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user guides: uniform structure of and
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luigi1111 2021-02-05 13:41:20 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit e7b513ed6c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
22 changed files with 167 additions and 406 deletions

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## كيفية شراء مونيرو وتخزينه بأمان.
## Step 1: Acquire Monero
There are multiple ways to acquire Monero: You can mine it, you can exchange services or goods for it, or you can convert other cryptocurrencies and fiat money to XMR. If you choose the latter, the most convenient way to do it is to use an exchange.
هذا دليل لشراء وتخزين مونيرو بشكل آمن اعتبارًا من يونيو 2017.
There are multiple exchanges supporting Monero. Some are centralized, which usually have great liquidity and fast service, but requires you to provide personal information before starting the trade (KYC). Some are decentralized and don't require any identification, but usually have less volume and can be harder to use. There are also services that allow people to meet and perform a trade without third parties involved.
#### الخطوه 1: شراء بيتكوين
An incomplete list of Exchanges that support Monero is on our [Merchants page]({{ site.baseurl }}/community/merchants/#exchanges).
هناك العديد من الطرق لشراء البيتكوين. أولاً في البلاد الغربيه هُناك شركتان شبه موثوقتان في هذا الوقت هما Xapo <> و Coinbase <>. ستشمل العملية تحميل هويتك الشخصية (هوية الدولة ، جواز السفر ، وما إلى ذلك) وستستغرق من يومين إلى 10 أيام (أو أكثر). تحقق من سمعتهما على موقع Reddit قبل إجراء عملية شراء كبيرة. يستخدم Xapo حوالة مصرفية و Coinbase يستخدم التحويل المصرفي (ACH في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية). Xapo أسرع من Coinbase. كما يسمح Coinbase للشراء "الفوري" للكميات الصغيره عبر بطاقة الخصم لكنه يضيف رسومًا كبيرة لهذا الخيار. بمجرد شراء بيتكوين ، فأنت على استعداد لتحويله إلى مونيرو!
## Step 2: Download and create a Paper Wallet on a secure and air-gapped computer.
Download the @paper-wallet generator at: []( and copy it to a USB stick (Direct link: [](
أما في الدول العربيه فأفضل خيار هو موقع localbitcoins . والوسطاء المعتمدين علي موقع ترايدنت.(إستخدم هذه المصادر علي مسئوليتك الشخصيه)
Unzip and open the paper wallet generator (monero-wallet-generator.html) into a web browser on an air-gapped (@airgap) computer that hasn't been used before, or has had a clean installation of the operative system.
#### الخطوه 2: تحميل وإنشاء محفظه ورقيه علي جهاز كمبيوتر آمن.
Your paper wallet will have four important items:
قم بتنزيل مولد المحفظة الورقيه من: وانسخه إلى USB (الرابط المباشر:
- Monero Public @Address: The public address is used to receive funds to the @wallet. You give this to anyone who will be sending funds to your wallet.
قم بفك ضغط وفتح مولد المحفظة الورقيه (monero-wallet-generator.html) في مستعرض ويب علي نسخه نظام تشغيل آمنه تم تنزيلها حديثاً.
- Monero @Mnemonic-Seed: The mnemonic seed is a method of storing the entire wallet that is easily recognizable to humans. This is all you need to restore your wallet at a later date.
ستحتوي محفظتك الورقية على أربعة عناصر مهمة:
- Monero @Spend-Key: The private spend key is used to send funds from the wallet.
Monero Public Address
يُستخدم العنوان العام لتلقي الأموال إلى المحفظة. أنت تُعطي هذا العنوان لأي شخص ليُرسل الأموال إلى محفظتك.
- Monero @View-Key: The private view key is to view transactions entering the wallet. Commonly this is used to setup a view-only wallet which can see incoming transactions live on the blockchain as they are sent to a cold storage wallet.
Monero Mnemonic Seed
طريقة تخزين المحفظة بطريقه سهله على البشر. هذا هو كل ما تحتاجه لاستعادة محفظتك في وقت لاحق.
At this point you have many options. You can print the wallet on paper, save it as a PDF or text on a USB stick, burn it to CD/DVD, etc. Most likely you will want at least two or three copies, stored securely in different locations. If storing digitally, encrypt everything with a strong password. If storing on paper, do not show the wallet to anyone else who can memorize your 25 word key, or take a picture of the wallet without your permission. Sending someone a picture of the wallet is the same as giving away all of your funds.
Monero Private Spend Key
يتم استخدام مفتاح الإنفاق الخاص لإرسال الأموال من المحفظة.
Whichever method you chose, be sure there's no copy of the Monero wallet left over on the device you used. You may need to securely delete the Monero wallet if you saved it to a disk, or make sure your printer does not save a copy in memory.
Monero Private View Key
مفتاح العرض الخاص يستخدم لعرض المعاملات التي تدخل إلى المحفظة. عادة ما يتم استخدام هذا المفتاح لإنشاء محفظة رؤيه فقط والتي يمكن أن ترى المعاملات الواردة مباشرة على سلسله الكتل بدون إمكانيه إنفاقها.
*If you lose access to your Monero paper wallet the Monero will not be available to you or anyone else, ever. You wont be able to recover them!*
عند هذه النقطة لديك العديد من الخيارات. يمكنك طباعة المحفظة على ورقه او حفظها كملف PDF أو علي USB او حرقها على CD / DVD ، وما إلى ذلك. على الأرجح ستحتاج على الأقل إلى نسختين أو ثلاث مخزنة بشكل آمن في مواقع مختلفة. في حالة التخزين الرقمي ، قم بتشفير كل شيء بكلمة مرور قوية. إذا كنت ستقوم بالتخزين على ورقه ، لا تعرض المحفظة لأي شخص آخر يمكنه حفظ مفتاحك المكون من 25 كلمة ، أو التقاط صورة للمحفظة دون إذنك. إن إرسال شخص ما صورة للمحفظة يعتبر كإعطائه كل أموالك.
أيًا كانت الطريقة التي اخترتها ، تأكد من عدم وجود نسخة من محفظة مونيرو متبقية على الجهاز الذي استخدمته. قد تحتاج إلى حذف محفظة مونيرو بأمان إذا قمت بحفظها على قرص أو تأكد من عدم قيام الطابعة بحفظ نسخة في الذاكرة.
* إذا فقدت إمكانية الوصول إلى محفظة مونيرو الورقية ، فلن تتمكن أنت أو أي شخص آخر من إستعادتها.
#### ملحوظه
خيار لتشفير كلمات الإستعاده الخاصه بك:
قم بتحميل صفحه الـHTML ووضعها علي جهاز عير متصل بالإنترنت. قم بإختيار "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" وتأكد من إستخدام "CN Add" مع كلمه سر جيّده.
#### خطوه 3: حوّل البتكوين إلي مونيرو وإرسله إلي محفظتك الورقيه
علي الحاسوب المتصل بالإنترنت لديك انتقل إلى اختر "Deposit Bitcoin" و "Receive Monero" (سريع).
إضغط إستمرار.
Your Monero Address (عنوان مونيرو العام في محفظة مونيرو الورقيه الخاصة بك)
إلصق عنوان مونيرو العام من محفتظ الورقيه في "Your Monero Address". ولكن لأن عنوان مونيرو الخاص بك موجود علي جهاز غير متصل بالإنترنت لا يمكنك النسخ واللصق لذلك قم بنسخه يدويا أو إستخدم USB فارغ وقم بنسخ العنوان من خلاله.
Refund Address (عنوان البيتكوين الخاص بك)
قم بإدخال عنوان بيتكوين خاص بك حتي يتم رد الأموال إليه في حاله وجود مشكله في المعامله. من المهم جداً إدخال عنوان بيتكوين يمكنك التحكم به وإستقبال الأموال عليه. لاحظ أن في coinbase و xapo يتغير هذا العنوان بشكل دوري.
Payment ID
أترك حقل هويه المعامله فارغا إذا كنت تُرسل إلي محفظه مونيرو خاصه بك . ( إذا كنت تستخدم منصه تداول يجب إدخال هويه المعامله حتي لا تضيع أموالك)
وافق علي الشروط وقم بتحديد خيار "Reusable Address".
إضغط "Start Transaction".
Deposit Address (عنوان بيتكوين من موقع Shapeshift لإستلام الأموال منك)
قم بنسخ هذا العنوان, ستقوم بإرسال البيتكوين إليه.
قم بإرسال البيتكوين ويرجي ملاحظه أن تكون الكميه أكبر من اقل كميه وأقل من أكبر كميه محدده من قبل موقع Shapeshift.
بعد إرسال البتكوين سيكون هُناك تأخير لدقائق أو ساعات إلي أن يتم تأكيد المعامله . يمكنك مُتابعه عنوان الإيداع علي موقع للتاكد من تأكيد المعامله.
بعد تأكيد معامله البتكوين سيقوم موقع shapeshift بتحويل البتكوين إلي مونيرو علي أحد منصات التداول وحينما يتم التحويل سيقوم بإرسال المونيرو علي عنوانك, ربما يأخذ هذا بضع دقائق أو ساعات إذا حدثت أي مشكله أو تأخير قم بالتواصل مع فريق دعم موقع shapeshift.
حينما يُظهر موقع shapeshift أن المعامله تمت بنجاح يعني أن المونيرو قد وصل حسابك بالفعل!
#### ملاحظات وكيف يمكنك التأكد من المعامله
لأن سلسله كتل مونيرو خاصه ولا يمكن تتبعها لن يمكنك البحث بإستخدام عنوان مونيرو الخاص بك والتأكد من وصول الأموال كما في البتكوين. هذه الخاصيه جيده للخصوصيه لكنها ليست سهله التأكيد كما في البتكوين.
للتأكد من وصول الأموال لك سيتحتم عليك إنشاء محفظه رؤيه فقط بإستخدام مفتاح الرؤيه الخاص بمحفظتك , لإنشاء محفظه رؤيه أنظر : [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
#### Side Note
Option to encrypt an XMR mnemonic seed:
Download the html page and place it on your airgapped computer. Check the part "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" and make sure you use "CN Add" with a decent password. Thanks manicminer5.
## Step 3: Send your Moneroj to the paper wallet
Now that you have everything you need, you are ready to send your XMR to your paper wallet. Simply send the coins to the wallet address you noted earlier. Make sure the address is correct, even if you copy-pasted it! Remember that if you send the coins to a wrong address, there is no way to have them back!
#### Notes and How to Verify Funds
Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to lookup your Monero Public Address and confirm that the funds have arrived like you might with Bitcoin. This is good for privacy, but bad for convenience.
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

