Merge pull request #386 from dEBRUYNE-1/master

Dev Meeting Logs (2017-08-20 & 2017-09-03) + Kovri Meeting Logs (2017-08-20) + Community Meeting Logs (2017-09-02)
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Riccardo Spagni 2017-09-09 08:09:47 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 57672deb9e
4 changed files with 1131 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
layout: post
title: Logs for the Kovri Dev Meeting Held on 2017-08-20
summary: Brief review of what has been completed since last meeting, discussion of meta issues, and code & open tickets discussion
tags: [dev diaries, i2p, crypto]
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*August 20th, 2017*
# Logs
**\<anonimal>** 1. Greetings
**\<anonimal>** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
**\<anonimal>** 3. Contributor FFS check-in / status
**\<anonimal>** 4. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A
**\<anonimal>** 5. Any additional meeting items
**\<anonimal>** 6. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<anonimal>** Well hello
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** hi
**\<anonimal>** Just you and me, eh MoroccanMalinois?
**\<moneromooo>** I'm here too, but I'm just reading.
**\<rehrar>** I'm here
**\<ajs>** here
**\<rehrar>** bam, attendance more than doubled
**\<anonimal>** Well there you go
**\<anonimal>** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
**\<anonimal>** We had the 96boards webcast this past Thursday, so that was certainly a highlight.
**\<anonimal>** It was nice to have that done since I had started coordinating it toward the beginning of this year.
**\<rehrar>** I continued work on the new Kovri logo, but that has been put on hold indefinitely. I switched gears and started working on the Reddits. Got good amounts of work done and we are fixing to release the Monero subreddit new CSS here pretty soon. Kovri isn't far behind it. Then recently I'm also working on redoing the website a bit. Just a small restructure. Putting together some new wires for the pages.
**\<anonimal>** I've finally back to NTCP work (yay). Various fixes and rewriting. Now working on a phaser implementation and separating messaging from session code.
**\<ajs>** I passed along information to Pigeons about the irc server set up. He is looking into putting it up on a vps.
**\<anonimal>** I've noticed various little issues along the way that will be fixed along the way
**\<anonimal>** rehrar ajs: awesome
**\<pigeons1[m]>** No not a vps a vm on a dedicated machine we just got
**\<anonimal>** Oh even better
**\<ajs>** cool
**\<rehrar>** pigeons1[m]: fluffypony, any update on the infrastructure? :)
**\<rehrar>** oh, maybe that was just the update :P sorry
**\<pigeons1[m]>** rehrar: we got the machines and are moving things and configuring things. You can send me config info
**\<rehrar>** I'll talk to Snipa and get them. He did the setting up and debugging.
**\<rehrar>** I'm assuming it'd be too big a breach to have him help out?
**\<anonimal>** Let's stay on track here
**\<rehrar>** k sorry
**\<anonimal>** re: brief review, I've been playing PM tag with sarang but finally have began email comms
**\<anonimal>** I had sent him/her/it (assuming him) a list of various research related issues
**\<anonimal>** but will now work him to hone in on specific areas of research.
**\<anonimal>** I'm looking forward to this very much +1
**\<anonimal>** Anything else for brief review?
**\<anonimal>** Alrighty, 3. Contributor FFS check-in / status
**\<anonimal>** I'm here. Busy as usual.
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** nothing for this time
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** (was mostly on vacation)
**\<anonimal>** A well-deserved one too, I'm sure.
**\<rehrar>** Back in full swing. Wife healed nicely.
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** :)
**\<anonimal>** MoroccanMalinois: was milestone 2 settled (payment, etc.)?
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** nope
**\<anonimal>** rehrar: good to hear
**\<anonimal>** Uh oh, why not MoroccanMalinois?
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** Not enough work :)
**\<endogenic>** anonimal: re sarang i'm pleased to hear that
**\<anonimal>** Oh, when I say milestone 2 I mean *your* milestone 1.
**\<anonimal>** Because the FFS proposal is in 3 tranches, you took up the 2nd one (though it was your first).
**\<anonimal>** \*2nd one and 3rd one (because 1st one was completed)
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** ah
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** i thought u were talking about the 3rd milestone
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** that will be done tomorrow
**\<anonimal>** re: sarang, my thanks to endogenic for coordinating our first connection
**\<endogenic>** didn't do anything :P
**\<anonimal>** MoroccanMalinois: ok so 2nd is all settled?
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** No i have not contacted luigi yet (will do it tonight)
**\<anonimal>** ok
**\<anonimal>** Anything else on FFS check-in/status?
**\<bigreddmachine>** (I'm here, nothing to report on the ff extension side, been very busy IRL)
**\<anonimal>** I haven't read sarang's FFS (I hear he put out a new prorposal?)
**\<anonimal>** Hi bigreddmachine, good to hear from you
**\<anonimal>** re: FFS topic, does anyone have any specific input on what they'd want sarang to work on/look at re: kovri?
**\<anonimal>** I had a healthy list for him but I think he'll want me to narrow down things.
**\<rehrar>** I don't see a new one.
**\* anonimal** has no idea, I probably shouldn't assume that
**\<endogenic>** he's a network + crypto dude so i figured it might be possible to collaborate with him to produce a more elegant and simple form of i2p
**\<bigreddmachine>** You talked on Thursday about simplifying the crypto smorgasbord in kovri... That might be a good place for sarang to focus at some point
**\<anonimal>** Well when I was playing tag with him, I did ask him if he wanted to work on the anonymity system aspect or crypto; and he did say crypto.
**\<anonimal>** But he's also more of a math guy, and the reduction of kovri crypto is almost entirely implementation defined (so he wouldn't need to do any work on that).
**\<anonimal>** The cryptosystems we use could be looked at though, yes, for sure.
**\<endogenic>** yeah i bet he could help vet the water tightness of existing or new schemes
**\<endogenic>** and probably suggest alternate techniques for elements
**\<endogenic>** just guessing
**\<anonimal>** We'll see. Maybe he'll work on something before the next meeting.
**\<anonimal>** I'd like him to look at our DSA prime for example. I'm sure that's something he could do.
**\<anonimal>** But since we use libraries for most of our crypto, he may end up reviewing them.
**\* anonimal** shrugs, we'll see
**\<anonimal>** Anything else on FFS check-in?
**\<anonimal>** k, 4. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** i have almost finished fixing #684. Will push later today
**\<anonimal>** Cool +1
**\<anonimal>** I'll merge #690. re: #690, I asked surae to look at my algo for aes-256 expanded key size but he didn't have time to look too deeply
**\<anonimal>** The constant doesn't change, so it's not a huge deal, but things like this would be nice for sarang to review/chime-in with from time-to-time.
**\<anonimal>** (yes, I said surae for first sentence and sarang for second)
**\<anonimal>** (so confusing!)
**\<anonimal>** Anything else on point 4.? I want to get to other points that rehrar and bigreddmachine were talking about.
**\<anonimal>** MoroccanMalinois: \^
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** nope
**\<anonimal>** k
**\<anonimal>** 5. Any additional meeting items
**\<anonimal>** bigreddmachine: are you still planning on doing a podcast?
**\<bigreddmachine>** Yes. I've had a busy summer so had to tick off some low hanging fruit with episodes. But I really think a talk with you (and any other key contribs) would be super.
**\<bigreddmachine>** Maybe time it to be right around alpha release date?
**\<anonimal>** Ok sure. Do you have a link to previous episodes (I didn't know you did them regularly/semi-regularly)?
**\<i2p-relay> {-pigeons}** cool I didn't know about that one.
**\<bigreddmachine>** Some probably more interesting that others to this crowd :)
**\<anonimal>** Wow cool!
**\<anonimal>** Do we have a podcast section on the monero site?
**\<bigreddmachine>** Not sure. The Monero Missives were once the pseudo-official podcast
**\<bigreddmachine>** But that's at least a year defunct now.
**\<anonimal>** It would be nice to have links to things like this so they don't get flushed down the memory hole.
**\<anonimal>** I'm not sure where they'd go though. Somewhere in the community section I imagine.
**\<anonimal>** rehrar \^
**\<bigreddmachine>** Yes I agree. But haven't been sure where either so haven't done a PR.
**\<anonimal>** bigreddmachine: what's the best way to get in contact with you?
**\<rehrar>** I'll think about it and see if we can't squeeze you into a place. :)
**\<bigreddmachine>** In the near future I was to do episodrs on Love, Mimblewimble, with Surae, and probably Zooko on Zcash. And rehrar and I had discussed one too
**\<rehrar>** Indeed.
**\<bigreddmachine>** Anonimal, Securely or no?
**\<anonimal>** Either or is fine. Secure by default? Over the months I've tried pinging you on IRC but you weren't around (I just wanted to ask about the podcast).
