"settings_save_recipient_address": "Ajiye adireshin mai karɓa",
"settings_personal": "Na sirri",
"settings_change_pin": "Canja PIN",
"settings_change_language": "Canja yaren",
"settings_allow_biometrical_authentication": "Bada izinin tantance sawun yatsa",
"settings_dark_mode": "Launi mai duhu",
"settings_transactions": "Ma'amaloli",
"settings_trades": "Cinikai",
"settings_display_on_dashboard_list": "Nuna a kan tebur na bayanan",
"settings_all": "DUK",
"settings_only_trades": "Kawai kasuwancin",
"settings_only_transactions": "Kawai ayyuka",
"settings_none": "Babu",
"settings_support": "Taimako",
"settings_terms_and_conditions": "Sharuɗɗa da Ka'idoji",
"pin_is_incorrect": "PIN ba daidai ba ne",
"setup_pin": "Saita PIN",
"enter_your_pin_again": "Shigar da PIN ɗinku na sake",
"setup_successful": "An saita PIN ɗinku da nasara!",
"wallet_keys": "Iri/maɓalli na walat",
"wallet_seed": "kalmar sirri na walat",
"private_key": "Keɓaɓɓen maɓalli",
"public_key": "Maɓallin jama'a",
"view_key_private": "Duba maɓallin (maɓallin kalmar sirri)",
"view_key_public": "Maɓallin Duba (maɓallin jama'a)",
"spend_key_private": "makullin biya (maɓallin kalmar sirri)",
"spend_key_public": "makullin biya (maɓallin jama'a)",
"copied_key_to_clipboard": "An kwafa ${key} a cikin kwafin",
"new_subaddress_title": "Adireshin sabuwa",
"new_subaddress_label_name": "Lakabin suna",
"new_subaddress_create": "Ƙirƙiri",
"address_label": "Labari adireshi",
"subaddress_title": "Jagorar subaddress",
"trade_details_title": "Bayanai game da kasuwancin",
"trade_details_id": "ID",
"trade_details_state": "Matsayi",
"trade_details_fetching": "Daukewa",
"trade_details_provider": "Mai bayarwa",
"trade_details_created_at": "An ƙirƙira a",
"trade_details_pair": "miji da matarsa",
"trade_details_copied": "${title} an kwafa zuwa cikin kwafin",
"trade_history_title": "Tarihin kasuwancin",
"transaction_details_title": "Bayanai game da aikace-aikacen",
"transaction_details_transaction_id": "ID na kasuwanci",
"transaction_details_date": "Kwanan wata",
"transaction_details_height": "tsawo",
"transaction_details_amount": "Adadin",
"transaction_details_fee": "Kudin",
"transaction_details_copied": "${title} an kwafa zuwa cikin kwafin",
"transaction_details_recipient_address": "Adireshin masu amfani",
"wallet_list_title": "Monero walat",
"wallet_list_create_new_wallet": "Ƙirƙiri Sabon Wallet",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"wallet_list_edit_wallet": "Gyara walat",
"wallet_list_wallet_name": "Sunan walat",
"wallet_list_restore_wallet": "Maida Wallet",
"wallet_list_load_wallet": "Ana loda wallet na Monero",
"wallet_list_loading_wallet": "Ana loda ${wallet_name} walat",
"wallet_list_failed_to_load": "An kasa loda ${wallet_name} walat. ${error}",
"wallet_list_removing_wallet": "Cirewa ${wallet_name} walat",
"wallet_list_failed_to_remove": "Ba a iya cirewa ${wallet_name} walat. ${error}",
"widgets_address": "Adireshin",
"widgets_restore_from_blockheight": "Sake dawo da daga blockheight",
"widgets_restore_from_date": "Sake dawo da daga kwanan wata",
"widgets_or": "ko",
"widgets_seed": "iri",
"router_no_route": "Babu wata hanya da aka bayyana don ${name}",
"error_text_account_name": "Sunan ajiya zai iya ɗauka ne kawai da haruffa, lambobi\nkuma ya zama tsakanin 1 zuwa 15 haruffa",
"error_text_contact_name": "Sunan kira ba zai iya ɗaukar ` , ' \" haruffa\nkuma ya zama tsakanin 1 zuwa 32 haruffa",
"error_text_address": "Adireshin hujja ya kamata ya dace da irin\nna cryptocurrency",
"error_text_node_address": "Da fatan a shigar da iPv4 adireshin",
"error_text_node_port": "Node tashar jiragen ruwa zai iya ƙunsar lambobi tsakanin 0 zuwa 65535 kawai",
"error_text_node_proxy_address": "Da fatan za a shigar da <IPv4 address>:<port>, misali",
"error_text_payment_id": "ID na biyan kudi kawai zai iya ɗaukar daga 16 zuwa 64 haruffa a cikin hex",
"error_text_xmr": "XMR adadin ba zai iya wuce available balance.\nAdadin haruffan gaba zai kamata ya zama ko ƙasa daga na 12",
"error_text_fiat": "Adadin kudin ba zai iya wuce available balance.\nAdadin haruffan gaba zai kamata ya zama ko ƙasa daga na 2",
"error_text_subaddress_name": "Sunan subaddress ba zai iya ɗaukar `, ', \" haruffa\nkuma ya zama tsakanin 1 zuwa 20 haruffa",
"error_text_amount": "Adadin biya zai iya ƙunsar lambobi kawai",
"error_text_wallet_name": "Sunan hujja kawai zai iya ɗauka ne haruffa, lambobi, _ - haruffa\nkuma ya zama tsakanin 1 zuwa 33 haruffa",
"error_text_keys": "Ƙunci na hujja kawai zai iya ɗaukar 64 haruffa a cikin hex",
"error_text_crypto_currency": "Adadin haruffan gaba\n zai kamata ya zama ko ƙasa daga na 12",
"error_text_minimal_limit": "Kasuwanci ga ${provider} ba a yi ba. Adadin shine ƙasa fiye da ƙananan: ${min} ${currency}",
"error_text_maximum_limit": "Kasuwanci ga ${provider} ba a yi ba. Adadin shine fiye da ƙimanin: ${max} ${currency}",
"error_text_limits_loading_failed": "Kasuwanci ga ${provider} ba a yi ba. An kasa saukewa masanan",
"error_text_template": "Sunan na tushe da adireshin ba zai iya ɗaukar ` , ' \" haruffa\nkuma ya zama tsakanin 1 zuwa 106 haruffa",
"auth_store_ban_timeout": "ban_timeout",
"auth_store_banned_for": "An haramta don",
"auth_store_banned_minutes": "da minti",
"auth_store_incorrect_password": "PIN na gaskiya",
"wallet_store_monero_wallet": "Monero walat",
"wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length": "kalmar sirrin iri ba daidai ba",
"full_balance": "DUKAN KUDI",
"available_balance": "KUDI",
"hidden_balance": "BOYE KUDI",
"sync_status_syncronizing": "KWAFI",
"sync_status_syncronized": "KYAU",
"sync_status_not_connected": "BABU INTERNET",
"sync_status_starting_sync": "KWAFI",
"sync_status_failed_connect": "BABU INTERNET",
"sync_status_connecting": "HADA",
"sync_status_connected": "HANNU",
"sync_status_attempting_sync": "KWAFI",
"transaction_priority_slow": "SAURI DA SAURI",
"transaction_priority_regular": "SAURI NORMAL",
