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synced 2025-03-12 09:36:48 +00:00
user guides: uniform structure of monero-wallet-cli.md for all languages
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13 changed files with 5 additions and 31 deletions
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
# واجهه سطر الأوامر (monero-wallet-cli)
واجهه سطر الأوامر `monero-wallet-cli` هو برنامج المحفظه الذي يأتي مع مونيرو. إنه برنامج وحده تحكم ويُدير الحساب. بينما في البتكوين تُدير المحفظه كلاً من الحساب وسلسله الكُتل. يقوم مونيرو بفصلهم : الخادم `monerod` يُدير سلسله الكُتل و واجهه سطر الأوامر `monero-wallet-cli` تُدير الحساب.
سيقوم هذا الدليل بإطلاعك علي كيفيه القيام بالعديد من العمليات من واجهه سطر الأوامر . يفترض هذا الدليل أنك تستخدم أحدث نسخه من برامج مونيرو وقمت بالفعل بإنشاء حساب كما هو موضح بالدلائل الأخري.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` ist die im Monero-Baum enthaltene Wallet-Software, die als Konsolenprogramm ein Konto verwaltet. Während ein Bitcoin-Wallet sowohl das Konto als auch die Blockchain verwaltet, ist dies bei Monero getrennt: `monerod` ist für die Blockchain, `monero-wallet-cli` für das Konto zuständig.
Wie verschiedene Vorgänge ausgehend von der Benutzeroberfläche des `monero-wallet-cli` - die Befehlszeile - gesteuert werden, wird in dieser Anleitung erklärt. Es wird angenommen, dass du die neueste Version Moneros nutzt und mithilfe anderer Anleitungen bereits ein Konto erstellt hast.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
and manages an account. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain,
Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` es el software de monedero que viene con el árbol de Monero. Es un programa de consola,
y administra una cuenta. Mientras que un monedero de Bitcoin administra ambos, cuenta y blockchain,
Monero separa estos: `monerod` maneja la blockchain, y `monero-wallet-cli` la cuenta.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` est une application de portefeuille qui est incluse dans la suite Monero. C'est un
programme en ligne de commandes qui permet de gérer un compte. Tandis que le portefeuille Bitcoin
gère à la fois un compte et la chaîne de bloc, Monero sépare ces deux composants : `monerod`
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
and manages an account. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain,
Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ This guide will show how to perform various operations from the `monero-wallet-c
## Checking your balance
Since the blockchain handling and the wallet are separate programs, many uses of `monero-wallet-cli`
need to work with the daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
need to work with the @daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
Once you are running both `monero-wallet-cli` and `monerod`, enter `balance`.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is de portemonnee-software die onderdeel uitmaakt van de Monero-code. Het is een consoleprogramma
waarmee je een account beheert. Terwijl een Bitcoin-portemonnee zowel een account als de blockchain beheert,
worden deze functies in Monero gescheiden: `monerod` beheert de blockchain en `monero-wallet-cli` beheert het account.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` jest oprogramowaniem, które współpracuje z Monero. To program konsoli zarządzający kontem. Podczas gdy portfel Bitcoina zarządza zarówno kontem, jak i łańcuchem bloków, Monero rozdzielił je, aby `monerod`operował łańcuchem, a `monero-wallet-cli` kontem.
Ten przewodnik pokaże, jak wykonywać różne operacje w interfejsie `monero-wallet-cli`. Przewodnik zakłada, że używasz najnowszej wersji Monero i założyłeś już swoje konto zgodnie z instrukcjami.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
and manages an account. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain,
Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ This guide will show how to perform various operations from the `monero-wallet-c
## Checking your balance
Since the blockchain handling and the wallet are separate programs, many uses of `monero-wallet-cli`
need to work with the daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
need to work with the @daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
Once you are running both `monero-wallet-cli` and `monerod`, enter `balance`.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` - это программное обеспечение кошелька, которое поставляется вместе с Monero. Оно представляет собой консольную программу, которая управляет учетными записями пользователей Monero. В то время как кошелек Bitcoin управляет как учетными записями, так и блокчейном, в Monero эти функции разделены: `monerod` обрабатывает блокчейн, а `monero-wallet-cli` обрабатывает учетные записи пользователей.
В этом руководстве будет показано, как выполнять различные операции из пользовательского интерфейса `monero-wallet-cli`. В руководстве предполагается, что вы используете самую последнюю версию Monero и уже создали учетную запись.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
and manages an account. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain,
Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ This guide will show how to perform various operations from the `monero-wallet-c
## Checking your balance
Since the blockchain handling and the wallet are separate programs, many uses of `monero-wallet-cli`
need to work with the daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
need to work with the @daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
Once you are running both `monero-wallet-cli` and `monerod`, enter `balance`.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
and manages an account. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain,
Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ This guide will show how to perform various operations from the `monero-wallet-c
## Checking your balance
Since the blockchain handling and the wallet are separate programs, many uses of `monero-wallet-cli`
need to work with the daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
need to work with the @daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
Once you are running both `monero-wallet-cli` and `monerod`, enter `balance`.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
and manages an account. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain,
Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ This guide will show how to perform various operations from the `monero-wallet-c
## Checking your balance
Since the blockchain handling and the wallet are separate programs, many uses of `monero-wallet-cli`
need to work with the daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
need to work with the @daemon. This includes looking for incoming transactions to your address.
Once you are running both `monero-wallet-cli` and `monerod`, enter `balance`.
Reference in a new issue