**\<bigreddmachine>** is a good email
**\<bigreddmachine>** Yeah I can't log into irc at work... Got in trouble for that hah
**\<anonimal>** oops!
**\<anonimal>** Ok, will email you there when needed.
**\<bigreddmachine>** If you ping me on irc with an "@" in front then slack should notify me though on my phone.
**\<rehrar>** Imma hafta split here pretty soon. What do we need from me? :)
**\<anonimal>** @bigreddmachine alright
**\<bigreddmachine>** Yeah that worked perfect
**\<anonimal>** rehrar: meeting ends in 4 minutes. You started talking infrastructure so if you had any more comments/questions?
**\<bigreddmachine>** And then I can log into irc with encryption on that you taught me.
**\<rehrar>** Oh, no. Not unless pigeons has anything more for me.
**\<anonimal>** bigreddmachine: that fantabulous cryptos!
**\<rehrar>** Oh, my question regarding Snipa. I'm assuming you'd just rather us shoot you config thingies? :)
**\<anonimal>** (you \=\= pigeons?)
**\<rehrar>** Oh, yes. Sorry for the confusion.
**\<Snipa>** There's not much config needed for mattermost. I pretty well did a basic clean install, then setup matterbridge with the guides on the site.
**\<Snipa>** Hardest part was getting the webhooks to play nicely with each other, and seeing how they integrated.
**\<rehrar>** The man himself, ladies and gentlemen!
**\<anonimal>** Hi Snipa
**\<rehrar>** And the Taiga? And then the Taiga / MatterMost connection?
**\<anonimal>** So we're 100% doing mattermost? I saw a few comments from people questioning/complaining.
**\<Snipa>** That's the webhooks. If there's a specific question, I'll be glad to answer it of course, but a direct copy of the configs won't be useful, as I very much deployed them quick and dirty.
**\<rehrar>** As far as I know, yes. We got a second successful test and everything worked perfectly.
**\<anonimal>** k
**\<rehrar>** And we'll make a push to get people away from Slack
**\<anonimal>** +1
**\<anonimal>** Any other additional meeting items?
**\<rehrar>** Not from me for the time being.
**\<bigreddmachine>** Nope
**\<MoroccanMalinois>** nope
**\<hyc>** hey anonimal
**\<anonimal>** Hi hyc
**\<hyc>** on the 96boards mtg you suggested that only rsa4096 was needed
**\<hyc>** why that instead of one of the EC mechs?
**\<anonimal>** For reseed, yes.
**\<anonimal>** I'll need to see what the reseed servers are capable of / require.
**\<hyc>** afaik EC is smaller/faster/better
**\* anonimal** agrees
**\<hyc>** ok, just wondered and wanted to make sure
**\<anonimal>** Awesome, thanks for the question :) I'll put on my TODO list
**\<anonimal>** 6. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<anonimal>** Same time, two weeks from now?
**\<bigreddmachine>** Sure I won't be there but thats not a big deal. I'll catch up with the minutes.
**\<anonimal>** Ok
**\<anonimal>** Thank you again everyone!

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@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
layout: post
title: Overview and Logs for the Dev Meeting Held on 2017-08-20
summary: Discussion of open PRs and issues, RuffCT, mobile wallets, upcoming release + scheduled protocol upgrade, dedicated hardware wallet, and miscellaneous
tags: [dev diaries, core, crypto]
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*August 20th, 2017*
# Overview
An overview can be found on [MoneroBase](
# Logs
**\<fluffypony>** 1. Greetings
**\<fluffypony>** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
**\<fluffypony>** 3. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A
**\<fluffypony>** 4. Any additional meeting items
**\<fluffypony>** 5. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<fluffypony>** rehrar can do it next time :)
**\<rehrar>** I can, sorry for the confusion
**\<fluffypony>** 1. Greetings
**\<fluffypony>** can all the people who aren't here just say nay
**\<fluffypony>** :-P
**\<hyc>** neigh
**\<surae>** we never get past this part :
**\<fluffypony>** it's a fun part
**\<fluffypony>** we can move on to 2
**\<fluffypony>** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
**\<fluffypony>** I guess the big thing is that we've branched
**\<surae>** well
**\<surae>** from MRL
**\<surae>** we got contacted by RingCT2.0 people, and we got contacted by a rsearcher named Tim Ruffing, each of them presenting improved set-ups for our current implementations
**\<surae>** not sure if I should just jump in or what..
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Yeah go ahead
**\<hyc>** sure, go
**\<surae>** ok so
**\<surae>** I have a .txt file describing the pseudocode of Ruffing's sublinear ring sig + CT set-up
**\<surae>** knaccc has been going through it and implementing it in Java
**\<surae>** we have a surprising amount of it debugged
**\<hyc>** \^ note, we're walking away from the RingCT2.0 stuff because it requires a trusted setup
**\<surae>** Ah, I didn't look into it because Ruffing's doesn't have a trusted set-up or any "new" crytpo. it just doubles all our key lengths
**\<iDunk>** surae: or
**\<sn0wmonster>** has the meeting started?
**\<endogenic>** yes
**\<sn0wmonster>** where does it say it started? jesus
**\<surae>** iDunk is 0bin not good enough? :P
**\<iDunk>** It requires java.
**\<iDunk>** js actually
**\<moneromooo>** I think it needs to be encrypted due to agreement with Tim Ruffing.
**\<surae>** oh i didn't realize that
**\<DaveyJones>** surae ... the mooo wants javaless paste
**\<surae>** moneromooo no, just habit
**\<surae>** ok one sec
**\<moneromooo>** Oh, ok. I'm dying to see it then :D
**\<moneromooo>** ty
**\<surae>** we are in the midst of debugging knaccc's java code
**\<dEBRUYNE>** surae: Could you perhaps give an ELI5 (for anyone that reads the logs later) how RuffCT will improve our protocol?
**\<surae>** well, roughly, (ruffly)
**\<knaccc>** lol
**\<surae>** signature sizes are O(N) right now. So signature sizes take up "as much space" as the number of public keys implicated in the signature
**\<surae>** Ruffing's set-up, for N=n\^m, has signature sizes O(n\*m). Verification and computation *it appears* to be on the same order. so, for example, to sign a ring signature with N=10\^17 signers, which is freaking absurd, you would need "as much space" as 10*17 = 170 public keys
**\<surae>** there are constants and stuff, so it's not exact, but at the very least, Ruffing's set-up is looking at really absurdly large ring signatures
**\<hyc>** ... without taking absurdly large amount of space
**\<surae>** with a set-up like this, there should be no good reason to not simply sign every transaction with the top half of the blockchain every time
**\<surae>** or taking absurdly large amounts of time to verify or compute
**\<dEBRUYNE>** So we can easily use ring size 100k for instance?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Or even higher
**\<hyc>** even higher
**\<fluffypony>** EVEN HIGHER
**\<surae>** assuming his set-up actually works (the math seems tight) and assuming his security proofs hold up (I am going to try to make independent security proofs and then later compare them), and after six months to a year of testing, etc etc
**\<surae>** i mean
**\<JollyMort[m]>** UNLIMITED RINGSIZE
**\<endogenic>** fluffypony: what does the scouter say about monero's ringsize level?
**\<moneromooo>** log(infinity) is infinity...
**\<surae>** in a certain sense, this is like an alien came down and gifted us faster than light travel. yeah, we can go out there and start traveling around, but we have to consider consequences for the timeline. :P haha
**\<fluffypony>** endogenic: I give up?
**\<endogenic>** it's over 9000
**\<fluffypony>** lol
**\<DaveyJones>** the puns are ruff today
**\<fluffypony>** also to add to what surae's said
**\<moneromooo>** Would be need (pretty much) all pubkeys/commitments in RAM all the time, in order to verify such sigs ?
**\<moneromooo>** Or can some precomp be done ?
**\<fluffypony>** multisig isn't baked in right now, it would need to be re-done from scratch
**\<rehrar>** the room fell silent
**\<hyc>** I'll precompute it all for ya. trust me.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: Are we certain it has to be re-done from scratch or would it possible to just tweak the current implementation?