"transaction_priority_medium": "SAURI DA DADI",
"transaction_priority_fast": "sauri",
"transaction_priority_fastest": "mafi sauri",
"trade_for_not_created": "Ba a ƙirƙira ciniki don ${title} ba.",
"trade_not_created": "Ba a ƙirƙira ciniki ba",
"trade_id_not_found": "Ba a samo cinikin ${tradeId} na ${title} ba.",
"trade_not_found": "Ba a sami ciniki ba.",
"trade_state_pending": "Jira",
"trade_state_confirming": "Tabbatar",
"trade_state_trading": "Ciniki",
"trade_state_traded": "Ciniki",
"trade_state_complete": "Cikakkun",
"trade_state_to_be_created": "za a halicci",
"trade_state_unpaid": "ba a biya ba",
"trade_state_underpaid": "ba a biya gaba ɗaya ba",
"trade_state_paid_unconfirmed": "an biya amma ba a tabbatar ba",
"trade_state_paid": "an biya",
"trade_state_btc_sent": "Btc an aika",
"trade_state_timeout": "lokacin da ya ƙare",
"trade_state_created": "an halicci",
"trade_state_finished": "an kammala",
"change_language": "canja harshen",
"change_language_to": "canja harshen zuwa ${language}?",
"paste": "Manna",
"restore_from_seed_placeholder": "Da fatan za a shigar da ko manna maɓallin ku a nan",
"add_new_word": "Ƙara kalma sabuwa",
"incorrect_seed": "rubutun da aka shigar ba shi da inganci.",
"biometric_auth_reason": "Duba hoton yatsa don tantancewa",
"version": "Sigar ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title": "An gano adireshin",
"openalias_alert_content": "Zaka aika kuɗi zuwa \n${recipient_name}",
"card_address": "Adireshin:",
"buy": "Sayi",
"sell": "sayar",
"placeholder_transactions": "Za a nuna ma'amalolin ku anan",
"placeholder_contacts": "Za a nuna lambobin sadarwar ku anan",
"template": "Samfura",
"confirm_delete_template": "Wannan aikin zai share wannan samfuri. Kuna so ku ci gaba?",
"confirm_delete_wallet": "Wannan aikin zai share wannan walat. Kuna so ku ci gaba?",
"change_wallet_alert_title": "Canja walat yanzu",
"change_wallet_alert_content": "Kana so ka canja walat yanzu zuwa ${wallet_name}?",
"creating_new_wallet": "Haliccin walat sabuwa",
"creating_new_wallet_error": "Kuskure: ${description}",
"seed_alert_title": "Hankali",
"seed_alert_content": "Irin ita ce kawai hanya don dawo da walat ɗin ku. Kun rubuta shi?",
"seed_alert_back": "juya baya",
"seed_alert_yes": "E, Na yi",
"exchange_sync_alert_content": "Da fatan za a jira har sai an daidaita walat ɗin ku",
"pre_seed_title": "MUHIMMANCI",
"pre_seed_description": "A kan shafin nan za ku ga wata ƙungiya na ${words} kalmomi. Wannan shine tsarin daban-daban ku kuma na sirri kuma shine hanya ɗaya kadai don mai da purse dinku a cikin yanayin rasa ko rashin aiki. Yana da damar da kuke a cikin tabbatar da kuyi rubuta shi kuma kuyi ajiye shi a wuri na aminci wanda ya wuce wurin app na Cake Wallet.",
"pre_seed_button_text": "Ina fahimta. Nuna mini seed din nawa",
"xmr_to_error": "XMR.TO kuskure",
"xmr_to_error_description": "Adadin ba shi da inganci. Maksimum ɗaura 8 digiri bayan decimal point",
"provider_error": "${provider} kuskure",
"use_ssl": "Yi amfani da SSL",
"trusted": "Amintacce",
"color_theme": "Jigon launi",
"light_theme": "Haske",
"bright_theme": "Mai haske",
"dark_theme": "Duhu",
"enter_your_note": "Shigar da bayanin kula…",
"note_optional": "Bayani (optional)",
"note_tap_to_change": "Bayani (tap don canja)",
"view_in_block_explorer": "Dubo a cikin Block Explorer",
"view_transaction_on": "Dubo aikace-aikacen akan",
"transaction_key": "Aikace-aikacen key",
"confirmations": "Tabbatar",
"recipient_address": "Adireshin mai karɓa",
"extra_id": "Karin ID:",
"destination_tag": "Tambarin makoma:",
"memo": "Memo:",
"backup": "Ajiyayyen",
"change_password": "Canza kalmar shiga",
"backup_password": "Ajiyayyen kalmar sirri",
"write_down_backup_password": "Da fatan za a rubuta kalmar sirrin ajiyar ku, wacce ake amfani da ita don shigo da fayilolin ajiyar ku.",
"export_backup": "Ajiyayyen fitarwa",
"save_backup_password": "Da fatan za a tabbatar cewa kun adana kalmar sirrin ajiyar ku. Ba za ku iya shigo da fayilolin ajiyar ku ba tare da shi ba.",
"backup_file": "Ajiyayyen fayil",
"edit_backup_password": "Shirya Kalmar wucewa ta Ajiyayyen",
"save_backup_password_alert": "Ajiye kalmar sirri ta ajiya",
"change_backup_password_alert": "Fayilolin madadin ku na baya ba za su kasance don shigo da sabon kalmar sirri ta madadin ba. Sabuwar kalmar sirri ta ajiya za a yi amfani da ita kawai don sabbin fayilolin madadin. Shin kun tabbata cewa kuna son canza kalmar wucewa?",
"enter_backup_password": "Shigar da kalmar wucewa ta madadin nan",
"select_backup_file": "Zaɓi fayil ɗin madadin",
"import": "Shigo da",
"please_select_backup_file": "Da fatan za a zaɓi fayil ɗin madadin kuma shigar da kalmar wucewa ta madadin.",
"fixed_rate": "Kafaffen ƙima",
"fixed_rate_alert": "Za ku iya shigar da adadin karɓa lokacin da aka duba ƙayyadadden zaɓin ƙimar kuɗi. Kuna so ku canza zuwa ƙayyadadden yanayin ƙimar kuɗi?",
"xlm_extra_info": "Don Allah kar a manta da saka Memo ID yayin aika ma'amalar XLM don musayar",
"xrp_extra_info": "Don Allah kar a manta da saka alamar Ƙaddamarwa yayin aika ma'amalar XRP don musayar",
"exchange_incorrect_current_wallet_for_xmr": "Idan kana son musanya XMR daga ma'aunin Cake Wallet Monero, da fatan za a fara canza wallet ɗin Monero ɗin ku.",
"confirmed": "An tabbatar",
"unconfirmed": "Ba a tabbatar ba",
"displayable": "Ana iya nunawa",
"submit_request": "gabatar da bukata",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"buy_alert_content": "A halin yanzu muna tallafawa kawai siyan Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, da Monero. Da fatan za a ƙirƙiri ko canza zuwa Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, ko Monero walat.",
