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synced 2025-03-16 17:31:53 +00:00
Merge pull request #744 from rehrar/simplify
This commit is contained in:
322 changed files with 3804 additions and 16719 deletions
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ global:
terms: Terms
privacy: Privacy
copyright: Copyright
edit: Edit This Page
untranslated: This page is not yet translated. If you would like to help translate it, please see the
index: Home
whatismonero: What is Monero (XMR)?
@ -54,38 +54,372 @@ titles:
ffs-ot: Open Tasks
ffs-wip: Work in Progress
blogbytag: Blog by Tag
page_title: "Monero - secure, private, untraceable"
what_is_1: What is
what_is_2: " ?"
what_is_orange_block: "Monero is a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available for anyone to use."
what_is_text_block_1: "With Monero, you are your own bank; You have complete control over your funds. With Monero, your accounts and transactions are kept private."
what_is_text_block_2: "Want to find out more? An overview of Monero's main features are below. If you'd like to try Monero for yourself the"
what_is_text_block_3: "Getting Started"
what_is_text_block_4: "section is an excellent launching point."
news: News
the_latest: The Latest
private: Private
secure: Secure
untraceable: Untraceable
private_text: "Monero uses hidden amounts, origins and destinations of @transactions. This means that nobody knows how much you're sending in a transaction except you. This ensures that your purchases and other transfers remain private by default."
untraceable_text: "By taking advantage of @ring-signatures, Monero allows you to send and receive funds privately. Even though your transactions are publicly verifiable on the @blockchain, transactions use digital signatures that specify a group of signers such that the person verifying can’t tell which person actually produced the signature. Because it's ambiguous which funds have been spent, your transaction remains private and cannot be traced back to you."
secure_text: "Monero uses a distributed peer-to-peer @consensus network and every transaction is cryptographically signed. Your coins are safely stored on the @blockchain and can be restored at any time with the use of a 25 word @mnemonic-seed on any computer with the Monero software. Wallet files are encrypted on disk and locked with a passphrase, rendering them useless if stolen."
how_do_i_1: "How do I "
how_do_i_2: " ?"
get_started: get started
get_started_1: "The fastest way to start using Monero is with a web @account manager such as "
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Alternatively, if you would like to run a [full Monero node](/getting-started/running) you can download the client and a kick-starter @blockchain (to bring your local client up to speed) using the download link on the right."
where_can_i: Where can I
download_1: download
download_2: " ?"
different_os: "Need it for a different operating system?"
all_downloads: View all available downloads here
c_download: Download
monero_for: Monero for
latest_blockchain: Latest @Blockchain
translated: "yes"
heading2: Private Digital Currency
monero_is_cash: Monero is cash for a connected world. It’s fast, private, and secure. With Monero, you are your own bank. You can spend safely, knowing that others cannot see your balances or track your activity.
get_started: Get Started
why_monero_is_different: Why Monero is different
monero_is_secure: Monero is secure
monero_is_secure_para: Monero is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning it is secure digital cash operated by a network of users. Transactions are confirmed by distributed consensus and then immutably recorded on the blockchain. Third-parties do not need to be trusted to keep your Monero safe.
monero_is_private: Monero is private
monero_is_private_para: Monero uses ring signatures, ring confidential transactions, and stealth addresses to obfuscate the origins, amounts, and destinations of all transactions. Monero provides all the benefits of a decentralized cryptocurrency, without any of the typical privacy concessions.
monero_is_untraceable: Monero is untraceable
monero_is_untraceable_para: Sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts are obfuscated by default. Transactions on the Monero blockchain cannot be linked to a particular user or real-world identity.
monero_is_fungible: Monero is fungible
monero_is_fungible_para1: Monero is
monero_is_fungible_para2: fungible
monero_is_fungible_para3: because it is private by default. Units of Monero cannot be blacklisted by vendors or exchanges due to their association in previous transactions.
downloads: Downloads
downloads_windows: Monero for Windows
downloads_mac: Monero for Mac
downloads_linux: Monero for Linux
downloads_blockchain: Latest Blockchain
different_system: Need it for a different operating system?
view_all_downloads: View all available downloads here.
latest_news: Latest News
more_news: More news
moneropedia: Moneropedia
moneropedia_para: Would you like to look up the meanings of the terms and concepts used in Monero? Here you will find an alphabetical guide to terms and their meanings from both the Monero and Kovri projects.
moneropedia_button: Read Moneropedia
user_guides: User Guides
user_guides_para: Step-by-step guides to all things Monero are separated by category and cover everything from creating a wallet to supporting the network, and even how to edit this website.
user_guides_button: Read user guides
faq: FAQ
faq_para: We've heard a lot of questions over the years and have compiled, for your convenience, a thorough and varied FAQ. Don't worry, if your questions are not on here, you can always ask the community.
faq_button: Read answers
translated: "yes"
intro: The Monero community is diverse and varied. We come from all over, but we definitely have some places we like to hang out together. You'll find most of them below. Join us!
resources: Workgroup Resources
resources_para: In an effort to support organic workgroups, Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects. Mattermost even has relays into the most popular Monero-related IRC channels.
irc: IRC Channels
irc_para: The Monero community utilizes a lot of IRC channels that each serve different purposes. Some to work, and some just to hang out. You'll find the more popular ones below.
stack_exchange: Stack Exchange
stack_exchange_para: The Monero Stack Exchange is a quick and easy way to ask questions and get answers. Below you'll find some high quality question/answer pairs to some frequently asked questions.
translated: "yes"
intro1: Merchants of all kinds have come to value the financial privacy that Monero brings. Below is a list of the merchants that we know of that currently accept Monero for their goods and services. If a company no longer accepts Monero or you would like your business to be listed, please
intro2: open a GitHub issue and let us know.
disclaimer: |
"Please note: these links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement by the Monero community of any products, services or opinions of the corporations or organizations or individuals listed. The Monero community bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. As always, caveat emptor ('buyer beware'); you are responsible for doing your own research. Always use judgement when making online purchases."
translated: "yes"
intro: The following businesses have supported the Monero Project in its goal to bring financial privacy to the world. We couldn't be more grateful for their contributions. If you would like to sponsor the Monero Project and be listed on this page, please send an email to dev@getmonero.org.
translated: "yes"
core: Core
developers: Developers
developers_para1: The Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the
developers_para2: OpenHub contributors page.
developers_para3: Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero.
community: Community
mrl: Research Lab
thanks: Special Thanks
translated: "yes"
choose: Choose your OS
sourceblockchain: Source & Blockchain
mobilelight: Mobile & Light
hardware: Hardware
intro1: If you need help choosing the correct application, please click
intro2: here
intro3: for a quick answer, then select the appropriate release for your operating system below.
note1: "Note: the SHA256 hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-signed list of the hashes is at"
note2: and should be treated as canonical, with the signature checked against the appropriate GPG key in the source code (in /utils/gpg_keys).
currentversion: Current Version
sourcecode: Source Code
blockchain1: If you'd prefer to use a blockchain bootstrap, instead of syncing from scratch, you can
blockchain2: use this link for the most current bootstrap.
blockchain3: It is typically much faster to sync from scratch, however, and it also takes a lot less RAM (import is very greedy).
hardware1: The Monero community has funded a
hardware2: Dedicated Hardware Wallet
hardware3: which is now in progress. As well, Ledger is working on
hardware4: integrating Monero into their hardware wallets.
mobilelight1: The following are mobile or light wallets that are deemed safe by trusted members of the community. If there is a wallet that is not on here, you can request the community check it out. Go to our
mobilelight2: Hangouts
mobilelight3: page to see where we are.
clionly: Command-Line Tools Only
translated: "yes"
kovri: The Kovri project uses end-to-end encryption so that neither the sender nor receiver of a Monero transaction need to reveal their IP address to the other side or to third-party observers (the blockchain). This is done using the same technology that powers the dark net, i2p (Invisible Internet Protocol). The project is currently in heavy, active development and is not yet integrated with Monero.
kovri_button: Visit Kovri Website
openalias: The OpenAlias project simplifies cryptocurrency payments by providing FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, i.e. example.openalias.org) for Monero wallet addresses in a way that ensures everyone's privacy is secure. The project is well underway and has already been implemented in many Monero wallets.
openalias_button: Visit OpenAlias Website
translated: "yes"
intro1: Here you'll find the Monero symbol and logo below. You can choose any size that you want, or download the .ai file to mess with the logo yourself.
intro2: Note that the white background options have a white background under the Monero symbol ONLY, not as a background to the whole image.
intro3: Lastly, you can download everything on this page in one zip file by clicking
intro4: here.
noback: No background
whiteback: White background
symbol: Monero Symbol
logo: Monero Logo
small: Small
medium: Medium
large: Large
symbol_file: Symbol .ai file
logo_file: Logo .ai file
translated: "yes"
title: Instructions for the Command-Line Interface
basics: The Basics
basics_para1: Monero works a little differently to what you may have become accustomed to from other @cryptocurrencies. In the case of a digital currency like Bitcoin and its many derivatives merchant payment systems will usually create a new recipient @address for each payment or user.
basics_para2: However, because Monero has @stealth-addresses there is no need to have separate recipient addresses for each payment or user, and a single @account address can be published. Instead, when receiving payments a merchant will provide the person paying with a "payment ID".
basics_para3: "A @payment-ID is a hexadecimal string that is 64 characters long, and is normally randomly created by the merchant. An example of a payment ID is:"
checking: Checking for a Payment in monero-wallet-cli
checking_para1: |
If you want to check for a payment using monero-wallet-cli you can use the "payments" command followed by the payment ID or payment IDs you want to check. For example:
checking_para2: If you need to check for payments programmatically, then details follow the next section.
receiving: Receiving a Payment Step-by-Step
receiving_list1: Generate a random 64 character hexadecimal string for the payment
receiving_list2: Communicate the payment ID and Monero address to the individual who is making payment
receiving_list3: Check for the payment using the "payments" command in monero-wallet-cli
program: Checking for a Payment Programmatically
program_para1: In order to check for a payment programmatically you can use the get_payments or get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API calls.
program_para2: this requires a payment_id parameter with a single payment ID.
program_para3: this is the preferred method, and requires two parameters, payment_ids - a JSON array of payment IDs - and an optional min_block_height - the block height to scan from.
program_para4: |
An example of returned data is as follows:
program_para5: It is important to note that the amounts returned are in base Monero units and not in the display units normally used in end-user applications. Also, since a transaction will typically have multiple outputs that add up to the total required for the payment, the amounts should be grouped by the tx_hash or the payment_id and added together. Additionally, as multiple outputs can have the same amount, it is imperative not to try and filter out the returned data from a single get_bulk_payments call.
program_para6: Before scanning for payments it is useful to check against the daemon RPC API (the get_info RPC call) to see if additional blocks have been received. Typically you would want to then scan only from that received block on by specifying it as the min_block_height to get_bulk_payments.
scanning: Programatically Scanning for Payments
scanning_list1: Get the current block height from the daemon, only proceed if it has increased since our last scan
scanning_list2: Call the get_bulk_payments RPC API call with our last scanned height and the list of all payment IDs in our system
scanning_list3: Store the current block height as our last scanned height
scanning_list4: Remove duplicates based on transaction hashes we have already received and processed
translated: "yes"
intro: Monero is an open-source, community-driven project. Described below are several ways to support the project.
network: Support the Network
develop: Develop
develop_para1: Monero is primarily written in C++. As it is a decentralized project, anyone is welcome to add or make changes to existing code. Pull requests are merged based on community consensus. See the
develop_para2: repositories
develop_para3: and outstanding
develop_para4: issues.
full-node: Run a Full Node
full-node_para: Run monerod with port 18080 open. Running a full node ensures maximum privacy when transacting with Monero. It also improves distribution of the blockchain to new users.
mine: Mine
mine_para1: Mining ensures the Monero network remains decentralized and secure. In the Monero graphical user interface and command-line interface, background mining may be activated. Additional resources for mining may be viewed
mine_para2: here.
ffs: View the Forum Funding System
ffs_para1: Monero utilizes a
ffs_para2: forum funding system
ffs_para3: whereby projects are proposed for development and community-funded. Funding is held in escrow and remunerated to developers once programming milestones are achieved. Anyone may generate new proposals or fund existing ones.
donate: Donate
donate_para1: Ongoing development is supported by donations and
donate_para2: sponsorships.
donate-xmr: Donating Monero
donate-xmr_para: Donations may be sent to
or: or
donate-btc: Donating Bitcoin
donate-btc_para: Donations may be sent to
donate-other: Other
donate-other_para1: E-mail
donate-other_para2: for alternative means of donating or if you would like to become a sponsor for the Monero Project.
translated: "yes"
q1: How does Monero have value?
a1: Monero has value because people are willing to buy it. If no one is willing to buy Monero, then it will not have any value. Monero’s price increases if demand exceeds supply, and it decreases if supply exceeds demand.
q2: How can I get Monero?
a2: You can buy Monero from an exchange or from an individual. Alternatively, you can try mining Monero to get coins from the block reward.
q3: What is a mnemonic seed?
a3: A mnemonic seed is a set of 25 words that can be used to restore your account anywhere. Keep these words safe and do not share them with someone else. You can use this seed to restore your account, even if your computer crashes.
q4: How is Monero’s privacy different from other coins?
a4: |
Monero uses three different privacy technologies: ring signatures, ring confidential transactions (RingCT), and stealth addresses. These hide the sender, amount, and receiver in the transaction, respectively. All transactions on the network are private by mandate; there is no way to accidentally send a transparent transaction. This feature is exclusive to Monero. You do not need to trust anyone else with your privacy.
q5: Why is my wallet taking so long to sync?
a5: If you are running a full node locally, you need to copy the entire blockchain to your computer. This can take a long time, especially on an old hard drive or slow internet connection. If you are using a remote node, your computer still needs to request a copy of all the outputs, which can take several hours. Be patient, and if you would like to sacrifice some privacy for faster sync times, consider using a lightweight wallet instead.
q6: What is the difference between a lightweight and a normal wallet?
a6: For a lightweight wallet, you give your view key to a node, who scans the blockchain and looks for incoming transactions to your account on your behalf. This node will know when you receive money, but it will not know how much you receive, who you received it from, or who you are sending money to. Depending on your wallet software, you may be able to use a node you control to avoid privacy leaks. For more privacy, use a normal wallet, which can be used with your own node.
q7: How is Monero different from Bitcoin?
a7: Monero is not based on Bitcoin. It is based on the CryptoNote protocol. Bitcoin is a completely transparent system, where people can see exactly how much money is being sent from one user to another. Monero hides this information to protect user privacy in all transactions. It also has a dynamic block size and dynamic fees, an ASIC-resistant proof of work, and a tail coin emission, among several other changes.
q8: Does Monero have a block size limit?
a8: No, Monero does not have a hard block size limit. Instead, the block size can increase or decrease over time based on demand. It is capped at a certain growth rate to prevent outrageous growth.
q9: What is a blockchain?
a9: A blockchain is a system that stores a copy of all transaction history on the Monero network. Every two minutes, a new block with the latest transaction information is added to the blockchain. This chain allows the network to verify the amount of money accounts have and make it resilient to attacks and centralization attempts.
q10: What is Kovri?
a10: Kovri is an I2P router written in C++. I2P is a hidden network like Tor with several technical differences. Kovri is an independent project of Monero, but it will work with Monero and several other projects. Kovri hides the transaction broadcast, so other nodes do not know who created transactions. In adversarial conditions, Kovri can be used to hide all Monero traffic through I2P, which would prevent people from knowing Monero is being used. Kovri is currently in alpha, and it is not yet fully integrated in Monero. Learn more about Kovri at the <a href="https://getkovri.org">project website.</a>
q11: What is fungibility, and why is it important?
a11: Fungibility is a simple property of money such that there are no differences between two amounts of the same value. If two people exchanged a 10 and two 5’s, then no one would lose out. However, let’s suppose that everyone knows the 10 was previously used in a ransomware attack. Is the other person still going to make the trade? Probably not, even if the person with the 10 has no connection with the ransomware. This is a problem, since the receiver of money needs to constantly check the money they are receiving to not end up with tainted coins. Monero is fungible, which means people do not need to go through this effort.
q12: If Monero is so private how do we know they're not being created out of thin air?
a12-1: In Monero, every transaction output is uniquely associated with a key image that can only be generated by the holder of that output. Key images that are used more than once are rejected by the miners as double-spends and cannot be added to a valid block. When a new transaction is received, miners verify that the key image does not already exist for a previous transaction to ensure it's not a double-spend.
a12-2: We can also know that transaction amounts are valid even though the value of the inputs that you are spending and the value of the outputs you are sending are encrypted (these are hidden to everyone except the recipient). Because the amounts are encrypted using Pedersen commitments what this means is that no observers can tell the amounts of the inputs and outputs, but they can do math on the Pedersen commitments to determine that no Monero was created out of thin air.
a12-3: As long as the encrypted output amounts you create is equal to the sum of the inputs that are being spent (which include an output for the recipient and a change output back to yourself and the unencrypted transaction fee), then you have a legitimate transaction and know no Monero is being created out of thin air. Pedersen commitments mean that the sums can be verified as being equal, but the Monero value of each of the sums and the Monero value of the inputs and outputs individually are undeterminable.
translated: "yes"
intro1: Monero is a cryptocurrency that relies on proof-of-work mining to achieve distributed consensus. Below you'll find some information and resources on how to begin mining.
intro2: The Monero Project does not endorse any particular pool, software, or hardware, and the content below is provided for informational purposes only.
support: Support
support_para1: See
support_para2: Hangouts,
support_para3: /r/moneromining (English)
support_para4: and
pools: Pools
pools_para1: A listing of trusted Monero pools is found
pools_para2: here.
benchmarking: Hardware Benchmarking
benchmarking_para1: See here
benchmarking_para2: for a listing of GPUs/CPUs and their respective hashrates.
software: Mining Software
software_para: Note that some miners may have developer fees.
translated: "yes"
intro: Transacting with Monero can be made easy. This page is designed to guide users in that process.
learn: 1. Learn
learn_para1: Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency. The developers and community are committed to protecting these values. Learn more by reading the
learn_para2: What is Monero
learn_para3: page. The
learn_para4: source code
learn_para5: is also available for review and discussion.
support: 2. Request Support
support_para1: There is a large and supportive community that will assist if you experience any difficulty. See the
support_para2: Hangouts
support_para3: page for more information.
generate: 3. Generate a Wallet
generate_para1: A Monero wallet is required to secure your own funds. See the
generate_para2: Downloads page
generate_para3: for a listing of available wallets.
generate_para4: The easiest way to run a Monero node, without affecting your home bandwidth, is to purchase a VPS (Virtual Private Server). We strongly recommend
generate_para5: using the
generate_para6: coupon code to get a discount over and above their already cheap $6/month VPS. Using this coupon code and/or
generate_para7: our affiliate link
generate_para8: will also assist in the ongoing funding of Monero development.
acquire: 4. Acquire Monero
acquire_para1: Monero may be purchased on an
acquire_para2: exchange
acquire_para3: with fiat or other cryptocurrencies. An alternate way of acquiring Monero is via
acquire_para4: mining,
acquire_para5: the computationally-complex process whereby transactions are immutably recorded on the blockchain.
send-receive: 5. Send and Receive Monero
send-receive_para1: Learn how to send and receive Monero by viewing the
send-receive_para2: guide.
transact: 6. Transact with Monero
transact_para1: Monero may be used to purchase many goods and services. For a listing, see the
transact_para2: Merchants page.
translated: "yes"
need-to-know: What you need to know
leading: Monero is the leading cryptocurrency with a focus on private and censorship-resistant transactions.
leading_para1: Most existing cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, have transparent blockchains, meaning that transactions are openly verifiable and traceable by anyone in the world. Furthermore, sending and receiving addresses for these transactions may potentially be linkable to a person's real-world identity.
leading_para2: Monero uses cryptography to shield sending and receiving addresses, as well as transacted amounts.
confidential: Monero transactions are confidential and untraceable.
confidential_para1: Every Monero transaction, by default, obfuscates sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts. This always-on privacy means that every Monero user's activity enhances the privacy of all other users, unlike selectively transparent cryptocurrencies (e.g. Z-Cash).
confidential_para2: Monero is fungible. By virtue of obfuscation, Monero cannot become tainted through participation in previous transactions. This means Monero will always be accepted without the risk of censorship.
confidential_para3: The Kovri Project,
confidential_para4: currently in development
confidential_para5: ", will route and encrypt transactions via I2P Invisible Internet Project nodes. This will obfuscate a transactor's IP address and provide further protection against network monitoring."
grassroots: Monero is a grassroots community attracting the world's best cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent.
grassroots_para1: Over
grassroots_para2: 240 developers
grassroots_para3: have contributed to the Monero project, including 30 core developers. Forums and chat channels are welcoming and active.
grassroots_para4: Monero's Research Lab, Core Development Team and Community Developers are constantly pushing the frontier of what is possible with cryptocurrency privacy and security.
grassroots_para5: Monero is not a corporation. It is developed by cryptography and distributed systems experts from all over the world that donate their time or are funded by community donations. This means that Monero can't be shut down by any one country and is not constrained by any particular legal jurisdiction.
electronic: Monero is electronic cash that allows fast, inexpensive payments to and from anywhere in the world.
electronic_para1: There are no multi-day holding periods and no risk of fraudulent chargebacks. It is safe from ‘capital controls’ - these are measures that restrict the flow of traditional currencies, sometimes to an extreme degree, in countries experiencing economic instability.
videos: Monero Videos (English)
translated: "yes"
history: A Brief History
history_para1: Monero was launched in April 2014. It was a fair, pre-announced launch of the CryptoNote reference code. There was no premine or instamine, and no portion of the block reward goes to development. See the original Bitcointalk thread
history_para2: here.
history_para3: The founder, thankful_for_today, proposed some controversial changes that the community disagreed with. A fallout ensued, and the Monero Core Team forked the project with the community following this new Core Team. This Core Team has provided oversight since.
history_para4: Monero has made several large improvements since launch. The blockchain was migrated to a different database structure to provide greater efficiency and flexibility, minimum ring signature sizes were set so that all transactions were private by mandate, and RingCT was implemented to hide the transaction amounts. Nearly all improvements have provided improvements to security or privacy, or they have facilitated use. Monero continues to develop with goals of privacy and security first, ease of use and efficiency second.
values: Our Values
values_para: Monero is more than just a technology. It’s also what the technology stands for. Some of the important guiding philosophies are listed below.
security: Security
security_para: Users must be able to trust Monero with their transactions, without risk of error or attack. Monero gives the full block reward to the miners, who are the most critical members of the network who provide this security. Transactions are cryptographically secure using the latest and most resilient encryption tools available.
privacy: Privacy
privacy_para: Monero takes privacy seriously. Monero needs to be able to protect users in a court of law and, in extreme cases, from the death penalty. This level of privacy must be completely accessible to all users, whether they are technologically competent or have no idea how Monero works. A user needs to confidently trust Monero in a way that this person does not feel pressured into changing their spending habits for risk of others finding out.
decentralization: Decentralization
decentralization_para: Monero is committed to providing the maximum amount of decentralization. With Monero, you do not have to trust anyone else on the network, and it is not run by any large group. An accessible “Proof of Work” algorithm makes it easy to mine Monero on normal computers, which makes it more difficult for someone to purchase a large amount of mining power. Nodes connect to each other with I2P to lower the risks of revealing sensitive transaction information and censorship (tba). Development decisions are extremely clear and open to public discussion. Developer meeting logs are published online in their entirety and visible by all.
translated: "yes"
outdated: "Please note: the guides below are currently out of date, but are considered a good starting point for most calls."
rpc: RPC Documentation
daemonrpc: Daemon RPC Documentation
walletrpc: Wallet RPC Documentation
soon: More coming soon...
translated: "yes"
general: General
mining: Mining
recovery: Recovery
wallets: Wallets
offline-backup: How to make an offline backup
vps-node: How to run a node on VPS
import-blockchain: Importing the Monero blockchain
monero-tools: Monero Tools
purchasing-storing: Securely purchasing and storing Monero
verify-windows: Verify binaries on Windows (beginner)
mine-on-pool: How to mine on a pool with xmr-stak-cpu
solo-mine: How to solo mine with the GUI
mine-docker: Mining with Docker and XMRig
locked-funds: How to fix locked up funds
restore-account: How to restore your account
qubes: CLI wallet/daemon isolation with Qubes + Whonix
cli-wallet: Getting started with the CLI wallet
remote-node-gui: How to connect to a remote node within GUI wallet
view-only: How to make a view-only wallet
prove-payment: How to prove payment
restore-from-keys: Restoring wallet from keys
translated: "yes"
complated: Completed task
ongoing: Ongoing task
upcoming: Upcoming task
future: Future
translated: "yes"
intro: Monero is not only committed to making a fungible currency, but also to continued research into the realm of financial privacy as it involves cryptocurrencies. Below you'll find the work of our very own Monero Research Lab, with more papers to come.
mrl_papers: Monero Research Lab Papers (English)
abstract: Abstract
introduction: Introduction
read-paper: Read Paper
mrl1: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0
mrl1_abstract: This research bulletin describes a plausible attack on a ring-signature based anonymity system. We use as motivation the cryptocurrency protocol CryptoNote 2.0 ostensibly published by Nicolas van Saberhagen in 2012. It has been previously demonstrated that the untraceability obscuring a one-time key pair can be dependent upon the untraceability of all of the keys used in composing that ring signature. This allows for the possibility of chain reactions in traceability between ring signatures, causing a critical loss in untraceability across the whole network if parameters are poorly chosen and if an attacker owns a sufficient percentage of the network. The signatures are still one-time, however, and any such attack will still not necessarily violate the anonymity of users. However, such an attack could plausibly weaken the resistance CryptoNote demonstrates against blockchain analysis. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl2: Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits within Virtual Currencies Employing the CryptoNote Protocol
mrl2_abstract: On 4 September 2014, an unusual and novel attack was executed against the Monero cryptocurrency network. This attack partitioned the network into two distinct subsets which refused to accept the legitimacy of the other subset. This had myriad effects, not all of which are yet known. The attacker had a short window of time during which a sort of counterfeiting could occur, for example. This research bulletin describes deficiencies in the CryptoNote reference code allowing for this attack, describes the solution initially put forth by Rafal Freeman from Tigusoft.pl and subsequently by the CryptoNote team, describes the current fix in the Monero code base, and elaborates upon exactly what the offending block did to the network. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl3: Monero is Not That Mysterious
mrl3_abstract: Recently, there have been some vague fears about the CryptoNote source code and protocol floating around the internet based on the fact that it is a more complicated protocol than, for instance, Bitcoin. The purpose of this note is to try and clear up some misconceptions, and hopefully remove some of the mystery surrounding Monero Ring Signatures. I will start by comparing the mathematics involved in CryptoNote ring signatures (as described in [CN]) to the mathematics in [FS], on which CryptoNote is based. After this, I will compare the mathematics of the ring signature to what is actually in the CryptoNote codebase.
mrl4: Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol
mrl4_abstract: We identify several blockchain analysis attacks available to degrade the untraceability of the CryptoNote 2.0 protocol. We analyze possible solutions, discuss the relative merits and drawbacks to those solutions, and recommend improvements to the Monero protocol that will hopefully provide long-term resistance of the cryptocurrency against blockchain analysis. Our recommended improvements to Monero include a protocol-level network-wide minimum mix-in policy of n = 2 foreign outputs per ring signature, a protocol-level increase of this value to n = 4 after two years, and a wallet-level default value of n = 4 in the interim. We also recommend a torrent-style method of sending Monero output. We also discuss a non-uniform, age-dependent mix-in selection method to mitigate the other forms of blockchain analysis identified herein, but we make no formal recommendations on implementation for a variety of reasons. The ramifications following these improvements are also discussed in some detail. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl5: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions
mrl5_abstract: This article introduces a method of hiding transaction amounts in the strongly decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency Monero. Similar to Bitcoin, Monero is a cryptocurrency which is distributed through a proof of work “mining” process. The original Monero protocol was based on CryptoNote, which uses ring signatures and one-time keys to hide the destination and origin of transactions. Recently the technique of using a commitment scheme to hide the amount of a transaction has been discussed and implemented by Bitcoin Core Developer Gregory Maxwell. In this article, a new type of ring signature, A Multi-layered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature is described which allows for hidden amounts, origins and destinations of transactions with reasonable efficiency and verifiable, trustless coin generation. Some extensions of the protocol are provided, such as Aggregate Schnorr Range Proofs, and Ring Multisignature. The author would like to note that early drafts of this were publicized in the Monero Community and on the bitcoin research irc channel. Blockchain hashed drafts are available in [14] showing that this work was started in Summer 2015, and completed in early October 2015. An eprint is also available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.
cryptonote: Cryptonote Whitepapers
cryptonote-whitepaper: Cryptonote Whitepaper
cryptonote-whitepaper_para: This is the original cryptonote paper written by the cryptonote team. Reading it will give an understanding about how the cryptonote algorithm works in general.
annotated: Annotated Whitepaper
annotated_para: The Monero Research Lab released an annotated version of the cryptonote whitepaper. This is sort of like an informal review of the claims that are made line-by-line of the whitepaper. It also explains some of the harder concepts in relatively easy to understand terms.
brandon: Brandon Goodell's Whitepaper Review
brandon_para: This paper is a formal review of the original cryptonote paper by MRL researcher Brandon Goodell. He takes an in-depth look at the claims and mathematics presented in the cryptonote paper.
title_1: All
title_2: Blog
@ -94,6 +428,7 @@ blog:
author: Posted by
date: Posted at
forum: Click here to join the discussion for this entry on the Monero Forum
all: Articles by Tag
notags: There are no posts for this tag.
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
The Monero community is diverse and varied. We come from all over, but we definitely have some places we like to hang out together. You'll find most of them below. Join us!
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<div class="row center-xs">
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<h2>Workgroup Resources</h2>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p>In an effort to support organic workgroups, Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects. Mattermost even has relays into the most popular Monero-related IRC channels.</p>
<div class="row relays around-xs">
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<p><a href="https://monero.slack.com/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Slack</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://mattermost.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Mattermost</a></p>
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<h2>IRC Channels</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>The Monero community utilizes a lot of IRC channels that each serve different purposes. Some to work, and some just to hang out. You'll find the more popular ones below.</p>
<div class="row irc">
{% for channel in site.data.irc %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12">
<a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#{{ channel.channel }}">#{{ channel.channel }}</a>
<p>{{ channel.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<!-- end left two-thirds block-->
<!-- right one-third block-->
<div class="right one-third col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col"><h2>Stack Exchange</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>The Monero Stack Exchange is a quick and easy way to ask questions and get answers. Below you'll find some high quality question/answer pairs to some frequently asked questions.</p>
<div class="row start-xs sequestions">
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4277/why-does-monero-have-higher-transaction-fees-than-bitcoin">Why does monero have higher transaction fees than bitcoin?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4335/what-does-moneros-scaling-roadmap-look-like">What does Monero's scaling roadmap look like?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4302/what-cryptography-primitives-concepts-other-than-the-basic-ones-does-monero-us">What cryptography primitives/concepts, other than the basic ones, does Monero use?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4242/how-to-extract-data-from-local-blockchain">How to extract data from local blockchain?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4377/hiding-tcp-traffic-for-monero-miners">Hiding TCP traffic for Monero miners?</a>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com" class="btn-link btn-auto">Visit Stack Exchange</a></p>
<!-- end right one-third block-->
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Merchants of all kinds have come to value the financial privacy that Monero brings. Below is a list of the merchants that we know of that currently accept Monero for their goods and services. If a company no longer accepts Monero or you would like your business to be listed, please [open a GitHub issue and let us know](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues).
<div class="merchants">
{% for toplevel in site.data.merchants %}
<div class="container full" id="{{toplevel.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row">
{% assign sortedMerchants = toplevel.merchants | sort: 'name' %}
{% for merchants in sortedMerchants %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
<a href="{{merchants.url}}">{{merchants.name}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
*Please note: these links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement by the Monero community of any products, services or opinions of the corporations or organizations or individuals listed. The Monero community bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. As always, caveat emptor ("buyer beware"); you are responsible for doing your own research. Always use judgement when making online purchases.*
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
The following businesses have supported the Monero Project in its goal to bring financial privacy to the world. We couldn't be more grateful for their contributions. If you would like to sponsor the Monero Project and be listed on this page, please send an email to dev@getmonero.org.
<section class="container sponsors">
<div class="row">
<div class="left one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>My Monero</h2>
<a href="https://mymonero.com/#/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><img src="/img/mymonero.png"></a>
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<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
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<a href="http://www.jetbrains.com/"><img src="/img/jetbrains.png"></a>
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<div class="info-block">
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<h2>Dome9 Security</h2>
<a href="https://dome9.com/"><img src="/img/dome9.png"></a>
<div class="row">
<div class="left one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
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<a href="https://www.kitware.com/"><img src="/img/kitware.png"></a>
<div class="center one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Fork Networking</h2>
<a href="https://www.forked.net"><img src="/img/forked_logo.png"></a>
<div class="right one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.araxis.com/"><img src="/img/araxis.png"></a>
<div class="row">
<div class="left half no-pad-sm col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.navicat.com"><img src="/img/navicat.png"></a>
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<div class="info-block">
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<a href="https://symas.com/"><img src="/img/symas.png"></a>
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<input id="tab-1" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
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{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Core" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
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<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
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<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-2" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-2" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
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<div class="info-block text-adapt">
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<div class="col-xs-12 text-adapt">
<p>The Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero/contributors">OpenHub contributors page</a>. Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero.</p>
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Developers" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-3" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Community" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Research Lab</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Monero Research Lab" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Special Thanks</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Special Thanks" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
<div class="downloads">
<div class="container description" markdown="1">
If you need help choosing the correct application, please click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/64b5lf/what_is_the_best_monero_wallet/) for a quick answer, then select the appropriate release for your operating system below.
Note: the SHA256 hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-signed list of the hashes is at [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) and should be treated as canonical, with the signature checked against the appropriate GPG key in the source code (in /utils/gpg_keys).
<div class="container full downdropdown">
<div class="info-block download-nav row middle-xs between-xs" id="selections">
<div class="col"><a href="#windows">Windows</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mac">Mac</a></div>
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<div class="col"><a href="#source">Source & Blockchain</a></div>
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<li><a href="#bsd">BSD</a></li>
<li><a href="#source">Source & Blockchain</a></li>
<li><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Light</a></li>
<li><a href="#hardware">Hardware</a></li>
<div class="download-platforms">
{% for data_downloads in site.data.downloads %}
<section class="container full" id="{{ data_downloads.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
{% if data_downloads.icon != null %}
<span class="{{data_downloads.icon}}"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if data_downloads.version != null %}
<p class="text-center">Current Version: {{ data_downloads.version }} {{ data_downloads.tag }}</p>
{% if data_downloads.cli_hash == "source" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">Source Code</a>
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" markdown="1">
If you'd prefer to use a blockchain bootstrap, instead of syncing from scratch, you can [use this link for the most current bootstrap](https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw). It is typically much faster to sync from scratch, however, and it also takes a lot less RAM (import is very greedy).
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "hardware" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>The Monero community has just funded a <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88149/dedicated-monero-hardware-wallet" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">Dedicated Hardware Wallet</a> which is now in progress. As well, Ledger is working on <a href="https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">integrating Monero into their hardware wallets</a>.</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "mobilelight" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>The following are mobile or light wallets that are deemed safe by trusted members of the community. If there is a wallet that is not on here, you can request the community check it out. Go to our <a href="/community/hangouts/">Hangouts</a> page to see where we are.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://cakewallet.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/cakewallet.png" alt="Cake Wallet Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://monerujo.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/Monerujo-wallet.png" alt="Monerujo Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://mymonero.com"><img src="/img/mymonero.png" alt="MyMonero Logo"></a>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash == nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"><h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}"> {{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-line Tools Only)</a>
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p></div>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash == nil %}
<div class="row">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<div class="row">
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row start-md">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12" >
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash (GUI):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-Line Tools Only)</a>
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash (CLI):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#" class="arrow-up"><i></i></a>
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
<section class="container">
<div class="row">
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<div class="info-block text-adapt">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Instructions for the Command-Line Interface</h2>
<div markdown="1">
### The Basics
Monero works a little differently to what you may have become accustomed to from other @cryptocurrencies. In the case of a digital currency like Bitcoin and its many derivatives merchant payment systems will usually create a new recipient @address for each payment or user.
However, because Monero has @stealth-addresses there is no need to have separate recipient addresses for each payment or user, and a single @account address can be published. Instead, when receiving payments a merchant will provide the person paying with a "payment ID".
A @payment-ID is a hexadecimal string that is 64 characters long, and is normally randomly created by the merchant. An example of a payment ID is:
### Checking for a Payment in monero-wallet-cli
If you want to check for a payment using monero-wallet-cli you can use the "payments" command followed by the payment ID or payment IDs you want to check. For example:
[wallet 49VNLa]: payments 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572
payment transaction height amount unlock time
666c75666679706f6e79206973207 7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e 441942 30.00000 0
[wallet 49VNLa]: █
If you need to check for payments programmatically, then details follow the next section.
### Receiving a Payment Step-by-Step
* Generate a random 64 character hexadecimal string for the payment
* Communicate the payment ID and Monero address to the individual who is making payment
* Check for the payment using the "payments" command in monero-wallet-cli
### Checking for a Payment Programmatically
In order to check for a payment programmatically you can use the get_payments or get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API calls.
*get_payments*: this requires a payment_id parameter with a single payment ID.
*get_bulk_payments*: this is the preferred method, and requires two parameters, payment_ids - a JSON array of payment IDs - and an optional min_block_height - the block height to scan from.
An example of returned data is as follows:
[ monero->~ ]$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_bulk_payments","id":"test", "params":{"payment_ids": ["666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"id": "test",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"amount": 30000000000000,
"block_height": 441942,
"payment_id": "666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572",
"tx_hash": "7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e18b6474ab66415de0f4ccf7ab1162fdf",
"unlock_time": 0
It is important to note that the amounts returned are in base Monero units and not in the display units normally used in end-user applications. Also, since a transaction will typically have multiple outputs that add up to the total required for the payment, the amounts should be grouped by the tx_hash or the payment_id and added together. Additionally, as multiple outputs can have the same amount, it is imperative not to try and filter out the returned data from a single get_bulk_payments call.
Before scanning for payments it is useful to check against the daemon RPC API (the get_info RPC call) to see if additional blocks have been received. Typically you would want to then scan only from that received block on by specifying it as the min_block_height to get_bulk_payments.
### Programatically Scanning for Payments
* Get the current block height from the daemon, only proceed if it has increased since our last scan
* Call the get_bulk_payments RPC API call with our last scanned height and the list of all payment IDs in our system
* Store the current block height as our last scanned height
* Remove duplicates based on transaction hashes we have already received and processed
<!-- end right one-third block-->
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Monero is an open-source, community-driven project. Described below are several ways to support the project.
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<div class="col"><h2>Support the Network</h2></div>
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### Develop
Monero is primarily written in C++. As it is a decentralized project, anyone is welcome to add or make changes to existing code. Pull requests are merged based on community consensus. See the <a href="https://github.com/monero-project"> repositories</a> and outstanding <a href="https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues">issues</a>.
### Run a Full Node
Run monerod with port 18080 open. Running a full node ensures maximum privacy when transacting with Monero. It also improves distribution of the blockchain to new users.
### Mine
Mining ensures the Monero network remains decentralized and secure. In the Monero graphical user interface and command-line interface, background mining may be activated. Additional resources for mining may be viewed [here](https://reddit.com/r/MoneroMining).
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<h2>View the Forum Funding System</h2>
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<p>Monero utilizes a <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org">forum funding system</a> whereby projects are proposed for development and community-funded. Funding is held in escrow and remunerated to developers once programming milestones are achieved. Anyone may generate new proposals or fund existing ones.</p>
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<p>Ongoing development is supported by donations and <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/sponsorships/">sponsorships</a>.</p>
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<img src="/img/donate-monero.png" alt=""/>
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<h3>Donating Monero</h3>
<p>Donations may be sent to donate.getmonero.org or 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A</p>
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<h3>Donating Bitcoin</h3>
<p>Donations may be sent to donate.getmonero.org or 1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H</p>
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<p>E-mail <a href="mailto:dev@getmonero.org">dev@getmonero.org</a> for alternative means of donating or if you would like to become a sponsor for the Monero Project.</p>
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<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">How does Monero have value?</label>
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Monero has value because people are willing to buy it. If no one is willing to buy Monero, then it will not have any value. Monero’s price increases if demand exceeds supply, and it decreases if supply exceeds demand.
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<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">How can I get Monero?</label>
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You can buy Monero from an exchange or from an individual. Alternatively, you can try mining Monero to get coins from the block reward.
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<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">What is a mnemonic seed?</label>
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A mnemonic seed is a set of 25 words that can be used to restore your account anywhere. Keep these words safe and do not share them with someone else. You can use this seed to restore your account, even if your computer crashes.
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<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">How is Monero’s privacy different from other coins?</label>
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Monero uses three different privacy technologies: ring signatures, ring confidential transactions (RingCT), and stealth addresses. These hide the sender, amount, and receiver in the transaction, respectively. All transactions on the network are private by mandate; there is no way to accidentally send a transparent transaction. This feature is exclusive to Monero. You do not need to trust anyone else with your privacy.
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<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">Why is my wallet taking so long to sync?</label>
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If you are running a full node locally, you need to copy the entire blockchain to your computer. This can take a long time, especially on an old hard drive or slow internet connection. If you are using a remote node, your computer still needs to request a copy of all the outputs, which can take several hours. Be patient, and if you would like to sacrifice some privacy for faster sync times, consider using a lightweight wallet instead.
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<label for="tab-six" class="accordion">What is the difference between a lightweight and a normal wallet?</label>
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For a lightweight wallet, you give your view key to a node, who scans the blockchain and looks for incoming transactions to your account on your behalf. This node will know when you receive money, but it will not know how much you receive, who you received it from, or who you are sending money to. Depending on your wallet software, you may be able to use a node you control to avoid privacy leaks. For more privacy, use a normal wallet, which can be used with your own node.
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<label for="tab-seven" class="accordion">How is Monero different from Bitcoin?</label>
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Monero is not based on Bitcoin. It is based on the CryptoNote protocol. Bitcoin is a completely transparent system, where people can see exactly how much money is being sent from one user to another. Monero hides this information to protect user privacy in all transactions. It also has a dynamic block size and dynamic fees, an ASIC-resistant proof of work, and a tail coin emission, among several other changes.
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<label for="tab-eight" class="accordion">Does Monero have a block size limit?</label>
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No, Monero does not have a hard block size limit. Instead, the block size can increase or decrease over time based on demand. It is capped at a certain growth rate to prevent outrageous growth.
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<label for="tab-nine" class="accordion">What is a blockchain?</label>
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A blockchain is a system that stores a copy of all transaction history on the Monero network. Every two minutes, a new block with the latest transaction information is added to the blockchain. This chain allows the network to verify the amount of money accounts have and make it resilient to attacks and centralization attempts.
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<label for="tab-ten" class="accordion">What is Kovri?</label>
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Kovri is an I2P router written in C++. I2P is a hidden network like Tor with several technical differences. Kovri is an independent project of Monero, but it will work with Monero and several other projects. Kovri hides the transaction broadcast, so other nodes do not know who created transactions. In adversarial conditions, Kovri can be used to hide all Monero traffic through I2P, which would prevent people from knowing Monero is being used. Kovri is currently in alpha, and it is not yet fully integrated in Monero. Learn more about Kovri at the [project website.](https://getkovri.org)
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<label for="tab-eleven" class="accordion">What is fungibility, and why is it important?</label>
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Fungibility is a simple property of money such that there are no differences between two amounts of the same value. If two people exchanged a 10 and two 5’s, then no one would lose out. However, let’s suppose that everyone knows the 10 was previously used in a ransomware attack. Is the other person still going to make the trade? Probably not, even if the person with the 10 has no connection with the ransomware. This is a problem, since the receiver of money needs to constantly check the money they are receiving to not end up with tainted coins. Monero is fungible, which means people do not need to go through this effort.
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<label for="tab-twelve" class="accordion">If Monero is so private how do we know they're not being created out of thin air?</label>
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In Monero, every transaction output is uniquely associated with a key image that can only be generated by the holder of that output. Key images that are used more than once are rejected by the miners as double-spends and cannot be added to a valid block. When a new transaction is received, miners verify that the key image does not already exist for a previous transaction to ensure it's not a double-spend.
We can also know that transaction amounts are valid even though the value of the inputs that you are spending and the value of the outputs you are sending are encrypted (these are hidden to everyone except the recipient). Because the amounts are encrypted using Pedersen commitments what this means is that no observers can tell the amounts of the inputs and outputs, but they can do math on the Pedersen commitments to determine that no Monero was created out of thin air.
As long as the encrypted output amounts you create is equal to the sum of the inputs that are being spent (which include an output for the recipient and a change output back to yourself and the unencrypted transaction fee), then you have a legitimate transaction and know no Monero is being created out of thin air. Pedersen commitments mean that the sums can be verified as being equal, but the Monero value of each of the sums and the Monero value of the inputs and outputs individually are undeterminable.