**\<surae>** moneromooo the signature itself only uses the commitments from the column of the signer
**\<fluffypony>** dEBRUYNE: we're certain
**\<dEBRUYNE>** k
**\<DaveyJones>** fluffypony - can it be dual run like pre-ct and ring-ct till the fork?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I think we shouldn't forego the current implementation, because we're already quite far in
**\<surae>** debruyne the shen-luigi multisig set-up which is a version of the schnorr multisig, might lead us to a similar set-up for RuffCT, but it's not a simple gluing like one would hope
**\<dEBRUYNE>** In addition, it may take a year before RuffCT is actually implemented
**\<DaveyJones>** so that we could keep luigi ms till ruff ms is done ?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** And even longer before we have a multisig that is compatible with ruffct
**\<JollyMort[m]>** you can always convert later
**\<fluffypony>** DaveyJones: I don't think so, at least not trivially
**\<JollyMort[m]>** i mean if we have to do RCT->RuffCT
**\<surae>** dEBRUYNE I'm actually with you on that. chances are good RuffCT is about 1 year out from being live, and I wouldn't be *shocked* if we could make a threshold scheme out of it before that year is up
**\<JollyMort[m]>** same can be done for wallets
**\<JollyMort[m]>** RCT multisig -> RuffCT multisig
**\<fluffypony>** well, basically this isn't going in to a hardfork until we have multisig
**\<msvb-lab>** JollyMort[m]: hardware or software wallets?
**\<tyrionmcmmaster>** i agree with the majority, that multisig pre-ruffct should be implemented for the time being
**\<JollyMort[m]>** and shen/luigi multisig can work regardless of consensus rules
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \<msvb-lab> JollyMort[m]: hardware or software wallets? \<= Doesn't matter
**\<JollyMort[m]>** by means of one-time multisig wallets
**\<surae>** so i'm happy finsihing up the shen-luigi multisig scheme, letting wallets use it until RuffCT goes live, they'll still be able to use it for whatever RCT outputs are still floating around if they like... and maybe users may miss out on threshold signatures for one hardfork, but probably not two.
**\<hyc>** that sounds decent
**\<fluffypony>** ok
**\<DaveyJones>** \^+1
**\<fluffypony>** guys let's move on
**\<surae>** excellente
**\<fluffypony>** 3. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A
**\<DaveyJones>** can i chime in for the AFK devs?
**\<fluffypony>** before we discuss any specific PRs / issues
**\<fluffypony>** I wanted to get a feel as to how we should handle the branch wrt PRs
**\<fluffypony>** ie. do we want people to push PRs to both branches where relevant
**\<fluffypony>** or must I just cherry-pick commits?
**\<moneromooo>** Push to both, or the GPG signature drops.
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: I meant cherry-pick to my fork and then PR it
**\<hyc>** ok. but tat this pre-release time, how are we deciding which PRs are eligible for the release branch?
**\<moneromooo>** fluffypony: I don't understand that.
**\<moneromooo>** If someone wants a patch to the release branch, they PR it to that branch too.
**\<vtnerd>** bug fixes should automatically be considered ... everything else is subjective
**\<fluffypony>** vtnerd: it's bug fixes only
**\<moneromooo>** I guess you can cherry-pick if the commit isn't signed in the first place.
**\<fluffypony>** nothing else goes in, we're in code freeze on the branch
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: if I cherry-pick and I sign it then it's still signed?
**\<vtnerd>** ok good, at least we are in agreement on that
**\<moneromooo>** Well, it's signed by you, yes...
**\<moneromooo>** But you're kinda not the author ? :)
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: with cherry-pick it lists both myself and the aithor iirc
**\<fluffypony>** \*author
**\<moneromooo>** I guess nobody really cares anyway.
**\<moneromooo>** Yes, but the author's signature drops AFAIK.
**\<moneromooo>** So you could modify a large patch, sign it, and nobody would notice.
**\<iDunk>** I agree with moneromooo, that's not the way to do it.
**\<hyc>** ok, so PR directly to release branch
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: \<- like that
**\<hyc>** there's 22 open PRs at the moment. only a few seem to be current bugfixes
**\<moneromooo>** Most people will just PR to master anyway, so not much trouble.
**\<moneromooo>** I'm not sure I get the point.
**\<fluffypony>** ok this is more about the fallback if the contributor doesn't PR to the branch in a timeous fashion
**\<moneromooo>** In that case, if it's really needed for the branch, cherry-pick is OK I suppose.
**\<fluffypony>** ok cool
**\<hyc>** but re: the branch, I'd like #2313 and #2314 to go into the release. should help further reduce chance of corruption on powerfail.
**\<moneromooo>** Agreed.
**\<moneromooo>** I'll just fixup the target thing too.
**\<hyc>** cool
**\<moneromooo>** I think just removing the state check will be fine.
**\<fluffypony>** yes
**\<fluffypony>** if those can be PRd to the branch that would be great
**\<hyc>** willdo
**\<fluffypony>** ok - anything else?
**\<JollyMort[m]>** about GUI cold signing
**\<JollyMort[m]>** any plans to add import/export outputs&keyimage stuffs
**\<msvb-lab>** fluffypony: Not sure when it's appropriate to ask for consensus on (yes) increase efforts towards a hardware wallet or (no) maintain status quo.
**\<fluffypony>** what's everyone's feelings on merging 0MQ into master?
**\<DaveyJones>** so tewinget only said that he just wants further feedback
**\<dEBRUYNE>** JollyMort[m]: Jaquee isn't here afaik
**\<DaveyJones>** and jaquee asked this
**\<Jaquee>** i'm here now
**\<hyc>** I thought merging 0MQ is slated for after the release
**\<DaveyJones>** \<Jaquee> not sure if i can make it to the meeting. have two questions. 1. updates on disk space on build machines (when can we have an android apk available for download?) 2. updates on app store and transifex accounts?
**\<Jaquee>** reading backlog
**\<moneromooo>** After the release is done, yes.
**\<DaveyJones>** oh your here :D
**\<fluffypony>** we've already branched, tho, so surely we can merge to master?
**\<moneromooo>** his here.
**\<fluffypony>** msvb-lab: the dev working group don't really control external manufacturers
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: moneromooo wants to put in an additional review afaik
**\<moneromooo>** I've not looked at the latest changes yet.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** And tewinget is waiting for further feedback
**\<fluffypony>** ok
**\<Jaquee>** but maybe lightwallets PR can be merged? (in masteR)
**\<pigeons1[m]>** Jaquee we got the build machine so early this week on the android jobs
**\<rehrar>** regarding the transifex account, I've found an open-source, self-hosted alternative in
**\<medusa>** i dont think the fact if we branched mathers too much regradiing 0mq
**\<Jaquee>** pigeons1[m]: Great!
**\<rehrar>** just waiting on the new server infrastructure :)
**\<medusa>** we should play it safe
**\<moneromooo>** If the lightwallet stuff is the same I reviewed already, it was OK to merge IIRC.
**\<Jaquee>** it's the same
**\<fluffypony>** kk
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \^ Not sure we should put that up on SE already
**\<sn0wmonster>** i have a suggestion for future meetings, let me know when i can make it.
**\<JollyMort[m]>** yeah i thought that too dEBRUYNE
**\<JollyMort[m]>** surae what do you think?
**\<fluffypony>** yeah I think some of this is confidential-ish
**\<hyc>** are we still on ticket discussion?
**\<DaveyJones>** aye
**\<JollyMort[m]>** i mean, putting it in the meeting logs also makes it public
**\<JollyMort[m]>** the genie is out of the bottle
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I can just remove it from the logs
**\<fluffypony>** hyc: about to move on, but you can still bring stuff up
**\<hyc>** no that's fine
**\<dEBRUYNE>** JollyMort[m] \^
**\<hyc>** let's move on
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: Jaquee wanted to know about the appstore accounts btw
**\<fluffypony>** surae should weigh in on that
**\<dEBRUYNE>** If you have any update on that
**\<Jaquee>** ^^
**\<fluffypony>** app store accounts are waiting on the D-U-N-S number to be sent to Apple, I've sent scans of docs to Google and M$
