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Add logs for the last two dev and Kovri meetings
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4 changed files with 586 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
layout: post
title: Logs for the Kovri Dev Meeting Held on 2016-07-03
summary: Brief review of what has been completed since last meeting, SSU refactoring, closed and open issues
tags: [dev diaries, i2p, crypto]**
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*July 3th, 2016*
# Logs
**\<fluffypony>** ok I guess we move on to Kovri - anonimal, the floor is yours
**\• fluffypony:** ding dings
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Meeting Agenda: Sunday, July 3rd, 17:00 UTC
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 1. Greetings
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 3. Discuss SSU: status of #140 and https://github.com/EinMByte/kovri/pull/1 (if applicable), ideas, problems, and solutions (note: ask if @EinMByte will allow issues tracking within his repo)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 4. Discuss commit message labeling, e.g., how to organize first line of commits. Touch-up on C4.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 5. Review open tickets (assigned and/or unassigned): status, code ideas (if applicable), etc.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 6. Discuss any pertinent TODO's
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 7. Any additional meeting items
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 8. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** -- 1. Greetings
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Hi
**\<moneromooo>** hi
**\<fluffypony>** hi
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I know Ein is irc2p side waiting for me to move on :)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** I'm on this side too
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** wishes this was automated. /pulse only does so much
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 28 commits (not including merges), 2 new issues open, 0 issues closed
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** All new commits in https://github.com/einmbyte/kovri/tree/ssu
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I ended up diving into SSU with EinMByte this week. Much fun.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Teamwork-teamwork: within the past hour, we had figured out that the HMAC digest impl was segfaulting because GetHeader->GetMAC() was not initialized, so the segfault is fixed for now.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** But that's just a small portion of what's been completed since previous meeting, and more issues abound. More to discuss in 3.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Anyone else re: completed work since previous meeting?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** I've been focused on the OTF funding stuff, so I haven't had a chance to finish the website work
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** pushing that out till the next meeting, unless we have to prepare more stuff for the OTF
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok. Any new issues re: OTF?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Seems like they've had a few lately.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** i.e., did we get confirmation that they received our request?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** no I think the next step is we'll receive a pass / fail on the concept note
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** yes we did
**\<meeting-bot> [_trump2016]** OTF will make kovri great again!
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Confirmation, good.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Anyone freenode-side? Is xmrpromotions there?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** so if we receive a pass we have to prepare an actual proposal
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** but let's see when we get there
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** (if)
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** they were on Reddit the other day, they seem to be busy at the moment
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** they've asked for assistance on the gnu-social thing
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Link? What kind of assistance? I'd be happy to help.
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** I'll have to find it and send it to you post-meeting
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok. Anything else on 2.?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** oh found it, nevermind: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/4qywbx/what_are_moneros_pain_points_marketing_design/d4x34p3
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** nein
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** fluffypony: Thanks, I'll look into it later.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Moving on,
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 3. Discuss SSU: status of #140 and https://github.com/EinMByte/kovri/pull/1 (if applicable), ideas, problems, and solutions (note: ask if @EinMByte will allow issues tracking within his repo)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** So, https://github.com/EinMByte/kovri/pull/1 has been merged
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** EinMByte: will you allow issues tracking within your repo? It would help with this bug we're hunting.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Oops, old paste, we fixed the bug,
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** but are still dealing with related issues.
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** knows Ein is somewhere, we were chatting elsewhere during the bitmonero meeting
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Hi
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Maybe he still thinks its the previous meeting...
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Hi
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Yes, I will allow all contributions to my repo
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Latest issue is: we are sending out broken packets
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** issue tracking has to be explicitly enabled for the repo, EinMByte
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** (but at least the segfault is fixed)
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** it's a setting in github somewhere
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** ^ what fluffypony said
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** EinMByte: are we in a committable stage for the segfault fix? So I can see where we stand?