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Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

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@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to l
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

View file

@ -1,83 +1,43 @@
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
## Cómo comprar y guardar Monero de manera segura.
## Step 1: Acquire Monero
There are multiple ways to acquire Monero: You can mine it, you can exchange services or goods for it, or you can convert other cryptocurrencies and fiat money to XMR. If you choose the latter, the most convenient way to do it is to use an exchange.
Esta es una guía para comprar y guardar Monero de manera segura a Junio del 2017.
There are multiple exchanges supporting Monero. Some are centralized, which usually have great liquidity and fast service, but requires you to provide personal information before starting the trade (KYC). Some are decentralized and don't require any identification, but usually have less volume and can be harder to use. There are also services that allow people to meet and perform a trade without third parties involved.
#### Paso 1: Compra Bitcoin
An incomplete list of Exchanges that support Monero is on our [Merchants page]({{ site.baseurl }}/community/merchants/#exchanges).
Hay varias formas de comprar Bitcoin. Dos compañías actuales semi-confiables son Xapo <> y Coinbase <>. El proceso incluye subir tu identificación personal (Identificación de estado, Pasaporte, entre otras) y toma un tiempo de 2 a 10 días (o más). Verifica su reputación en Reddit antes de hacer una compra grande. Xapo utiliza transferencia bancaria y Coinbase transferencia ACH bancaria. Xapo puede ser más rápido que Coinbase. Coinbase también permite compras pequeñas "instantáneas" a través de tarjeta de débito, pero agrega una gran comisión por esta opción. Una vez que hayas comprado Bitcoin, ¡estarás listo para convertirlo a Monero!
## Step 2: Download and create a Paper Wallet on a secure and air-gapped computer.
Download the @paper-wallet generator at: []( and copy it to a USB stick (Direct link: [](
#### Paso 2: Descarga y crea un monedero en papel en un ordenador seguro y aislado de la web
Unzip and open the paper wallet generator (monero-wallet-generator.html) into a web browser on an air-gapped (@airgap) computer that hasn't been used before, or has had a clean installation of the operative system.
Descarga el generador de monederos en papel en: y cópialo a una memoria USB (link directo:
Your paper wallet will have four important items:
Extrae y abre el generador (monero-wallet-generator.html) en un navegador web en un ordenador aislado de la web que nunca haya sido usado, o que haya tenido una instalación limpia del SO.
- Monero Public @Address: The public address is used to receive funds to the @wallet. You give this to anyone who will be sending funds to your wallet.
Tu monedero en papel tendrá cuatro importantes elementos:
- Monero @Mnemonic-Seed: The mnemonic seed is a method of storing the entire wallet that is easily recognizable to humans. This is all you need to restore your wallet at a later date.
Dirección Pública Monero
La dirección pública es utilizada para recibir fondos en el monedero. Puedes compartirla a cualquiera que vaya a enviar fondos a tu monedero.
- Monero @Spend-Key: The private spend key is used to send funds from the wallet.
Semilla Mnemónica Monero
La semilla mnemónica es un método de guardado de todo el monedero fácilmente reconocible para seres humanos. Es todo lo que necesitas para restaurar tu monedero en una fecha futura.
- Monero @View-Key: The private view key is to view transactions entering the wallet. Commonly this is used to setup a view-only wallet which can see incoming transactions live on the blockchain as they are sent to a cold storage wallet.
Clave Privada de Utilización Monero
La clave privada de utilización es usada para enviar fondos desde tu monedero.
At this point you have many options. You can print the wallet on paper, save it as a PDF or text on a USB stick, burn it to CD/DVD, etc. Most likely you will want at least two or three copies, stored securely in different locations. If storing digitally, encrypt everything with a strong password. If storing on paper, do not show the wallet to anyone else who can memorize your 25 word key, or take a picture of the wallet without your permission. Sending someone a picture of the wallet is the same as giving away all of your funds.
Clave Privada de Visualización Monero
La clave privada de visualización es para ver transacciones de entrada al monedero. Comúnmente es utilizada para preparar un monedero de visualización solamente que vea las transacciones de entrada en vivo en la blockchain a un monedero almacenamiento en frío.
Whichever method you chose, be sure there's no copy of the Monero wallet left over on the device you used. You may need to securely delete the Monero wallet if you saved it to a disk, or make sure your printer does not save a copy in memory.
A este punto tienes varias opciones. Puedes imprimir el monedero en papel, guardarlo como PDF o texto en una memoria USB, quemarlo a un CD/DVD, entre otras opciones. Querrás tener al menos dos o tres copias probablemente, guardadas en diferentes ubicaciones. Si lo guardas digitalmente, encripta todo con una contraseña fuerte. Si lo guardas en papel, no lo muestres a nadie quien pueda memorizar tu clave de 25 palabras, o tomar una foto del monedero sin permiso. Enviar una foto a alguien de tu monedero equivale a enviar todos tus fondos.
*If you lose access to your Monero paper wallet the Monero will not be available to you or anyone else, ever. You wont be able to recover them!*
Cualquiera que sea el método que elijas, asegúrate que no haya ninguna copia del monedero en el dispositivo que hayas utilizado. Es posible que debas borrar de manera segura el monedero si lo guardaste en un disco, o asegurarse de que la impresora no guarde una copia en la memoria.
#### Side Note
Option to encrypt an XMR mnemonic seed:
Download the html page and place it on your airgapped computer. Check the part "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" and make sure you use "CN Add" with a decent password. Thanks manicminer5.
*Si pierdes acceso a tu monedero en papel el Monero no estará disponible para ti o para alguien más nunca. ¡No serás capaz de recuperarlo!
#### Nota adicional
Opción para encriptar una semilla mnemónica de Monero:
Descarga la página hmtl y colócala en tu computadora aislada. Revisa la parte "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" y asegúrate de utilizar "CN Add" con una contraseña decente. Agradecimientos a manicminer5.
#### Paso 3: Convierte tu Bitcoin a Monero y envíalo a tu monedero en papel de Monero
Cambia a tu ordenador conectado a la red y ve a Elige "Depositar Bitcoin" y "Recibir Monero" (rápido).
Presiona en continuar.
Tu dirección de Monero (dirección pública Monero en tu monedero en papel)
Pega la dirección pública Monero de tu monedero en papel en donde dice "Tu dirección de Monero". Pero, ya que tu dirección pública se encuentra en un ordenador aislado (ṡcierto?), no puedes copiarlo y pegarlo... cópialo a mano, o a través de una memoria USB con sólo la dirección pública en ella.
Dirección de Reembolso (dirección pública Bitcoin en donde puedes recibir fondos)
Ingresa una dirección de Bitcoin que controles en donde se pueda enviar un reembolso en caso de que haya un problema con la transacción. Es muy importante que ingreses una dirección pública que esté bajo tu control o que pueda recibir fondos. En Xapo y Coinbase esta recibe el nombre de dirección de recibo y puede cambiar periódicamente.