**\<fluffypony>** so Two Weeks™ ?
**\<fluffypony>** 4. Any additional meeting items \<- moving on to that
**\<fluffypony>** since it's part of it anyway
**\<sn0wmonster>** is this where i can make a suggestion?
**\<fluffypony>** sn0wmonster wanted to make a suggestion
**\<sn0wmonster>** yay
**\<sn0wmonster>** so, i noticed the meeting started only after it was obvious it was a meeting
**\<sn0wmonster>** i don't see a Meetbot (which apparently is a package in Debian),
**\<sn0wmonster>** so if you must do it this way, i was wondering if you wouldn't make it painfully obvious to everyone with a header of some kind, like this:
**\<othe>** msvb-lab asked a question but got overrun, i am willing to help sponsor his hw wallet stufdlf
**\<fluffypony>** also the time is set two weeks in advance
**\<sn0wmonster>** \/flushq
**\<pigeons1[m]>** Sn0wmonster makes a great meeting bot
**\<hyc>** it's also announced on reddit and github
**\<sn0wmonster>** beep bop boop
**\<othe>** Ffs sake, there are 2 hw wallet proposals. Feedback appreciated.
**\<msvb-lab>** othe: If anyone has advice on what to change in those FFS, the URLs are:
**\<hyc>** and was announced here a few hours earlier
**\<endogenic>** sn0wmonster:
**\<fluffypony>** sn0wmonster:
**\<DaveyJones>** shhh listen to othe and msvb-lab
**\<sn0wmonster>** i didn't say it wasn't known, i said the *chatlog* had no introduction that the meeting had started really
**\<endogenic>** sn0wmonster: it did though ?
**\<JollyMort[m]>** i'm saying it had :) first post by fluffypony with the agenda 0. .. 1. .. 2.. ...
**\<JollyMort[m]>** maybe you missed it
**\<msvb-lab>** DaveyJones: Rather than listen, please speak whoever is interested in hardware crypto and border searches.
**\<rehrar>** but it didn't have the Monero symbol
**\<endogenic>** msvb-lab: doesn't quite seem like a dev item tho
**\<hyc>** yeah, I think we can put that meeting announcement topic to rest.
**\<DaveyJones>** msvb-lab they cannot speak if they don`t listen :D
**\<moneromooo>** In other code news: I'm still debugging sync niggles with iDunk's help (who's been doing a LOT of testing, so many thanks). It'll be ready soon (both branch and master).
**\<rehrar>** msvb-lab: we can talk about it in Community meeting next week?
**\<msvb-lab>** endogenic: Okay, let's postpone. Good idea rehrar.
**\<JollyMort[m]>** about the gui cold signing
**\<iDunk>** Yw :)
**\<JollyMort[m]>** it's still missing features
**\<moneromooo>** If someone feels like syncing, please try the sync-standby3 branch :)
**\<endogenic>** msvb-lab: no need to post-pone. maybe bring it up in #Monero ?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** rehrar, endogenic: If there's room left, why not give msvb-lab the floor for a few minutes?
**\<moneromooo>** It may not be code per se, but it's tech. I think it's fine here. Still 10 minutes.
**\<othe>** I'll just sponsor it, its hilarious that there's no secure way to store xmr.
**\<endogenic>** kk
**\<fluffypony>** msvb-lab: a dedicated wallet would be cool
**\<rehrar>** well that's decided then isn't it?
**\<msvb-lab>** So the question is if we can achieve consensus on how to lower risk of another year with no wallet.
**\<hyc>** there are two proposals tho, do we have to pick one, or do both?
**\<msvb-lab>** hw wallet, i mean.
**\<fluffypony>** Ledger are already working on it, not sure if we need to double up efforts there
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Perhaps it'd be more beneficial if we have some general firmware that hw wallets could implement
**\<surae>** gosh, sorry, i got distracted. no, please don't put up a stackexchange yet. a few weeks, no problem, but right now we should maybe keep it a little quieter~
**\<surae>** if possible
**\<surae>** cat's out of the bag, but i mean
**\<msvb-lab>** hyc: One deals with dedicated hardware design, the other with porting to existing hardware.
**\<fluffypony>** msvb-lab: \<- this is from 6 days ago
**\<endogenic>** 2quick4u fyi
**\<msvb-lab>** fluffypony: That's probably Cedric's document Blue-something, quite good.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \<msvb-lab> hyc: One deals with dedicated hardware design, the other with porting to existing hardware. \<= Even though the former would be pretty cool, the latter is probably more beneficial
**\<JollyMort[m]>** and debruyne out the link then; i feel like simply removing stuff from the logs goes against some principle on transparency
**\<hyc>** looks to me like Ledger has done the hard part of figuring out the division of labor between hw wallet and Monero libraries
**\<Jaquee>** ledger said alpha around end of september iirc.
**\<fluffypony>** I don't think there's value in doubling up on the Ledger effort
**\<hyc>** ^^ agreed
**\<dEBRUYNE>** What about porting to Trezor and Keepkey though?
**\<Jaquee>** +1
**\<msvb-lab>** There have been firmware ports (to Trezor) before that have not met Monero's feature set (RingCT) or unmaintained.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Perhaps msvb-lab is interested in finishing noodle's code?
**\<fluffypony>** msvb-lab: Trezor was more complicated than that
**\<msvb-lab>** I just hope if Cedric completes the port, that there is maintenance after that.
**\<fluffypony>** NoodleDoodle did the Trezor firmware
**\<JollyMort[m]>** Cedric is the Ledger crypto-guy
**\<ferretinjapan>** fluffypony, choice is always a good thing WRT HWE wallets, otherwise we may get centralisation of support/development/monopoly of service, etc.
**\<hyc>** I'd say we pick up whatever changes ledger comes up with and use that as a basis for other hw projects
**\<fluffypony>** then there was a bit of a disagreement between Trezor and us
**\<JollyMort[m]>** afaik
**\<fwrttrukjwtrijdh>** sorry, noticed objections above to SE questions. Will delete for now. Does same objection apply to both Ruffling and RingCT2.0 paper?
**\<fluffypony>** and then I met up with them 33c3, and they said that it's not worth us moving forward on it till Trezor 2.0
**\<hyc>** if all the wallets use the same handshakes that saves everyone effort
**\<fluffypony>** which was Coming Soon™
**\<moneromooo>** Tim Ruffing requested keeping is internal as a courtesy. I don't think anhything like that applies to Ringct 2.0.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** The 2.0 paper was posted on reddit too :P
**\<hyc>** that's as close as we'll get to a "common firmware" - other hw wallets will be based on different chips anyway
**\<msvb-lab>** Not sure how stable (management or technically) Trezor is, hoping Cedric follows through on the Ledger work is a possibility. We then do little or nothing and wait for results.
**\<fluffypony>** msvb-lab: I'd support effort on a dedicated HW wallet
**\<JollyMort[m]>** chip design etc? that sounds good
**\<JollyMort[m]>** especially if all the schematics are published
**\<msvb-lab>** Something that interests me is adding Monero specific features to a dedicated wallet, and make it as border search proof as possible (not supported by Ledger.)
**\<JollyMort[m]>** so anyone can buy the parts and build it
**\<hyc>** lol. I'm not soldering surface-mount chips by myself.
**\<msvb-lab>** JollyMort[m]: Everything would be designed with KiCad and published in a github or similar.
**\<sn0wmonster>** what is not border-proof about ledger?
**\<msvb-lab>** hyc: I have a SMD lab, reflow and all.
**\<ferretinjapan>** hyc, what's the problem? All you do is put it in the oven ;)
**\<msvb-lab>** sn0wmonster: No ability to destroy the private key without battery.
**\<fluffypony>** avoiding the glitching attacks just demonstrated against Trezor will be fun
**\<hyc>** let's just say I've overcooked a few microcontrollers in my day...
**\<endogenic>** hyc: you need an intern or two
**\<JollyMort[m]>** hyc baking bad :)
**\<msvb-lab>** fluffypony: Yes, glitch defense is part of the design. I'm not sure it's possible at all, but there will be research.
**\<fluffypony>** cool beans
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: Do we still have time, I wanted to suggest something more generally?
**\<msvb-lab>** fluffypony: Randomness probably plays an important role, so we have chips like ATSHA240A.
**\<DaveyJones>** so dedicated hw of the two it will be ? so we can come to a conclusion before the end of meeting
**\<JollyMort[m]>** Jaquee: would it be too much effort to add the import/export stuffs into gui
**\<msvb-lab>** dEBRUYNE: Let's close off hw wallets now, but everyone please add a post to the FFS if you have a strong opinion.
