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synced 2025-03-28 10:08:52 +00:00
major overhaul, revert to single language until multi-language is fixed
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 316 additions and 142 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Monero
Copyright (c) 2014, The Monero Project
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, The Monero Project
## Development Resources
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ This is the Monero website. Instead of using MediaWiki or similar, we are using
If you would like to suggest changes you can do so by forking the repository, making changes directly on your fork, and then submitting them as pull requests. If you need help doing so feel free to ask for assistance in #monero-dev on Freenode.
Deploying this website requires Jekyll (2.5+) and the 'jekyll/multiple/languages/plugin' plugin (installed by, for example, `gem install jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin`).
Deploying this website requires Jekyll (2.5+). Multiple language support will be added soon.
## License
Copyright (c) 2014, The Monero Project
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, The Monero Project
All rights reserved.
@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
email: dev@monero.cc
name: Monero
description: Private. Secure. Untraceable.
keywords: "monero, xmr, bitmonero, cryptocurrency"
baseurl: ""
url: "http://monero.cc"
url: "https://getmonero.org"
markdown: kramdown
languages: ["en", "de"]
exclude: ["README.md"]
paginate: 10
paginate_path: blog/page:num/
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
monero: Monero
forum: Forum
blog: Blog
getting_started: Getting Started
knowledge_base: Knowledge Base
community: Community
bitcointalk: Bitcointalk Thread
reddit: Reddit
copyright: Copyright
monero_project: The Monero Project
allblog: All Blog Posts
devdiaries: Dev Diaries
missives: Monero Missives
uncategorised: Uncategorized
choose: How to Choose a Monero Client
running: How to Run a Monero Node
simplewallet: How to Use SimpleWallet
accepting: How to Accept Monero Payments
merchants: Monero Merchant Directory
about: About Monero
people: The People Behind Monero
wiki: Moneropedia
compiling: Compiling Monero
openalias: The OpenAlias Project
alternative: Alternative Clients
projects: External Projects
page_title: "Monero - private, secure, untraceable"
what_is: What is
what_is_orange_block: "Monero is a private, secure, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all."
what_is_text_block_1: "You are your own bank, you control and are responsible for your funds, and nobody can trace your transfers."
what_is_text_block_2: "Want to find out more? An overview of Monero's main features are below, and if you'd like to try Monero for yourself the"
what_is_text_block_3: "Getting Started"
what_is_text_block_4: "section is an excellent launching point."
news: News
the_latest: The Latest
date_1: July 6th
date_2: July 27th
news_1: "Monero Missive #5"
news_2: "Monero Missive #4"
news_text_1: "includes an update on new features (rpcwallet and properly daemonizing the daemon) that are ready for testing."
news_text_2: "includes fluffypony at the Bitcoin Supernode conference, as well as major changes to keep the Monero daemon and wallet a lot more stable and reliable."
private: Private
secure: Secure
untraceable: Untraceable
private_text: "Monero uses a cryptographically sound system to allow you to send and receive funds without your transactions being easily revealed on the blockchain (the ledger of transactions that everyone has). This ensures that your purchases, receipts, and all transfers remain absolutely private by default."
untraceable_text: "By taking advantage of ring signatures, a special property of certain types of cryptography, Monero is able to ensure that transactions are not only untraceable, but have an optional measure of ambiguity that ensures that transactions cannot easily be tied back to an individual user or computer."
secure_text: "Using the power of a distributed peer-to-peer consensus network, every transaction on the network is cryptographically secured. Individual wallets have a 24 word mnemonic that is only displayed once, and can be written down to backup the wallet. Wallet files are encrypted with a passphrase to ensure they are useless if stolen."
why_use: Why use
why_1: "It's private by default, optionally transparent (just like cash!) - the details of individual transactions, or even of an entire wallet, can be revealed publicly or privately"
why_2: "It has a a strong core team actively developing Monero, along with an amazing group of of mathematicians, cryptographers, developers, and marketing specialists actively working on it"
why_3: "A great deal of focus has been placed on improving the usability of Monero, with the aim of providing a cryptocurrency that is more readily accessible to end users"
why_4: "It was launched fairly and evenly, with no single entity unfairly controlling any significant amount of Monero or providing any sort of unfair advantage (such as an 'instamine' or 'premine')"
behind: Who is behind
davidlatapie_bio: "David Latapie is a French publisher, transhumanist and crypto enthusiast who worked on various cryptocurrencies, and focuses on the societal changes brought by cryptos and the blockchain technology."