ID de Pago
Deja el ID de pago en blanco si estás enviando a tu propio monedero de Monero o monedero en papel de Monero.
Acepta los términos y presiona la casilla de "dirección reutilizable".
Presiona en "Iniciar Transacción".
Dirección de Depósito (dirección pública Bitcoin de creada solamente para recibir tus fondos)
En la nueva pantalla que emerja, copia la dirección de depósito en el portapapeles (selecciona y presiona Ctrl+C o editar-copiar). Enviarás Bitcoin desde Xapo/Coinbase a a esta dirección.
Ve a tu cuenta de Xapo o Circle, y busca un botón para Transferir o Enviar. Pega la dirección de depósito en el campo de destino e ingresa la cantidad de bitcoin que quieres convertir a Monero. Se debe encontrar entre los rangos de depósito mínimos y máximos especificados por Presiona en enviar y autoriza la transacción, si es requerido.
Una vez la transacción haya sido enviada por Xapo/Coinbase habrá un retardo mientras que la transacción entra a la blockchain de Bitcoin y espere confirmación. Esto puede ser minutos u horas. Puedes revisar si el pago ha sido enviado consultando la dirección de depósito de en Tu transacción con se mostrará ahí.
Cuando tu transacción de Bitcoin haya sido confirmada, comenzará entonces a convertir Bitcoin (BTC) a Monero (XMR) en algún sitio de compra/venta de criptomonedas y cuando se complete, ¡enviará el Monero a la dirección de tu monedero en papel de almacenamiento en frío! Esto puede tomar desde minutos a horas. Si hay algún problema, contacta a Cuentan con un buen soporte.
Cuando la página de diga que tu transacción ha sido completada, ¡ahora deberás tener Monero en tu monedero en papel!
#### Notas y cómo verificar fondos
Debido a que la blockchain de Monero es privada y no rastreable, no serás capaz de buscar tu dirección pública de Monero y confirmar que los fondos han llegado como puedes hacer con Bitcoin. Esto es bueno para la privacidad, pero malo para conveniencia.
Para verificar de una manera segura que los fondos han llegado a tu monedero, necesitarás preparar un monedero de sólo visualización. Aquí es donde entra la clave de visualización. Para crear un monedero de sólo visualización ve la entrada: [Monederos de sólo visualización]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
Para verificar que los fondos *aún siguen* en tu monedero y que no han sido utilizados necesitas crear un monedero en frío con tu llave mnemónica (todos tus fondos) en una computadora aislada con una copia actualizada de la blockchain de Monero. Cuando termines tendrás que borrar con seguridad el monedero o conectarlo a la red y volverlo un monedero en caliente.
## Step 3: Send your Moneroj to the paper wallet
Now that you have everything you need, you are ready to send your XMR to your paper wallet. Simply send the coins to the wallet address you noted earlier. Make sure the address is correct, even if you copy-pasted it! Remember that if you send the coins to a wrong address, there is no way to have them back!
#### Notes and How to Verify Funds
Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to lookup your Monero Public Address and confirm that the funds have arrived like you might with Bitcoin. This is good for privacy, but bad for convenience.
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
## Comment acheter des Moneroj et les conserver en toute sécurité
## Step 1: Acquire Monero
There are multiple ways to acquire Monero: You can mine it, you can exchange services or goods for it, or you can convert other cryptocurrencies and fiat money to XMR. If you choose the latter, the most convenient way to do it is to use an exchange.
Voici un guide d'achat et de conservation en toute sécurité de Monero à la date de Juin 2017.
There are multiple exchanges supporting Monero. Some are centralized, which usually have great liquidity and fast service, but requires you to provide personal information before starting the trade (KYC). Some are decentralized and don't require any identification, but usually have less volume and can be harder to use. There are also services that allow people to meet and perform a trade without third parties involved.
#### Étape 1 : Acheter des Bitcoins
An incomplete list of Exchanges that support Monero is on our [Merchants page]({{ site.baseurl }}/community/merchants/#exchanges).
Il y a plusieurs façon d'acheter des Bitcoins. Deux sociétés à peu près fiables pour le moment sont Xapo <> et Coinbase <>. Le processus impliquera de fournir votre identité (carte d'identité, passeport, etc.) et prendra entre 2 et 10 jours (voire plus). Vérifier leur réputation sur Reddit avant d'effectuer des achats conséquents. Xapo utilise des virements directs et Coinbase utilise des virements standards (ACH aux États-unis, SEPA en Europe). Xapo devrait donc être plus rapide que Coinbase. Coinbase propose également de petits achats "instantanés" par carte bancaire mais ajoute des frais importants à cette option. Une fois que vous avez acheté des Bitcoins, vous êtes prêts à les convertir en Moneroj !
## Step 2: Download and create a Paper Wallet on a secure and air-gapped computer.
Download the @paper-wallet generator at: []( and copy it to a USB stick (Direct link: [](
#### Étape 2 : Télécharger et créer un portefeuille papier sur un ordinateur sécurisé et isolé
Unzip and open the paper wallet generator (monero-wallet-generator.html) into a web browser on an air-gapped (@airgap) computer that hasn't been used before, or has had a clean installation of the operative system.
Téléchargez le générateur de portefeuille papier sur et copiez-le sur une clef USB (lien direct :
Your paper wallet will have four important items:
Décompressez et ouvrer le générateur de portefeuille papier (monero-wallet-generator.html) dans le navigateur d'un ordinateur isolé (sans connexions d'aucune sorte) qui n'a jamais été utilisé avant, ou qui dispose d'un système d'exploitation fraichement installé.
- Monero Public @Address: The public address is used to receive funds to the @wallet. You give this to anyone who will be sending funds to your wallet.
Votre portefeuille papier aura quatre éléments importants :
- Monero @Mnemonic-Seed: The mnemonic seed is a method of storing the entire wallet that is easily recognizable to humans. This is all you need to restore your wallet at a later date.
Adresse publique Monero (Monero Public Address)
L'adresse publique est utilisée pour recevoir des fonds sur le portefeuille. Vous la donnerez à quiconque devrait envoyer des fonds sur votre portefeuille.
- Monero @Spend-Key: The private spend key is used to send funds from the wallet.
Phrase mnémonique Monero (Monero Mnemonic Seed)
La phrase mnémonique est une méthode de conservation de l'ensemble du portefeuille facilement reconnaissable par un humain. C'est tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour pouvoir restaurer votre portefeuille ultérieurement.
- Monero @View-Key: The private view key is to view transactions entering the wallet. Commonly this is used to setup a view-only wallet which can see incoming transactions live on the blockchain as they are sent to a cold storage wallet.
Clef privée de dépense Monero (Monero Private Spend Key)
Clef privée utilisée pour envoyer des fonds depuis le portefeuille.