**\<msvb-lab>** Thanks for the floor folks!
**\<JollyMort[m]>** would be nice to avoid depending on the CLI to fix cold signing glitches
**\<dEBRUYNE>** All right, I'll leave a comment later msvb-lab :)
**\<JollyMort[m]>** and some use cases require import/export stuffs
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I personally wanted to raise the idea to release more often (e.g. a new release every quarter) to (i) tighten and improve the feedback loop and (ii) decrease time spend on helping out people that incur issues that are already long fixed in master
**\<Jaquee>** JollyMort[m]: not that much effort. problem is that code is frozen in monero. so wont make into this coming release
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I spoke with fluffypony about this in private and he was concerned it would put too much pressure on contributors
**\<JollyMort[m]>** :(
**\<dEBRUYNE>** So I'd like to hear their opinion about it
**\<Jaquee>** i added some improvements yesterday
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I guess I should mainly page Jaquee, moneromooo, hyc, iDunk
**\<JollyMort[m]>** i saw, haven't tested it yet
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \^ apologies if I forgot someone :P
**\<hyc>** "release early, release often"
**\<JollyMort[m]>** i'll check it out
**\<moneromooo>** I think it'd put too much pressure on the pony.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** hyc: Right, that was kind of my basis for the idea
**\<Jaquee>** i'd love to release more often
**\<hyc>** I think having another interim release would be nice
**\<moneromooo>** He barely has the time to do anything AIUI.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** moneromooo: Could this be mitigated if we had an additional maintainer?
**\<endogenic>** i think it's funny when people say "fail fast"
**\<fluffypony>** we need to bear in mind that this is security software
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I think luigi wanted to do an FFS soon for it
**\<moneromooo>** Who would you trust which can do it ?
**\<moneromooo>** hyc!
**\* moneromooo** flees
**\<hyc>** :P
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Well luigi could merge stuff and FP release?
**\<fluffypony>** I don't think we should be pushing to release unstable software :-P
**\<DaveyJones>** hyc or the luigi1115
**\<fluffypony>** an additional maintainer won't make software magically stable :-P
**\<hyc>** true
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: No, but it would take time away that you have to spend on merging and reviewing stuff
**\<ferretinjapan>** I'd just like to say that a backup maintainer should be seriously considered, even if the release schedule stays the same, there's nothing like redundancy...
**\<fluffypony>** we need way more eyes on PRs than that
**\<fluffypony>** ferretinjapan: we already have backups
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Also, those large merging waves inhibit the momentum of the project imo
**\<ferretinjapan>** ah, goodo
**\<medusa>** the lack of follow up bugfix releases causes huuge amunt of support work
**\<fluffypony>** the Core Team have access, and luigi1115 is my direct backup
**\<fluffypony>** medusa: we've already solved that
**\<medusa>** how?
**\<rehrar>** What if one release added content, and the intermin is just bug fixes?
**\<fluffypony>** with the branch
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \<fluffypony> I don't think we should be pushing to release unstable software :-P \<= Not saying we should, but if master is deemed stable we could put out a release with a few new features right?
**\<medusa>** so this time we going to have a follow up release 100% ?
**\<medusa>** like 2 weeks later
**\<fluffypony>** medusa: it depends on if there are bug fixes
**\<dEBRUYNE>** There are always bug fixes
**\<dEBRUYNE>** :P
**\<medusa>** well depends on severity i agree
**\<medusa>** of the bug
**\<ferretinjapan>** dEBRUYNE, what about early beta releases? Say just before the freeze?
**\<JollyMort[m]>** for one thing, i would love to see cold signing stuffs added asap; feel like it's an important feature to those who don't want to use CLI for the same thing
**\<JollyMort[m]>** and be able to resolve any problem people may have by using GUI functions
**\<ferretinjapan>** or an "experimental" release?
**\<hyc>** can we just get people to use a nightly build, for bugfix verification?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** ferretinjapan: That seems suboptimal, as there would be new binaries a few weeks later
**\<bigreddmachine>** Isn't that what the nightly builds are?
**\<hyc>** and then at some point we can decide if we have something stable enough for another release
**\<medusa>** if we potentially want to keep the branch that long, we should also slow down with merging stuff in trunk (especially 0mg)
**\<medusa>** until we can estimate the quality of the branch somehow
**\<fluffypony>** just looking at the recent releases, I don't think there have been a lack of them
**\<fluffypony>** Sep 19, 2016: 0.10.0
**\<fluffypony>** Dec 13, 2016: 0.10.1
**\<fluffypony>** Feb 23, 2017: 0.10.2
**\<fluffypony>** Feb 24, 2017:
**\<fluffypony>** Mar 26, 2017: 0.10.3
**\<fluffypony>** Mar 26, 2017:
**\<medusa>** otherwise we risk, dpeending on buigs we have after release, to end up in a hairy position
**\<hyc>** so it sounds like release-as-needed is working
**\<fluffypony>** yeah, I'm not really seeing a lack of releases there
**\<moneromooo>** especially on march the 26th.
**\<hyc>** heh
**\<JollyMort[m]>** release density == nan
**\<ferretinjapan>** The last 5 months have been rather quiet, but I don't think it's all bad.
**\<medusa>** those 1d releases dont yount
**\<medusa>** they fix emergency stuff
**\<ferretinjapan>** You guys were busy with making sure ringct was solid after all...
**\<medusa>** we talk about follow up releases, with 2 weeks in between
**\<medusa>** we enever do that
**\<ferretinjapan>** and then there was that bug...
**\<hyc>** 2 weeks seems too soon for a scheduled followup
**\<bigreddmachine>** Q before meeting is over. What kinds of things need to be studied on the PoW change proposal? I'm happy to dig into that but would like some direction if possible.
**\<hyc>** and 5 months since the last release seems too long
**\<endogenic>** bidreddmachine: what problem necessitates that?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** hyc: If the release merely intends to fix bugs of the latest release, is two weeks too soon?
**\<endogenic>** the PoW change
**\<hyc>** dEBRUYNE: I presume bug fix releases go out as soon as available
**\<dEBRUYNE>** But we haven't done that in the past
**\<hyc>** e.g., for emergency fixes
**\<dEBRUYNE>** That's the issue medusa is raising
**\<hyc>** otherwise, if it's not urgent, 2 weeks seems short.
**\<msvb-lab>** has the meeting officially ended, one hour right?
**\<fluffypony>** well in the past 5 months we haven't really been able to release stable + bug fixes
**\<DaveyJones>** afaik the GUI had/has a bug that freeze's the wallet on some system thats already fixed but never got released ... thats what your talking about medusa?
**\<bigreddmachine>** endogenic: some things were raised in the thread on GitHub. I wouldn't be going into it saying "this needs to happen" but rather trying to dissect the potential issues and see if there is anything to be gained.
**\<fluffypony>** because we didn't branch
**\<fluffypony>** now we branch
**\<fluffypony>** so it seems like we're discussing something we've already fixed...?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** DaveyJones: Yes, which causes a lot of support issues
**\<medusa>** well we expect you to be around and build a bin
**\<medusa>** if thats all fine that its all good
**\<hyc>** yeah sounds like it's fixed already
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: For the GUI, for example, we're still helping people that incur bugs from GUI beta 2
**\<dEBRUYNE>** That were fixed a week after the release
**\<hyc>** 3 months from now we can raise the question of an interim release if there haven't already been a slew of releases
**\<fluffypony>** dEBRUYNE: I know what the issue was, hence the branching thing
**\<medusa>** its also a time and tacting thing
**\<medusa>** if we plan to let the branch live that long you will need to thread the trunk differently
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: So if I understand the branching correctly, we'll release from the branch and if too much annoying bugs are found in the release version, we'll do a follow up point release to include fixes?
**\<medusa>** it has a lof of effects
**\<msvb-lab>** netsplit for me i guess...
**\<bigreddmachine>** With branching now, couldn't we just have monthly release candidates or something?
**\<fluffypony>** dEBRUYNE: yes - follow-up releases are based off the branch
**\<rehrar>** I know we're already over, but can we get a brief update regarding Sarang's FFS?
**\<moneromooo>** How about we don't spam the pony yet ? Let's wait, and maybe do a release from the branch if there are bugs we want fixed.