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** anonimal: Already committed
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** fluffypony: somewhere where
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I imagine we're sending bogus packets in SessionRequest
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** I'll check
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** fetching
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** fluffypony: Never mind, I think I got it
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** if there's time, anonimal, can you please explain what SSU is for those who are observing the meeting ?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok, latest commit makes sense.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Yes,
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** tl;dr, in plain english,
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** it is one of two transport mechanisms closest to the IP layer:
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** NTCP is for TCP, SSU is for UDP.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** SSU essentially takes care of encryption and negotiation with peers at the UDP level.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Does that make sense, or should I explain more?
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** fetches link
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Specification here: https://geti2p.net/spec/ssu
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Overview here: https://geti2p.net/en/docs/transport/ssu
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** In case anyone is really listening: we are rewriting the SSU implementation because
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** 1) It doesn't allow for unit tests
**\<__uguu__>** i2p needs a better udp transport
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** 2) The design is bad, because separate concepts are not separated in code (packet parsing was done in the same functions as dealing with networking etc)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** X) it was an unmaintainable nightmare, like much of the codebase that we have yet to refactor.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** __uguu__: It probably does, so let's hope SSU2 will be better
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** (I'm not sure what the satus on SSU2 is, AFAIK there's not even a spec yet)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I had some ideas/problems/solutions when working on everything this week,
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** but I need more time to flesh out tangible thought.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I think we're on the right track, as we discussed earlier.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Ok, no problem. Maybe write everything down on github?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Sure, I'll comment more in #140 or open an issue in your repo.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Essentially, I want to take a closer look at design this week as I said I would stay away when we last spoke.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** e.g., what we discussed earlier about MAC buffer, etc.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Yes, in terms of design many things are currently undecided
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** I've mentioned before that this is more of a refactoring than a rewrite
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Hmm... maybe I have a different vision of end-result then.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** At least for now, I do want design changes in the end
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** But I wanted to make it less crappy first, and then make it good
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I think I need to get my hands dirty and get more intimate with your new changes.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I understand, as I said in #1 I completely understand and agree.
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** no complaints here
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** So, long story short, I'd like to get more involved. Any objections EinMByte?
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Of course not, I can use all help
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** could work in another branch, but I think our conflicts result in better code
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok, I'll comment more in #140, etc. as things progress.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Anything else on 3.?
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Not from me
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** prepares for more pasting
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Anyone here have more SSU questions?
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** will work on refining better responses to such questions
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** no that's perfect, thanks
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok, moving on
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 4. Discuss commit message labeling, e.g., how to organize first line of commits. Touch-up on C4.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** To preface, before discussing commit titles, none of this can really be enforced at the moment because there is no payout hanging over anyone's head.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** But our guide does ask to reference applicable ticket numbers in commit bodies - and its incredibly helpful.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I'm trying to be better about doing this and I hope EinMByte would also consider doing this too.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** It should be noted that there is no mention in the guide or C4 about commit title.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I've been using a rough system of prepending titles with class or aspect of project worked on.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** It does help for quick git-log searches. Again, not enforceable, but it does help IMHO.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Thoughts? Objections to adding to guide?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** can you give me an example of the prepending?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Yes, one moment.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** anonimal: I've noticed that you tend to include a longer summary
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** fluffypony: Basically what's before the colon https://github.com/EinMByte/kovri/pull/1
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** I currently don't do that, but if you think it's worth it, I can start doing that
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Other than that, the main thing should be that it should be reasonably clear what the commit is about
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** oh yeah that's cool
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** But we all do that already
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** I'm fine with stricter rules, just don't shout at me too much when I forget about them :p
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** I tend to do short summaries too, but I like the prepending thing
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** EinMByte: I agree. If I were to ask of anything, it would be to references issues that commit addresses.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Other than that, I personally couldn't ask you to write longer summaries. Honestly, most of what you commit I understand anyway because its well-written IMHO - but that's just me.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** So, as usual, I think about everyone else who isn't knee-deep in our mess.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** And maybe longer summaries would help?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** But 4. for me was more about commit title.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Ok, I'll try to reference issues more often
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** I don't think longer summaries are massively necessary as long as the commits show the route taken to get there, referencing issues is definitely helpful
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** (not in the title, though)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok. So shall we take a vote on adding 'prepend class or project aspect into title of commit' into contributing guide?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** (again, at this time not enforceable - just helpful)
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** I'm fine with it
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** + me = 2 yes. Anyone else?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** As fluffypony pointed out long ago, its not like anyone reads contributing guides anyway ;)
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** hah hah yeah
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Sure
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** but at least it's there and we can encourage it
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** ^
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok, good point on the encouragement.