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<div class="center-xs container description">
<p>Monero is a cryptocurrency that relies on proof-of-work mining to achieve distributed consensus. Below you'll find some information and resources on how to begin mining.</p>
<p><strong>The Monero Project does not endorse any particular pool, software, or hardware, and the content below is provided for informational purposes only.</strong></p>
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<p>See <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/"> Hangouts</a>, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">/r/moneromining</a> and <a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">#monero-pools</a>.</p>
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<p>A listing of trusted Monero pools is found <a href="http://moneropools.com/"> here</a>.</p>
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<h2>Hardware Benchmarking</h2>
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<p>See <a href="http://monerobenchmarks.info/">here</a> for a listing of GPUs/CPUs and their respective hashrates.</p>
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<h2>Mining Software</h2>
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<p>Note that some miners may have developer fees.</p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMR Stak</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig AMD</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig NVIDIA</a></p>
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<div class="text-center container description">
<p>Transacting with Monero can be made easy. This page is designed to guide users in that process.</p>
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<h2>1. Learn</h2>
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<p>Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency. The developers and community are committed to protecting these values. Learn more by reading the <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/what-is-monero/">What is Monero</a> page. The <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">source code</a> is also available for review and discussion.</p>
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<h2>2. Request Support</h2>
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<p>There is a large and supportive community that will assist if you experience any difficulty. See the <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/">Hangouts</a> page for more information.</p>
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<h2>3. Generate a Wallet</h2>
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<p>A Monero wallet is required to secure your own funds. See the <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Downloads</a> page for a listing of available wallets.</p>
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<h2>4. Acquire Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero may be purchased on an <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants#exchanges">exchange</a> with fiat or other cryptocurrencies. An alternate way of acquiring Monero is via <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/mining/">mining</a>, the computationally-complex process whereby transactions are immutably recorded on the blockchain.</p>
<p>The easiest way to run a Monero node, without affecting your home bandwidth, is to purchase a VPS (Virtual Private Server). We strongly recommend <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">InterServer.net</a> using the 'MONERO' coupon code to get a discount over and above their already cheap $6/month VPS. Using this coupon code and/or <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">our affiliate link</a> will also assist in the ongoing funding of Monero development.</p>
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<h2>5. Send and Receive Monero</h2>
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<p>Learn how to send and receive Monero by viewing the <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/accepting/">guide</a>.</p>
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<h2>6. Transact with Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero may be used to purchase many goods and services. For a listing, see the <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants/">Merchants</a> page. </p>
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<div class="col"><h2>What you need to know</h2></div>
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<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is the leading cryptocurrency with a focus on private and censorship-resistant transactions.</h3>
<p>Most existing cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, have transparent blockchains, meaning that transactions are openly verifiable and traceable by anyone in the world. Furthermore, sending and receiving addresses for these transactions may potentially be linkable to a person's real-world identity. </p>
<p>Monero uses cryptography to shield sending and receiving addresses, as well as transacted amounts.</p>
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<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero transactions are confidential and untraceable.</h3>
<p>Every Monero transaction, by default, obfuscates sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts. This always-on privacy means that every Monero user's activity enhances the privacy of all other users, unlike selectively transparent cryptocurrencies (e.g. Z-Cash).</p>
<p>Monero is fungible. By virtue of obfuscation, Monero cannot become tainted through participation in previous transactions. This means Monero will always be accepted without the risk of censorship.</p>
<p>The Kovri Project, <a href="https://getkovri.org/">currently in development</a>, will route and encrypt transactions via I2P Invisible Internet Project nodes. This will obfuscate a transactor's IP address and provide further protection against network monitoring.</p>
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<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is a grassroots community attracting the world's best cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent.</h3>
<p>Over <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">240 developers</a> have contributed to the Monero project, including 30 core developers. Forums and chat channels are welcoming and active.</p>
<p>Monero's Research Lab, Core Development Team and Community Developers are constantly pushing the frontier of what is possible with cryptocurrency privacy and security.</p>
<p>Monero is not a corporation. It is developed by cryptography and distributed systems experts from all over the world that donate their time or are funded by community donations. This means that Monero can't be shut down by any one country and is not constrained by any particular legal jurisdiction.</p>
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<img src="/img/monero-electronic-cash.png" alt="Electronic cash" class="main-icon">
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is electronic cash that allows fast, inexpensive payments to and from anywhere in the world.</h3>
<p>There are no multi-day holding periods and no risk of fraudulent chargebacks. It is safe from ‘capital controls’ - these are measures that restrict the flow of traditional currencies, sometimes to an extreme degree, in countries experiencing economic instability.</p>
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<h3>Monero Promo</h3>
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<h3>Monero: The Essentials</h3>
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<h3>Stealth Addresses</h3>
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<h3>Ring Signatures</h3>
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<h1 id="main-h1">Monero</h1>
<h2 id="main-h2">Private Digital Currency</h2>
<p id="main-text">Monero is cash for a connected world. It’s fast, private, and secure. With Monero, you are your own bank. You can spend safely, knowing that others cannot see your balances or track your activity.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/using/" class="btn-link btn-auto btn-primary">Get Started</a></p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Why Monero is different</h2></div>
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<h3>Monero is secure</h3>
<p>Monero is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning it is secure digital cash operated by a network of users. Transactions are confirmed by distributed consensus and then immutably recorded on the blockchain. Third-parties do not need to be trusted to keep your Monero safe. </p>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is private</h3>
<p>Monero uses ring signatures, ring confidential transactions, and stealth addresses to obfuscate the origins, amounts, and destinations of all transactions. Monero provides all the benefits of a decentralized cryptocurrency, without any of the typical privacy concessions. </p>
<div class="row middle-xs info-block-row">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is untraceable</h3>
<p>Sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts are obfuscated by default. Transactions on the Monero blockchain cannot be linked to a particular user or real-world identity.</p>
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<img src="/img/untraceable-monero.png" alt="Untraceable Monero paths" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Monero is fungible</h3>
<p> Monero is <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/fungibility.html">fungible</a> because it is private by default. Units of Monero cannot be blacklisted by vendors or exchanges due to their association in previous transactions.</p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#linux" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-linux"></span>Monero for Linux</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Would you like to look up the meanings of the terms and concepts used in Monero? Here you will find an alphabetical guide to terms and their meanings from both the Monero and Kovri projects.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Read Moneropedia</a></p>
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<h2>User Guides</h2>
<p class="main-resources">Step-by-step guides to all things Monero are separated by category and cover everything from creating a wallet to supporting the network, and even how to edit this website.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Read user guides</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">We've heard a lot of questions over the years and have compiled, for your convenience, a thorough and varied FAQ. Don't worry, if your questions are not on here, you can always ask the community.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/faq/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Read answers</a></p>
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<div class="text-center container description">
<p>Here you'll find the Monero symbol and logo below. You can choose any size that you want, or download the .ai file to mess with the logo yourself. <strong>Note that the white background options have a white background under the Monero symbol ONLY, not as a background to the whole image.</strong> Lastly, you can download everything on this page in one zip file by clicking <a href="/press-kit/monero-press-kit.zip">here</a>.</p>
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<h2>Monero Symbol</h2>
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<p>White background (PNG)</p>
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<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol.ai" class="adi">Symbol .ai file</a>
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<h2>Monero Logo</h2>
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<p>No background (PNG)</p>
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<p>White background (PNG)</p>
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<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
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<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo.ai" class="adi">Logo .ai file</a>
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<h2>A Brief History</h2>
<div markdown="1">
Monero was launched in April 2014. It was a fair, pre-announced launch of the CryptoNote reference code. There was no premine or instamine, and no portion of the block reward goes to development. See the original Bitcointalk thread [here](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=563821.0). The founder, thankful_for_today, proposed some controversial changes that the community disagreed with. A fallout ensued, and the Monero Core Team forked the project with the community following this new Core Team. This Core Team has provided oversight since.
Monero has made several large improvements since launch. The blockchain was migrated to a different database structure to provide greater efficiency and flexibility, minimum ring signature sizes were set so that all transactions were private by mandate, and RingCT was implemented to hide the transaction amounts. Nearly all improvements have provided improvements to security or privacy, or they have facilitated use. Monero continues to develop with goals of privacy and security first, ease of use and efficiency second.
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<h2>Our Values</h2>
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Monero is more than just a technology. It’s also what the technology stands for. Some of the important guiding philosophies are listed below.
### Security
Users must be able to trust Monero with their transactions, without risk of error or attack. Monero gives the full block reward to the miners, who are the most critical members of the network who provide this security. Transactions are cryptographically secure using the latest and most resilient encryption tools available.
### Privacy
Monero takes privacy seriously. Monero needs to be able to protect users in a court of law and, in extreme cases, from the death penalty. This level of privacy must be completely accessible to all users, whether they are technologically competent or have no idea how Monero works. A user needs to confidently trust Monero in a way that this person does not feel pressured into changing their spending habits for risk of others finding out.
### Decentralization
Monero is committed to providing the maximum amount of decentralization. With Monero, you do not have to trust anyone else on the network, and it is not run by any large group. An accessible “Proof of Work” algorithm makes it easy to mine Monero on normal computers, which makes it more difficult for someone to purchase a large amount of mining power. Nodes connect to each other with I2P to lower the risks of revealing sensitive transaction information and censorship (tba). Development decisions are extremely clear and open to public discussion. Developer meeting logs are published online in their entirety and visible by all.
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<div class="guides">
<div class="center-xs container description">
<p class="text-center">Please note: the guides below are currently out of date, but are considered a good starting point for most calls. </p>
<section class="container full">
<div class="info-block">
<h2>RPC Documentation</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Daemon RPC Documentation](daemon-rpc.html)
[Wallet RPC Documentation](wallet-rpc.html)
More coming soon...
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<div class="container description">
<p>Monero is not only committed to making a fungible currency, but also to continued research into the realm of financial privacy as it involves cryptocurrencies. Below you'll find the work of our very own Monero Research Lab, with more papers to come.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Monero Research Lab Papers</h2></div>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion" checked="checked">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">MRL-0001: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research bulletin describes a plausible attack on a ring-signature based
anonymity system. We use as motivation the cryptocurrency protocol CryptoNote
2.0 ostensibly published by Nicolas van Saberhagen in 2012. It has been
previously demonstrated that the untraceability obscuring a one-time key pair can
be dependent upon the untraceability of all of the keys used in composing that
ring signature. This allows for the possibility of chain reactions in traceability
between ring signatures, causing a critical loss in untraceability across the whole
network if parameters are poorly chosen and if an attacker owns a sufficient
percentage of the network. The signatures are still one-time, however, and any
such attack will still not necessarily violate the anonymity of users. However, such
an attack could plausibly weaken the resistance CryptoNote demonstrates against
blockchain analysis. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and
reflects only the results of internal investigation.
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0001.pdf">Read Paper</a>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">MRL-0002: Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits within Virtual Currencies Employing the CryptoNote Protocol</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> On 4 September 2014, an unusual and novel attack was executed against the
Monero cryptocurrency network. This attack partitioned the network into two
distinct subsets which refused to accept the legitimacy of the other subset. This
had myriad effects, not all of which are yet known. The attacker had a short
window of time during which a sort of counterfeiting could occur, for example.
This research bulletin describes deficiencies in the CryptoNote reference code
allowing for this attack, describes the solution initially put forth by Rafal Freeman
from Tigusoft.pl and subsequently by the CryptoNote team, describes the current
fix in the Monero code base, and elaborates upon exactly what the offending
block did to the network. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review,
and reflects only the results of internal investigation.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0002.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-three" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">MRL-0003: Monero is Not That Mysterious</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Recently, there have been some vague fears about the CryptoNote source code and
protocol floating around the internet based on the fact that it is a more complicated
protocol than, for instance, Bitcoin. The purpose of this note is to try and clear
up some misconceptions, and hopefully remove some of the mystery surrounding
Monero Ring Signatures. I will start by comparing the mathematics involved in
CryptoNote ring signatures (as described in [CN]) to the mathematics in [FS], on
which CryptoNote is based. After this, I will compare the mathematics of the ring
signature to what is actually in the CryptoNote codebase.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">MRL-0004: Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> We identify several blockchain analysis attacks available to degrade the
untraceability of the CryptoNote 2.0 protocol. We analyze possible solutions,
discuss the relative merits and drawbacks to those solutions, and recommend
improvements to the Monero protocol that will hopefully provide long-term
resistance of the cryptocurrency against blockchain analysis. Our recommended
improvements to Monero include a protocol-level network-wide minimum mix-in
policy of
= 2
foreign outputs per ring signature, a protocol-level increase of this
value to
= 4
after two years, and a wallet-level default value of
= 4
in the
interim. We also recommend a torrent-style method of sending Monero output.
We also discuss a non-uniform, age-dependent mix-in selection method to
mitigate the other forms of blockchain analysis identified herein, but we make no
formal recommendations on implementation for a variety of reasons. The
ramifications following these improvements are also discussed in some detail.
This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the
results of internal investigation.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0004.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-five" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">MRL-0005: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This article introduces a method of hiding transaction amounts in the strongly
decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency Monero. Similar to Bitcoin, Monero is a
cryptocurrency which is distributed through a proof of work “mining” process.
The original Monero protocol was based on CryptoNote, which uses ring
signatures and one-time keys to hide the destination and origin of transactions.
Recently the technique of using a commitment scheme to hide the amount of a
transaction has been discussed and implemented by Bitcoin Core Developer
Gregory Maxwell. In this article, a new type of ring signature, A Multi-layered
Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature is described which allows for
hidden amounts, origins and destinations of transactions with reasonable
efficiency and verifiable, trustless coin generation. Some extensions of the
protocol are provided, such as Aggregate Schnorr Range Proofs, and Ring
Multisignature. The author would like to note that early drafts of this were
publicized in the Monero Community and on the bitcoin research irc channel.
Blockchain hashed drafts are available in [14] showing that this work was started
in Summer 2015, and completed in early October 2015. An eprint is also
available at
<a href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0005.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read Paper</a></p>
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<h2>Cryptonote Whitepapers</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Cryptonote Whitepaper](https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf)
This is the original cryptonote paper written by the cryptonote team. Reading it will give an understanding about how the cryptonote algorithm works in general.
[Annotated Whitepaper](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_annotated.pdf)
The Monero Research Lab released an annotated version of the cryptonote whitepaper. This is sort of like an informal review of the claims that are made line-by-line of the whitepaper. It also explains some of the harder concepts in relatively easy to understand terms.
[Brandon Goodell's Whitepaper Review](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_review.pdf)
This paper is a formal review of the original cryptonote paper by MRL researcher Brandon Goodell. He takes an in-depth look at the claims and mathematics presented in the cryptonote paper.
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<div class="col-xs-1">
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{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2015 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
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{% if toplevel.year == 2016 %}
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<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2017 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
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<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
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{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %} {% if toplevel.year == 2018 %} {% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-6" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-6" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2019 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
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[How to make an offline backup]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/Offline_Backup.html)
[How to run a node on VPS]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/vps_run_node.html)
[Importing the Monero blockchain]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/importing_blockchain.html)
[Monero Tools]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero_tools.html)
[Securely purchasing and storing Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/securely_purchase.html)
[Verify binaries on Windows (beginner)]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/verification-windows-beginner.html)
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[How to mine on a pool with xmr-stak-cpu]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mine-to-pool.html)
[How to solo mine with the GUI]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/solo_mine_GUI.html)
[Mining with Docker and XMRig]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mining_with_xmrig_and_docker.html)
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[How to fix locked up funds]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/howto_fix_stuck_funds.html)
[How to restore your account]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_account.html)
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<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
[CLI wallet/daemon isolation with Qubes + Whonix]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html)
[Getting started with the CLI wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero-wallet-cli.html)
[How to connect to a remote node within GUI wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.html)
[How to make a view-only wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
[How to prove payment]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html)
[Restoring wallet from keys]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html)
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<div class="row start-xs monero-project" markdown="1">
The Kovri project uses end-to-end encryption so that neither the sender nor receiver of a Monero transaction need to reveal their IP address to the other side or to third-party observers (the blockchain). This is done using the same technology that powers the dark net, i2p (Invisible Internet Protocol). The project is currently in heavy, active development and is not yet integrated with Monero.
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://www.getkovri.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visit Kovri Website</a></p>
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<h2>Open Alias</h2>
<div class="row start-xs monero-project" markdown="1">
The OpenAlias project simplifies cryptocurrency payments by providing FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, i.e. example.openalias.org) for Monero wallet addresses in a way that ensures everyone's privacy is secure. The project is well underway and has already been implemented in many Monero wallets.
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://www.openalias.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visit OpenAlias Website</a></p>
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ global:
terms: Terms
privacy: Privacy
copyright: Copyright
edit: Edit This Page
untranslated: Esta pagina is not yet translated. If you would like to help translate it, please see the
index: Inicio
whatismonero: ¿Qué es Monero (XMR)?
@ -54,38 +54,371 @@ titles:
ffs-ot: Open Tasks
ffs-wip: Work in Progress
blogbytag: Blog by Tag
page_title: "Monero - secure, private, untraceable"
what_is_1: What is
what_is_2: " ?"
what_is_orange_block: "Monero is a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available for anyone to use."
what_is_text_block_1: "With Monero, you are your own bank; You have complete control over your funds. With Monero, your accounts and transactions are kept private."
what_is_text_block_2: "Want to find out more? An overview of Monero's main features are below. If you'd like to try Monero for yourself the"
what_is_text_block_3: "Getting Started"
what_is_text_block_4: "section is an excellent launching point."
news: News
the_latest: The Latest
private: Private
secure: Secure
untraceable: Untraceable
private_text: "Monero uses hidden amounts, origins and destinations of @transactions. This means that nobody knows how much you're sending in a transaction except you. This ensures that your purchases and other transfers remain private by default."
untraceable_text: "By taking advantage of @ring-signatures, Monero allows you to send and receive funds privately. Even though your transactions are publicly verifiable on the @blockchain, transactions use digital signatures that specify a group of signers such that the person verifying can’t tell which person actually produced the signature. Because it's ambiguous which funds have been spent, your transaction remains private and cannot be traced back to you."
secure_text: "Monero uses a distributed peer-to-peer @consensus network and every transaction is cryptographically signed. Your coins are safely stored on the @blockchain and can be restored at any time with the use of a 25 word @mnemonic-seed on any computer with the Monero software. Wallet files are encrypted on disk and locked with a passphrase, rendering them useless if stolen."
how_do_i_1: "How do I "
how_do_i_2: " ?"
get_started: get started
get_started_1: "The fastest way to start using Monero is with a web @account manager such as "
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Alternatively, if you would like to run a [full Monero node](/getting-started/running) you can download the client and a kick-starter @blockchain (to bring your local client up to speed) using the download link on the right."
where_can_i: Where can I
download_1: download
download_2: " ?"
different_os: "Need it for a different operating system?"
all_downloads: View all available downloads here
c_download: Download
monero_for: Monero for
latest_blockchain: Latest @Blockchain
translated: "no"
heading2: Moneda digital privada
monero_is_cash: Monero es una moneda privada, segura y no rastreable. Es de código abierto y está disponible para todos. Con Monero, tú eres tu propio banco. Sólo tú controlas tus finanzas. Tus cuentas y transacciones están protegidas de ojos curiosos.
get_started: Comenzar
why_monero_is_different: Por qué Monero es diferente
monero_is_secure: Monero es segura
monero_is_secure_para: Monero es una criptomoneda descentralizada. Es decir, es dinero digital seguro operado por su propia red de usuarios. Las transacciones son confirmadas por consenso distribuido y luego registradas inmutablemente en la cadena de bloques. De esta manera, mantiene tu dinero seguro sin necesidad de terceras partes.
monero_is_private: Monero es privada
monero_is_private_para: Monero usa las tecnologías de firmas de círculo y transacciones confidenciales de círculo (RingCT) para ofuscar el importe, orígen y destino cada transacción. Monero ofrece los beneficios de una criptomoneda descentralizada sin comprometer la privacidad.
monero_is_untraceable: Monero is untraceable
monero_is_untraceable_para: Sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts are obfuscated by default. Transactions on the Monero blockchain cannot be linked to a particular user or real-world identity.
monero_is_fungible: Monero es fungible
monero_is_fungible_para1: Monero es
monero_is_fungible_para2: fungible
monero_is_fungible_para3: porque es privada por defecto. Eso provoca que unidades de Monero no pueden ser etiquetadas o deprivadas de su valor por provenir de transacciones específicas.
downloads: Downloads
downloads_windows: Monero para Windows
downloads_mac: Monero para Mac
downloads_linux: Monero para Linux
downloads_blockchain: Blockchain
different_system: ¿Usas otro sistema operativo?
view_all_downloads: Mira todas las descargas disponibles aquí.
latest_news: Noticias recientes
more_news: Más noticias
moneropedia: Moneropedia
moneropedia_para: ¿Quieres ver las definiciones de términos y conceptos usados en Monero? Aquí encontrarás una lista alfabética de términos de los proyectos Monero y Kovri y sus significados.
moneropedia_button: Leer Moneropedia
user_guides: Guías de usuario
user_guides_para: Guías que describen varios procesos paso a paso, separadas por categoría. Cubren todo desde cómo crear una billetera, a cómo editar este mismo sitio web.
user_guides_button: Ver guías de usuario
faq: FAQ
faq_para: Hemos escuchado muchas preguntas a lo largo de los años y hemos compilado un FAQ variado y detallado para tu conveniencia. No te preocupes, si tus preguntas no están aquí, puedes hacerlas por los canales de comunicación de la comunidad.
faq_button: Ver respuestas
translated: "no"
intro: The Monero community is diverse and varied. We come from all over, but we definitely have some places we like to hang out together. You'll find most of them below. Join us!
resources: Workgroup Resources
resources_para: In an effort to support organic workgroups, Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects. Mattermost even has relays into the most popular Monero-related IRC channels.
irc: IRC Channels
irc_para: The Monero community utilizes a lot of IRC channels that each serve different purposes. Some to work, and some just to hang out. You'll find the more popular ones below.
stack_exchange: Stack Exchange
stack_exchange_para: The Monero Stack Exchange is a quick and easy way to ask questions and get answers. Below you'll find some high quality question/answer pairs to some frequently asked questions.
translated: "no"
intro1: Merchants of all kinds have come to value the financial privacy that Monero brings. Below is a list of the merchants that we know of that currently accept Monero for their goods and services. If a company no longer accepts Monero or you would like your business to be listed, please
intro2: open a GitHub issue and let us know.
disclaimer: |
"Please note: these links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement by the Monero community of any products, services or opinions of the corporations or organizations or individuals listed. The Monero community bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. As always, caveat emptor ('buyer beware'); you are responsible for doing your own research. Always use judgement when making online purchases."
translated: "no"
intro: The following businesses have supported the Monero Project in its goal to bring financial privacy to the world. We couldn't be more grateful for their contributions. If you would like to sponsor the Monero Project and be listed on this page, please send an email to dev@getmonero.org.
translated: "no"
core: Core
developers: Developers
developers_para1: he Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the
developers_para2: OpenHub contributors page.
developers_para3: Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero.
community: Community
mrl: Research Lab
thanks: Special Thanks
translated: "yes"
choose: Elija su sistema operativo
sourceblockchain: Source & Blockchain
mobilelight: Mobile & Light
hardware: Hardware
intro1: Si necesita ayuda para elegir la aplicación correcta, haga clic
intro2: aquí
intro3: para obtener una respuesta rápida, luego seleccione la versión apropiada para su sistema operativo.
note1: "Nota: para mayor comodidad los hashes SHA256 se enumeran por las descargas, pero una lista GPG firmada de los hash está en"
note2: y debe tratarse como canónico, con la firma marcada con la clave GPG apropiada en el código fuente (en /utils/gpg_keys).
currentversion: Versión actual
sourcecode: Código fuente
blockchain1: Si prefieres usar un blockchain bootstrap, en lugar de sincronizar desde cero, puedes
blockchain2: usar este enlace para el programa de arranque más reciente.
blockchain3: Sin embargo, normalmente es mucho más rápido sincronizar desde cero y también requiere menos RAM (la importación es muy exigente).
hardware1: La comunidad Monero acaba de financiar una
hardware2: Cartera de Hardware Dedicado
hardware3: que ya está en progreso. Además, el libro principal está trabajando en la
hardware4: integración de Monero en sus carteras de hardware.
mobilelight1: Los siguientes son carteras móviles o livianas que los miembros de confianza de la comunidad consideran seguros. Si hay una cartera que no está aquí, puede solicitar que la comunidad la revise. Ve a nuestra
mobilelight2: página de Hangouts
mobilelight3: para ver dónde.
clionly: Command-Line Tools Only
translated: "no"
kovri: The Kovri project uses end-to-end encryption so that neither the sender nor receiver of a Monero transaction need to reveal their IP address to the other side or to third-party observers (the blockchain). This is done using the same technology that powers the dark net, i2p (Invisible Internet Protocol). The project is currently in heavy, active development and is not yet integrated with Monero.
kovri_button: Visit Kovri Website
openalias: The OpenAlias project simplifies cryptocurrency payments by providing FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, i.e. example.openalias.org) for Monero wallet addresses in a way that ensures everyone's privacy is secure. The project is well underway and has already been implemented in many Monero wallets.
openalias_button: Visit OpenAlias Website
translated: "no"
intro1: Here you'll find the Monero symbol and logo below. You can choose any size that you want, or download the .ai file to mess with the logo yourself.
intro2: Note that the white background options have a white background under the Monero symbol ONLY, not as a background to the whole image.
intro3: Lastly, you can download everything on this page in one zip file by clicking
intro4: here.
noback: No background
whiteback: White background
symbol: Monero Symbol
logo: Monero Logo
small: Small
medium: Medium
large: Large
symbol_file: Symbol .ai file
logo_file: Logo .ai file
translated: "no"
title: Instructions for the Command-Line Interface
basics: The Basics
basics_para1: Monero works a little differently to what you may have become accustomed to from other @cryptocurrencies. In the case of a digital currency like Bitcoin and its many derivatives merchant payment systems will usually create a new recipient @address for each payment or user.
basics_para2: However, because Monero has @stealth-addresses there is no need to have separate recipient addresses for each payment or user, and a single @account address can be published. Instead, when receiving payments a merchant will provide the person paying with a "payment ID".
basics_para3: "A @payment-ID is a hexadecimal string that is 64 characters long, and is normally randomly created by the merchant. An example of a payment ID is:"
checking: Checking for a Payment in monero-wallet-cli
checking_para1: |
If you want to check for a payment using monero-wallet-cli you can use the "payments" command followed by the payment ID or payment IDs you want to check. For example:
checking_para2: If you need to check for payments programmatically, then details follow the next section.
receiving: Receiving a Payment Step-by-Step
receiving_list1: Generate a random 64 character hexadecimal string for the payment
receiving_list2: Communicate the payment ID and Monero address to the individual who is making payment
receiving_list3: Check for the payment using the "payments" command in monero-wallet-cli
program: Checking for a Payment Programmatically
program_para1: In order to check for a payment programmatically you can use the get_payments or get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API calls.
program_para2: this requires a payment_id parameter with a single payment ID.
program_para3: this is the preferred method, and requires two parameters, payment_ids - a JSON array of payment IDs - and an optional min_block_height - the block height to scan from.
program_para4: |
An example of returned data is as follows:
program_para5: It is important to note that the amounts returned are in base Monero units and not in the display units normally used in end-user applications. Also, since a transaction will typically have multiple outputs that add up to the total required for the payment, the amounts should be grouped by the tx_hash or the payment_id and added together. Additionally, as multiple outputs can have the same amount, it is imperative not to try and filter out the returned data from a single get_bulk_payments call.
program_para6: Before scanning for payments it is useful to check against the daemon RPC API (the get_info RPC call) to see if additional blocks have been received. Typically you would want to then scan only from that received block on by specifying it as the min_block_height to get_bulk_payments.
scanning: Programatically Scanning for Payments
scanning_list1: Get the current block height from the daemon, only proceed if it has increased since our last scan
scanning_list2: Call the get_bulk_payments RPC API call with our last scanned height and the list of all payment IDs in our system
scanning_list3: Store the current block height as our last scanned height
scanning_list4: Remove duplicates based on transaction hashes we have already received and processed
translated: "no"
intro: Monero is an open-source, community-driven project. Described below are several ways to support the project.
network: Support the Network
develop: Develop
develop_para1: Monero is primarily written in C++. As it is a decentralized project, anyone is welcome to add or make changes to existing code. Pull requests are merged based on community consensus. See the
develop_para2: repositories
develop_para3: and outstanding
develop_para4: issues.
full-node: Run a Full Node
full-node_para: Run monerod with port 18080 open. Running a full node ensures maximum privacy when transacting with Monero. It also improves distribution of the blockchain to new users.
mine: Mine
mine_para1: Mining ensures the Monero network remains decentralized and secure. In the Monero graphical user interface and command-line interface, background mining may be activated. Additional resources for mining may be viewed
mine_para2: here.
ffs: View the Forum Funding System
ffs_para1: Monero utilizes a
ffs_para2: forum funding system
ffs_para3: whereby projects are proposed for development and community-funded. Funding is held in escrow and remunerated to developers once programming milestones are achieved. Anyone may generate new proposals or fund existing ones.
donate: Donate
donate_para1: Ongoing development is supported by donations and
donate_para2: sponsorships.
donate-xmr: Donating Monero
donate-xmr_para: Donations may be sent to
or: or
donate-btc: Donating Bitcoin
donate-btc_para: Donations may be sent to
donate-other: Other
donate-other_para1: E-mail
donate-other_para2: for alternative means of donating or if you would like to become a sponsor for the Monero Project.
translated: "no"
q1: How does Monero have value?
a1: Monero has value because people are willing to buy it. If no one is willing to buy Monero, then it will not have any value. Monero’s price increases if demand exceeds supply, and it decreases if supply exceeds demand.
q2: How can I get Monero?
a2: You can buy Monero from an exchange or from an individual. Alternatively, you can try mining Monero to get coins from the block reward.
q3: What is a mnemonic seed?
a3: A mnemonic seed is a set of 25 words that can be used to restore your account anywhere. Keep these words safe and do not share them with someone else. You can use this seed to restore your account, even if your computer crashes.
q4: How is Monero’s privacy different from other coins?
a4: |
Monero uses three different privacy technologies: ring signatures, ring confidential transactions (RingCT), and stealth addresses. These hide the sender, amount, and receiver in the transaction, respectively. All transactions on the network are private by mandate; there is no way to accidentally send a transparent transaction. This feature is exclusive to Monero. You do not need to trust anyone else with your privacy.
q5: Why is my wallet taking so long to sync?
a5: If you are running a full node locally, you need to copy the entire blockchain to your computer. This can take a long time, especially on an old hard drive or slow internet connection. If you are using a remote node, your computer still needs to request a copy of all the outputs, which can take several hours. Be patient, and if you would like to sacrifice some privacy for faster sync times, consider using a lightweight wallet instead.
q6: What is the difference between a lightweight and a normal wallet?
a6: For a lightweight wallet, you give your view key to a node, who scans the blockchain and looks for incoming transactions to your account on your behalf. This node will know when you receive money, but it will not know how much you receive, who you received it from, or who you are sending money to. Depending on your wallet software, you may be able to use a node you control to avoid privacy leaks. For more privacy, use a normal wallet, which can be used with your own node.
q7: How is Monero different from Bitcoin?
a7: Monero is not based on Bitcoin. It is based on the CryptoNote protocol. Bitcoin is a completely transparent system, where people can see exactly how much money is being sent from one user to another. Monero hides this information to protect user privacy in all transactions. It also has a dynamic block size and dynamic fees, an ASIC-resistant proof of work, and a tail coin emission, among several other changes.
q8: Does Monero have a block size limit?
a8: No, Monero does not have a hard block size limit. Instead, the block size can increase or decrease over time based on demand. It is capped at a certain growth rate to prevent outrageous growth.
q9: What is a blockchain?
a9: A blockchain is a system that stores a copy of all transaction history on the Monero network. Every two minutes, a new block with the latest transaction information is added to the blockchain. This chain allows the network to verify the amount of money accounts have and make it resilient to attacks and centralization attempts.
q10: What is Kovri?
a10: Kovri is an I2P router written in C++. I2P is a hidden network like Tor with several technical differences. Kovri is an independent project of Monero, but it will work with Monero and several other projects. Kovri hides the transaction broadcast, so other nodes do not know who created transactions. In adversarial conditions, Kovri can be used to hide all Monero traffic through I2P, which would prevent people from knowing Monero is being used. Kovri is currently in alpha, and it is not yet fully integrated in Monero. Learn more about Kovri at the <a href="https://getkovri.org">project website.</a>
q11: What is fungibility, and why is it important?
a11: Fungibility is a simple property of money such that there are no differences between two amounts of the same value. If two people exchanged a 10 and two 5’s, then no one would lose out. However, let’s suppose that everyone knows the 10 was previously used in a ransomware attack. Is the other person still going to make the trade? Probably not, even if the person with the 10 has no connection with the ransomware. This is a problem, since the receiver of money needs to constantly check the money they are receiving to not end up with tainted coins. Monero is fungible, which means people do not need to go through this effort.
q12: If Monero is so private how do we know they're not being created out of thin air?
a12-1: In Monero, every transaction output is uniquely associated with a key image that can only be generated by the holder of that output. Key images that are used more than once are rejected by the miners as double-spends and cannot be added to a valid block. When a new transaction is received, miners verify that the key image does not already exist for a previous transaction to ensure it's not a double-spend.
a12-2: We can also know that transaction amounts are valid even though the value of the inputs that you are spending and the value of the outputs you are sending are encrypted (these are hidden to everyone except the recipient). Because the amounts are encrypted using Pedersen commitments what this means is that no observers can tell the amounts of the inputs and outputs, but they can do math on the Pedersen commitments to determine that no Monero was created out of thin air.
a12-3: As long as the encrypted output amounts you create is equal to the sum of the inputs that are being spent (which include an output for the recipient and a change output back to yourself and the unencrypted transaction fee), then you have a legitimate transaction and know no Monero is being created out of thin air. Pedersen commitments mean that the sums can be verified as being equal, but the Monero value of each of the sums and the Monero value of the inputs and outputs individually are undeterminable.
translated: "no"
intro1: Monero is a cryptocurrency that relies on proof-of-work mining to achieve distributed consensus. Below you'll find some information and resources on how to begin mining.
intro2: The Monero Project does not endorse any particular pool, software, or hardware, and the content below is provided for informational purposes only.
support: Support
support_para1: See
support_para2: Hangouts,
support_para3: /r/moneromining (English)
support_para4: and
pools: Pools
pools_para1: A listing of trusted Monero pools is found
pools_para2: here.
benchmarking: Hardware Benchmarking
benchmarking_para1: See here
benchmarking_para2: for a listing of GPUs/CPUs and their respective hashrates.
software: Mining Software
software_para: Note that some miners may have developer fees.
translated: "no"
intro: Transacting with Monero can be made easy. This page is designed to guide users in that process.
learn: 1. Learn
learn_para1: Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency. The developers and community are committed to protecting these values. Learn more by reading the
learn_para2: What is Monero
learn_para3: page. The
learn_para4: source code
learn_para5: is also available for review and discussion.
support: 2. Request Support
support_para1: There is a large and supportive community that will assist if you experience any difficulty. See the
support_para2: Hangouts
support_para3: page for more information.
generate: 3. Generate a Wallet
generate_para1: A Monero wallet is required to secure your own funds. See the
generate_para2: Downloads page
generate_para3: for a listing of available wallets.
generate_para4: The easiest way to run a Monero node, without affecting your home bandwidth, is to purchase a VPS (Virtual Private Server). We strongly recommend
generate_para5: using the
generate_para6: coupon code to get a discount over and above their already cheap $6/month VPS. Using this coupon code and/or
generate_para7: our affiliate link
generate_para8: will also assist in the ongoing funding of Monero development.
acquire: 4. Acquire Monero
acquire_para1: Monero may be purchased on an
acquire_para2: exchange
acquire_para3: with fiat or other cryptocurrencies. An alternate way of acquiring Monero is via
acquire_para4: mining,
acquire_para5: the computationally-complex process whereby transactions are immutably recorded on the blockchain.
send-receive: 5. Send and Receive Monero
send-receive_para1: Learn how to send and receive Monero by viewing the
send-receive_para2: guide.
transact: 6. Transact with Monero
transact_para1: Monero may be used to purchase many goods and services. For a listing, see the
transact_para2: Merchants page.
translated: "no"
need-to-know: What you need to know
leading: Monero is the leading cryptocurrency with a focus on private and censorship-resistant transactions.
leading_para1: Most existing cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, have transparent blockchains, meaning that transactions are openly verifiable and traceable by anyone in the world. Furthermore, sending and receiving addresses for these transactions may potentially be linkable to a person's real-world identity.
leading_para2: Monero uses cryptography to shield sending and receiving addresses, as well as transacted amounts.
confidential: Monero transactions are confidential and untraceable.
confidential_para1: Every Monero transaction, by default, obfuscates sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts. This always-on privacy means that every Monero user's activity enhances the privacy of all other users, unlike selectively transparent cryptocurrencies (e.g. Z-Cash).
confidential_para2: Monero is fungible. By virtue of obfuscation, Monero cannot become tainted through participation in previous transactions. This means Monero will always be accepted without the risk of censorship.
confidential_para3: The Kovri Project,
confidential_para4: currently in development
confidential_para5: ", will route and encrypt transactions via I2P Invisible Internet Project nodes. This will obfuscate a transactor's IP address and provide further protection against network monitoring."
grassroots: Monero is a grassroots community attracting the world's best cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent.
grassroots_para1: Over
grassroots_para2: 240 developers
grassroots_para3: have contributed to the Monero project, including 30 core developers. Forums and chat channels are welcoming and active.
grassroots_para4: Monero's Research Lab, Core Development Team and Community Developers are constantly pushing the frontier of what is possible with cryptocurrency privacy and security.
grassroots_para5: Monero is not a corporation. It is developed by cryptography and distributed systems experts from all over the world that donate their time or are funded by community donations. This means that Monero can't be shut down by any one country and is not constrained by any particular legal jurisdiction.
electronic: Monero is electronic cash that allows fast, inexpensive payments to and from anywhere in the world.
electronic_para1: There are no multi-day holding periods and no risk of fraudulent chargebacks. It is safe from ‘capital controls’ - these are measures that restrict the flow of traditional currencies, sometimes to an extreme degree, in countries experiencing economic instability.
videos: Monero Videos (English)
translated: "no"
history: A Brief History
history_para1: Monero was launched in April 2014. It was a fair, pre-announced launch of the CryptoNote reference code. There was no premine or instamine, and no portion of the block reward goes to development. See the original Bitcointalk thread
history_para2: here.
history_para3: The founder, thankful_for_today, proposed some controversial changes that the community disagreed with. A fallout ensued, and the Monero Core Team forked the project with the community following this new Core Team. This Core Team has provided oversight since.
history_para4: Monero has made several large improvements since launch. The blockchain was migrated to a different database structure to provide greater efficiency and flexibility, minimum ring signature sizes were set so that all transactions were private by mandate, and RingCT was implemented to hide the transaction amounts. Nearly all improvements have provided improvements to security or privacy, or they have facilitated use. Monero continues to develop with goals of privacy and security first, ease of use and efficiency second.
values: Our Values
values_para: Monero is more than just a technology. It’s also what the technology stands for. Some of the important guiding philosophies are listed below.
security: Security
security_para: Users must be able to trust Monero with their transactions, without risk of error or attack. Monero gives the full block reward to the miners, who are the most critical members of the network who provide this security. Transactions are cryptographically secure using the latest and most resilient encryption tools available.
privacy: Privacy
privacy_para: Monero takes privacy seriously. Monero needs to be able to protect users in a court of law and, in extreme cases, from the death penalty. This level of privacy must be completely accessible to all users, whether they are technologically competent or have no idea how Monero works. A user needs to confidently trust Monero in a way that this person does not feel pressured into changing their spending habits for risk of others finding out.
decentralization: Decentralization
decentralization_para: Monero is committed to providing the maximum amount of decentralization. With Monero, you do not have to trust anyone else on the network, and it is not run by any large group. An accessible “Proof of Work” algorithm makes it easy to mine Monero on normal computers, which makes it more difficult for someone to purchase a large amount of mining power. Nodes connect to each other with I2P to lower the risks of revealing sensitive transaction information and censorship (tba). Development decisions are extremely clear and open to public discussion. Developer meeting logs are published online in their entirety and visible by all.
translated: "yes"
outdated: "Please note: the guides below are currently out of date, but are considered a good starting point for most calls."
rpc: RPC Documentation
daemonrpc: Daemon RPC Documentation
walletrpc: Wallet RPC Documentation
soon: More coming soon...
translated: "no"
general: General
mining: Mining
recovery: Recovery
wallets: Wallets
offline-backup: How to make an offline backup
vps-node: How to run a node on VPS
import-blockchain: Importing the Monero blockchain
monero-tools: Monero Tools
purchasing-storing: Securely purchasing and storing Monero
verify-windows: Verify binaries on Windows (beginner)
mine-on-pool: How to mine on a pool with xmr-stak-cpu
solo-mine: How to solo mine with the GUI
mine-docker: Mining with Docker and XMRig
locked-funds: How to fix locked up funds
restore-account: How to restore your account
qubes: CLI wallet/daemon isolation with Qubes + Whonix
cli-wallet: Getting started with the CLI wallet
remote-node-gui: How to connect to a remote node within GUI wallet
view-only: How to make a view-only wallet
prove-payment: How to prove payment
restore-from-keys: Restoring wallet from keys
translated: "no"
complated: Completed task
ongoing: Ongoing task
upcoming: Upcoming task
future: Future
translated: "no"
intro: Monero is not only committed to making a fungible currency, but also to continued research into the realm of financial privacy as it involves cryptocurrencies. Below you'll find the work of our very own Monero Research Lab, with more papers to come.
mrl_papers: Monero Research Lab Papers (English)
abstract: Abstract
introduction: Introduction
read-paper: Read Paper
mrl1: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0
mrl1_abstract: This research bulletin describes a plausible attack on a ring-signature based anonymity system. We use as motivation the cryptocurrency protocol CryptoNote 2.0 ostensibly published by Nicolas van Saberhagen in 2012. It has been previously demonstrated that the untraceability obscuring a one-time key pair can be dependent upon the untraceability of all of the keys used in composing that ring signature. This allows for the possibility of chain reactions in traceability between ring signatures, causing a critical loss in untraceability across the whole network if parameters are poorly chosen and if an attacker owns a sufficient percentage of the network. The signatures are still one-time, however, and any such attack will still not necessarily violate the anonymity of users. However, such an attack could plausibly weaken the resistance CryptoNote demonstrates against blockchain analysis. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl2: Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits within Virtual Currencies Employing the CryptoNote Protocol
mrl2_abstract: On 4 September 2014, an unusual and novel attack was executed against the Monero cryptocurrency network. This attack partitioned the network into two distinct subsets which refused to accept the legitimacy of the other subset. This had myriad effects, not all of which are yet known. The attacker had a short window of time during which a sort of counterfeiting could occur, for example. This research bulletin describes deficiencies in the CryptoNote reference code allowing for this attack, describes the solution initially put forth by Rafal Freeman from Tigusoft.pl and subsequently by the CryptoNote team, describes the current fix in the Monero code base, and elaborates upon exactly what the offending block did to the network. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl3: Monero is Not That Mysterious
mrl3_abstract: Recently, there have been some vague fears about the CryptoNote source code and protocol floating around the internet based on the fact that it is a more complicated protocol than, for instance, Bitcoin. The purpose of this note is to try and clear up some misconceptions, and hopefully remove some of the mystery surrounding Monero Ring Signatures. I will start by comparing the mathematics involved in CryptoNote ring signatures (as described in [CN]) to the mathematics in [FS], on which CryptoNote is based. After this, I will compare the mathematics of the ring signature to what is actually in the CryptoNote codebase.
mrl4: Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol
mrl4_abstract: We identify several blockchain analysis attacks available to degrade the untraceability of the CryptoNote 2.0 protocol. We analyze possible solutions, discuss the relative merits and drawbacks to those solutions, and recommend improvements to the Monero protocol that will hopefully provide long-term resistance of the cryptocurrency against blockchain analysis. Our recommended improvements to Monero include a protocol-level network-wide minimum mix-in policy of n = 2 foreign outputs per ring signature, a protocol-level increase of this value to n = 4 after two years, and a wallet-level default value of n = 4 in the interim. We also recommend a torrent-style method of sending Monero output. We also discuss a non-uniform, age-dependent mix-in selection method to mitigate the other forms of blockchain analysis identified herein, but we make no formal recommendations on implementation for a variety of reasons. The ramifications following these improvements are also discussed in some detail. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl5: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions
mrl5_abstract: This article introduces a method of hiding transaction amounts in the strongly decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency Monero. Similar to Bitcoin, Monero is a cryptocurrency which is distributed through a proof of work “mining” process. The original Monero protocol was based on CryptoNote, which uses ring signatures and one-time keys to hide the destination and origin of transactions. Recently the technique of using a commitment scheme to hide the amount of a transaction has been discussed and implemented by Bitcoin Core Developer Gregory Maxwell. In this article, a new type of ring signature, A Multi-layered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature is described which allows for hidden amounts, origins and destinations of transactions with reasonable efficiency and verifiable, trustless coin generation. Some extensions of the protocol are provided, such as Aggregate Schnorr Range Proofs, and Ring Multisignature. The author would like to note that early drafts of this were publicized in the Monero Community and on the bitcoin research irc channel. Blockchain hashed drafts are available in [14] showing that this work was started in Summer 2015, and completed in early October 2015. An eprint is also available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.
cryptonote: Cryptonote Whitepapers
cryptonote-whitepaper: Cryptonote Whitepaper
cryptonote-whitepaper_para: This is the original cryptonote paper written by the cryptonote team. Reading it will give an understanding about how the cryptonote algorithm works in general.
annotated: Annotated Whitepaper
annotated_para: The Monero Research Lab released an annotated version of the cryptonote whitepaper. This is sort of like an informal review of the claims that are made line-by-line of the whitepaper. It also explains some of the harder concepts in relatively easy to understand terms.
brandon: Brandon Goodell's Whitepaper Review
brandon_para: This paper is a formal review of the original cryptonote paper by MRL researcher Brandon Goodell. He takes an in-depth look at the claims and mathematics presented in the cryptonote paper.
title_1: All
title_2: Blog
@ -94,6 +427,7 @@ blog:
author: Posted by
date: Posted at
forum: Click here to join the discussion for this entry on the Monero Forum
all: Articles by Tag
notags: There are no posts for this tag.
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
{% include untranslated.html %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
The Monero community is diverse and varied. We come from all over, but we definitely have some places we like to hang out together. You'll find most of them below. Join us!
<div class="hangouts">
<section class="container">
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<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Workgroup Resources</h2>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p>In an effort to support organic workgroups, Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects. Mattermost even has relays into the most popular Monero-related IRC channels.</p>
<div class="row relays around-xs">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://monero.slack.com/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Slack</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://mattermost.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Mattermost</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://taiga.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Taiga</a></p>
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
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<h2>IRC Channels</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>The Monero community utilizes a lot of IRC channels that each serve different purposes. Some to work, and some just to hang out. You'll find the more popular ones below.</p>
<div class="row irc">
{% for channel in site.data.irc %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12">
<a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#{{ channel.channel }}">#{{ channel.channel }}</a>
<p>{{ channel.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<!-- end left two-thirds block-->
<!-- right one-third block-->
<div class="right one-third col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col"><h2>Stack Exchange</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>The Monero Stack Exchange is a quick and easy way to ask questions and get answers. Below you'll find some high quality question/answer pairs to some frequently asked questions.</p>
<div class="row start-xs sequestions">
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4277/why-does-monero-have-higher-transaction-fees-than-bitcoin">Why does monero have higher transaction fees than bitcoin?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4335/what-does-moneros-scaling-roadmap-look-like">What does Monero's scaling roadmap look like?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4302/what-cryptography-primitives-concepts-other-than-the-basic-ones-does-monero-us">What cryptography primitives/concepts, other than the basic ones, does Monero use?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4242/how-to-extract-data-from-local-blockchain">How to extract data from local blockchain?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4377/hiding-tcp-traffic-for-monero-miners">Hiding TCP traffic for Monero miners?</a>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com" class="btn-link btn-auto">Visit Stack Exchange</a></p>
<!-- end right one-third block-->
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
{% include untranslated.html %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Merchants of all kinds have come to value the financial privacy that Monero brings. Below is a list of the merchants that we know of that currently accept Monero for their goods and services. If a company no longer accepts Monero or you would like your business to be listed, please [open a GitHub issue and let us know](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues).
<div class="merchants">
{% for toplevel in site.data.merchants %}
<div class="container full" id="{{toplevel.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row">
{% assign sortedMerchants = toplevel.merchants | sort: 'name' %}
{% for merchants in sortedMerchants %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
<a href="{{merchants.url}}">{{merchants.name}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
*Please note: these links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement by the Monero community of any products, services or opinions of the corporations or organizations or individuals listed. The Monero community bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. As always, caveat emptor ("buyer beware"); you are responsible for doing your own research. Always use judgement when making online purchases.*
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
{% include untranslated.html %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
The following businesses have supported the Monero Project in its goal to bring financial privacy to the world. We couldn't be more grateful for their contributions. If you would like to sponsor the Monero Project and be listed on this page, please send an email to dev@getmonero.org.
<section class="container sponsors">
<div class="row">
<div class="left one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>My Monero</h2>
<a href="https://mymonero.com/#/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><img src="/img/mymonero.png"></a>
<div class="center one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.araxis.com/"><img src="/img/araxis.png"></a>
<div class="right one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Dome9 Security</h2>
<a href="https://dome9.com/"><img src="/img/dome9.png"></a>
<div class="row">
<div class="left one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.kitware.com/"><img src="/img/kitware.png"></a>
<div class="center one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Fork Networking</h2>
<a href="https://www.forked.net"><img src="/img/forked_logo.png"></a>
<div class="right one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="http://www.jetbrains.com/"><img src="/img/jetbrains.png"></a>
<div class="row">
<div class="left half no-pad-sm col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.navicat.com"><img src="/img/navicat.png"></a>
<div class="right half no-pad-sm col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://symas.com/"><img src="/img/symas.png"></a>
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<div class="team">
<section class="container">
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<label for="tab-1" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-1" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
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<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Core" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs">
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{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
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<input id="tab-2" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
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<div class="container full">
<div class="info-block text-adapt">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 text-adapt">
<p>The Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero/contributors">OpenHub contributors page</a>. Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero.</p>
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Developers" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-3" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Community" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Research Lab</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Monero Research Lab" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Special Thanks</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Special Thanks" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
<div class="downloads">
<div class="container description" markdown="1">
Si necesita ayuda para elegir la aplicación correcta, haga clic [aquí](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/64b5lf/what_is_the_best_monero_wallet/) para obtener una respuesta rápida, luego seleccione la versión apropiada para su sistema operativo. Nota: para mayor comodidad los hashes SHA256 se enumeran por las descargas, pero una lista GPG firmada de los hash está en getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt ] (https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt ) y debe tratarse como canónico, con la firma marcada con la clave GPG apropiada en el código fuente (en /utils/gpg_keys).
