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Logs of Community meeting 03-03, 03-31, 04-14
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@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
layout: post
title: Logs for the Community Meeting Held on 2018-03-03
summary: Community highlights, Forum Funding System updates, RFC-HWALLET-1, Localization workgroup, Bulletproof audit discussion, MoneroV discussion, and miscellaneous
tags: [community, crypto]
author: el00ruobuob / SamsungGalaxyPlayer
# Logs
**\<sgp\_>** 0. Introduction
**\<sgp\_>** We would like to welcome everyone to this Monero Community Meeting!
**\<sgp\_>** Link to agenda on GitHub:
**\<sgp\_>** Monero Community meetings are a discussion place for anything going on in the Monero Community. We use meetings to encourage the community to share ideas and provide support.
**\<sgp\_>** 1. Greetings
**\<serhack>** Hello!
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** Hi
**\<msvb-loc>** Hello
**\<sgp\_>** 2. Community highlights
**\<sgp\_>** XMR.RU has translated many important articles into Russian:
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] XMR.RU-report (February) (self.Monero) | 8 points (91.0%) | 4 comments | Posted by TheFuzzStone | Created at 2018-03-03 - 09:06:46
**\<sgp\_>** The Ledger team posted their latest update a little over a week ago:
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] Ledger Hardware Wallet - Monero integration : some news #7 (self.Monero) | 368 points (96.0%) | 56 comments | Posted by cslashm | Created at 2018-02-22 - 13:45:50
**\<sgp\_>** There is an important Core Team announcement. binaryFate will replace tacotime as a Core Team member:
**\<sgp\_>** Here is a discussion regarding the bulletproof audit request:
**\<sgp\_>** The date of the hardfork is still not set. There will developer meetings every Sunday until the hardfork, including tomorrow.
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone else have any updates I missed?
**\<sgp\_>** (other than FFS ones of course)
**\<rehrar>** you didn't think I'd miss this meeting
**\<serhack>** sgp_ :
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] SerHack updates (self.Monero) | 85 points (99.0%) | 38 comments | Posted by serhack | Created at 2018-02-22 - 13:19:02
**\<sgp\_>** How's Mastering Monero coming along serhack?
**\<serhack>** The cover : I think I must mark the help from the community members
**\<serhack>** Anyway I'm going very good at writing, some users (cryptochangements, 4matter, sarang .. ) helped me with solid feedbacks
**\<serhack>** At the moment, there is a little draft: :) It's not finished of course
**\<sgp\_>** That's great to hear! Are you still pushing the latest updates to Taiga?
**\<serhack>** I am going to abandon the Taiga Wiki because I think it's better to have a github repo , anyway some contents will remain to Taiga :)
**\<serhack>** I am doing all best in order to have both Taiga and Github
**\<sgp\_>** Just skimmed it (EXTREMELY quickly of course) and it's looking awesome! A lot has changed since the last time I checked
**\<msvb-loc>** The book looks very good, well organized and comprehensive.
**\<sgp\_>** It looks like a great tool people can use to learn more about Monero. Great job!
**\<serhack>** yes, I think it's about 60% . I would like to mark I don't want to take all credits.
**\<serhack>** This community is awesome because we have awesome users!
**\<serhack>** Thank you guys!
**\<sgp\_>** :)
**\<sgp\_>** Anyone else have any news?
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** thanks for this serhack
**\<rehrar>** Yeah, I do.
**\<sgp\_>** Go ahead rehrar
**\<rehrar>** For those who don't know, I've been working on a thingy to teach the community about open source, with the goal being that the open source vision really sets the stage for the Monero vision
**\<rehrar>** and it's hard to 'get' one without understanding the other
**\<rehrar>** The past week or so I've directed anyone who would listen to this pad:
**\<rehrar>** where they can share their favorite open source projects
**\<rehrar>** A good list has been compiled so far, although it's only scratched the surface.
**\<rehrar>** I'm ready to do a launch on the initiative, and will be making a post today.
**\<sgp\_>** Great! I look forward to it
**\<rehrar>** I'll probably be holding a livestreamed mini-conference before the weekend is over for anyone who wants to come
**\<rehrar>** just talk about open source and chill
**\<sgp\_>** We mentioned earlier when you first introduced this initiative that it's important for people to understand the merits of open-source
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** I'd be sure to watch it ;)
**\<sgp\_>** All right, post it in r/MoneroCommunity and I'll hop on
**\<rehrar>** that's it for me
**\<sgp\_>** All right, time to move to FFS updates! If anyone has other items, we can get to them later
**\<sgp\_>** 3. FFS updates
**\<sgp\_>** There are several Forum Funding System updates.
**\<sgp\_>** a. RFC-HWALLET-1 project progress
**\<sgp\_>** @msvb-loc
**\<msvb-loc>** The latest prototype 'Prime Platine' design is a few hours from being finished.
**\<msvb-loc>** A board rendition is complete:
**\<msvb-loc>** It will go to press in a couple days and I hope to have PCBs in a week, then assemble them.
**\<msvb-loc>** Last week I visited the Embedded World (largest embedded hardware conference in the world) and spoke to manufacturers and IC chip vendors all day.
**\<msvb-loc>** The most important thing (since we otherwise have all bases covered) is to get a stable and high quality display (OLED) supplier, so that's what I was working on.
**\<msvb-loc>** Are there any questions about the state of Monero hardware? I have no more comments.
**\<sgp\_>** How hard do you think it will be to get an OLED supplier?
**\<rehrar>** You guys decided on a secure element?
**\<msvb-loc>** sgp_: Not too hard to get a supplier, it might mean we need to buy quantities or plan way ahead (since they can only deliver with 6 weeks lead time.)
**\<msvb-loc>** rehrar: We're still intent on trying for Microchip CEC1702 secure MCU, and if that fails a Nordic nRF52840.
**\<msvb-loc>** We will have Atmel secure elements on top of those things regardless.
**\<msvb-loc>** Last night I met with WolfSSL and a local hardware engineer. They are partnering with Infineon on their secure elements, but it's not a good deal. Very closed, secretive, and they don't like small (OSH) groups like ours.
**\<msvb-loc>** They are doing TPM.
**\<msvb-loc>** rehrar: What do you think, any suggestions or opinions about this?
**\<rehrar>** I don't have the expertise to have an opinion, but I remember it's been a point of great discussion on previous hardware meetings.
**\<rehrar>** So I thought I'd ask.
**\<msvb-loc>** I'm really shorting the story of course. I met with Samsung as well, because they now have low powered IoT modules with TPN and crypto inside, quite cheap. But that would divert our resources too much, because it's a radically different architecture.
**\<rehrar>** There's nothing to say that the first Kastelo schematic released needs to be the last ;)
**\<msvb-loc>** Ha, yes the schematic is here:
**\<msvb-loc>** sgp_: Thanks.
**\<sgp\_>** Thanks msvb-loc. Always interesting to see what's going on on the hardware side of things.
**\<sgp\_>** b. Localization workgroup Q&A
**\<sgp\_>** @erciccione_[m]
**\<sgp\_>** I've noticed that you have been very busy lately :)
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** that's me :)
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** yes a lot of new contributors, and that's extremely good
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** also, people started using Taiga for coordination within communities of translators and i'm very happy about that
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** i've no particular updates, except for the fact that my FFS proposal will expire on the 7th
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** i'm already writing another one hoping in the support of the community. it will be out tomorrow :)
**\<sgp\_>** Sweet, you already answered my question
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** anybody has questions?
**\<rehrar>** When Italian site? :D
**\<rehrar>** looking forward to a complete language
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** in the new FFS there will also be a resume of what have been achived durign this 3 months
**\<sgp\_>** Thanks erciccione. I look forward to reading it
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** rehrar: i hope soon, the PR is there and it's ready to be merged, but i've been doing a lot of support this week i couldn't dedicate much time to it
**\<rehrar>** cool
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone else have a FFS update?