fluffypony_bio: "Based out of South Africa, Riccardo brings a strong business acumen and a deep understanding of cryptocurrencies to the table. He has been involved with cryptocurrency related projects since 2012."
tacotime_bio: "It's taco time!"
smooth_bio: "A software developer, entrepreneur and investor who has been involved several cryptocurrency projects since 2011, including development of the first multicurrency exchange (initially supporting Bitcoin and Namecoin). As one of the most trusted members of the community, smooth recognized the potential for Monero to revolutionize cryptocurrencies by incorporating strong integrated financial privacy with a constant focus on community participation and developer integrity."
othe_bio: "othe bio"
eizh_bio: "eizh bio"
noodledoodle_bio: "NoodleDoodle bio"
how_do_i: How do I
get_started: get started
get_started_1: "The fastest way to start using Monero is by using a web wallet such as"
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Alternatively, if you would like to run a full Monero node you can download the client and a kick-starter blockchain (to bring your local client up to speed) using the download link on the right."
where_can_i: Where can I
download: download
different_os: "Need it for a different operating system?"
all_downloads: View all downloads here
c_download: Downloads
monero_for: Monero for
latest_blockchain: Latest Blockchain
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ $os_array = detect_os($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
{% t index.monero_for %} <?php echo $os_array['name']; ?>
<a href="/downloads/monero.<?php echo $os_array['code']; ?>.<?php echo $os_array['bits']; ?>.latest.<?php echo $os_array['ext']; ?>" class="btn btn-grey pull-right">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_btn_download.png" class="inline icon_download"> {% t index.c_download %}
<i class="fa fa-plus-circle icon_download" style="color: white; font-size: 20px;"></i> {% t index.c_download %}
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ $os_array = detect_os($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
{% t index.latest_blockchain %}
<a href="/downloads/blockchain/<?php echo $os_array['code']; ?>/blockchain.bin" class="btn btn-grey pull-right">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_btn_download.png" class="inline icon_download"> {% t index.c_download %}
<i class="fa fa-plus-circle icon_download" style="color: white; font-size: 20px;"></i> {% t index.c_download %}
@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
<div class="container">
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<li><a href="https://forum.monero.cc">{% t menu.forum %}</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/monero/">{% t menu.reddit %}</a></li>
<li><a href="https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.0">{% t menu.bitcointalk %}</a></li>
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<li class="dropdown-header">{% t menu.irc %}</li>
<li><a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero">{% t menu.irc-general %}</a></li>
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<li><a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-markets">{% t menu.irc-markets %}</a></li>
<li><a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools">{% t menu.irc-mining %}</a></li>
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
layout: default
<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2>
<span><i class="icon-clock"></i><time datetime="{{page.date|date:"%F"}}">{{page.date|date:"%b %d, %Y"}}</time></span><br/>
<span><i class="icon-clock"></i><time datetime="{{ page.date | global.date }}">{{ page.date | global.date }}</time></span><br/>
<span class="category"><i class="icon-tag"></i> {{ page.categories | category_links }}</span><br/>
<span class="author"><i class="icon-user"></i> {% if page.author %}{{page.author}}{% else %}{{site.author}}{% endif%}</span>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
require 'jekyll/multiple/languages/plugin'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Just a placeholder plugin to do translated strings, gives us room and scope to get the
# jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin to work correctly
module Jekyll
module Translated
module Strings
module Plugin
VERSION = "0.1"
module Jekyll
class LocalizeTag < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tag_name, key, tokens)
@key = key.strip
def render(context)
if "#{context[@key]}" != "" #Check for page variable
key = "#{context[@key]}"
key = @key
site = context.registers[:site]
stringsfile = File.join(site.source, '_strings_en.yml')
strings_en = YAML.load_file(stringsfile)
translation = strings_en.access(key) if key.is_a?(String)
if translation.nil? || translation.empty?