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** hey - we managed to get most Monero contributors to GPG sign commits, so it is doable :)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Great, done.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** While we're on 4., this is off-the-cuff,
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** but bitmonero is working with only 1 branch now.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** And, C4 kind of dictates that (IIRC).
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** So, do we scrap branch development and work solely in master?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** note that we have a use-case for moving back to the dev branch setup, because people just pull and compile
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I've also used arguments for two branches. I'm curious to hear EinMByte's opinion.
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** sigh, I2P lag
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** doesn't want to move on yet, running out of time though
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** anonimal: Not sure, I think it's good to have a stable branch
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** also, it doesn't hurt anyone? (I think)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** The argument is to instead warn users that anything that is built outside of a tagged version is... well, unpredictable.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** But, since we don't have any releases yet...
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** There's "unpredictable" and there's "possibly broken"
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** In my opinion those are not really the same
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Good point. I imagine though that broken branches would stay in forks and then, when fleshed out, could be sent to 1 branch master.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** But then that would require more work maintainer-side.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ay, too many options.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I vote to keep two branches for now.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Yea or Nay?
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** ok, let's keep the branches and move on :)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok, moving on.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 5. Review open tickets (assigned and/or unassigned): status, code ideas (if applicable), etc.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** My hands have been tied to SSU as we've discussed. I did hack a fix for the massive leak in #191.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** It appears to be related to LogPrint and possibly GetFormattedSessionInfo(). I need more time with it and to produce a smoother fix.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** But it doesn't address a few smaller leaks related to #191.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** So, between now and next meeting, I'm somewhat sure I'll focus on SSU, #191, and getting a windows build in working order.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** And in that order.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Ok
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** *but* I also may start drafting a FFS proposal for a chunk of that time (I said I would last meeting). We'll see.
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** +1, FFS proposals are welcome
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** EinMByte: do you think you'll be around sometime this coming week or the following week? Or are weekends better?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** fluffypony: would you please refresh my memory on the zoho/fastmail decision (my brain is scattered at the moment)?
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** I'll be around a few hours a day, but more actively in weekends
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** started the process a few days ago, we're doing Zoho
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** EinMByte: sounds great.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** fluffypony: sounds great.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Many great sounds!
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** everyone can independently forward their mails to tutanota or i2pmail, or just use the Zoho mailbox
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I'm looking forward to zoho's /projects, especially time-management.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Kimai is a horrid *#()*@#)$@#$#@
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** If anyone has experience using it...
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** never heard of it, will take a look
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** or not if it's horrible
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** surprised at the lack of free, personal, opensource, time-management/billable hours solutions out there
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** MS Project
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** IMHO you should, it may be humorous.
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** :-P
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I can't knock their work though, I applaud what they're doing, I just wish I had more time to contribute to their project.
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** is it meeting.end time?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Eek, one more thing.
**\<meeting-bot> * anonimal** one more paste coming
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** 6. Discuss any pertinent TODO's
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** In SSU: we're closer to resolving #119 with our new design. I've noted a few spots of missing implementation that I think will be resolved during the refactor.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I had mentioned in the most recent PR my interest in more sanity tests, and EinMByte did note a few overflow checks.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I think we're still discussing design though, so that would come a little later.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Thoughts?
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Yes, we have many places where we need more checks
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** at least we won't leak if we throw errors etc due smart pointer usage
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Eventually I want to rely on exception for error handling, and I want to use the error information for peer profiling
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ooooooooooooooo, I like that......