**\<rehrar>** I do
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** i hope i can push some more pages next week
**\<rehrar>** I've got an active FFS with Kovri that's ongoing.
**\<rehrar>** Unfortunately, on a personal level, February was a difficult and stressful time for me, and I completed about 15 out of 40 hours
**\<rehrar>** so obviously I will not accept any payment, and will instead accept for March since things have quieted down for me
**\<rehrar>** just an update for the community
**\<sgp\_>** Thanks for the update
**\<rehrar>** so yeah, Jan, Feb and March will simply become Jan, March, April
**\<sgp\_>** cool, makes sense
**\<sgp\_>** 4. Bulletproof audit discussion
**\<sgp\_>** Lets spend a little time discussing the bulletproof code audit proposal. As mentioned earlier, the proposal is here:
**\<sgp\_>** MRLs overview and suggestions are here:
**\<serhack>** yea :) rehrar
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone have any feedback that sarang and surae can use as they prepare the FFS request to be moved to Funding Required?
**\<rehrar>** does suraeNoether or sarang have anything to say regarding this? :D
**\<sgp\_>** They're probably doing more important things
**\<sgp\_>** They just had another research paper dropped on their desk
**\<msvb-loc>** What does SoW stand for, Securing of Work?
xwerter6 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
**\<sgp\_>** msvb-loc, where do you see SoW?
**\<rehrar>** Scope of Work, I believe
**\<msvb-loc>** sgp_: SoW is the prefix to many of the bids on:
**\<sgp\_>** ah, I see now. see rehrar's answer
**\<sgp\_>** Anyway, I'm happy that the review of bulletproofs should be happening soon
**\<sgp\_>** If there are no further comments, I'll move on
**\<Randolf>** Hmm, SoW means Scope of Work and not Stake of Work? Hmm.
**\<Randolf>** I guess the computer industry is a bit of a victim of acronym overuse sometimes. :)
**\<sgp\_>** 5. MoneroV discussion
**\<sgp\_>** The community needs to stay vigilant for the upcoming MoneroV fork, which poses a threat on Monero. I have seen an increasing number of news articles that reference this fork without referencing any of the possible harms. I have also seen more people think that simply using a temporary wallet removes all the risk.
**\<sgp\_>** Lets spend some time recommending ways the community can address chain splits. How can we handle the social, community aspect of it?
**\<sgp\_>** ie: how can we effectively get the message across, even to those with no idea how Monero works?
**\<Randolf>** Is MoneroV specifically intended to cause harm to Monero? (Sort of like how Roger Ver created the BCash fork of Bitcoin and seems to be trying to destroy Bitcoin?)
**\<ArticMine>** We will need to provide the users with options and the long term effects
**\<sgp\_>** @Randolf it is most likely just someone trying to get rich quick, but who knows?
**\<Randolf>** sgp_: As seems to be the case with many forks.
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Your video on it I think helped a lot... but most people are too lazy to watch a 20 minute video smh
**\<Randolf>** Is this the first time that Monero has been forked?
**\<ArticMine>** I do not think MoneroV was deliberately designed to hurt Monero
**\<Randolf>** That's good, at least.
**\<ArticMine>** It is the first time we have an "air drop"
**\<serhack>** If sgp agreed with me , I could try to reach some users by writing a solid article in my blog.
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** No, it's just the first time people are trying to participate in a scammy airdrop
**\<sgp\_>** serhack sure, the more exposure the better
**\<erciccione\_[m]>** guys i have to go. Will catch you tomorrow
**\<serhack>** bye erciccione_[m]
**\<Randolf>** So, referring to it as "yet another fork" could be helpful.
**\<Randolf>** That way it keeps Monero in the "driver's seat" so-to-speak.
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Perhaps we could put something about it in the daily discussion thread on reddit? Yesterday I spent way too much time explaining to people that it's a scam and bad for their own privacy
**\<sgp\_>** I recommend writing a comprehensive guide on /r/xmrtrader that is stickied. But I would still like some feedback regarding what to include to best get the message across to those who think this is just another opportunity to make money
**\<ArticMine>** Yes but will that be enough? I mean XMR at 100,000 USD and scammy XMV at 0.5% market cap or 50 USD x10?
**\<ArticMine>** That would put MoneroV at a larger market cap than Monero today
**\<ArticMine>** This is the kind of long term risk that I have to be concerned about
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** I wanna know who is actually going to be buying these coins tho... literally everyone I have spoken to about it just wants to dump them
**\<sgp\_>** I think over 95% of people see this as an opportunity to dump
**\<msvb-loc>** sgp_: Dump what?
**\<ArticMine>** So I am in the camp of safely splitting of the XMV by using the same mixing on both chains
**\<sgp\_>** The XMV
**\<sgp\_>** In regards to ArticMine's comments, I have some news
**\<sgp\_>** Moneromooo and stoffu have been hard at work on a tool that could be used to mitigate the impact of hardforks. You can see my comment on the issue, where it provides three key features:
**\<Randolf>** As an end-user, if it's a hard-fork then I naturally see that as a benefit to me because it means that my holdings increase. The question becomes, do I keep my hard forked holdings, or do I sell them (e.g., for Monero or something else)?
**\<sgp\_>** Before you get overly excited that someone has created a tool, keep in mind this tool only works if many people use it. If only about 20% of people claiming their MoneroV use this sort of tool, then about 42% of those who use the tool will still have their transactions revealed immediately after the fork. This is still better than 100% of transactions. Furthermore, using a tool when some number of transactions exist after the fork will have significant benefits.
**\<ArticMine>** Yes I am very much aware of their work. It provides some very critical tools
**\<ArticMine>** To do what I am suggesting
**\<Randolf>** My perspective, as an end-user, is that Monero is the de facto base or fallback that I can always depend on.
**\<Randolf>** s/My/From my/
**\<monerobux>** Randolf meant to say: From my perspective, as an end-user, is that Monero is the de facto base or fallback that I can always depend on.
**\<sgp\_>** The problem is that, with ringsize 5, we need to get over 2/3 of MoneroV claimers to use a tool like this, at least initially
**\<ArticMine>** Ringsize will likely be a topic ant the dev meeting
**\<ArticMine>** at
**\<sgp\_>** For those using the tool to feel reasonably comfortable
**\<sgp\_>** Yeah, I'm taking about MoneroV though
**\<ArticMine>** But yes increasing ringsize is part of the mitigation
**\<sgp\_>** We can have forks in the future that advertise themsevles as "MoneroLight" with mandatory 0-mixin transactions
**\<sgp\_>** rendering tools like these useless
**\<sgp\_>** So yes, the best thing Monero can do (tool or not) is to increase its own ringsize. I advocated at the last meeting for 7
**\<ArticMine>** Actually such a 0 mixin fork does not pose a threat to the exixting chain
**\<ArticMine>** Since ti does not compromise prior outputs
**\<ArticMine>** it
**\<sgp\_>** ArticMine yes, because it reuses the same key image on both
**\<sgp\_>** thus the input is still compromised
**\<dEBRUYNE>** A 0 mixin fork would even be worse
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Because there aren't any mitigations you can use such as using the same ring
**\<sgp\_>** it's as if you sent a 0-mixin transaction in Monero directly
**\<ArticMine>** but only affects those who use the fork
**\<dEBRUYNE>** True
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Uh no
**\<dEBRUYNE>** wait
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Not if your output is used as decoy
**\<sgp\_>** Well, the inputs still impact the Moenro blockchain
**\<sgp\_>** yes debruyne
**\<sgp\_>** I can walk you through it later ArticMine if you want
**\<sgp\_>** For the sake of this meeting though, I just want to make people aware that this tool now exists, and that we can consider options to convince people to use something like this
**\<ArticMine>** Yes I see because they are exposed as real
**\<ArticMine>** or spent to be correct. So they cannot be used in the future
**\<ArticMine>** as decoys
**\<dEBRUYNE>** It would reduce the ring size with 1
**\<dEBRUYNE>** If they are used as decoy, because they are provably spent
**\<sgp\_>** If anyone would like to help me create posts telling uninformed people about MoneroV and what to do, I would really love your help. Send me a PM and we can get a workgroup together. Since this is a social problem, I'd rather not try and handle it myself
**\<sgp\_>** We don't really have much time left for open ideas time, but is there anythign else people want to add quickly?