"sell_alert_content": "A halin yanzu muna tallafawa kawai siyar da Bitcoin, Ethereum da Litecoin. Da fatan za a ƙirƙiri ko canza zuwa walat ɗin ku na Bitcoin, Ethereum ko Litecoin.",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_description": "Sabbin walat ɗin Bitcoin da aka kirkira a cikin Cake yanzu suna da nau'in kalma 24. Ya zama dole ka ƙirƙiri sabon walat ɗin Bitcoin kuma canza duk kuɗin ku zuwa sabon walat ɗin kalmomi 24, kuma ku daina amfani da walat tare da iri mai kalma 12. Da fatan za a yi haka nan take don samun kuɗin ku.",
"understand": "na gane",
"apk_update": "apk sabunta",
"buy_bitcoin": "Sayi Bitcoin",
"buy_with": "Saya da",
"moonpay_alert_text": "Darajar adadin dole ne ya zama fiye ko daidai da ${minAmount} ${fiatCurrency}",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_receive_warning": "Idan wannan walat ɗin yana da nau'in kalma 12 kuma an ƙirƙira shi a cikin Cake, KAR KA saka Bitcoin cikin wannan jakar. Duk wani BTC da aka canjawa wuri zuwa wannan walat na iya ɓacewa. Ƙirƙiri sabon walat mai kalmomi 24 (matsa menu a saman dama, zaɓi Wallets, zaɓi Ƙirƙiri Sabon Wallet, sannan zaɓi Bitcoin) kuma NAN nan take matsar da BTC ɗin ku a can. Sabbin (kalmomi 24) BTC wallets daga Cake suna da tsaro",
"do_not_show_me": "Kar ka sake nuna min wannan",
"unspent_coins_title": "Tsabar da ba a kashe ba",
"unspent_coins_details_title": "Bayanan tsabar kudi da ba a kashe ba",
"freeze": "Daskare",
"frozen": "Daskararre",
"coin_control": "Sarrafa tsabar kuɗi (na zaɓi)",
"address_detected": "An gano adireshin",
"address_from_domain": "Wannan adireshin ya fito daga ${domain} akan Unstoppable Domain",
"add_receiver": "Ƙara wani mai karɓa (na zaɓi)",
"manage_yats": "Sarrafa Yats",
"yat_alert_title": "Aika da karɓar crypto cikin sauƙi tare da Yat",
"yat_alert_content": "Masu amfani da Wallet ɗin Cake yanzu za su iya aikawa da karɓar duk kuɗin da suka fi so tare da sunan mai amfani na tushen emoji iri ɗaya.",
"get_your_yat": "Samun Yat ka",
"connect_an_existing_yat": "Haɗa Yat da ke akwai",
"connect_yats": "Haɗa Yats",
"yat_address": "Yat Address",
"yat": "Yat",
"address_from_yat": "Wannan adireshin daga ${emoji} ne akan Yat",
"yat_error": "Kuskure",
"yat_error_content": "Babu adireshi da ke da alaƙa da wannan Yat. Gwada wani Yat",
"choose_address": "\n\n Da fatan za a zaɓi adireshin:",
"yat_popup_title": "Adireshin jakar ku na iya zama emojifid.",
"yat_popup_content": "Yanzu zaku iya aikawa da karɓar crypto a cikin Cake Wallet tare da Yat - gajere, sunan mai amfani na tushen emoji. Sarrafa Yats a kowane lokaci akan allon saiti",
"second_intro_title": "Adireshin emoji ɗaya don sarrafa su duka",
"second_intro_content": "Your Yat adireshi ne na musamman na Emoji guda ɗaya wanda ke maye gurbin duk dogayen adiresoshin ku na hexadecimal na duk kudaden ku.",
"third_intro_title": "Yat yana wasa da kyau tare da wasu",
"third_intro_content": "Yats suna zaune a wajen Kek Wallet, kuma. Ana iya maye gurbin kowane adireshin walat a duniya da Yat!",
"learn_more": "Ƙara Koyi",
"search": "Bincika",
"search_language": "Bincika harshe",
"search_currency": "Neman kudin waje",
"new_template": "Sabon Samfura",
"electrum_address_disclaimer": "Muna samar da sababbin adireshi duk lokacin da kuka yi amfani da ɗaya, amma adiresoshin da suka gabata suna ci gaba da aiki",
"wallet_name_exists": "Wallet mai wannan sunan ya riga ya wanzu. Da fatan za a zaɓi wani suna daban ko sake suna ɗayan walat tukuna.",
"market_place": "Kasuwa",
"cake_pay_title": "Cake Pay Gift Cards",
"cake_pay_subtitle": "Sayi katunan kyauta masu rahusa (Amurka kawai)",
"cake_pay_web_cards_title": "Cake Pay Web Cards",
"cake_pay_web_cards_subtitle": "Sayi katunan da aka riga aka biya na duniya da katunan kyauta",
"about_cake_pay": "Biyan Cake yana ba ku damar sauƙin siyan katunan kyauta tare da kadarorin kama-da-wane, wanda za'a iya kashewa nan take a sama da yan kasuwa 150,000 a Amurka.",
"cake_pay_account_note": "Yi rajista tare da adireshin imel kawai don gani da siyan katunan. Wasu ma suna samuwa a rangwame!",
"already_have_account": "Kuna da asusu?",
"create_account": "Kirkira ajiya",
"privacy_policy": "takardar kebantawa",
"welcome_to_cakepay": "Barka da zuwa Cake Pay!",
"sign_up": "Shiga",
"forgot_password": "Manta Kalmar wucewa",
"reset_password": "Sake saita kalmar wucewa",
"gift_cards": "Katunan Kyauta",
"setup_your_debit_card": "Saita katin zare kudi",
"no_id_required": "Babu ID da ake buƙata. Yi da kuma ciyar a ko'ina",
"how_to_use_card": "Yadda ake amfani da wannan kati",
"purchase_gift_card": "Katin Kyautar Sayi",
"verification": "tabbatar",
"fill_code": "Da fatan za a cika lambar tabbatarwa da aka bayar zuwa imel ɗin ku",
2023-05-24 16:02:28 +00:00
"didnt_get_code": "Ba a samun code?",
"resend_code": "Da fatan za a sake aika shi",
"debit_card": "Katin Zare kudi",
"cakepay_prepaid_card": "Katin zare kudi na CakePay",
"no_id_needed": "Babu ID da ake buƙata!",
"frequently_asked_questions": "Tambayoyin da ake yawan yi",
"debit_card_terms": "Adana da amfani da lambar katin kuɗin ku (da takaddun shaida masu dacewa da lambar katin kuɗin ku) a cikin wannan walat ɗin dijital suna ƙarƙashin Sharuɗɗa da Sharuɗɗa na yarjejeniya mai amfani da katin tare da mai fitar da katin biyan kuɗi, kamar yadda yake aiki daga lokaci zuwa lokaci.",
"please_reference_document": "Da fatan za a nemi takaddun da ke ƙasa don ƙarin bayani.",
"cardholder_agreement": "Yarjejeniyar mai katin",
"e_sign_consent": "Izinin Alamar E-Sign",
"agree_and_continue": "Amincewa & Ci gaba",
"email_address": "Adireshin i-mel",
"agree_to": "Ta hanyar ƙirƙirar asusu kun yarda da",
"and": "kuma",
"enter_code": "Shigar da lamba",
"congratulations": "Taya murna!",
"you_now_have_debit_card": "Yanzu kana da katin zare kudi",
"min_amount": "Min: ${value}",
"max_amount": "Max: ${value}",
"enter_amount": "Shigar da Adadi",
"billing_address_info": "Idan an nemi adireshin biyan kuɗi, samar da adireshin jigilar kaya",
"order_physical_card": "Yi Oda Katin Jiki",
"add_value": "Ƙara ƙima",
"activate": "Kunna",
"get_a": "Samu a",
"digital_and_physical_card": "katin zare kudi na dijital da na zahiri",