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I like that ALOT.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Yes, smart pointers: something the previous project had very little interest in;
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** despite the standard having been out for years.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Anyway, I won't start bashing as we're out of time (I love a good bashing).
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Anything else on 6.?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** If not, then 7.?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** nothing else from my side
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** next meeting same time, same place, two weeks?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Works for me.
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** Should be fine
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** sehr gut
**\<meeting-bot> [zzz]** will we see any kovri ppl at HOPE in 3 weeks?
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** zzz: unfortunately not me, need to do no travelling for a little bit
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** got too much work to do, lol
**\<meeting-bot> [EinMByte]** not me either
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I had planned late last year but things took a completely different turn so, nope, not this time around.
**\<meeting-bot> [zzz]** ok, I believe echelon still has a ticket to sell, if anybody needs it
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Thanks zzz. That echelon, quite the organizer :)
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Anything else? Meeting?
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** I want to also thank fluffypony and dEBRUYNE and anyone else for their work on getting these logs up on the site.
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** it's mostly dEBRUYNE, I just add spaces in at the end
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** lol, nice.
**\<meeting-bot> [anonimal]** Ok, thanks everyone for the great meeting.
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** thanks everyone
**\<meeting-bot> [fluffypony]** meeting-bot going offline
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
layout: post
title: Overview and Logs for the Dev Meeting Held on 2016-07-03
summary: OTF, open PRs and issues, and brief update on Ring CT
tags: [dev diaries, core, crypto, 0mq]
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*July 3th, 2016*
# Overview (by Aerbax)
An overview [can be found on Hello Monero](https://hellomonero.com/article/monero-bi-weekly-dev-meeting-note-highlights-2016-07-03)
# Logs
**\<fluffypony>** time for meeting to start
**\<hyc>** ok
**\<ArticMine>** Ok
**\<fluffypony>** ArticMine / othe / smooth / NoodleDoodle / moneromooo / tewinget / dEBRUYNE / gingeropolous / etc.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** somewhat here
**\<fluffypony>** ok
**\<fluffypony>** welcome to the 75th annual hunger games
**\<fluffypony>** ok so
**\<fluffypony>** first things first, small administrative update
**\<fluffypony>** we've re-applied for funding from the OTF, but for Kovri (given their previous response)
**\<fluffypony>** it's the start of the process, but who knows, maybe we have a bit of funding to work on both
**\<fluffypony>** as Monero represents an example integration
**\<fluffypony>** then the open issues are creeping up, there are a bunch I'm going to be closing as solved
**\<fluffypony>** #754 is an interesting onw
**\<fluffypony>** *one
**\<fluffypony>** https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero/issues/754
**\<moneromooo>** We don't care now, since rct.
**\<fluffypony>** good point
**\<fluffypony>** ok so then it can be closed as wontfix
**\<moneromooo>** Well, it's fixed, by transfer_new.
**\<fluffypony>** yes
**\<fluffypony>** so
**\<fluffypony>** I'd like to reopen the discussion of deprecating transfer and replacing it with transfer_new
**\<fluffypony>** or is that pointless because rct
**\<moneromooo>** I've done that in the rct branch.
**\<fluffypony>** ok great
**\<fluffypony>** perfect
**\<fluffypony>** then binary renames are on hold until the rct PR
**\<fluffypony>** because I don't want to make that implode
**\<hyc>** what renames?
**\<moneromooo>** I don't think this would conflict much, if at all.
**\<gingeropolous>** bitmonerod --> monero and stuff like that prolly
**\<fluffypony>** hyc: https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero/issues/80
**\<fluffypony>** this in particular: https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero/issues/80#issuecomment-223596750
**\<hyc>** ah
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: do you want me to PR changes to your branch then? will save you a rebase?
**\<moneromooo>** Sure.
**\<fluffypony>** ok great
**\<moneromooo>** Would rct be merged before the wallet2_api stuff then ?
**\<fluffypony>** so that's the next thing for discussion
**\<fluffypony>** the massive wallet2 PR
**\<fluffypony>** it's rebased against master now
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: what are your thoughts on merging before or after ?