**\<ArticMine>** Yes that is the issue. But for post fork txs one has to use only post fork mixins as a defense to such a 0 mixin air drop
**\<sgp\_>** ArticMine yes, that is one of the protections included in the tool
**\<sgp\_>** Which means the negative impact wears off very quickly fortunately
**\<msvb-loc>** Anyone have an idea of a stopgap service to run a website on or
**\<sgp\_>** Good question msvb-loc that I wish I had the answer to
**\<msvb-loc>** Is there something like Hotmail for websites, that allows an idiot to create a single page site in 5 minutes?
**\<rehrar>** what's stopgap?
**\<msvb-loc>** rehrar: Until we can get a real website in 1-2 months.
**\<rehrar>** msvb-loc, you don't need an idiot to create a web page in 5 minutes
**\<rehrar>** I'm a web developer
**\<rehrar>** .............remember?
**\<msvb-loc>** rehrar: Yes, and you are already doing twenty things.
**\<msvb-loc>** I know that.
**\<rehrar>** well make it 21
**\<sgp\_>** github bootstrap template?
**\<msvb-loc>** rehrar: Then the problem is solved, thank you very very very much.
**\<rehrar>** I'll see if I can't get you a single page as a temp within the week
**\<rehrar>** make a Taiga thing with all the info you want to be on it
**\<msvb-loc>** rehrar: Okay, I'll do that.
**\<sgp\_>** Any other last-minute thoughts? Now's your last chance
**\<sgp\_>** 7. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<rehrar>** Happy Valentine's Day!
**\<sgp\_>** The next community meeting will be two weeks from today on 17 March. The Coffee Chat will be next Saturday on 10 March.
**\<sgp\_>** 8. Conclusion
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** No open ideas?
**\<sgp\_>** Thats all! Thanks for attending this Monero Community meeting, and we hope to see you on /r/MoneroCommunity and #monero-community. Take care, and know that change starts with YOU.
**\<rehrar>** meeting 'officially' over
**\<rehrar>** but 'unofficial' open ideas time starts now
**\<sgp\_>** @cryptochangements we ran out of time, but I'm happy to still discuss them here
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Ok cool
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Someone mentioned on reddit the other day doing an AMA on r/IAmA to answer questions that people who might not really know that much about cryptocurrency might have. It could also be a chance to promote why we need financial privacy. Good idea? Bad idea?
**\<sgp\_>** Good idea imo
**\<sgp\_>** But we need to convince those at AMA why
**\<phx[m]>** I don't feel like Reddit is the right platform tbh
**\<sgp\_>** phx[m] I still think it would be more helpful than harmful
**\<sgp\_>** The interesting part will be who they would accept. They typically need to have some formal position afaik
**\<defterade>** I don't see an AMA producing high quality questions.
**\<defterade>** I think it will be met with a lot of uninformed skepticism and misinformation.
**\<defterade>** I can already see the highest upvoted comment being an essay moaning about energy consumption.
**\<defterade>** Followed by an attempt to explain the merits of PoW, which the average /r/IAMA vistor will not understand anyway.
**\<sgp\_>** I still think it's good to answer these questions

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@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
layout: post
title: Logs for the Community Meeting Held on 2018-03-31
summary: Community highlights, Forum Funding System updates, RFC-HWALLET-1, Localization workgroup, RIAT Monero workgroup, and miscellaneous
tags: [community, crypto]
author: el00ruobuob / SamsungGalaxyPlayer
# Logs
**\<sgp\_>** All right, meeting time
**\<sgp\_>** 0. Introduction
**\<sgp\_>** We would like to welcome everyone to this Monero Community Meeting!
**\<sgp\_>** Link to agenda on GitHub:
**\<sgp\_>** Monero Community meetings are a discussion place for anything going on in the Monero Community. We use meetings to encourage the community to share ideas and provide support.
**\<sgp\_>** 1. Greetings
**\<serhack>** Hi
**\<msvb-lab>** Hello.
**\<ArticMine>** Hi
**\<ErCiccione>** Hola
**\<cryptochangement>** hola amigos de privacidad
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<hrumag>** Buonasera a tutti!
**\<xmrscott[m]>** Salutations
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** Hello 🙂
**\<parasew[m]>** hello!
**\<sgp\_>** looks like we have a good crowd today
**\<sgp\_>** 2. Community highlights
**\<sgp\_>** Monero is released. The GUI is still forthcoming. You must update your software by April 6 to continue spending funds. You can download a copy of it here:
**\<sgp\_>** I published a response to “An Empirical Analysis of Traceability in the Monero Blockchain”, version 2:
**\<sgp\_>** dsc\_\_ shared a preview of the GUI black theme:\_black\_theme\_preview/
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] GUI - Black theme preview (self.Monero) | 104 points (98.0%) | 29 comments | Posted by dsc\_\_ | Created at 2018-03-23 - 14:36:17
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone else have community updates to share?
**\<xmrscott[m]>** DefCon workgroup created
**\<serhack>** Mastering Monero released a preview of the first chapter. If you want to contribute,
**\<xmrscott[m]>** First meeting a Saturday from now
**\<serhack>** The preview of the first chapter is available on
**\<KnifeOfPi\_>** hello!
**\<ErCiccione>** The GUI is basically ready, binaries will be probably built within the weekend
**\<KnifeOfPi\_>** were working on getting cakewallet ready
**\<sgp\_>** ah yes xmrscott, link to the thread about DefCon here:\_monero\_project\_defcon\_26\_aug\_912\_in\_las\_vegas/
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] The Monero Project @ DefCon 26 (Aug 9-12 in Las Vegas)! Looking for volunteers! First DefCon workgroup meeting 4/7! (self.Monero) | 15 points (74.0%) | 11 comments | Posted by xmrscott | Created at 2018-03-28 - 19:50:11
**\<sgp\_>** serhack I should have time to review the book this weekend
**\<serhack>** A lot of updates today! Nice!
**\<m2049r[m]>** monerujo beta is 0.12 ready (and on play store & github)
**\<cryptochangement>** are exchanged and such all aware of the new release? the fork is in a week and we dont want them left behind
**\<sgp\_>** dEBRUYNE will you make a list of pools and exchanges that have updated as you have done in the past?
**\<ErCiccione>** sgp\_: +1 i wasabout to ask that
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I guess I could, but the ecosystem has grown substantially
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Not sure if it'd be feasible to maintain or even create such a list
**\<KnifeOfPi\_>** Im not sure if its necessary - most major pools that arent botnet or bitmain pools probably know
**\<ErCiccione>** dEBRUYNE: what if we make in on etherpad? so anybody can update it
**\<dEBRUYNE>** sgp\_: I'll ask fluffypony to send a reminder email to all pools though
**\<cryptochangement>** at the lease it would be nice to pin a thread on reddit where people can confirm/verify that their pool/exchange/service has updated