"get_card_note": "cewa zaku iya sake lodawa tare da kudaden dijital. Babu ƙarin bayani da ake buƙata!",
"signup_for_card_accept_terms": "Yi rajista don katin kuma karɓi sharuɗɗan.",
"add_fund_to_card": "Ƙara kuɗin da aka riga aka biya a katunan (har zuwa ${value})",
"use_card_info_two": "Ana canza kuɗi zuwa dalar Amurka lokacin da ake riƙe su a cikin asusun da aka riga aka biya, ba cikin agogon dijital ba.",
"use_card_info_three": "Yi amfani da katin dijital akan layi ko tare da hanyoyin biyan kuɗi mara lamba.",
"optionally_order_card": "Zaɓin yin odar katin zahiri.",
"hide_details": "Ɓoye cikakkun bayanai",
"show_details": "Nuna Cikakkun bayanai",
"upto": "har zuwa ${value}",
"discount": "Ajiye ${value}%",
"gift_card_amount": "Adadin Katin Kyauta",
"bill_amount": "Adadin Bill",
"you_pay": "Ka Bayar",
"tip": "Tukwici:",
"custom": "al'ada",
"by_cake_pay": "da Cake Pay",
"expires": "Ya ƙare",
"mm": "MM",
"yy": "YY",
"online": "Kan layi",
"offline": "Offline",
"gift_card_number": "Lambar katin kyauta",
"pin_number": "Lambar PIN",
"total_saving": "Jimlar Adana",
"last_30_days": "Kwanaki 30 na ƙarshe",
"avg_savings": "Matsakaici Adana",
"view_all": "Duba duka",
"active_cards": "Katunan aiki",
"delete_account": "Share Account",
"cards": "Katuna",
"active": "Mai aiki",
"redeemed": "An fanshi",
"gift_card_balance_note": "Katunan kyauta tare da ragowar ma'auni zasu bayyana anan",
"gift_card_redeemed_note": "Katunan kyauta da kuka fanshi zasu bayyana anan",
"logout": "Fita",
"add_tip": "Ƙara Tukwici",
"percentageOf": "na ${amount}",
"is_percentage": "shine",
"search_category": "Nemo nau'in",
"mark_as_redeemed": "Yi Alama Kamar An Fansa",
"more_options": "Ƙarin Zaɓuɓɓuka",
"awaiting_payment_confirmation": "Ana jiran Tabbacin Biyan Kuɗi",
"transaction_sent_notice": "Idan allon bai ci gaba ba bayan minti 1, duba mai binciken toshewa da imel ɗin ku.",
"agree": "Yarda",
"in_store": "A cikin Store",
"generating_gift_card": "Samar da Katin Kyauta",
"payment_was_received": "An karɓi kuɗin ku.",
"proceed_after_one_minute": "Idan allon bai ci gaba ba bayan minti 1, duba imel ɗin ku.",
"order_id": "Oda ID",
"gift_card_is_generated": "An samar da Katin Kyauta",
"open_gift_card": "Bude Katin Kyauta",
"contact_support": "Tuntuɓi Support",
"gift_cards_unavailable": "Ana samun katunan kyauta don siye kawai tare da Monero, Bitcoin, da Litecoin a wannan lokacin",
"introducing_cake_pay": "Gabatar da Cake Pay!",
"cake_pay_learn_more": "Nan take siya ku kwaso katunan kyaututtuka a cikin app!\nTake hagu zuwa dama don ƙarin koyo.",
"automatic": "Na atomatik",
"fixed_pair_not_supported": "Wannan kafaffen guda biyu ba shi da tallafi tare da zaɓaɓɓun musayar",
"variable_pair_not_supported": "Ba a samun goyan bayan wannan m biyu tare da zaɓaɓɓun musayar",
"none_of_selected_providers_can_exchange": "Babu ɗaya daga cikin zaɓaɓɓun masu samarwa da zai iya yin wannan musayar",
"choose_one": "Zaɓi ɗaya",
"choose_from_available_options": "Zaɓi daga zaɓuɓɓukan da ake da su:",
"custom_redeem_amount": "Adadin Fansa na Musamman",
"add_custom_redemption": "Ƙara Ceto na Musamman",
"remaining": "saura",
"delete_wallet": "Share walat",
"delete_wallet_confirm_message": "Shin kun tabbata cewa kuna son share jakar ${wallet_name}?",
"low_fee": "maras tsada",
"low_fee_alert": "A halin yanzu kuna amfani da ƙarancin fifikon kuɗin hanyar sadarwa. Wannan na iya haifar da dogon jira, farashi daban-daban, ko soke kasuwancin. Muna ba da shawarar saita farashi mafi girma don ƙwarewa mafi kyau.",
"ignor": "Yi watsi da shi",
"use_suggested": "Amfani da Shawarwari",
"do_not_share_warning_text": "Kada ku raba waɗannan ga kowa, gami da tallafi.\n\nZa a iya sace kuɗin ku kuma za a sace!",
"help": "taimako",
"all_transactions": "Dukan Ma'amaloli",
"all_trades": "Duk ciniki",
"connection_sync": "Haɗi da daidaitawa",
"security_and_backup": "Tsaro da madadin",
"create_backup": "Ƙirƙiri madadin",
"privacy_settings": "Saitunan sirri",
"privacy": "Keɓantawa",
"display_settings": "Nuni saituna",
"other_settings": "Sauran saituna",
"require_pin_after": "Bukatar PIN bayan",
"always": "Koyaushe",
"minutes_to_pin_code": "${minute} minti",
"disable_exchange": "Kashe musanya",
"advanced_settings": "Saitunan ci gaba",
"settings_can_be_changed_later": "Ana iya canza waɗannan saitunan daga baya a cikin saitunan app",
"add_custom_node": "Ƙara Sabon Kulli na Custom",
"disable_fiat": "Dakatar da fiat",
"fiat_api": "API ɗin Fiat",
"disabled": "tsaya",
"enabled": "An kunna",
"tor_only": "Tor kawai",
"unmatched_currencies": "Nau'in walat ɗin ku na yanzu bai dace da na lambar QR da aka bincika ba",
"contact_list_contacts": "Lambobin sadarwa",
"contact_list_wallets": "Wallets dina",
"bitcoin_payments_require_1_confirmation": "Akwatin Bitcoin na buɗe 1 sambumbu, da yake za ta samu mintuna 20 ko yawa. Ina kira ga sabuwar lafiya! Zaka sanarwa ta email lokacin da aka samu akwatin samun lambar waya.",
"send_to_this_address": "Aiko ${currency} ${tag} zuwa adireshin wannan",
"arrive_in_this_address": "${currency} ${tag} zai je wurin wannan adireshi",
"do_not_send": "Kada ka aika",
"error_dialog_content": "Ai, yanzu muka ga alamar kuskure. \n\nDa fatan, aika rahoton kuskuren da muka kira zuwa gasar tsarinmu don gaskiyar shirya.",
"cold_or_recover_wallet": "Samun kashi na baya ko samun kashi na kasa",
"please_wait": "Don Allah a rufe",
"sweeping_wallet": "Kashi na kasa",
"sweeping_wallet_alert": "Wannan ba zai samu lokacin mai tsaski. KADA KA SAMU KUNGIYARAN KUHON, ZAMAN DADIN BANKUNCI ZAI HAŘA",
"invoice_details": "Bayanin wadannan",
"donation_link_details": "Bayanin hanyar sadaka",
"anonpay_description": "Ƙirƙirar ${type}. Maƙiyantun mai nasara zai iya ${method} da duk abubuwan da ke samun lambar waya, kuma zaku samu kuɗin dama a wannan kashi.",
"create_invoice": "Sanya bayanin wadannan",
"create_donation_link": "Sanya hanyar sadaka",