**\<moneromooo>** I don't really have one.
**\<moneromooo>** Maybe merge Ilya's first, since there's not going to be much review/fixes anyway.
**\<fluffypony>** ok
**\<gingeropolous>** so wallet2 a buncha stuff specifically designed for GUI?
**\<moneromooo>** wallet2_api is.
**\<fluffypony>** there's also been a fair amount of review on that PR because it's so hefty - is everyone comfortable that major issues (especially in git history) have been resolved and it can be merged?
**\<moneromooo>** Depends on how high you put the bar.
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: it's low - we can open issues to fix stuff after the merge
**\<moneromooo>** But assuming the GPL code is gone, I think it's ok. It can be changed later.
**\<fluffypony>** oh the GPL cmake stuff, I'll check on that
**\<fluffypony>** looks like there's a BSD licensed replacement now
**\<moneromooo>** I saw the comment, I did not look at the new code.
**\<fluffypony>** hokay
**\<fluffypony>** then there are a bunch of new PRs if anyone wants to take a glance at them
**\<fluffypony>** #878, #879, #882, #883, #884, #885
**\<fluffypony>** they're mostly small
**\<fluffypony>** I need someone to check mine (885, just a readme change) before merging plx
**\<hyc>** huh i only see up to 881
**\<hyc>** oh PRs not issues
**\<moneromooo>** I seem to have reviewed all these, except the windows packages one which I have no clue about.
**\<fluffypony>** it compiled successfully
**\<fluffypony>** couple of weird complaints about deprecations at the end
**\<fluffypony>** C:/msys64/mingw64/include/boost/type_traits/detail/template_arity_spec.hpp:13:84: note: #pragma message: NOTE: Use of this header (template_arity_spec.hpp) is deprecated
**\<fluffypony>** # pragma message("NOTE: Use of this header (template_arity_spec.hpp) is deprecated")
**\<hyc>** I've been getting that on most builds now
**\<hyc>** boost 1.60
**\<fluffypony>** ah
**\<fluffypony>** boost, sigh.
**\<hyc>** not sure what there is to do about that since it's an internal header file, not one thata we explicitly include
**\<fluffypony>** http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/264164
**\<fluffypony>** fixed in 1.61
**\<hyc>** ok
**\<fluffypony>** ok so
**\<fluffypony>** general update-y time
**\<fluffypony>** tewinget doesn't seem to be around, he can update us on 0MQ when he is
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: how goes ringct?
**\<moneromooo>** I'm kinda blocked today, so I didn't do much.
**\<fluffypony>** I mean in the last two weeks since the last meeting, lol
**\<moneromooo>** Both that watch only thing that nobody wants to talk about, and waiting for shen's sybil resistant upgrade.
**\<fluffypony>** kk
**\<moneromooo>** Well, last two weeks, more tests, fixes, sweep_all now uses rct, and better output selection (for the general case).
**\<hyc>** does rct let us do watch only with both deposits and withdrawals?
**\<moneromooo>** No.
**\<fluffypony>** this sorta bounces back to the MRL, so we wait for feedback
**\<fluffypony>** hyc: are you doing anything interesting at the moment?
**\<hyc>** not really. I still need to come up with a fix for txn_full on 32bit
**\<hyc>** I'm traveling most of the the rest of this month
**\<hyc>** so not much hacking time
**\<fluffypony>** cool beans
**\<fluffypony>** ok - anything else from anyone else?
**\<luigi1112>** Hi
**\<luigi1112>** :-)
**\<moneromooo>** If anyone wants to start reviewing the rct-rptest branch, I don't think it's going to change again (save new commits).