**\<rehrar>** or delete it D:
**\<dEBRUYNE>** ErCiccione: I guess that could work
**\<sgp\_>** cryptochangement I think that would be especially helpful for r/MoneroMining
**\<dEBRUYNE>** But may be susceptible to fraud
**\<cryptochangement>** I dont see why somebody would lie about having updated or not
**\<m2049r[m]>** if a pool doesnt update, they are effectively mining monero0?
**\<ErCiccione>** true. we can create a workgroup on taiga
**\<dEBRUYNE>** m2049r[m]: yes
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<hrumag>** ErCiccione: +1
**\<ArticMine>** if a pool doesnt update, they are effectively mining monero0? <--- If they do not change the seed nodes I suspect not
**\<sgp\_>** ErCiccione would you mind creating that then and adding me as a contributor? I would like to get the pool list in r/MoneroMining
**\<dEBRUYNE>** ArticMine: Seed nodes are only relevant for the initial connection
**\<dEBRUYNE>** sgp\_: You can use my table from the old thread I guess?
**\<ErCiccione>** sure, doing it now
**\<ErCiccione>** sgp\_ ^
**\<sgp\_>** dEBRUYNE yes, I'll start there
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] PSA: Users, (solo)miners, exchanges/merchants/services, and pool operators must be on CLI v0.11.0.0 or GUI v0.11.0.0 in advance of the scheduled protocol upgrade otherwise you will get booted off the network. Miners, please contact your pool operator to ask them if they have upgraded! (self.Monero) | 143 points (99.0%) | 189 comments | Posted by dEBRUYNE\_1 | Created at 2017-09-08 - 13:47:34
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I'll PM you the markup
**\<sgp\_>** I should be able to view the source
**\<sgp\_>** Just verified, can view. No PM for that necessary
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<hrumag>** * CLI v0.12.0.0 or GUI v.
**\<sgp\_>** All right, I think we should move on to the next section. If there are still discussions, we can have them during open ideas time
**\<sgp\_>** 3. FFS updates
**\<sgp\_>** There are several Forum Funding System updates.
**\<sgp\_>** m2049r has opened a proposal to raise funds to work on Monerujo:
**\<sgp\_>** The community funded suraeNoether for Q2:
**\<sgp\_>** The community funded sarangNoether for Q2:
**\<sgp\_>** The community funded erciccione for the localization workgroup:
**\<sgp\_>** The community funded moneromooo to work on Monero from April to June:
**\<sgp\_>** The community funded serhack to continue working on Mastering Monero:
**\<suraeNoether>** thanks everyone!
**\<sgp\_>** It seems that further discussion is necessary on the Ruby implementation:
**\<sgp\_>** I have opened a new Reddit discussion thread for this here:\_discussions\_on\_monero\_ruby\_ffs\_proposal/
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] Other Discussions on Monero Ruby FFS Proposal (self.Monero) | 9 points (100.0%) | 8 comments | Posted by SamsungGalaxyPlayer | Created at 2018-03-31 - 16:05:30
**\<serhack>** Thank Community!
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone know if the development team got wind of this, and what their recommendation is?
**\<rehrar>** We should also talk about that MoneroCat series proposal :D
**\<ErCiccione>** thanks a lot folks!
**\<rehrar>** the dev team's opinion shouldn't matter in any special way in this matter
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** I want to see it
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** More for education purposes than anything
**\<rehrar>** alternative implementations have been discussed before, and the only thing that they generally say is something to the effect of: "Make sure they know the amount of work involved"
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Like that guy that implemented cryptonight in Pythob
**\<rehrar>** wrappers ultimately fall back on the work of the C++ dev team, so not a ton of extra work involved.
**\<rehrar>** But an alternative implementation must keep pace with C++ development (which has many contributors)
**\<rehrar>** so if it's just one person, they'd be doing the job of moneromooo plus everyone else contributing
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Even a wrapper has to be maintained to a degree. I just don't want to see the FFS for this gut funded, payed out, then never maintained
**\<rehrar>** this is the biggest issue for the community, yes
**\<rehrar>** the amount of maintenance for another implementation is orders of magnitude higher, so the odds of it not being maintained really skyrocket
**\<rehrar>** I may be speaking like a downer here, but if you read my comment on the thread, I really do think it's incredibly necessary to have stuff like this
**\<sgp\_>** All right, glad we could re-open discussion on other implementations
**\<parasew[m]>** there is an existing gem, but the original dev stopped communicating a while ago.
**\<m2049r[m]>** plus: maintenance is boring
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** I still think it would nice to have for educational purposes. It also opens doors to get integrated with other things so if somebody picks it up for that use they could be motivated to help maintain it
**\<rehrar>** this is admittedly one weakness in the FFS
**\<sgp\_>** Do we know of any services that would want to use a Ruby implementation? If we know of groups, it has the highest chance of being maintained
**\<rehrar>** if a person begins the project for money, but then money dries out, they are more likely to leave as well
**\<rehrar>** whereas if there are passion projects of alternative implementations, the money is nice (if funded), but they're more likely to continue
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Somebody mentioned shopify
**\<parasew[m]>** there are parallel efforts on this gem, the meetup organiser of the ruby meetup in vienna was also expressing interest. i guess it needs somebody to coordinate this, so the FFS proposal is needed, but it needs multiple devs/oversight imho
**\<rehrar>** agreed parasew[m]
**\<rehrar>** the take away for this (for me) is: this is a great idea, and I support it whole heartedly
**\<rehrar>** but it's not as simple as some in the community might think
**\<sgp\_>** Any other thoughts on the Ruby implementation?
**\<sgp\_>** Or can we discuss MoneroCat:
**\<rehrar>** move it, fund it
**\<parasew[m]>** move it?
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** Tbh I think another issue with thr fork schedule is that forking 6 months not only bricks ASICs but alternative implementations too :/ thats a discussion for another time tho
**\<sgp\_>** All right, thanks for the discussion on these everyone
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<cryptochangements>** IIRC the XMR figure for that was put together when the market price was significantly higher. Is 150 XMR stilo enough for Monero Cat?
**\<rehrar>** move the Monero Cat proposal I mean parasew[m]
**\<sgp\_>** cryptochangements we can sort that out with the author
**\<sgp\_>** a. RFC-HWALLET-1 project progress
**\<msvb-lab>** Hello folks, today is the last day of RFC-HWALLET-1.
**\<parasew[m]>** i suggest to discuss ruby implementation next time, or at least get all the people working on it on a table. i can organise an irc-discussion specifically on this topic, as i also talked to a few people interesting in helping.
**\<msvb-lab>** Celebrate or cry.
**\<parasew[m]>** this could solve the problem with "single point of maintainance" fails
**\<sgp\_>** parasaw noted, we can add it to next meeting's agenda
**\<msvb-lab>** According to the roadmap and project plan.
**\<msvb-lab>** The good news is that it is ending due to meeting almost all requirements, namely 43 of 46 nonfunctional and functional requirements.
**\<msvb-lab>** The results are in the GitHub repository, and docs in Taiga mostly:
**\<msvb-lab>** There will be some clean up, but I'll tag the sources today or soon and build tarballs for easy upload to fabricators.
**\<rehrar>** cray cray
**\<rehrar>** so the open spec is done and works?
**\<msvb-lab>** In case anybody is curious what kind of activity follows, the end of RFC-HWALLET-1 does not mean the end of anything other than project structure and announcement that requirements were met.
**\<msvb-lab>** rehrar: The open spec?
**\<msvb-lab>** You mean schematic or?
**\<rehrar>** nvm, I may just be an idiot. We'll talk later.
**\<msvb-lab>** The design includes, schematic, layout, and bill of materials files.
**\<msvb-lab>** That's the archive that usually gets sent to a PCBA or PCB fabricator.
**\<sgp\_>** Thanks msvb-lab!
**\<rehrar>** HOPEFULLY sometime soon I can zap the spam away
**\<msvb-lab>** parasew[m]: We can copy to several places in fact, yes I just need some examples after the meeting or something.