Jekyll.logger.abort_with "Missing key: #{key}"
unless Hash.method_defined? :access
class Hash
def access(path)
ret = self
path.split('.').each do |p|
if p.to_i.to_s == p
ret = ret[p.to_i]
ret = ret[p.to_s] || ret[p.to_sym]
break unless ret
Liquid::Template.register_tag('t', Jekyll::LocalizeTag)
Liquid::Template.register_tag('translate', Jekyll::LocalizeTag)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
layout: post
title: Dev Diary for the Week of 2014-06-02
summary: Block reward penalty adjustment, faster CPU miner, missing RPC calls added
tags: [dev diaries, mining, i2p, rpc, crypto]
author: Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony)
**RPC:** Neozaru and others have submitted pull requests to add RPC methods that were missing.
**I2P:** libssu has been decoupled, and outstanding changes to master have been merged.
**Core:** just a reminder that there are breaking changes to 0.8.8 to prevent a transaction dust attack on the block reward. Because of the block reward penalty, it was previously possible to constantly reduce the block reward down to nearly zero, which is what has been fixed. You can see this quite dramatically on the [Block Reward chart on monerochain.info](http://monerochain.info/charts/reward) where our average block reward plummeted by around 13% on May 25 - 27 as the fix was tested, deployed, and miners began adopting it. Please don't forget that simplewallet using the older code will not add the correct transaction fees, causing transactions to sit in the mempool for several days before being rejected.
**Core:** initial work has begun on documenting the code and on providing architecture overviews. This will be a relatively lengthy project, but will provide us with a more useful codebase that has had more eyes on it.
**Crypto:** we have also begun an initial foray into examining the underlying cryptographic and mathematic principles of the CryptoNote protocol, and ensuring that it has been correctly implemented in the reference code (Bytecoin - upon which Monero is based). We will reveal more details as this project progresses.
**Crypto:** DGA has done an incredible job of optimising the PoW hashing code, and has vastly improved the speed at which it operates. This makes syncing the blockchain faster, as well as improves the speed at which miners can run and pools can verify work.
**Mining:** Wolf has worked hard on optimising and tweaking LucasJones miner. If you are mining, it is strongly suggested you give [Wolf's fork of cpuminer-multi](https://github.com/wolf9466/cpuminer-multi) a spin. Because it takes advantage of AES-NI you may find that reducing the number of threads down to around half of the number of cores in your computer is the most efficient.
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
layout: post
title: Monero Missive for the Week of 2014-06-02
summary: Our first Missive! New logo, pool software completed and bounty awarded, ticker symbol changed to XMR
tags: [monero missives, branding, mining, compliance]
author: Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony)
*June 2nd, 2014*
@ -11,12 +14,17 @@ Also an important note on updates: Our policy is to only provide announcements o
**Major Updates**
1. The big one...we have a logo! If you use Monero in any of your projects, [you can grab a branding pack here](http://monero.cc/downloads/resources/branding.zip). You can also see it in all its glory right here:

1. The big one...we have a logo! If you use Monero in any of your projects, [you can grab a branding pack here](http://monero.cc/downloads/resources/branding.zip). You can also see it in all its glory right here:
{: .center-image }
2. With our logo completed, we are going to be moving forward on a major overhaul and redesign of our website. We are also in the process of architecting and designing a better repository of information - which includes a forum-style that allows for both discussion, as well an open-source, crowd-funded development incubator. We will be keeping you updated on our progress in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the best place for threaded discussions are the [/r/monero subreddit](http://www.reddit.com/r/monero), and for live discussions join us on Freenode: #monero for general chat, #monero-dev for development efforts, and #monero-otc for price talk and over-the-counter trades.
3. The pool bounty has now closed, and was awarded to zone117x and LucasJones for their excellent work on the Node CryptoNote pool. You can see the results of their hard work on [their github repo here](https://github.com/zone117x/node-cryptonote-pool) or, you know, just use pretty much any of the Monero mining pools:)
4. In order to maintain ISO 4217 compliance, we are changing our ticker symbol from MRO to XMR effective immediately. This change primarily effects exchanges at this early stage, as we are sure that MRO will continue to be used colloquially and in general discussion. We are aware that this may cause a little confusion, but we feel it necessary to make this change early on rather than later when Monero is more widely spread.