<div class="container full downdropdown">
<div class="info-block download-nav row middle-xs between-xs" id="selections">
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<li><a href="#source">Source & Blockchain</a></li>
<li><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Light</a></li>
<li><a href="#hardware">Hardware</a></li>
<div class="download-platforms">
{% for data_downloads in site.data.downloads %}
<section class="container full" id="{{ data_downloads.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
{% if data_downloads.icon != null %}
<span class="{{data_downloads.icon}}"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if data_downloads.version != null %}
<p class="text-center">Versión actual:{{ data_downloads.version }} {{ data_downloads.tag }}</p>
{% if data_downloads.cli_hash == "source" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">Código fuente</a>
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" markdown="1">
Si prefieres usar un blockchain bootstrap, en lugar de sincronizar desde cero, puedes [usar este enlace para el programa de arranque más reciente] (https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw). Sin embargo, normalmente es mucho más rápido sincronizar desde cero y también requiere menos RAM (la importación es muy exigente).
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "hardware" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>La comunidad Monero acaba de financiar una <a href = "https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88149/dedicated-monero-hardware-wallet" target = " _blank" rel = "noreferrer, noopener"> Cartera de Hardware Dedicado </a> que ya está en progreso. Además, el libro principal está trabajando en la <a href="https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"> integración de Monero en sus carteras de hardware.</a>.</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "mobilelight" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>Los siguientes son carteras móviles o livianas que los miembros de confianza de la comunidad consideran seguros. Si hay una cartera que no está aquí, puede solicitar que la comunidad la revise. <a href="/community/hangouts/">Hangouts</a> Ve a nuestra página de Hangouts para ver dónde.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://cakewallet.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/cakewallet.png" alt="Cake Wallet Logo"></a>
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<a href="https://monerujo.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/Monerujo-wallet.png" alt="Monerujo Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://mymonero.com"><img src="/img/mymonero.png" alt="MyMonero Logo"></a>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash == nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"><h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}"> {{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-line Tools Only)</a>
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p></div>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash == nil %}
<div class="row">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<div class="row">
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row start-md">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12" >
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash (GUI):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-Line Tools Only)</a>
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash (CLI):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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<h2>Instructions for the Command-Line Interface</h2>
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### The Basics
Monero works a little differently to what you may have become accustomed to from other @cryptocurrencies. In the case of a digital currency like Bitcoin and its many derivatives merchant payment systems will usually create a new recipient @address for each payment or user.
However, because Monero has @stealth-addresses there is no need to have separate recipient addresses for each payment or user, and a single @account address can be published. Instead, when receiving payments a merchant will provide the person paying with a "payment ID".
A @payment-ID is a hexadecimal string that is 64 characters long, and is normally randomly created by the merchant. An example of a payment ID is:
### Checking for a Payment in monero-wallet-cli
If you want to check for a payment using monero-wallet-cli you can use the "payments" command followed by the payment ID or payment IDs you want to check. For example:
[wallet 49VNLa]: payments 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572
payment transaction height amount unlock time
666c75666679706f6e79206973207 7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e 441942 30.00000 0
[wallet 49VNLa]: █
If you need to check for payments programmatically, then details follow the next section.
### Receiving a Payment Step-by-Step
* Generate a random 64 character hexadecimal string for the payment
* Communicate the payment ID and Monero address to the individual who is making payment
* Check for the payment using the "payments" command in monero-wallet-cli
### Checking for a Payment Programmatically
In order to check for a payment programmatically you can use the get_payments or get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API calls.
*get_payments*: this requires a payment_id parameter with a single payment ID.
*get_bulk_payments*: this is the preferred method, and requires two parameters, payment_ids - a JSON array of payment IDs - and an optional min_block_height - the block height to scan from.
An example of returned data is as follows:
[ monero->~ ]$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_bulk_payments","id":"test", "params":{"payment_ids": ["666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"id": "test",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"amount": 30000000000000,
"block_height": 441942,
"payment_id": "666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572",
"tx_hash": "7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e18b6474ab66415de0f4ccf7ab1162fdf",
"unlock_time": 0
It is important to note that the amounts returned are in base Monero units and not in the display units normally used in end-user applications. Also, since a transaction will typically have multiple outputs that add up to the total required for the payment, the amounts should be grouped by the tx_hash or the payment_id and added together. Additionally, as multiple outputs can have the same amount, it is imperative not to try and filter out the returned data from a single get_bulk_payments call.
Before scanning for payments it is useful to check against the daemon RPC API (the get_info RPC call) to see if additional blocks have been received. Typically you would want to then scan only from that received block on by specifying it as the min_block_height to get_bulk_payments.
### Programatically Scanning for Payments
* Get the current block height from the daemon, only proceed if it has increased since our last scan
* Call the get_bulk_payments RPC API call with our last scanned height and the list of all payment IDs in our system
* Store the current block height as our last scanned height
* Remove duplicates based on transaction hashes we have already received and processed
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Monero is an open-source, community-driven project. Described below are several ways to support the project.
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<div class="col"><h2>Support the Network</h2></div>
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### Develop
Monero is primarily written in C++. As it is a decentralized project, anyone is welcome to add or make changes to existing code. Pull requests are merged based on community consensus. See the <a href="https://github.com/monero-project"> repositories</a> and outstanding <a href="https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues">issues</a>.
### Run a Full Node
Run monerod with port 18080 open. Running a full node ensures maximum privacy when transacting with Monero. It also improves distribution of the blockchain to new users.
### Mine
Mining ensures the Monero network remains decentralized and secure. In the Monero graphical user interface and command-line interface, background mining may be activated. Additional resources for mining may be viewed [here](https://reddit.com/r/MoneroMining).
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<h2>View the Forum Funding System</h2>
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<p>Monero utilizes a <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org">forum funding system</a> whereby projects are proposed for development and community-funded. Funding is held in escrow and remunerated to developers once programming milestones are achieved. Anyone may generate new proposals or fund existing ones.</p>
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<p>Ongoing development is supported by donations and <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/sponsorships/">sponsorships</a>.</p>
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<img src="/img/donate-monero.png" alt=""/>
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<img src="/img/donate-bitcoin.png" alt=""/>
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<h3>Donating Monero</h3>
<p>Donations may be sent to donate.getmonero.org or 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A</p>
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<h3>Donating Bitcoin</h3>
<p>Donations may be sent to donate.getmonero.org or 1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H</p>
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<p>E-mail <a href="mailto:dev@getmonero.org">dev@getmonero.org</a> for alternative means of donating or if you would like to become a sponsor for the Monero Project.</p>
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<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">¿Cómo Monero tiene valor?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Monero tiene valor porque la gente está dispuesta a comprarlo. Si nadie está dispuesto a comprar Monero, entonces no tendrá ningún
valor. El precio de Monero aumenta si la demanda excede la oferta y disminuye si la oferta excede la demanda.
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<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">¿Cómo puedo obtener a Monero?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Puede comprar Monero en un intercambio o de un individuo. Alternativamente, puede intentar extraer a Monero para obtener monedas de la recompensa del bloque.
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<input id="tab-three" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">¿Qué es una semilla mnemotécnica?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Una semilla mnemotécnica es un conjunto de 25 palabras que se pueden usar para restaurar su cuenta en cualquier lugar. Mantenga estas palabras seguras y no las comparta con otras personas. Puede utilizar esta semilla para restaurar su cuenta, incluso si su computadora falla.
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<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">¿En qué se diferencia la privacidad de Monero de otras monedas?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Monero usa tres tecnologías de privacidad diferentes: firmas de anillo, transacciones confidenciales de anillo (RingCT) y direcciones cautelosas. Estos ocultan el remitente, la cantidad y el receptor en la transacción, respectivamente. Todas las transacciones en la red son privadas por mandato; no hay forma de enviar accidentalmente una transacción transparente. Esta característica es exclusiva de Monero. No necesita confiar en nadie más con su privacidad.
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<input id="tab-five" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">¿Por qué mi cartera tarda tanto en sincronizarse?</label>
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Si está ejecutando un nodo completo localmente, debe copiar la cadena de bloques completa a su computadora. Esto puede llevar mucho tiempo, especialmente en un disco duro viejo o una conexión de Internet lenta. Si está utilizando un nodo remoto, su computadora aún necesita solicitar una copia de todas las salidas, lo que puede llevar varias horas. Sea paciente, y si desea sacrificar algo de privacidad para tiempos de sincronización más rápidos, considere usar una cartera de menos peso en su lugar.
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<input id="tab-six" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-six" class="accordion">¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una cartera liviana y una normal?</label>
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Para una cartera liviana, de su clave de vista a un nodo, que escanea la cadena articulada y busca las transacciones entrantes a su cuenta en su nombre. Este nodo sabrá cuando recibirá dinero, pero no sabrá cuando recibe, de quien lo recibió o a quien le está enviando dinero. Dependiendo de su software de cartera, es posible que pueda usar un nodo que controle para evitar filtraciones de privacidad. Para mayor privacidad, use una cartera normal, que puede usarse con su propio nodo.
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<input id="tab-seven" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-seven" class="accordion">¿En qué se diferencia Monero de Bitcoin?</label>
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Monero no está basado en Bitcoin. Se basa en el protocolo CryptoNote. Bitcoin es un sistema completamente transparente, donde las personas pueden ver exactamente cuánto dinero se envía de un usuario a otro. Monero oculta esta información para proteger la privacidad del usuario en todas las transacciones. También tiene un tamaño de bloque dinámico y tarifas dinámicas, una prueba de trabajo resistente a ASIC y una emisión de monedas de cola, entre otros muchos cambios.
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<input id="tab-eight" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-eight" class="accordion">¿Tiene Monero un límite de tamaño de bloque?</label>
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No, Monero no tiene un límite de tamaño de bloque duro. En cambio, el tamaño del bloque puede aumentar o disminuir con el tiempo en función de la demanda. Está limitado a una cierta tasa de crecimiento para evitar un crecimiento abrupto.
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<label for="tab-nine" class="accordion">¿Qué es una cadena de bloques?</label>
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Una cadena de bloques es un sistema que almacena una copia de todo el historial de transacciones en la red de Monero. Cada dos minutos, se agrega un nuevo bloque con la última información de transacción a la cadena de bloques. Esta cadena permite a la red verificar la cantidad de dinero que tienen las cuentas y hacerlo resistente a los ataques y a los intentos de centralización.
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<label for="tab-ten" class="accordion">¿Qué es Kovri?</label>
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Kovri es un enrutador I2P escrito en C ++. I2P es una red oculta como Tor con varias diferencias técnicas. Kovri es un proyecto independiente de Monero, pero funcionará con Monero y varios otros proyectos. Kovri oculta la transmisión de la transacción, por lo que otros nodos no saben quién creó las transacciones. En condiciones adversas, Kovri se puede usar para ocultar todo el tráfico de Monero a través de I2P, lo que evitaría que la gente supiera que Monero está siendo utilizado. Kovri se encuentra actualmente en alfa, y aún no está completamente integrado en Monero. Obtenga más información sobre Kovri en el [sitio web del proyecto.](https://getkovri.org)
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<label for="tab-eleven" class="accordion">¿Qué es fungibilidad y por qué es importante?</label>
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La fungibilidad es una propiedad simple del dinero, de modo que no hay diferencias entre dos cantidades del mismo valor. Si dos personas intercambiaran un 10 y dos 5, entonces nadie saldría perdiendo. Sin embargo, supongamos que todos saben que el 10 se utilizó anteriormente en un ataque de ransomware. ¿La otra persona todavía va a hacer el intercambio? Probablemente no, incluso si la persona con el 10 no tiene conexión con el ransomware. Esto es un problema, ya que el receptor de dinero necesita comprobar constantemente el dinero que está recibiendo para no terminar con monedas contaminadas. Monero es fungible, lo que significa que las personas no necesitan pasar por este esfuerzo.
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<label for="tab-twelve" class="accordion">Si Monero es tan privado, ¿cómo sabemos que no están siendo creados de la nada?</label>
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En Monero, cada salida de transacción está asociada de forma única con una imagen clave que solo puede ser generada por el titular de esa salida. Las imágenes clave que se utilizan más de una vez son rechazadas por los mineros como dobles y no se pueden agregar a un bloque válido. Cuando se recibe una nueva transacción, los mineros verifican que la imagen clave no exista para una transacción anterior para garantizar que no sea un gasto doble.
También podemos saber que los importes de transacción son válidos, aunque el valor de las entradas que está gastando y el valor de las salidas que está enviando están encriptados (estos están ocultos para todos, excepto para el destinatario). Debido a que las cantidades se encriptan utilizando los compromisos de Pedersen, lo que esto significa es que ningún observador puede decir las cantidades de las entradas y salidas, pero puede hacer cálculos sobre los compromisos de Pedersen para determinar que no se creó Monero de la nada.
Siempre que los importes de salida cifrados que cree sean iguales a la suma de las entradas que se están gastando (que incluyen una salida para el destinatario y una salida de cambio para usted y la tarifa de transacción no cifrada), entonces tiene una transacción legítima y no se sabe que Monero está siendo creado de la nada. Los compromisos de Pedersen significan que las sumas se pueden verificar como iguales, pero el valor Monero de cada una de las sumas y el valor Monero de las entradas y salidas individualmente no se pueden
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<div class="mining">
<div class="center-xs container description">
<p>Monero is a cryptocurrency that relies on proof-of-work mining to achieve distributed consensus. Below you'll find some information and resources on how to begin mining.</p>
<p><strong>The Monero Project does not endorse any particular pool, software, or hardware, and the content below is provided for informational purposes only.</strong></p>
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<p>See <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/"> Hangouts</a>, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">/r/moneromining</a> and <a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">#monero-pools</a>.</p>
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<p>A listing of trusted Monero pools is found <a href="http://moneropools.com/"> here</a>.</p>
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<h2>Hardware Benchmarking</h2>
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<p>See <a href="http://monerobenchmarks.info/">here</a> for a listing of GPUs/CPUs and their respective hashrates.</p>
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<h2>Mining Software</h2>
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<p>Note that some miners may have developer fees.</p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMR Stak</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig AMD</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig NVIDIA</a></p>
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<div class="text-center container description">
<p>Realizar transacciones con Monero es muy sencillo. A continuación te mostramos cómo hacerlo.</p>
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<h2>1. Aprende</h2>
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<p>Monero es una moneda digital segura, privada y no rastreable.
Los desarrolladores y la comunidad tienen el compromiso de proteger estos valores. Aprende más leyendo la página <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/what-is-monero/">Qué es Monero</a>. El <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">código fuente</a> también esta disponible para revisar y debatir.</p>
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<h2>2. Solicita Soporte</h2>
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<p>Existe una gran comunidad de soporte que te ayudará en caso de experimentar cualquier dificultad.
Accede a la página de <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/">Hangouts</a> para ampliar información.
<div class="right half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
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<h2>3. Crea un monedero</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Necesitarás un monedero compatible con Monero para guardar tus fondos. En la página de <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Descargas</a> encontrarás una lista de monederos.</p>
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<h2>4. Comprar Monero</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Puedes comprar Monero en cualquiera de estas <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants#exchanges">casas de cambio o exchange</a>, usando divisas u otras criptomonedas. Una forma alternativa de conseguir Monero es <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/mining/">minando</a>, minar el complejo proceso computacional en el cual las transacciones se almacenan de forma inmutable en la cadena de bloques.</p>
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<h2>5. Enviar y Recibir Monero</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Te enseñamos a enviar y recibir Monero en esta <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/accepting/">guía</a>.</p>
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<h2>6. Transacciones con Monero</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Monero se puede usar para comprar muchos productos y servicios. Aquí puedes ver una <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants/">lista de comercios</a> que aceptan Monero como forma de pago.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>What you need to know</h2></div>
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<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is the leading cryptocurrency with a focus on private and censorship-resistant transactions.</h3>
<p>Most existing cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, have transparent blockchains, meaning that transactions are openly verifiable and traceable by anyone in the world. Furthermore, sending and receiving addresses for these transactions may potentially be linkable to a person's real-world identity. </p>
<p>Monero uses cryptography to shield sending and receiving addresses, as well as transacted amounts.</p>
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<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero transactions are confidential and untraceable.</h3>
<p>Every Monero transaction, by default, obfuscates sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts. This always-on privacy means that every Monero user's activity enhances the privacy of all other users, unlike selectively transparent cryptocurrencies (e.g. Z-Cash).</p>
<p>Monero is fungible. By virtue of obfuscation, Monero cannot become tainted through participation in previous transactions. This means Monero will always be accepted without the risk of censorship.</p>
<p>The Kovri Project, <a href="https://getkovri.org/">currently in development</a>, will route and encrypt transactions via I2P Invisible Internet Project nodes. This will obfuscate a transactor's IP address and provide further protection against network monitoring.</p>
<div class="row middle-xs info-block-row">
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is a grassroots community attracting the world's best cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent.</h3>
<p>Over <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">240 developers</a> have contributed to the Monero project, including 30 core developers. Forums and chat channels are welcoming and active.</p>
<p>Monero's Research Lab, Core Development Team and Community Developers are constantly pushing the frontier of what is possible with cryptocurrency privacy and security.</p>
<p>Monero is not a corporation. It is developed by cryptography and distributed systems experts from all over the world that donate their time or are funded by community donations. This means that Monero can't be shut down by any one country and is not constrained by any particular legal jurisdiction.</p>
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<img src="/img/academic-growth.png" alt="Academic growth" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/monero-electronic-cash.png" alt="Electronic cash" class="main-icon">
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero is electronic cash that allows fast, inexpensive payments to and from anywhere in the world.</h3>
<p>There are no multi-day holding periods and no risk of fraudulent chargebacks. It is safe from ‘capital controls’ - these are measures that restrict the flow of traditional currencies, sometimes to an extreme degree, in countries experiencing economic instability.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Monero Videos</h2></div>
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<h3>Monero Promo</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/monero-community.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero_Promo.m4v">
<li class="carousel-slide">
<h3>Monero: The Essentials</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/monero-cash-video-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20The%20Essentials.m4v">
<li class="carousel-slide">
<h3>Stealth Addresses</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/stealth-address-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20Stealth%20Addresses.m4v">
<li class="carousel-slide">
<h3>Ring Signatures</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/ring-signatures-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20Ring%20Signatures.m4v">
<li class="carousel-slide">
<video controls poster="/img/ringct-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20RingCT.m4v">
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<div class="text-center container description">
<p>Here you'll find the Monero symbol and logo below. You can choose any size that you want, or download the .ai file to mess with the logo yourself. <strong>Note that the white background options have a white background under the Monero symbol ONLY, not as a background to the whole image.</strong> Lastly, you can download everything on this page in one zip file by clicking <a href="/press-kit/monero-press-kit.zip">here</a>.</p>
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<h2>Monero Symbol</h2>
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<p>No background (PNG)</p>
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<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>White background (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol.ai" class="adi">Symbol .ai file</a>
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<h2>Monero Logo</h2>
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<div class="col-xs-12">
<img src="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png" alt="Monero Logo" class="monero-symbol-logo">
<div class="row center-xs press">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>No background (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>White background (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo.ai" class="adi">Logo .ai file</a>
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<h2>A Brief History</h2>
<div markdown="1">
Monero was launched in April 2014. It was a fair, pre-announced launch of the CryptoNote reference code. There was no premine or instamine, and no portion of the block reward goes to development. See the original Bitcointalk thread [here](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=563821.0). The founder, thankful_for_today, proposed some controversial changes that the community disagreed with. A fallout ensued, and the Monero Core Team forked the project with the community following this new Core Team. This Core Team has provided oversight since.
Monero has made several large improvements since launch. The blockchain was migrated to a different database structure to provide greater efficiency and flexibility, minimum ring signature sizes were set so that all transactions were private by mandate, and RingCT was implemented to hide the transaction amounts. Nearly all improvements have provided improvements to security or privacy, or they have facilitated use. Monero continues to develop with goals of privacy and security first, ease of use and efficiency second.
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<h2>Our Values</h2>
<div markdown="1">
Monero is more than just a technology. It’s also what the technology stands for. Some of the important guiding philosophies are listed below.
### Security
Users must be able to trust Monero with their transactions, without risk of error or attack. Monero gives the full block reward to the miners, who are the most critical members of the network who provide this security. Transactions are cryptographically secure using the latest and most resilient encryption tools available.
### Privacy
Monero takes privacy seriously. Monero needs to be able to protect users in a court of law and, in extreme cases, from the death penalty. This level of privacy must be completely accessible to all users, whether they are technologically competent or have no idea how Monero works. A user needs to confidently trust Monero in a way that this person does not feel pressured into changing their spending habits for risk of others finding out.
### Decentralization
Monero is committed to providing the maximum amount of decentralization. With Monero, you do not have to trust anyone else on the network, and it is not run by any large group. An accessible “Proof of Work” algorithm makes it easy to mine Monero on normal computers, which makes it more difficult for someone to purchase a large amount of mining power. Nodes connect to each other with I2P to lower the risks of revealing sensitive transaction information and censorship (tba). Development decisions are extremely clear and open to public discussion. Developer meeting logs are published online in their entirety and visible by all.
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<div class="guides">
<div class="center-xs container description">
<p class="text-center">Please note: the guides below are currently out of date, but are considered a good starting point for most calls. </p>
<section class="container full">
<div class="info-block">
<h2>RPC Documentation</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Daemon RPC Documentation](daemon-rpc.html)
[Wallet RPC Documentation](wallet-rpc.html)
More coming soon...
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<div class="container description">
<p>Monero is not only committed to making a fungible currency, but also to continued research into the realm of financial privacy as it involves cryptocurrencies. Below you'll find the work of our very own Monero Research Lab, with more papers to come.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Monero Research Lab Papers</h2></div>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion" checked="checked">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">MRL-0001: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research bulletin describes a plausible attack on a ring-signature based
anonymity system. We use as motivation the cryptocurrency protocol CryptoNote
2.0 ostensibly published by Nicolas van Saberhagen in 2012. It has been
previously demonstrated that the untraceability obscuring a one-time key pair can
be dependent upon the untraceability of all of the keys used in composing that
ring signature. This allows for the possibility of chain reactions in traceability
between ring signatures, causing a critical loss in untraceability across the whole
network if parameters are poorly chosen and if an attacker owns a sufficient
percentage of the network. The signatures are still one-time, however, and any
such attack will still not necessarily violate the anonymity of users. However, such
an attack could plausibly weaken the resistance CryptoNote demonstrates against
blockchain analysis. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and
reflects only the results of internal investigation.
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0001.pdf">Read Paper</a>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">MRL-0002: Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits within Virtual Currencies Employing the CryptoNote Protocol</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> On 4 September 2014, an unusual and novel attack was executed against the
Monero cryptocurrency network. This attack partitioned the network into two
distinct subsets which refused to accept the legitimacy of the other subset. This
had myriad effects, not all of which are yet known. The attacker had a short
window of time during which a sort of counterfeiting could occur, for example.
This research bulletin describes deficiencies in the CryptoNote reference code
allowing for this attack, describes the solution initially put forth by Rafal Freeman
from Tigusoft.pl and subsequently by the CryptoNote team, describes the current
fix in the Monero code base, and elaborates upon exactly what the offending
block did to the network. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review,
and reflects only the results of internal investigation.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0002.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-three" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">MRL-0003: Monero is Not That Mysterious</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Recently, there have been some vague fears about the CryptoNote source code and
protocol floating around the internet based on the fact that it is a more complicated
protocol than, for instance, Bitcoin. The purpose of this note is to try and clear
up some misconceptions, and hopefully remove some of the mystery surrounding
Monero Ring Signatures. I will start by comparing the mathematics involved in
CryptoNote ring signatures (as described in [CN]) to the mathematics in [FS], on
which CryptoNote is based. After this, I will compare the mathematics of the ring
signature to what is actually in the CryptoNote codebase.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">MRL-0004: Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> We identify several blockchain analysis attacks available to degrade the
untraceability of the CryptoNote 2.0 protocol. We analyze possible solutions,
discuss the relative merits and drawbacks to those solutions, and recommend
improvements to the Monero protocol that will hopefully provide long-term
resistance of the cryptocurrency against blockchain analysis. Our recommended
improvements to Monero include a protocol-level network-wide minimum mix-in
policy of
= 2
foreign outputs per ring signature, a protocol-level increase of this
value to
= 4
after two years, and a wallet-level default value of
= 4
in the
interim. We also recommend a torrent-style method of sending Monero output.
We also discuss a non-uniform, age-dependent mix-in selection method to
mitigate the other forms of blockchain analysis identified herein, but we make no
formal recommendations on implementation for a variety of reasons. The
ramifications following these improvements are also discussed in some detail.
This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the
results of internal investigation.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0004.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-five" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">MRL-0005: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This article introduces a method of hiding transaction amounts in the strongly
decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency Monero. Similar to Bitcoin, Monero is a
cryptocurrency which is distributed through a proof of work “mining” process.
The original Monero protocol was based on CryptoNote, which uses ring
signatures and one-time keys to hide the destination and origin of transactions.
Recently the technique of using a commitment scheme to hide the amount of a
transaction has been discussed and implemented by Bitcoin Core Developer
Gregory Maxwell. In this article, a new type of ring signature, A Multi-layered
Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature is described which allows for
hidden amounts, origins and destinations of transactions with reasonable
efficiency and verifiable, trustless coin generation. Some extensions of the
protocol are provided, such as Aggregate Schnorr Range Proofs, and Ring
Multisignature. The author would like to note that early drafts of this were
publicized in the Monero Community and on the bitcoin research irc channel.
Blockchain hashed drafts are available in [14] showing that this work was started
in Summer 2015, and completed in early October 2015. An eprint is also
available at
<a href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0005.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read Paper</a></p>
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<h2>Cryptonote Whitepapers</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Cryptonote Whitepaper](https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf)
This is the original cryptonote paper written by the cryptonote team. Reading it will give an understanding about how the cryptonote algorithm works in general.
[Annotated Whitepaper](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_annotated.pdf)
The Monero Research Lab released an annotated version of the cryptonote whitepaper. This is sort of like an informal review of the claims that are made line-by-line of the whitepaper. It also explains some of the harder concepts in relatively easy to understand terms.
[Brandon Goodell's Whitepaper Review](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_review.pdf)
This paper is a formal review of the original cryptonote paper by MRL researcher Brandon Goodell. He takes an in-depth look at the claims and mathematics presented in the cryptonote paper.
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{% if toplevel.year == 2016 %}
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<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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<div class="col-xs-1">
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<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
[How to make an offline backup]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/Offline_Backup.html)
[How to run a node on VPS]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/vps_run_node.html)
[Importing the Monero blockchain]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/importing_blockchain.html)
[Monero Tools]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero_tools.html)
[Securely purchasing and storing Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/securely_purchase.html)
[Verify binaries on Windows (beginner)]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/verification-windows-beginner.html)
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[How to mine on a pool with xmr-stak-cpu]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mine-to-pool.html)
[How to solo mine with the GUI]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/solo_mine_GUI.html)
[Mining with Docker and XMRig]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mining_with_xmrig_and_docker.html)
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<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
[How to fix locked up funds]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/howto_fix_stuck_funds.html)
[How to restore your account]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_account.html)
<div class="right half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
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<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
[CLI wallet/daemon isolation with Qubes + Whonix]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html)
[Getting started with the CLI wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero-wallet-cli.html)
[How to connect to a remote node within GUI wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.html)
[How to make a view-only wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
[How to prove payment]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html)
[Restoring wallet from keys]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html)
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The Kovri project uses end-to-end encryption so that neither the sender nor receiver of a Monero transaction need to reveal their IP address to the other side or to third-party observers (the blockchain). This is done using the same technology that powers the dark net, i2p (Invisible Internet Protocol). The project is currently in heavy, active development and is not yet integrated with Monero.
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<p><a href="https://www.getkovri.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visit Kovri Website</a></p>
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<h2>Open Alias</h2>
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The OpenAlias project simplifies cryptocurrency payments by providing FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, i.e. example.openalias.org) for Monero wallet addresses in a way that ensures everyone's privacy is secure. The project is well underway and has already been implemented in many Monero wallets.
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://www.openalias.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visit OpenAlias Website</a></p>
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ global:
copyright: Propriété intellectuelle
edit: Modifier cette page
untranslated: Cette page n'a pas encore été traduite. Si vous voulez aider à la traduire, voyez le
index: Accueil
whatismonero: Qu'est-ce que Monero ?
@ -54,38 +55,370 @@ titles:
ffs-ot: Taches Ouvertes
ffs-wip: Travail en Cours
blogbytag: Blog par Tag
page_title: "Monero - sécurisé, confidentiel, intracable"
what_is_1: Qu'est-ce que
what_is_2: " ?"
what_is_orange_block: "Monero est une monnaie sécurisée, confidentielle, intracable qui est open-source et librement accessible à tous."
what_is_text_block_1: "Avec Monero, vous êtes votre propre banque; Vous avez le contrôle total de vos capitaux. Avec Monero, vos comptes et transactions restent confidentiels."
what_is_text_block_2: "Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Ci-dessous un tour d'horizon des fonctionnalités principales de Monero. Si vous voulez essayer Monero vous-même, la section"
what_is_text_block_3: "Commencer"
what_is_text_block_4: "est un excellent point de départ."
news: Actualités
the_latest: Les Dernières
private: confidentiel
secure: Sécurisé
untraceable: intraçable
private_text: "Monero utilise des montants, éméteurs et destinataires de @transactions masqués. Cela signifie que persnonne ne peut savoir combien vous envoyez dans une transaction, hormis vous. Cela permet de garantir que vos achats et autres transferts restent confidentiels par défaut."
untraceable_text: "En tirant parti des des @ring-signatures (signatures en cercle), Monero vous permet d'envoyer et de recevoir des fonds de manière privé. Même si vos transcations sont vérifiables publiquement sur la @blockchain, elles utilisent des signatures numériques qui indiquent un groupe de signataires, si bien qu'un valideur est incapable de déterminer qui à effectivement réalisé la signature. Parce qu'il est ambigu de savoir quels fonds ont été dépensés, votre transaction reste privée et ne peut pas vous être attribuée."
secure_text: "Monero utilise un réseau peer-to-peer à @consensus et chaque transaction est signé cryptographiquement. Vos pièces de monnaie sont stockées en toute sécurité sur la @blockchain et peuvent être restaurées à tout moment en utilisant une @mnemonic-seed de 25 mots sur n'importe quel ordinateur avec le logiciel Monero. Les fichiers du portefeuil sont stoqués par chiffrement et vérouillés par mot de passe, les rendants inutilisables en cas de vol."
how_do_i_1: "Comment puis-je "
how_do_i_2: " ?"
get_started: commencer
get_started_1: "La façon la plus rapide de commencer à utiliser Monero est avec un gestionnaire de @account en ligne comme "
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Alternativement, si vous voulez faire fonctionner un [noeud Monero complet](/getting-started/running) vous pouvez télécharger le client et une amorce de @blockchain (pour ammener votre client local à la bonne hauteur) en utilisant le lien de téléchargement situé à droite."
where_can_i: Où puis-je
download_1: Télécharger
download_2: " ?"
different_os: "Besoin d'un système d'exploitation différent ?"
all_downloads: Voir tous les téléchargements disponibles ici
c_download: Téléchargements
monero_for: Monero pour
latest_blockchain: Dernière @Blockchain
translated: "yes"
heading2: Monnaie Digitale Confidentielle
monero_is_cash: Monero est une monnaie pour un monde connecté. C'est rapide, confidentiel et sécurisé. Avec Monero, vous êtes votre propre banque. Vous pouvez le dépenser en toute sécurité, en sachant que personne ne peut voir votre solde ni suivre votre activité.
get_started: Commencer
why_monero_is_different: Pourquoi Monero est différent
monero_is_secure: Monero est sécurisé
monero_is_secure_para: Monero est une cryptomonnaie décentralisée, cela signifie qu'il s'agit d'argent digital sécurisé manœuvré par un réseau d'utilisateurs. Les transactions sont confirmées par un consensus distribué, puis enregistrées de manière immuable sur la chaîne de blocs. Il n'est pas nécessaire de faire confiance à des tiers pour garder vos Moneroj en sécurité.
monero_is_private: Monero est confidentiel
monero_is_private_para: Monero utilise des signatures de cercle, des transactions de cercle confidentielles et des adresses furtives pour dissimuler les origines, les montants et les destinations de toutes les transactions. Monero fournit tous les avantages d'une cryptomonnaie décentralisée, sans aucune des concessions de confidentialité usuelles.
monero_is_untraceable: Monero est intraçable
monero_is_untraceable_para: Les adresses d'émission et de réception, tout comme les montants sont masqués par défaut. Les transactions de la chaîne de blocs de Monero ne peuvent pas être rattachées à un utilisateur particulier où à une identité du monde réel.
monero_is_fungible: Monero est fongible
monero_is_fungible_para1: Monero est
monero_is_fungible_para2: fongible
monero_is_fungible_para3: car il est confidentiel par défaut. Des unités de Monero ne peuvent pas être mises sur liste noire par des vendeurs ou des bourses en raison de leurs associations à de précédentes transactions.
downloads: Downloads
downloads_windows: Monero pour Windows
downloads_mac: Monero pour Mac
downloads_linux: Monero pour Linux
downloads_blockchain: Chaîne de blocs
different_system: Need it for a different operating system?
view_all_downloads: Voir tous les téléchargements disponibles ici.
latest_news: Dernières Nouvelles
more_news: Plus de Nouvelles
moneropedia: Moneropedia
moneropedia_para: Souhaitez-vous rechercher les significations des termes et concepts utilisés dans Monero ? Vous trouverez ici un guide par ordre alphabétique des termes des projets Monero et Kovri, et de leurs significations.
moneropedia_button: Lire Moneropedia
user_guides: User Guides
user_guides_para: Les guides pas à pas de tous les aspects de Monero sont classés par catégories et couvrent tout, de la création d'un portefeuille au soutien du réseau, et même comment modifier ce site.
user_guides_button: Lire les guides utilisateur
faq: FAQ
faq_para: Nous avons répondu à beaucoup de questions au fil du temps, compilées dans une FAQ complète et variée. S'il vous manque une réponse, pas d'inquiétude vous pouvez toujours demander à la communauté.
faq_button: Lire les réponses
translated: "yes"
intro: La communauté Monero est diverse et variée. Nous venons de toutes parts, mais nous avons certainement nos lieux de rencontres favoris. Vous trouverez la plupart d'entre eux ci-dessous. Rejoignez-nous!
resources: Groupes de Travail
resources_para: Afin de maintenir des groupes de travail organiques, Monero dispose de plusieurs ressources que la communauté peut utiliser pour se retrouver et planifier des projets. Mattermost a même des relais dans les canaux IRC liés à Monero les plus populaires.
irc: Canaux IRC
irc_para: La communauté Monero s'appuie sur différents canaux IRC qui répondent à des besoins spécifiques. Certains pour travailler, et d'autres simplement pour se rencontrer. Vous trouverez les plus populaires d'entre eux ci-dessous.
stack_exchange: Stack Exchange
stack_exchange_para: Le Stack Exchange de Monero est un moyen simple et rapide de poser des questions et trouver des réponses. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques-unes des meilleures questions/réponses qui sont fréquemment recherchées.
translated: "yes"
intro1: Toute sorte de commerçants ont fini par apprécier la confidentialité financière qu'apporte Monero. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de commerçants dont nous savons qu'ils acceptent Monero comme moyen de paiement pour leurs biens ou leurs services. Si une société a cessé d'accepter Monero, ou bien si vous souhaitez y faire figurer votre affaire, merci
intro2: d'ouvrir un problème sur GitHub pour nous le faire savoir.
disclaimer: Notez que les liens sont fournis à titre informatif uniquement. Aucun des produits, services ou opinions des compagnies, sociétés et individus cités ne sont approuvés par la communauté en raison de leur présence dans cette liste. La communauté Monero n'assume aucune responsabilité quant à l'exactitude, la légalité ou le contenu de ces sites externes. Pour des questions concernant leurs contenus, contactez directement ces sites externes. Comme toujours, seul l'acheteur est responsable de son achat (acheteurs, méfiez-vous). C'est à vous de faire vos propres recherches. Faites toujours preuve de bon sens lorsque vous effectuez des achats en ligne.
translated: "yes"
intro: Les entreprises suivantes ont soutenues le projet Monero et son objectif d'apporter au monde la confidentialité financière. Nous ne pourrions être plus fiers de leurs contributions. Si vous souhaitez sponsoriser Monero et être cité sur cette page, merci de nous contacter par e-mail à dev@getmonero.org.
translated: "yes"
core: Noyau
developers: Développeurs
developers_para1: Le Projet Monero a déjà eu plus de 200 contributeurs sur sa durée. Pour une liste exhaustive, consultez la page
developers_para2: contributeurs OpenHub.
developers_para3: Ci dessous quelques personnes qui sont allées bien au delà pour Monero.
community: Communauté
mrl: Laboratoire de Recherche
thanks: Remerciements Particuliers
translated: "yes"
choose: Choose your OS
sourceblockchain: Source & Chaîne de blocs
mobilelight: Mobile & Léger
hardware: Matériel
intro1: Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour choisir la bonne application, merci de cliquer
intro2: ici
intro3: pour une réponse rapide, puis sélectionner va version appropriée pour votre système d'exploitation ci-dessous.
note1: "Remarque : les sommes de contrôle SHA256 sont indiquées à côté des téléchargements par commodité, mais une liste signée par GPG des sommes de contrôle est disponible à"
note2: et devrait être traitée de manière canonique, en vérifiant la signature vis-à-vis de la clef GPG appropriée dans le code source (dans /utils/gpg_keys).
currentversion: Current Version
sourcecode: Code Source
blockchain1: Si vous préférez utiliser une amorce de la chaîne de blocs, plutôt que de synchroniser à partir de zéro, vous pouvez
blockchain2: utiliser ce lien pour obtenir l'amorce la plus récente.
blockchain3: Il est cependant habituellement plus rapide de synchroniser à partir de zéro, et cela consomme également nettement moins de RAM (l'import est particulièrement gourmand).
hardware1: La communauté Monero vient de financer un
hardware2: Portefeuille Matériel Dédié
hardware3: qui est en cours d'avancement. De même, Ledger travail sur une
hardware4: intégration de Monero dans leurs portefeuilles matériels.
mobilelight1: Ci-dessous des portefeuilles mobiles ou légers jugés sûrs par des membres de confiance de la communauté. Si un portefeuille n'est pas cité ici, vous pouvez demander à la communauté de le vérifier. Allez à la page
mobilelight2: Rencontres
mobilelight3: pour voir où nous sommes.
clionly: Command-Line Tools Only
translated: "yes"
kovri: Le projet Kovri utilise un chiffrement de bout-en-bout, si bien que ni l'émetteur ni le destinataire d'une transaction Monero n'ont à révéler leur adresse IP à l'autre côté, ni aux observateurs tiers (la chaîne de blocs). Ceci est réalisé en utilisant la même technologie qui fait fonctionner le dark net, i2p (Invisible Internet Protocol). Ce projet est actuellement en cours de développement actif et intensif, et n'est pour le moment pas encore intégré à Monero.
kovri_button: Visiter le site de Kovri
openalias: Le projet OpenAlias simplifie les paiements en cryptomonnaie en fournissant des FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, p.e. example.openalias.org) pour les adresses de portefeuilles Monero d'une manière qui garantit que la confidentialité de chacun est sécurisée. Ce projet est bien avancé et a déjà été implémenté dans de nombreux portefeuilles Monero.
openalias_button: Visiter le site d'OpenAlias
translated: "yes"
intro1: Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les symboles et logos Monero. Vous pouvez choisir la taille qui vous convient, ou télécharger le fichier au format .ai pour jouer avec le logo vous-même.
intro2: Notez que seul l'option fond blanc dispose d'un fond blanc derrière le symbole Monero UNIQUEMENT, et non derrière l'image entière.
intro3: Enfin, vous pouvez télécharger tous les éléments de cette page dans un seul fichier zip en cliquant
intro4: ici.
noback: Sans fond
whiteback: Fond blanc
symbol: Monero Symbol
logo: Symbole Monero
small: Small
medium: Medium
large: Large
symbol_file: Symbole au format .ai
logo_file: Logo au format .ai
translated: "yes"
title: Instructions pour l'Interface en Ligne de Commande (CLI)
basics: Les Bases
basics_para1: Monero fonctionne légèrement différemment de ce dont vous pourriez avoir l'habitude avec les autres @cryptocurrencies. Dans le cas d'une monnaie digitale comme Bitcoin ou ses nombreux dérivés, les systèmes de paiements des commerçants devront habituellement créer une nouvelle @address de destinataire pour chaque paiement ou chaque utilisateur.
basics_para2: Cependant, comme Monero utilise des @stealth-addresses il n'y a pas de nécessité à disposer d'adresses de destinataires séparées pour chaque paiement ou utilisateur, et une seule adresse de @account peut être publiée. A la place, lors de la réception d'un paiement un commerçant va fournir un "ID de Paiement" à la personne effectuant ce paiement.
basics_para3: "Un @payment-ID est une chaine de 64 caractères hexadécimaux, et est normalement créer de manière aléatoire par le commerçant. Voici un exemple d'ID de Paiement :"
checking: Vérifier un ID de Paiement dans monero-wallet-cli
checking_para1: |
Si vous voulez vérifier un paiement en utilisant monero-wallet-cli vous pouvez utiliser la commande "payments" suivit de l'ID, ou des IDs, de Paiement que vous voulez vérifier. Par exemple :
checking_para2: Si vous avez besoin de vérifier les paiements de manière programmatique, vous trouverez les détails après la section suivante.
receiving: Recevoir un Paiement Pas-à-Pas
receiving_list1: Générer aléatoirement une chaine de 64 caractères hexadécimaux pour le paiement
receiving_list2: Fournir l'ID de paiement et l'adresse Monero à l'individu qui effectue le paiement
receiving_list3: Vérifier le paiement en utilisant la commande "payments" dans monero-wallet-cli
program: Vérifier un Paiement de manière Programmatique
program_para1: Afin de vérifier un paiement de manière programmatique, vous pouvez utiliser les requêtes get_payments ou get_bulk_payments de l'API JSON RPC.
program_para2: nécessite un paramètre payment_id contenant un unique ID de Paiement.
program_para3: méthode privilégiée, nécessitant deux paramètres, un payment_ids - un tableau JSON d'IDs de Paiement - et un min_block_height optionel - la hauteur de bloc à partir de laquelle effectuer la recherche.
program_para4: |
Voici un exemple de donné renvoyée :
program_para5: Il est important de noter que les montant sont retournés en unités Monero de base et pas en unités normalement utilisées dans les applications pour utilisateurs-finaux. De plus, dans la mesure où une transaction aura typiquement de multiples sorties qui s'ajoutent pour obtenir le total requis pour le paiement, les montants devraient être groupés pax tx_hash ou par payment_id afin de les additionner. Enfin, comme de multiples sorties peuvent avoir le même montant, il est impératif de ne pas essayer de filter les résultat d'une unique requête get_bulk_payments.
program_para6: Avant de rechercher un paiement, il peut être utile de vérifier auprès de l'API RPC du démon (avec une requête RPC get_info) si de nouveaux blocs ont été reçus. Typiquement, vous voudrez n'effectuer la recherche qu'à partir de ce bloc en le spécifiant comme paramètre min_block_height lors de la requête get_bulk_payments.
scanning: Rechercher des Paiements de manière programmatique
scanning_list1: Récupérer la hauteur actuelle de bloc auprès du démon, et ne procéder à la recherche que si celle-ci à augmentée depuis la dernière recherche
scanning_list2: Lancer une requête API RPC get_bulk_payments avec cette dernière hauteur de bloc et la liste de tous les IDs de paiement à rechercher
scanning_list3: Enregistrer la hauteur de bloc actuelle en tant que dernière hauteur de bloc recherchée
scanning_list4: Supprimer les doublons en fonction des hachages de transaction déjà reçus et traités
translated: "yes"
intro: Monero est un projet open-source, emmené par sa communauté. Ci-dessous se trouvent différents moyens pour soutenir le projet.
network: Soutenir le Réseau
develop: Développer
develop_para1: Monero est principalement écrit en C ++. Comme il s'agit d'un projet décentralisé, n'importe qui peut ajouter ou apporter des modifications au code existant. Les Pull Requests sont fusionnées en fonction du consensus de la communauté. Voir les
develop_para2: dépôts
develop_para3: et
develop_para4: problèmes en suspens.
full-node: Faire fonctionner un nœud complet
full-node_para: Faites fonctionner monerod ouvert sur le port TCP 18080. Faire fonctionner un nœud complet garantit une confidentialité maximale lors d'une transaction Monero. Cela améliore également la distribution de la chaîne de blocs aux nouveaux utilisateurs.
mine: Miner
mine_para1: L'extraction minière garantit que le réseau reste sécurisé et décentralisé. Dans les interfaces graphique et ligne de commande de Monero, l'extraction minière peut être activée en arrière plan. Plus de ressources concernant l'extraction minière sont disponibles
mine_para2: ici.
ffs: Voir le Forum Funding System
ffs_para1: Monero utilise un
ffs_para2: Forum Funding System (FFS)
ffs_para3: qui est une plateforme de financement participatif dédiée aux projets d'amélioration de Monero. Des projets sont proposés au développement au travers du FFS et financés par la communauté. Le financement est entiercé et rémunère les développeurs lorsque des jalons de programmation sont atteints. Chacun peut faire de nouvelles propositions ou en financer d'existantes.
donate: Faire un don
donate_para1: Le développement en cours est soutenu par des dons et des
donate_para2: partenariats.
donate-xmr: Faire un don en Monero
donate-xmr_para: Les dons peuvent être envoyées à
or: ou
donate-btc: Faire un don en Bitcoin
donate-btc_para: Les dons peuvent être envoyées à
donate-other: Autre
donate-other_para1: Envoyez un courriel à
donate-other_para2: pour un autre moyen de don ou si vous souhaitez devenir un sponsor pour le projet Monero.
translated: "yes"
q1: Pourquoi Monero a de la valeur ?
a1: Monero a de la valeur car des personnes veulent en acheter. Si personne ne voulait acheter Monero, alors il n'aurait pas de valeur. Le prix du Monero augmente lorsque la demande dépasse l'offre et diminue lorsque l'offre dépasse la demande.
q2: Comment puis-je obtenir du Monero ?
a2: Vous pouvez acheter du Monero sur une bourse ou auprès d'un individu. Sinon, vous pouvez essayer de miner Monero pour obtenir des pièces de monnaie grâce à la prime de bloc (block reward).
q3: Qu'est-ce qu'une Phrase mnémonique (mnemonic seed) ?
a3: Une Phrase mnémonique est un lot de 25 mots qui peut être utilisé pour restaurer votre compte n'importe où. Conservez ces mots en lieux sûr et ne les partagez avec personne. Vous pouvez utiliser cette phrase pour restaurer votre compte, même si votre ordinateur plante.
q4: Pourquoi la confidentialité de Monero est différente de celle des autres cryptomonnaies ?
a4: |
Monero s'appuie sur trois technologies différentes : les signature de cercle (ring signatures), les transaction confidentielles de cercle (RingCT) et les adresses furtives (stealth addresses). Celles-ci masquent respectivement l'émetteur, le montant et le destinataire d'une transaction. Toutes les transactions sur le réseau sont ainsi obligatoirement sécurisées. Il est impossible de faire une transaction non-sécurisée par accident. Cette fonctionnalité est une exclusivité de Monero. Votre confidentialité ne repose pas sur la confiance que vous devriez avoir en qui que ce soit.