**\<moneromooo>** Like, find how to pwn it.
**\<fluffypony>** oh luigi1112 I forgot to tag you at the beginning, apologies
**\<moneromooo>** Would be a good job for Heuristic, except there's no picture of hte code...
**\<moneromooo>** Oh, some other dev related thing: luigi1112, any news on the change to signing something from a standard address ? :)
**\<luigi1112>** Nah I've been reading but don't have any time to participate atm
**\<luigi1112>** Oops :-)
**\<luigi1112>** Still soon
**\<fluffypony>** you forgot the tm
**\<fluffypony>** it's not soon if it's not tm
**\<luigi1112>** Well it should be this week or next :-)
**\<fluffypony>** ok I think that brings the meeting to a close - Kovri meeting is only in 23 minutes, so feel free to add / discuss new things and it'll be in the log
**\<hyc>** i got nothing, catch y'all next time
**\<gingah>** any new thoughts on the auto fee thing?
**\<rg>** id like to bring up the most imporant issue, fluffypony -- free XMR for me
**\<fluffypony>** gingah: auto fee?
**\<moneromooo>** The thing ArticMine was looking at - scaling fees based on... stuff.
**\<ArticMine>** Setting fees based on the blocksize
**\<ArticMine>** and the reward penalty
**\<ArticMine>** One also has to look at optimizing what transactions miners will accept vs block penalty and fees paid
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
layout: post
title: Logs for the Kovri Dev Meeting Held on 2016-07-31
summary: Brief review of what has been completed since last meeting, and Kovri Logo
tags: [dev diaries, i2p, crypto]**
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*July 31th, 2016*
# Logs
**\<anonimal>** ping fluffypony we missed you in #monero-dev
**\<anonimal>** I'll proceed with the meeting as planned but the bulk of the agenda is picking on your assigned issues.
**\<anonimal>** https://github.com/monero-project/kovri/issues/216
**\<anonimal>** Meeting Agenda: Sunday, July 31st, 17:00 UTC
**\<anonimal>** 1. Greetings
**\<anonimal>** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
**\<anonimal>** 3. Discuss Kovri logo
**\<anonimal>** 4. Closing #271
**\<anonimal>** 5. Closing #226
**\<anonimal>** 6. Closing #105
**\<anonimal>** 7. Closing #46
**\<anonimal>** 8. Closing #27
**\<anonimal>** 9. Any additional meeting items
**\<anonimal>** 10. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<anonimal>** Hi.
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** * walks into the room and sits in the nearest available seat
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** Just watching for today
**\<anonimal>** Is anyone freenode side? This meeting is not being relayed to #monero-dev. I'll hop onto slack to see if the relay is working.
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** It appears so
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** I2P, Slack, and IRC are all relaying