"optional_email_hint": "Email na kayan taimako ga wadanda basu ba da maki",
"optional_description": "Bayanin zai iya ba da maki",
"optional_name": "Sunan mawallin zai iya ba da maki",
"clearnet_link": "Lambar makomar kwayoyi",
"onion_link": "Lambar onion",
"decimal_places_error": "Wadannan suna da tsawon harsuna",
"edit_node": "Shirya Node",
"settings": "Saiti",
"sell_monero_com_alert_content": "Selling Monero bai sami ƙarshen mai bukatar samun ba",
"error_text_input_below_minimum_limit": "Kudin ba a kamai",
"error_text_input_above_maximum_limit": "Kudin da ya kamata",
"show_market_place": "Nuna dan kasuwa",
"prevent_screenshots": "Fada lambobi da jarrabobi na kayan lambobi",
"disable_buy": "Kashe alama",
"disable_sell": "Kashe karbuwa",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"cake_2fa_preset": "Cake 2FA saiti",
Cw 396 additional themes (#962) * fix: SectionStandardList using BuildContext as param * refactor: deprecated backgroundColor -> colorScheme.background * refactor: themeBase and current themes * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.color -> dialogTheme.backgroundColor * refactor: gradient background * refactor: text themes using the same color as primaryColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.color -> cardColor * refactor: text themes using same dialogBackgroundColor * refactor: scrollbarTheme * refactor: create SyncIndicatorTheme * refactor: SectionDivider * refactor: base_page improvements and simplify * refactor: collapsible_standart_list improvements * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> KeyboardTheme.keyboardBarColor * refactor: create PinCodeTheme for accentTextTheme.bodyMedium * refactor: create SupportPageTheme for accentTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor and fix cases that use it * refactor: accentTextTheme.displayLarge.color -> disabledColor * refactor: create ExchangePageTheme * refactor: create DashboardPageTheme and use textColor * refactor: create NewWalletTheme for accentTextTheme.displayMedium * refactor: create BalancePageTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.backgroundColor * refactor: create AddressTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.color * refactor: create IndicatorDotTheme * refactor: create CakeMenuTheme * refactor: create FilterTheme * refactor: create WalletListTheme * refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.decorationColor -> InfoTheme.textColor * refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.backgroundColor -> PickerTheme.dividerColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> AlertTheme.leftButtonTextColor * refactor: primaryTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor -> OrderTheme.iconColor * refactor: create SendPageTheme * fix: missing migrated styles * refactor: primaryTextTheme.labelSmall.decorationColor -> PlaceholderTheme.color * refactor: create TransactionTradeTheme * refactor: create CakeTextTheme * refactor: create AccountListTheme * refactor: create ReceivePageTheme * refactor: create QRCodeTheme * refactor: move remaining items to CakeTextTheme and some missing fixes * feat(display_settings): add new theme selector * feat: additional themes * fix: conflict error * fix(lag): move colorScheme initialization to constructor * feat: add backdropColor to alert and picker backdrop filters * fix: merge fixes * fix: send template page missing new colors * fix: anonpay pages title and icon colors * fix: merge fixes * fix: unspent coins page * fix: also fix exchange template * fix: missing checkbox * fix: fixes for high contrast theme * Merge branch 'main' into CW-396-additional-themes * fix: merge fixes * fix: .gitignore and rm added files * Fix review comments --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>
2023-08-17 15:28:31 +00:00
"monero_dark_theme": "Monero Dark Jigo",
"bitcoin_dark_theme": "Bitcoin Dark Jigo",
"bitcoin_light_theme": "Jigon Hasken Bitcoin",
"high_contrast_theme": "Babban Jigon Kwatance",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix Green Dark Jigo",
"monero_light_theme": "Jigon Hasken Monero",
"auto_generate_subaddresses": "Saɓaƙa subaddresses ta kai tsaye",
"narrow": "kunkuntar",
"normal": "Na al'ada",
"aggressive": "Mai tsananin kishi",
"require_for_assessing_wallet": "Bukatar samun damar walat",
"require_for_sends_to_non_contacts": "Bukatar aika zuwa waɗanda ba lambobin sadarwa ba",
"require_for_sends_to_contacts": "Bukatar aika zuwa lambobin sadarwa",
"require_for_sends_to_internal_wallets": "Bukatar aika zuwa wallet na ciki",
"require_for_exchanges_to_internal_wallets": "Bukatar musanya zuwa wallet na ciki",
"require_for_adding_contacts": "Bukatar ƙara lambobin sadarwa",
"require_for_creating_new_wallets": "Bukatar ƙirƙirar sabbin wallet",
"require_for_all_security_and_backup_settings": "Bukatar duk tsaro da saitunan wariyar ajiya",
"available_balance_description": "Ma'auni mai samuwa” ko ”,Tabbataccen Ma'auni”, kudade ne da za a iya kashewa nan da nan. Idan kudade sun bayyana a cikin ƙananan ma'auni amma ba babban ma'auni ba, to dole ne ku jira 'yan mintoci kaɗan don kudaden shiga don samun ƙarin tabbaci na hanyar sadarwa. Bayan sun sami ƙarin tabbaci, za a kashe su.",
"syncing_wallet_alert_title": "Walat ɗin ku yana aiki tare",
"syncing_wallet_alert_content": "Ma'aunin ku da lissafin ma'amala bazai cika ba har sai an ce \"SYNCHRONIZED\" a saman. Danna/matsa don ƙarin koyo.",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"home_screen_settings": "Saitunan allo na gida",
"sort_by": "Kasa",
"search_add_token": "Bincika / Ƙara alama",
"edit_token": "Gyara alamar",
"warning": "Gargadi",
"add_token_warning": "Kar a gyara ko ƙara alamu kamar yadda masu zamba suka umarta.\nKoyaushe tabbatar da adiresoshin alamar tare da sanannun tushe!",
"add_token_disclaimer_check": "Na tabbatar da adireshin kwangilar alamar da bayanin ta amfani da ingantaccen tushe. Ƙara bayanan ƙeta ko kuskure na iya haifar da asarar kuɗi.",