We'd also like to take the time to introduce you to our core team (in no particular order) - tacotime, eizh, smooth, fluffypony, othe, davidlatapie, NoodleDoodle
Many others are involved in peripheral and related projects, including: zone117x, Neozaru, LucasJones, Wolf, Quanttek, and so many others
Thank you for your hard work if you have been involved in Monero already, and we look forward to continuing to innovate as keep Monero the most secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
layout: post
title: Dev Diary for the Week of 2014-06-10
summary: New RPC calls, GPU miner launched, Doxygen code comments started
tags: [dev diaries, mining, i2p, rpc, docs]
author: Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony)
**RPC:** incoming_transfers is now available as a simplewallet RPC API call, and payment_id has been added as an optional argument to the transfer RPC API call. Neozaru also committed a large amount of additional functionality to the RPC API, including progress estimation to getinfo.
**I2P:** no commits this week, much of the work has been around scoping and planning the RPC subsystem.
**Core:** new seed nodes have been added, so bootstrapping on cold start should work just fine. We are going to add DNS seed node bootstrapping at a later stage.
**Docs:** work has begun on adding Doxygen comments throughout the code. This will both help us to understand the code written by "The CryptoNote Developers" (who appear at the top of every piece of source code except for the epee library), but will also result in proper developer documentation being made available.
**Mining:** Wolf` has continued to improve his CPU miner - the latest copy of which can be found on [his github repo](https://github.com/wolf9466/cpuminer-multi).
**Mining:** Claymore released a CryptoNight GPU miner, which [you can find at this thread](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=638915.0). Please be advised that his miner is currently closed source, and the appropriate level of caution should be exercised.
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
layout: post
title: Monero Missive for the Week of 2014-06-10
summary: Deterministic wallets based on mnemonic seeds, fluffypony to attend the Bitcoin Supernode Conference
tags: [monero missives, conferences, exchanges, gui, usability]
author: Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony)
*June 10th, 2014*
Hello XMR users! Welcome to our second Monero Missives.
**Major Updates**
1. We're happy to introduce a major new feature for Monero: deterministic wallets based on a mnemonic seed! When creating a new wallet you now get a 24 word seed that you can use to restore the wallet:
{: .center-image }
Usage: This affects simplewallet, and is the default behaviour for --generate-new-wallet. If you would like to disable the deterministic seed during wallet generation, you can pass the --non-deterministic flag. To restore from a seed you can use the --restore-deterministic-wallet flag.
This provides a MAJOR benefit in that backing up your wallet *no longer requires backing up the .bin.keys file*! All you have to do is write down the 24 words and that's the only backup you need. If you're particularly brave you can even memorise the 24 words. You can also use this to create an offline cold wallet or a paper wallet: create a wallet on a computer disconnected from the Internet, write the 24 words and the address and the view key down, and then remove all the files created by the wallet.
Security notes: Please note that this key is independent of your password. By default the 24 word key is written to simplewallet.log when the wallet is created. This is the expected behaviour, the next release will both exclude this from the log and reduce the default log level. Please run --generate-new-wallet with the --set_log 0 flag, or alternatively make sure to delete the simplewallet.log file afterwards.
Technical details: The key length for this remains 256-bits and thus does not compromise user security. The view key seed is generated from a keccak1600 hash of the spend key (which is directly from the mnemonic seed), hence the deterministic nature of this. The non-deterministic method is still available as an option.
How to get it: binaries in the OP have already been updated, or you can compile from the source on github.
Moving to a deterministic wallet: unfortunately it's not possible to retroactively make an existing wallet deterministic. If you want to take advantage of the new feature, you will have to create a new wallet and move your funds in there.
2. XMR is now on Mintpal for voting. You can find the voting link here: https://www.mintpal.com/voting#XMR - Mintpal allows 1 vote an hour from registered users who have traded before, as well as paid-for votes.