q5: Pourquoi mon portefeuille met-il si longtemps à se synchroniser ?
a5: Si vous faites fonctionner un nœud complet localement, vous devez copier la totalité de la chaîne de blocs sur votre ordinateur. Cela peut prendre très longtemps, particulièrement sur un vieux disque dur ou derrière une connection internet lente. Si vous utilisez un nœud distant, votre ordinateur doit tout de même demander une copie de toutes les sorties, ce qui peut prendre plusieurs heures. Soyez patients, et si vous préférez sacrifier votre confidentialité au profit de meilleurs temps de synchronisation, considérer plutôt l'utilisation d'un portefeuille léger.
q6: Quelle est la différence entre un portefeuille léger et un portefeuille ordinaire ?
a6: Pour un portefeuille léger, vous communiquez votre clef publique d'audit à un nœud qui recherche pour vous les transactions qui vous sont adressées sur la chaîne de blocs. Ce nœud saura quand vous aurez reçu des fonds, mais ne saura pas combien vous avez reçu, de la part de qui vous les avez reçus, ou à destination de qui vous aurez envoyé des fonds. Certains portefeuilles légers permettent d'utiliser un nœud que vous contrôlez et d'éviter ainsi des fuites de données personnelles. Pour plus de confidentialité, utilisez un portefeuille traditionnel qui peut être utilisé avec votre propre nœud.
q7: Quelles sont les différences de Monero avec Bitcoin ?
a7: Monero n'est pas basé sur Bitcoin. Il est basé sur le protocole CryptoNote. Bitcoin est un système totalement transparent, où chacun peut voir le montant exact d'une transaction envoyé d'un utilisateur à un autre. Monero masque ces informations afin de protéger la confidentialité de ses utilisateurs dans toutes les transactions. Il dispose également d'une taille de bloc et de frais de transferts dynamiques, d'une preuve de travail (proof of work) résistant aux ASICs, d'une émission résiduelle, ainsi que d'autres changements.
q8: Est-ce que la taille de bloc de Monero a une limite ?
a8: Non, Monero n'a pas de taille de bloc limite fixe. Au lieu de cela, la taille de bloc peut augmenter ou diminuer au fil du temps selon la demande. Son rythme d'augmentation est cependant limité afin d'éviter une croissance scandaleuse.
q9: Qu'est ce qu'une chaîne de blocs ?
a9: Une chaîne de blocs est un système qui enregistre une copie de tous l'historique de transaction du réseau Monero. Toutes les deux minutes, un nouveau bloc contenant les dernières transactions est ajouté à la chaîne de blocs. Cette chaine permet au réseau de vérifier la quantité d'argent dont disposent les comptes et le rend resistant aux attaques et tentatives de centralisation.
q10: Qu'est ce que Kovri ?
a10: Kovri est un routeur I2P écrit en C++. I2P est un réseau caché comme Tor avec quelques différences techniques. Kovri est un projet indépendant de Monero, mais fonctionnera avec Monero et quelques autres projets. Kovri masque les diffusions des transactions, de sorte que les autres nœuds ne puisse savoir qui a créé les transactions. En conditions adverses, Kovri peut être utilisé pour masquer tout le trafic de Monero à travers I2P, empêchant de savoir que Monero est en cours d'utilisation. Kovri est actuellement en version alpha, et n'est toujours pas pleinement intégré à Monero. Découvrez-en plus sur Kovri sur le <a href="https://getkovri.org">Site web du projet.</a>
q11: Quest-ce que la fongibilité, et pourquoi est-elle importante ?
a11: La fongibilité est une propriété basique de la monnaie selon laquelle il n'y a pas de différence entre deux montants de la même valeur. Si deux personnes échange 10 contre deux fois 5, personne n'y perd. Cependant, supposons que tout le monde sache que le 10 a été utilisé lors d'une attack par ransomware. Est-ce que la seconde personne sera toujours d'accord pour procéder à l'échange ? Probablement pas, même si la personne au 10 n'a aucun lien avec le ransomware. C'est un problème, puisqu'une personne recevant de l'argent devra constamment vérifier si cet argent n'est pas de l'argent sale. Monero est fongible, ce qui signifie qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'appliquer ces mesures.
q12: Si Monero est si confidentiel, comment sait-on qu'il ne sont pas créés à partir de rien ?
a12-1: Avec Monero, chaque sortie de transaction est uniquement associée à une image clé qui ne peut être générée que par le détenteur de cette sortie. Les images clés qui sont utilisées plus d'une fois sont rejetées par les mineurs en tant que doubles dépenses et ne peuvent pas être ajoutées à un bloc valide. Lorsqu'une nouvelle transaction est reçue, les mineurs vérifient que l'image clé n'existe pas déjà pour une transaction précédente afin de s'assurer qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une double dépense.
a12-2: Nous pouvons également savoir que les montants des transactions sont valides même si la valeur des entrées que vous dépensez et la valeur des sorties que vous envoyez sont chiffrées (celles-ci sont masquées pour tous, sauf le destinataire). Parce que les montants sont chiffrés en utilisant les engagements de Pedersen, cela signifie qu'aucun observateur ne peut dire le montant des entrées et des sorties, mais ils peuvent faire des calculs sur les engagements de Pedersen pour déterminer qu'aucun Monero n'a été créé à partir de rien.
a12-3: Tant que les montants de sortie chiffrés que vous créez sont égaux à la somme des entrées dépensées (qui incluent une sortie pour le destinataire, une sortie de monnaie rendue vous étant retournée et les frais de transaction non chiffrés), vous avez une transaction légitime et savez qu'aucun Monero ne s'est créé à partir de rien. Les engagements de Pedersen signifient que les sommes peuvent être vérifiées comme étant égales, mais la valeur en Monero de chacune des sommes et la valeur en Monero des entrées et des sorties individuellement sont indéterminables.
translated: "yes"
intro1: Monero est une cryptomonnaie qui s'appuie sur une extraction minière par preuve de travail (Proof-of-Work) pour permettre un consensus distribué. Vous trouvez ci-dessous des ressources et des informations vous permettant de commencer à miner.
intro2: Le projet Monero ne plébiscite aucun pool, logiciel ou matériel particulier. Le contenu suivant n'est fournit qu'à titre purement informatif.
support: Assistance
support_para1: Parcourrez
support_para2: les Rencontres,
support_para3: /r/moneromining (English)
support_para4: et
pools: Pools
pools_para1: Une liste de pools Monero de confiance est disponible
pools_para2: ici.
benchmarking: Capacités du matériel
benchmarking_para1: Vous trouverez ici
benchmarking_para2: une liste de GPUs/CPUs et leurs taux de hachage respectifs.
software: Mineur
software_para: Veuillez noter que certains mineurs pourraient soustraire des frais de développement.
translated: "no"
intro: Les transactions sont simples avec Monero. Cette page est conçue pour permettre aux utilisateurs de les réaliser.
learn: 1. Apprendre
learn_para1: Monero est une cryptomonnaie sécurisée, confidentielle et intraçable. Les développeurs et la communauté s'engagent à protéger ces valeurs. Pour en savoir plus, lisez la page
learn_para2: Qu'est-ce que Monero
learn_para3: Le
learn_para4: code source
learn_para5: est également disponible pour examen et discussion.
support: 2. Demander de l'Assistance
support_para1: Il y a une large communauté de soutien qui vous aidera si vous rencontrez quelconques difficultés. Allez voir la page
support_para2: Rencontres
support_para3: pour plus d'informations.
generate: 3. Créer un portefeuille
generate_para1: Vous devez posséder un portefeuille Monero pour sécurisé vos fonds. Regardez la page
generate_para2: Téléchargements
generate_para3: pour trouver une liste des portefeuilles disponibles.
generate_para4: La façon la plus simple de faire fonctionner un nœud Monero, sans affecter votre bande passante, est de louer un VPS (Virtual Private Server). Nous recommandons fortement d'utiliser
generate_para5: avec le code de réduction
generate_para6: afin d'obtenir une réduction supplémentaire sur leur tarif déjà abordable de VPS à 6$ par mois. En utilisant ce code de réduction et/ou
generate_para7: notre lien affilié
generate_para8: vous aiderez également au développement continue de Monero.
acquire: 4. Acquérir Monero
acquire_para1: Monero peut être acheté sur des
acquire_para2: bourses
acquire_para3: par monnaies fiduciaires ou autres cryptomonnaies. Une autre manière d'acquérir Monero est en
acquire_para4: minant,
acquire_para5: le processus de calcul complexe dans lequel les transactions sont enregistrées de manière immuable sur la chaîne de blocs.
send-receive: 5. Envoyer et recevoir Monero
send-receive_para1: Découvrez comment envoyer et recevoir Monero en lisant le
send-receive_para2: guide.
transact: 6. Faire des transactions avec Monero
transact_para1: Monero peut être utilisé pour acheter des biens et des services. Allez à la page
transact_para2: Commerçants en avoir une liste.
translated: "yes"
need-to-know: Ce que vous devez savoir
leading: Monero est la principale cryptomonnaie focalisée sur la confidentialité et la résistance à la censure de ses transactions.
leading_para1: La plupart des cryptomonnaies existantes, y compris Bitcoin et Ethereum, ont des chaînes de blocs transparentes, signifiant que les transactions sont ouvertement vérifiables et traçables par quiconque sur le réseau. De plus, les adresses d'envoi et de réception de ces transactions peuvent potentiellement être reliées à l'identité réelle d'une personne.
leading_para2: Monero utilise la cryptographie pour protéger les adresses d'émission, de réception, ainsi que les montants des transactions.
confidential: Les transactions Monero sont confidentielles et intraçables.
confidential_para1: Chaque transaction Monero masque par défaut les adresses d'émission, de réception et les montants échangés. Cette confidentialité permanente signifie que l'activité de chaque utilisateur Monero améliore la confidentialité de tous les autres utilisateurs, contrairement aux cryptomonnaies à transparence sélective (p.ex. Z-Cash).
confidential_para2: Monero est fongible. Grâce à l'obfuscation, Monero ne peut pas être sali par une participation à des transactions précédentes. Cela signifie que Monero sera toujours accepté sans risque de censure.
confidential_para3: Le projet Kovri,
confidential_para4: actuellement en développement
confidential_para5: ", permettra de router et chiffrer les transactions via des nœuds I2P (Invisible Internet Project). Cela masquera l'adresse IP de l'agent et fournira plus de protection contre la surveillance du réseau."
grassroots: Monero est une communauté populaire qui attire les meilleurs chercheurs en cryptomonnaie et les meilleurs talents en ingénierie au monde.
grassroots_para1: Plus de
grassroots_para2: 240 développeurs
grassroots_para3: ont contribués au projet Monero, dont 30 développeurs principaux. Les Forums et canaux de discussion sont actifs et accueillant.
grassroots_para4: Le Laboratoire de Recherche de Monero, l'équipe de dévelopement Principale et les développeurs de la communauté repoussent en permanence les limites du possible dans la confidentialité et la sécurité des cryptomonnaies.
grassroots_para5: Monero n'est pas une société. Il est développé par des experts en cryptographie et en systèmes distribués du monde entier qui donnent de leur temps ou sont financés par des dons communautaires. Cela signifie que Monero ne peut être fermé par un pays et n'est soumis à aucune juridiction légale particulière
electronic: Monero est de l'argent électronique qui permet des paiements rapides et peu couteux dans le monde entier.
electronic_para1: Il n'y a pas de frais de garde et aucun risque de rétrofacturation frauduleuse. Il est à l'abri des « contrôles de capitaux » - qui sont des mesures limitant les flux de monnaies traditionnelles, parfois à un degré extrême, dans des pays en proie à une instabilité économique.
videos: Vidéos Monero (English)
translated: "yes"
history: Un bref historique
history_para1: Monero a été lancé en avril 2014. Il s'agissait d'un lancement équitable et pré-annoncé du code de référence CryptoNote. Il n'y avait eu aucune pré-extraction minière ou extraction minière instantanée, et aucune partie de la récompense de bloc n'est reversée au développement. Vous trouverez la discussion d'origine de BitcoinTalk
history_para2: ici.
history_para3: Le fondateur, thankful_for_today, avait proposé quelques changements controversés avec lesquels la communauté n'était pas d'accord. Des retombées s'en suivirent, et l'équipe principale de Monero créa une variante du projet qui fut suivi par la communauté.
history_para4: Monero a progressé de manière importante depuis son lancement. La chaîne de blocs a été migrée vers une structure de base de donnée différente pour offrir plus d'efficacité et de flexibilité, la taille minimale des signatures de cercle a été définie afin que toutes les transactions soient obligatoirement privées, et RingCT a été implémenté pour masquer les montants des transactions. La quasi-totalité des ces améliorations ont bénéficiées à la sécurité et à la confidentialité, ou bien en ont facilité l'usage. Monero continue son développement avec comme premier objectif la sécurité et la confidentialité, et comme second objectif l'accessibilité et l'efficacité.
values: Nos Valeurs
values_para: Monero est plus qu'une simple technologie. C'est aussi ce que la technologie représente. Ci-dessous certaines de ses philosophies directrices.
security: Sécurité
security_para: Les utilisateurs doivent pouvoir faire confiance à Monero avec leurs transactions, sans risque d'erreur ou d'attaque. Monero donne la totalité de la récompense de bloc aux mineurs, qui sont les membres les plus critiques du réseau et qui fournissent cette sécurité. Les transactions sont sécurisées cryptographiquement en utilisant les outils de chiffrement les plus récents et les plus résistants disponibles.
privacy: Confidentialité
privacy_para: Monero prend la confidentialité très au sérieux. Monero doit pouvoir protéger ses utilisateurs devant une cours de justice, ou dans les cas les plus extrêmes, de la peine de mort. Ce niveau de confidentialité doit être accessible à tous les utilisateurs, qu'ils disposent ou non de compétences techniques et aient ou non la moindre idée du fonctionnement interne de Monero. Un utilisateur doit pouvoir être en totale confiance avec Monero de sorte qu'il ne puisse se sentir contraint à modifier ses habitudes de paiement de peur que d'autres ne s'en rendent compte.
decentralization: Décentralisation
decentralization_para: Monero s'engage à fournir le maximum de décentralisation possible. Avec Monero, vous n'avez besoin de faire confiance à personne sur le réseau, et il n'est géré par aucun grand groupe. Un algorithme de « Preuve de Travail » (Proof of Work) accessible facilite l'extraction minière de Monero sur des ordinateurs normaux, ce qui rend plus difficile l'achat d'une grande quantité de puissance minière. Les nœuds se connectent les uns aux autres grâce à I2P pour réduire les risques de révélation des informations sensibles sur les transactions et de censure (disponible bientôt). Les décisions de développement sont extrêmement claires et ouvertes à discussion publique. Les compte-rendus des réunions des développeurs sont intégralement publiés en ligne et disponibles publiquement.
translated: "yes"
outdated: Attention, les guides ci-dessous sont actuellement obsolètes, mais sont considérés comme de bons points de départ pour la plupart des appels de procédures distantes.
rpc: Documentation RPC
daemonrpc: Documentation RPC du Démon
walletrpc: Documentation RPC du Portefeuille
soon: A suivre...
translated: "yes"
general: Général
mining: Extraction minière
recovery: Récupération
wallets: Portefeuilles
offline-backup: Comment faire une sauvegarde hors ligne
vps-node: Comment faire fonctionner un nœud sur VPS
import-blockchain: Importer la chaîne de blocs Monero
monero-tools: Outils Monero
purchasing-storing: Acheter et Conserver Monero en toute sécurité
verify-windows: Vérifier des binaires sur Windows (Débutant)
mine-on-pool: Comment miner sur un pool avec xmr-stak-cpu
solo-mine: Comment miner en solo avec la GUI
mine-docker: Miner avec Docker et XMRig
locked-funds: Comment corriger un blocage de fonds
restore-account: Comment restaurer votre compte
qubes: Isolation du Portefeuille CLI et du Démon avec Qubes et Whonix
cli-wallet: Débuter avec le portefeuille CLI
remote-node-gui: Comment se connecter à un nœud distant avec le portefeuille GUI
view-only: Comment créer un portefeuille en lecture seule
prove-payment: Comment vérifier un paiement
restore-from-keys: Restaurer un portefeuille depuis les clefs
translated: "yes"
complated: Tâches terminées
ongoing: Tâches en cours
upcoming: Tâches à venir
future: Ultérieur
translated: "yes"
intro: Monero ne s'engage pas seulement à créer une monnaie fongible, mais également à continuer la recherche dans le domaine de la confidentialité financière qu'impliquent les cryptomonnaies. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le résultat du travail de notre Laboratoire de Recherche Monero, d'autres rapports s'y ajouterons.
mrl_papers: Rapports du Laboratoire de Recherche Monero
abstract: Résumé
introduction: Introduction
read-paper: Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)
mrl1: Rapport des réaction de la chaine à la traçabilité dans CryptoNote 2.0
mrl1_abstract: Ce bulletin de recherche décrit une attaque plausible sur un système anonyme basé sur les signatures de cercle. Nous nous appuyons sur le protocol de cryptomonnaie CryptoNote 2.0 apparemment publié par Nicolas van Saberhagen en 2012. Il a déjà été démontré que l'intraçabilité obscurcissant une pair de clefs à usage unique peut être dépendant de l'intraçabilité de toutes les clefs utilisées dans la composition de cette signature de cercle. Cela rend possible des réactions en chaine de la traçabilité entre les signatures de cercle, pouvant causer une réduction drastique de l'intraçabilité de l'ensemble du réseau si les paramètres sont piètrement choisis et si un attaquant possède un pourcentage suffisant du réseau. Les signatures sont cependant toujours à usage unique, et une telle attaque ne permettrait pas nécessairement de violer l'anonymat des utilisateurs. Cependant, une telle attaque pourrait potentiellement réduire la résistance dont fait preuve CryptoNote contre l'analyse de la chaîne de blocs. Ce bulletin de recherche n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne reflète que les résultats d'investigations internes.
mrl2: Contrefaçon par l'exploitation de l'arbre de Merkle dans des monnaies virtuelles employant le protocole CryptoNote.
mrl2_abstract: Le 4 Septembre 2014, une attaque nouvelle et inhabituelle a été lancée contre le réseau de cryptomonnaie Monero. Cette attaque a segmentée le réseau en deux sous-ensembles distincts qui refusaient d'accepter les transactions légitimes de l'autre sous-ensemble. Cela causa une myriade d'effet, qui n'ont pour le moment pas tous été identifiés. L'attaquant a disposé d'une courte fenêtre temporelle pendant laquelle une forme de contrefaçon pu, par exemple, avoir lieux. Ce bulletin de recherche décrit les lacunes du code de référence CryptoNote ayant permis cette attaque, décrit la solution initialement mise en avant par Rafal Freeman de Tigusoft.pl et ultérieurement par l'équipe CryptoNote, décrit les correctifs actuels du code de base de Monero et donne des détails concrets sur ce que le bloc fautif a causé au réseau. Ce bulletin de recherche n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne reflète que les résultats d'investigations internes.
mrl3: Monero n'est pas si mystérieux
mrl3_abstract: Récemment, quelques vagues de frayeurs concernant le code source et le protocole CryptoNote on circulé sur internet fondé sur le fait qu'il s'agisse d'un protocole plus complexe que, par exemple Bitcoin. Ce rapport tentera d'éclaircir ces méconnaissances et avec un peu de chance retirera une partie du mystère entourant les signatures de cercle de Monero. Nous commencerons par comparer les calculs mathématiques impliqués dans les signatures de cercle CryptoNote (comme décrit dans [CN]) à ceux de [FS], sur lesquelles est basé CryptoNote. Après cela, nous comparerons les calculs mathématiques des signatures de cercle à ce qui se trouve actuellement dans la base de code de CryptoNote.
mrl4: Amélioration de l'obscurcissement dans le protocole CryptoNote
mrl4_abstract: Nous avons identifier plusieurs attaques d'analyse de la chaîne de blocs pouvant dégrader l'intraçabilité du protocol CryptoNote 2.0. Nous analysons de possibles solutions, discutons de leurs avantages et inconvénients et recommandons des améliorations du protocole Monero qui devraient fournir une résistance à l'analyse de la chaîne de blocs de la cryptomonnaie sur le long terme. Nos recommandations d'améliorations incluent une politique minimale protocolaire de mixage des entrées minimale de n = 2 sortie distantes par signature de cercle, une augmentation protocolaire de cette valeur à n = 4 au bout de deux ans et une valeur par défaut dans le portefeuille à n = 4 dans l'intervalle. Nous recommandons également une méthode d'émission des sorties Monero "à la torrent". Nous discutons aussi d'une méthode de sélection du mixage des entrées non-uniforme et dépendante du temps pour atténuer les autres formes d'analyse de la chaîne de blocs identifiés ici, mais nous ne faisons aucune recommandations formelles de son implémentation pour diverses raisons. Nous y détaillons par ailleurs les répercussions découlant de ces améliorations. Ce bulletin de recherche n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne reflète que les résultats d'investigations internes.
mrl5: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions
mrl5_abstract: Cet article présente une méthode de masquage du montant des transactions dans la cryptomonnaie anonyme fortement décentralisée Monero. De la même manière que Bitcoin, Monero est une cryptomonnaie basée sur un processus "d'extraction minière" basé sur une preuve de travail. Le protocole originel de Monero était basé sur CryptoNote , qui utilise les signatures de cercle et des clefs à usage unique pour masquer l'origine et la destination des transactions. Récemment, une technique utilisant un mécanisme déterministe pour masquer le montant d'une transaction a été étudié et implémenté par Gregory Maxwell, l'un des développeur principaux de Bitcoin. Dans cette article, nous exposons un nouveau type de signatures de cercle, une Signature de Groupe Associable Anonyme et Spontané à Plusieurs Niveaux permettant de masquer les montants, les origines et les destinations des transactions avec une efficacité raisonnable et une génération de pièces de monnaie vérifiable et fiable. Quelques extensions protocolaires sont fournies, telles que la preuve à divulgation nulle de connaissance de Schnorr, et les multi-signatures de cercle. L'auteur voudrait faire remarquer que les premières ébauches ont été publiées dans la communauté Monero et sur le canal IRC de recherche bitcoin. Des brouillons de chaîne de blocs sont disponibles dans [14], montrant que ce travail a débuté à l'été 2015 et s'est achevé début octobre 2015. Une impression électronique est également disponible sur http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.
cryptonote: Livres Blancs CryptoNote
cryptonote-whitepaper: Livre Blanc Cryptonote
cryptonote-whitepaper_para: Voici le document originel de CryptoNote écrit par l'équipe CryptoNote. En le lisant, vous comprendrez comment l'algorithme CryptoNote fonctionne d'une manière générale.
annotated: Livre Blanc Commenté
annotated_para: Le Laboratoire de Recherche Monero a publié une version commentée du Livre Blanc CryptoNote. Il s'agit en quelque sorte d'un examen informel des allégations qui sont faites lignes après lignes dans le livre blanc. Il explique également certains des concepts les plus compliqués dans des termes relativement simples.
brandon: Examen du Livre Blanc de Brandon Goodell
brandon_para: Ce document est une revue formelle par Brandon Goodell, chercheur au MRL, du document CryptoNote originel. Il analyse en détail les allégations et les calculs mathématiques présentés dans le document CryptoNote.
title_1: Tous les
title_2: Blog
@ -94,6 +427,7 @@ blog:
author: Publiés par
date: Publiés à
forum: Cliquer ici pour participer à la discussion de cet entrée sur le Forum Monero
all: Articles par Tag
notags: Il n'y a aucun post pour ce tag.
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
La communauté Monero est diverse et variée. Nous venons de toutes parts, mais nous avons certainement nos lieux de rencontres favoris. Vous trouverez la plupart d'entre eux ci-dessous. Rejoignez-nous!
<div class="hangouts">
<section class="container">
<ul class="row center-xs">
<a href="https://twitter.com/monerocurrency" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon twitter"></div></a>
<a href="https://reddit.com/r/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/monerocurrency/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon facebook"></div></a>
<a href="https://github.com/monero-project" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon github"></div></a>
<section class="container">
<div class="row">
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<div class="left two-thirds col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
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<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Groupes de Travail</h2>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p>Afin de maintenir des groupes de travail organiques, Monero dispose de plusieurs ressources que la communauté peut utiliser pour se retrouver et planifier des projets. Mattermost a même des relais dans les canaux IRC liés à Monero les plus populaires.</p>
<div class="row relays around-xs">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://monero.slack.com/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Slack</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://mattermost.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Mattermost</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://taiga.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Taiga</a></p>
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Canaux IRC</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>La communauté Monero s'appuie sur différents canaux IRC qui répondent à des besoins spécifiques. Certains pour travailler, et d'autres simplement pour se rencontrer. Vous trouverez les plus populaires d'entre eux ci-dessous.</p>
<div class="row irc">
{% for channel in site.data.irc %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12">
<a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#{{ channel.channel }}">#{{ channel.channel }}</a>
<p>{{ channel.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<!-- end left two-thirds block-->
<!-- right one-third block-->
<div class="right one-third col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col"><h2>Stack Exchange</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Le Stack Exchange de Monero est un moyen simple et rapide de poser des questions et trouver des réponses. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques-unes des meilleures questions/réponses qui sont fréquemment recherchées.</p>
<div class="row start-xs sequestions">
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4277/why-does-monero-have-higher-transaction-fees-than-bitcoin">Pourquoi Monero a des frais de transactions supérieurs à Bitcoin ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4335/what-does-moneros-scaling-roadmap-look-like">A quoi ressemble la feuille de route de l'expension de Monero ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4302/what-cryptography-primitives-concepts-other-than-the-basic-ones-does-monero-us">Quels sont les principes et concepts de cryptographie, au delà des plus simples, que Monero utilise ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4242/how-to-extract-data-from-local-blockchain">Comment extraire des données depuis la chaîne de blocs stockée localement ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4377/hiding-tcp-traffic-for-monero-miners">Comment masquer le trafic TCP des mineurs Monero ?</a>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com" class="btn-link btn-auto">Aller sur Stack Exchange</a></p>
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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Toute sorte de commerçants ont fini par apprécier la confidentialité financière qu'apporte Monero. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de commerçants dont nous savons qu'ils acceptent Monero comme moyen de paiement pour leurs biens ou leurs services. Si une société a cessé d'accepter Monero, ou bien si vous souhaitez y faire figurer votre affaire, merci [d'ouvrir un problème sur GitHub pour nous le faire savoir](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues).
<div class="merchants">
{% for toplevel in site.data.merchants %}
<div class="container full" id="{{toplevel.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row">
{% assign sortedMerchants = toplevel.merchants | sort: 'name' %}
{% for merchants in sortedMerchants %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
<a href="{{merchants.url}}">{{merchants.name}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
*Notez que les liens sont fournis à titre informatif uniquement. Aucun des produits, services ou opinions des compagnies, sociétés et individus cités ne sont approuvés par la communauté en raison de leur présence dans cette liste. La communauté Monero n'assume aucune responsabilité quant à l'exactitude, la légalité ou le contenu de ces sites externes. Pour des questions concernant leurs contenus, contactez directement ces sites externes. Comme toujours, seul l'acheteur est responsable de son achat (acheteurs, méfiez-vous). C'est à vous de faire vos propres recherches. Faites toujours preuve de bon sens lorsque vous effectuez des achats en ligne.*
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Les entreprises suivantes ont soutenues le projet Monero et son objectif d'apporter au monde la confidentialité financière. Nous ne pourrions être plus fiers de leurs contributions. Si vous souhaitez sponsoriser Monero et être cité sur cette page, merci de nous contacter par e-mail à dev@getmonero.org.
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<p>Le Projet Monero a déjà eu plus de 200 contributeurs sur sa durée. Pour une liste exhaustive, consultez la page <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero/contributors">contributeurs OpenHub</a>. Ci dessous quelques personnes qui sont allées bien au delà pour Monero.</p>
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Developers" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
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<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
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{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Community" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
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<div class="info-block">
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<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
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<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
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<h2>Laboratoire de Recherche</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
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{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Monero Research Lab" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Remerciements Particuliers</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Special Thanks" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
<div class="downloads">
<div class="container description" markdown="1">
Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour choisir la bonne application, merci de cliquer [ici](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/64b5lf/what_is_the_best_monero_wallet/) pour une réponse rapide, puis sélectionner va version appropriée pour votre système d'exploitation ci-dessous.
Remarque : les sommes de contrôle SHA256 sont indiquées à côté des téléchargements par commodité, mais une liste signée par GPG des sommes de contrôle est disponible à [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) et devrait être traitée de manière canonique, en vérifiant la signature vis-à-vis de la clef GPG appropriée dans le code source (dans /utils/gpg_keys).
<div class="container full downdropdown">
<div class="info-block download-nav row middle-xs between-xs" id="selections">
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<div class="col"><a href="#source">Source & Chaîne de blocs</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Léger</a></div>
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<li><a href="#source">Source & Chaîne de blocs</a></li>
<li><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Léger</a></li>
<li><a href="#hardware">Matériel</a></li>
<div class="download-platforms">
{% for data_downloads in site.data.downloads %}
<section class="container full" id="{{ data_downloads.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
{% if data_downloads.icon != null %}
<span class="{{data_downloads.icon}}"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if data_downloads.version != null %}
<p class="text-center">Current Version: {{ data_downloads.version }} {{ data_downloads.tag }}</p>
{% if data_downloads.cli_hash == "source" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">Code Source</a>
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" markdown="1">
Si vous préférez utiliser une amorce de la chaîne de blocs, plutôt que de synchroniser à partir de zéro, vous pouvez [utiliser ce lien pour obtenir l'amorce la plus récente](https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw). Il est cependant habituellement plus rapide de synchroniser à partir de zéro, et cela consomme également nettement moins de RAM (l'import est particulièrement gourmand).
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "hardware" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>La communauté Monero vient de financer un <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88149/dedicated-monero-hardware-wallet" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">Portefeuille Matériel Dédié</a> qui est en cours d'avancement. De même, Ledger travail sur une <a href="https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">intégration de Monero dans leurs portefeuilles matériels</a>.</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "mobilelight" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>Ci-dessous des portefeuilles mobiles ou légers jugés sûrs par des membres de confiance de la communauté. Si un portefeuille n'est pas cité ici, vous pouvez demander à la communauté de le vérifier. Allez à la page <a href="/community/hangouts/">Rencontres</a> pour voir où nous sommes.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://cakewallet.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/cakewallet.png" alt="Cake Wallet Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://monerujo.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/Monerujo-wallet.png" alt="Monerujo Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://mymonero.com"><img src="/img/mymonero.png" alt="MyMonero Logo"></a>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash == nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"><h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}"> {{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-line Tools Only)</a>
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p></div>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash == nil %}
<div class="row">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<div class="row">
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row start-md">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12" >
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 (GUI) :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-Line Tools Only)</a>
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 (CLI) :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#" class="arrow-up"><i></i></a>
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<h2>Instructions pour l'Interface en Ligne de Commande (CLI)</h2>
<div markdown="1">
### Les Bases
Monero fonctionne légèrement différemment de ce dont vous pourriez avoir l'habitude avec les autres @cryptocurrencies. Dans le cas d'une monnaie digitale comme Bitcoin ou ses nombreux dérivés, les systèmes de paiements des commerçants devront habituellement créer une nouvelle @address de destinataire pour chaque paiement ou chaque utilisateur.
Cependant, comme Monero utilise des @stealth-addresses il n'y a pas de nécessité à disposer d'adresses de destinataires séparées pour chaque paiement ou utilisateur, et une seule adresse de @account peut être publiée. A la place, lors de la réception d'un paiement un commerçant va fournir un "ID de Paiement" à la personne effectuant ce paiement.
Un @payment-ID est une chaine de 64 caractères hexadécimaux, et est normalement créer de manière aléatoire par le commerçant. Voici un exemple d'ID de Paiement :
### Vérifier un ID de Paiement dans monero-wallet-cli
Si vous voulez vérifier un paiement en utilisant monero-wallet-cli vous pouvez utiliser la commande "payments" suivit de l'ID, ou des IDs, de Paiement que vous voulez vérifier. Par exemple :
[wallet 49VNLa]: payments 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572
payment transaction height amount unlock time
666c75666679706f6e79206973207 7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e 441942 30.00000 0
[wallet 49VNLa]: █
Si vous avez besoin de vérifier les paiements de manière programmatique, vous trouverez les détails après la section suivante.
### Recevoir un Paiement Pas-à-Pas
* Générer aléatoirement une chaine de 64 caractères hexadécimaux pour le paiement
* Fournir l'ID de paiement et l'adresse Monero à l'individu qui effectue le paiement
* Vérifier le paiement en utilisant la commande "payments" dans monero-wallet-cli
### Vérifier un Paiement de manière Programmatique
Afin de vérifier un paiement de manière programmatique, vous pouvez utiliser les requêtes get_payments ou get_bulk_payments de l'API JSON RPC.
*get_payments* : nécessite un paramètre payment_id contenant un unique ID de Paiement.
*get_bulk_payments* : méthode privilégiée, nécessitant deux paramètres, un payment_ids - un tableau JSON d'IDs de Paiement - et un min_block_height optionel - la hauteur de bloc à partir de laquelle effectuer la recherche.
Voici un exemple de donné renvoyée :
[ monero->~ ]$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_bulk_payments","id":"test", "params":{"payment_ids": ["666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"id": "test",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"amount": 30000000000000,
"block_height": 441942,
"payment_id": "666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572",
"tx_hash": "7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e18b6474ab66415de0f4ccf7ab1162fdf",
"unlock_time": 0
Il est important de noter que les montant sont retournés en unités Monero de base et pas en unités normalement utilisées dans les applications pour utilisateurs-finaux. De plus, dans la mesure où une transaction aura typiquement de multiples sorties qui s'ajoutent pour obtenir le total requis pour le paiement, les montants devraient être groupés pax tx_hash ou par payment_id afin de les additionner. Enfin, comme de multiples sorties peuvent avoir le même montant, il est impératif de ne pas essayer de filter les résultat d'une unique requête get_bulk_payments.
Avant de rechercher un paiement, il peut être utile de vérifier auprès de l'API RPC du démon (avec une requête RPC get_info) si de nouveaux blocs ont été reçus. Typiquement, vous voudrez n'effectuer la recherche qu'à partir de ce bloc en le spécifiant comme paramètre min_block_height lors de la requête get_bulk_payments.
### Rechercher des Paiements de manière programmatique
* Récupérer la hauteur actuelle de bloc auprès du démon, et ne procéder à la recherche que si celle-ci à augmentée depuis la dernière recherche
* Lancer une requête API RPC get_bulk_payments avec cette dernière hauteur de bloc et la liste de tous les IDs de paiement à rechercher
* Enregistrer la hauteur de bloc actuelle en tant que dernière hauteur de bloc recherchée
* Supprimer les doublons en fonction des hachages de transaction déjà reçus et traités
<!-- end right one-third block-->
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Monero est un projet open-source, emmené par sa communauté. Ci-dessous se trouvent différents moyens pour soutenir le projet.
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<div class="col"><h2>Soutenir le Réseau</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
### Développer
Monero est principalement écrit en C ++. Comme il s'agit d'un projet décentralisé, n'importe qui peut ajouter ou apporter des modifications au code existant. Les Pull Requests sont fusionnées en fonction du consensus de la communauté. Voir les <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">dépôts</a> et <a href="https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues">problèmes</a> en suspens.
### Faire fonctionner un nœud complet
Faites fonctionner monerod ouvert sur le port TCP 18080. Faire fonctionner un nœud complet garantit une confidentialité maximale lors d'une transaction Monero. Cela améliore également la distribution de la chaîne de blocs aux nouveaux utilisateurs.
### Miner
L'extraction minière garantit que le réseau reste sécurisé et décentralisé. Dans les interfaces graphique et ligne de commande de Monero, l'extraction minière peut être activée en arrière plan. Plus de ressources concernant l'extraction minière sont disponibles [ici](https://reddit.com/r/MoneroMining).
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<div class="col">
<h2>Voir le Forum Funding System</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Monero utilise un <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org">Forum Funding System (FFS)</a> qui est une plateforme de financement participatif dédiée aux projets d'amélioration de Monero. Des projets sont proposés au développement au travers du FFS et financés par la communauté. Le financement est entiercé et rémunère les développeurs lorsque des jalons de programmation sont atteints. Chacun peut faire de nouvelles propositions ou en financer d'existantes.</p>
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<div class="info-block text-adapt">
<div class="row center-xs">
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<h2>Faire un don</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Le développement en cours est soutenu par des dons et des <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/sponsorships/">partenariats</a>.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<img src="/img/donate-monero.png" alt=""/>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<img src="/img/donate-bitcoin.png" alt=""/>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h3>Faire un don en Monero</h3>
<p>Les dons peuvent être envoyées à donate.getmonero.org ou 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A</p>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h3>Faire un don en Bitcoin</h3>
<p>Les dons peuvent être envoyées à donate.getmonero.org ou 1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H</p>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<p>Envoyez un courriel à <a href="mailto:dev@getmonero.org">dev@getmonero.org</a> pour un autre moyen de don ou si vous souhaitez devenir un sponsor pour le projet Monero.</p>
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<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">Pourquoi Monero a de la valeur ?</label>
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Monero a de la valeur car des personnes veulent en acheter. Si personne ne voulait acheter Monero, alors il n'aurait pas de valeur. Le prix du Monero augmente lorsque la demande dépasse l'offre et diminue lorsque l'offre dépasse la demande.
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<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">Comment puis-je obtenir du Monero ?</label>
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Vous pouvez acheter du Monero sur une bourse ou auprès d'un individu. Sinon, vous pouvez essayer de miner Monero pour obtenir des pièces de monnaie grâce à la prime de bloc (block reward).
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<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">Qu'est-ce qu'une Phrase mnémonique (mnemonic seed) ?</label>
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Une Phrase mnémonique est un lot de 25 mots qui peut être utilisé pour restaurer votre compte n'importe où. Conservez ces mots en lieux sûr et ne les partagez avec personne. Vous pouvez utiliser cette phrase pour restaurer votre compte, même si votre ordinateur plante.
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<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">Pourquoi la confidentialité de Monero est différente de celle des autres cryptomonnaies ?</label>
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Monero s'appuie sur trois technologies différentes : les signature de cercle (ring signatures), les transaction confidentielles de cercle (RingCT) et les adresses furtives (stealth addresses). Celles-ci masquent respectivement l'émetteur, le montant et le destinataire d'une transaction. Toutes les transactions sur le réseau sont ainsi obligatoirement sécurisées. Il est impossible de faire une transaction non-sécurisée par accident. Cette fonctionnalité est une exclusivité de Monero. Votre confidentialité ne repose pas sur la confiance que vous devriez avoir en qui que ce soit.
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<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">Pourquoi mon portefeuille met-il si longtemps à se synchroniser ?</label>
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Si vous faites fonctionner un nœud complet localement, vous devez copier la totalité de la chaîne de blocs sur votre ordinateur. Cela peut prendre très longtemps, particulièrement sur un vieux disque dur ou derrière une connection internet lente. Si vous utilisez un nœud distant, votre ordinateur doit tout de même demander une copie de toutes les sorties, ce qui peut prendre plusieurs heures. Soyez patients, et si vous préférez sacrifier votre confidentialité au profit de meilleurs temps de synchronisation, considérer plutôt l'utilisation d'un portefeuille léger.
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<label for="tab-six" class="accordion">Quelle est la différence entre un portefeuille léger et un portefeuille ordinaire ?</label>
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Pour un portefeuille léger, vous communiquez votre clef publique d'audit à un nœud qui recherche pour vous les transactions qui vous sont adressées sur la chaîne de blocs. Ce nœud saura quand vous aurez reçu des fonds, mais ne saura pas combien vous avez reçu, de la part de qui vous les avez reçus, ou à destination de qui vous aurez envoyé des fonds. Certains portefeuilles légers permettent d'utiliser un nœud que vous contrôlez et d'éviter ainsi des fuites de données personnelles. Pour plus de confidentialité, utilisez un portefeuille traditionnel qui peut être utilisé avec votre propre nœud.
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<label for="tab-seven" class="accordion">Quelles sont les différences de Monero avec Bitcoin ?</label>
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Monero n'est pas basé sur Bitcoin. Il est basé sur le protocole CryptoNote. Bitcoin est un système totalement transparent, où chacun peut voir le montant exact d'une transaction envoyé d'un utilisateur à un autre. Monero masque ces informations afin de protéger la confidentialité de ses utilisateurs dans toutes les transactions. Il dispose également d'une taille de bloc et de frais de transferts dynamiques, d'une preuve de travail (proof of work) résistant aux ASICs, d'une émission résiduelle, ainsi que d'autres changements.
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<label for="tab-eight" class="accordion">Est-ce que la taille de bloc de Monero a une limite ?</label>
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Non, Monero n'a pas de taille de bloc limite fixe. Au lieu de cela, la taille de bloc peut augmenter ou diminuer au fil du temps selon la demande. Son rythme d'augmentation est cependant limité afin d'éviter une croissance scandaleuse.
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<label for="tab-nine" class="accordion">Qu'est ce qu'une chaîne de blocs ?</label>
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Une chaîne de blocs est un système qui enregistre une copie de tous l'historique de transaction du réseau Monero. Toutes les deux minutes, un nouveau bloc contenant les dernières transactions est ajouté à la chaîne de blocs. Cette chaine permet au réseau de vérifier la quantité d'argent dont disposent les comptes et le rend resistant aux attaques et tentatives de centralisation.
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<label for="tab-ten" class="accordion">Qu'est ce que Kovri ?</label>
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Kovri est un routeur I2P écrit en C++. I2P est un réseau caché comme Tor avec quelques différences techniques. Kovri est un projet indépendant de Monero, mais fonctionnera avec Monero et quelques autres projets. Kovri masque les diffusions des transactions, de sorte que les autres nœuds ne puisse savoir qui a créé les transactions. En conditions adverses, Kovri peut être utilisé pour masquer tout le trafic de Monero à travers I2P, empêchant de savoir que Monero est en cours d'utilisation. Kovri est actuellement en version alpha, et n'est toujours pas pleinement intégré à Monero. Découvrez-en plus sur Kovri sur le [Site web du projet.](https://getkovri.org)
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<label for="tab-eleven" class="accordion">Quest-ce que la fongibilité, et pourquoi est-elle importante ?</label>
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La fongibilité est une propriété basique de la monnaie selon laquelle il n'y a pas de différence entre deux montants de la même valeur. Si deux personnes échange 10 contre deux fois 5, personne n'y perd. Cependant, supposons que tout le monde sache que le 10 a été utilisé lors d'une attack par ransomware. Est-ce que la seconde personne sera toujours d'accord pour procéder à l'échange ? Probablement pas, même si la personne au 10 n'a aucun lien avec le ransomware. C'est un problème, puisqu'une personne recevant de l'argent devra constamment vérifier si cet argent n'est pas de l'argent sale. Monero est fongible, ce qui signifie qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'appliquer ces mesures.
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<label for="tab-twelve" class="accordion">Si Monero est si confidentiel, comment sait-on qu'il ne sont pas créés à partir de rien ?</label>
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Avec Monero, chaque sortie de transaction est uniquement associée à une image clé qui ne peut être générée que par le détenteur de cette sortie. Les images clés qui sont utilisées plus d'une fois sont rejetées par les mineurs en tant que doubles dépenses et ne peuvent pas être ajoutées à un bloc valide. Lorsqu'une nouvelle transaction est reçue, les mineurs vérifient que l'image clé n'existe pas déjà pour une transaction précédente afin de s'assurer qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une double dépense.
Nous pouvons également savoir que les montants des transactions sont valides même si la valeur des entrées que vous dépensez et la valeur des sorties que vous envoyez sont chiffrées (celles-ci sont masquées pour tous, sauf le destinataire). Parce que les montants sont chiffrés en utilisant les engagements de Pedersen, cela signifie qu'aucun observateur ne peut dire le montant des entrées et des sorties, mais ils peuvent faire des calculs sur les engagements de Pedersen pour déterminer qu'aucun Monero n'a été créé à partir de rien.
Tant que les montants de sortie chiffrés que vous créez sont égaux à la somme des entrées dépensées (qui incluent une sortie pour le destinataire, une sortie de monnaie rendue vous étant retournée et les frais de transaction non chiffrés), vous avez une transaction légitime et savez qu'aucun Monero ne s'est créé à partir de rien. Les engagements de Pedersen signifient que les sommes peuvent être vérifiées comme étant égales, mais la valeur en Monero de chacune des sommes et la valeur en Monero des entrées et des sorties individuellement sont indéterminables.