**\<anonimal>** K, thanks.
**\<anonimal>** Onto point 2.
**\<anonimal>** $ git log --no-merges --pretty=oneline --since=1.month | wc -l
**\<anonimal>** 72
**\<anonimal>** Code highlights include:
**\<anonimal>** - Mem leak fixes
**\<anonimal>** - New constant-time comparison for ed25519
**\<anonimal>** - Two new contributors: moneromooo and rakhimov
**\<anonimal>** (hopefully will see more from both devs)
**\<anonimal>** - regex fix, clang fixes
**\<anonimal>** - A whole lot of build/repo work
**\<anonimal>** - We officially build with clang
**\<anonimal>** - We officially build on OSX again
**\<anonimal>** - Two new submodules: cpp-netlib, cryptopp
**\<anonimal>** - New URI parsing implementation courtesy of cpp-netlib
**\<anonimal>** - New clang-format config (still in development)
**\<anonimal>** - Updated style guide + building instructions + docs
**\<anonimal>** - Upstream bug hunting/fixing (huge time-suck)
**\<anonimal>** - Coverity's website finally works (for me)
**\<anonimal>** - Misc fixes, enhancements
**\<anonimal>** Project highlights include:
**\<anonimal>** - Kovri End-User Documentation Proposal - #256
**\<anonimal>** - 9 new opened issues, 7 new closed issues
**\<anonimal>** - Creation of @kovri@quitter.se
**\<anonimal>** - I've also spent some time with bitmonero/monero-project
**\<anonimal>** That's all from me for 2. Anyone else?
**\<anonimal>** Ok, guess not.
**\<anonimal>** fluffypony fluffypony fluffypony fluffypony
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** * summons fluffypony from the depths
**\<anonimal>** 2nd meeting in a row he's missed. I hope he's alive.
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** D:
**\<anonimal>** I know this is opensource and volunteer but I'm getting a bit irritated.
**\<anonimal>** Being stood up is not very respectful.
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** oh he isnt in this room
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** summoning wont work from here
**\<anonimal>** lol needmoney90
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** He isn’t even on IRC it seems
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** hm
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** thats strange, Im used to him being always on/ide
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** idle
**\<anonimal>** He's on irc2p side.
**\<anonimal>** Is dEBRUYNE on freenode side? Is this meeting even being logged?
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** Well, Slack is certainly logging it
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** and my client possibly is
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** havent checked logging settings
**\<Zenified>** so is my client
**\<anonimal>** Ok.
**\<anonimal>** Moving on to 3.
**\<anonimal>** "Discuss Kovri logo"
**\<anonimal>** Who did Monero's logo?
**\• anonimal:** asked in #monero-dev, no response
**\<anonimal>** Any thoughts on a logo for Kovri?
**\<anonimal>** How about a nude porn star holding a letter 'K'?
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** I've been thinking about it
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** and….I don’t think that will get us corporate/mainstream usage
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** then again, maybe it will
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** keep it on the backburner
**\<anonimal>** lol
**\• anonimal:** was joking
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** I’ve been thinking some kind of K made of nodes (like the Ethereum Classic logo), but fading out on half
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** though its probably too complex
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** https://camo.githubusercontent.com/eec95efca3ae789116e4557656898ab52ca74cba/687474703a2f2f63646e2d696d616765732d312e6d656469756d2e636f6d2f6d61782f3830302f312a6e4955617a775f75334b436843583839664c674c44672e706e67
**\<anonimal>** Sounds cool.
**\<anonimal>** DaveyJones pointed this out https://99designs.de/logo-design/contests/monero-mro-cryptocurrency-logo-design-contest-382486
**\<anonimal>** needmoney90: could that url get any longer?...
**\<anonimal>** Ah, I see. Interesting idea needmoney90
**\<anonimal>** Maybe we should hold a contest and reward the winner with XMR?
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** Sorry about the URL length, I copypasta’d without minifying
**\<anonimal>** Np.
**\<anonimal>** Where would be a good place to host a Kovri logo contest?
**\<anonimal>** (XMR friendly place)
**\<anonimal>** I'll open a ticket and we can deal with it later
**\<anonimal>** Points 4-8 are all fluffypony
**\<anonimal>** 9. Any addition meeting items
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** None here
**\<anonimal>** EinMByte is MIA. SSU still not finished. From what I've worked on, debugging the rest to get it merged will require motivation on my part.
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** SSU?
**\<anonimal>** No shows at meetings + no pay != motivation for me to do lifting beyond what I'm doing.
**\• anonimal:** grabs link for needmoney90
**\<anonimal>** needmoney90: #140
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** tanks
**\<anonimal>** I'll make myself available for the next 30 minutes and then paste a link to the meeting log in #216
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** I’m really curious where fluffy got off to..
**\<anonimal>** We were chatting about an hour before monero's meeting was supposed to start
**\<anonimal>** Maybe he simply forget. This has happened several times in the past.
**\<i2p-relay> {-needmoney90}** :(
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <anonimal>** needmoney90: is there a way to easily export channel logs here?
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** hrmmm
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** I just exported
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** should have the logs (from all channels) in my email soon
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** barring that, someone's IRC client logs will work
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <anonimal>** Nice. Would it be easy to fpaste a private paste of just our meeting? e.g., do they do any formatting or just lump everything into an email?
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** no idea
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <needmoney90>** ill let you know
**\<i2p-relay> {-_Slack} <anonimal>** Thanks. For the time being I'll just do a quick format of my logs to takeout timestamps and paste the meeting.