At this point you have many options. You can print the wallet on paper, save it as a PDF or text on a USB stick, burn it to CD/DVD, etc. Most likely you will want at least two or three copies, stored securely in different locations. If storing digitally, encrypt everything with a strong password. If storing on paper, do not show the wallet to anyone else who can memorize your 25 word key, or take a picture of the wallet without your permission. Sending someone a picture of the wallet is the same as giving away all of your funds.
Clef privée d'audit Monero (Monero Private View Key)
La clef privée d'audit permet de voir les transaction entrant dans votre portefeuille. Habituellement, elle est utilisée pour configurer un portefeuille d'audit qui peut voir en direct les transactions envoyé à un portefeuille conservé "au frais".
Whichever method you chose, be sure there's no copy of the Monero wallet left over on the device you used. You may need to securely delete the Monero wallet if you saved it to a disk, or make sure your printer does not save a copy in memory.
A partir de là, vous avez plusieurs options. Vous pouvez imprimer le portefeuille, le sauvegarder en PDF ou en texte sur une clef USB, le graver sur un CD/DVD, etc. Vous devriez vouloir deux ou trois copies, conservées dans différents lieux. En cas de stockage numérique, chiffrez le tout avec un mot de passe fort. Si conservé sur du papier, ne montrez votre portefeuille à quiconque pourrait mémoriser les 25 mots de la phrase mnémonique, ou prendre une photo du portefeuille à votre insu. Envoyer une photo de votre portefeuille a quelqu'un revient à donner votre argent.
*If you lose access to your Monero paper wallet the Monero will not be available to you or anyone else, ever. You wont be able to recover them!*
Quelque soit la méthode que vous aurez choisit, assurez-vous qu'il ne reste aucune copie de votre portefeuille sur l'équipement que vous aurez utilisé. Vous pourriez avoir besoin de supprimer définitivement le portefeuille Monero si vous l'aviez enregistré sur un disque, ou vous assurer que votre imprimante ne conserve pas une copie en mémoire.
#### Side Note
Option to encrypt an XMR mnemonic seed:
Download the html page and place it on your airgapped computer. Check the part "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" and make sure you use "CN Add" with a decent password. Thanks manicminer5.
*Si vous perdez l'accès à votre portefeuille papier Monero, vos Moneroj ne seront plus accessible, ni pour vous, ni pour quiconque, jamais. Vous voulez pouvoir les récupérer !*
#### Remarque
Option pour chiffrer une phrase mnémonique :
Téléchargez la page html et déposez là sur l'ordinateur isolé. Consultez la section "chiffrer/déchiffrer une phrase mnémonique" (Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed) et assurez-vous d'utiliser "CN Add" avec un mot de passe convenable. Merci à manicminer5.
#### Étape 3 : Convertir vos Bitcoins en Moneroj et les transférer sur votre portefeuille papier Monero
Basculez sur votre ordinateur connecté et allez sur Choisissez "Déposer des Bitcoin" (Deposit Bitcoin) et "Recevoir des Moneroj" (Receive Monero) "rapide" (quick).
Cliquez sur continuer (Continue).
Votre adresse Monero (Your Monero Address) (l'adresse publique Monero de votre portefeuille Monero papier)
Collez votre adresse publique Monero depuis votre portefeuille papier où il est indiqué "votre adresse Monero" (Your Monero Address). Mais attendez, si votre adresse publique Monero est sur un ordinateur isolé (n'est ne pas ?), vous ne pouvez rien copier/coller... Copier la à la main, ou trouver une clef USB vierge et copiez uniquement l'adresse publique dessus.
Adresse de remboursement (Refund Address) (Adresse publique Bitcoin sur laquelle vous pouvez recevoir des fonds)
Entrez une adresse Bitcoin que vous contrôlez où un remboursement pourrait vous être envoyé au cas où il y aurait un problème avec la transaction. Il est très important que vous saisissiez une adresse publique Bitcoin que vous contrôliez ou où vous puissiez recevoir des fonds. Sur Xapo et Coinbase cela s'appelle une adresse de réception (Receive Address) et elle peut changer périodiquement.
ID de paiement (Payment ID)
Laissez l'ID de paiement vide si vous envoyez des fonds sur votre propre portefeuille ou portefeuille papier Monero.
Acceptez les conditions et cliquer sur la glissière pour en faire une adresse réutilisable (Reusable Address).
Cliquer sur "Démarrer la transaction" (Start Transaction).
Adresse de Dépôt (Deposit Address) (Adresse publique Bitcoin de créée uniquement pour la réception de vos fonds)
Sur le nouvelle écran qui s'affiche, copiez l'adresse de dépôt dans votre presse papier (sélectionner et tapez Ctrl+C ou faites edition > copier). Vous allez envoyer des Bitcoin depuis Xapo ou Coinbase à via cette adresse.
Allez sur votre compte Xapo ou Circle et trouvez le bouton Envoyer ("Transfer" ou "Send") Collez l'adresse de dépôt Bitcoin dans le champ destination et entrez le montant en Bitcoin que vous voudriez voir convertit en Moneroj. Il doit être entre les montant minimum et maximum de dépôt spécifiés par Cliquer sur Envoyer (send) et autorisez la transaction si nécessaire.
Une fois l'envoie initialisé par Xapo ou Coinbase il y aura délai le temps que la transaction entre sur la chaîne de blocs Bitcoin et soit confirmée. Cela peut prendre de quelques minutes à plusieurs heures. Vous pouvez vérifier si le paiement a été envoyé en recherchant l'adresse de dépôt sur Votre transaction vers y sera visible.
Lorsque votre transaction Bitcoin sera confirmée, lancera le change entre Bitcoin (BTC) et Monero (XMR) sur une bourse et lorsqu'il sera terminé, enverra les Moneroj à l'adresse de votre portefeuille papier ! Cela peut prendre de quelques minutes à plusieurs heures. S'il y a un soucis, contactez Ils disposent d'une bonne assistance.
Lorsque la page we de indique que votre transaction est terminée, vous devriez maintenant disposer de vos Moneroj dans votre portefeuille papier !
#### remarques et contrôle des fonds
Comme la chaîne de blocs Monero est confidentielle et intraçable, vous ne pourrez pas vérifier votre adresse publique Monero et confirmer que les fonds sont arrivés comme vous le pourriez avec Bitcoin. C'est un avantage pour la confidentialité, mais un inconvénient pour le confort.
Pour vérifier en toute sécurité si vos fonds sont arrivés sur votre portefeuille, vous aurez besoin de mettre en place un portefeuille d'audit. C'est là que votre clef d'audit entre en jeu. Pour créer un portefeuille d'audit regardez l'article : [Comment créer un portefeuille en lecture seule]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
Pour vérifier que vos fonds *sont toujours* dans votre portefeuille et n'ont pas été dépensés, vous aurez besoin de créer un portefeuille froid avec votre phrase mnémonique sur un ordinateur isolé avec une copie à jour de la chaîne de blocs Monero. Lorsque vous aurez terminé, vous devrez supprimer définitivement le portefeuille ou le connecter à internet et il deviendra un portefeuille chaud.
## Step 3: Send your Moneroj to the paper wallet
Now that you have everything you need, you are ready to send your XMR to your paper wallet. Simply send the coins to the wallet address you noted earlier. Make sure the address is correct, even if you copy-pasted it! Remember that if you send the coins to a wrong address, there is no way to have them back!
#### Notes and How to Verify Funds
Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to lookup your Monero Public Address and confirm that the funds have arrived like you might with Bitcoin. This is good for privacy, but bad for convenience.
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