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<div class="mining">
<div class="center-xs container description">
<p>Monero est une cryptomonnaie qui s'appuie sur une extraction minière par preuve de travail (Proof-of-Work) pour permettre un consensus distribué. Vous trouvez ci-dessous des ressources et des informations vous permettant de commencer à miner.</p>
<p><strong>Le projet Monero ne plébiscite aucun pool, logiciel ou matériel particulier. Le contenu suivant n'est fournit qu'à titre purement informatif.</strong></p>
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<p>Parcourrez <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/"> les Rencontres</a>, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">/r/moneromining</a> et <a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">#monero-pools</a>.</p>
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<p>Une liste de pools Monero de confiance est disponible <a href="http://moneropools.com/"> ici</a>.</p>
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<h2>Capacités du matériel</h2>
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<p>Vous trouverez <a href="http://monerobenchmarks.info/">ici</a> une liste de GPUs/CPUs et leurs taux de hachage respectifs.</p>
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<p>Veuillez noter que certains mineurs pourraient soustraire des frais de développement.</p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMR Stak</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig AMD</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig NVIDIA</a></p>
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<div class="text-center container description">
<p>Les transactions sont simples avec Monero. Cette page est conçue pour permettre aux utilisateurs de les réaliser.</p>
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<h2>1. Apprendre</h2>
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<p>Monero est une cryptomonnaie sécurisée, confidentielle et intraçable. Les développeurs et la communauté s'engagent à protéger ces valeurs. Pour en savoir plus, lisez la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/what-is-monero/">Qu'est-ce que Monero</a>. Le <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">code source</a> est également disponible pour examen et discussion.</p>
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<h2>2. Demander de l'Assistance</h2>
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<p>Il y a une large communauté de soutien qui vous aidera si vous rencontrez quelconques difficultés. Allez voir la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/">Rencontres</a> pour plus d'informations.</p>
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<h2>3. Créer un portefeuille</h2>
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<p>Vous devez posséder un portefeuille Monero pour sécurisé vos fonds. Regardez la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Téléchargements</a> pour trouver une liste des portefeuilles disponibles.</p>
<p>La façon la plus simple de faire fonctionner un nœud Monero, sans affecter votre bande passante, est de louer un VPS (Virtual Private Server). Nous recommandons fortement d'utiliser le code de réduction 'MONERO' sur <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">InterServer.net</a> afin d'obtenir une réduction supplémentaire sur leur tarif déjà abordable de VPS à 6$ par mois. En utilisant ce code de réduction et/ou <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">notre lien affilié</a> vous aiderez également au développement continue de Monero.</p>
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<h2>4. Acquérir Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero peut être acheté sur des <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants#exchanges">bourses</a> par monnaies fiduciaires ou autres cryptomonnaies. Une autre manière d'acquérir Monero est en <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/mining/">minant</a>, le processus de calcul complexe dans lequel les transactions sont enregistrées de manière immuable sur la chaîne de blocs.</p>
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<h2>5. Envoyer et recevoir Monero</h2>
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<p>Découvrez comment envoyer et recevoir Monero en lisant le <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/accepting/">guide</a>.</p>
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<h2>6. Faire des transactions avec Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero peut être utilisé pour acheter des biens et des services. Allez à la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants/">Commerçants</a> en avoir une liste. </p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Ce que vous devez savoir</h2></div>
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<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero est la principale cryptomonnaie focalisée sur la confidentialité et la résistance à la censure de ses transactions.</h3>
<p>La plupart des cryptomonnaies existantes, y compris Bitcoin et Ethereum, ont des chaînes de blocs transparentes, signifiant que les transactions sont ouvertement vérifiables et traçables par quiconque sur le réseau. De plus, les adresses d'envoi et de réception de ces transactions peuvent potentiellement être reliées à l'identité réelle d'une personne. </p>
<p>Monero utilise la cryptographie pour protéger les adresses d'émission, de réception, ainsi que les montants des transactions.</p>
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<h3>Les transactions Monero sont confidentielles et intraçables.</h3>
<p>Chaque transaction Monero masque par défaut les adresses d'émission, de réception et les montants échangés. Cette confidentialité permanente signifie que l'activité de chaque utilisateur Monero améliore la confidentialité de tous les autres utilisateurs, contrairement aux cryptomonnaies à transparence sélective (p.ex. Z-Cash).</p>
<p>Monero est fongible. Grâce à l'obfuscation, Monero ne peut pas être sali par une participation à des transactions précédentes. Cela signifie que Monero sera toujours accepté sans risque de censure.</p>
<p>Le projet Kovri, <a href="https://getkovri.org/">actuellement en développement</a>, permettra de router et chiffrer les transactions via des nœuds I2P (Invisible Internet Project). Cela masquera l'adresse IP de l'agent et fournira plus de protection contre la surveillance du réseau.</p>
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<h3>Monero est une communauté populaire qui attire les meilleurs chercheurs en cryptomonnaie et les meilleurs talents en ingénierie au monde.</h3>
<p>Plus de <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">240 développeurs</a> ont contribués au projet Monero, dont 30 développeurs principaux. Les Forums et canaux de discussion sont actifs et accueillant.</p>
<p>Le Laboratoire de Recherche de Monero, l'équipe de dévelopement Principale et les développeurs de la communauté repoussent en permanence les limites du possible dans la confidentialité et la sécurité des cryptomonnaies.</p>
<p>Monero n'est pas une société. Il est développé par des experts en cryptographie et en systèmes distribués du monde entier qui donnent de leur temps ou sont financés par des dons communautaires. Cela signifie que Monero ne peut être fermé par un pays et n'est soumis à aucune juridiction légale particulière.</p>
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<img src="/img/monero-electronic-cash.png" alt="Electronic cash" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Monero est de l'argent électronique qui permet des paiements rapides et peu couteux dans le monde entier.</h3>
<p>Il n'y a pas de frais de garde et aucun risque de rétrofacturation frauduleuse. Il est à l'abri des « contrôles de capitaux » - qui sont des mesures limitant les flux de monnaies traditionnelles, parfois à un degré extrême, dans des pays en proie à une instabilité économique.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Vidéos Monero</h2></div>
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<h3>Promouvoir Monero</h3>
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<source src="/media/Monero_Promo.m4v">
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<h3>Monero : L'essentiel</h3>
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<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20The%20Essentials.m4v">
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<h3>Les Adresses Furtives (Stealth Addresses)</h3>
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<h3>Les Signatures de Cercle (Ring Signatures)</h3>
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<h3>Transactions de Cercle Confidentielles (RingCT)</h3>
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<div class="main-info">
<h1 id="main-h1">Monero</h1>
<h2 id="main-h2">Monnaie Digitale Confidentielle</h2>
<p id="main-text">Monero est une monnaie pour un monde connecté. C'est rapide, confidentiel et sécurisé. Avec Monero, vous êtes votre propre banque. Vous pouvez le dépenser en toute sécurité, en sachant que personne ne peut voir votre solde ni suivre votre activité.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/using/" class="btn-link btn-auto btn-primary">Commencer</a></p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Pourquoi Monero est différent</h2></div>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero est sécurisé</h3>
<p>Monero est une cryptomonnaie décentralisée, cela signifie qu'il s'agit d'argent digital sécurisé manœuvré par un réseau d'utilisateurs. Les transactions sont confirmées par un consensus distribué, puis enregistrées de manière immuable sur la chaîne de blocs. Il n'est pas nécessaire de faire confiance à des tiers pour garder vos Moneroj en sécurité. </p>
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<img src="/img/secure-monero.png" alt="Secure safe" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/private-monero.png" alt="No surveillance" class="main-icon">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero est confidentiel</h3>
<p>Monero utilise des signatures de cercle, des transactions de cercle confidentielles et des adresses furtives pour dissimuler les origines, les montants et les destinations de toutes les transactions. Monero fournit tous les avantages d'une cryptomonnaie décentralisée, sans aucune des concessions de confidentialité usuelles. </p>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero est intraçable</h3>
<p>Les adresses d'émission et de réception, tout comme les montants sont masqués par défaut. Les transactions de la chaîne de blocs de Monero ne peuvent pas être rattachées à un utilisateur particulier où à une identité du monde réel.</p>
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 last-sm first-xs center-xs">
<img src="/img/untraceable-monero.png" alt="Untraceable Monero paths" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/fungible-monero.png" alt="Monero gold" class="main-icon">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero est fongible</h3>
<p> Monero est <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/fungibility.html">fongible</a> car il est confidentiel par défaut. Des unités de Monero ne peuvent pas être mises sur liste noire par des vendeurs ou des bourses en raison de leurs associations à de précédentes transactions.</p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#linux" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-linux"></span>Monero pour Linux</a></p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#source" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-blockchain"></span>Chaîne de blocs</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Souhaitez-vous rechercher les significations des termes et concepts utilisés dans Monero ? Vous trouverez ici un guide par ordre alphabétique des termes des projets Monero et Kovri, et de leurs significations.</p>
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<h2>User Guides</h2>
<p class="main-resources">Les guides pas à pas de tous les aspects de Monero sont classés par catégories et couvrent tout, de la création d'un portefeuille au soutien du réseau, et même comment modifier ce site.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Lire les guides utilisateur</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Nous avons répondu à beaucoup de questions au fil du temps, compilées dans une FAQ complète et variée. S'il vous manque une réponse, pas d'inquiétude vous pouvez toujours demander à la communauté.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/faq/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Lire les réponses</a></p>
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<div class="text-center container description">
<p>Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les symboles et logos Monero. Vous pouvez choisir la taille qui vous convient, ou télécharger le fichier au format .ai pour jouer avec le logo vous-même. <strong>Notez que seul l'option fond blanc dispose d'un fond blanc derrière le symbole Monero UNIQUEMENT, et non derrière l'image entière.</strong> Enfin, vous pouvez télécharger tous les éléments de cette page dans un seul fichier zip en cliquant <a href="/press-kit/monero-press-kit.zip">ici</a>.</p>
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<h2>Symbole Monero</h2>
<div class="row center-xs">
<img src="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-480.png" alt="Monero Symbol" class="symbol-logo">
<div class="row center-xs press">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Sans fond (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Fond blanc (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol.ai" class="adi">Symbole au format .ai</a>
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<h2>Logo Monero</h2>
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<img src="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png" alt="Monero Logo" class="monero-symbol-logo">
<div class="row center-xs press">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Sans fond (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Fond blanc (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo.ai" class="adi">Logo au format .ai</a>
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<h2>Un bref historique</h2>
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Monero a été lancé en avril 2014. Il s'agissait d'un lancement équitable et pré-annoncé du code de référence CryptoNote. Il n'y avait eu aucune pré-extraction minière ou extraction minière instantanée, et aucune partie de la récompense de bloc n'est reversée au développement. Vous trouverez la discussion d'origine de BitcoinTalk [ici](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=563821.0). Le fondateur, thankful_for_today, avait proposé quelques changements controversés avec lesquels la communauté n'était pas d'accord. Des retombées s'en suivirent, et l'équipe principale de Monero créa une variante du projet qui fut suivi par la communauté.
Monero a progressé de manière importante depuis son lancement. La chaîne de blocs a été migrée vers une structure de base de donnée différente pour offrir plus d'efficacité et de flexibilité, la taille minimale des signatures de cercle a été définie afin que toutes les transactions soient obligatoirement privées, et RingCT a été implémenté pour masquer les montants des transactions. La quasi-totalité des ces améliorations ont bénéficiées à la sécurité et à la confidentialité, ou bien en ont facilité l'usage. Monero continue son développement avec comme premier objectif la sécurité et la confidentialité, et comme second objectif l'accessibilité et l'efficacité.
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<h2>Nos Valeurs</h2>
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Monero est plus qu'une simple technologie. C'est aussi ce que la technologie représente. Ci-dessous certaines de ses philosophies directrices.
### Sécurité
Les utilisateurs doivent pouvoir faire confiance à Monero avec leurs transactions, sans risque d'erreur ou d'attaque. Monero donne la totalité de la récompense de bloc aux mineurs, qui sont les membres les plus critiques du réseau et qui fournissent cette sécurité. Les transactions sont sécurisées cryptographiquement en utilisant les outils de chiffrement les plus récents et les plus résistants disponibles.
### Confidentialité
Monero prend la confidentialité très au sérieux. Monero doit pouvoir protéger ses utilisateurs devant une cours de justice, ou dans les cas les plus extrêmes, de la peine de mort. Ce niveau de confidentialité doit être accessible à tous les utilisateurs, qu'ils disposent ou non de compétences techniques et aient ou non la moindre idée du fonctionnement interne de Monero. Un utilisateur doit pouvoir être en totale confiance avec Monero de sorte qu'il ne puisse se sentir contraint à modifier ses habitudes de paiement de peur que d'autres ne s'en rendent compte.
### Décentralisation
Monero s'engage à fournir le maximum de décentralisation possible. Avec Monero, vous n'avez besoin de faire confiance à personne sur le réseau, et il n'est géré par aucun grand groupe. Un algorithme de « Preuve de Travail » (Proof of Work) accessible facilite l'extraction minière de Monero sur des ordinateurs normaux, ce qui rend plus difficile l'achat d'une grande quantité de puissance minière. Les nœuds se connectent les uns aux autres grâce à I2P pour réduire les risques de révélation des informations sensibles sur les transactions et de censure (disponible bientôt). Les décisions de développement sont extrêmement claires et ouvertes à discussion publique. Les compte-rendus des réunions des développeurs sont intégralement publiés en ligne et disponibles publiquement.
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<p class="text-center">Attention, les guides ci-dessous sont actuellement obsolètes, mais sont considérés comme de bons points de départ pour la plupart des appels de procédures distantes.</p>
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<div class="info-block">
<h2>Documentation RPC</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Documentation RPC du Démon](daemon-rpc.html)
[Documentation RPC du Portefeuille](wallet-rpc.html)
A suivre...
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<div class="container description">
<p>Monero ne s'engage pas seulement à créer une monnaie fongible, mais également à continuer la recherche dans le domaine de la confidentialité financière qu'impliquent les cryptomonnaies. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le résultat du travail de notre Laboratoire de Recherche Monero, d'autres rapports s'y ajouterons.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Rapports du Laboratoire de Recherche Monero</h2></div>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion" checked="checked">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">MRL-0001: Rapport des réaction de la chaine à la traçabilité dans CryptoNote 2.0</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong> Ce bulletin de recherche décrit une attaque plausible sur un système anonyme basé
sur les signatures de cercle. Nous nous appuyons sur le protocol de cryptomonnaie
CryptoNote 2.0 apparemment publié par Nicolas van Saberhagen en 2012. Il a déjà
été démontré que l'intraçabilité obscurcissant une pair de clefs à usage
unique peut être dépendant de l'intraçabilité de toutes les clefs utilisées
dans la composition de cette signature de cercle. Cela rend possible des réactions
en chaine de la traçabilité entre les signatures de cercle, pouvant causer une
réduction drastique de l'intraçabilité de l'ensemble du réseau si les paramètres
sont piètrement choisis et si un attaquant possède un pourcentage suffisant du
réseau. Les signatures sont cependant toujours à usage unique, et une telle
attaque ne permettrait pas nécessairement de violer l'anonymat des utilisateurs.
Cependant, une telle attaque pourrait potentiellement réduire la résistance dont
fait preuve CryptoNote contre l'analyse de la chaîne de blocs. Ce bulletin de recherche
n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne reflète que les résultats
d'investigations internes.
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0001.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">MRL-0002: Contrefaçon par l'exploitation de l'arbre de Merkle dans des monnaies virtuelles employant le protocole CryptoNote.</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong> Le 4 Septembre 2014, une attaque nouvelle et inhabituelle a été lancée contre
le réseau de cryptomonnaie Monero. Cette attaque a segmentée le réseau en deux
sous-ensembles distincts qui refusaient d'accepter les transactions légitimes
de l'autre sous-ensemble. Cela causa une myriade d'effet, qui n'ont pour le
moment pas tous été identifiés. L'attaquant a disposé d'une courte fenêtre
temporelle pendant laquelle une forme de contrefaçon pu, par exemple, avoir lieux.
Ce bulletin de recherche décrit les lacunes du code de référence CryptoNote ayant
permis cette attaque, décrit la solution initialement mise en avant par Rafal
Freeman de Tigusoft.pl et ultérieurement par l'équipe CryptoNote, décrit les
correctifs actuels du code de base de Monero et donne des détails concrets sur
ce que le bloc fautif a causé au réseau. Ce bulletin de recherche
n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne reflète que les résultats
d'investigations internes.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0002.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-three" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">MRL-0003: Monero n'est pas si mystérieux</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Introduction :</strong> Récemment, quelques vagues de frayeurs concernant le code source et le protocole
CryptoNote on circulé sur internet fondé sur le fait qu'il s'agisse d'un protocole
plus complexe que, par exemple Bitcoin. Ce rapport tentera d'éclaircir ces méconnaissances
et avec un peu de chance retirera une partie du mystère entourant les signatures de
cercle de Monero. Nous commencerons par comparer les calculs mathématiques impliqués
dans les signatures de cercle CryptoNote (comme décrit dans [CN]) à ceux de [FS], sur
lesquelles est basé CryptoNote. Après cela, nous comparerons les calculs mathématiques
des signatures de cercle à ce qui se trouve actuellement dans la base de code de CryptoNote.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">MRL-0004: Amélioration de l'obscurcissement dans le protocole CryptoNote</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong> Nous avons identifier plusieurs attaques d'analyse de la chaîne de blocs pouvant
dégrader l'intraçabilité du protocol CryptoNote 2.0. Nous analysons de
possibles solutions, discutons de leurs avantages et inconvénients et
recommandons des améliorations du protocole Monero qui devraient fournir une
résistance à l'analyse de la chaîne de blocs de la cryptomonnaie sur le long terme.
Nos recommandations d'améliorations incluent une politique minimale protocolaire
de mixage des entrées minimale de
= 2
sortie distantes par signature de cercle, une augmentation protocolaire de
cette valeur à
= 4
au bout de deux ans et une valeur par défaut dans le portefeuille à
= 4
dans l'intervalle. Nous recommandons également une méthode d'émission des sorties
Monero "à la torrent". Nous discutons aussi d'une méthode de sélection du mixage
des entrées non-uniforme et dépendante du temps pour atténuer les autres formes
d'analyse de la chaîne de blocs identifiés ici, mais nous ne faisons aucune
recommandations formelles de son implémentation pour diverses raisons. Nous y
détaillons par ailleurs les répercussions découlant de ces améliorations. Ce
bulletin de recherche n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne
reflète que les résultats d'investigations internes.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0004.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-five" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">MRL-0005: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong>
Cet article présente une méthode de masquage du montant des transactions dans
la cryptomonnaie anonyme fortement décentralisée Monero. De la même manière
que Bitcoin, Monero est une cryptomonnaie basée sur un processus "d'extraction minière"
basé sur une preuve de travail. Le protocole originel de Monero était basé sur
CryptoNote , qui utilise les signatures de cercle et des clefs à usage unique
pour masquer l'origine et la destination des transactions. Récemment, une
technique utilisant un mécanisme déterministe pour masquer le montant d'une
transaction a été étudié et implémenté par Gregory Maxwell, l'un des développeur
principaux de Bitcoin. Dans cette article, nous exposons un nouveau type de
signatures de cercle, une Signature de Groupe Associable Anonyme et Spontané à
Plusieurs Niveaux permettant de masquer les montants, les origines et les
destinations des transactions avec une efficacité raisonnable et une génération
de pièces de monnaie vérifiable et fiable. Quelques extensions protocolaires
sont fournies, telles que la preuve à divulgation nulle de connaissance de
Schnorr, et les multi-signatures de cercle. L'auteur voudrait faire remarquer
que les premières ébauches ont été publiées dans la communauté Monero et sur le
canal IRC de recherche bitcoin. Des brouillons de chaîne de blocs sont disponibles
dans [14], montrant que ce travail a débuté à l'été 2015 et s'est achevé début
octobre 2015. Une impression électronique est également disponible sur
<a href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0005.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
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<h2>Livres Blancs CryptoNote</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Livre Blanc Cryptonote](https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf)
Voici le document originel de CryptoNote écrit par l'équipe CryptoNote. En le lisant, vous comprendrez comment l'algorithme CryptoNote fonctionne d'une manière générale.
[Livre Blanc Commenté](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_annotated.pdf)
Le Laboratoire de Recherche Monero a publié une version commentée du Livre Blanc CryptoNote. Il s'agit en quelque sorte d'un examen informel des allégations qui sont faites lignes après lignes dans le livre blanc. Il explique également certains des concepts les plus compliqués dans des termes relativement simples.
[Examen du Livre Blanc de Brandon Goodell](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_review.pdf)
Ce document est une revue formelle par Brandon Goodell, chercheur au MRL, du document CryptoNote originel. Il analyse en détail les allégations et les calculs mathématiques présentés dans le document CryptoNote.
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<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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{% if toplevel.year == 2015 %}
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<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
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<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2016 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2017 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2018 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
<div class="guides">
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[Comment faire une sauvegarde hors ligne]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/Offline_Backup.html)
[Comment faire fonctionner un nœud sur VPS]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/vps_run_node.html)
[Importer la chaîne de blocs Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/importing_blockchain.html)
[Outils Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero_tools.html)
[Acheter et Conserver Monero en toute sécurité]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/securely_purchase.html)
[Vérifier des binaires sur Windows (Débutant)]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/verification-windows-beginner.html)
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<h2>Extraction minière</h2>
<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
[Comment miner sur un pool avec xmr-stak-cpu]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mine-to-pool.html)
[Comment miner en solo avec la GUI]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/solo_mine_GUI.html)
[Miner avec Docker et XMRig]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mining_with_xmrig_and_docker.html)
<section class="container">
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<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
[Comment corriger un blocage de fonds]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/howto_fix_stuck_funds.html)
[Comment restaurer votre compte]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_account.html)
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[Isolation du Portefeuille CLI et du Démon avec Qubes et Whonix]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html)
[Débuter avec le portefeuille CLI]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero-wallet-cli.html)
[Comment se connecter à un nœud distant avec le portefeuille GUI]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.html)
[Comment créer un portefeuille en lecture seule]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
[Comment vérifier un paiement]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html)
[Restaurer un portefeuille depuis les clefs]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html)
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<div class="row start-xs monero-project" markdown="1">
Le projet Kovri utilise un chiffrement de bout-en-bout, si bien que ni l'émetteur ni le destinataire d'une transaction Monero n'ont à révéler leur adresse IP à l'autre côté, ni aux observateurs tiers (la chaîne de blocs). Ceci est réalisé en utilisant la même technologie qui fait fonctionner le dark net, i2p (Invisible Internet Protocol). Ce projet est actuellement en cours de développement actif et intensif, et n'est pour le moment pas encore intégré à Monero.
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://www.getkovri.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visiter le site de Kovri</a></p>
<div class="right half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Open Alias</h2>
<div class="row start-xs monero-project" markdown="1">
Le projet OpenAlias simplifie les paiements en cryptomonnaie en fournissant des FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, p.e. example.openalias.org) pour les adresses de portefeuilles Monero d'une manière qui garantit que la confidentialité de chacun est sécurisée. Ce projet est bien avancé et a déjà été implémenté dans de nombreux portefeuilles Monero.
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://www.openalias.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visiter le site d'OpenAlias</a></p>
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ global:
terms: Termini
privacy: Privacy
copyright: Copyright
edit: Modifica questa pagina
untranslated: Questa pagina non è ancora stata tradotta. Se vuoi aiutare a tradurla vedi il
index: Home
whatismonero: Cos'è Monero (XMR)?
@ -54,38 +54,371 @@ titles:
ffs-ot: Task aperti
ffs-wip: Lavori in Corso
blogbytag: Blog per Tag
page_title: "Monero - sicuro, privato, non tracciabile"
what_is_1: Cos'è
what_is_2: " ?"
what_is_orange_block: "Monero è una criptovaluta open-source sicura, privata, non tracciabile e utilizzabile da chiunque liberamente."
what_is_text_block_1: "Con Monero, tu sei la tua banca; solo tu hai il completo controllo delle tue finanze. Con Monero, i tuoi conti e le tue transazioni sono mantenuti privati."
what_is_text_block_2: "Vuoi scoprire di più? Qui sotto puoi trovare una panoramica sulle potenzialità di Monero. Se vuoi provare per conto tuo, la sezione"
what_is_text_block_3: "Inizia da qui"
what_is_text_block_4: "è un ottimo punto di partenza."
news: Notizie
the_latest: L'ultima
private: Privato
secure: Sicuro
untraceable: Non tracciabile
private_text: "Monero nasconde valore, origine e destinazione delle @transazioni. Questo significa che nessun altro a parte te può conoscere quanto stai inviando e a chi lo stai inviando. Ciò assicura che le tue transazioni rimangano private di default."
untraceable_text: "Grazie alle @ring-signatures (firme digitali ad anello), Monero ti permette di inviare e ricevere fondi in privato, pur essendo le transazioni pubblicamente verificabili all'interno della @blockchain. Lo schema delle @ring-signatures prevede l'utilizzo di firme digitali provenienti da un gruppo di più firmatari, in modo che chiunque verifichi la transazione non è in grado di individuare il vero firmatario della transazione in oggetto. Persistendo un'ambiguità su quali fondi siano stati realmente spesi, la tua transazione rimane quindi privata e non tracciabile."
secure_text: "Monero usa una rete peer-to-peer di @consensus distribuito ed ogni transazione viene firmata crittograficamente. I tuoi fondi sono conservati al sicuro nella @blockchain e possono essere recuperati in ogni momento usando un @mnemonic-seed (seed mnemonico) di 25 parole su qualsiasi computer venga installato il software Monero. Il file del portafogli è cifrato su disco rigido, protetto con una password, e quindi inutilizzabile in caso di furto del computer."
how_do_i_1: "Come "
how_do_i_2: " ?"
get_started: inizia
get_started_1: "Il modo più veloce per usare Monero è usando un web @account manager come "
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Oppure, puoi far partire un [full node](/getting-started/running) scaricando il client e sincronizzandoti con la @blockchain. Usa il link sulla destra."
where_can_i: Dove posso
download_1: scaricarlo
download_2: " ?"
different_os: "Usi un sistema operativo diverso?"
all_downloads: Guarda tutti i download disponibili qui
c_download: Download
monero_for: Monero per
latest_blockchain: Ultima @Blockchain
translated: "yes"
heading2: Valuta Digitale Privata
monero_is_cash: Monero è una criptovaluta sicura, privata e non tracciabile. E' open-source ed accessibile a tutti. Con Monero, sei tu la tua banca, solo tu controlli e sei responsabile dei tuoi fondi. I tuoi conti e le tue transazioni vengono mantenuti privati e lontani da occhi indiscreti.
get_started: Inizia da qui
why_monero_is_different: Perché Monero è diverso
monero_is_secure: Monero è sicuro
monero_is_secure_para: Monero è una criptovaluta decentralizzata, ovvero una valuta digitale sicura basata sulla crittografia, operata da una rete di utilizzatori. Le transazioni vengono confermate attraverso consenso distribuito ed immutabilmente registrate nella blockchain. Non devi fidarti di alcun servizio di terze parti per tenere i tuoi Monero al sicuro.
monero_is_private: Monero è privato
monero_is_private_para: Monero usa le tecniche crittografiche "ring signatures",(firme ad anello), "ring confidential transactions" (transazioni confidenziali ad anello) e "stealth addresses" (indirizzi stealth) per offuscare l'origine, l'ammontare e la destinazione di tutte le transazioni. Monero possiede tutti i benefit di una criptovaluta decentralizzata senza concedere niente in fatto di privacy.
monero_is_untraceable: Monero non è tracciabile
monero_is_untraceable_para: Gli indirizzi di invio e ricezione, così come l'ammontare della transazione, sono offuscati di default. Le transazioni sulla blockchain di Monero non possono essere collegate ad alcuna identità nel mondo reale.
monero_is_fungible: Monero è fungibile
monero_is_fungible_para1: Monero è
monero_is_fungible_para2: fungible
monero_is_fungible_para3: poiché è privato di default. Nessuna unità monetaria può essere messa in una lista nera da venditori o exchange perché associata a transazioni precedenti.
downloads: Downloads
downloads_windows: Monero per Windows
downloads_mac: Monero per Mac
downloads_linux: Monero per Linux
downloads_blockchain: Ultima blockchain
different_system: Ti serve per un diverso sistema operativo?
view_all_downloads: Controlla tutti i download disponibili qui
latest_news: Ultime Notizie
more_news: Più notizie
moneropedia: Moneropedia
moneropedia_para: Vorresti dare un'occhiata al significato dei termini e dei concetti usati in Monero? Qui puoi trovare una guida indicizzata ai termini usati nei progetti Kovri e Monero e al loro significato.
moneropedia_button: Leggi la moneropedia
user_guides: Guide per l'utente
user_guides_para: Guide passo passo su tutto ciò che riguarda Monero, da come creare un portafogli a come supportare la rete e perfino a come modificare questo sito web, separate per categoria.
user_guides_button: Leggi le guide utente
faq: FAQ
faq_para: Ci sono state poste tante domande durante questi anni, perciò abbiamo compilato, per tua convenienza, delle FAQ estese e dettagliate. Non ti preoccupare, se la tua domanda non trova risposta qui, puoi sempre chiedere alla community.
faq_button: Leggi le risposte
translated: "no"
intro: The Monero community is diverse and varied. We come from all over, but we definitely have some places we like to hang out together. You'll find most of them below. Join us!
resources: Workgroup Resources
resources_para: In an effort to support organic workgroups, Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects. Mattermost even has relays into the most popular Monero-related IRC channels.
irc: IRC Channels
irc_para: The Monero community utilizes a lot of IRC channels that each serve different purposes. Some to work, and some just to hang out. You'll find the more popular ones below.
stack_exchange: Stack Exchange
stack_exchange_para: The Monero Stack Exchange is a quick and easy way to ask questions and get answers. Below you'll find some high quality question/answer pairs to some frequently asked questions.
translated: "no"
intro1: Merchants of all kinds have come to value the financial privacy that Monero brings. Below is a list of the merchants that we know of that currently accept Monero for their goods and services. If a company no longer accepts Monero or you would like your business to be listed, please
intro2: open a GitHub issue and let us know.
disclaimer: |
"Please note: these links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement by the Monero community of any products, services or opinions of the corporations or organizations or individuals listed. The Monero community bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. As always, caveat emptor ('buyer beware'); you are responsible for doing your own research. Always use judgement when making online purchases."
translated: "no"
intro: The following businesses have supported the Monero Project in its goal to bring financial privacy to the world. We couldn't be more grateful for their contributions. If you would like to sponsor the Monero Project and be listed on this page, please send an email to dev@getmonero.org.
translated: "no"
core: Core
developers: Developers
developers_para1: he Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the
developers_para2: OpenHub contributors page.
developers_para3: Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero.
community: Community
mrl: Research Lab
thanks: Special Thanks
translated: "yes"
choose: Scegli il tuo SO
sourceblockchain: Sorgente & Blockchain
mobilelight: Mobile & Light
hardware: Hardware
intro1: Se hai bisogno di aiuto per scegliere l'applicazione corretta, clicca
intro2: qui
intro3: (in inglese) per una risposta rapida, dopodichè scegli qui sotto la release appropriata per il tuo sistema operativo.
note1: "Nota: gli hash SHA256 sono listati qui per convenienza, una lista degli hash firmata con GPG è disponibile su"
note2: e dovrebbe essere trattato come "canonico", confrontando le firme con l'appropriata chiave GPG nel codice sorgente (in /utils/gpg_keys).
currentversion: Versione corrente
sourcecode: Codice Sorgente
blockchain1: Se preferisci usare una blockchain esterna, invece di sincronizzarla da zero, puoi
blockchain2: scaricare la versione più recente da questo link.
blockchain3: E' tipicamente molto più veloce sincronizzare da zero e richiede anche molta meno RAM (la funzione "import" richiede molte risorse).
hardware1: La community di Monero ha recentemente finanziato un
hardware2: Hardware Wallet Dedicato
hardware3: che è in fase di progettazione. in più, Ledger sta lavorando a
hardware4: integrare Monero nei loro hardware wallet.
mobilelight1: I seguenti sono mobile o light wallet (portafogli) che sono considerati sicuri da membri fidati della community. Se esiste un wallet non listato qui, puoi chiedere alla community di controllarlo. Vai alla nostra
mobilelight2: Lista canali
mobilelight3: per vedere dove trovarci.
clionly: Command-Line Tools Only
translated: "yes"
kovri: Il progetto Kovri usa crittografia end-to-end, così che né il mittente né il ricevente di una transazione con Monero debba rivelare il proprio indirizzo IP all'altra parte o a terze parti (come la blockchain). Questo risultato si ottiene utilizzando la stessa tecnologia adottata nella darknet, I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol). Il progetto è attualmente in attivo e costante sviluppo e non è ancora integrato con Monero.
kovri_button: Visita il sito
openalias: Il progetto OpenAlias semplifica il pagamento tramite criptovalute fornendo FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, Domini Autoesplicativi, es. esempio.openalias.org) per i portafogli Monero, mantenendo inalterato il livello di privacy. Il progetto è attualmente attivo ed è già stato implementato in numerosi portafogli Monero.
openalias_button: Visita li sito OpenAlias
translated: "yes"
intro1: Qui troverai il simbolo di Monero ed il suo logo. Puoi scegliere la dimensione che preferisci, o scaricare il file .ai ed editare tu stesso/a il logo.
intro2: Fai attenzione al fatto che i file con lo sfondo bianco presentano lo sfondo bianco SOLAMENTE sotto il simbolo Monero, non in tutta l'immagine.
intro3: Infine, puoi scaricare tutto ciò che si trova in questa pagina in un unico file zip cliccando
intro4: qui.
noback: Senza sfondo
whiteback: Sfondo bianco
symbol: Simbolo di Monero
logo: Logo Monero
small: Small
medium: Medium
large: Large
symbol_file: File .ai del simbolo
logo_file: File .ai del logo
translated: "yes"
title: Istruzioni per l'interfaccia a riga di comando (CLI)
basics: Le Basi
basics_para1: Monero lavora in modo leggermente diverso rispetto a quanto sei stato/a abituato/a con le altre @criptovalute. Nel caso di una moneta digitale come Bitcoin e le sue innumerevoli derivate, i sistemi di pagamento dei venditori in genere creano un nuovo indirizzo di destinazione per ogni pagamento o cliente.
basics_para2: Invece, dal momento che Monero fornisce gli @indirizzi-stealth, non c'è alcun bisogno di gestire indirizzi di destinazione separati per ogni pagamento o cliente, e può essere reso noto solamente un indirizzo di pagamento per tutti. Al momento di ricevere un pagamento, il venditore fornirà al cliente un "ID pagamento".
basics_para3: "Un @ID-pagamento è una stringa esadecimale lunga 64 caratteri ed è generalmente creata in modo casuale dal venditore. Un esempio di ID pagamento è:"
checking: Controllare lo stato di un pagamento in monero-wallet-cli
checking_para1: |
Se vuoi controllare lo stato dei pagamenti utilizzando monero-wallet-cli (il portafoglio Monero a riga di comando) puoi usare il comando "payments" seguito dall'ID pagamento o dagli ID pagamento su cui vuoi effettuare un controllo. Ad esempio:
checking_para2: Se vuoi controllare i pagamenti in modo programmatico, nella prossima sezione trovi tutti i dettagli in merito.
receiving: Ricevere un pagamento passo dopo passo
receiving_list1: Genera una stringa casuale di 64 caratteri esadecimali per il pagamento (ID pagamento)
receiving_list2: Comunica l'ID pagamento generato nonché il tuo indirizzo Monero a chi vuole effettuare un pagamento
receiving_list3: A seguito del pagamento, controlla il suo stato usando il comando "payments" in monero-wallet-cli
program: Controllare lo stato di un pagamento in modo programmatico
program_para1: Per controllare lo stato dei pagamenti in modo programmatico puoi utilizzare le chiamate API JSON RPC get_payments o get_bulk_payments.
program_para2: richiede un parametro payment_id con un ID pagamento singolo.
program_para3: questo è il metodo da preferire e richiede due parametri, payment_ids (un array JSON di più ID pagamento) e un parametro opzionale min_block_height (l'altezza del blocco da cui iniziare la scansione).
program_para4: |
Un esempio di dati ritornati dalle chiamate API:
program_para5: E' importante notare che l'ammontare ritornato è dato in unità base Monero e non in unità visualizzate normalmente nelle applicazioni end-user. Inoltre, dal momento che la transazione tipicamente possiede output multipli che si sommano per formare il totale richiesto dal pagamento, l'ammontare dovrebbe essere raggruppato secondo tx_hash o payment_id e sommato. In più, poiché output multipli possono avere lo stesso ammontare, è imperativo *non* provare a filtrare i dati ritornati da una singola chiamata get_bulk_payments.
program_para6: Prima di iniziare una scansione dei pagamenti, è utile effettuare un controllo preliminare mediante le API RPC del daemon (la chiamata RPC get_info) per vedere se nel frattempo sono stati ricevuti blocchi addizionali. Tipicamente potresti voler iniziare la scansione proprio dal blocco ricevuto specificandolo attraverso il parametro min_block_height del comando get_bulk_payments.
scanning: Effettuare una scansione programmatica per i pagamenti
scanning_list1: Richiedi al daemon l'altezza blocco corrente, procedi solamente se l'altezza ha avuto un incremento dall'ultimo controllo
scanning_list2: Utilizza la chiamata API RPC get_bulk_payments con l'ultima altezza controllata e la lista di tutti gli ID pagamento nel sistema
scanning_list3: Tieni traccia dell'altezza corrente e salvala come ultima altezza alla quale è stata effettuata una scansione
scanning_list4: Rimuovi i duplicati basati sugli hash delle transazioni che hai già ricevuto e processato
translated: "yes"
intro: Monero è un progetto open-source e guidato dalla comunità. Qui sotto sono descritti diversi modi in cui aiutare il progetto a crescere.
network: Supporta la rete
develop: Sviluppa
develop_para1: Monero è scritto principalmente in C++. Essendo un progetto decentralizzato, chiunque è il/la benvenuto/a e può fare aggiunte o modifiche al codice esistente. Le "Pull request" vengono accettate secondo il consenso della comunità. Vedi i
develop_para2: repositories
develop_para3: e i
develop_para4: problemi in sospeso..
full-node: Esegui un nodo locale
full-node_para: Esegui monerod con la porta 18080 aperta. Far girare un nodo locale assicura la massima privacy nelle transazioni Monero. La presenza del tuo nodo locale sulla rete migliora inoltre la distribuzione della blockchain ai nuovi utenti.
mine: Mina
mine_para1: Il mining assicura che la rete Monero resti decentralizzata e sicura. Il mining in background può essere attivato usando sia l'interfaccia grafica sia quella a riga di comando di Monero. Ulteriori informazioni sul mining (in lingua inglese) possono essere trovate
mine_para2: qui.
ffs: Guarda il Sistema di Raccolta Fondi
ffs_para1: Monero utilizza un
ffs_para2: Sistema di Raccolta Fondi basato su Forum
ffs_para3: (Forum Funding System, FFS) in cui vengono proposti progetti legati allo sviluppo e successivamente finanziati dalla comunità. Il finanziamento viene depositato in garanzia e liquidato agli sviluppatori solo a seguito del raggiungimento delle milestone di sviluppo. Chiunque può avanzare nuove proposte o finanziare le proposte già presenti.
donate: Dona
donate_para1: Lo sviluppo del progetto è supportato dalle donazioni e dalle
donate_para2: sponsorizzazioni.
donate-xmr: Donare Monero
donate-xmr_para: Le donazioni possono essere inviate a
or: o all'indirizzo
donate-btc: Donare Bitcoin
donate-btc_para: Le donazioni possono essere inviate a
donate-other: Altro
donate-other_para1: Manda un'email a
donate-other_para2: per avere informazioni su metodi di donazione alternativi o se vuoi diventare uno sponsor del Progetto Monero.
translated: "yes"
q1: Come fa Monero ad avere valore?
a1: Monero ha valore perché le persone sono disposte a comprarlo. Se nessuno fosse disposto a comprare Monero, Monero non avrebbe alcun valore. Il prezzo di Monero aumenta se la domanda è superiore all'offerta; diminuisce, invece, se l'offerta è superiore alla domanda.
q2: Come posso ottenere Monero?
a2: Puoi acquistare Monero da un "exchange" (cambiavalute) o da un privato. Alternativamente puoi provare a minare Monero per ottenere monete come ricompensa in seguito alla risoluzione del blocco.
q3: Cos'è un seed mnemonico?
a3: Un seed mnemonico (mnemonic seed) è una sequenza di 25 parole che può essere utilizzata per recuperare il tuo conto dovunque tu voglia. Tieni queste parole al sicuro e non condividerle con nessuno. Puoi usare questo seed per recupeare il tuo conto, anche se il tuo computer si rompe.
q4: In cosa è diversa la privacy offerta da Monero rispetto a quella offerta dalle altre criptovalute?
a4: |
Monero utilizza tre differenti tecnologie mirate alla privacy: "ring signatures" (firme ad anello), "ring confidential transactions" (RingCT, transazioni confidenziali ad anello) e "stealth addresses" (indirizzi stealth). Queste tre tecnologie mascherano rispettivamente il mittente, l'ammontare ed il destinatario della transazione. Tutte le transazioni sulla rete Monero sono private: non c'è alcuna possibilità di effettuare, neanche accidentalmente, una transazione trasparente. Questa caratteristica è tipica solo di Monero. Non hai bisogno di dare fiducia ad alcuno per mantenere la tua privacy.
q5: Perché il mio portafoglio impiega così tanto tempo per sincronizzarsi?
a5: Se stai facendo girare un nodo locale, il nodo ha bisogno di copiare l'intera blockchain sul tuo computer. Questo processo può durare parecchio tempo, specialmente se il computer ha un disco rigido datato o non può contare su una connessione internet veloce. Se stai usando un nodo remoto, anche se il tuo computer non deve scaricare la blockchain, ha comunque bisogno di richiedere una copia di tutti gli output, azione che può richiedere diverse ore. Sii paziente, e se sei disposto/a a sacrificare un po' di privacy a fronte di tempi di sincronizzazione ridotti, valuta l'utilizzo di un portafoglio leggero (lightweight wallet).
q6: Che differenza c'è fra un portafoglio normale e uno leggero?
a6: In un portafoglio leggero, consegni la tua chiave di visualizzazione ad un nodo remoto, che scansiona la blockchain e cerca transazioni in ingresso al tuo conto. Questo nodo è in grado di sapere quando ricevi denaro, ma non sa quanto denaro ricevi, da chi lo ricevi e a chi lo stai inviando. A seconda del software che gestisce il tuo portafoglio, puoi decidere di usare un nodo di tua proprietà al fine di evitare problemi di privacy. Per avere il più alto grado di privacy, utilizza un portafoglio normale, che può essere associato al tuo nodo locale.
q7: In cosa Monero è differente da Bitcoin?
a7: Monero non è basato su Bitcoin. E' basato sul protocollo CryptoNote. Bitcoin è un sistema completamente trasparente, in cui le persone possono vedere esattamente quanto denaro viene inviato da un utente all'altro. Monero offusca queste informazioni al fine di proteggere la privacy degli utenti in ogni transazione. Inoltre, Monero ha una dimensione dinamica dei blocchi e prevede commissioni variabili, un algoritmo di mining proof-of-work resistente agli ASIC ed un'emissione monetaria di coda. Questi sono alcuni esempi fra i tanti per cui Monero è diverso da Bitcoin.
q8: Monero prevede un limite nella dimensione dei blocchi?
a8: No, Monero non ha un limite sulla dimensione dei blocchi. Al contrario, la dimensione dei blocchi può aumentare o diminuire nel tempo a seconda del numero di transazioni da validare. Esiste un limite sulla velocità di crescita della dimensione del blocco al fine di evitare tassi di crescita eccessivi.
q9: Cos'è la blockchain?
a9: La "blockchain" (catena di blocchi) è un sistema grazie al quale è possibile mantenere una copia di tutta la storia delle transazioni sulla rete Monero. Ogni due minuti, viene aggiunto alla blockchain un nuovo blocco contenente le informazioni sulle ultime transazioni. Questa catena consente alla rete di verificare la quantità di denaro in circolazione e di essere resiliente ad attacchi e tentativi di centralizzazione.
q10: Cos'è Kovri?
a10: Kovri è un router I2P sviluppato in C++. I2P è un network anonimo, come Tor, ma presenta parecchie differenze tecnologiche. Kovri è un progetto indipendente da Monero, ma funzionerà con Monero così come con altri progetti. Kovri offusca la trasmissione delle transazioni in modo tale che gli altri nodi non possano risalire a chi ha iniziato la transazione. In scenari ostili, Kovri può essere usato per offuscare tutto il traffico Monero attraverso I2P, in modo tale che non possa essere dimostrato l'utilizzo di Monero. Kovri è al momento in versione alpha e non è ancora pienamente integrato con Monero. Maggiori informazioni su Kovri sul <a href="https://getkovri.org">sito di progetto.</a>
q11: Cosa è la fungibilità? E perché è così importante?
a11: La fungibilità è una semplice proprietà di una moneta secondo cui non esistono differenze fra due unità monetarie. Se due persone si scambiano una moneta da 10 per due da 5, nessuno perde nulla. Supponiamo però che tutti siano a conoscenza del fatto che la moneta da 10 è stata usata precedentemente in un attacco ransomware. La persona che cede le due monete da 5 per quella da 10 sarebbe ancora disposta ad effettuare il cambio? Probabilmente no, anche se la persona che possiede la moneta da 10 non ha nulla a che vedere con l'attacco ransomware. Questo è un problema, dal momento che chi riceve denaro deve costantemente controllare che il denaro ricevuto non sia "segnato". Monero è fungibile, il che significa che chi lo utilizza non ha bisogno di effettuare questi controlli.
q12: Se Monero è così privato come facciamo ad essere sicuri che non venga creata moneta dal nulla?
a12-1: In Monero, ogni output della transazione è associato in modo univoco con un'immagine chiave (key image) che può essere generata solamente dal detentore di quell'output. Immagini chiave che sono usate più di una volta vengono rigettate dai minatori in quanto ritenute tentativi di double-spending e non possono essere aggiunte ad un blocco valido. Quando la rete riceve una nuova transazione, i minatori verificano che l'immagine chiave associata alla transazione non esista già e non sia già stata associata ad una transazione precedente per assicurarsi che non si tratti di un double-spend.
a12-2: E' anche possibile verificare la validità dell'ammontare della transazione anche se il valore degli input che si stanno spendendo ed il valore degli output che si stanno inviando sono cifrati (offuscati per tutti tranne che per il destinatario della transazione). Poiché l'ammontare è cifrato mediante l'utilizzo dei "Pedersen commitment", gli osservatori, seppur non in grado di risalire all'ammontare della transazione, tramite la matematica alla base dei "Pedersen commitment" sono in grado di verificare che non vengano creati Monero dal nulla.
a12-3: Fintanto che la somma degli output cifrati è uguale alla somma degli input cifrati che vengono spesi (la somma degli output include un output per il destinatario, il resto verso chi ha iniziato la transazione e la commissione non cifrata per la transazione), la transazione è considerata legittima e nessun Monero viene creato dal nulla. I "Pedersen commitment" consentono la verifica di uguaglianza delle somme in ingresso e in uscita della transazione senza conoscere i valori che singolarmente sono indeterminabili.
translated: "yes"
intro1: Monero è una criptovaluta che utilizza mining proof-of-work per raggiungere un consensus distribuito. Qui sotto trovi alcune informazioni e risorse su come iniziare a minare.
intro2: Il progetto Monero non consiglia nessuna pool, software o hardware in particolare, e il contenuto che segue è fornito solo a scopo informativo.
support: Supporto
support_para1: Vedi
support_para2: Canali,
support_para3: /r/moneromining (English)
support_para4: and
pools: Pools
pools_para1: Una lista di pool "fidate" è disponibile
pools_para2: qui.
benchmarking: Hardware Benchmarking
benchmarking_para1: Vedi qui
benchmarking_para2: per una lista di GPU/CPU e i loro rispettivi hashrates.
software: Software per Minare
software_para: Nota che alcuni miner potrebbero prevedere una commissione per lo sviluppatore.
translated: "yes"
intro: Effettuare transazioni con Monero è molto semplice. Questa pagina serve a guidare l'utente in questo processo.
learn: 1. Impara
learn_para1: Monero è una criptovaluta sicura, privata e non tracciabile. Gli sviluppatori e la community sono impegnati a proteggere questi valori. Scopri di più leggendo la pagina
learn_para2: Cos'è Monero
learn_para3: Il
learn_para4: codice sorgente
learn_para5: è disponibile per revisioni e suggerimenti.
support: 2. Chiedi Supporto
support_para1: C'è una community grande e amichevole che ti assisterà se dovessi incontrare qualche difficoltà. Consulta la pagina
support_para2: Canali
support_para3: per maggiori informazioni.
generate: 3. Genera un portafoglio
generate_para1: E' necessario un portafoglio per tenere al sicuro i tuoi fondi. Vedi la pagina
generate_para2: Downloads
generate_para3: per una lista di portafogli disponibili.
generate_para4: Il modo più facile per eseguire un nodo Monero senza effetti sulla tua banda domestica è quello di acquistare una VPS (Virtual Private Server). Raccomandiamo fortemente
generate_para5: e vi invitiamo ad inserire il codice coupon
generate_para6: per ricevere uno sconto sulle loro già economiche VPS da $6/mese. usando il codice e/o
generate_para7: il nostro link di affiliazione
generate_para8: aiuterai a finanziare lo sviluppo di Monero.
acquire: 4. Acquisire Monero
acquire_para1: Monero può essere acquistato su un
acquire_para2: exchange
acquire_para3: (cambiavalute) con denaro 'fiat' o altre criptovalute. Alternativamente, è possibile acquisire Monero tramite
acquire_para4: mining,
acquire_para5: il processo computazionale che assicura che le transazioni siano immutabilmente registrate sulla blockchain.
send-receive: 5. Invia e ricevi Monero
send-receive_para1: Impara come inviare e ricevere Monero leggendo la nostra
send-receive_para2: guida.
transact: 6. Effettua una transazione
transact_para1: Monero può essere usato per acquistare vari beni e servizi. Per una lista, vedi la pagina
transact_para2: Venditori
translated: "yes"
need-to-know: Quello che devi sapere
leading: Monero è la criptovaluta di riferimento tra quelle focalizzate sulla privacy nelle transazioni e resistenti alla censura.
leading_para1: Molte delle criptovalute esistenti, inclusi Bitcoin ed Ethereum, possiedono una blockchain trasparente. Questo significa che le transazioni sono facilmente verificabili e tracciabili da chiunque nel mondo. Inoltre, gli indirizzi di ricezione ed invio per queste transazioni potrebbero essere collegate all'identità reale di una persona.
leading_para2: Monero usa la crittografia per nascondere gli indirizzi di ricezione ed invio, così come l'ammontare della transazione.