**\<fluffypony>** @bigreddmachine no need to timeframe it, we'll release when there are bug fixes part of the branch that make it worth releasing
**\<fluffypony>** ie. major bug fixes
**\<hyc>** agreed
**\<bigreddmachine>** Fluffy, I just meant a pseudostable branch that's a bit more tested than the nightlies.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \<fluffypony> dEBRUYNE: yes - follow-up releases are based off the branch \<= All right, well, let's see how that will go then
**\<fluffypony>** not spelling errors or whatevs
**\<bigreddmachine>** But not an actual release.
**\<bigreddmachine>** Maybe that's a "2 years down the road" thing
**\<fluffypony>** @bigreddmachine you mean off the main branch or the release branch?
**\<moneromooo>** We tried that before, it was a massive pita.
**\<hyc>** can the build system do nightlies of the release branch too?
**\<fluffypony>** hyc: pretty sure, yeah
**\<bigreddmachine>** I meant as its own branch... Commits get tested, when somewhat sure moved to release candidates, which is still unstable, and then when that's tested moves to the actual release. Probably a pita like mooo said
**\<fluffypony>** pigeons1[m]: ^^
**\<fluffypony>** yeah complete PITA
**\<bigreddmachine>** Okay just brainstorming
**\<pigeons>** yes, i'll setup jobs for the release branch
**\<hyc>** that ought to be good enough then as far as release candidates go
**\<fluffypony>** re: sarang, pero were your questions satisfied?
**\<pizzasushibeer>** As a supporter of Ledger see nothing wrong with the community funding a 2nd hw wallet initiative. More options are beneficial and im sure many of us already own multiple Bitcoin hw wallet types for a variety of reasons
**\<DaveyJones>** pero is rarely available this week @ fluffypony
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: I think sarang was rewriting the proposal, but I am not sure if he has finished yet
**\<fluffypony>** ok
**\<pizzasushibeer>** If the community is willing to fund, it I see nothing wrong with moving proposal to funding required (after any more required clarifications are made)
**\<sn0wmonster>** i think i'm gonna bother these guys to make a patch for their box for Monero
**\<sn0wmonster>** wrong channel
**\<pizzasushibeer>** I would help contribute to the hardware wallet proposal. Im sure others agree
**\<pigeons>** if pero's questions aren't answered maybe post a forum reply reminding him that so sarang can see clearly its outstanding still
**\<hyc>** yeah I recall pero was going to be unavailable for the next week or two
**\<ferretinjapan>** pizzasushibeer, I'm another person and I agree.
**\<scoobybejesus>** sarang was about to post clarifications to his ffs a couple times recently. it's been mentioned more than once on #mrl
**\<hyc>** ok, we're 25minutes over. any more stuff?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Guess not :-P
**\<DaveyJones>** would it be possible that -site maybe gets an additional maintainer ?
**\<DaveyJones>** afaik it less to no coding stuff and maybe people like dEBRUYNE or rehrar would be able to maintain it... so no need to bother you fluffypony ^ ^
**\<fluffypony>** DaveyJones: we're working on alternatives, probably doing something based off issue helper
**\<DaveyJones>** fine :)
**\<JollyMort[m]>** binaries and .raw downloads are high-sec
**\<fluffypony>** ^^
**\<rehrar>** Ye. Responsibility is scary.
**\<fluffypony>** so issue helper could be used to trigger merges where it doesn't touch sensitive parts of the site
**\<rehrar>** Dude, that's awesome.
**\<rehrar>** For all those little merchant merges
**\<DaveyJones>** yeah i had things like merchants in mind
**\<dEBRUYNE>** And then we could give the issue helper trusted community members access to the issue helper right?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \^ fluffypony
**\<rehrar>** We eventually should drop support for Merchants on the site tbh imo
**\<fluffypony>** dEBRUYNE: yes
**\<fluffypony>** rehrar: why?
**\<moneromooo>** It's a good, if small, incentive for people to support monero.
**\<moneromooo>** And for connecting monero spenders with monero earners.
**\<rehrar>** As Monero grows it will become gigantic eventually, but maybe that's not a huge issue.
**\<rehrar>** Just my thoughts.
**\<hyc>** success problems are nice to have. we're not there yet
**\<moneromooo>** Oh, sure. Once Monero's world reserve currency, it can go :)
**\<DaveyJones>** \^ but only then
**\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: All right, seems cool. That'd also relieve you from some "low hanging fruit" work
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Which still can be quite time consuming
**\<fluffypony>** yup
**\<DaveyJones>** but maybe we should put up some kind of Disclaimer
**\<DaveyJones>** in case some service goes rogue
**\<sn0wmonster>** which judging by bitcoin's history, is not a matter of if, but when
**\<DaveyJones>** "this is just a list of merchants, and no appraisement by the core team"
**\<rehrar>** I'm actually going to be going g through all the Merchants this week to find the dead websites.
**\<moneromooo>** Warning: the monero team does not control Amazon, odd as it might seem to you.
**\<pigeons>** cryptokingdoms
**\<pigeons>** for example
**\<moneromooo>** CK's kinda back from the moribund actually.
**\<pigeons>** ok
**\<rehrar>** Meeting = end?
**\<DaveyJones>** sure

View file

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
layout: post
title: Logs for the Community Meeting Held on 2017-09-02
summary: Community highlights, Forum Funding System updates and discussion of new proposals, translations, Monero Meetup kit, and miscellaneous
tags: [community, crypto]
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*September 2nd, 2017*
# Logs
**\<sgp>** 0. Introduction
**\<sgp>** We would like to welcome everyone to this Monero Community Meeting
**\<sgp>** Link to agenda on GitHub:
**\<sgp>** Monero Community meetings intend to be a discussion place for anything going on in the Monero Community. We plan to use this meeting and future meetings to encourage the community to share ideas and provide support.
**\<sgp>** 1. Greetings
**\<serhack>** Hello!
**\<ArticMine>** hi
**\<pablonero[m]>** hello!
**\<ajs>** sup
**\<erciccione>** hi all!
**\<moneromax>** o hell!
**\<msvb-lab>** Hello.
**\<Jaquee>** hi
**\<sgp>** 2. Community highlights
**\<sgp>** Im going to take a few minutes to show the enormous growth of the Monero community since the last community meeting. If you are new here, welcome!
**\<sgp>** The /r/Monero subreddit traffic nearly doubled from 817k pageviews in July to 1.553m pageviews in August. On a single day in August, over 700 people subscribed. See some charts by violentlypeaceful here:
**\<sgp>** I would like to add here as a reminder that several other Monero communities are available, including /r/xmrtrader for price discussion, /r/MoneroMining for mining, /r/MoneroMarket for buying/selling, /r/MoneroCommunity (which I hope you know about :p), and /r/kovri for Kovri (the next step in extra privacy)
**\<serhack>** Wow impressive
**\<sgp>** Now, time to talk about some contributions by Monero community members that went above and beyond! So much happened that I worry I missed some things, but here are a few that I noticed.
**\<sn0wmonster>** (I also have independent proof of the subs increase as i tracked this thread for 2 days and 900+ users subscribed:
**\<sgp>** Cool!
**\<sgp>** /u/lafudoci wrote a post today about how they built: Their translations to Chinese (Taiwan) have really built a strong foundation of knowledge.
**\<sgp>** A community member who later deleted their account posted this defense of privacy that quickly became one of the top posts of the Monero subreddit. It was linked in several other communities and is well worth the read:
**\<sgp>** I added cryptocurrencies, including Monero, to the /r/privacy subreddit wiki. You can view it here and let me know your thoughts:
**\<sgp>** MONERO NOW HAS AN ANDROID MOBILE WALLET! You will need to connect it to a remote node
**\<sgp>** VUALIFI launched, which allows anyone to make payment from Monero to most cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. This service compliments XMR.TO, They also have tor and I2P addresses available:
**\<sgp>** /u/Monerooby\_Doo started a weekly Monero newsletter at The second issue has now been published.
**\<sgp>** And finally, rehrar and sky redesigned the Monero subreddit, with more wiki goodness to come!
**\<sgp>** I am sure that I have forgotten something. If you have an example of a community member going above and beyond, please let us know now!
**\<sgp>** (keep in mind there will be another section for FFS updates)
**\<serhack>** Wow! A lot of users get involved into Monero Community :)
**\<sgp>** The subreddit has been flooded with new users, but the moderators and greater community have done a really great job managing the influx in volume
**\<pablonero[m]>** I also want to thank the u/monero moderators who had a hard job with all the new subscribers
**\<serhack>** Me too :)
**\<floam412>** that's crazy all of that above happened in two weeks... very impressive
**\<sgp>** Anyone else, or can we move on to the next point?
**\<sgp>** 3. FFS updates
**\<sgp>** For those new to the Monero community, the FFS stands for the Forum Funding System. Its like a GoFundMe with Monero, where people can pitch ideas and receive payment when set tasks are completed.
**\<sgp>** Sarang Noether has been fully-funded He will be working on a variety of topics, including investigating ring signature proposals and blockchain bloat, efficient “future proofing” proposals, and community consensus projects.