"token_contract_address": "Adireshin kwangilar Token",
"token_name": "Alamar sunan misali: Tether",
"token_symbol": "Alamar alama misali: USDT",
"token_decimal": "Alamar ƙima",
"field_required": "wannan fillin ana bukatansa",
"pin_at_top": "pin ${token} a sama",
"invalid_input": "Shigar da ba daidai ba",
"fiat_balance": "Fiat Balance",
"gross_balance": "Babban Ma'auni",
"alphabetical": "Harafi",
"generate_name": "Ƙirƙirar Suna",
"balance_page": "Ma'auni Page",
"share": "Raba",
"slidable": "Mai iya zamewa",
Cw 78 ethereum (#862) * Add initial flow for ethereum * Add initial create Eth wallet flow * Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` * Update build guide * Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential * Update transactions on a periodic basis * For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price * Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API * Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen * fix send fiat fields parsing issue * Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee * handle balance sorting when balance is disabled Handle empty transactions list * Fix Delete Ethereum wallet Fix balance < 0.01 * Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount Fix sending amount issue * Change words count * Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets * support changing the asset type in send templates * Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues * Fix conflicts in send templates * Disable batch sending in Ethereum * Fix Fee calculation with different priorities * Fix Conflicts with main * Add offline error to ignored exceptions --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan tarihin kowane zamani",
"template_name": "Sunan Samfura",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"change_rep": "Canza Wakili",
"change_rep_message": "Shin kun tabbata kuna son canza wakilai?",
"manage_nodes": "Sarrafa nodes",
"unsupported_asset": "Ba mu goyi bayan wannan aikin don wannan kadara. Da fatan za a ƙirƙira ko canza zuwa walat na nau'in kadara mai tallafi.",
"manage_pow_nodes": "Sarrafa PoW Nodes",
"support_title_live_chat": "Tallafi na Live",
"support_description_live_chat": "Kyauta da sauri! An horar da wakilan tallafi na tallafi don taimakawa",
"support_title_guides": "Jagorar Cake",
"support_description_guides": "Tallafi da tallafi don batutuwa na yau da kullun",
"support_title_other_links": "Sauran hanyoyin tallafi",
"support_description_other_links": "Kasance tare da al'ummominmu ko kuma ka kai mu abokanmu ta hanyar wasu hanyoyi",
CW-438 add nano (#1015) * Fix web3dart versioning issue * Add primary receive address extracted from private key * Implement open wallet functionality * Implement restore wallet from seed functionality * Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues * Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth Add estimated gas price * Rename priority value to tip * Re-order wallet types * Change ethereum node Fix connection issues * Fix estimating gas for priority * Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds * Add case for ethereum to request node * Fix Exchange screen initial pairs * Add initial send transaction flow * Add missing configure for ethereum class * Add Eth address initial setup * Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets * Change sign/send transaction flow * - Fix Conflicts with main - Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart * Add build command for ethereum package * Add missing Node list file to pubspec * - Fix balance display - Fix parsing of Ethereum amount - Add more Ethereum Nodes [skip ci] * - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds - Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model * - Update and Fix Conflicts with main * Add Balances for ERC20 tokens * Fix conflicts with main * Add erc20 abi json * Add send erc20 tokens initial function * add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci] * Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag * Add Shiba Inu icon * Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow * Add missing import in generated file * Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add initial flow for transactions subscription * Refactor signing/sending transactions * Add home settings icon * Fix conflicts with main * Initial flow for home settings * Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens * Fix initial UI * Finalize UI for Tokens * Integrate UI with Ethereum flow * Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens * Add initial Erc20 tokens * Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features * Fix price sorting * Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes * - Improve sorting balances flow - Add initial add token from search bar flow * Fix Accounts Popup UI * Fix Pin native token * Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened Improve token availability mechanism * Fix deleting token Fix renaming tokens * Fix issue with search * Add more tokens * - Fix scroll issue - Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker * - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens - Fix scrolling - Add token placeholder images in picker - Sort disabled tokens alphabetically * Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci] * Fix Conflicts with main * Fix Conflicts with main * Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list * Add rename wallet to Ethereum * Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package * Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space * Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2) * Fix Transaction Fee display * Save transaction history * Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions * Minor Fixes and Enhancements * Fix sending