View file

@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to l
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

View file

@ -1,83 +1,43 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="yes" %}
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
## Monero kopen en veilig opslaan
## Step 1: Acquire Monero
There are multiple ways to acquire Monero: You can mine it, you can exchange services or goods for it, or you can convert other cryptocurrencies and fiat money to XMR. If you choose the latter, the most convenient way to do it is to use an exchange.
Dit is een handleiding voor het aanschaffen en veilig opslaan van Monero, geschreven in juni 2017.
There are multiple exchanges supporting Monero. Some are centralized, which usually have great liquidity and fast service, but requires you to provide personal information before starting the trade (KYC). Some are decentralized and don't require any identification, but usually have less volume and can be harder to use. There are also services that allow people to meet and perform a trade without third parties involved.
#### Stap 1. Koop Bitcoin
An incomplete list of Exchanges that support Monero is on our [Merchants page]({{ site.baseurl }}/community/merchants/#exchanges).
Je kunt op allerlei manieren Bitcoin kopen. Twee min of meer betrouwbare bedrijven zijn op dit moment Xapo <> en Coinbase <>. Hiervoor is het nodig om een kopie van je identiteitsbewijs (paspoort, rijbewijs of identiteitskaart) te uploaden. Verificatie van je identiteit kan 2 tot 10 dagen duren (of langer). Controleer de reputatie van een exchange voordat je een grote aankoop doet. Xapo gebruikt elektronische overboekingen en Coinbase gebruikt bankoverschrijvingen (ACH in de VS). Xapo zal waarschijnlijk sneller werken dan Coinbase. Coinbase biedt ook de mogelijkheid om "instant" kleine bedragen te kopen met een betaalpas, maar rekent hoge kosten voor deze optie. Nadat je Bitcoin hebt gekocht, kun je ze omwisselen voor Monero.
## Step 2: Download and create a Paper Wallet on a secure and air-gapped computer.
Download the @paper-wallet generator at: []( and copy it to a USB stick (Direct link: [](
#### Stap 2. Download en maak een papieren portemonnee (paper wallet) op een veilige computer die niet verbonden is met internet.
Unzip and open the paper wallet generator (monero-wallet-generator.html) into a web browser on an air-gapped (@airgap) computer that hasn't been used before, or has had a clean installation of the operative system.
Download de *paper wallet generator* op en kopieer deze naar een USB-stick. (Directe link:
Your paper wallet will have four important items:
Pak de *paper wallet generator* uit en open deze (monero-wallet-generator.html) in een browser op een offline computer die nog nooit is gebruikt, of waarop het besturingssysteem opnieuw is geïnstalleerd.
- Monero Public @Address: The public address is used to receive funds to the @wallet. You give this to anyone who will be sending funds to your wallet.
De papieren portemonnee bestaat uit vier belangrijke onderdelen:
- Monero @Mnemonic-Seed: The mnemonic seed is a method of storing the entire wallet that is easily recognizable to humans. This is all you need to restore your wallet at a later date.
Openbaar Monero-adres
Het openbare adres wordt gebruikt om geld in de portemonnee te ontvangen. Je kunt dit adres aan iedereen geven die jou wil betalen.
- Monero @Spend-Key: The private spend key is used to send funds from the wallet.
Met de hersteltekst wordt de hele portemonnee opgeslagen op een manier die begrijpelijk is voor mensen. Dit is alles wat je nodig hebt om later je portemonnee te herstellen.
- Monero @View-Key: The private view key is to view transactions entering the wallet. Commonly this is used to setup a view-only wallet which can see incoming transactions live on the blockchain as they are sent to a cold storage wallet.
De privé-bestedingssleutel wordt gebruikt om geld vanuit de portemonnee te verzenden.
At this point you have many options. You can print the wallet on paper, save it as a PDF or text on a USB stick, burn it to CD/DVD, etc. Most likely you will want at least two or three copies, stored securely in different locations. If storing digitally, encrypt everything with a strong password. If storing on paper, do not show the wallet to anyone else who can memorize your 25 word key, or take a picture of the wallet without your permission. Sending someone a picture of the wallet is the same as giving away all of your funds.
Privé alleen-lezen sleutel
De privé alleen-lezen sleutel is bedoeld om te bekijken welke transacties worden ontvangen door de portemonnee. Deze wordt vaak gebruikt om een alleen-lezen portemonnee voor *cold storage* (koude opslag) te maken, zodat je direct op de blockchain kunt zien welke transacties daar binnenkomen.
Whichever method you chose, be sure there's no copy of the Monero wallet left over on the device you used. You may need to securely delete the Monero wallet if you saved it to a disk, or make sure your printer does not save a copy in memory.
Op dit punt heb je allerlei opties. Je kunt de portemonnee op papier afdrukken, opslaan als een PDF of een tekstbestand op een USB-stick, op een cd of dvd branden enzovoort. Het wordt aangeraden om tenminste twee of drie exemplaren op verschillende plekken op te slaan. Versleutel alles met een sterk wachtwoord als je de portemonnee digitaal bewaart. Als je de portemonnee op papier bewaart, laat hem dan niet zien aan iemand die je hersteltekst van 25 woorden kan onthouden of zonder je toestemming een foto van de portemonnee kan maken. Iemand een foto van de portemonnee sturen is hetzelfde als al het geld weggeven.
*If you lose access to your Monero paper wallet the Monero will not be available to you or anyone else, ever. You wont be able to recover them!*
Welke methode je ook kiest, zorg ervoor dat er geen exemplaar van de Monero-portemonnee achterblijft op het apparaat dat je hebt gebruikt. Eventueel moet je de Monero-portemonnee veilig verwijderen als je hem op een schijf hebt opgeslagen, of controleren of je printer geen exemplaar heeft opgeslagen in zijn geheugen.
#### Side Note
Option to encrypt an XMR mnemonic seed:
Download the html page and place it on your airgapped computer. Check the part "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" and make sure you use "CN Add" with a decent password. Thanks manicminer5.
*Als je de toegang tot je papieren Monero-portemonnee kwijtraakt, ben je de Monero die erop staan voorgoed kwijt. Niemand kan je helpen om ze terug te krijgen!*
#### Kanttekening
Je kunt een XMR-hersteltekst versleutelen met:
Download de html-pagina en breng die naar je offline computer. Vink de optie "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" aan en gebruik "CN Add" met een degelijk wachtwoord. Met dank aan manicminer5.
#### Stap 3. Wissel je Bitcoin om voor Monero en laat je Monero naar je papieren portemonnee sturen.
Ga op je computer met een internetverbinding naar Kies "Bron: Bitcoin", "Doel: Monero" en "Snel".
Klik op Doorgaan.
Je Monero adres (bestemmingsadres)
Plak hier het openbare Monero-adres uit je papieren portemonnee in het tekstvak waar "Je Monero adres" staat. Maar wacht even: je openbare Monero-adres staat op een offline computer (toch?) dus je kunt het niet kopiëren en plakken. Kopieer het met de hand, of kopieer alleen het openbare adres naar een lege USB-stick.
Je Bitcoin adres voor het omgewisselde bedrag
Voer een Bitcoin-adres in dat eigendom van jou is, zodat je daar een terugbetaling kunt ontvangen als er een probleem is met de transactie. Het is erg belangrijk dat je een openbaar Bitcoin-adres invoert dat eigendom van jou is en waar je geld kunt ontvangen. Bij Xapo en Coinbase heet dit een Receive Address (ontvangstadres). Het kan af en toe gewijzigd worden.
Payment Id
Laat Payment Id (Betalings-ID) leeg als je Monero naar je eigen portemonnee of papieren portemonnee verzendt.
Ga akkoord met de voorwaarden en klik op de schuifknop "Bewaren Adres?" om er een herbruikbaar adres van te maken.
Klik op "Transactie starten".
Stortingsadres (het openbare Bitcoin-adres van dat alleen is bestemd voor het ontvangen van je geld)
In het nieuwe scherm dat wordt weergegeven kopieer je het stortingsadres onder "Verzonden naar dit adres" naar je klembord (selecteer het en druk op Ctrl-C of klik op Bewerken - Plakken). Via dit adres verzend je Bitcoin van Xapo/Coinbase naar
Ga naar je Xapo- of Circle-account en zoek de knop Transfer of Send op. Plak het Bitcoin-stortingsadres in het veld Destination en voer in hoeveel Bitcoin je wilt laten omwisselen voor Monero. Het bedrag moet binnen het door opgegeven bereik voor Minimaal inlegbedrag en Maximaal inlegbedrag vallen. Klik op Send en autoriseer indien nodig de transactie.
Nadat het verzenden is gestart door Xapo/Coinbase, moet je wachten terwijl de transactie op de Bitcoin-blockchain wordt vastgelegd en bevestigd. Dit kan minuten of uren duren. Je kunt controleren of de betaling is verzonden door het stortingsadres bij op te zoeken op Daar wordt je transactie naar weergegeven.
Nadat je Bitcoin-transactie is bevestigd, begint met het omwisselen van Bitcoin (BTC) voor Monero (XMR) op een van de exchanges. Wanneer dat klaar is, wordt je Monero verzonden naar het adres van je papieren portemonnee voor cold storage. Dit kan minuten tot uren duren. Neem contact op met als er een probleem is. Hun ondersteuning is goed.
Wanneer de transactie volgens de webpagina van is voltooid, zou je Monero in je papieren portemonnee moeten hebben.
### Opmerkingen en het verifiëren van je saldo
Omdat de Monero-blockchain vertrouwelijk en niet volgbaar is, kun je niet je openbare Monero-adres opzoeken om te bevestigen dat het geld is aangekomen, zoals je met Bitcoin zou kunnen doen. Dit is goed voor je privacy, maar minder gemakkelijk.
Je hebt een alleen-lezen portemonnee nodig om veilig te controleren of je geld is aangekomen in je portemonnee. Daarvoor heb je die alleen-lezen sleutel bewaard. Zie de handleiding voor het maken van een alleen-lezen portemonnee: [Een alleen-lezen portemonnee maken]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
Om te controleren of het geld *nog steeds in* je portemonnee zit en niet uitgegeven is, moet je een 'koude' portemonnee (cold wallet) maken met je hersteltekst (voor al je geld) op een offline computer waar een bijgewerkt exemplaar van de Monero-blockchain op staat. Wanneer je daarmee klaar bent, moet je de portemonnee veilig wissen of met internet verbinden zodat het een 'hot wallet' wordt.
## Step 3: Send your Moneroj to the paper wallet
Now that you have everything you need, you are ready to send your XMR to your paper wallet. Simply send the coins to the wallet address you noted earlier. Make sure the address is correct, even if you copy-pasted it! Remember that if you send the coins to a wrong address, there is no way to have them back!
#### Notes and How to Verify Funds
Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to lookup your Monero Public Address and confirm that the funds have arrived like you might with Bitcoin. This is good for privacy, but bad for convenience.
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