**\<sgp\_>** msvb-lab is there anything you are waiting for before your new proposal is moved to funding required?
**\<parasew[m]>** msvb-lab: ping me, i can also help with content-reformatting if needed!
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp\_: I need to make sure the injection molding bids that have come in are good for the budget, and yes a few other changes before bumping 0.9 to 1.0 (the proposal.)
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp\_: I'm also waiting for MoneroV, because it's possible they will want to fund the wallet instead.
**\<msvb-lab>** Bad joke
**\<sgp\_>** lmao
**\<sgp\_>** All right thanks msvb-lab. I'm really looking forward to v1.0 of your proposal
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp\_: Cool, thanks. Next toopic.
**\<sgp\_>** b. Localization workgroup Q&A
**\<ErCiccione>** sooo
**\<ErCiccione>** m2049r: of course, that would be super. is monerujo already set for localizations?
**\<rehrar>** erciccione, you've done great work.
**\<m2049r[m]>** yes, we have english & spanish for now
**\<ErCiccione>** thanks rehrar :)
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<hrumag>** bravo!
**\<serhack>** Great idea m2049r :)
**\<serhack>** Good job erciccione
**\<ErCiccione>** great, so let's talk about that after the meeting, i'm honestly not familiar with monerujo's codebase, i need to check it out
**\<ErCiccione>** thanks guys :)
**\<m2049r[m]>** i'll get in touch with you
**\<sgp\_>** Last chance for questions for ErCiccione
**\<ErCiccione>** btw beside the GUI i haven't big updates. any question?curiosity?
**\<rehrar>** ne
**\<sgp\_>** All right ErCiccione, your work seems to speak for itself. Thanks for keeping us all updated
**\<sgp\_>** 4. RIAT Monero workgroup
**\<sgp\_>** The RIAT team would like to discuss the status of their projects for the year.
**\<ErCiccione>** thank you sgp\_
**\<rehrar>** RIAT?
**\<parasew[m]>** The Monero Workgroup at RIAT has been working since 2017, we organised community workshops in dec 2017 and also hosted the team of the monero hardware wallet in vienna. We are mixed from Monero Austria meetup and have connections to other meetups as well. A meetup in Hongkong is currently also discussed.
**\<sgp\_>** rehrar
**\<parasew[m]>** Some involved people are around here in the irc i guess, @m2049r, @nevvton\_, FreeAsInFreedom (txmr) and ofc others (you know who you are) :)
**\<msvb-lab>** Hong Kong.
**\<parasew[m]>** We also helped organise the assembly at the 34c3 in leipzig and we are looking forward to help spread the word with events throughout 2018. Especially now focusing on Defcon and starting with early planning on 35c3.
**\<parasew[m]>** yes, thats us
**\<rehrar>** noice
**\<ArticMine>** So RIAT will be working of DefCON in Vegas
**\<parasew[m]>** msvb-lab: i was visiting in hongkong and there are interested students who want to set up a meetup, first meetup planned between 15-30 july
**\<parasew[m]>** ArticMine: yes we will support and help; is there a separate irc channel or should we discuss here?
**\<ArticMine>** Excellent
**\<rehrar>** there;s a meeting next Saturday for Defcon stuff
**\<parasew[m]>** very good! will there be the main focus on the hardware wallet or can we also do more?
**\<rehrar>** the Monero village that we are sharing with BCOS has quite a bit in the works so far
**\<msvb-lab>** It will be a lot of topics all at once.
**\<msvb-lab>** The meeting.
**\<rehrar>** some presentations we've discussed, workshops,
**\<rehrar>** msvb-lab, can you grab the pad link?
**\<parasew[m]>** very nice!
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** where is the meeting? in this channel?
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** and which time?
**\<rehrar>** I think so, let me grab the link
**\<rehrar>** v
**\<rehrar>** lel
**\<rehrar>** good to have more people on board
**\<rehrar>** if you look in the backlog, there was quite a bit of discussion yesterday
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** thanks
**\<parasew[m]>** very nice, will check and also discuss with the others later; will also join next saturday.
**\<parasew[m]>** workgroup at RIAT will also now meet in person more often,
**\<parasew[m]>** The workgroup will now be meeting every monday IRL starting from april 9, and we will also be in #monero-community to discuss our progress.
**\<parasew[m]>** m2049r: do you want to talk a bit on the monerujo plans?
**\<m2049r[m]>** working on some tweaks for the v0.12 release
**\<m2049r[m]>** managed to set up f-droid environment yesterday ...
**\<m2049r[m]>** and we have a huge backlog of cool functions on taiga :)
**\<m2049r[m]>** but i will be going for the CRAZYpass next
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<hrumag>** @erciccione when you're done you can come to mattermost. i've got updates and a question
**\<m2049r[m]>** (generating secure passwords with RSA as in my published paper)
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** > managed to set up f-droid environment yesterday ...
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** nice! 😃
**\<ErCiccione>** @hrumag coming!
**\<parasew[m]>** so the workgroup will be helping in growing the userbase of monerujo , FreeAsInFreedom (txmr) had the idea for a workshop with lineage+monerujo for legacy android devices
**\<rehrar>** woot!
**\<rehrar>** copperhead > lineage though
**\<rehrar>** (don't kill me)
**\<parasew[m]>** other tasks are ofc to support msvb-lab and team to spread the word on the open hw wallet and to possibly get more attention from the open hardware communities
**\<sgp\_>** Sounds like an awesome idea
**\<msvb-lab>** That would be great, thanks parasew[m].
**\<parasew[m]>** and to create workshops and other formats to bring more people to monero.
**\<ArticMine>** copperhead is not FLOSS it is semi free
**\<ArticMine>** since it does not allow commercial use
**\<ArticMine>** That being said there is no reason to not support it
**\<rehrar>** it's further removed from Google
**\<sgp\_>** Thanks parasew for the updates! Any final thoughts?
**\<parasew[m]>** just wanted to introduce that we will be active, anyone who wants to join physically, there is a flat in vienna we can use for guests. ping me or nevvton\_
**\<sgp\_>** All right, thanks parasew! Always great to hear about your efforts
**\<sgp\_>** 5. Open ideas time
**\<sgp\_>** This meeting is going over an hour to accommodate for open ideas time
**\<sgp\_>** Feel free to propose your ideas to this discussion group, and feel free to comment on others ideas. If you disagree with the idea, please reply with constructive criticism. Thank you!
**\<sgp\_>** crickets...
**\<rehrar>** I have an idea
**\<rehrar>** to end the meeting
**\<rehrar>** open for discussion
**\<sgp\_>** Considering no one is feeling creative today, we can close the meeting
**\<sgp\_>** 6. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<sgp\_>** The next community meeting will be two weeks from today on 14 April. The Coffee Chat will be next Saturday on 7 April.
**\<sgp\_>** 7. Conclusion
**\<sgp\_>** Thats all! Thanks for attending this Monero Community meeting, and we hope to see you on /r/MoneroCommunity and #monero-community. Take care, and know that change starts with YOU.
**\<rehrar>** ME?
**\<sgp\_>** Yes, YOU
**\<rehrar>** !!!!!
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp\_: Good one this time, last week was no good. Thanks a lot.
**\<m2049r[m]>** and thanks sgp\_ for organizing!
**\<msvb-lab>** Last time sgp was not with us == bad time.
**\<parasew[m]>** thanks sgp\_
**\<rehrar>** ye. whoever ran the last meeting was an idiot
**\<ErCiccione>** so, sgp\_ i made the workgroup on taiga
**\<parasew[m]>** msvb-lab: are you planning some publicity for the hw-wallet or are you waiting until the proposal is done?
**\<ErCiccione>** if anyone want to help tracking if pools and exchanges are ready for the next upgrade, contact me or sgp\_ and we will add you on the workgroup
**\<msvb-lab>** parasew[m]: Publicity is good at any time, in fact a radio broadcast featuring us is appearing very soon on BR Bayerische Rundfunk.