**\<sgp>** Surae Noether posted his August research update. This may be technical for many users here, but it shows some research progress
**\<sgp>** Serhack posted his 8th integration update about web integrations:
**\<sgp>** Any further comments serhack?
**\<serhack>** And soon like next week I will release prestashop plugin!!!
**\<sgp>** Very exciting!
**\<serhack>** You can go on :)
**\<sgp>** My FFS proposal has been delayed until further notice due to the recent price fluctuations
**\<sgp>** I would now like to give some time to @msvb-lab to discuss their FFS proposal
**\<msvb-lab>** Thanks, it relates to
**\<msvb-lab>** ...which describes a dedicated hardware wallet to integrate unique Monero features and allow us control over roadmap and branding.
**\<msvb-lab>** Opensource, welcoming any contribution but mostly usage and testing.
**\<msvb-lab>** Since probably not everyone has a circuit lab, I'll send out the PCBs once the first gen (of about ten) are done.
**\<msvb-lab>** It is a FFS in mid stage, so any ideas, opinions, or suggestions are welcome.
**\<msvb-lab>** ...for example at the bottom of the comments page of the FFS link above.
**\<sn0wmonster>** (do we give comments now?)
**\<sgp>** What is needed from the community before you are prepared to aks for donations?
**\<sgp>** \*ask
**\<msvb-lab>** sn0wmonster: Go ahead with comments.
**\<sn0wmonster>** msvb-lab, i fully support the hardware wallet direction. i own every hardware wallet and they all suck to me because they don't cover Monero.
**\<serhack>** How will you test the security and privacy of Monero Hardware Wallet?
**\<sn0wmonster>** but it seems like it's pointless to even discuss it when the developers of the two main hardware wallets in the cryptocurrency space have both said "don't do it yet"
**\<sn0wmonster>** for the record, i'm completely *against* trying to make a physical hardware wallet
**\<msvb-lab>** serhack: Common side channel tools, third party decapping service.
**\<serhack>** Okay
**\<sn0wmonster>** its a whole tooling nightmare and investment that nobody should bother with when we already have tried and true platforms. the argument that "more is better for offsetting risk" doesn't apply so much when everything is open source and both major hardware wallet providers are willing to work with Monero's dev team to make it work for Monero
**\<sgp>** @sn0wmonster is it because you don't want one, or another concern?
**\<sn0wmonster>** sgp, I'm an investor over the past 2 decades in many hardware devices. it's not pretty. right now i'm working with the #neo900, and even that, with it's absolutely straightforward approach, is a nightmare.
**\<endogenic>** sn0wmonster: may i inquire as to your professional background?
**\<msvb-lab>** sn0wmonster: It's quite challengine, yes.
**\<sn0wmonster>** endogenic, no comment
**\<sn0wmonster>** i cannot imagine this community attempting to take on such a Herculean task or asking them to without first letting them know that the other wallet solutions could be programmed to work for Monero
**\<sn0wmonster>** just seems a bad value investment
**\<serhack>** We should think about privacy of an hardware wallet. What are the best procedures for protecting users ?
**\<sn0wmonster>** having said that, the issue is we have to wait for a new protocol for Trezor 2.0, and the Ledger i guess "just takes time"?
**\<rehrar>** Sorry I'm late.
**\<floam412>** what ever happened to ledger though? are they still in the process of integrating monero?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** sn0wmonster: I think ledger stated that their specification would be feasible
**\<sn0wmonster>** so whether or not msvb-lab is the dude who's gonna make it happen, the issue to me is "this is the wrong time to try"
**\<dEBRUYNE>** floam412: yes (afaik)
**\<vP11>** I think people are free to pursue whatever ideas they have. If someone wants to develop a hardware wallet, they can just go and do it. They can ask for funds and if the community wants to fund it, then good. what needs to be super clear is the amount of time and money that will be invested.
**\<floam412>** gotcha
**\<sn0wmonster>** if ledger is already on the road to implementing it, and the Monero team can lend a hand when necessary, then the proposal should be entirely for the Trezor, and it should wait until after 2.0 is released imo
**\<vP11>** and also to make it clear that other companies are already pursuing the same objective.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** sn0wmonster:
**\<vP11>** the worst case scenario is a funding proposal that will not raise the needed amount.
**\<sn0wmonster>** vP11, of course, free market and all, just saying as a community to remain empowered requires focus
**\<sn0wmonster>** vP11, that's not the worst case actually. i've lived through the worst case.
**\<sn0wmonster>** paying for it and having it fail because of X millions of reasons.
**\<msvb-lab>** The argument against creating a dedicated wallet is that hoping others will implement into their existing designs will work well enough.
**\<msvb-lab>** And not cost another year of no possible XMR in a hw wallet problem, too.
**\<pablonero[m]>** I would prefer when Monero has it "own" hardware wallet and not depend on a company
**\<sgp>** @msvb-lab have you tried working with Ledger or Trezor? Maybe an alternative approach could be to use your talent to make an integration with them easier
**\<floam412>** Wouldn't it be a better idea to have someone continue NoodleDoodle's work on the Tezero software?
**\<sn0wmonster>** the market makers already succeeded, unless there is a logical security concern for the existing wallets, it literally is reinventing the wheel for the sake of "Monero" branding.
**\<sn0wmonster>** this is all my opinion of course
**\<sgp>** Though I see both sides of this argument
**\<msvb-lab>** sgp: Yes, that is a separate proposal in fact. It would not result in a dedicated wallet.
**\<ArticMine>** An I have mixed feelings about this
**\<msvb-lab>** It's proposal 88160:
**\<sn0wmonster>** there's also the added benefit that when a consumer orders a wallet from a third party service, it doesn't necessarily connect them to MONERO currency
**\<endogenic>** All your opinion
**\<endogenic>** ?
**\<serhack>** We shouldn't depend from thirdy company
**\<ArticMine>** How will this impact pending wallet implementations of Monero?
**\<sn0wmonster>** endogenic, was that for me?
**\<endogenic>** msvb-lab has lots of experience in hardware engineering
**\<endogenic>** Yes
**\<serhack>** Maybe you should take this advice; why don't you create a prototype?
**\<sn0wmonster>** oh, yes of course, it's my opinion from hardware devices and working in the business, but i am not an engineer.
**\<sgp>** @msb-lab I appreciate your thoughts for both of your proposals
**\<endogenic>** I would generally ask the one who has seen the actual process with his own eyes to advise me of how herculean the task it
**\<sn0wmonster>** i fully support (even financially) the software necessary to get it working on Trezor and Ledger
**\<msvb-lab>** ArticMine: It's likely that if any other wallet maker implements XMR, that they would do so regardless of a dedicated wallet project.
**\<vP11>** I'm not even sure what we're discussing here. Why is this related to the community? It doesn't matter if the proposal for the funding is made, the community won't necessarily "market" the project anyway.
**\<serhack>** Ask for some xmrs in order to make a prototype, and then if everyone likes it, we should find it
**\<dEBRUYNE>** I am not sure how beneficial 88160 would be if Ledger is already working on an implementation themselves
**\<sgp>** I'm going to start moving on to the next point. Thanks everyone for your opinions
**\<vP11>** good idea sgp :)
**\<ArticMine>** 100% FLOSS firmware / software is a powerful selling point here. That is the other side I see
**\<msvb-lab>** vP11: I'm bringing up the topic here in hopes of getting opinions and suggestions on paper.
**\<sgp>** Keep in mind that the FFS supporting one project does not mean it will completely represent the whole community. That's the beauty of an open-source decentralized project
**\<sgp>** 4. Translations
**\<msvb-lab>** the comments section so that the proposal can be changed to meet the needs of the community.
**\<sgp>** The website, wallets, and community resources always need help! While I applaud the current efforts to localize important Monero documents into other languages, we need more community participation.
**\<sgp>** A great example occurred a little over a week ago, when community members worked together to add Korean translations to the next release
**\<sgp>** If you would like to get involved in the translation efforts but do not know where to start, please ask after the meeting. Plenty of people can point you in the right direction.
**\<endogenic>** vP11: i was also wondering why technical matters were being evaluated here
**\<msvb-lab>** dEBRUYNE: I'm not focusing so much on 88160 for that reason. Although I'm possibly the most pessimistic person that it actually happens.