erc20 fix block explorer issue * Fix int overflow * Fix transaction amount conversions * Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci] * initial changes * more base config stuff * config changes * successfully builds! * save * successfully add nano wallet * save * seed generation * receive screen + node screen working * tx history working and fiat fixes * balance working * derivation updates * nano-unfinished * sends working * remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working * fixes + auto receive incoming txs * fix for scanning QR codes * save * update translations * fixes * more fixes * more strings * small fix * fix github actions workflow * potential fix * potential fix * ci/cd fix * change rep working * seed generation fixes * fixes * save * change rep screen functional * save * banano changes * fixes, start adding ui for PoW * pow node changes * update translations * fix * account changing barely working * save * disable account generation * small fix * save * UI work * save * fixes after merge main * fixes * remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui * lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation * last minute fixes * node related fixes * more fixes * small fix * more fixes * fixes * pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs * finally works! * get transactions after send * fix * merge conflict fixes * save * fix pow node showing up twice * done * initial changes * small fix * more merge fixes * fixes * more fixes * fix * save * fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets * fix contact bug * fixes * fiat fixes * save * save * save * save * updates * cleanup * restore fix * fixes * remove deprecated alert * fix * small fix * remove outdated warning * electrum restore fixes * fixes * fixes * fix * derivation fixes * nano fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * bip39 fixes * pownode refactor * nodes pages fixes * observer fix * ssl fix * remove old references * remove unused imports * code cleanup * small fix * small potential fix * save * undo all bitcoin related changes * remove dead code * review fixes * more fixes * fix * fix * review fix * small fix * nano derivation and nanoutil fixes * exchange nano fix * nano review fixes pt.1 * nano fixes pt.2 * nano fixes pt.3 * remove old imports + stop using dynamic in di * nanoutil fixes * add nano.dart to gitignore, configure fixes * review fixes, getnanowalletservice removed * fix settings screen, add changeRep to configure.dart, other minor fixes * remove manage_pow_nodes_page, key derivation edge case handled * remove old refs * more small fixes * Generic Enhancements/Minor fixes * review fixes * hopefully final fixes * review fixes * node connection fixes --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <> Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2023-10-05 01:09:07 +00:00
"choose_derivation": "Zaɓi walatawa",
"new_first_wallet_text": "A sauƙaƙe kiyaye kuzarin ku",
"select_destination": "Da fatan za a zaɓi wurin da za a yi wa madadin fayil ɗin.",
"save_to_downloads": "Ajiye zuwa Zazzagewa",
"select_buy_provider_notice": "Zaɓi mai ba da kyauta a sama. Zaka iya tsallake wannan allon ta hanyar saita mai ba da isasshen busasshen mai ba da isasshen busasshiyar saiti.",
"onramper_option_description": "Da sauri sayi Crypto tare da hanyoyin biyan kuɗi da yawa. Akwai a yawancin ƙasashe. Yaduwa da kudade sun bambanta.",
"default_buy_provider": "Tsohuwar Siyarwa",
"ask_each_time": "Tambaya kowane lokaci",
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Mai ba da kyauta a halin yanzu babu.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"signTransaction": "Sa hannu Ma'amala",
"errorGettingCredentials": "Ba a yi nasara ba: Kuskure yayin samun takaddun shaida",
"errorSigningTransaction": "An sami kuskure yayin sanya hannu kan ciniki",
"pairingInvalidEvent": "Haɗa Lamarin mara inganci",
"chains": "Sarkoki",
"methods": "Hanyoyin",
"events": "Abubuwan da suka faru",
"reject": "Ƙi",
"approve": "Amincewa",
"expiresOn": "Yana ƙarewa",
"walletConnect": "WalletConnect",
"nullURIError": "URI banza ne",
"connectWalletPrompt": "Haɗa walat ɗin ku tare da WalletConnect don yin ma'amala",
"newConnection": "Sabuwar Haɗi",
"activeConnectionsPrompt": "Haɗin kai mai aiki zai bayyana a nan",
"deleteConnectionConfirmationPrompt": "Shin kun tabbata cewa kuna son share haɗin zuwa",
"event": "Lamarin",
"successful": "Nasara",
"wouoldLikeToConnect": "ina son haɗi",
"message": "Sako",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Ba ku da isassun ${currency} don yin ma'amala tare da yanayin cibiyar sadarwar blockchain na yanzu. Kuna buƙatar ƙarin ${currency} don biyan kuɗaɗen cibiyar sadarwar blockchain, koda kuwa kuna aika wata kadara daban.",
Cw 451 wallet connect for ethereum (#1049) * Update Flutter Update packages * Feat: Wallet connect for ethereum * Fix localization issues Fix UI issues Update old packages Update workflow Update how to build guide * feat: Wallet connect * feat: Add wallet connect for ethereum * chore: Add eth dependencies in configure file * Minor: `WalletConnect` settings name, not `Wallet connect` * fix: Merge conflicts * fix: Issues with test cases on various dApps, introduce Arbitrum rinkerby as suported chain * ui: Design fixes for WalletConnect flow * chore: Update repo and comment out send apk to channel in workflow * fix: Core implementation * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * feat: WalletConnect WIP * chore: Unused parameters WIP [skip ci] * fix: Code review fixes * Feat: WalletConnect feat WIP * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * Feat: WalletConnect * feat: Remove queue support for the bottomsheet * feat: WalletConnect feature, bug fixes, folder restructuring, localization * Feat: Add positive feedback prompt on successful transaction * fix: Delete session bug * fix: dependencies registration WIP * feat: Registering dependencies for walletconnect * chore: Move key data to secrets * chore: ensure appropriate null checks * chore: localization * chore: Remove unused code * localization * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Remove unused code * chore: Add walletconnect project id key entry * fix: Revert bash command for linnux support * fix: Issues with translation in some languages and making unneeded external variable private * fix: Add bottomsheet listener to desktop dashboard page * Generalize ethereum not enough gas error check --------- Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <> Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <>