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
layout: post
title: Overview and Logs for the Dev Meeting Held on 2016-07-31
summary: Monero Project repository, and brief update on Ring CT
tags: [dev diaries, core, crypto, 0mq]
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*July 31th, 2016*
# Overview
# Logs
**\<fluffypony>** time for meeting to start
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Are we not having a meeting?
**\<ArticMine>** I was wondering the same thing
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Kovri meeting at 17:00. I thought we were meeting at 16:00.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** fluffypony: ^
**\<ArticMine>** For Monero
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Yes
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** * disappointed
**\<luigi1112>** Maybe he died
**\<luigi1112>** We could meet without him if people have stuff to say :-)
**\<moneromooo>** Well, I have one thing to say: who wants to join the testnet and try random stuff to see if they can get it to break ?
**\<moneromooo>** Preferably corner cases.
**\<ArticMine>** How many testnet nodes are there?
**\<moneromooo>** I think three.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** I would but I don't have a reliable VPS at the moment.
**\<ArticMine>** I can set at testnet node. What are the stiings
**\<ArticMine>** settings
**\<moneromooo>** bitmonerod --add-exclusive-node --testnet
**\<moneromooo>** And you need to have built with my rct-private-fork branch.
**\<moneromooo>** And make sure you backup your db and wallet first, as they won't be compatible with "normal" version once you run rct code.
**\<moneromooo>** https://github.com/moneromooo-monero/bitmonero/tree/rct-private-fork is the branch to use.
**\<moneromooo>** Actually, use https://github.com/moneromooo-monero/bitmonero/commit/58ea23fa144b9eaec506461f96649d0c7b4b3914
**\<moneromooo>** Latest has an incompatible comms change.
**\<ArticMine>** Great I will give this a try. Is there a test net db or sync from scratch
**\<moneromooo>** If you don't have a testnet db already, you will have to sync.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** #903 has gotten some momentum. Is it too soon to come to an agreement?
**\<moneromooo>** Can't hurt I think.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** So we need a name. moneromooo any thoughts?
**\<_Slack> <needmoney90>** Bond. James Bond.
**\<moneromooo>** I've seen two names proposed already. I don't have a better idea.
**\<_Slack> <needmoney90>** (What are we naming again?)
**\<moneromooo>** A repo, AFAICT.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** neemoney90: #903
**\<_Slack> <needmoney90>** Repo-y McRepoface
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** luigi1112 any thoughts?
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** ArcticMine ^
**\<_Slack> <needmoney90>** My thoughts submitted
**\<ArticMine>** monero-organization for #903
**\<moneromooo>** That sounds good.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Ooo, I like that best.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** ArcticMine will you comment in issue or I can copy/paste?
**\<ArticMine>** You can copy past, I may comment.
**\<ArticMine>** copy/paste
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** K, done. I also like monero-project/organization.
**\<ArticMine>** That is also good
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Kovri end-user documentation proposal is in open tasks
**\<ArticMine>** Actually better than my original idea
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** https://forum.getmonero.org/7/open-tasks/2592/create-end-user-kovri-documentation
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** The problem with the forum is that its somewhat obscure and I don't get emailed notifications.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** So obscurity = less funding. No notifications = more babysitting.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** An org repo can help with things like this, imho.
**\<redfish>** maybe monero-project/org
**\<ArticMine>** org can be confused with .org Just a thought
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Agreed. How about https://github.com/monero-project/community
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Or is that too vague?
**\<ArticMine>** I thing community is too broad.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** Kovri meeting in 3 minutes.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** I'm hopping over to #kovri-dev
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** I wish the relay bot was online.
**\<ArticMine>** One could say organizational
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** I would say have it here but I don't know who is freenode side.
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** If anyone is interested in talking about a logo for Kovri, could you please hop over to #kovri-dev?
**\<i2p-relay> {-anonimal}** I don't know if dEBRUYNE is logging our meeting so I or slack will be taking care of it.
Reference in a new issue