confidential: Le transazioni con Monero sono confidenziali e non tracciabili.
confidential_para1: Ogni transazione, di default, offusca gli indirizzi di ricezione ed invio, così come l'ammontare scambiato. Essendo privato di default, ogniqualvolta un utente usa Monero viene rafforzata la privacy degli altri utenti. Questo non succede con criptovalute selettivamente trasparenti (es. Z-Cash).
confidential_para2: Grazie all'offuscamento di default, Monero è fungibile, nessuna unità monetaria può essere collegata ad una precedente transazione. Questo significa che Monero verrà sempre accettato senza rischio di censura.
confidential_para3: Il progetto Kovri,
confidential_para4: attualmente in fase di sviluppo
confidential_para5: ", reindirizzerà e cripterà le transazioni attraverso nodi I2P (Invisible Internet Project). Questa tecnologia nasconde l'indirizzo IP di chi effettua una transazione e fornisce ulteriore protezione verso un eventuale indesiderato monitoraggio della rete."
grassroots: Monero è una community orizzontale che attrare i migliori ricercatori ed ingegneri del mondo.cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent.
grassroots_para1: Più di
grassroots_para2: 240 sviluppatori
grassroots_para3: hanno contribuito al progetto Monero, inclusi 30 'core developers'. I forum e le chat sono amichevoli e attivi.
grassroots_para4: Il Monero Research Lab, il Core Development Team e gli sviluppatori/sviluppatrici della community spingono ogni giorno sempre più in là i limiti di cosa è possibile fare in materia di privacy e sicurezza nelle criptovalute.
grassroots_para5: Monero non è un'azienda, né tanto meno una corporazione. E' sviluppato da esperti in crittografia e sistemi distribuiti provenienti da tutto il mondo, che donano il loro tempo e talvolta vengono finanziati dalla community. Questo vuol dire che Monero non può essere bloccato da nessuna nazione e non è costretto in nessuna particolare giurisdizione.
electronic: Monero è denaro elettronico che permette pagamenti veloci, non dispendiosi, da e verso tutto il mondo.
electronic_para1: Non ci sono lunghi tempi di attesa per l'accredito e non c'è alcun rischio di chargeback fraudolenti. Monero è sicuro contro il controllo di capitali - queste misure limitano l'utilizzabilità delle valute tradizionali, a livello estremo, in Paesi che vivono una fase di instabilità economica.
videos: Video Monero (English)
translated: "no"
history: A Brief History
history_para1: Monero was launched in April 2014. It was a fair, pre-announced launch of the CryptoNote reference code. There was no premine or instamine, and no portion of the block reward goes to development. See the original Bitcointalk thread
history_para2: here.
history_para3: The founder, thankful_for_today, proposed some controversial changes that the community disagreed with. A fallout ensued, and the Monero Core Team forked the project with the community following this new Core Team. This Core Team has provided oversight since.
history_para4: Monero has made several large improvements since launch. The blockchain was migrated to a different database structure to provide greater efficiency and flexibility, minimum ring signature sizes were set so that all transactions were private by mandate, and RingCT was implemented to hide the transaction amounts. Nearly all improvements have provided improvements to security or privacy, or they have facilitated use. Monero continues to develop with goals of privacy and security first, ease of use and efficiency second.
values: Our Values
values_para: Monero is more than just a technology. It’s also what the technology stands for. Some of the important guiding philosophies are listed below.
security: Security
security_para: Users must be able to trust Monero with their transactions, without risk of error or attack. Monero gives the full block reward to the miners, who are the most critical members of the network who provide this security. Transactions are cryptographically secure using the latest and most resilient encryption tools available.
privacy: Privacy
privacy_para: Monero takes privacy seriously. Monero needs to be able to protect users in a court of law and, in extreme cases, from the death penalty. This level of privacy must be completely accessible to all users, whether they are technologically competent or have no idea how Monero works. A user needs to confidently trust Monero in a way that this person does not feel pressured into changing their spending habits for risk of others finding out.
decentralization: Decentralization
decentralization_para: Monero is committed to providing the maximum amount of decentralization. With Monero, you do not have to trust anyone else on the network, and it is not run by any large group. An accessible “Proof of Work” algorithm makes it easy to mine Monero on normal computers, which makes it more difficult for someone to purchase a large amount of mining power. Nodes connect to each other with I2P to lower the risks of revealing sensitive transaction information and censorship (tba). Development decisions are extremely clear and open to public discussion. Developer meeting logs are published online in their entirety and visible by all.
translated: "no"
outdated: "Please note: the guides below are currently out of date, but are considered a good starting point for most calls."
rpc: RPC Documentation
daemonrpc: Daemon RPC Documentation
walletrpc: Wallet RPC Documentation
soon: More coming soon...
translated: "no"
general: General
mining: Mining
recovery: Recovery
wallets: Wallets
offline-backup: How to make an offline backup
vps-node: How to run a node on VPS
import-blockchain: Importing the Monero blockchain
monero-tools: Monero Tools
purchasing-storing: Securely purchasing and storing Monero
verify-windows: Verify binaries on Windows (beginner)
mine-on-pool: How to mine on a pool with xmr-stak-cpu
solo-mine: How to solo mine with the GUI
mine-docker: Mining with Docker and XMRig
locked-funds: How to fix locked up funds
restore-account: How to restore your account
qubes: CLI wallet/daemon isolation with Qubes + Whonix
cli-wallet: Getting started with the CLI wallet
remote-node-gui: How to connect to a remote node within GUI wallet
view-only: How to make a view-only wallet
prove-payment: How to prove payment
restore-from-keys: Restoring wallet from keys
translated: "no"
complated: Completed task
ongoing: Ongoing task
upcoming: Upcoming task
future: Future
translated: "no"
intro: Monero is not only committed to making a fungible currency, but also to continued research into the realm of financial privacy as it involves cryptocurrencies. Below you'll find the work of our very own Monero Research Lab, with more papers to come.
mrl_papers: Monero Research Lab Papers (English)
abstract: Abstract
introduction: Introduction
read-paper: Read Paper
mrl1: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0
mrl1_abstract: This research bulletin describes a plausible attack on a ring-signature based anonymity system. We use as motivation the cryptocurrency protocol CryptoNote 2.0 ostensibly published by Nicolas van Saberhagen in 2012. It has been previously demonstrated that the untraceability obscuring a one-time key pair can be dependent upon the untraceability of all of the keys used in composing that ring signature. This allows for the possibility of chain reactions in traceability between ring signatures, causing a critical loss in untraceability across the whole network if parameters are poorly chosen and if an attacker owns a sufficient percentage of the network. The signatures are still one-time, however, and any such attack will still not necessarily violate the anonymity of users. However, such an attack could plausibly weaken the resistance CryptoNote demonstrates against blockchain analysis. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl2: Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits within Virtual Currencies Employing the CryptoNote Protocol
mrl2_abstract: On 4 September 2014, an unusual and novel attack was executed against the Monero cryptocurrency network. This attack partitioned the network into two distinct subsets which refused to accept the legitimacy of the other subset. This had myriad effects, not all of which are yet known. The attacker had a short window of time during which a sort of counterfeiting could occur, for example. This research bulletin describes deficiencies in the CryptoNote reference code allowing for this attack, describes the solution initially put forth by Rafal Freeman from Tigusoft.pl and subsequently by the CryptoNote team, describes the current fix in the Monero code base, and elaborates upon exactly what the offending block did to the network. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl3: Monero is Not That Mysterious
mrl3_abstract: Recently, there have been some vague fears about the CryptoNote source code and protocol floating around the internet based on the fact that it is a more complicated protocol than, for instance, Bitcoin. The purpose of this note is to try and clear up some misconceptions, and hopefully remove some of the mystery surrounding Monero Ring Signatures. I will start by comparing the mathematics involved in CryptoNote ring signatures (as described in [CN]) to the mathematics in [FS], on which CryptoNote is based. After this, I will compare the mathematics of the ring signature to what is actually in the CryptoNote codebase.
mrl4: Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol
mrl4_abstract: We identify several blockchain analysis attacks available to degrade the untraceability of the CryptoNote 2.0 protocol. We analyze possible solutions, discuss the relative merits and drawbacks to those solutions, and recommend improvements to the Monero protocol that will hopefully provide long-term resistance of the cryptocurrency against blockchain analysis. Our recommended improvements to Monero include a protocol-level network-wide minimum mix-in policy of n = 2 foreign outputs per ring signature, a protocol-level increase of this value to n = 4 after two years, and a wallet-level default value of n = 4 in the interim. We also recommend a torrent-style method of sending Monero output. We also discuss a non-uniform, age-dependent mix-in selection method to mitigate the other forms of blockchain analysis identified herein, but we make no formal recommendations on implementation for a variety of reasons. The ramifications following these improvements are also discussed in some detail. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the results of internal investigation.
mrl5: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions
mrl5_abstract: This article introduces a method of hiding transaction amounts in the strongly decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency Monero. Similar to Bitcoin, Monero is a cryptocurrency which is distributed through a proof of work “mining” process. The original Monero protocol was based on CryptoNote, which uses ring signatures and one-time keys to hide the destination and origin of transactions. Recently the technique of using a commitment scheme to hide the amount of a transaction has been discussed and implemented by Bitcoin Core Developer Gregory Maxwell. In this article, a new type of ring signature, A Multi-layered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature is described which allows for hidden amounts, origins and destinations of transactions with reasonable efficiency and verifiable, trustless coin generation. Some extensions of the protocol are provided, such as Aggregate Schnorr Range Proofs, and Ring Multisignature. The author would like to note that early drafts of this were publicized in the Monero Community and on the bitcoin research irc channel. Blockchain hashed drafts are available in [14] showing that this work was started in Summer 2015, and completed in early October 2015. An eprint is also available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.
cryptonote: Cryptonote Whitepapers
cryptonote-whitepaper: Cryptonote Whitepaper
cryptonote-whitepaper_para: This is the original cryptonote paper written by the cryptonote team. Reading it will give an understanding about how the cryptonote algorithm works in general.
annotated: Annotated Whitepaper
annotated_para: The Monero Research Lab released an annotated version of the cryptonote whitepaper. This is sort of like an informal review of the claims that are made line-by-line of the whitepaper. It also explains some of the harder concepts in relatively easy to understand terms.
brandon: Brandon Goodell's Whitepaper Review
brandon_para: This paper is a formal review of the original cryptonote paper by MRL researcher Brandon Goodell. He takes an in-depth look at the claims and mathematics presented in the cryptonote paper.
title_1: Tutti
title_2: Blog
@ -94,6 +427,7 @@ blog:
author: Postato da
date: Postato su
forum: Clicca qui per unirti alla discussione per questa voce sul Forum Monero
all: Articoli per Tag
notags: Non ci sono post con questo tag.
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
The Monero community is diverse and varied. We come from all over, but we definitely have some places we like to hang out together. You'll find most of them below. Join us!
<div class="hangouts">
<section class="container">
<ul class="row center-xs">
<a href="https://twitter.com/monerocurrency" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon twitter"></div></a>
<a href="https://reddit.com/r/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/monerocurrency/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon facebook"></div></a>
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<div class="info-block">
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<div class="col">
<h2>Workgroup Resources</h2>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p>In an effort to support organic workgroups, Monero has several resources that the community can use to meet and plan projects. Mattermost even has relays into the most popular Monero-related IRC channels.</p>
<div class="row relays around-xs">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://monero.slack.com/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Slack</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://mattermost.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Mattermost</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://taiga.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Taiga</a></p>
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>IRC Channels</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>The Monero community utilizes a lot of IRC channels that each serve different purposes. Some to work, and some just to hang out. You'll find the more popular ones below.</p>
<div class="row irc">
{% for channel in site.data.irc %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12">
<a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#{{ channel.channel }}">#{{ channel.channel }}</a>
<p>{{ channel.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
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<div class="right one-third col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col"><h2>Stack Exchange</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>The Monero Stack Exchange is a quick and easy way to ask questions and get answers. Below you'll find some high quality question/answer pairs to some frequently asked questions.</p>
<div class="row start-xs sequestions">
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4277/why-does-monero-have-higher-transaction-fees-than-bitcoin">Why does monero have higher transaction fees than bitcoin?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4335/what-does-moneros-scaling-roadmap-look-like">What does Monero's scaling roadmap look like?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4302/what-cryptography-primitives-concepts-other-than-the-basic-ones-does-monero-us">What cryptography primitives/concepts, other than the basic ones, does Monero use?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4242/how-to-extract-data-from-local-blockchain">How to extract data from local blockchain?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4377/hiding-tcp-traffic-for-monero-miners">Hiding TCP traffic for Monero miners?</a>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com" class="btn-link btn-auto">Visit Stack Exchange</a></p>
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Merchants of all kinds have come to value the financial privacy that Monero brings. Below is a list of the merchants that we know of that currently accept Monero for their goods and services. If a company no longer accepts Monero or you would like your business to be listed, please [open a GitHub issue and let us know](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues).
<div class="merchants">
{% for toplevel in site.data.merchants %}
<div class="container full" id="{{toplevel.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row">
{% assign sortedMerchants = toplevel.merchants | sort: 'name' %}
{% for merchants in sortedMerchants %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
<a href="{{merchants.url}}">{{merchants.name}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
*Please note: these links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement by the Monero community of any products, services or opinions of the corporations or organizations or individuals listed. The Monero community bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. As always, caveat emptor ("buyer beware"); you are responsible for doing your own research. Always use judgement when making online purchases.*
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
The following businesses have supported the Monero Project in its goal to bring financial privacy to the world. We couldn't be more grateful for their contributions. If you would like to sponsor the Monero Project and be listed on this page, please send an email to dev@getmonero.org.
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<h2>My Monero</h2>
<a href="https://mymonero.com/#/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><img src="/img/mymonero.png"></a>
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<h2>Dome9 Security</h2>
<a href="https://dome9.com/"><img src="/img/dome9.png"></a>
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<h2>Fork Networking</h2>
<a href="https://www.forked.net"><img src="/img/forked_logo.png"></a>
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<a href="https://symas.com/"><img src="/img/symas.png"></a>
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{% for member in toplevel.member %}
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<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
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<p>The Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero/contributors">OpenHub contributors page</a>. Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero.</p>
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Developers" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-3" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Community" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Research Lab</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Monero Research Lab" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Special Thanks</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Special Thanks" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
<div class="downloads">
<div class="container description" markdown="1">
Se hai bisogno di aiuto per scegliere l'applicazione corretta, clicca [qui](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/64b5lf/what_is_the_best_monero_wallet/) (in inglese) per una risposta rapida, dopodichè scegli qui sotto la release appropriata per il tuo sistema operativo.
Nota: gli hash SHA256 sono listati qui per convenienza, una lista degli hash firmata con GPG è disponibile su [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) e dovrebbe essere trattato come "canonico", confrontando le firme con l'appropriata chiave GPG nel codice sorgente (in /utils/gpg_keys).
<div class="container full downdropdown">
<div class="info-block download-nav row middle-xs between-xs" id="selections">
<div class="col"><a href="#windows">Windows</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mac">Mac</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#linux">Linux</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#arm">Arm (v7 & v8)</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#bsd">BSD</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#source">Sorgente & Blockchain</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Light</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#hardware">Hardware</a></div>
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<li><a href="#bsd">BSD</a></li>
<li><a href="#source">Sorgente & Blockchain</a></li>
<li><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Light</a></li>
<li><a href="#hardware">Hardware</a></li>
<div class="download-platforms">
{% for data_downloads in site.data.downloads %}
<section class="container full" id="{{ data_downloads.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
{% if data_downloads.icon != null %}
<span class="{{data_downloads.icon}}"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if data_downloads.version != null %}
<p class="text-center">Versione corrente: {{ data_downloads.version }} {{ data_downloads.tag }}</p>
{% if data_downloads.cli_hash == "source" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">Codice Sorgente</a>
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" markdown="1">
Se preferisci usare una blockchain esterna, invece di sincronizzarla da zero, puoi [scaricare la versione più recente da questo link](https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw). E' tipicamente molto più veloce sincronizzare da zero e richiede anche molta meno RAM (la funzione "import" richiede molte risorse).
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "hardware" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>La community di Monero ha recentemente finanziato un <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88149/dedicated-monero-hardware-wallet" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">Hardware Wallet Dedicato</a> che è in fase di progettazione. in più, Ledger sta lavorando a <a href="https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">integrare Monero nei loro hardware wallet</a>.</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "mobilelight" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>I seguenti sono mobile o light wallet (portafogli) che sono considerati sicuri da membri fidati della community. Se esiste un wallet non listato qui, puoi chiedere alla community di controllarlo. Vai alla nostra <a href="/community/hangouts/">Lista canali</a> per vedere dove trovarci.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://cakewallet.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/cakewallet.png" alt="Cake Wallet Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://monerujo.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/Monerujo-wallet.png" alt="Monerujo Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://mymonero.com"><img src="/img/mymonero.png" alt="MyMonero Logo"></a>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash == nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"><h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}"> {{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-line Tools Only)</a>
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p></div>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash == nil %}
<div class="row">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<div class="row">
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row start-md">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12" >
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash (GUI):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }} (Solo riga di comando (CLI))</a>
<p><strong>SHA256 Hash (CLI):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#" class="arrow-up"><i></i></a>
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<h2>Istruzioni per l'interfaccia a riga di comando (CLI)</h2>
<div markdown="1">
### Le Basi
Monero lavora in modo leggermente diverso rispetto a quanto sei stato/a abituato/a con le altre @criptovalute. Nel caso di una moneta digitale come Bitcoin e le sue innumerevoli derivate, i sistemi di pagamento dei venditori in genere creano un nuovo indirizzo di destinazione per ogni pagamento o cliente.
Invece, dal momento che Monero fornisce gli @indirizzi-stealth, non c'è alcun bisogno di gestire indirizzi di destinazione separati per ogni pagamento o cliente, e può essere reso noto solamente un indirizzo di pagamento per tutti. Al momento di ricevere un pagamento, il venditore fornirà al cliente un "ID pagamento".
Un @ID-pagamento è una stringa esadecimale lunga 64 caratteri ed è generalmente creata in modo casuale dal venditore. Un esempio di ID pagamento è:
### Controllare lo stato di un pagamento in monero-wallet-cli
Se vuoi controllare lo stato dei pagamenti utilizzando monero-wallet-cli (il portafoglio Monero a riga di comando) puoi usare il comando "payments" seguito dall'ID pagamento o dagli ID pagamento su cui vuoi effettuare un controllo. Ad esempio:
[wallet 49VNLa]: payments 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572
payment transaction height amount unlock time
666c75666679706f6e79206973207 7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e 441942 30.00000 0
[wallet 49VNLa]: █
Se vuoi controllare i pagamenti in modo programmatico, nella prossima sezione trovi tutti i dettagli in merito.
### Ricevere un pagamento passo dopo passo
* Genera una stringa casuale di 64 caratteri esadecimali per il pagamento (ID pagamento)
* Comunica l'ID pagamento generato nonché il tuo indirizzo Monero a chi vuole effettuare un pagamento
* A seguito del pagamento, controlla il suo stato usando il comando "payments" in monero-wallet-cli
### Controllare lo stato di un pagamento in modo programmatico
Per controllare lo stato dei pagamenti in modo programmatico puoi utilizzare le chiamate API JSON RPC get_payments o get_bulk_payments.
*get_payments*: richiede un parametro payment_id con un ID pagamento singolo.
*get_bulk_payments*: questo è il metodo da preferire e richiede due parametri, payment_ids (un array JSON di più ID pagamento) e un parametro opzionale min_block_height (l'altezza del blocco da cui iniziare la scansione).
Un esempio di dati ritornati dalle chiamate API:
[ monero->~ ]$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_bulk_payments","id":"test", "params":{"payment_ids": ["666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"id": "test",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"amount": 30000000000000,
"block_height": 441942,
"payment_id": "666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572",
"tx_hash": "7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e18b6474ab66415de0f4ccf7ab1162fdf",
"unlock_time": 0
E' importante notare che l'ammontare ritornato è dato in unità base Monero e non in unità visualizzate normalmente nelle applicazioni end-user. Inoltre, dal momento che la transazione tipicamente possiede output multipli che si sommano per formare il totale richiesto dal pagamento, l'ammontare dovrebbe essere raggruppato secondo tx_hash o payment_id e sommato. In più, poiché output multipli possono avere lo stesso ammontare, è imperativo *non* provare a filtrare i dati ritornati da una singola chiamata get_bulk_payments.
Prima di iniziare una scansione dei pagamenti, è utile effettuare un controllo preliminare mediante le API RPC del daemon (la chiamata RPC get_info) per vedere se nel frattempo sono stati ricevuti blocchi addizionali. Tipicamente potresti voler iniziare la scansione proprio dal blocco ricevuto specificandolo attraverso il parametro min_block_height del comando get_bulk_payments.
### Effettuare una scansione programmatica per i pagamenti
* Richiedi al daemon l'altezza blocco corrente, procedi solamente se l'altezza ha avuto un incremento dall'ultimo controllo
* Utilizza la chiamata API RPC get_bulk_payments con l'ultima altezza controllata e la lista di tutti gli ID pagamento nel sistema
* Tieni traccia dell'altezza corrente e salvala come ultima altezza alla quale è stata effettuata una scansione
* Rimuovi i duplicati basati sugli hash delle transazioni che hai già ricevuto e processato
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@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Monero è un progetto open-source e guidato dalla comunità. Qui sotto sono descritti diversi modi in cui aiutare il progetto a crescere.
<div class="contribute">
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<div class="col"><h2>Supporta la rete</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
### Sviluppa
Monero è scritto principalmente in C++. Essendo un progetto decentralizzato, chiunque è il/la benvenuto/a e può fare aggiunte o modifiche al codice esistente. Le "Pull request" vengono accettate secondo il consenso della comunità. Vedi i <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">repositories</a> e i <a href="https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues">problemi</a> in sospeso.
### Esegui un nodo locale
Esegui monerod con la porta 18080 aperta. Far girare un nodo locale assicura la massima privacy nelle transazioni Monero. La presenza del tuo nodo locale sulla rete migliora inoltre la distribuzione della blockchain ai nuovi utenti.
### Mina
Il mining assicura che la rete Monero resti decentralizzata e sicura. Il mining in background può essere attivato usando sia l'interfaccia grafica sia quella a riga di comando di Monero. Ulteriori informazioni sul mining (in lingua inglese) possono essere trovate [qui](https://reddit.com/r/MoneroMining).
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<div class="col">
<h2>Guarda il Sistema di Raccolta Fondi</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Monero utilizza un <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org">Sistema di Raccolta Fondi basato su Forum</a> (Forum Funding System, FFS) in cui vengono proposti progetti legati allo sviluppo e successivamente finanziati dalla comunità. Il finanziamento viene depositato in garanzia e liquidato agli sviluppatori solo a seguito del raggiungimento delle milestone di sviluppo. Chiunque può avanzare nuove proposte o finanziare le proposte già presenti.</p>
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<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Lo sviluppo del progetto è supportato dalle donazioni e dalle <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/sponsorships/">sponsorizzazioni</a>.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<img src="/img/donate-monero.png" alt=""/>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<img src="/img/donate-bitcoin.png" alt=""/>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h3>Donare Monero</h3>
<p>Le donazioni possono essere inviate a donate.getmonero.org o all'indirizzo Monero 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A</p>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h3>Donare Bitcoin</h3>
<p>Le donazioni possono essere inviate a donate.getmonero.org o all'indirizzo Bitcoin 1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H</p>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<p>Manda un'email a <a href="mailto:dev@getmonero.org">dev@getmonero.org</a> per avere informazioni su metodi di donazione alternativi o se vuoi diventare uno sponsor del Progetto Monero.</p>
<!-- full block-->
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">Come fa Monero ad avere valore?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Monero ha valore perché le persone sono disposte a comprarlo. Se nessuno fosse disposto a comprare Monero, Monero non avrebbe alcun valore. Il prezzo di Monero aumenta se la domanda è superiore all'offerta; diminuisce, invece, se l'offerta è superiore alla domanda.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">Come posso ottenere Monero?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Puoi acquistare Monero da un "exchange" (cambiavalute) o da un privato.
Alternativamente puoi provare a minare Monero per ottenere monete come ricompensa in seguito alla risoluzione del blocco.
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<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">Cos'è un seed mnemonico?</label>
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Un seed mnemonico (mnemonic seed) è una sequenza di 25 parole che può essere utilizzata per recuperare il tuo conto dovunque tu voglia. Tieni queste parole al sicuro e non condividerle con nessuno. Puoi usare questo seed per recupeare il tuo conto, anche se il tuo computer si rompe.
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<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">In cosa è diversa la privacy offerta da Monero rispetto a quella offerta dalle altre criptovalute?</label>
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Monero utilizza tre differenti tecnologie mirate alla privacy: "ring signatures" (firme ad anello), "ring confidential transactions" (RingCT, transazioni confidenziali ad anello) e "stealth addresses" (indirizzi stealth). Queste tre tecnologie mascherano rispettivamente il mittente, l'ammontare ed il destinatario della transazione. Tutte le transazioni sulla rete Monero sono private: non c'è alcuna possibilità di effettuare, neanche accidentalmente, una transazione trasparente. Questa caratteristica è tipica solo di Monero. Non hai bisogno di dare fiducia ad alcuno per mantenere la tua privacy.
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<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">Perché il mio portafoglio impiega così tanto tempo per sincronizzarsi?</label>
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Se stai facendo girare un nodo locale, il nodo ha bisogno di copiare l'intera blockchain sul tuo computer. Questo processo può durare parecchio tempo, specialmente se il computer ha un disco rigido datato o non può contare su una connessione internet veloce. Se stai usando un nodo remoto, anche se il tuo computer non deve scaricare la blockchain, ha comunque bisogno di richiedere una copia di tutti gli output, azione che può richiedere diverse ore. Sii paziente, e se sei disposto/a a sacrificare un po' di privacy a fronte di tempi di sincronizzazione ridotti, valuta l'utilizzo di un portafoglio leggero (lightweight wallet).
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<label for="tab-six" class="accordion">Che differenza c'è fra un portafoglio normale e uno leggero?</label>
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In un portafoglio leggero, consegni la tua chiave di visualizzazione ad un nodo remoto, che scansiona la blockchain e cerca transazioni in ingresso al tuo conto. Questo nodo è in grado di sapere quando ricevi denaro, ma non sa quanto denaro ricevi, da chi lo ricevi e a chi lo stai inviando.
A seconda del software che gestisce il tuo portafoglio, puoi decidere di usare un nodo di tua proprietà al fine di evitare problemi di privacy. Per avere il più alto grado di privacy, utilizza un portafoglio normale, che può essere associato al tuo nodo locale.
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<label for="tab-seven" class="accordion">In cosa Monero è differente da Bitcoin?</label>
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Monero non è basato su Bitcoin. E' basato sul protocollo CryptoNote. Bitcoin è un sistema completamente trasparente, in cui le persone possono vedere esattamente quanto denaro viene inviato da un utente all'altro. Monero offusca queste informazioni al fine di proteggere la privacy degli utenti in ogni transazione. Inoltre, Monero ha una dimensione dinamica dei blocchi e prevede commissioni variabili, un algoritmo di mining proof-of-work resistente agli ASIC ed un'emissione monetaria di coda. Questi sono alcuni esempi fra i tanti per cui Monero è diverso da Bitcoin.
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<label for="tab-eight" class="accordion">Monero prevede un limite nella dimensione dei blocchi?</label>
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No, Monero non ha un limite sulla dimensione dei blocchi. Al contrario, la dimensione dei blocchi può aumentare o diminuire nel tempo a seconda del numero di transazioni da validare. Esiste un limite sulla velocità di crescita della dimensione del blocco al fine di evitare tassi di crescita eccessivi.
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<label for="tab-nine" class="accordion">Cos'è la blockchain?</label>
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La "blockchain" (catena di blocchi) è un sistema grazie al quale è possibile mantenere una copia di tutta la storia delle transazioni sulla rete Monero. Ogni due minuti, viene aggiunto alla blockchain un nuovo blocco contenente le informazioni sulle ultime transazioni. Questa catena consente alla rete di verificare la quantità di denaro in circolazione e di essere resiliente ad attacchi e tentativi di centralizzazione.
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<label for="tab-ten" class="accordion">Cos'è Kovri?</label>
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Kovri è un router I2P sviluppato in C++. I2P è un network anonimo, come Tor, ma presenta parecchie differenze tecnologiche. Kovri è un progetto indipendente da Monero, ma funzionerà con Monero così come con altri progetti. Kovri offusca la trasmissione delle transazioni in modo tale che gli altri nodi non possano risalire a chi ha iniziato la transazione. In scenari ostili, Kovri può essere usato per offuscare tutto il traffico Monero attraverso I2P, in modo tale che non possa essere dimostrato l'utilizzo di Monero. Kovri è al momento in versione alpha e non è ancora pienamente integrato con Monero. Maggiori informazioni su Kovri sul [sito di progetto.](https://getkovri.org)
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<label for="tab-eleven" class="accordion">Cosa è la fungibilità? E perché è così importante?</label>
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La fungibilità è una semplice proprietà di una moneta secondo cui non esistono differenze fra due unità monetarie. Se due persone si scambiano una moneta da 10 per due da 5, nessuno perde nulla. Supponiamo però che tutti siano a conoscenza del fatto che la moneta da 10 è stata usata precedentemente in un attacco ransomware. La persona che cede le due monete da 5 per quella da 10 sarebbe ancora disposta ad effettuare il cambio? Probabilmente no, anche se la persona che possiede la moneta da 10 non ha nulla a che vedere con l'attacco ransomware. Questo è un problema, dal momento che chi riceve denaro deve costantemente controllare che il denaro ricevuto non sia "segnato". Monero è fungibile, il che significa che chi lo utilizza non ha bisogno di effettuare questi controlli.
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<label for="tab-twelve" class="accordion">Se Monero è così privato come facciamo ad essere sicuri che non venga creata moneta dal nulla?</label>
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In Monero, ogni output della transazione è associato in modo univoco con un'immagine chiave (key image) che può essere generata solamente dal detentore di quell'output.
Immagini chiave che sono usate più di una volta vengono rigettate dai minatori in quanto ritenute tentativi di double-spending e non possono essere aggiunte ad un blocco valido. Quando la rete riceve una nuova transazione, i minatori verificano che l'immagine chiave associata alla transazione non esista già e non sia già stata associata ad una transazione precedente per assicurarsi che non si tratti di un double-spend.
E' anche possibile verificare la validità dell'ammontare della transazione anche se il valore degli input che si stanno spendendo ed il valore degli output che si stanno inviando sono cifrati (offuscati per tutti tranne che per il destinatario della transazione). Poiché l'ammontare è cifrato mediante l'utilizzo dei "Pedersen commitment", gli osservatori, seppur non in grado di risalire all'ammontare della transazione, tramite la matematica alla base dei "Pedersen commitment" sono in grado di verificare che non vengano creati Monero dal nulla.
Fintanto che la somma degli output cifrati è uguale alla somma degli input cifrati che vengono spesi (la somma degli output include un output per il destinatario, il resto verso chi ha iniziato la transazione e la commissione non cifrata per la transazione), la transazione è considerata legittima e nessun Monero viene creato dal nulla. I "Pedersen commitment" consentono la verifica di uguaglianza delle somme in ingresso e in uscita della transazione senza conoscere i valori che singolarmente sono indeterminabili.
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<div class="center-xs container description">
<p>Monero è una criptovaluta che utilizza mining proof-of-work per raggiungere un consensus distribuito. Qui sotto trovi alcune informazioni e risorse su come iniziare a minare.</p>
<p><strong>Il progetto Monero non consiglia nessuna pool, software o hardware in particolare, e il contenuto che segue è fornito solo a scopo informativo.</strong></p>
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<p>Vedi <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/"> Canali</a>, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">/r/moneromining</a> and <a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">#monero-pools</a>.</p>
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<p>Una lista di pool "fidate" è disponibile <a href="http://moneropools.com/"> qui</a>.</p>
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<h2>Hardware Benchmarking</h2>
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<p>Vedi <a href="http://monerobenchmarks.info/">qui</a> per una lista di GPU/CPU e i loro rispettivi hashrates.</p>
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<h2>Software per Minare</h2>
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<p>Nota che alcuni miner potrebbero prevedere una commissione per lo sviluppatore.</p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMR Stak</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig AMD</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig NVIDIA</a></p>
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<div class="text-center container description">
<p>Effettuare transazioni con Monero è molto semplice. Questa pagina serve a guidare l'utente in questo processo.</p>
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<h2>1. Impara</h2>
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<p>Monero è una criptovaluta sicura, privata e non tracciabile. Gli sviluppatori e la community sono impegnati a proteggere questi valori. Scopri di più leggendo la pagina <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/what-is-monero/">Cos'è Monero</a>. Il <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">codice sorgente</a> è disponibile per revisioni e suggerimenti.</p>
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<h2>2. Chiedi Supporto</h2>
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<p>C'è una community grande e amichevole che ti assisterà se dovessi incontrare qualche difficoltà. Consulta la pagina <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/">Canali</a> per maggiori informazioni.</p>
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<h2>3. Genera un portafoglio</h2>
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<p>E' necessario un portafoglio per tenere al sicuro i tuoi fondi. Vedi la pagina <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Downloads</a> per una lista di portafogli disponibili.</p>
<p>Il modo più facile per eseguire un nodo Monero senza effetti sulla tua banda domestica è quello di acquistare una VPS (Virtual Private Server). Raccomandiamo fortemente <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">InterServer.net</a> e vi invitiamo ad inserire il codice coupon 'MONERO' per ricevere uno sconto sulle loro già economiche VPS da $6/mese. usando il codice e/o <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">il nostro link di affiliazione</a> aiuterai a finanziare lo sviluppo di Monero.</p>
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<h2>4. Acquisire Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero può essere acquistato su un <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants#exchanges">exchange</a> (cambiavalute) con denaro 'fiat' o altre criptovalute. Alternativamente, è possibile acquisire Monero tramite <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/mining/">mining</a>, il processo computazionale che assicura che le transazioni siano immutabilmente registrate sulla blockchain.</p>
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<h2>5. Invia e ricevi Monero</h2>
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<p>Impara come inviare e ricevere Monero leggendo la nostra <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/accepting/">guida</a>.</p>
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<h2>6. Effettua una transazione</h2>
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<p>Monero può essere usato per acquistare vari beni e servizi. Per una lista, vedi la pagina <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants/">Venditori</a>. </p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Quello che devi sapere</h2></div>
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<h3>Monero è la criptovaluta di riferimento tra quelle focalizzate sulla privacy nelle transazioni e resistenti alla censura.</h3>
<p>Molte delle criptovalute esistenti, inclusi Bitcoin ed Ethereum, possiedono una blockchain trasparente. Questo significa che le transazioni sono facilmente verificabili e tracciabili da chiunque nel mondo. Inoltre, gli indirizzi di ricezione ed invio per queste transazioni potrebbero essere collegate all'identità reale di una persona. </p>
<p>Monero usa la crittografia per nascondere gli indirizzi di ricezione ed invio, così come l'ammontare della transazione.</p>
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<h3>Le transazioni con Monero sono confidenziali e non tracciabili.</h3>
<p>Ogni transazione, di default, offusca gli indirizzi di ricezione ed invio, così come l'ammontare scambiato. Essendo privato di default, ogniqualvolta un utente usa Monero viene rafforzata la privacy degli altri utenti. Questo non succede con criptovalute selettivamente trasparenti (es. Z-Cash).</p>
<p>Grazie all'offuscamento di default, Monero è fungibile, nessuna unità monetaria può essere collegata ad una precedente transazione. Questo significa che Monero verrà sempre accettato senza rischio di censura.</p>
<p>Il progetto Kovri, <a href="https://getkovri.org/">attualmente in fase di sviluppo</a>, reindirizzerà e cripterà le transazioni attraverso nodi I2P (Invisible Internet Project). Questa tecnologia nasconde l'indirizzo IP di chi effettua una transazione e fornisce ulteriore protezione verso un eventuale indesiderato monitoraggio della rete.</p>
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<h3>Monero è una community orizzontale che attrare i migliori ricercatori ed ingegneri del mondo.</h3>
<p>Più di <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">240 sviluppatori</a> hanno contribuito al progetto Monero, inclusi 30 'core developers'. I forum e le chat sono amichevoli e attivi.</p>
<p>Il Monero Research Lab, il Core Development Team e gli sviluppatori/sviluppatrici della community spingono ogni giorno sempre più in là i limiti di cosa è possibile fare in materia di privacy e sicurezza nelle criptovalute.</p>
<p>Monero non è un'azienda, né tanto meno una corporazione. E' sviluppato da esperti in crittografia e sistemi distribuiti provenienti da tutto il mondo, che donano il loro tempo e talvolta vengono finanziati dalla community. Questo vuol dire che Monero non può essere bloccato da nessuna nazione e non è costretto in nessuna particolare giurisdizione.</p>
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<h3>Monero è denaro elettronico che permette pagamenti veloci, non dispendiosi, da e verso tutto il mondo.</h3>
<p>Non ci sono lunghi tempi di attesa per l'accredito e non c'è alcun rischio di chargeback fraudolenti. Monero è sicuro contro il controllo di capitali - queste misure limitano l'utilizzabilità delle valute tradizionali, a livello estremo, in Paesi che vivono una fase di instabilità economica.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Video Monero</h2></div>
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<h3>Promo Monero</h3>
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<h3>Monero: The Essentials (le Basi)</h3>
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<h3>Stealth Addresses (Indirizzi Stealth)</h3>
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<h3>Ring Signatures (Firme ad Anello)</h3>
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<h3>RingCT (Transazioni Confidenziali ad Anello)</h3>
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<h1 id="main-h1">Monero</h1>
<h2 id="main-h2">Valuta Digitale Privata</h2>
<p id="main-text">Monero è una criptovaluta sicura, privata e non tracciabile. E' open-source ed accessibile a tutti. Con Monero, sei tu la tua banca, solo tu controlli e sei responsabile dei tuoi fondi. I tuoi conti e le tue transazioni vengono mantenuti privati e lontani da occhi indiscreti.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/using/" class="btn-link btn-auto btn-primary">Inizia da qui</a></p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Perché Monero è diverso</h2></div>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero è sicuro</h3>
<p>Monero è una criptovaluta decentralizzata, ovvero una valuta digitale sicura basata sulla crittografia, operata da una rete di utilizzatori. Le transazioni vengono confermate attraverso consenso distribuito ed immutabilmente registrate nella blockchain. Non devi fidarti di alcun servizio di terze parti per tenere i tuoi Monero al sicuro. </p>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero è privato</h3>
<p>Monero usa le tecniche crittografiche "ring signatures",(firme ad anello), "ring confidential transactions" (transazioni confidenziali ad anello) e "stealth addresses" (indirizzi stealth) per offuscare l'origine, l'ammontare e la destinazione di tutte le transazioni. Monero possiede tutti i benefit di una criptovaluta decentralizzata senza concedere niente in fatto di privacy. </p>
<div class="row middle-xs info-block-row">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero non è tracciabile</h3>
<p>Gli indirizzi di invio e ricezione, così come l'ammontare della transazione, sono offuscati di default. Le transazioni sulla blockchain di Monero non possono essere collegate ad alcuna identità nel mondo reale.</p>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero è fungibile</h3>
<p> Monero è <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/fungibility.html">fungibile</a> poiché è privato di default. Nessuna unità monetaria può essere messa in una lista nera da venditori o exchange perché associata a transazioni precedenti.</p>
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<p class="main-resources">Vorresti dare un'occhiata al significato dei termini e dei concetti usati in Monero? Qui puoi trovare una guida indicizzata ai termini usati nei progetti Kovri e Monero e al loro significato.</p>
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<h2>Guide per l'utente</h2>
<p class="main-resources">Guide passo passo su tutto ciò che riguarda Monero, da come creare un portafogli a come supportare la rete e perfino a come modificare questo sito web, separate per categoria.</p>
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<p class="main-resources">Ci sono state poste tante domande durante questi anni, perciò abbiamo compilato, per tua convenienza, delle FAQ estese e dettagliate. Non ti preoccupare, se la tua domanda non trova risposta qui, puoi sempre chiedere alla community.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/faq/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Leggi le risposte</a></p>
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<p>Qui troverai il simbolo di Monero ed il suo logo. Puoi scegliere la dimensione che preferisci, o scaricare il file .ai ed editare tu stesso/a il logo. <strong>Fai attenzione al fatto che i file con lo sfondo bianco presentano lo sfondo bianco SOLAMENTE sotto il simbolo Monero, non in tutta l'immagine.</strong> Infine, puoi scaricare tutto ciò che si trova in questa pagina in un unico file zip cliccando <a href="/press-kit/monero-press-kit.zip">qui</a>.</p>
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<h2>Simbolo di Monero</h2>
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<p>Sfondo bianco (PNG)</p>
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<h2>Logo Monero</h2>
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<h2>A Brief History</h2>
<div markdown="1">
Monero was launched in April 2014. It was a fair, pre-announced launch of the CryptoNote reference code. There was no premine or instamine, and no portion of the block reward goes to development. See the original Bitcointalk thread here. The founder, thankful_for_today, proposed some controversial changes that the community disagreed with. A fallout ensued, and the Monero Core Team forked the project with the community following this new Core Team. This Core Team has provided oversight since.
Monero has made several large improvements since launch. The blockchain was migrated to a different database structure to provide greater efficiency and flexibility, minimum ring signature sizes were set so that all transactions were private by mandate, and RingCT was implemented to hide the transaction amounts. Nearly all improvements have provided improvements to security or privacy, or they have facilitated use. Monero continues to develop with goals of privacy and security first, ease of use and efficiency second.
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<h2>Our Values</h2>
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Monero is more than just a technology. It’s also what the technology stands for. Some of the important guiding philosophies are listed below.
### Security
Users must be able to trust Monero with their transactions, without risk of error or attack. Monero gives the full block reward to the miners, who are the most critical members of the network who provide this security. Transactions are cryptographically secure using the latest and most resilient encryption tools available.
### Privacy
Monero takes privacy seriously. Monero needs to be able to protect users in a court of law and, in extreme cases, from the death penalty. This level of privacy must be completely accessible to all users, whether they are technologically competent or have no idea how Monero works. A user needs to confidently trust Monero in a way that this person does not feel pressured into changing their spending habits for risk of others finding out.
### Decentralization
Monero is committed to providing the maximum amount of decentralization. With Monero, you do not have to trust anyone else on the network, and it is not run by any large group. An accessible “Proof of Work” algorithm makes it easy to mine Monero on normal computers, which makes it more difficult for someone to purchase a large amount of mining power. Nodes connect to each other with I2P to lower the risks of revealing sensitive transaction information and censorship (tba). Development decisions are extremely clear and open to public discussion. Developer meeting logs are published online in their entirety and visible by all.
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<div class="guides">
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<p class="text-center">Please note: the guides below are currently out of date, but are considered a good starting point for most calls. </p>
<section class="container full">
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<h2>RPC Documentation</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Daemon RPC Documentation](daemon-rpc.html)
[Wallet RPC Documentation](wallet-rpc.html)
More coming soon...
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<div class="container description">
<p>Monero is not only committed to making a fungible currency, but also to continued research into the realm of financial privacy as it involves cryptocurrencies. Below you'll find the work of our very own Monero Research Lab, with more papers to come.</p>
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<div class="info-block research-paper">
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<div class="col"><h2>Monero Research Lab Papers</h2></div>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion" checked="checked">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">MRL-0001: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research bulletin describes a plausible attack on a ring-signature based
anonymity system. We use as motivation the cryptocurrency protocol CryptoNote
2.0 ostensibly published by Nicolas van Saberhagen in 2012. It has been
previously demonstrated that the untraceability obscuring a one-time key pair can
be dependent upon the untraceability of all of the keys used in composing that
ring signature. This allows for the possibility of chain reactions in traceability
between ring signatures, causing a critical loss in untraceability across the whole
network if parameters are poorly chosen and if an attacker owns a sufficient
percentage of the network. The signatures are still one-time, however, and any
such attack will still not necessarily violate the anonymity of users. However, such
an attack could plausibly weaken the resistance CryptoNote demonstrates against
blockchain analysis. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and
reflects only the results of internal investigation.
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0001.pdf">Read Paper</a>
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<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">MRL-0002: Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits within Virtual Currencies Employing the CryptoNote Protocol</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> On 4 September 2014, an unusual and novel attack was executed against the
Monero cryptocurrency network. This attack partitioned the network into two
distinct subsets which refused to accept the legitimacy of the other subset. This
had myriad effects, not all of which are yet known. The attacker had a short
window of time during which a sort of counterfeiting could occur, for example.
This research bulletin describes deficiencies in the CryptoNote reference code
allowing for this attack, describes the solution initially put forth by Rafal Freeman
from Tigusoft.pl and subsequently by the CryptoNote team, describes the current
fix in the Monero code base, and elaborates upon exactly what the offending
block did to the network. This research bulletin has not undergone peer review,
and reflects only the results of internal investigation.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0002.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
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<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">MRL-0003: Monero is Not That Mysterious</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Recently, there have been some vague fears about the CryptoNote source code and
protocol floating around the internet based on the fact that it is a more complicated
protocol than, for instance, Bitcoin. The purpose of this note is to try and clear
up some misconceptions, and hopefully remove some of the mystery surrounding
Monero Ring Signatures. I will start by comparing the mathematics involved in
CryptoNote ring signatures (as described in [CN]) to the mathematics in [FS], on
which CryptoNote is based. After this, I will compare the mathematics of the ring
signature to what is actually in the CryptoNote codebase.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
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<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">MRL-0004: Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> We identify several blockchain analysis attacks available to degrade the
untraceability of the CryptoNote 2.0 protocol. We analyze possible solutions,
discuss the relative merits and drawbacks to those solutions, and recommend
improvements to the Monero protocol that will hopefully provide long-term
resistance of the cryptocurrency against blockchain analysis. Our recommended
improvements to Monero include a protocol-level network-wide minimum mix-in
policy of
= 2
foreign outputs per ring signature, a protocol-level increase of this
value to
= 4
after two years, and a wallet-level default value of
= 4
in the
interim. We also recommend a torrent-style method of sending Monero output.
We also discuss a non-uniform, age-dependent mix-in selection method to
mitigate the other forms of blockchain analysis identified herein, but we make no
formal recommendations on implementation for a variety of reasons. The
ramifications following these improvements are also discussed in some detail.
This research bulletin has not undergone peer review, and reflects only the
results of internal investigation.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0004.pdf">Read Paper</a></p>
<div class="tab">
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<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">MRL-0005: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This article introduces a method of hiding transaction amounts in the strongly
decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency Monero. Similar to Bitcoin, Monero is a
cryptocurrency which is distributed through a proof of work “mining” process.
The original Monero protocol was based on CryptoNote, which uses ring
signatures and one-time keys to hide the destination and origin of transactions.
Recently the technique of using a commitment scheme to hide the amount of a
transaction has been discussed and implemented by Bitcoin Core Developer
Gregory Maxwell. In this article, a new type of ring signature, A Multi-layered
Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature is described which allows for
hidden amounts, origins and destinations of transactions with reasonable
efficiency and verifiable, trustless coin generation. Some extensions of the
protocol are provided, such as Aggregate Schnorr Range Proofs, and Ring
Multisignature. The author would like to note that early drafts of this were
publicized in the Monero Community and on the bitcoin research irc channel.
Blockchain hashed drafts are available in [14] showing that this work was started
in Summer 2015, and completed in early October 2015. An eprint is also
available at
<a href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0005.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read Paper</a></p>
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<h2>Cryptonote Whitepapers</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Cryptonote Whitepaper](https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf)
This is the original cryptonote paper written by the cryptonote team. Reading it will give an understanding about how the cryptonote algorithm works in general.