View file

@ -1,81 +1,43 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="yes" %}
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
## Jak bezpiecznie kupować i przechowywać Monero?
## Step 1: Acquire Monero
There are multiple ways to acquire Monero: You can mine it, you can exchange services or goods for it, or you can convert other cryptocurrencies and fiat money to XMR. If you choose the latter, the most convenient way to do it is to use an exchange.
Ten przewodnik opisuje, jak kupować i bezpiecznie przechowywać Monero, zgodnie ze stanem na czerwiec 2017 roku.
There are multiple exchanges supporting Monero. Some are centralized, which usually have great liquidity and fast service, but requires you to provide personal information before starting the trade (KYC). Some are decentralized and don't require any identification, but usually have less volume and can be harder to use. There are also services that allow people to meet and perform a trade without third parties involved.
#### Krok 1: Kup Bitcoin.
An incomplete list of Exchanges that support Monero is on our [Merchants page]({{ site.baseurl }}/community/merchants/#exchanges).
Istnieje wiele sposobów na zakupo Bitcoina. Dwie na wpół niezawodne organizacje to Xapo <> oraz Coinbase <>. Proces obejmuje przesłanie swojego dokumentu (dowodu osobistego, paszportu itp.) i zajmie od 2 do 10 dni (lub więcej). Zanim dokonasz dużego zakupu, zweryfikuj ich opinię na Reddit. Xapo korzysta z Wire Transfer, a Coinbase z Bank Transfer (ACH w USA). Xapo zazwyczaj jest szybszy niż Coinbase. Coinbase pozwala także na małe, natychmiastowe kupna za pośrednictwem karty debetowej, ale ta opcja obarczona jest wysoką opłatą. Po zakupie Bitcoina jesteś gotowy na wymianę go na Monero!
## Step 2: Download and create a Paper Wallet on a secure and air-gapped computer.
Download the @paper-wallet generator at: []( and copy it to a USB stick (Direct link: [](
#### Krok 2: Ściągnij i utwórz papierowy portfel na bezpiecznym i odłączonym od sieci komputerze.
Unzip and open the paper wallet generator (monero-wallet-generator.html) into a web browser on an air-gapped (@airgap) computer that hasn't been used before, or has had a clean installation of the operative system.
Ściągnij generator papierowego portfela ze strony i skopiuj go na USB (bezpośredni link:
Your paper wallet will have four important items:
Rozpakuj i otwórz generator papierowego portfela (monero-wallet-generator.html) w przeglądarce na odłączonym od sieci komputerze, który nie był wcześniej używany lub posiada świeżo zainstalowany system operacyjny.
- Monero Public @Address: The public address is used to receive funds to the @wallet. You give this to anyone who will be sending funds to your wallet.
Twój papierowy portfel posiada cztery ważne informacje:
- Monero @Mnemonic-Seed: The mnemonic seed is a method of storing the entire wallet that is easily recognizable to humans. This is all you need to restore your wallet at a later date.
Publiczny adres Monero
Publiczny adres jest używany do otrzymywania płatności. Przekazujesz go osobie, która prześle pieniądze do twojego portfela.
- Monero @Spend-Key: The private spend key is used to send funds from the wallet.
Kod mnemoniczny Monero
Kod mnemoniczny jest metodą przechowywania całego portfela, łatwo rozpoznawalną dla ludzi. Jest wszystkim, czego potrzebujesz, aby przywrócić swój portfel.
- Monero @View-Key: The private view key is to view transactions entering the wallet. Commonly this is used to setup a view-only wallet which can see incoming transactions live on the blockchain as they are sent to a cold storage wallet.
Prywatny klucz wydawania Monero
Prywatny klucz wydawania jest używany do wysyłania pieniędzy z twojego portfela.
At this point you have many options. You can print the wallet on paper, save it as a PDF or text on a USB stick, burn it to CD/DVD, etc. Most likely you will want at least two or three copies, stored securely in different locations. If storing digitally, encrypt everything with a strong password. If storing on paper, do not show the wallet to anyone else who can memorize your 25 word key, or take a picture of the wallet without your permission. Sending someone a picture of the wallet is the same as giving away all of your funds.
Prywatny klucz widoczności Monero
Prywatny klucz widoczności służy to wyświetlania transakcji przychodzących na konto. Często jest on używany do zakładania portfela tylko do odczytu, który wyświetla transakcje przychodzące, będące aktualnie przesyłane w łańcuchu bloków do zimnego portfela.
Whichever method you chose, be sure there's no copy of the Monero wallet left over on the device you used. You may need to securely delete the Monero wallet if you saved it to a disk, or make sure your printer does not save a copy in memory.
W tym miejscu masz wiele opcji. Możesz wydrukować swój portfel, zapisać jako PDF lub plik tekstowy na USB, nagrać na CD/DVD itd. Najpewniej będziesz potrzebował przynajmniej dwóch lub trzech jego kopii, bezpiecznie zachowanych w różnych miejscach. Jeśli zapisujesz je na dysku, ochroń wszystko silnym hasłem. Jeśli zachowujesz portfel na papierze, nie pokazuj go nikomu, aby nie zapamiętano twojego 25-słownego kodu lub nie zrobiono zdjęcia bez twojej zgody. Przesyłanie zdjęcia twojego portfela jest równoznaczne z oddaniem wszystkich twoich pieniędzy.
*If you lose access to your Monero paper wallet the Monero will not be available to you or anyone else, ever. You wont be able to recover them!*
Jakąkolwiek metodę wybierzesz, upewnij się, że żadna kopia twojego portfela Monero nie została na urządzeniu, którego używałeś. Bezpiecznie usuń portfel po zapisaniu go na dysku lub upewnij się, że drukarka nie zachowała żadnej kopii w swojej pamięci.
#### Side Note
Option to encrypt an XMR mnemonic seed:
Download the html page and place it on your airgapped computer. Check the part "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" and make sure you use "CN Add" with a decent password. Thanks manicminer5.
*Jeśli stracisz dostęp do swojego papierowego portfela, twoje Monero nigdy nie będzie dostępne ani dla ciebie, ani dla nikogo innego. Nie będziesz mógł ich odzyskać!
#### Adnotacja
Opcją zaszyfrowania kodu mnemonicznego Monero jest Ściągnij stronę html i otwórz ją na odłączonym od sieci komputerze. Sprawdź część "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" i upewnij się, że używasz "CN Add" z mocnym hasłem. Dzięki, manicminer5.
#### Krok 3: Zamień Bitcoin na Monero i prześlij je do swojego papierowego portfela.
Przejdź do komputera z połączeniem internetowym i wejdź na stronę Wybierz "Deposit Bitcoin" i "Receive Monero" (szybko).
Naciśnij Dalej.
Twój adres Monero (publiczny adres Monero w twoim papierowym portfelu Monero)
Wklej publiczny adres Monero z papierowego portfela w miejscu podpisanym "Your Monero Address". Ponieważ twój publiczny adres znajduje się na komputerze odłączonym od sieci (prawda?), przepisz go ręcznie lub skopiuj tylko publiczny adres na czysty dysk USB.
Adres zwrotny (publiczny adres Bitcoin, na który otrzymujesz pieniądze)
Wprowadź adres Bitcoin, który kontrolujesz i gdzie ewentualny zwrot zostanie wysłany, jeśli zaistnieje problem z transakcją. Na Xapo i Coinbase adres ten nazywa się adresem otrzymywania i może się czasami zmieniać.
Numer identyfikacyjny płatności
Zostaw pole z numerem identyfikacji płatności puste, jeśli wysyłasz do własnego portfela Monero lub do papierowego portfela Monero.
Zaznacz zgodę z warunkami i zmień suwak na "Reusable Address".
Kliknij "Start Transaction".
Adres wpłat (publiczny adres Bitcoina, stworzony jedynie do otrzymywania funduszy na
Z nowego okna skopiuj adres wpłat (ctrl+c lub menu Edit - Copy). Za pomocą tego adresu prześlesz Bitcoin z Xapo lub Coinbase na
Przejdź do swojego konta Xapo lub Circle i znajdź przycisk Transfer lub Send. Wklej adres wpłat Bitcoina wpole Destination i wpisz kwotę w Bitcoinach, którą chcesz zamienić na Monero. Kwota musi się zmieścić w minimalnym i maksymalnym zakresie wpłat Kliknij Send i zautoryzuj transakcję, jeśli zostaniesz o to poproszony.
Kiedy wysyłka zostanie zainicjowana przez Xapo lub Coinbase, pojawi się pewne opóźnienie przy wejściu transakcji do łańcucha bloków Bitcoina i oczekiwaniu na potwierdzenie. Może ono zająć kilka minut lub godzin. Możesz sprawdzić, czy płatność została wysłana, wyszukując adres wpłat na stronie Pojawi się tam twoja transakcja do
Po potwierdzeniu twojej wpłaty Bitcoinów, rozpocznie wymianę Bitcoinów (BTC) na Monero (XMR) na jednej z giełd, a gdy ją zakończy, wyśle Monero na adres twojego zimnego papierowego portfela. Zajmie to kilka minut lub godzin. W przypadku problemów, skontaktuj się z ekipą, jest ona bardzo pomocna.
Gdy poinformuje o ukończeniu twojej transakcji, powinieneś już mieć swoje Monero w papierowym portfelu!
#### Adnotacje i jak zweryfikować fundusze
Ponieważ łańcuch bloków Monero jest prywatny i niewykrywalny, nie będziesz mógł wyszukać swojego publicznego adresu Monero i potwierdzić, że fundusze doszły, tak jak to można zrobić w przypadku Bitcoina. To jest dobre dla prywatności, ale niewygodne.
Aby bezpiecznie zweryfikować, czy pieniądze wpłynęły na twoje konto, będziesz musiał założyć portfel tylko do odczytu. Do tego przyda się klucz widoczności. Aby założyć portfel tylko do odczytu, przejdź do części [Portfele tylko do odczytu]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html).
Aby zweryfikować, czy pieniądze *nadal* są w twoim portfelu i nie zostały wydane, musisz założyć zimny portfel za pomocą swojego kodu mnemonicznego, na komputerze odłączonym od sieci z aktualną kopią łańcucha bloków Monero. Po skończeniu, bezpiecznie usuń portfel lub połącz go z internetem, aby stał się gorącym portfelem.
## Step 3: Send your Moneroj to the paper wallet
Now that you have everything you need, you are ready to send your XMR to your paper wallet. Simply send the coins to the wallet address you noted earlier. Make sure the address is correct, even if you copy-pasted it! Remember that if you send the coins to a wrong address, there is no way to have them back!
#### Notes and How to Verify Funds
Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to lookup your Monero Public Address and confirm that the funds have arrived like you might with Bitcoin. This is good for privacy, but bad for convenience.
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