2023-10-03 14:56:10 +00:00
"totp_auth_url": "TOTP AUTH URL",
"awaitDAppProcessing": "Da fatan za a jira dApp ya gama aiki.",
"copyWalletConnectLink": "Kwafi hanyar haɗin WalletConnect daga dApp kuma liƙa a nan",
"enterWalletConnectURI": "Shigar da WalletConnect URI",
"seed_key": "Maɓallin iri",
"enter_seed_phrase": "Shigar da Sert Sentarku",
"change_rep_successful": "An samu nasarar canzawa wakilin",
"add_contact": "Ƙara lamba",
"exchange_provider_unsupported": "${providerName}",
"domain_looks_up": "Binciken yanki",
"require_for_exchanges_to_external_wallets": "Bukatar musanya zuwa wallet na waje",
"camera_permission_is_required": "Ana buƙatar izinin kyamara.\nDa fatan za a kunna shi daga saitunan app.",
"switchToETHWallet": "Da fatan za a canza zuwa walat ɗin Ethereum kuma a sake gwadawa",
"order_by": "Oda ta",
"creation_date": "Ranar halitta",
"group_by_type": "Rukuni ta nau'in",
"importNFTs": "Shigo da NFTs",
"noNFTYet": "Babu NFTs tukuna",
"address": "Adireshi",
"enterTokenID": "Shigar da alamar alama",
"tokenID": "ID",
"name": "Suna",
"symbol": "Alama",
"seed_phrase_length": "Tsawon jimlar iri",
"unavailable_balance": "Ma'aunin da ba ya samuwa",
"unavailable_balance_description": "Ma'auni Babu: Wannan jimlar ya haɗa da kuɗi waɗanda ke kulle a cikin ma'amaloli da ke jiran aiki da waɗanda kuka daskare sosai a cikin saitunan sarrafa kuɗin ku. Ma'auni da aka kulle za su kasance da zarar an kammala ma'amalolinsu, yayin da daskararrun ma'auni ba za su iya samun damar yin ciniki ba har sai kun yanke shawarar cire su.",
"unspent_change": "Canza",
2023-12-13 11:55:22 +00:00
"tor_connection": "Tor haɗin gwiwa",
2023-12-14 10:58:02 +00:00
"setup_2fa_text": "Cake 2FA yana aiki ta amfani da TOTP azaman ƙimar tabbatarwa ta biyu.\n\nCake 2FA's TOTP yana buƙatar tallafin lambobi SHA-512 da 8; wannan yana ba da ƙarin tsaro. Ana iya samun ƙarin bayani da ƙa'idodi masu goyan baya a cikin jagorar.",
"setup_warning_2fa_text": "Kuna buƙatar dawo da walat ɗin ku daga zuriyar mnemonic.\n\nTallafin kek ba zai iya taimaka muku ba idan kun rasa damar yin amfani da 2FA ko tsaba na mnemonic.\nCake 2FA tabbaci ne na biyu don wasu ayyuka a cikin walat. Kafin amfani da Cake 2FA, muna ba da shawarar karanta ta cikin jagorar.BA shi da tsaro kamar ajiyar sanyi.\n\nIdan ka rasa damar yin amfani da app ɗinka na 2FA ko maɓallan TOTP, ZA KA rasa damar shiga wannan wallet ɗin. ",
2023-12-13 11:55:22 +00:00
"add_secret_code": "Ko, ƙara wannan lambar sirrin zuwa ƙa'idar mai tabbatarwa",
"scan_qr_on_device": "Duba wannan lambar QR akan wata na'ura",
"how_to_use": "Yadda ake amfani da shi",
"seed_hex_form": "Gany Sero (form form)",
"seedtype": "Seedtype",
"seedtype_legacy": "Legacy (25 kalmomi)",
"seedtype_polyseed": "Polyseed (16 kalmomi)",
"seed_language_czech": "Czech",
"seed_language_korean": "Yaren Koriya",
CW-527-Add-Polygon-MATIC-Wallet (#1179) * chore: Initial setup for polygon package * feat: Add polygon node urls * feat: Add Polygon(MATIC) wallet WIP * feat: Add Polygon(MATIC) wallet WIP * feat: Add Polygon MATIC wallet [skip ci] * fix: Issue with create/restore wallet for polygon * feat: Add erc20 tokens for polygon * feat: Adding Polygon MATIC Wallet * fix: Add build command for polygon to workflow file to fix failing action * fix: Switch evm to not display additional balance * chore: Sync with remote * fix: Revert change to inject app script * feat: Add polygon erc20 tokens * feat: Increase migration version * fix: Restore from QR address validator fix * fix: Adjust wallet connect connection flow to adapt to wallet type * fix: Make wallet fetch nfts based on the current wallet type * fix: Make wallet fetch nfts based on the current wallet type * fix: Try fetching transactions with moralis * fix: Requested review changes * fix: Error creating new wallet * fix: Revert script * fix: Exclude spam NFTs from nft listing API response * Update default_erc20_tokens.dart * replace matic with matic poly * Add polygon wallet scheme to app links * style: reformat default_settings_migration.dart * minor enhancement * fix using different wallet function for setting the transaction priorities * fix: Add chain to calls * Add USDC.e to initial coins * Add other default polygon node * Use Polygon scan some UI fixes * Add polygon scan api key to secrets generation code --------- Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <>
2023-12-02 02:26:43 +00:00
"seed_language_chinese_traditional": "Sinanci (na gargajiya)",
"ascending": "Hau",
"descending": "Saukowa",
"dfx_option_description": "Sayi crypto tare da EUR & CHF. Har zuwa € 990 ba tare da ƙarin KYC ba. Don 'yan kasuwa da abokan ciniki na kamfanoni a Turai",
"polygonscan_history": "PolygonScan tarihin kowane zamani",
"wallet_seed_legacy": "Tallarin walat walat",
"setup_totp_recommended": "Saita TOTP",
"default_sell_provider": "Tsohuwar Mai Bayar Siyarwa",
"select_sell_provider_notice": "Zaɓi mai bada siyarwa a sama. Kuna iya tsallake wannan allon ta saita mai bada siyar da ku a cikin saitunan app.",
"custom_drag": "Al'ada (riƙe da ja)",
"switchToEVMCompatibleWallet": "Da fatan za a canza zuwa walat ɗin EVM mai jituwa kuma a sake gwadawa (Ethereum, Polygon)"