3. Monero will be officially represented by fluffypony at the Bitcoin Supernode Conference at Malla Castle in Estonia at the end of this month.
4. Neozaru has made great strides in his RPC-based Qt GUI wallet, and it requires some testing. If you are keen on trying it out, head over [to his comment the GUI thread](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=589561.msg7240186#msg7240186), give it a spin, and give him feedback.
Until next week!
PS. If you've made it this far, there's a reward in the example wallet listed in the screenshot - first to grab it gets the prize!
@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
index: index.html
vocab: vocab.html
simplewallet: use-simplewallet.html
date: '%Y/%m/%d'
monero: Monero
getting_started: Getting Started
copyright: Copyright
monero_project: The Monero Project
forum: Forum
blog: Blog
getting_started: Getting Started
knowledge_base: Knowledge Base
community: Community
bitcointalk: Bitcointalk Thread
reddit: Reddit
copyright: Copyright
monero_project: The Monero Project
allblog: All Blog Posts
devdiaries: Dev Diaries
missives: Monero Missives
uncategorised: Uncategorized
choose: How to Choose a Monero Client
running: How to Run a Monero Node
downloads: All Monero Downloads
simplewallet: How to Use SimpleWallet
accepting: How to Accept Monero Payments
merchants: Monero Merchant Directory
@ -25,10 +32,16 @@ global:
openalias: The OpenAlias Project
alternative: Alternative Clients
projects: External Projects
irc: IRC on Freenode
irc-general: "#monero (General)"
irc-development: "#monero-dev (Development)"
irc-trading: "#monero-otc (OTC Trading)"
irc-markets: "#monero-markets (Markets)"
irc-mining: "#monero-pools (Mining)"
page_title: "Monero - private, secure, untraceable"
page_title: "Monero - secure, private, untraceable"
what_is: What is
what_is_orange_block: "Monero is a private, secure, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all."
what_is_orange_block: "Monero is a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all."
what_is_text_block_1: "You are your own bank, you control and are responsible for your funds, and nobody can trace your transfers."
what_is_text_block_2: "Want to find out more? An overview of Monero's main features are below, and if you'd like to try Monero for yourself the"
what_is_text_block_3: "Getting Started"
@ -60,9 +73,9 @@ index:
othe_bio: "othe bio"
eizh_bio: "eizh bio"
noodledoodle_bio: "NoodleDoodle bio"
how_do_i: How do I
how_do_i: "How do I "
get_started: get started
get_started_1: "The fastest way to start using Monero is by using a web wallet such as"
get_started_1: "The fastest way to start using Monero is by using a web wallet such as "
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Alternatively, if you would like to run a full Monero node you can download the client and a kick-starter blockchain (to bring your local client up to speed) using the download link on the right."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
layout: default
title: All Blog Posts
<!-- This loops through the paginated posts -->
{% for post in paginator.posts %}
<h1><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h1>
<p class="author">
<span class="date">{{ post.date }}</span>
<div class="content">
{{ post.summary }}
{% endfor %}
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<div class="pagination">
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<span>« Prev</span>
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{% if page == paginator.page %}
<em>{{ page }}</em>
{% elsif page == 1 %}
<a href="{{ '/index.html' | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ site.paginate_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' | replace: ':num', page }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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<a href="{{ paginator.next_page_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">Next »</a>
{% else %}
<span>Next »</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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{% for post in site.posts limit:10 %}
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<dc:creator>{{ post.author.name | xml_escape }}</dc:creator>
{% endif %}
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<description>{{ post.summary | xml_escape }}</description>
{% else %}
<description>{{ post.content | xml_escape }}</description>
{% endif %}
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<link>{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}</link>
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{% endfor %}
@ -5,16 +5,18 @@ layout: root
<!-- Top Boxes -->
<div class="row info-boxes">