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Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

View file

@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to l
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

View file

@ -1,78 +1,43 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="yes" %}
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Это руководство по приобретению и безопасному хранению Monero по состоянию на июнь 2017 года.
## Step 1: Acquire Monero
There are multiple ways to acquire Monero: You can mine it, you can exchange services or goods for it, or you can convert other cryptocurrencies and fiat money to XMR. If you choose the latter, the most convenient way to do it is to use an exchange.
#### Шаг 1. Покупка Bitcoin
There are multiple exchanges supporting Monero. Some are centralized, which usually have great liquidity and fast service, but requires you to provide personal information before starting the trade (KYC). Some are decentralized and don't require any identification, but usually have less volume and can be harder to use. There are also services that allow people to meet and perform a trade without third parties involved.
Существует множество способов приобретения Bitcoin. Двумя относительно надежными компаниями в настоящее время являются Xapo <> и Coinbase <>. Сам процесс включает в себя загрузку ваших персональных данных (данных удостоверения личности государственного образца, паспорта, и т. д.) и занимает приблизительно от 2 до 10 дней (случается, что и больше). Перед совершением крупной закупки следует проверить репутацию продавца на Reddit. Xapo использует телеграфные денежные переводы, а Coinbase — банковские переводы (ACH в USA). Xapo, пожалуй, работает быстрее, чем Coinbase. При этом Coinbase поддерживает проведение небольших «мгновенных» сделок с использованием дебетовых карт. Однако за данную опцию придётся заплатить довольно крупную комиссию. После приобретения Bitcoin его можно конвертировать в Monero.
An incomplete list of Exchanges that support Monero is on our [Merchants page]({{ site.baseurl }}/community/merchants/#exchanges).
#### Шаг 2. Загрузка и создание бумажного кошелька на безопасном изолированном компьютере
## Step 2: Download and create a Paper Wallet on a secure and air-gapped computer.
Download the @paper-wallet generator at: []( and copy it to a USB stick (Direct link: [](
Необходимо загрузить генератор бумажных кошельков. Это можно сделать по ссылке: После этого генератор следует скопировать на USB-накопитель (прямая ссылка:
Unzip and open the paper wallet generator (monero-wallet-generator.html) into a web browser on an air-gapped (@airgap) computer that hasn't been used before, or has had a clean installation of the operative system.
Затем необходимо разархивировать и открыть генератор (monero-wallet-generator.html) в веб-браузере на изолированном компьютере, который либо до этого не использовался, либо на который установлена только ОС.
Your paper wallet will have four important items:
Бумажный кошелек должен иметь четыре важных элемента.
- Monero Public @Address: The public address is used to receive funds to the @wallet. You give this to anyone who will be sending funds to your wallet.
Публичный адрес Monero
убличный адрес используется для получения средств на кошелек. Его можно передать любому лицу, собирающемуся отправить вам средства.
- Monero @Mnemonic-Seed: The mnemonic seed is a method of storing the entire wallet that is easily recognizable to humans. This is all you need to restore your wallet at a later date.
Мнемоническая фраза Monero
Мнемоническая фраза представляет собой легко читаемый человеком способ обеспечения безопасности целого кошелька. Её будет достаточно для восстановления кошелька в будущем.
- Monero @Spend-Key: The private spend key is used to send funds from the wallet.
Приватный ключ траты Monero
Приватный ключ траты используется для перевода средств с кошелька.
- Monero @View-Key: The private view key is to view transactions entering the wallet. Commonly this is used to setup a view-only wallet which can see incoming transactions live on the blockchain as they are sent to a cold storage wallet.
Приватный ключ просмотра Monero
Приватный ключ просмотра необходим для наблюдения за входящими на кошелек транзакциями. Обычно он используется для настройки кошелька формата «view-only», который позволяет только просматривать входящие в блокчейн транзакции в режиме реального времени по мере того, как они отправляются на холодный кошелёк.
At this point you have many options. You can print the wallet on paper, save it as a PDF or text on a USB stick, burn it to CD/DVD, etc. Most likely you will want at least two or three copies, stored securely in different locations. If storing digitally, encrypt everything with a strong password. If storing on paper, do not show the wallet to anyone else who can memorize your 25 word key, or take a picture of the wallet without your permission. Sending someone a picture of the wallet is the same as giving away all of your funds.
На данном этапе у пользователя имеется множество опций. Можно создать бумажный кошелек, сохранить его в формате PDF или в текстовом формате на USB-носителе, CD/DVD диске и т. д. Скорее всего, потребуется не менее двух-трёх копий, которые будет можно хранить в безопасности в разных местах. При хранении на цифровых носителях требуется защитить их надёжным паролем. При хранении на бумаге не следует показывать кошелёк лицам, способным либо запомнить ваш ключ, состоящий из 25 слов, либо сфотографировать его без вашего разрешения. Отправка фотографии кошелька третьим лицам может означать потерю всех ваших средств.
Whichever method you chose, be sure there's no copy of the Monero wallet left over on the device you used. You may need to securely delete the Monero wallet if you saved it to a disk, or make sure your printer does not save a copy in memory.
Какой бы способ вы не выбрали, следует убедиться в том, что на устройстве, которое было использовано, не осталось ни одной копии кошелька Monero. Вам может потребоваться полное удаление кошелька, если вы сохранили его на диске, а также убедиться в том, что ваш принтер не сохранил каких-либо копий в памяти.
*If you lose access to your Monero paper wallet the Monero will not be available to you or anyone else, ever. You wont be able to recover them!*
*При потере доступа к вашему бумажному кошельку Monero ни вы, ни кто-либо другой не сможет когда-нибудь снова получить его. Восстановить кошелёк вы уже никогда не сможете!