**\<sgp\_>** ErCiccione thanks, do you think we should make separate wiki pages for each type of ecosystem type? Eg: exchanges, pools, service providers, merchants, etc?
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** > parasew[m]: Publicity is good at any time, in fact a radio broadcast featuring us is appearing very soon on BR Bayerische Rundfunk.
**\<freelikeinfreedo>** do you know when exactly?
**\<msvb-lab>** The reporter is still working on slicing up the two (!) hours of interview.
**\<msvb-lab>** I have no idea when it will be ready, but I was his last interview so it could come in a couple weeks?
**\<ErCiccione>** yes, i think that's a good way to do it sgp\_ . do you want to include merchants as well? that would be a looot of people
**\<sgp\_>** That will be a stretch goal lol
**\<msvb-lab>** parasew[m] pablonero[m]: Very nice that so much interest is centered in Vienna, and that you welcome visits like that.
**\<sgp\_>** Eg: if huge merchants like Amazon took Monero, we would want to know :p
**\<m2049r[m]>** oh - and support my FFS :)
**\<rehrar>** no
**\<rehrar>** ArticMine, COS is ideal for the common person since it really works for security.
**\<rehrar>** I agree that Lineage is better for the enthusiast (people that'd be into Monero)
**\<rehrar>** but I'd probably recommend COS for people that aren't as versed int his stuff, like family
**\<m2049r[m]>** my understand is that copperhead is for more modern devices, no?
**\<ArticMine>** I took a good look at COS. The common person run into an issue the moment they do anything commercial
**\<rehrar>** I've used it, although not super extensively.
**\<rehrar>** I will defer to you on this.
**\<ArticMine>** I mean as simple as a kid that mows neighbor's lawn or shovels the neighbor's snow
**\<ArticMine>** Then there are in violation of the license
**\<ArticMine>** In my opinion Copperhead did something very stupid. They could have gone with a strong copyleft and avoided this mess
**\<rehrar>** see, this is why I talk to ou
**\<rehrar>** \*you
**\<rehrar>** you have all the licensing knowledge
**\<ArticMine>** It gets interesting like doing a software audit, to remove pirated proprietary software by replacing it with FLOSS
**\<ArticMine>** Non commercial clauses is one of my favorites
**\<rehrar>** consider me learned for this instance
**\<ArticMine>** I always wonder if the % of GNU/Linux users that have read Windows EULA is greater than the % of Windows users
**\<sgp\_>** ErCiccione I made the first version of the list but haven't contacted anyone yet
**\<ErCiccione>** looks perfect sgp\_, what if we make the merchant section input based. We tell people that if they want they can communicate us they have upgraded, then we put them on the list
**\<sgp\_[m]>** I haven't made the merchant list yet., though it could look similar
**\<ErCiccione>** ah ok, i though was harder to get all the merchants. but now that i think about it we have a list on the website
**\<sneurlax>** ArticMine, that's why we're GNU/Linux users...
**\<vp11>** ArticMine, answer is yes in both relative and direct sense.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
layout: post
title: Logs for the Community Meeting Held on 2018-04-14
summary: Community highlights, Forum Funding System updates, Localization workgroup, Important update for the community workgroup, and miscellaneous
tags: [community, crypto]
author: el00ruobuob / SamsungGalaxyPlayer
# Logs
**\<msvb-lab>** Hi folks.
**\<sgp\_>** All right, meeting time
**\<sgp\_>** 0. Introduction
**\<serhack>** Hi everybody
**\<sgp\_>** We would like to welcome everyone to this Monero Community Meeting!
**\<sgp\_>** Link to agenda on GitHub:
**\<sgp\_>** Monero Community meetings are a discussion place for anything going on in the Monero Community. We use meetings to encourage the community to share ideas and provide support.
**\<sgp\_>** 1. Greetings
**\<rehrar>** haiguiz
**\<xmrscott[m]>** Hello
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<baltsar777>** Häj
**\<Slack\_4> \<sean>** Hello
**\<anhdres>** hello
**\<serhack>** Hey
**\<ErCiccione>** Hi!
**\<sgp\_>** 2. Community highlights
**\<sgp\_>** Monero had a scheduled protocol upgrade (hardfork) last Friday. Since the difficulty lowered dramatically, the block times were longer than normal for about a day. The network is back to normal, and the upgrade was successful.
**\<sgp\_>** Selsta and KifeOfPi2 made the first known network Ledger-to-Ledger transaction with Monero.\_and\_i\_just\_completed\_the\_first/
**\<monerobux>** [REDDIT] Selsta and I just completed the first Ledger-to-Ledger mainnet transactions ever. He sent me 0.1 XMR and I sent 0.4 XMR back. ( to r/Monero | 470 points (98.0%) | 106 comments | Posted by KnifeOfPi2 | Created at 2018-04-11 - 19:32:03
**\<sgp\_>** Monero received significant news coverage for changing its PoW algorithm during the upgrade. It is the largest cryptocurrency to take a significant direct action against ASIC miners.
**\<sgp\_>** Monerujo, a popular open-source android client, was added to F-Droid
**\<sgp\_>** Watch the April Coffee Chat recorded last Saturday:
**\<monerobux>** [ Monero Coffee Chat - 2018.04.07 - YouTube ] -
**\<sgp\_>** A website now assists you with Monero 2/3 multisig Please note that this is new software, and it has not yet vetted to my knowledge (so use caution, and dont use it for important transactions). You can view the code here
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone else have community updates to share?
**\<rehrar>** more website languages!
**\<rehrar>** that's awesome
**\<ErCiccione>** the Monero Ecosystem project is growing
**\<sgp\_>** Oh yeah, I remember seeing the notifications for those on Github
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<baltsar777>** Mastering Monero Twitter account is suspended.
**\<ErCiccione>** we have ten projects in there now
**\<sgp\_>** ErCiccione I saw this and was blown away by the GUI guide. A lot of effort went into this
**\<rehrar>** Oh yeah! On the website, Google Analytics is now replaced with the open source, self-hosted website analytics Matomo
**\<ErCiccione>** also yes, as rehrar said, two new languages: Polish and french, they will be available as soon as the server is updated
**\<ErCiccione>** sgp\_ yes, thanks a lot to qubenix who finalized and added a lot of stuff, he dedicated a lot of time to that guide
**\<sgp\_>** baltsar777 serhack did you ever hear about the suspension reason from Twitter?
**\<serhack>** I would like to have a community input about the first chapter of Mastering Monero on github. If anyone wants to help, . Naturally I didn't upload all chapters yet
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<baltsar777>** Maybe next week. @sgp
**\<serhack>** sgp\_ At the moment no, I think Twitter Team is working on it
**\<sgp\_>** all right
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<baltsar777>** Mastering Monero has a Mastadon account atm
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<baltsar777>** If anyone using Mastadon 🐘
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone else have any community updates before we proceed?