[Annotated Whitepaper](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_annotated.pdf)
The Monero Research Lab released an annotated version of the cryptonote whitepaper. This is sort of like an informal review of the claims that are made line-by-line of the whitepaper. It also explains some of the harder concepts in relatively easy to understand terms.
[Brandon Goodell's Whitepaper Review](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_review.pdf)
This paper is a formal review of the original cryptonote paper by MRL researcher Brandon Goodell. He takes an in-depth look at the claims and mathematics presented in the cryptonote paper.
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<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
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<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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[How to make an offline backup]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/Offline_Backup.html)
[How to run a node on VPS]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/vps_run_node.html)
[Importing the Monero blockchain]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/importing_blockchain.html)
[Monero Tools]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero_tools.html)
[Securely purchasing and storing Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/securely_purchase.html)
[Verify binaries on Windows (beginner)]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/verification-windows-beginner.html)
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[How to mine on a pool with xmr-stak-cpu]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mine-to-pool.html)
[How to solo mine with the GUI]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/solo_mine_GUI.html)
[Mining with Docker and XMRig]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mining_with_xmrig_and_docker.html)
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[How to restore your account]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_account.html)
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<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
[CLI wallet/daemon isolation with Qubes + Whonix]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html)
[Getting started with the CLI wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero-wallet-cli.html)
[How to connect to a remote node within GUI wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.html)
[How to make a view-only wallet]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
[How to prove payment]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html)
[Restoring wallet from keys]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html)
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<div class="row start-xs monero-project" markdown="1">
Il progetto Kovri usa crittografia end-to-end, così che né il mittente né il ricevente di una transazione con Monero debba rivelare il proprio indirizzo IP all'altra parte o a terze parti (come la blockchain). Questo risultato si ottiene utilizzando la stessa tecnologia adottata nella darknet, I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol). Il progetto è attualmente in attivo e costante sviluppo e non è ancora integrato con Monero.
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<p><a href="https://www.getkovri.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visita il sito</a></p>
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<h2>Open Alias</h2>
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Il progetto OpenAlias semplifica il pagamento tramite criptovalute fornendo FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names, Domini Autoesplicativi, es. esempio.openalias.org) per i portafogli Monero, mantenendo inalterato il livello di privacy. Il progetto è attualmente attivo ed è già stato implementato in numerosi portafogli Monero.
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://www.openalias.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Visita li sito OpenAlias</a></p>
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ global:
copyright: Prawa autorskie
edit: Edytuj tę stronę
untranslated: Ta strona jeszcze nie została przetłumaczona. Jeśli chcesz pomóc w jej tłumaczeniu, przejdź do
index: Start
whatismonero: Czym jest Monero (XMR)?
@ -54,38 +55,371 @@ titles:
ffs-ot: Zadania otwarte
ffs-wip: Prace w toku
blogbytag: Blog po tagu
page_title: "Monero - bezpieczne, prywatne, niewykrywalne"
what_is_1: Czym jest
what_is_2: " ?"
what_is_orange_block: "Monero jest bezpieczną, prywatną i niewykrywalną walutą otwartego źródła, która jest wolnodostępna dla wszystkich."
what_is_text_block_1: "Z Monero sam jesteś swoim bankiem i masz pełną kontrolę nad swoimi funduszami. Z Monero twoje konta i transakcje są całkowicie prywatne."
what_is_text_block_2: "Chcesz się dowiedzieć więcej? Poniżej znajdziesz przegląd najważniejszych charakterystyk Monero. Jeśli chcesz wypróbować Monero,"
what_is_text_block_3: "Wprowadzenie"
what_is_text_block_4: "ta strona będzie doskonałym punktem startowym."
news: Wiadomości
the_latest: Najnowsze
private: Prywatność
secure: Bezpieczeństwo
untraceable: Niewykrywalność
private_text: "Monero ukrywa kwoty oraz dane nadawcy i odbiorcy wszystkich transakcji. Oznacza to, że nikt poza tobą nie będzie wiedział, ile pieniędzy przesyłasz, a to zapewnia odgórną prywatność twoich zakupów i innych transferów."
untraceable_text: "Dzięki użyciu podpisów pierścieniowych, Monero pozwala na prywatne wysyłanie i otrzymywanie pieniędzy. Nawet jeśli twoje transakcje są możliwe do publicznego zweryfikowania w łańcuchu bloków, posiadają one cyfrowy podpis, który uściśla pewną grupę, ale uniemożliwia odkrycie, kto dokładnie dokonał podpisu. Określenie tego, które fundusze zostały przesłane, pozostaje niejasne i dlatego twoje transakcje są prywatne i nie mogą zostać przypisane do ciebie."
secure_text: "Monero korzysta z rozproszonej sieci umownej peer-to-peer i wszystkie transakcje są kryptograficznie podpisane. Twoje pieniądze są bezpiecznie przechowywane w łańcuchach bloków i mogą zostać przywrócone w każdej chwili, za pomocą klucza pamięciowego składającego się z 25 słów na każdym komputerze z oprogramowaniem Monero. Pliki portfela są zaszyfrowane na dysku i zablokowane hasłem, dzięki czemu są bezużyteczne, jeśli skradzione."
how_do_i_1: "Jak mogę"
how_do_i_2: " ?"
get_started: zacząć
get_started_1: "Najszybszą metodą, aby zacząć używać Monero, jest za pomocą menedżera konta, takiego jak "
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Jeśli byś chciał uruchomić swój własny [pełny węzeł Monero](/getting-started/running), ściągnij klienta i kickstarter łańcucha bloków (aby przyspieszyć działanie lokalnego klienta), wchodząc w link do ściągnięcia po prawej stronie."
where_can_i: Gdzie mogę
download_1: ściągnąć
download_2: " ?"
different_os: "Posiadasz inny system operacyjny?"
all_downloads: Zobacz wszystkie dokumenty dostępne do ściągnięcia
c_download: Ściągnij
monero_for: Monero dla
latest_blockchain: Ostatni łańcuch bloków
translated: "yes"
heading2: Prywatna waluta cyfrowa
monero_is_cash: Monero jest bezpieczną, prywatną i niewykrywalną kryptowalutą otwartego źródła, dostępną dla wszystkich. Z Monero sam jesteś swoim bankiem. Tylko ty kontrolujesz i jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje fundusze. Twoje konto i wszystkie transakcje są utrzymywane w prywatności przed wścibskim okiem.
get_started: Wstęp
why_monero_is_different: Dlaczego Monero jest inne?
monero_is_secure: Monero jest bezpieczne
monero_is_secure_para: Monero jest zdecentralizowaną kryptowalutą, co znacza, że jest bezpiecznym, cyfrowym pieniądzem operowanym przez sieć użytkowników. Płatności są potwierdzane za pomocą powszechnej zgody, a następnie zapisywane w łańcuchach bloków. Osoby trzecie nie muszą być zaangażowane, aby twoje Monero były bezpieczne.
monero_is_private: Monero jest prywatne
monero_is_private_para: Monero korzysta z podpisów pierścieniowych, poufnych transakcji pierścieniowych i jednorazowych adresów w celu zamaskowania pochodzenia, kwoty oraz odbiorcy wszystkich płatności. Monero dostarcza wszystkich zalet zdecentralizowanej kryptowaluty bez żadnego ustępstwa na rzecz prywatości.
monero_is_untraceable: Monero jest niewykrywalne
monero_is_untraceable_para: Wychodzące oraz przychodzące adresy oraz przesyłana kwota są odgórnie ukryte. Płatności w łańcuchu bloków Monero nie mogą zostać przypisane do danych pojedynczego użytkownika w realnym świecie.
monero_is_fungible: Monero jest zamienialne
monero_is_fungible_para1: Monero jest
monero_is_fungible_para2: zamienialne
monero_is_fungible_para3: ", ponieważ jest odgórnie prywatne. Jednostki Monero nie mogą zostać wyłączone z obiegu przez sprzedawców lub giełdę z powodu ich powiązania z poprzednimi transakcjami."
downloads: Do ściągnięcia
downloads_windows: Monero na Windows
downloads_mac: Monero na Mac
downloads_linux: Monero na Linux
downloads_blockchain: Ostatni łańcuch
different_system: Posiadasz inny system operacyjny?
view_all_downloads: Zobacz wszystkie dostępne wersje.
latest_news: Najnowsze wiadomości
more_news: Więcej
moneropedia: Moneropedia
moneropedia_para: Chcesz sprawdzić znaczenie pojęć i konceptów używanych przy Monero? Tutaj znajdziesz alfabetyczny przewodnik do pojęć i ich znaczeń z projektu Monero oraz Kovri.
moneropedia_button: Przejdź do Moneropedii
user_guides: Przewodnik
user_guides_para: Przewodnik Monero dla użytkowników podzielony na kategorie. Zawiera wszystko, począwszy od zakładania portfela, do wspomagania sieci, a nawet do tego, jak edytować tę stronę.
user_guides_button: Przejdź do przewodnika
faq: FAQ
faq_para: Otrzymujemy wiele pytań, dlatego, dla twojej wygody, opracowaliśmy kompletny i zróżnicowany zestaw pytań i odpowiedzi. Nie przejmuj się, jeśli twoje pytanie nie znajduje się na liście, zawsze możesz je zadać społeczności.
faq_button: Przejdź do FAQ
translated: "yes"
intro: Społeczność Monero jest różnorodna. Jesteśmy na całym świecie, ale mamy swoje ulubione miejsca spotkań. Większość z nich znajdziesz poniżej. Dołącz do nas!
resources: Materiały do pracy grupowej
resources_para: Aby wspomóc pracę grupową, Monero posiada wiele materiałów, które mogą zostać użyte na spotkaniach i przy planowaniu projektów. Najistotniejsze z nich są nawet przekazywane najpopularniejszym kanałom IRC związanym z Monero.
irc: Kanały IRC
irc_para: Społeczność Monero używa wielu kanałów IRC, a każdy z nich jest przeznaczony do czegoś innego. Niektóre z nich służą do pracy, a niektóre do pogadania. Najpopularniejsze z nich znajdziesz poniżej.
stack_exchange: Stack Exchange
stack_exchange_para: Stack Exchange Monero jest szybkim i prostym sposobem na zadanie pytania i uzyskanie odpowiedzi. Poniżej znajdziesz kilka istotnych odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania.
translated: "yes"
intro1: Różnego rodzaju handlowcy doceniają finansową prywatność, jakiej dostarcza Monero. Poniżej znajduje się lista organizacji, o których wiemy, że akceptują Monero jako środek płatniczy za swoje produkty i usługi. Jeśli któraś z nich już nie uznaje Monero lub chciałbyś, żeby Twoja firma znalazła się na liście,
intro2: załóż wątek na GitHub i daj nam znać.
disclaimer: "Uwaga: powyższe linki są jedynie udogodnieniem i służą tylko do celów informacyjnych; nie reprezentują one wsparcia społeczności Monero dla żadnego z produktów, usług ani opinii wymienionych organizacji lub osób. Społeczność Monero nie bierze odpowiedzialności za zgodność, legalność ani treść tych zewnętrznych stron. W przypadku wątpliwości związanych z treścią linków, skontaktuj się z właścicielami zewnętrznej strony. Jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje wyszukiwania. Zawsze przemyśl swój internetowy zakup."
translated: "yes"
intro: Poniższe organizacje wsparły Projekt Monero w niesieniu światu finansowej prywatności. Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni za ich wkład. Jeśli chcesz zasponsorować Projekt Monero i pojawić się na tej liście, wyślij e-mail na adres dev@getmonero.org.
translated: "yes"
core: Centrum
developers: Deweloperzy
developers_para1: W Projekcie Monero wzięło udział ponad 200 twórców. Aby zobaczyć całą listę, wejdź na
developers_para2: stronę twórców OpenHub.
developers_para3: Poniżej znajdziesz listę osób, które szczególnie się przyczyniły dla Monero.
community: Społeczność
mrl: Laboratorium Badawcze
thanks: Specjalne podziękowania
translated: "yes"
choose: Wybierz system operacyjny
sourceblockchain: Kod źródłowy i łańcuch
mobilelight: Mobilne i lekkie
hardware: Hardware
intro1: Jeżeli potrzebujesz pomocy przy wyborze właściwej aplikacji, kliknij
intro2: tutaj,
intro3: aby znaleźć szybką odpowiedź. Następnie wybierz poniżej wersję odpowiednią dla twojego systemu operacyjnego.
note1: "Uwaga: hasze SHA256 zostały umieszczone na liście jako udogodnienie. Lista haszów podpisanych przez GPG znajduje się na stronie"
note2: i jest uznawana za ogónie przyjętą, z podpisem zweryfikowanym przeciwko odpowiedniemu kluczowi GPG w kodzie źródłowym (in /utils/gpg_keys).
currentversion: Obecna wersja
sourcecode: Kod źródłowy
blockchain1: Jeśli wolisz użyć bootstrap łańcucha bloków zamiast synchronizować od zera, możesz
blockchain2: użyć tego linka do najnowszego bootstrapa.
blockchain3: Jednak synchronizacja od zera przeważnie jest dużo szybsza i zajmuje dużo mniej pamięci RAM (importowanie jest bardzo zachłanne).
hardware1: Społeczność Monero ufundowała niedawno
hardware2: Dedykowany Portfel Sprzętowy
hardware3: który jest w trakcie opracowania. Z kolei Ledger pracuje nad
hardware4: zintegrowaniem Monero z jego portfelem sprzętowym.
mobilelight1: Poniżej znajdują się portfele mobilne i lżejsze, uważane za bezpieczne przez zaufanych członków społeczności. Jeśli jakiś portfel nie znajduje się na liście, poproś społeczność o sprawdzenie go. Przejdź do strony z naszymi
mobilelight2: Hangoutami
mobilelight3: i zobacz, gdzie można nas spotkać.
clionly: (Wyłącznie narzędzia wiersza poleceń)
translated: "yes"
kovri: Projekt Kovri korzysta z szyfrowania end-to-end, aby ani nadawca, ani odbiorca płatności Monero nie musiał ujawniać swojego adresu IP drugiej stronie lub osobom trzecim (łańcuchowi bloków). Dokonuje się to za pomocą tej samej technologii, która napędza dark net - I2P (Niewidzialny Protokół Internetowy). Projekt jest obecnie aktywnie rozwijany i jeszcze nie został zintegrowany z Monero.
kovri_button: Odwiedź stronę Kovri
openalias: Projekt OpenAlias upraszcza płatności kryptowalutami poprzez dostarczanie FQDN - W Pełni Kwalifikowanych Nazw Domen (np. example.openalias.org) dla adresów portfeli Monero w sposób, który zapewnia bezpieczeństwo prywatności użytkowników. Projekt jest w toku i został już wdrożony w wiele portfeli Monero.
openalias_button: Owiedź stronę OpenAlias
translated: "yes"
intro1: Tu znajdziesz logo i symbol Monero. Możesz wybrać dowolny rozmiar lub ściągnąć plik .ai i zmienić je samemu.
intro2: Zauważ, że w opcji z białym tłem, białe tło znajduje się jedynie pod symbolem Monero, a nie jako tło całego obrazu.
intro3: Ostatecznie możesz ściągnąć zawartość całej strony jako plik .zip, klikając
intro4: tutaj.
noback: Bez tła
whiteback: Białe tło
symbol: Symbol Monero
logo: Logo Monero
small: Mały
medium: Średni
large: Duży
symbol_file: Symbol .ai
logo_file: Logo .ai
translated: "yes"
title: Instrukcje dla Interfejsu Wiersza Poleceń
basics: Podstawy
basics_para1: Monero działa trochę inaczej niż inne kryptowaluty, do których mogłeś się przyzwyczaić. W przypadku cyfrowej waluty, takiej jak Bitcoin i jego pochodne, system płatności handlowych przeważnie tworzy nowy adres odbiorcy dla każdej płatności lub każdego użytkownika.
basics_para2: Jednak Monero posiada jednorazowe adresy i nie musi tworzyć osobnego adresu odbiorcy przy każdej płatności lub nowym użytkowniku, a pojedynczy adres konta może zostać upubliczniony. Aby otrzymać płatność, sprzedający udostępnia kupującemu swój numer identyfikacyjny.
basics_para3: "Numer identyfikacyjny to heksadecymalny ciąg 64 znaków, przeważnie tworzony losowo przez odbiorcę. Przykładem numeru identyfikacyjnego jest:"
checking: Weryfikacja płatności w monero-wallet-cli
checking_para1: |
Jeśli chcesz zweryfikować daną płatność za pomocą monero-wallet-cli, użyj polecenia "payments" i wpisz numer lub numery identyfikacyjne, na które zrealizowano wpłatę. Na przykład:
checking_para2: Jeśli chcesz zaprogramować weryfikację płatności, przejdź do sekcji poniżej.
receiving: Otrzymywanie płatności krok po kroku
receiving_list1: Wygeneruj losowo heksadecymalny ciąg 64 znaków
receiving_list2: Przekaż swój nowy numer identyfikacyjny i adres Monero osobie, która dokonuje wpłaty
receiving_list3: Zweryfikuj płatność przy użyciu polecenia "payments" w monero-wallet-cli.
program: Programowanie weryfikacji płatności
program_para1: Aby zaprogramować weryfikację płatności, możesz użyć funkcji get_payments lub get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API.
program_para2: this requires a payment_id parameter with a single payment ID.
program_para3: |
to preferowana metoda, która wymaga dwóch parametrów: payment_ids - szereg JSON numerów identyfikacyjnych - oraz, opcjonalnie, min_block_height - wysokość bloku, który będzie skanowany.
program_para4: |
W rezultacie otrzymujemy następujący wynik:
program_para5: Warto zauważyć, że otrzymane wartości są w podstawowych jednostkach Monero, a nie w jednostkach normalnie używanych w aplikacjach użytkownika końcowego. Transakcja przeważnie będzie miała wiele wyników, które się sumują do całej kwoty płatności, dlatego kwota powinna być pogrupowana na funkcje tx_hash lub payment_id i następnie zsumowana. Ponadto wiele wyników może mieć tę samą wartość i ich filtrowanie nie może się odbywać jedynie za pomocą funkcji get_bulk_payments.
program_para6: Przed skanowaniem płatności zalecane jest sprawdzenie, czy wyłączony został daemon RPC API (funkcja get_info RPC) i czy nie zostały nałożone dodatkowe blokady. Następnie warto skanować jedynie począwszy od otrzymanego bloku, precyzując go w funkcji min_block_height i get_bulk_payments.
scanning: Programowanie skanowania płatności
scanning_list1: Sprawdź w daemonie obecną wysokość bloku, kontynuuj tylko jeśli się zwiększył od ostatniego skanowania
scanning_list2: Użyj funkcji get_bulk_payments RPC API z ostatnio zeskanowaną przez nas wysokością i z listą wszystkich numerów identyfikacyjnych w naszym systemie
scanning_list3: Zachowaj obecną wysokość bloku jako ostatnio zeskanowaną
scanning_list4: Usuń duplikaty, biorąc pod uwagę hasze transakcji, które już otrzymaliśmy i przetworzyliśmy.
translated: "yes"
intro: Monero jest projektem otwartego źródła i tworzonym przez społeczność. Poniżej opisane są sposoby, którymi możesz wesprzeć ten projekt.
network: Wesprzyj sieć
develop: Programuj
develop_para1: Monero głównie pisany jest językiem C++. Ponieważ jest projektem zdecentralizowanym, każdy jest mile widziany w dodawaniu lub zmienianiu istniejącego kodu. Zapotrzebowanie na zmiany jest oparte na porozumieniu społeczności. Zobacz
develop_para2: tematy
develop_para3: i
develop_para4: główne wątki.
full-node: Uruchom pełne węzły
full-node_para: Uruchom monerod z otwartym portem 18080. Pełne węzły zapewniają maksymalną prywatność przy transakcjach Monero oraz ulepszają rozmieszczenie łańcuchów bloków pomiędzy nowymi użytkownikami.
mine: Wydobywaj
mine_para1: Wydobywanie zapewnia, że sieć Monero pozostaje zdecentralizowana i bezpieczna. W Graficznym Interfejsie Użytkownika Monero oraz w interfejsie wiersza poleceń możliwe jest uruchomienie wydobywania w tle. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat wydobcia, przejdź
mine_para2: tutaj.
ffs: Zobacz Forumowy System Finansowania
ffs_para1: Monero korzysta z
ffs_para2: forumowego systemu finansowania,
ffs_para3: który polega na społecznym proponowaniu rozwoju projektów i ich opłacaniu. Fundusze są trzymane w depozycie i rozdzielane między deweloperami po osiągnięciu programowych kamieni milowych. Każdy może dołożyć swoją propozycję lub wesprzeć finansowo te już istniejące.
donate: Przekaż dotację
donate_para1: Obecny rozwój jest wspierany przez dotacje i
donate_para2: sponsoring.
donate-xmr: Dotacje w Monero
donate-xmr_para: Dotacje można przekazywać na
or: lub
donate-btc: Dotacje w Bitcoinach
donate-btc_para: Dotacje można przekazywać na
donate-other: Pozostałe
donate-other_para1: Wyślij e-mail na adres
donate-other_para2: ", aby przekazać darowiznę w innej formie lub jeśli chcesz zostać sponsorem Projektu Monero."
translated: "yes"
q1: W jaki sposób Monero ma wartość?
a1: Monero ma wartość, ponieważ ludzie chcą go kupować. Jeśli nikt nie chce kupić Monero, to jego wartość przestaje istnieć. Cena Monero wzrasta, gdy popyt na niego przewyższa podaż i spada, gdy podaż przewyższa jego popyt.
q2: Skąd mogę wziąć Monero?
a2: Możesz kupić Monero na giełdzie lub od kogoś. Możesz też spróbować wydobycia Monero, otrzymując walutę jako wynagrodzenie za każdy blok.
q3: Co to jest kod mnemoniczny?
a3: Kod mnmemoniczny to ciąg 25 słów, który może zostać użyty do przywrócenia twojego konta w jakimkolwiek miejscu. Zachowaj te słowa w bezpiecznym miejscu i nie pokazuj ich nikomu. Możesz użyć tego kodu, aby przywrócić swoje konto, nawet jeśli twój komputer się zepsuje.
q4: Czym się różni prywatność Monero od innych walut?
a4: |
Monero korzysta z trzech różnych technologii prywatności: podpisu pierścieniowego, poufnych transakcji pierścieniowych (RingCT) i jednorazowych adresów. Służą one do ukrycia, odpowiednio, nadawcy, kwoty i odbiorcy transakcji. Wszystkie transakcje w sieci są odgórnie prywatne i nie ma możliwości przypadkowego dokonania jawnego kupna lub sprzedaży. Jedynie Monero posiada taką właściwość. Na nikim nie musisz polegać w kwestii swojej prywatności.
q5: Dlaczego synchronizacja mojego portfela tyle trwa?
a5: Jeśli uruchomiłeś pełne węzły lokalnie, musisz skopiować cały łańcuch bloków do twojego komputera. To może trochę potrwać, zwłaszcza w przypadku starych dysków lub wolnego połączenia internetowego. Jeśli używasz węzła zdalnie, twój komputer nadal zażąda kopii wszystkich wyników, co może zająć kilka godzin. Bądź cierpliwy, a jeśli byś chciał poświęcić trochę swojej prywatności dla szybszego czasu synchronizacji, pomyśl o lżejszym portfelu.
q6: Jaka jest różnica między lżejszym a normalnym portfelem?
a6: W lżejszym portfelu udostępniasz swój klucz widoczności węzłowi, który skanuje łańcuchy bloków w poszukiwaniu nadchodzących transakcji na twoje konto lub w twoim imieniu. Ten węzeł będzie wiedział, kiedy pieniądze wpłyną, ale nie będzie znał kwoty transakcji, nadawcy ani odbiorcy, w przypadku transakcji wychodzącej. W zależności od twojego programu portfelowego, możesz użyć węzła kotrolowanego przez ciebie, aby uniknąć utraty prywatności. Aby zwiększyć prywatność, korzystaj z normalnego portfela, do którego możesz użyć własnego węzła.
q7: Czym się różni Monero od Bitcoina?
a7: Monero nie opiera się na Bitcoinie, ale na protokole CryptoNote. Bitcoin jest systemem zupełnie przejrzystym, gdzie możliwe jest zobaczenie dokładnej kwoty przesyłanej od jednego użytkownika do drugiego. Monero ukrywa te informacje, aby chronić prywatność użytkowników we wszystkich transakcjach. Posiada również m. in. dynamiczny rozmiar bloku i dynamiczną wysokość opłat, dowód pracy odporny na ASIC oraz permanentą emisję monet.
q8: Czy Monero posiada limit rozmiaru bloku?
a8: Nie, Monero nie posiada limitu rozmiaru bloku. Blok może zwiększać i zmniejszać swój rozmiar w zależności od potrzeby. Jest to jednak ograniczone do określonej stopy, aby uniknąć wygórowanego wzrostu.
q9: Czym jest łańcuch bloków?
a9: Łańcuch bloków to system, który zawiera kopie wszystkich transakcji w sieci Monero. Co dwie minuty do łańcucha dodawany jest nowy blok z najświeższymi danymi. Łańcuch pozwala sieci na weryfikację ilości pieniędzy na istniejących kontach i zapobiega próbom ataku i centralizacji.
q10: Czym jest Kovri?
a10: Kovri to router I2P napisany w języku C++. I2P jest ukrytą siecią, jak Tor, z kilkoma technicznymi różnicami. Kovri jest niezależnym projektem Monero, ale współpracuje on z Monero i innymi przedsięwzięciami. Kovri ukrywa transmisję transakcji, aby pozostałe węzły nie wiedziały, kto jest jej autorem. Kovri może być wykorzystany także w celu ukrycia całego obrotu Monero za pomocą I2P, co by uniemożliwiło wiedzę o jakimkolwiek użyciu Monero. Obecnie Kovri działa w fazie alfa i nie jest w pełni zintegrowany z Monero. Dowiedz się więcej o Kovri <a href="https://getkovri.org">na stronie projektu.</a>
q11: Czym jest zamienność i dlaczego jest ważna?
a11: Zamienność jest prostą cechą pieniądza, która polega na braku różnicy pomiędzy dwoma ilościami o takiej samej wartości. Jeśli dwie osoby wymienią się jedną jednostką o wartości 10 na dwie jednostki o wartości 5, to nikt nie wyjdzie na tym stratny. Ale załóżmy, że "10" została użyta w ataku hakerskim z okupem. Czy ktoś przyjmie tę jednostkę? Zapewne nie, nawet jeśli partner wymiany z "10" nie ma nic wspólnego z atakiem. To może być problemem, bo osoba przyjmująca pieniądze musiałaby ciągle sprawdzać, czy nie są one nieczyste. Monero jest zamienne, co oznacza, że nie musimy się tym martwić.
q12: Skoro Monero jest takie prywatne, skąd wiemy, czy nie jest tworzone z niczego?
a12-1: Każdy wynik transakcji Monero jest unikalnie powiązany z kluczem, który może być wygenerowany jedynie przez posiadacza tego wyniku. Klucze użyte wielokrotnie są odrzucane przez górników jako dwukrotny wydatek i nie mogą zostać dodane do prawidłowego bloku. Gdy pojawia się nowa transakcja, górnicy weryfikują, czy klucz już nie istnieje, aby uniknąć podwójnego wydatku.
a12-2: Wiemy również, że kwoty transakcji są uzasadnione, mimo że wartość, którą wprowadzasz lub otrzymujesz są zaszyfrowane (są ukryte dla wszystkich z wyjątkiem odbiorcy). Ponieważ wartości są zaszyfrowane za pomocą zobowiązania Pedersena, nie można odczytać wartości wychodzącej ani przychodzącej, ale robiąc obliczenia można stwierdzić, że żadne Monero nie zostało stworzone z niczego.
a12-3: Dopóki zaszyfrowane wartości wychodzące są równe sumie wkładów (łącznie z kwotą dla odbiorcy, zwrotem dla nadawcy i nieszyfrowaną opłatą za transakcję), możesz mieć pewność, że transakcja jest poprawna i żadne Monero nie zostało stworzone z niczego. Zobowiązanie Pedersena oznacza, że sumy mogą zostać zweryfikowane jako równe, ale wartość Monero każdej z sum oraz wartość wychodząca i przychodząca pozostają nieznane.
translated: "yes"
intro1: Monero jest kryptowalutą, która opiera się na wydobywaniu z dowodem pracy, aby osiągnąć powszechny konsensus. Poniżej znajdziesz informacje i materiały dotyczące rozpoczęcia wydobywania.
intro2: Projekt Moneto nie wspiera żadnego zrzeszenia, oprogramowania ani sprzętu, a poniższa treść służy jedynie do celów informacyjnych.
support: Pomoc
support_para1: Zobacz
support_para2: Hangouty,
support_para3: /r/moneromining (English)
support_para4: i
pools: Zrzeszenia
pools_para1: Lista zaufanych zrzeszeń znajduje się
pools_para2: tutaj.
benchmarking: Porównanie sprzętu
benchmarking_para1: Zobacz listę
benchmarking_para2: procesorów GPU i CPU i ich prędkości haszowania.
software: Programy do wydobywania
software_para: Niektóre programy mogą wymagać opłat.
translated: "yes"
intro: Płatności przy użyciu Monero mogą być łatwe. Ta strona ma na celu pomóc użytkownikom w tym procesie.
learn: 1. Poznawaj
learn_para1: Monero jest bezpieczną, prywatną i niewykrywalną kryptowalutą. Deweloperzy i społeczność są zaangażowani w ochronę tych wartości. Dowiedz się więcej, czytając stronę
learn_para2: Czym jest Monero
learn_para3: Również
learn_para4: kod źródłowy
learn_para5: jest dostępny do przeglądania i dyskusji.
support: 2.Poproś o pomoc
support_para1: Społeczność Monero jest wielka i chętnie ci pomoże, gdy napotkasz jakiekolwiek trudności. Wejdź na stronę
support_para2: Hangouty
support_para3: po więcej informacji.
generate: 3. Stwórz swój portfel
generate_para1: Portfel Monero jest wymagany do zabezpieczenia twoich funduszy. Na stronie
generate_para2: Do ściągnięcia
generate_para3: znajdziesz listę dostępnych portfeli.
generate_para4: Najprostszym sposobem na uruchomienie węzła Monero, bez naruszania przepustowości twojego łącza, jest podłączenie do serwera VPS. Zalecamy użycie strony
generate_para5: wraz z kodem promocyjnym,
generate_para6: aby otrzymać zniżkę na już i tak tanią opłatę 6 dolarów miesięcznie. Wykorzystując kuponu i/lub
generate_para7: nasz link,
generate_para8: wesprzesz także dalszy rozwój Monero.
acquire: 4. Nabądź Monero
acquire_para1: Możesz zakupić Monero na
acquire_para2: giełdzie
acquire_para3: wraz z innymi kryptowalutami i pieniędzmi fiducjarnymi. Inną metodą wejścia w posiadanie Monero jest
acquire_para4: wydobycie,
acquire_para5: złożony obliczeniowo proces, w wyniku którego transakcje są niezmiennie zapisywane w łańcuchach bloków.
send-receive: 5. Wysyłaj i otrzymuj Monero
send-receive_para1: Dowiedz się, jak wysyłać i otrzymywać Monero, odwiedzając
send-receive_para2: przewodnik.
transact: 6. Transakcje przy użyciu Monero
transact_para1: Monero może być użyte do zakupu wielu produktów i usług. Aby zobaczyć listę organizacji uznających Monero, odwiedź stronę
transact_para2: Handlowcy.
translated: "yes"
need-to-know: Co musisz wiedzieć?
leading: Monero jest główną kryptowalutą skoncentrowaną na prywatności i transakcjach odpornych na cenzurę.
leading_para1: Większość istniejących kryptowalut, w tym Bitcoin i Ethereum, posiada przejrzyste łańcuchy bloków, co oznacza, że transakcje są łatwe do zweryfikowania i śledzenia przez kogokolwiek na świecie. Co więcej, ich nadawcze i odbiorcze adresy mogą zostać połączone z prawdziwą tożsamością użytkownika.
leading_para2: Monero używa kryptografii, aby chronić adresy nadawcy i odbiorcy, jak również i przesyłane kwoty.
confidential: Transakcje Monero są poufne i niemożliwe do śledzenia.
confidential_para1: Każda płatność przy użyciu Monero odgórnie maskuje adres nadawcy i odbiorcy oraz przesyłaną kwotę. Ta nieprzerwana prywatność oznacza, że aktywność każdego użytkownika Monero wzmacnia ochronę prywatności wszystkich użytkowników, w odróżnieniu od innych kryptowalut z wybiórczą transparentnością (np. Z-Cash).
confidential_para2: Monero jest zamienne. Zaletą maskowania jest to, że Monero nie stanie się nieczyste przez poprzednie transakcje. To oznacza, że Monero zawsze będzie uznawane, bez ryzyka cenzury.
confidential_para3: Obecnie rozwijany
confidential_para4: projekt Kovri
confidential_para5: skieruje i zaszyfruje transakcje przez węzły I2P. Jego celem jest zamaskowanie adresu IP użytkownika i pomoc w dalszej ochronie przeciw monitorowaniu sieci.
grassroots: Monero jest oddolną inicjatywą społeczną, która zrzesza najlepsze światowe talenty w zakresie badania i tworzenia kryptowalut.
grassroots_para1: Ponad
grassroots_para2: 240 deweloperów
grassroots_para3: przyczyniło się do Projektu Monero, w tym 30 kluczowych deweloperów. Fora i kanały czatowe są aktywne i zapraszają nowych użytkowników.
grassroots_para4: Laboratorium Badawcze Monero, Centrum Rozwoju oraz deweloperzy społeczni ciągle przesuwają granicę tego, co możliwe w zakresie prywatności i bezpieczeństwa kryptowalut.
grassroots_para5: Monero nie jest korporacją. Jest rozwijane przez ekspertów kryptografii i systemów rozmieszczenia z całego świata, którzy poświęcają swój czas, oraz dzięki społecznym darowiznom. To oznacza, że Monero nie może zostać wyłączone przez żaden kraj i nie jest ograniczone żadnym szczególnym prawem.
electronic: Monero jest elektronicznym pieniądzem, który pozwala na szybkie i niedrogie płatności na całym świecie.
electronic_para1: Nie istnieją wielodniowe okresy posiadania ani ryzyko nieuczciwych obciążeń zwrotnych. Monero jest wolne od "kontroli kapitału" - środków ograniczających wolny przepływ tradycyjnych walut w krajach niestabilnej gospodarki, czasami do skrajnego stopnia.
videos: Filmy Monero (English)
translated: "yes"
history: Krótka historia
history_para1: Monero zostało uruchomione w kwietniu 2014 roku, kiedy po zapowiedzi zainicjowano kod referencyjny w CryptoNote. Nie istniało pre-wydobycie ani wydobycie natychmiastowe, a żadna część wynagrodzenia za blok nie szła do dewelopera. Da się w tym zauważyć nawiązanie do oryginalnego Bitcoina.
history_para2: here.
history_para3: Twórca - thankful_for_today - zawnioskował o kilka kontrowersyjnych zmian, z którymi nie zgodziła się społeczność. Nastąpił rozłam i Podstawowy Zespół Monero rozpoczął nowy projekt z własną społecznością. Od tego czasu, nadzór sprawuje ten sam Podstawowy Zespół.
history_para4: Od czasu wypuszczenia, Monero uległo wielu znaczącym zmianom. Łańcuch bloków został przeniesiony do bazy danych o innej strukturze w celu zwiększenia wydajności i elastyczności, ustalono minimalne rozmiary podpisów pierścieniowych, aby wszystkie płatności były odgórnie prywatne oraz wdrożono system RingCT do ukrycia kwot transakcji. Niemal wszystkie ulepszenia spowodowały zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa i prywatności lub ułatwiły używanie waluty. Monero ciągle się rozwija i ma jako główny cel prywatność i bezpieczeństwo, a jako drugi cel - łatwość użycia i efektywność.
values: Nasze wartości
values_para: Monero to coś więcej niż tylko technologia. Jest także tym, co technologia oznacza. Niektóre z wiodących myśli zostały wypunktowane poniżej.
security: Bezpieczeństwo
security_para: Użytkownicy muszą ufać Monero w swoich płatnościach, nie obawiając się ryzyka błędu lub ataku. Monero oferuje wynagrodzenie całego bloku górnikom, którzy są najistotniejszymi członkami sieci zapewniającej to bezpieczeństwo. Transakcje są kryptograficznie bezpieczne dzięki użyciu najnowszych i najsilniejszych dostępnych narzędzi szyfrowniczych.
privacy: Prywatność
privacy_para: Monero bierze prywatność na serio. Monero musi być w stanie chronić swoich użytkowników w sądzie, a także, w ekstremalnych przypadkach, od kary śmierci. Taki poziom bezpieczeństwa musi być w całości dostępny dla wszystkich użytkowników, niezależnie od tego, czy posiadają oni wiedzę technologiczną, czy nie mają pojęcia, jak działa Monero. Użytkownik powinien w zupełności ufać Monero, aby nie czuł się zobowiązany do zmiany swojego sposobu płatności pod ryzykiem zostania wykrytym przez innych.
decentralization: Decentralizacja
decentralization_para: Monero jest zobowiązane do dostarczenia maksymalnej decentralizacji. Nie musisz ufać nikomu w sieci, Monero nie jest prowadzone przez żadną dużą grupę. Dostępny algorytm dowodu pracy ułatwia wydobywanie Monero na zwykłych komputerach, co utrudnia nabycie przez jednostkę znacznej mocy wydobywczej. Węzły łączą się za pomocą sieci I2P, aby zmniejszyć ryzyko cenzury oraz ujawnienia wrażliwych informacji dotyczących transakcji. Decyzje o rozwoju są jasne i otwarte na publiczną dyskusję. Zapisy z czatów deweloperów są w całości publikowane na stronie internetowej i są widoczne dla wszystkich.
translated: "yes"
outdated: Poniższe przewodniki są zdezaktualizowane, ale nadal są dobrym początkiem dla większości funkcji.
rpc: Dokumenty RPC
daemonrpc: Dokumenty Daemon RPC
walletrpc: Dokumenty Portfela RPC
soon: Ciąg dalszy wkrótce.
translated: "yes"
general: Ogólnie
mining: Wydobywanie
recovery: Odzyskiwanie
wallets: Portfele
offline-backup: Jak zrobić backup off-line
vps-node: Jak uruchomić węzeł na VPS
import-blockchain: Importowanie łańcucha bloków Monero
monero-tools: Narzędzia Monero
purchasing-storing: Bezpieczne kupowanie i przechowywanie Monero
mine-on-pool: Jak wydobywać w zrzeszeniu za pomocą xmr-stak-cpu
solo-mine: Jak wydobywać samemu za pomocą Graficznego Interfejsu Użytkownika
mine-docker: Wydobywanie za pomocą Dockera i XMRig
locked-funds: Jak odzyskać zablokowane fundusze
restore-account: Jak odzyskać konto
cli-wallet: Wprowadzenie do portfela w Interfejsie Wiersza Poleceń
remote-node-gui: Jak się połączyć ze zdalnym węzłem w portfelu Graficznego Interfejsu Użytkownika
view-only: Jak założyć portfel tylko do wyświetlania
prove-payment: Jak udowodnić płatność
restore-from-keys: Przywracanie portfela za pomocą kluczy
translated: "yes"
complated: Ukończone
ongoing: W trakcie
upcoming: Nadchodzące
future: W przyszłości
translated: "yes"
intro: Monero jest zobowiązane nie tylko do produkcji zamiennej waluty, ale także do ciągłego badania w zakresie prywatności finansowej, która dotyczy kryptowalut. Poniżej znajdziesz prace naszego własnego Laboratorium Badawczego Monero. Więcej dokumentów wkrótce.
mrl_papers: Dokumenty Laboratorium Badawczego Monero
abstract: Abstrakt
introduction: Wstęp
read-paper: Przeczytaj całość
mrl1: O reakcji łańcuchowej w identyfikowalności w CryptoNote 2.0
mrl1_abstract: Ten biuletyn badawczy opisuje ewentualny atak na system anonimowości oparty na podpisie pierścieniowym. Do argumentacji użyliśmy protokołu o kryptowalutach CryptoNote 2.0 opublikowanego przez Nicolasa van Saberhagena w 2012 roku. Zostało już uprzednio zaprezentowane, że nieidentyfikowalność maskująca parę jednorazowych kluczy może być uzależniona od ieidentyfikowalności wszystkich kluczy użytych w danym podpisie pierścieniowym. Pozwala to na możliwą reakcję łańcuchową w identyfikowalności pomiędzy podpisami pierścieniowymi, powodując krytyczną utratę nieidentyfikowalności całej sieci, jeśli parametry będą źle dobrane oraz jeśli atakujący będzie w posiadaniu wystarczającego procentu sieci. Podpisy jednak nadal są jednorazowe i jakikolwiek taki atak niekoniecznie naruszy anonimowość użytkowników. Mimo to, taki atak mógłby przypuszczalnie osłabić wytrzymałość, którą CryptoNote demonstruje przeciwko analizie łańcuchu bloków. Ten biuletyn badawczy nie uległ rewizji i jedynie odzwierciedla wyniki wewnętrznego dochodzenia.
mrl2: Fałszowanie walut wirtualnych używających protokołu CryptoNote, za pomocą drzewa skrótów
mrl2_abstract: Czwartego września 2014 roku miał miejsce nietypowy i nowatorski atak na sieć kryptowaluty Monero. Atak podzielił sieć na dwa oddzielne podzbiory, które odmówiły zaakceptowania słuszności drugiej podgrupy. Spowodowało to niezliczone efekty, których część nie została jeszcze poznana. Hakerzy mieli krótki okres czasu, podczas którego mogło dojść m.in. do sfałszowania. Ten biuletyn badawczy opisuje niedociągnięcia w kodzie referencyjnym CryptoNote, które pozwoliły na ten atak, rozwiązania wstępnie podjęte przez Rafała Freemana z Tigusoft.pl, a następnie przez zespół CryptoNote, aktualne poprawki w bazie kodowej Monero oraz bada wpływ zaatakowanego bloku na sieć. Ten biuletyn badawczy nie uległ rewizji i jedynie odzwierciedla wyniki wewnętrznego dochodzenia.
mrl3: Monero nie jest takie tajemnicze
mrl3_abstract: Ostatnio w internecie pojawiły się pewne obawy odnośnie kodu źródłowego CryptoNote oraz protokołu, oparte na tym, że protokół ten jest bardziej skomplikowany niż, na przykład, protokół Bitcoina. Celem tej notatki jest próba wyjaśnienia niektórych nieporozumień oraz rozwianie tajemnicy otaczającej Podpisy Pierścieniowe Monero. Zacznę od porównania obliczeń użytych w podpisach pierścieniowych CryptoNote (jak opisano w [CN]) z obliczeniami w [FS], na których bazuje CryptoNote. Następnie porównam obliczenia w podpisie pierścieniowym do tego, co tak naprawdę jest zawarte w bazie kodowej CryptoNote.
mrl4: Ulepszanie maskowania w protokole CryptoNote
mrl4_abstract: Zauważyliśmy, że wiele ataków w formie analizy łańcuchów bloków może zdegradować niewykrywalność protokołu CryptoNote 2.0. Analizujemy możliwe rozwiązania, dyskutujemy względne zalety i wady tych rozwiązań i sugerujemy ulepszenia w protokole Monero, które zapewnią długoterminową odporność kryptowaluty na analizy łańcucha bloków. Nasze zalecane ulepszenia Monero uwzględniają politykę minimalnego miksowania na poziomie protokołu w całej sieci z n=2 obcych wyjść na jeden podpis pierścieniowy, zwiększenie tej ilości do n=4 na poziomie protokołu po dwóch latach oraz tymczasową domyślną ilość n=4 na poziomie portfela. Zalecamy również metodę wysyłania wyjść Monero w stylu torrentów. Dyskutujemy także nad niejednolitą, zależną od wieku metodą wyboru miksowania w celu złagodzenia pozostałych form analizy łańcucha bloków tu opisanych, ale nie czynimy żadnych formalnych zaleceń ich wdrożenia z wielu powodów. Rozgałęzienia następujące w efekcie tych ulepszeń również są opisane w pewnym stopniu. Ten biuletyn badawczy nie uległ rewizji i jedynie odzwierciedla wyniki wewnętrznego dochodzenia.
mrl5: Transakcje z Poufnym Podpisem Pierścieniowym
mrl5_abstract: Ten artykuł wprowadza do metody ukrywania kwot transakcji w silnie zdecentralizowanej, anonimowej kryptowalucie Monero. Podobnie jak Bitcoin, Monero jest kryptowalutą rozprowadzaną za pomocą procesu wydobycia z dowodem pracy. Oryginalny protokół Monero został oparty na CryptoNote, który używa podpisów pierścieniowych oraz jednorazowych kluczy w celu ukrycia nadawcy i odbiorcy płatności. Ostatnio deweloper Centrum Bitcoina, Gregory Maxwell, omawiał oraz wdrożył technikę użycia zobowiązań bitowych, aby ukryć kwotę transakcji. Ten artykuł opisuje nowy rodzaj podpisu pierścieniowego - Wielowarstwowy Łączony Spontaniczny Anonimowy Podpis Grupowy, który umożliwia ukrycie kwot, nadawcy i odbiorcy przelewów z rozsądną wydajnością oraz weryfikowalną produkcją monet bez zaufania. Przytoczono niektóre rozszerzenia protokołu, takie jak Zagregowane Dowody Zasięgu Schnorra oraz Wielopodpisy Pierścieniowe. Autor pragnie zaznaczyć, że wczesne projekty tego artykułu zostały opublikowane w społeczności Monero oraz na kanale IRC dotyczącym badań nad Bitcoinem. Projekty haszowania łańcucha bloków są dostępne w [14] i dowodzą, że praca ta została rozpoczęta w lecie 2015 roku i skończona na początku października 2015 roku. E-print dostępny jest także na stronie http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.
cryptonote: Dokumenty oficjalne CryptoNote
cryptonote-whitepaper: Oficjalne dokumenty CryptoNote
cryptonote-whitepaper_para: Oficjalny dokument napisany przez zespół CryptoNote. Pozwala zrozumieć, jak ogólnie działa algorytm CryptoNote.
annotated: Oficjalne dokumenty z komentarzami
annotated_para: Laboratorium Badawcze Monero opublikowało wersję dokumentów oficjalnych CryptoNote opatrzoną komentarzami. Są one nieformalnym przeglądem twierdzeń linia po linii w dokumencie. Komentarze wyjaśniają niektóre trudniejsze pojęcia za pomocą łatwiejszych określeń.
brandon: Oficjalne dokumenty zrecenzowane przez Brandona Goodella
brandon_para: Formalna recenzja oryginalnego dokumentu dotyczącego kryptografii napisanego przez badacza Laboratorium Brandona Goodella. Analizuje on dogłębnie twierdzenia i zagadnienia matematyczne przedstawione w dokumentacji CryptoNote.
title_1: Wszystkie wpisy
title_2: Blog
@ -94,6 +428,7 @@ blog:
author: Opublikowane przez
date: Opublikowane o
forum: Kliknij, aby dołączyć się do dyskusji na forum Monero
all: Artykuły po tagu
notags: Nie ma wpisów z tym tagiem.
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Społeczność Monero zawsze jest gotowa na spotkanie się i wspólne spędzenie czasu. Sprawdź poniżej wydarzenia związane z Monero, które odbędą się w Twoim pobliżu.
{% for toplevel in site.data.events %}
<div class="events">
<div class="container full col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block text-adapt">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Społeczność Monero jest różnorodna. Jesteśmy na całym świecie, ale mamy swoje ulubione miejsca spotkań. Większość z nich znajdziesz poniżej. Dołącz do nas!
