- Remove carousel structure in the 'What is Monero' page and leave only one video: 'Monero: the essentials'
- Move technology specific videos to their moneropedia entry: Ring Signatures, RingCT, Stealth Addresses
- Add aria-label to imrpove accessibility of the videos
- Fixed some interactive elements which weren't focusable (using 'tabindex')
- Label interactive elements which weren't labelled
- Slightly increase contrast of the grey text in the top navigation bars to reach level AA in the WCAG rating system and increase visibility of the text
- Added anchors. Visible when hovering on the tabs
- Added "More info:", which links to related sections on getmonero (contributing, user guides, etc)
- Added toc
- Added links to related Moneropedia entries in the answers
- Added side box with more resources and info
- 10 new questions/answers:
- Can I avoid to download the entire blockchain?
- why my wallet needs to be scanned everytime I open it?
- Is it dangerous to run a personal node?
- Is it dangerous to use a remote node? what's the data a node operator can get from me?
- How can I contribute?
- What's the meaning of [technical word]?
- What wallet should I use?
- Can't see funds. Did I just lose all my Monero?
- How can I connect my node via Tor?
- Why does the blockchain need so much space?
Removed all references to payment IDs and changed all the text.
Now this page is meant to be for non-technical people looking
for info about how to receive Monero with the CLI and GUI wallets.
- Updated lots and lots and lots of CSS
- Changed all link colors from orange to black and underlined
- Made site more accessible across the board
- Seriously, look at all the pages and tell me it's not awesomer
- Updated relevant HTML in pages to accomodate
- Changed en.yml Developer Guides translated string to yes (why was it not already?)
- Added images to the Using Monero page for wicked sick purposes
+ correction on Italian Account
+ Removed leftover miners.md (replaced by mining.md)
+ Removed Dust and update Copyright
+ Code improvement to avoid reading the config file and to use the builtin jekyll config variable passed in the content
+ Ammount.md:25/26 glitch "\@transaction-privacy" corrected. PL to be checked twice.
+ Italian ammount.md moneropedia links corrected (terms added to destination entries, unnecessary markdown links removed)
+ Polish corrections
+ extend ruby \word-boundary in regex to match `-based` `-like` `-form`
+ Updated readme according to the new way to add or translate a moneropedia entry
+ fix mining with CryptoNight variant
+ rebased to include AR
+ chery picked #820 to avoid conflicts