**\<sgp\_>** 3. FFS updates
**\<xmrmatterbridge> \<baltsar777>** If anyone using Mastadon 🐘
**\<sgp\_>** There are several Forum Funding System updates. Unfortunately, is down at the moment.
**\<sgp\_>** m2049r has opened a proposal to raise funds to work on Monerujo:
**\<sgp\_>** dsc\_\_ has opened a proposal to continue working on the GUI:
**\<sgp\_>** The Noethers of the MRL are raising funds to go to the IEEE workshop in London. At least one paper is specifically about Monero
**\<sgp\_>** Here's a link to the schedule
**\<sgp\_>** a. Localization workgroup Q&A
**\<sgp\_>** ErCiccione, please let us know what else has happened recently :)
**\<ErCiccione>** as always, you can find all last updates on Taiga:
**\<ErCiccione>** but a lot of new stuff is coming
**\<ErCiccione>** we just started translating monerujo
**\<sgp\_>** I saw Chinese and Italian translations are being reviewed. Cool :)
**\<ErCiccione>** and we already have 2 languages in progress (Taiwanese, italian)
**\<ErCiccione>** exactly :) i will make a reddit post soon asking for contributors, 'cause Kovri webiste need to be re-translated
**\<rehrar>** there will be more content on Kovri site very soon too actually
**\<rehrar>** may want to wait just a bit on that
**\<rehrar>** will be done by th end of the month
**\<ErCiccione>** ok rehrar, will wait for that
**\<ErCiccione>** right now my priorities are The website and monerujo, if anybody wish to help please contact me
**\<ErCiccione>** i'm probably forgetting something, but feels like that's it :)
**\<sgp\_>** Thanks ErCiccione. Any last questions for him?
**\<sgp\_>** All right, anyone else have a FFS update?
**\<sgp\_>** 4. Important update for the community workgroup
**\<sgp\_>** Rehrar and I have two important updates for the community workgroup.
**\<sgp\_>** First, we want everyone to know that we are both joining MAGIC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that will support cryptocurrency education and research. The nonprofit will run alongside Monero and support many related projects, but it is its own completely separate entity.
**\<sgp\_>** We plan to continue assisting the community workgroup in the same capacity. We will continue having biweekly community meetings and monthly coffee chats. If there ever is a conflict of interest, we will communicate it and ask for community feedback.
**\<sgp\_>** Does anyone want to discuss this? Also anything else to mention rehrar?
**\<rehrar>** MAGIC, for those who don't know, is an initiative started by sarang and suraeNoether of MRL
**\<ErCiccione>** I never heard of that, any link with infos or discussions?
**\<anhdres>** cool name
**\<sgp\_>** ErCiccione it's been mentioned a few times in MRL meetings, let me see if I can find the logs
**\<ErCiccione>** ah ok, i missed the last 2 meetings, i will take a look
**\<rehrar>** any other quetsions on this?
**\<rehrar>** again, as sgp said, if anyone here ever starts to be uncomfortable with a conflict of interest or anything in terms of the community workgroup leadership, let us know
**\<rehrar>** if there is a capable and willing person to take duties and lead meetings let us know
**\<rehrar>** heck, you can even let us know if you want to join the team right now
**\<rehrar>** there's always plenty to do
**\<ErCiccione>** mmmh community leadership? don't like that word :P
**\<rehrar>** leadership meaning running meetings :P
**\<rehrar>** that's basically all we do
**\<rehrar>** we'll call it meetingship
**\<ErCiccione>** sorry, /s needed there
**\<sgp\_>** Look at the meetings on March 5, March 12, March 26, April 2, April 7 ErCiccione
**\<rehrar>** join the meetingship
**\<rehrar>** if someone doesn't like the meetingship, they can fork the workgroup and form Monero community Cash
**\<ErCiccione>** will do, thanks sgp\_. Btw in case i would "lead" the meetings with pleasure if needed
**\<sgp\_>** All right ErCiccione, I'll keep that in mind. I may assign you to do the one in two weeks depending on how my travel is going. I'll let you know in advance
**\<ErCiccione>** Ok sgp\_, no problem for me
**\<sgp\_>** The second announcement is that I have made a calendar that you can use to track community workgroup events. I have currently made it on Google Calendar, but you can import it on nearly any calendar tool to receive real-time updates. Never miss an event again!\
**\<sgp\_>** I hope to offer or have the Core Team offer a calendar tool for workgroups in the future. If your workgroup would benefit from this, let us know in the Github issue
**\<rehrar>** I've done research into an open source, self hosted version
**\<rehrar>** there's not many good options honestly
**\<sgp\_>** Yeah, there are only a few
**\<sgp\_>** Google Calendar kinda has the market cornered
**\<rehrar>** which needs to change at some point, mind you
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp\_: Our team would benefit from the calendar tool. The Monero hardware team.
**\<rehrar>** msvb-lab, let's make a new calendar tool
**\<rehrar>** you and me
**\<rehrar>** I can't code, so yeah.
**\<sgp\_>** rehrar will do the design, ie take a screenshot of Google Calendar :p
**\<sgp\_>** All right, thats it for community workgroup updates! Which leaves us half the meeting for open ideas time!
**\<sgp\_>** 5. Open ideas time
**\<sgp\_>** Its open ideas time! Feel free to propose your ideas to this discussion group, and feel free to comment on others ideas. If you disagree with the idea, please reply with constructive criticism. Thank you!
**\<rehrar>** MARKETING
**\<rehrar>** it's kinda sad that all the people that want marketing don't start a workgroup for making all the things
**\<msvb-lab>** The General Bytes ATM manufacturers are considering our request for a portable NFC equipped (that works with our badges) machine for the Monero village in August.
**\<ArticMine>** Yes but what kind of marketing
**\<sgp\_>** Yeah, this workgroup essentially started as the Monero Marketing workgroup until it was spun off
**\<ErCiccione>** rehrar: that's because their idea of marketing it's usually just shouting "we need more marketing" on reddit
**\<sgp\_>** msvb-lab that's fantastic news
**\<rehrar>** Moenro: You're friend. On your side.
**\<anhdres>** A stamp to put on bills that read "You're running an out-of-date version of money. Please update at"
**\<rehrar>** \*Your
**\<rehrar>** That's the best I got.
**\<rehrar>** that's clever anhdres
**\<rehrar>** honestly, what we're really hurting for is good merch
**\<sgp\_>** lol anhdres that's good
**\<rehrar>** there's some meh merch out there imo
**\<msvb-lab>** Does anybody here have an opinion of General Bytes? They support Monero but are not Opensource.
**\<sgp\_>** Monero: The Flamethrower (the kids love this one)
**\<ErCiccione>** yes, that's kinda the whole point of Monero in one sentence. I like it
**\<sgp\_>** I'm glad General Bytes is the first to include Monero. The other manufacturers have largely ignored Monero
**\<anhdres>** HEY rehrar some of the monerujo tshirts are nice!
**\<rehrar>** that's true
**\<rehrar>** monerujo has good stuff
**\<rehrar>** make some Monero ones :D
**\<anhdres>** :(
**\<rehrar>** wow, twenty more minutes
**\<rehrar>** it's ok guys, we can fill this
**\<sgp\_>** If no one else has a discussion topic, I want to discuss things that we can do as a community. We have these meetings and the coffee chats. What else should we have? Should we make the coffee chat more frequent?
**\<rehrar>** it's once a month now, right?
**\<sgp\_>** correct
**\<ArticMine>** Marketing is actually a valid topic
**\<rehrar>** I think that's definitely good.
**\<rehrar>** elaborate ArticMine?
**\<anhdres>** I like listening to the coffee chats episodes while working
**\<anhdres>** sometimes is really difficult because of the audio quality
**\<ArticMine>** Well Monero historically has ignored marketing for good reason. In order to market one needs a strong product and Monero has been eveloving fast
**\<msvb-lab>** anhdres: Don't forget that we need things like great shirts during the DefCon village event in August. There will be over 20000 people in and near our area.
**\<ArticMine>** To put it simple it is far easier to sell a tx size of say 2KB than 13 KB
**\<rehrar>** my views on marketing: I hear a lot that "The US Dollar doesn't market, so why should Monero?" this isn't a valid argument. Fiat has government backing (read: government threats if you don't accept the money within the country) so they don't need marketing. Cryptocurrencies are voluntarily used.
**\<rehrar>** You can't apply the rules used for things like fiat to Monero. You really just can't. It's applying old world thinking logic to a new world we're trying to bring about.