<div class="hangouts">
<section class="container">
<ul class="row center-xs">
<a href="https://twitter.com/monerocurrency" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon twitter"></div></a>
<a href="https://reddit.com/r/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/monerocurrency/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon facebook"></div></a>
<a href="https://github.com/monero-project" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon github"></div></a>
<section class="container">
<div class="row">
<!-- left two-thirds block-->
<div class="left two-thirds col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
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<div class="info-block">
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<div class="col">
<h2>Materiały do pracy grupowej</h2>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p>Aby wspomóc pracę grupową, Monero posiada wiele materiałów, które mogą zostać użyte na spotkaniach i przy planowaniu projektów. Najistotniejsze z nich są nawet przekazywane najpopularniejszym kanałom IRC związanym z Monero.
<div class="row relays around-xs">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://monero.slack.com/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Slack</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://mattermost.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Mattermost</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://taiga.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Taiga</a></p>
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Kanały IRC</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Społeczność Monero używa wielu kanałów IRC, a każdy z nich jest przeznaczony do czegoś innego. Niektóre z nich służą do pracy, a niektóre do pogadania. Najpopularniejsze z nich znajdziesz poniżej.
<div class="row irc">
{% for channel in site.data.irc %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12">
<a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#{{ channel.channel }}">#{{ channel.channel }}</a>
<p>{{ channel.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<!-- end left two-thirds block-->
<!-- right one-third block-->
<div class="right one-third col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col"><h2>Stack Exchange</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Stack Exchange Monero jest szybkim i prostym sposobem na zadanie pytania i uzyskanie odpowiedzi. Poniżej znajdziesz kilka istotnych odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania.
<div class="row start-xs sequestions">
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4277/why-does-monero-have-higher-transaction-fees-than-bitcoin">Dlaczego opłaty za transakcje Monero są wyższe niż opłaty za Bitcoina?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4335/what-does-moneros-scaling-roadmap-look-like">Jak wygląda oś czasu skalowania Monero?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4302/what-cryptography-primitives-concepts-other-than-the-basic-ones-does-monero-us">Jakich pojęć kryptograficznych używa Monero, poza tymi podstawowymi?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4242/how-to-extract-data-from-local-blockchain">Jak wyodrębnić dane z lokalnego łańcucha bloków?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4302/what-cryptography-primitives-concepts-other-than-the-basic-ones-does-monero-us">Ukrycie Protokołu Kontroli Transmisji dla górników.</a>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com" class="btn-link btn-auto">Odwiedź Stack Exchange</a></p>
<!-- end right one-third block-->
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Różnego rodzaju handlowcy doceniają finansową prywatność, jakiej dostarcza Monero. Poniżej znajduje się lista organizacji, o których wiemy, że akceptują Monero jako środek płatniczy za swoje produkty i usługi. Jeśli któraś z nich już nie uznaje Monero lub chciałbyś, żeby Twoja firma znalazła się na liście, załóż wątek na GitHub i daj nam znać (https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues).
<div class="merchants">
{% for toplevel in site.data.merchants %}
<div class="container full" id="{{toplevel.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row">
{% assign sortedMerchants = toplevel.merchants | sort: 'name' %}
{% for merchants in sortedMerchants %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
<a href="{{merchants.url}}">{{merchants.name}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
*Uwaga: powyższe linki są jedynie udogodnieniem i służą tylko do celów informacyjnych; nie reprezentują one wsparcia społeczności Monero dla żadnego z produktów, usług ani opinii wymienionych organizacji lub osób. Społeczność Monero nie bierze odpowiedzialności za zgodność, legalność ani treść tych zewnętrznych stron. W przypadku wątpliwości związanych z treścią linków, skontaktuj się z właścicielami zewnętrznej strony. Jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje wyszukiwania. Zawsze przemyśl swój internetowy zakup.*
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Poniższe organizacje wsparły Projekt Monero w niesieniu światu finansowej prywatności. Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni za ich wkład. Jeśli chcesz zasponsorować Projekt Monero i pojawić się na tej liście, wyślij e-mail na adres dev@getmonero.org.
<section class="container sponsors">
<div class="row">
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<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>My Monero</h2>
<a href="https://mymonero.com/#/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><img src="/img/mymonero.png"></a>
<div class="center one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.araxis.com/"><img src="/img/araxis.png"></a>
<div class="right one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Dome9 Security</h2>
<a href="https://dome9.com/"><img src="/img/dome9.png"></a>
<div class="row">
<div class="left one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.kitware.com/"><img src="/img/kitware.png"></a>
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<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
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<h2>Fork Networking</h2>
<a href="https://www.forked.net"><img src="/img/forked_logo.png"></a>
<div class="right one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
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<a href="http://www.jetbrains.com/"><img src="/img/jetbrains.png"></a>
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<a href="https://www.navicat.com"><img src="/img/navicat.png"></a>
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<a href="https://symas.com/"><img src="/img/symas.png"></a>
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
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<input id="tab-1" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
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{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Core" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
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<div class="row center-xs">
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{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
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<input id="tab-2" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
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<p>W Projekcie Monero wzięło udział ponad 200 twórców. Aby zobaczyć całą listę, wejdź na <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero/contributors">stronę twórców OpenHub</a>. Poniżej znajdziesz listę osób, które szczególnie się przyczyniły dla Monero. </p>
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Developers" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-3" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Community" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Laboratorium Badawcze</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Monero Research Lab" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Specjalne podziękowania</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Special Thanks" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
<div class="downloads">
<div class="container description" markdown="1">
Jeżeli potrzebujesz pomocy przy wyborze właściwej aplikacji, kliknij [tutaj](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/64b5lf/what_is_the_best_monero_wallet/), aby znaleźć szybką odpowiedź. Następnie wybierz poniżej wersję odpowiednią dla twojego systemu operacyjnego. Uwaga: hasze SHA256 zostały umieszczone na liście jako udogodnienie. Lista haszów podpisanych przez GPG znajduje się na stronie [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) i jest uznawana za ogónie przyjętą, z podpisem zweryfikowanym przeciwko odpowiedniemu kluczowi GPG w kodzie źródłowym (in /utils/gpg_keys).
<div class="container full downdropdown">
<div class="info-block download-nav row middle-xs between-xs" id="selections">
<div class="col"><a href="#windows">Windows</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mac">Mac</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#linux">Linux</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#arm">Arm (v7 & 8)</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#bsd">BSD</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#source">Kod źródłowy i łańcuch</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mobilelight">Mobilne i lekkie</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#hardware">Hardware</a></div>
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<label for="check01">Wybierz system operacyjny</label>
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<li><a href="#windows">Windows</a></li>
<li><a href="#mac">Mac</a></li>
<li><a href="#linux">Linux</a></li>
<li><a href="#arm">Arm (v7 & 8)</a></li>
<li><a href="#bsd">BSD</a></li>
<li><a href="#source">Kod źródłowy i łańcuch</a></li>
<li><a href="#mobilelight">Mobilne i lekkie</a></li>
<li><a href="#hardware">Hardware</a></li>
<div class="download-platforms">
{% for data_downloads in site.data.downloads %}
<section class="container full" id="{{ data_downloads.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
{% if data_downloads.icon != null %}
<span class="{{data_downloads.icon}}"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if data_downloads.version != null %}
<p class="text-center">Obecna wersja: {{ data_downloads.version }} {{ data_downloads.tag }}</p>
{% if data_downloads.cli_hash == "source" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">Kod źródłowy</a>
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" markdown="1">
Jeśli wolisz użyć bootstrap łańcucha bloków zamiast synchronizować od zera, możesz [użyć tego linka do najnowszego bootstrapa](https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw). Jednak synchronizacja od zera przeważnie jest dużo szybsza i zajmuje dużo mniej pamięci RAM (importowanie jest bardzo zachłanne).
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "hardware" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>Społeczność Monero ufundowała niedawno <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88149/dedicated-monero-hardware-wallet" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">Dedykowany Portfel Sprzętowy</a>, który jest w trakcie opracowania. Z kolei Ledger pracuje nad <a href="https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"></a>zintegrowaniem Monero z jego portfelem sprzętowym.</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "mobilelight" %}
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<p>Poniżej znajdują się portfele mobilne i lżejsze, uważane za bezpieczne przez zaufanych członków społeczności. Jeśli jakiś portfel nie znajduje się na liście, poproś społeczność o sprawdzenie go. Przejdź do strony z naszymi <a href="/community/hangouts/">Hangoutami</a> i zobacz, gdzie można nas spotkać.</p>
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<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://cakewallet.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/cakewallet.png" alt="Cake Wallet Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://monerujo.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/Monerujo-wallet.png" alt="Monerujo Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
<a href="https://mymonero.com"><img src="/img/mymonero.png" alt="MyMonero Logo"></a>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash == nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"><h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}"> {{ data_downloads.platform }} (Wyłącznie narzędzia wiersza poleceń)</a>
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p><strong>Hasz SHA256:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p></div>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash == nil %}
<div class="row">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<div class="row">
<p><strong>Hasz SHA256:</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row start-md">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12" >
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<p><strong>Hasz SHA256 (Graficzny Interfejs Użytkownika):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }} (Wyłącznie narzędzia wiersza poleceń)</a>
<p><strong>Hasz SHA256 (Interfejs Wiersza Poleceń):</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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<h2>Instrukcje dla Interfejsu Wiersza Poleceń</h2>
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### Podstawy
Monero działa trochę inaczej niż inne kryptowaluty, do których mogłeś się przyzwyczaić. W przypadku cyfrowej waluty, takiej jak Bitcoin i jego pochodne, system płatności handlowych przeważnie tworzy nowy adres odbiorcy dla każdej płatności lub każdego użytkownika.
Jednak Monero posiada jednorazowe adresy i nie musi tworzyć osobnego adresu odbiorcy przy każdej płatności lub nowym użytkowniku, a pojedynczy adres konta może zostać upubliczniony. Aby otrzymać płatność, sprzedający udostępnia kupującemu swój numer identyfikacyjny.
Numer identyfikacyjny to heksadecymalny ciąg 64 znaków, przeważnie tworzony losowo przez odbiorcę. Przykładem numeru identyfikacyjnego jest:
### Weryfikacja płatności w monero-wallet-cli
Jeśli chcesz zweryfikować daną płatność za pomocą monero-wallet-cli, użyj polecenia "payments" i wpisz numer lub numery identyfikacyjne, na które zrealizowano wpłatę. Na przykład:
[wallet 49VNLa]: payments 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572
payment transaction height amount unlock time
666c75666679706f6e79206973207 7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e 441942 30.00000 0
[wallet 49VNLa]: █
Jeśli chcesz zaprogramować weryfikację płatności, przejdź do sekcji poniżej.
### Otrzymywanie płatności krok po kroku
* Wygeneruj losowo heksadecymalny ciąg 64 znaków
* Przekaż swój nowy numer identyfikacyjny i adres Monero osobie, która dokonuje wpłaty
* Zweryfikuj płatność przy użyciu polecenia "payments" w monero-wallet-cli.
### Programowanie weryfikacji płatności
Aby zaprogramować weryfikację płatności, możesz użyć funkcji get_payments lub get_bulk_payments JSON RPC API.
*get_payments*: ta funkcja wymaga parametru payment_id z jednorazowym numerem identyfikacyjnym.
*get_bulk_payments*: to preferowana metoda, która wymaga dwóch parametrów: payment_ids - szereg JSON numerów identyfikacyjnych - oraz, opcjonalnie, min_block_height - wysokość bloku, który będzie skanowany.
W rezultacie otrzymujemy następujący wynik:
[ monero->~ ]$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_bulk_payments","id":"test", "params":{"payment_ids": ["666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"id": "test",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"amount": 30000000000000,
"block_height": 441942,
"payment_id": "666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572",
"tx_hash": "7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e18b6474ab66415de0f4ccf7ab1162fdf",
"unlock_time": 0
Warto zauważyć, że otrzymane wartości są w podstawowych jednostkach Monero, a nie w jednostkach normalnie używanych w aplikacjach użytkownika końcowego. Transakcja przeważnie będzie miała wiele wyników, które się sumują do całej kwoty płatności, dlatego kwota powinna być pogrupowana na funkcje tx_hash lub payment_id i następnie zsumowana. Ponadto wiele wyników może mieć tę samą wartość i ich filtrowanie nie może się odbywać jedynie za pomocą funkcji get_bulk_payments.
Przed skanowaniem płatności zalecane jest sprawdzenie, czy wyłączony został daemon RPC API (funkcja get_info RPC) i czy nie zostały nałożone dodatkowe blokady. Następnie warto skanować jedynie począwszy od otrzymanego bloku, precyzując go w funkcji min_block_height i get_bulk_payments.
### Programowanie skanowania płatności
* Sprawdź w daemonie obecną wysokość bloku, kontynuuj tylko jeśli się zwiększył od ostatniego skanowania
* Użyj funkcji get_bulk_payments RPC API z ostatnio zeskanowaną przez nas wysokością i z listą wszystkich numerów identyfikacyjnych w naszym systemie
* Zachowaj obecną wysokość bloku jako ostatnio zeskanowaną
* Usuń duplikaty, biorąc pod uwagę hasze transakcji, które już otrzymaliśmy i przetworzyliśmy.
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Monero jest projektem otwartego źródła i tworzonym przez społeczność. Poniżej opisane są sposoby, którymi możesz wesprzeć ten projekt.
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<div class="col"><h2>Wesprzyj sieć</h2></div>
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### Programuj
Monero głównie pisany jest językiem C++. Ponieważ jest projektem zdecentralizowanym, każdy jest mile widziany w dodawaniu lub zmienianiu istniejącego kodu. Zapotrzebowanie na zmiany jest oparte na porozumieniu społeczności. Zobacz <a href="https://github.com/monero-project"> tematy</a> i <a href="https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues">główne wątki</a>.
### Uruchom pełne węzły
Uruchom monerod z otwartym portem 18080. Pełne węzły zapewniają maksymalną prywatność przy transakcjach Monero oraz ulepszają rozmieszczenie łańcuchów bloków pomiędzy nowymi użytkownikami.
### Wydobywaj
Wydobywanie zapewnia, że sieć Monero pozostaje zdecentralizowana i bezpieczna. W Graficznym Interfejsie Użytkownika Monero oraz w interfejsie wiersza poleceń możliwe jest uruchomienie wydobywania w tle. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat wydobcia, przejdź [tutaj](https://reddit.com/r/MoneroMining).
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<h2>Zobacz Forumowy System Finansowania</h2>
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<p>Monero korzysta z <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org">forumowego systemu finansowania</a>, który polega na społecznym proponowaniu rozwoju projektów i ich opłacaniu. Fundusze są trzymane w depozycie i rozdzielane między deweloperami po osiągnięciu programowych kamieni milowych. Każdy może dołożyć swoją propozycję lub wesprzeć finansowo te już istniejące.</p>
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<h2>Przekaż dotację</h2>
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<p>Obecny rozwój jest wspierany przez dotacje i <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/sponsorships/">sponsoring</a>.</p>
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<img src="/img/donate-monero.png" alt=""/>
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<h3>Dotacje w Monero</h3>
<p>Dotacje można przekazywać na donate.getmonero.org lub 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A</p>
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<h3>Dotacje w Bitcoinach</h3>
<p>Dotacje można przekazywać na donate.getmonero.org lub 1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H</p>
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<p>Wyślij e-mail na adres <a href="mailto:dev@getmonero.org">dev@getmonero.org</a>, aby przekazać darowiznę w innej formie lub jeśli chcesz zostać sponsorem Projektu Monero.</p>
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<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">W jaki sposób Monero ma wartość?</label>
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Monero ma wartość, ponieważ ludzie chcą go kupować. Jeśli nikt nie chce kupić Monero, to jego wartość przestaje istnieć. Cena Monero wzrasta, gdy popyt na niego przewyższa podaż i spada, gdy podaż przewyższa jego popyt.
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<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">Skąd mogę wziąć Monero?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Możesz kupić Monero na giełdzie lub od kogoś. Możesz też spróbować wydobycia Monero, otrzymując walutę jako wynagrodzenie za każdy blok.
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<input id="tab-three" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">Co to jest kod mnemoniczny?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Kod mnmemoniczny to ciąg 25 słów, który może zostać użyty do przywrócenia twojego konta w jakimkolwiek miejscu. Zachowaj te słowa w bezpiecznym miejscu i nie pokazuj ich nikomu. Możesz użyć tego kodu, aby przywrócić swoje konto, nawet jeśli twój komputer się zepsuje.
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<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">Czym się różni prywatność Monero od innych walut?</label>
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Monero korzysta z trzech różnych technologii prywatności: podpisu pierścieniowego, poufnych transakcji pierścieniowych (RingCT) i jednorazowych adresów. Służą one do ukrycia, odpowiednio, nadawcy, kwoty i odbiorcy transakcji. Wszystkie transakcje w sieci są odgórnie prywatne i nie ma możliwości przypadkowego dokonania jawnego kupna lub sprzedaży. Jedynie Monero posiada taką właściwość. Na nikim nie musisz polegać w kwestii swojej prywatności.
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<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">Dlaczego synchronizacja mojego portfela tyle trwa?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Jeśli uruchomiłeś pełne węzły lokalnie, musisz skopiować cały łańcuch bloków do twojego komputera. To może trochę potrwać, zwłaszcza w przypadku starych dysków lub wolnego połączenia internetowego. Jeśli używasz węzła zdalnie, twój komputer nadal zażąda kopii wszystkich wyników, co może zająć kilka godzin. Bądź cierpliwy, a jeśli byś chciał poświęcić trochę swojej prywatności dla szybszego czasu synchronizacji, pomyśl o lżejszym portfelu.
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<input id="tab-six" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-six" class="accordion">Jaka jest różnica między lżejszym a normalnym portfelem?</label>
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W lżejszym portfelu udostępniasz swój klucz widoczności węzłowi, który skanuje łańcuchy bloków w poszukiwaniu nadchodzących transakcji na twoje konto lub w twoim imieniu. Ten węzeł będzie wiedział, kiedy pieniądze wpłyną, ale nie będzie znał kwoty transakcji, nadawcy ani odbiorcy, w przypadku transakcji wychodzącej. W zależności od twojego programu portfelowego, możesz użyć węzła kotrolowanego przez ciebie, aby uniknąć utraty prywatności. Aby zwiększyć prywatność, korzystaj z normalnego portfela, do którego możesz użyć własnego węzła.
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<label for="tab-seven" class="accordion">Czym się różni Monero od Bitcoina?</label>
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Monero nie opiera się na Bitcoinie, ale na protokole CryptoNote. Bitcoin jest systemem zupełnie przejrzystym, gdzie możliwe jest zobaczenie dokładnej kwoty przesyłanej od jednego użytkownika do drugiego. Monero ukrywa te informacje, aby chronić prywatność użytkowników we wszystkich transakcjach. Posiada również m. in. dynamiczny rozmiar bloku i dynamiczną wysokość opłat, dowód pracy odporny na ASIC oraz permanentą emisję monet.
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<label for="tab-eight" class="accordion">Czy Monero posiada limit rozmiaru bloku?</label>
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Nie, Monero nie posiada limitu rozmiaru bloku. Blok może zwiększać i zmniejszać swój rozmiar w zależności od potrzeby. Jest to jednak ograniczone do określonej stopy, aby uniknąć wygórowanego wzrostu.
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<input id="tab-nine" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-nine" class="accordion">Czym jest łańcuch bloków?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Łańcuch bloków to system, który zawiera kopie wszystkich transakcji w sieci Monero. Co dwie minuty do łańcucha dodawany jest nowy blok z najświeższymi danymi. Łańcuch pozwala sieci na weryfikację ilości pieniędzy na istniejących kontach i zapobiega próbom ataku i centralizacji.
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<input id="tab-ten" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-ten" class="accordion">Czym jest Kovri?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Kovri to router I2P napisany w języku C++. I2P jest ukrytą siecią, jak Tor, z kilkoma technicznymi różnicami. Kovri jest niezależnym projektem Monero, ale współpracuje on z Monero i innymi przedsięwzięciami. Kovri ukrywa transmisję transakcji, aby pozostałe węzły nie wiedziały, kto jest jej autorem. Kovri może być wykorzystany także w celu ukrycia całego obrotu Monero za pomocą I2P, co by uniemożliwiło wiedzę o jakimkolwiek użyciu Monero. Obecnie Kovri działa w fazie alfa i nie jest w pełni zintegrowany z Monero. Dowiedz się więcej o Kovri [na stronie projektu.](https://getkovri.org)
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<input id="tab-eleven" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-eleven" class="accordion">Czym jest zamienność i dlaczego jest ważna?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Zamienność jest prostą cechą pieniądza, która polega na braku różnicy pomiędzy dwoma ilościami o takiej samej wartości. Jeśli dwie osoby wymienią się jedną jednostką o wartości 10 na dwie jednostki o wartości 5, to nikt nie wyjdzie na tym stratny. Ale załóżmy, że "10" została użyta w ataku hakerskim z okupem. Czy ktoś przyjmie tę jednostkę? Zapewne nie, nawet jeśli partner wymiany z "10" nie ma nic wspólnego z atakiem. To może być problemem, bo osoba przyjmująca pieniądze musiałaby ciągle sprawdzać, czy nie są one nieczyste. Monero jest zamienne, co oznacza, że nie musimy się tym martwić.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-twelve" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-twelve" class="accordion">Skoro Monero jest takie prywatne, skąd wiemy, czy nie jest tworzone z niczego? </label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Każdy wynik transakcji Monero jest unikalnie powiązany z kluczem, który może być wygenerowany jedynie przez posiadacza tego wyniku. Klucze użyte wielokrotnie są odrzucane przez górników jako dwukrotny wydatek i nie mogą zostać dodane do prawidłowego bloku. Gdy pojawia się nowa transakcja, górnicy weryfikują, czy klucz już nie istnieje, aby uniknąć podwójnego wydatku.
Wiemy również, że kwoty transakcji są uzasadnione, mimo że wartość, którą wprowadzasz lub otrzymujesz są zaszyfrowane (są ukryte dla wszystkich z wyjątkiem odbiorcy). Ponieważ wartości są zaszyfrowane za pomocą zobowiązania Pedersena, nie można odczytać wartości wychodzącej ani przychodzącej, ale robiąc obliczenia można stwierdzić, że żadne Monero nie zostało stworzone z niczego.
Dopóki zaszyfrowane wartości wychodzące są równe sumie wkładów (łącznie z kwotą dla odbiorcy, zwrotem dla nadawcy i nieszyfrowaną opłatą za transakcję), możesz mieć pewność, że transakcja jest poprawna i żadne Monero nie zostało stworzone z niczego. Zobowiązanie Pedersena oznacza, że sumy mogą zostać zweryfikowane jako równe, ale wartość Monero każdej z sum oraz wartość wychodząca i przychodząca pozostają nieznane.
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<div class="mining">
<div class="center-xs container description">
<p>Monero jest kryptowalutą, która opiera się na wydobywaniu z dowodem pracy, aby osiągnąć powszechny konsensus. Poniżej znajdziesz informacje i materiały dotyczące rozpoczęcia wydobywania.</p>
<p><strong>Projekt Moneto nie wspiera żadnego zrzeszenia, oprogramowania ani sprzętu, a poniższa treść służy jedynie do celów informacyjnych.</strong></p>
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<p>Zobacz <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/"> Hangouty</a>, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">/r/moneromining</a> i <a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">#monero-pools</a>.</p>
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<p>Lista zaufanych zrzeszeń znajduje się <a href="http://moneropools.com/">tutaj</a>.</p>
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<h2>Porównanie sprzętu</h2>
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<p>Zobacz <a href="http://monerobenchmarks.info/">listę</a> procesorów GPU i CPU i ich prędkości haszowania.</p>
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<h2>Programy do wydobywania</h2>
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<p>Niektóre programy mogą wymagać opłat.</p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMR Stak</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig AMD</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig NVIDIA</a></p>
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<p>Płatności przy użyciu Monero mogą być łatwe. Ta strona ma na celu pomóc użytkownikom w tym procesie.</p>
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<h2>1. Poznawaj</h2>
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<p>Monero jest bezpieczną, prywatną i niewykrywalną kryptowalutą. Deweloperzy i społeczność są zaangażowani w ochronę tych wartości. Dowiedz się więcej, czytając stronę <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/what-is-monero/">Czym jest Monero</a>. Również <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">kod źródłowy</a> jest dostępny do przeglądania i dyskusji.</p>
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<h2>2. Poproś o pomoc</h2>
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<p>Społeczność Monero jest wielka i chętnie ci pomoże, gdy napotkasz jakiekolwiek trudności. Wejdź na stronę <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/">Hangouty</a> po więcej informacji.</p>
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<h2>3. Stwórz swój portfel</h2>
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<p>Portfel Monero jest wymagany do zabezpieczenia twoich funduszy. Na stronie <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Do ściągnięcia</a> znajdziesz listę dostępnych portfeli.</p>
<p>Najprostszym sposobem na uruchomienie węzła Monero, bez naruszania przepustowości twojego łącza, jest podłączenie do serwera VPS. Zalecamy użycie strony <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">InterServer.net</a> wraz z kodem promocyjnym "MONERO", aby otrzymać zniżkę na już i tak tanią opłatę 6 dolarów miesięcznie. Wykorzystując kuponu i/lub <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">nasz link</a>, wesprzesz także dalszy rozwój Monero.</p>
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<h2>4. Nabądź Monero</h2>
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<p>Możesz zakupić Monero na <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants#exchanges">giełdzie</a> wraz z innymi kryptowalutami i pieniędzmi fiducjarnymi. Inną metodą wejścia w posiadanie Monero jest <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/mining/">wydobycie</a>, złożony obliczeniowo proces, w wyniku którego transakcje są niezmiennie zapisywane w łańcuchach bloków.</p>
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<h2>5. Wysyłaj i otrzymuj Monero</h2>
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<p>Dowiedz się, jak wysyłać i otrzymywać Monero, odwiedzając <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/accepting/">przewodnik</a>.</p>
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<h2>6. Transakcje przy użyciu Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero może być użyte do zakupu wielu produktów i usług. Aby zobaczyć listę organizacji uznających Monero, odwiedź stronę <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants/">Handlowcy</a>.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Co musisz wiedzieć?</h2></div>
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<h3>Monero jest główną kryptowalutą skoncentrowaną na prywatności i transakcjach odpornych na cenzurę.</h3>
<p>Większość istniejących kryptowalut, w tym Bitcoin i Ethereum, posiada przejrzyste łańcuchy bloków, co oznacza, że transakcje są łatwe do zweryfikowania i śledzenia przez kogokolwiek na świecie. Co więcej, ich nadawcze i odbiorcze adresy mogą zostać połączone z prawdziwą tożsamością użytkownika.</p>
<p>Monero używa kryptografii, aby chronić adresy nadawcy i odbiorcy, jak również i przesyłane kwoty.
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<img src="/img/crypto-lock.png" alt="Encrypted lock" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/monero-classified.png" alt="Classified document" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Transakcje Monero są poufne i niemożliwe do śledzenia.</h3>
<p>Każda płatność przy użyciu Monero odgórnie maskuje adres nadawcy i odbiorcy oraz przesyłaną kwotę. Ta nieprzerwana prywatność oznacza, że aktywność każdego użytkownika Monero wzmacnia ochronę prywatności wszystkich użytkowników, w odróżnieniu od innych kryptowalut z wybiórczą transparentnością (np. Z-Cash).</p>
<p>Monero jest zamienne. Zaletą maskowania jest to, że Monero nie stanie się nieczyste przez poprzednie transakcje. To oznacza, że Monero zawsze będzie uznawane, bez ryzyka cenzury.</p>
<p>Obecnie rozwijany <a href="https://getkovri.org/">projekt Kovri</a> skieruje i zaszyfruje transakcje przez węzły I2P. Jego celem jest zamaskowanie adresu IP użytkownika i pomoc w dalszej ochronie przeciw monitorowaniu sieci.</p>
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<h3>Monero jest oddolną inicjatywą społeczną, która zrzesza najlepsze światowe talenty w zakresie badania i tworzenia kryptowalut.</h3>
<p>Ponad <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">240 deweloperów</a> przyczyniło się do Projektu Monero, w tym 30 kluczowych deweloperów. Fora i kanały czatowe są aktywne i zapraszają nowych użytkowników.</p>
<p>Laboratorium Badawcze Monero, Centrum Rozwoju oraz deweloperzy społeczni ciągle przesuwają granicę tego, co możliwe w zakresie prywatności i bezpieczeństwa kryptowalut.</p>
<p>Monero nie jest korporacją. Jest rozwijane przez ekspertów kryptografii i systemów rozmieszczenia z całego świata, którzy poświęcają swój czas, oraz dzięki społecznym darowiznom. To oznacza, że Monero nie może zostać wyłączone przez żaden kraj i nie jest ograniczone żadnym szczególnym prawem.</p>
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<img src="/img/academic-growth.png" alt="Academic growth" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/monero-electronic-cash.png" alt="Electronic cash" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Monero jest elektronicznym pieniądzem, który pozwala na szybkie i niedrogie płatności na całym świecie.</h3>
<p>Nie istnieją wielodniowe okresy posiadania ani ryzyko nieuczciwych obciążeń zwrotnych. Monero jest wolne od "kontroli kapitału" - środków ograniczających wolny przepływ tradycyjnych walut w krajach niestabilnej gospodarki, czasami do skrajnego stopnia.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Filmy Monero</h2></div>
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<h3>Promocja Monero</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/monero-community.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero_Promo.m4v">
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<h3>Monero: The Essentials</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/monero-cash-video-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20The%20Essentials.m4v">
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<h3>Stealth Addresses</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/stealth-address-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20Stealth%20Addresses.m4v">
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<h3>Ring Signatures</h3>
<video controls poster="/img/ring-signatures-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20Ring%20Signatures.m4v">
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<video controls poster="/img/ringct-poster.png" onclick="this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();" preload="none">
<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20RingCT.m4v">
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<h1 id="main-h1">Monero</h1>
<h2 id="main-h2">Prywatna waluta cyfrowa</h2>
<p id="main-text">Monero jest bezpieczną, prywatną i niewykrywalną kryptowalutą otwartego źródła, dostępną dla wszystkich. Z Monero sam jesteś swoim bankiem. Tylko ty kontrolujesz i jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje fundusze. Twoje konto i wszystkie transakcje są utrzymywane w prywatności przed wścibskim okiem.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/using/" class="btn-link btn-auto btn-primary">Wstęp</a></p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Dlaczego Monero jest inne?</h2></div>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero jest bezpieczne</h3>
<p>Monero jest zdecentralizowaną kryptowalutą, co znacza, że jest bezpiecznym, cyfrowym pieniądzem operowanym przez sieć użytkowników. Płatności są potwierdzane za pomocą powszechnej zgody, a następnie zapisywane w łańcuchach bloków. Osoby trzecie nie muszą być zaangażowane, aby twoje Monero były bezpieczne.</p>
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<img src="/img/secure-monero.png" alt="Secure safe" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/private-monero.png" alt="No surveillance" class="main-icon">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero jest prywatne</h3>
<p>Monero korzysta z podpisów pierścieniowych, poufnych transakcji pierścieniowych i jednorazowych adresów w celu zamaskowania pochodzenia, kwoty oraz odbiorcy wszystkich płatności. Monero dostarcza wszystkich zalet zdecentralizowanej kryptowaluty bez żadnego ustępstwa na rzecz prywatości.</p>
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 why-text">
<h3>Monero jest niewykrywalne</h3>
<p>Wychodzące oraz przychodzące adresy oraz przesyłana kwota są odgórnie ukryte. Płatności w łańcuchu bloków Monero nie mogą zostać przypisane do danych pojedynczego użytkownika w realnym świecie.</p>
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<img src="/img/untraceable-monero.png" alt="Untraceable Monero paths" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/fungible-monero.png" alt="Monero gold" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Monero jest zamienialne</h3>
<p> Monero jest <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/fungibility.html">zamienialne</a>, ponieważ jest odgórnie prywatne. Jednostki Monero nie mogą zostać wyłączone z obiegu przez sprzedawców lub giełdę z powodu ich powiązania z poprzednimi transakcjami.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Do ściągnięcia</h2></div>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#windows" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-windows"></span>Monero na Windowsa</a></p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#mac" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-apple"></span>Monero na Mac</a></p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#linux" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-linux"></span>Monero na Linuxa</a></p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#source" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-blockchain"></span>Ostatni łańcuch</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Chcesz sprawdzić znaczenie pojęć i konceptów używanych przy Monero? Tutaj znajdziesz alfabetyczny przewodnik do pojęć i ich znaczeń z projektu Monero oraz Kovri.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Przejdź do Moneropedii</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Przewodnik Monero dla użytkowników podzielony na kategorie. Zawiera wszystko, począwszy od zakładania portfela, do wspomagania sieci, a nawet do tego, jak edytować tę stronę.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Przejdź do przewodnika</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Otrzymujemy wiele pytań, dlatego, dla twojej wygody, opracowaliśmy kompletny i zróżnicowany zestaw pytań i odpowiedzi. Nie przejmuj się, jeśli twoje pytanie nie znajduje się na liście, zawsze możesz je zadać społeczności.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/faq/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Przejdź do FAQ</a></p>
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<p>Tu znajdziesz logo i symbol Monero. Możesz wybrać dowolny rozmiar lub ściągnąć plik .ai i zmienić je samemu.<strong> Zauważ, że w opcji z białym tłem, białe tło znajduje się jedynie pod symbolem Monero, a nie jako tło całego obrazu.</strong> Ostatecznie możesz ściągnąć zawartość całej strony jako plik .zip, klikając <a href="/press-kit/monero-press-kit.zip">tutaj</a>.</p>
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<h2>Symbol Monero</h2>
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<img src="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-480.png" alt="Monero Symbol" class="symbol-logo">
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<p>Bez tła (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-480.png">Mały</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-800.png">Średni</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-1280.png">Duży</a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Białe tło (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-480.png">Mały</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-800.png">Średni</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Duży</a>
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<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol.ai" class="adi">Symbol .ai</a>
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<h2>Logo Monero</h2>
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<img src="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png" alt="Monero Logo" class="monero-symbol-logo">
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<p>Bez tła (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png">Małe</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-800.png">Średnie</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-1280.png">Duże</a>
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<p>Białe tło (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-480.png">Małe</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-800.png">Średnie</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Duże</a>
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<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo.ai" class="adi">Logo .ai</a>
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<h2>Krótka historia</h2>
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Monero zostało uruchomione w kwietniu 2014 roku, kiedy po zapowiedzi zainicjowano kod referencyjny w CryptoNote. Nie istniało pre-wydobycie ani wydobycie natychmiastowe, a żadna część wynagrodzenia za blok nie szła do dewelopera. Da się w tym zauważyć nawiązanie do oryginalnego Bitcoina. Twórca - thankful_for_today - zawnioskował o kilka kontrowersyjnych zmian, z którymi nie zgodziła się społeczność. Nastąpił rozłam i Podstawowy Zespół Monero rozpoczął nowy projekt z własną społecznością. Od tego czasu, nadzór sprawuje ten sam Podstawowy Zespół.
Od czasu wypuszczenia, Monero uległo wielu znaczącym zmianom. Łańcuch bloków został przeniesiony do bazy danych o innej strukturze w celu zwiększenia wydajności i elastyczności, ustalono minimalne rozmiary podpisów pierścieniowych, aby wszystkie płatności były odgórnie prywatne oraz wdrożono system RingCT do ukrycia kwot transakcji. Niemal wszystkie ulepszenia spowodowały zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa i prywatności lub ułatwiły używanie waluty. Monero ciągle się rozwija i ma jako główny cel prywatność i bezpieczeństwo, a jako drugi cel - łatwość użycia i efektywność.
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<h2>Nasze wartości</h2>
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Monero to coś więcej niż tylko technologia. Jest także tym, co technologia oznacza. Niektóre z wiodących myśli zostały wypunktowane poniżej.
### Bezpieczeństwo
Użytkownicy muszą ufać Monero w swoich płatnościach, nie obawiając się ryzyka błędu lub ataku. Monero oferuje wynagrodzenie całego bloku górnikom, którzy są najistotniejszymi członkami sieci zapewniającej to bezpieczeństwo. Transakcje są kryptograficznie bezpieczne dzięki użyciu najnowszych i najsilniejszych dostępnych narzędzi szyfrowniczych.
### Prywatność
Monero bierze prywatność na serio. Monero musi być w stanie chronić swoich użytkowników w sądzie, a także, w ekstremalnych przypadkach, od kary śmierci. Taki poziom bezpieczeństwa musi być w całości dostępny dla wszystkich użytkowników, niezależnie od tego, czy posiadają oni wiedzę technologiczną, czy nie mają pojęcia, jak działa Monero. Użytkownik powinien w zupełności ufać Monero, aby nie czuł się zobowiązany do zmiany swojego sposobu płatności pod ryzykiem zostania wykrytym przez innych.
### Decentralizacja
Monero jest zobowiązane do dostarczenia maksymalnej decentralizacji. Nie musisz ufać nikomu w sieci, Monero nie jest prowadzone przez żadną dużą grupę. Dostępny algorytm dowodu pracy ułatwia wydobywanie Monero na zwykłych komputerach, co utrudnia nabycie przez jednostkę znacznej mocy wydobywczej. Węzły łączą się za pomocą sieci I2P, aby zmniejszyć ryzyko cenzury oraz ujawnienia wrażliwych informacji dotyczących transakcji. Decyzje o rozwoju są jasne i otwarte na publiczną dyskusję. Zapisy z czatów deweloperów są w całości publikowane na stronie internetowej i są widoczne dla wszystkich.
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<p class="text-center">Poniższe przewodniki są zdezaktualizowane, ale nadal są dobrym początkiem dla większości funkcji.</p>
<section class="container full">
<div class="info-block">
<h2>Dokumenty RPC</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Dokumenty Daemon RPC](daemon-rpc.html)
[Dokumenty Portfela RPC](wallet-rpc.html)
Ciąg dalszy wkrótce.
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<div class="container description">
<p>Monero jest zobowiązane nie tylko do produkcji zamiennej waluty, ale także do ciągłego badania w zakresie prywatności finansowej, która dotyczy kryptowalut. Poniżej znajdziesz prace naszego własnego Laboratorium Badawczego Monero. Więcej dokumentów wkrótce.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Dokumenty Laboratorium Badawczego Monero</h2></div>
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<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion" checked="checked">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">MRL-0001: O reakcji łańcuchowej w identyfikowalności w CryptoNote 2.0</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstrakt:</strong> Ten biuletyn badawczy opisuje ewentualny atak na system anonimowości oparty na podpisie pierścieniowym. Do argumentacji użyliśmy protokołu o kryptowalutach CryptoNote 2.0 opublikowanego przez Nicolasa van Saberhagena w 2012 roku. Zostało już uprzednio zaprezentowane, że nieidentyfikowalność maskująca parę jednorazowych kluczy może być uzależniona od nieidentyfikowalności wszystkich kluczy użytych w danym podpisie pierścieniowym. Pozwala to na możliwą reakcję łańcuchową w identyfikowalności pomiędzy podpisami pierścieniowymi, powodując krytyczną utratę nieidentyfikowalności całej sieci, jeśli parametry będą źle dobrane oraz jeśli atakujący będzie w posiadaniu wystarczającego procentu sieci. Podpisy jednak nadal są jednorazowe i jakikolwiek taki atak niekoniecznie naruszy anonimowość użytkowników. Mimo to, taki atak mógłby przypuszczalnie osłabić wytrzymałość, którą CryptoNote demonstruje przeciwko analizie łańcuchu bloków. Ten biuletyn badawczy nie uległ rewizji i jedynie odzwierciedla wyniki wewnętrznego dochodzenia.
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0001.pdf">Przeczytaj całość</a>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">MRL-0002: Fałszowanie walut wirtualnych używających protokołu CryptoNote, za pomocą drzewa skrótów</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstrakt:</strong> Czwartego września 2014 roku miał miejsce nietypowy i nowatorski atak na sieć kryptowaluty Monero. Atak podzielił sieć na dwa oddzielne podzbiory, które odmówiły zaakceptowania słuszności drugiej podgrupy. Spowodowało to niezliczone efekty, których część nie została jeszcze poznana. Hakerzy mieli krótki okres czasu, podczas którego mogło dojść m.in. do sfałszowania. Ten biuletyn badawczy opisuje niedociągnięcia w kodzie referencyjnym CryptoNote, które pozwoliły na ten atak, rozwiązania wstępnie podjęte przez Rafała Freemana z Tigusoft.pl, a następnie przez zespół CryptoNote, aktualne poprawki w bazie kodowej Monero oraz bada wpływ zaatakowanego bloku na sieć. Ten biuletyn badawczy nie uległ rewizji i jedynie odzwierciedla wyniki wewnętrznego dochodzenia.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0002.pdf">Przeczytaj całość</a></p>
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<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">MRL-0003: Monero nie jest takie tajemnicze</label>
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<p><strong>Wstęp:</strong> Ostatnio w internecie pojawiły się pewne obawy odnośnie kodu źródłowego CryptoNote oraz protokołu, oparte na tym, że protokół ten jest bardziej skomplikowany niż, na przykład, protokół Bitcoina. Celem tej notatki jest próba wyjaśnienia niektórych nieporozumień oraz rozwianie tajemnicy otaczającej Podpisy Pierścieniowe Monero. Zacznę od porównania obliczeń użytych w podpisach pierścieniowych CryptoNote (jak opisano w [CN]) z obliczeniami w [FS], na których bazuje CryptoNote. Następnie porównam obliczenia w podpisie pierścieniowym do tego, co tak naprawdę jest zawarte w bazie kodowej CryptoNote.
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf">Przeczytaj całość</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">MRL-0004: Ulepszanie maskowania w protokole CryptoNote</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Abstrakt:</strong> Zauważyliśmy, że wiele ataków w formie analizy łańcuchów bloków może zdegradować niewykrywalność protokołu CryptoNote 2.0. Analizujemy możliwe rozwiązania, dyskutujemy względne zalety i wady tych rozwiązań i sugerujemy ulepszenia w protokole Monero, które zapewnią długoterminową odporność kryptowaluty na analizy łańcucha bloków. Nasze zalecane ulepszenia Monero uwzględniają politykę minimalnego miksowania na poziomie protokołu w całej sieci z n=2 obcych wyjść na jeden podpis pierścieniowy, zwiększenie tej ilości do n=4 na poziomie protokołu po dwóch latach oraz tymczasową domyślną ilość n=4 na poziomie portfela. Zalecamy również metodę wysyłania wyjść Monero w stylu torrentów. Dyskutujemy także nad niejednolitą, zależną od wieku metodą wyboru miksowania w celu złagodzenia pozostałych form analizy łańcucha bloków tu opisanych, ale nie czynimy żadnych formalnych zaleceń ich wdrożenia z wielu powodów. Rozgałęzienia następujące w efekcie tych ulepszeń również są opisane w pewnym stopniu. Ten biuletyn badawczy nie uległ rewizji i jedynie odzwierciedla wyniki wewnętrznego dochodzenia.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0004.pdf">Przeczytaj całość</a></p>
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<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">MRL-0005: Transakcje z Poufnym Podpisem Pierścieniowym</label>
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<p><strong>Abstrakt:</strong> Ten artykuł wprowadza do metody ukrywania kwot transakcji w silnie zdecentralizowanej, anonimowej kryptowalucie Monero. Podobnie jak Bitcoin, Monero jest kryptowalutą rozprowadzaną za pomocą procesu wydobycia z dowodem pracy. Oryginalny protokół Monero został oparty na CryptoNote, który używa podpisów pierścieniowych oraz jednorazowych kluczy w celu ukrycia nadawcy i odbiorcy płatności. Ostatnio deweloper Centrum Bitcoina, Gregory Maxwell, omawiał oraz wdrożył technikę użycia zobowiązań bitowych, aby ukryć kwotę transakcji. Ten artykuł opisuje nowy rodzaj podpisu pierścieniowego - Wielowarstwowy Łączony Spontaniczny Anonimowy Podpis Grupowy, który umożliwia ukrycie kwot, nadawcy i odbiorcy przelewów z rozsądną wydajnością oraz weryfikowalną produkcją monet bez zaufania. Przytoczono niektóre rozszerzenia protokołu, takie jak Zagregowane Dowody Zasięgu Schnorra oraz Wielopodpisy Pierścieniowe. Autor pragnie zaznaczyć, że wczesne projekty tego artykułu zostały opublikowane w społeczności Monero oraz na kanale IRC dotyczącym badań nad Bitcoinem. Projekty haszowania łańcucha bloków są dostępne w [14] i dowodzą, że praca ta została rozpoczęta w lecie 2015 roku i skończona na początku października 2015 roku. E-print dostępny jest także na stronie http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.<br>
<a href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0005.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Przeczytaj całość</a></p>
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<h2>Dokumenty oficjalne CryptoNote</h2>
<div markdown="1">
[Oficjalne dokumenty CryptoNote](https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf)
Oficjalny dokument napisany przez zespół CryptoNote. Pozwala zrozumieć, jak ogólnie działa algorytm CryptoNote.
[Oficjalne dokumenty z komentarzami](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_annotated.pdf)
Laboratorium Badawcze Monero opublikowało wersję dokumentów oficjalnych CryptoNote opatrzoną komentarzami. Są one nieformalnym przeglądem twierdzeń linia po linii w dokumencie. Komentarze wyjaśniają niektóre trudniejsze pojęcia za pomocą łatwiejszych określeń.
[Oficjalne dokumenty zrecenzowane przez Brandona Goodella](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_review.pdf)
Formalna recenzja oryginalnego dokumentu dotyczącego kryptografii napisanego przez badacza Laboratorium Brandona Goodella. Analizuje on dogłębnie twierdzenia i zagadnienia matematyczne przedstawione w dokumentacji CryptoNote.
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{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2014 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
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<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
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<input id="tab-2" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2015 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-3" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2016 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2017 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>W przyszłości</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2018 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
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[Narzędzia Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero_tools.html)
[Jak zrobić backup off-line]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/Offline_Backup.html)
[Importowanie łańcucha bloków Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/importing_blockchain.html)
[Jak uruchomić węzeł na VPS]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/vps_run_node.html)
[Bezpieczne kupowanie i przechowywanie Monero]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/securely_purchase.html)
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[Wprowadzenie do portfela w Interfejsie Wiersza Poleceń]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/monero-wallet-cli.html)
[Jak założyć portfel tylko do wyświetlania]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
[Jak udowodnić płatność]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html)
[Przywracanie portfela za pomocą kluczy]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html)
[Jak się połączyć ze zdalnym węzłem w portfelu Graficznego Interfejsu Użytkownika]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.html)
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[Jak odzyskać zablokowane fundusze]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/howto_fix_stuck_funds.html)
[Jak odzyskać konto]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_account.html)
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[Jak wydobywać samemu za pomocą Graficznego Interfejsu Użytkownika]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/solo_mine_GUI.html)
[Jak wydobywać w zrzeszeniu za pomocą xmr-stak-cpu]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mine-to-pool.html)
[Wydobywanie za pomocą Dockera i XMRig]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/mining_with_xmrig_and_docker.html)
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<div class="row start-xs monero-project" markdown="1">
Projekt Kovri korzysta z szyfrowania end-to-end, aby ani nadawca, ani odbiorca płatności Monero nie musiał ujawniać swojego adresu IP drugiej stronie lub osobom trzecim (łańcuchowi bloków). Dokonuje się to za pomocą tej samej technologii, która napędza dark net - I2P (Niewidzialny Protokół Internetowy). Projekt jest obecnie aktywnie rozwijany i jeszcze nie został zintegrowany z Monero.
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://www.getkovri.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Odwiedź stronę Kovri</a></p>
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<h2>Open Alias</h2>
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Projekt OpenAlias upraszcza płatności kryptowalutami poprzez dostarczanie FQDN - W Pełni Kwalifikowanych Nazw Domen (np. example.openalias.org) dla adresów portfeli Monero w sposób, który zapewnia bezpieczeństwo prywatności użytkowników. Projekt jest w toku i został już wdrożony w wiele portfeli Monero.
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<p><a href="https://www.openalias.org" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Owiedź stronę OpenAlias</a></p>
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