<div class="col-md-5 monero-info">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_monero.png" class="inline-icon"><h2>{% t index.what_is %} <span class="kicks">{% t global.monero %}</span> ?</h2>
<p><span class="kicks text-important">{% t index.what_is_orange_block %}</span> <br>
{% t index.what_is_text_block_1 %}</p>
<!-- Icon is based on work by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_monero.svg" class="inline-icon" style="height: 60px;"><h2>{% t index.what_is %} <span class="kicks">{% t global.monero %}</span> ?</h2>
<p class="kicks text-important">{% t index.what_is_orange_block %}</p>
<p>{% t index.what_is_text_block_1 %}</p>
<p>{% t index.what_is_text_block_2 %} <a href="/{{ site.lang }}/getting-started/">{% t global.getting_started %}</a> {% t index.what_is_text_block_4 %}<br/>
<div class="col-md-1 info-spacer">
<div class="col-md-6 monero-news">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_news.png" class="inline-icon"><h2>{% t index.the_latest %} <span class="announcements">{% t index.news %}</span></h2>
<!-- Icon is based on work by Icomoon (http://www.icomoon.io) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_news.svg" class="inline-icon" style="height: 60px;"><h2>{% t index.the_latest %} <span class="announcements">{% t index.news %}</span></h2>
<a href="https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.msg7708137#msg7708137">[{% t index.date_1 %} - <span class="news-title">{% t index.news_1 %}</span>]</a><br>
@ -32,15 +34,18 @@ layout: root
<!-- Green Box -->
<div class="row box-green">
<div class="col-md-4 right-border inside">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_private.png" class="green-icon"><h2>{% t index.private %}</h2>
<p>{% t index.private_text %}</p>
<div class="col-md-4 inside">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_secure.png" class="green-icon"><h2>{% t index.secure %}</h2>
<!-- Icon is by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_secure.svg" class="green-icon" style="height: 40px;"><h2>{% t index.secure %}</h2>
<p>{% t index.secure_text %}</p>
<div class="col-md-4 inside">
<!-- Icon is by Bogdan Rosu (http://www.bogdanrosu.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_private.svg" class="green-icon" style="height: 40px;"><h2>{% t index.private %}</h2>
<p>{% t index.private_text %}</p>
<div class="col-md-4 left-border inside">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_untracable.png" class="green-icon"><h2>{% t index.untraceable %}</h2>
<!-- Icon is by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_untraceable.svg" class="green-icon" style="height: 40px;"><h2>{% t index.untraceable %}</h2>
<p>{% t index.untraceable_text %}</p>
@ -49,16 +54,18 @@ layout: root
<hr class="push-top">
<div class="row bottom-boxes">
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_start.png" class="icon inline">
<!-- Icon is by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_start.svg" class="icon" style="height: 60px;">
<h2 class="inline">
{% t index.how_do_i %}<br><span class="green-kicks">{% t index.get_started %}</span> ?
{% t index.how_do_i %}<br><span class="softyellow-kicks">{% t index.get_started %}</span> ?
<p>{% t index.get_started_1 %}<a href="https://mymonero.com">{% t index.mymonero %}</a>{% t index.get_started_2 %}</p>
<p style="margin-top: 40px;">{% t index.get_started_1 %}<a href="https://mymonero.com">{% t index.mymonero %}</a>{% t index.get_started_2 %}</p>
<p>{% t index.get_started_3 %}</p>
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="left-pad">
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_download.png" class="icon inline"><h2 class="no-margin hide-breaks inline">{% t index.where_can_i %} <span class="kicks">{% t index.download %}</span> {% t global.monero %} ?</h2>
<!-- Icon is by Yannick (http://yanlu.de) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->
<img src="//static.monero.cc/images/icon_download.svg" class="icon" style="height: 60px;"><h2 class="no-margin hide-breaks inline">{% t index.where_can_i %} <span class="purple-kicks">{% t index.download %}</span> {% t global.monero %} ?</h2>
<div class="left-pad download-links-container">
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
layout: default
translated_name: files.simplewallet
#How to Use simplewallet
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
layout: default
translated_name: files.vocab
It goes here.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ if (isset($_COOKIE["MONERO_LANG"]))
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/"><img class="logo" src="//static.monero.cc/images/logo.png"></a>
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/"><img class="logo" src="//static.monero.cc/images/logo.svg"></a>
Reference in a new issue