**\<rehrar>** In my view, marketing is a valid pursuit, it should just be done at a community level
**\<ArticMine>** There are many very successful private business that do little or no marketing
**\<ArticMine>** Google when it got started was a prime example
**\<sgp\_>** And the marketing should be focused on education, benefits, etc. rather than trying to get rich quick
**\<anhdres>** msvb-lab: august sounds possible. What's the target demographic of that event, hardcore hackers?
**\<rehrar>** true ArticMine. I'm not necessarily advocating for marketing "right now" or a certain type of it
**\<rehrar>** I just think it's a very silly argument for the die hards to say "no marketing for Monero" because of applying old world thinking
**\<msvb-lab>** anhdres: Yes, they are quite technically proficient and fewer children than CCC events.
**\<ArticMine>** I am more in favor of smart marketing
**\<sgp\_>** Can you give examples ArticMine?
**\<rehrar>** any marketing workgroup should indeed work up a plan and present it to the community before implementing, although nobody can force them of course
**\<anhdres>** msvb-lab: got it. quite a challenge for me, I'm not that technical myself
**\<ArticMine>** One area the community can easily contribute is support
**\<ArticMine>** and it can be done on an individual basis
**\<anhdres>** msvb-lab: but I'll try my best
**\<msvb-lab>** anhdres: No challenge at all, folks who can draw as well as you cause a lot of enthusiasm. Same with The Moneroa's artwork.
**\<msvb-lab>** Let's not forget that in order to avoid redundant work or misunderstandings, we have the Vegas project pages:
**\<ArticMine>** The kind of work dEBRUYNE is doing is a perfect example
**\<rehrar>** yeah but dEBRUYNE is an unfair standard
**\<rehrar>** he is a god
**\<ErCiccione>** praise dEBRUYNE!
**\<ArticMine>** A high standard yes unfair I disagree.
**\<rehrar>** twas a joke ArticMine :D I completely agree with you.
**\<sgp\_>** ArticMine we mostly use Reddit and StackExchange for that, but we still need to encourage more participation in other areas (eg: meetups, CryptoCompare, Discord, Twitter, Telegram, etc). I think most top contributors are active in many places, but we should encourage more somehow (especially in-person). I'm curious to hear how we can encourage people to talk about Monero with their local enthusiast groups
**\<rehrar>** Honestly, one of the best things of marketing we can have is a community that is welcoming, warm, inviting, technical, and understanding.
**\<ArticMine>** Supporting existing meetups
**\<msvb-lab>** Has anyone been to a meeting in Berlin?
**\<sgp\_>** ArticMine we had one initiative with the Meetup Kit that I believe worked pretty well
**\<ArticMine>** Even if it involves travel
**\<rehrar>** ^ but not everyone has the richness
**\<ArticMine>** True but sometimes travel can be affordable
**\<rehrar>** this is also true
**\<rehrar>** some of the good marketing right now is sending surae and sarang to conferences
**\<rehrar>** they bump shoulders and shake hands with a lot of people in different communities, from noobs to academics
**\<rehrar>** heck, even our Defcon presence is something pretty big
**\<anhdres>** rehrar, it already is. When I started digging myself deeper into cryptocurrencies at the start of last year, I sincerely got more and more interested in Monero because the community was so great at making me feel welcomed, people was eager to explain basic stuff to me, and there was a sense that I can even help
**\<rehrar>** imo
**\<anhdres>** so I think community already is an important part of Monero's marketing
**\<sgp\_>** I'm speaking at a conference today about getting started with cryptocurrencies and I'm wearing my orange Monero shirt while doing it :)
**\<rehrar>** sgp is also a god
**\<ErCiccione>** We basically have a Monero Pantheon
**\<ArticMine>** A very important aspect is that different people can contribute in very different ways
**\<rehrar>** sgp, the god of fire
**\<rehrar>** dEBRUYNE, the god of beauty
**\<ErCiccione>** so sgp = mars dEBRUYNE = venus . Fair enough
**\<rehrar>** that's why our open ideas time is very important
**\<anhdres>** who gets to be pluto?
**\<rehrar>** even if not many people come into meetings all the time
**\<rehrar>** because some people will come in and have ideas that none of us ever dreamed of
**\<ArticMine>** sgp\_ Sometimes it can be as simple as shoeing up at a local Blockchain meetup that one heard about by chance on the radio
**\<rehrar>** OH! One update for you guys. Did you see the Monero writeup (20 pages) by cypherperro?
**\<rehrar>** check it out, it's really good
**\<sgp\_>** ArticMine I think we need better ways of telling contributors how to join the project. We have good enough examples for developers and translators, but we need more for people who want to provide educational materials to others. I'm not sure what the best way is to handle this. I've thought about this a lot but never enough to provide an action plan
**\<ArticMine>** This happened to me last Thursday
**\<rehrar>** ArticMine, I did the same. There was discussions about CampusCoin
**\<anhdres>** rehrar, great name
**\<sgp\_>** My student group has received so many solicitations from CampusCoin that we ignored. Very annoying
**\<rehrar>** (seriously, read that paper, if it's claened up a bit it can be a great resource)
**\<rehrar>** it has no usecase
**\<sgp\_>** It's a pyramid scheme
**\<rehrar>** you know what else you can pay campus' in that you can accept easily and also spend at walmart?
**\<rehrar>** US DOLLARS!
**\<sgp\_>** I read the article you linked and gave feedback to the author. Very good
**\<rehrar>** any cryptocurrency that is basically limited to use on one platform is basically a giftcard
**\<rehrar>** thanks sgp, glad to haer
**\<rehrar>** \*haer
**\<rehrar>** \*hear
**\<msvb-lab>** Does anybody have questions about our DefCon village or current hardware projects?
**\<ArticMine>** DefCon village. Now there is a great marketing idea
**\<rehrar>** want to discuss something with you in private regarding that stuff msvb-lab
**\<sgp\_>** Nope, but I love the suggestion that you should have some merch. You could even sell it for a modest price
**\<rehrar>** my wife is planning on making a couple of Monero pillows
**\<rehrar>** for Defcon to raffle off
**\<msvb-lab>** rehrar: Great idea, please encourage your wife. I have a similar idea with laser engraved glasses.
**\<sgp\_>** Lol I would pay $20 for a laser-engraved Monero pint glass
**\<msvb-lab>** It's likely that we'll have a Monero challenge, so there should be things to win.
**\<anhdres>** monero whiskey glasses
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp\_: If you think you can understand what types of glasses would work best (vectors including demand number, type, and what fits my suitcase) then suggest a URL.
**\<rehrar>** msvb-lab: she's actually going to come with me to Defcon too
**\<msvb-lab>** rehrar: Great news, folks don't forget to make hotel reservations now. If you're not sure, still make the reservations and plan to cancel them later (if you don't go.)
**\<sgp\_>** msvb-lab I don't know what others want and where to get them, I'm just expressing my personal wants
**\<rehrar>** Excalibur is probably where you'll want to book in if you want to be on the strip
**\<rehrar>** has skyrail to other places, and you don't wanna be awlking in that 103 degree heat
**\<rehrar>** and probably the best value in terms of cheap and semi close
**\<rehrar>** Circus Circus is ok, but it's a long walk and no skyrail
**\<rehrar>** 103 degree heat people
**\<sgp\_>** All right I need to run to the conference. rehrar can you wrap up the meeting when you're done talking?
**\<ArticMine>** Not good mining weather
**\<rehrar>** yep
**\<rehrar>** bai sgp
**\<msvb-lab>** Have a good one folks, thanks for moderating sgp\_. Chao.
**\<sgp\_>** sweet, thanks everyone
**\<rehrar>** I live in the desert, so I'm used to the super heat. But if you're not peeing every forty minutes because of all the water you're drinking, you're doing it wrong
**\<rehrar>** D:
**\<rehrar>** Alright, meeting over.
**\<rehrar>** Bai