#### Side Note
Option to encrypt an XMR mnemonic seed:
Download the html page and place it on your airgapped computer. Check the part "Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed" and make sure you use "CN Add" with a decent password. Thanks manicminer5.
#### Сноска на полях
Опция шифрования мнемонической фразы XMR:
Загрузите html-страницу и разместите ее на изолированном компьютере. Далее выберите Encrypt/Decrypt Mnemonic Seed [Зашифровать/расшифровать мнемоническую фразу] и убедитесь, что используете CN Add с надёжным паролем. Спасибо пользователю manicminer5.
## Step 3: Send your Moneroj to the paper wallet
Now that you have everything you need, you are ready to send your XMR to your paper wallet. Simply send the coins to the wallet address you noted earlier. Make sure the address is correct, even if you copy-pasted it! Remember that if you send the coins to a wrong address, there is no way to have them back!
#### Notes and How to Verify Funds
Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to lookup your Monero Public Address and confirm that the funds have arrived like you might with Bitcoin. This is good for privacy, but bad for convenience.
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
#### Шаг 3. Перевод Bitcoin в Monero и отправка на бумажный кошелек Monero
Сядьте за компьютер с подключением к интернету и перейдите по адресу Выберите раздел Deposit Bitcoin [Внести Bitcoin] и Receive Monero [Получить Monero] (и побыстрее).
Нажмите Continue [Продолжить].
Your Monero Address [Адрес Monero] (публичный адрес Monero вашего бумажного кошелька)
Введите публичный адрес Monero вашего бумажного кошелька в поле Your Monero Address (Ваш адрес Monero). Хотя, стоп! Ведь если ваш публичный адрес находится на изолированном компьютере (верно же?), вы не сможете скопировать и вставить что бы то ни было… Тогда либо перепишите его от руки, либо придется взять чистый USB-накопитель и скопировать на него публичный адрес.
Refund Address [Адрес возмещения] (публичный адрес Bitcoin, на который вы можете получать средства)
Введите ваш адрес Bitcoin, на который будут возвращены средства при возникновении каких-либо проблем с транзакцией. Очень важно указать публичный адрес Bitcoin, который вы либо полностью контролируете, либо на который вы сможете получить средства. В случае с Xapo и Coinbase он будет называться Receive Address [Адрес получения] и может периодически меняться.
Payment ID [Идентификатор платежа]
При отправке средств на принадлежащий вам кошелек Monero или бумажный кошелек Monero данное поле следует оставить незаполненным.
Согласитесь с условиями и переместите слайдер до поля "Reusable Address" (Многоразовый адрес).
Нажмите "Start Transaction" [Начать транзакцию].
Deposit Address [Адрес депозита] (публичный адрес Bitcoin обменника, предназначенный исключительно для получения средств)
Скопируйте адрес депозита из появившегося всплывающего окна в буфер обмена (используя клавиши Ctrl+C или через меню: Правка–Копировать). По этому адресу произойдёт отправка Bitcoin из Xapo / Coinbase в
Теперь необходимо вернуться в свою учётную запись Xapo или Circle и найти кнопку Transfer [Перевести] или Send [Отправить]. Следует вставить адрес депозита Bitcoin в поле Destination [Адресат] и ввести сумму Bitcoin, которую требуется перевести в Monero. Сумма должна находиться в пределах минимального и максимального депозита, определяемого После этого можно нажать Send (Отправить) и, в случае необходимости, подтвердить транзакцию.
После начала передачи через Xapo / Coinbase произойдёт задержка, связанная с вводом транзакции в блокчейн Bitcoin и ожиданием подтверждения. Это может занять от нескольких минут до нескольких часов. Факт отправки платежа можно проверить через адрес депозита на Здесь должна отобразиться ваша транзакция
После подтверждения транзакции начнёт обмен Bitcoin (BTC) на Monero (XMR) через одну из бирж, и по завершении обмена отправит Monero на адрес вашего холодного бумажного кошелька! Это также может занять от нескольких минут до нескольких часов. В случае возникновения проблем следует обратиться в У них хорошая служба поддержки.
Когда на веб-странице появится информация, подтверждающая завершение транзакции, Monero уже будут в вашем бумажном кошельке!
#### Примечания и способы верификации средств
Ввиду того, что блокчейн Monero анонимен и не допускает отслеживания транзакций, вы не сможете при просмотре вашего публичного адреса Monero удостовериться в получении средств, как можно было бы сделать в случае с Bitcoin. Это хорошо с точки зрения анонимности, но плохо с точки зрения создаваемых неудобств.
Чтобы безопасно проверить получение средств на кошелёк, необходимо установить кошелек, предназначенный исключительно для просмотра (view-only). Здесь пригодится ключ просмотра. Для создания такого кошелька ознакомьтесь с: [Кошелек только для просмотра]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
Для подтверждения того, что средства *по-прежнему находятся* вашем кошельке и не были потрачены, требуется создать холодный кошелек при помощи вашего мнемонического ключа (для всех ваших средств) на изолированном компьютере с актуальной копией блокчейна Monero. После завершения в целях безопасности придётся либо стереть кошелек, либо подключить его к Интернету, после чего он станет горячим кошельком.
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

View file

@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to l
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

View file

@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to l
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC

View file

@ -41,6 +41,3 @@ Because the Monero blockchain is private and untraceable, you won't be able to l
To securely verify the funds have arrived at your wallet, you will need to setup a View Only wallet. This is where that view-key comes in. To create a view-only wallet see the entry: [View Only Wallets]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/view_only.html)
To verify the funds are *still in* your wallet and have not been spent you need to create a Cold Wallet with your mnemonic key (all your funds) on an airgapped computer with an up-to-date copy of the Monero Blockchain. When finished you will have to securely erase the wallet or connect it to the internet and it becomes a Hot Wallet.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero @daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo]( should also work via [Orbot]( Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
## Create a Tor hidden service for RPC