**\<sgp>** @erciccione would tyou like to talk for a little while here?
**\<erciccione>** can i say a word
**\<erciccione>** @sgp thanks :)
**\<erciccione>** all the translations are going quite fine, i've been away all august i did the korean one because i thought was very important at that time
**\<erciccione>** right now we have 3 main things to translate
**\<erciccione>** the GUI, kovri website, and all the promo videos
**\<erciccione>** the main issue is the difficulty in communications, many people want's to help but they get lost when they meet the first difficulties
**\<erciccione>** i was thinking about creating a channel: monero-translations
**\<erciccione>** where there will be always support for newcomers or who wants to starts
**\<erciccione>** i never did a traslation in my life before starting with monero, and i'm pretty sure what scares people is the missing of proper guidelines
**\<erciccione>** so finally:
**\<needmultisig90>** We could hire translators on fiverrr
**\<erciccione>** i'd like to create a document that will help anybody to start and follow the updates about translations, and all this can be organized in monero-transaltions
**\<pablonero[m]>** i like the idea
**\<sn0wmonster>** needmultisig90: there's actually two proven ways that FOSS projects on Freenode do translations in a professional manner, one of them is by building the community out (like deevad did for #pepper&carrot, another is using the professional translating services where you send in the copy and it comes back to in X number of languages you requested and can be done in bulk)
**\<vP11>** I'd like to give a word too if possible (when erciccione finishes)
**\<erciccione>** @needmultisig90 i honestly don't think it's necessary. when i made the first reddit post "translation how you can help" i've been flooded by messages, and a lot of traslation were made in those weeks. the problem is that i had not the time to follow these people, the irc channel will solve this
**\<sgp>** @erciccione this sounds like a fantastic idea. I highly encourage you to do this
**\<erciccione>** i'm done, sorry if i wasn't unclear
**\<rehrar>** ericcione, shoot me a message after the meeting please. I'd like to help you get some stuff together for this. :)
**\<erciccione>** @sgp thanks. i definetly will!
**\<vP11>** I have some previous experience in localization for open source projects, mainly the Mozilla project
**\<pablonero[m]>** I find it difficult to contribute to the translations as a noob on github. Would it be possible move the transaltions to an other platform? For example Zanata?
**\<erciccione>** @rehar will do ;)
**\<sgp>** Translations are vitally important, and I'm glad we are having this conversation
**\<erciccione>** pablonero: i agree github can be a pain
**\<vP11>** first things first, let's focus on the word "localization" instead of translation. the first is a process of adapting the content to a regional/local consumption and goes beyond translating text.
**\<erciccione>** there was a proposal about using transifex
**\<vP11>** I guess for your purpose it's what you're aiming for, erciccione
**\<erciccione>** but i don't know it so i can't comment
**\<vP11>** we don't need to reinvent the wheel, there are many open source projects with multiple proven structures that we could follow, and again I'll mention Mozilla because that's the one I have more experience with
**\<vP11>** wiki for the Mozilla localization project: (this is to give you ideas)
**\<sgp>** @vp11 thanks for the link
**\<vP11>** an IRC channel is a very good idea, I like it. we can have a wiki/document with guidelines, softwares that people need to use to translate and other useful resources
**\<sgp>** Anything else, or can we move on to open ideas time?
**\<vP11>** I'd like to be involved on this to get a good localization platform setup so we can have a bigger reach :) will pm you later erciccione and rehrar
**\<erciccione>** that would be really great, thanks vP11!
**\<erciccione>** the platform is somethingreally needed right now
**\<erciccione>** i think we can move on @sgp
**\<sgp>** 5. Open ideas time
**\<sgp>** Its open ideas time! Feel free to propose your ideas to this discussion group, and feel free to comment on others ideas. If you disagree with the idea, please reply with constructive criticism. Thank you!
**\<sgp>** Let's also try to focus on one idea at a time
**\<sgp>** Who has an idea how to help build the Monero community?
**\<pablonero[m]>** Make an FFS to get a lot of stickers and posters and send it to interested groups for free
**\<pablonero[m]>** what do you think?
**\<sgp>** I imagine most student groups would take free stuff
**\<sgp>** Sounds like a great way to get local groups interested. Give them something for free and hope they talk about it
**\<floam412>** if you are going to do something like that, I would suggest including a QR code that links to for people to find/research more info
**\<pablonero[m]>** floam412: good idea
**\<pablonero[m]>** what kind of printed stuff should we send?
**\<vP11>** make Monero propaganda
**\<sgp>** I think just the Monero logo, the name, perhaps a small tagline like "safe money for everyone", and the website is sufficient
**\<sgp>** @vp11 yes please! haha
**\<vP11>** it must be the 18th time I paste this link :P I really think we could get these classic propaganda posters in Monero
**\<vP11>** they're very appealing and people pay attention to these
**\<pablonero[m]>** vP11: nice idea. what about copyrights?
**\<vP11>** you can easily find the "original/raw" images online. these have no copyrights.
**\<sgp>** @vp11 can you make a Reddit post on /r/MoneroCommunity so we actually get this started?
**\<vP11>** EXAMPLE:
**\<serhack>** Create a "Monero Meetup Kit"?
**\<vP11>** sure thing sgp
**\<pablonero[m]>** serhack: that's the spriti
**\<sgp>** @serhack that would be awesome
**\<pablonero[m]>** spirit\*
**\<pablonero[m]>** anybody wants to make a small brochure?
**\<serhack>** Monero Meetup kit will contain some stickers, poster and a brochure
**\<serhack>** Some instrouctions, slides :)
**\<rehrar>** That's actually a fantastic idea, Serhack
**\<sgp>** @serhack or @pablonero[m] can you make a Reddit post on /r/MoneroCommunity about the meetup kit?
**\<pablonero[m]>** yes. I could also care about printing/sending
**\<vP11>** # Revitalize the /r/MoneroCommunity with a brand new theme
**\<serhack>** Okay, if @pablonero want to post, it's Okay else I will post
**\<vP11>** I see very small movement on the subreddit and I don't know if it's because people are not interested or if they don't get it what the subreddit is about.
**\<serhack>** But I have some ideas for ir
**\<serhack>** Maybe I should post
**\<pablonero[m]>** serhack: yep
**\<sgp>** @vp11 I think it's because there's little content there now
**\<rehrar>** vP11, the CSS will be up soon
**\<serhack>** Great!
**\<vP11>** that's cool, thanks :)
**\<sgp>** Any other ideas in these last few minutes?
**\<vP11>** one suggestion
**\<vP11>** since we know the nature of reddit where the threads go down once they get old, we could probably get a pinned thread on /r/MoneroCommunity with on-going initiatives (localization, images, meet up kit, etc) with the respective thread links so people can join later
**\<sgp>** Sure, will do
**\<sgp>** I will replace the "why community building is important" announcement
**\<sgp>** 6. Confirm next meeting date/time
**\<sgp>** The next meeting will two weeks from today on 16 September at 17:00 UTC. It will be the Saturday before the dev meetings. If someone has feedback on the new meeting date and time, please let us know.
**\<sgp>** (So, we are keeping with the Saturday meetings now)
**\<sgp>** 7. Conclusion
**\<sgp>** Thats all! Thanks for attending this Monero Community meeting, and we hope to see you on /r/MoneroCommunity and monero-community. Take care, and know that change starts with YOU.
**\<ArticMine>** The change to Saturday was great fro me
**\<erciccione>** ArticMine: for me aswell
**\<vP11>** same
**\<rehrar>** some people still want it after Dev/Kovri meetings Sunday
**\<rehrar>** We can make a reddit thread about it to gather more intel, even for people who weren't able to make meetings
**\<vP11>** I agree on that, rehrar.
**\<erciccione>** (\#monero-translations is a thing. only on irc for now, tomorrow i'll do the relays)
**\<sn0wmonster>** just a thought, (sorry im late) "safe money for everyone" sounds like a legal liability. how about "private money" or something a little less construable as a guarantee?
**\<sgp>** I need to take off. Thanks everyone!
**\<pablonero[m]>** thanks!
**\<erciccione>** ciao grazie!
**\<dEBRUYNE>** erciccione: Could you help this guy out w/ rebasing or rebase his PR?
**\<erciccione>** dEBRUYNE sure!
**\<dEBRUYNE>** Thanks!

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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
layout: post
title: Overview and Logs for the Dev Meeting Held on 2017-09-03
summary: Discussion of open PRs and issues, MyMonero, RuffCT, serhack's integrations, upcoming release + scheduled protocol upgrade, dedicated hardware wallet, Monero Revuo, and miscellaneous
tags: [dev diaries, core, crypto]
author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony
*August 20th, 2017*
# Overview
An overview can be found on [MoneroBase](
# Logs
**\<moneromooo>** fluffypony can't make the meeting, so I'll be prodding people.
**\<moneromooo>** First thing is the release is soon, if you want to test the release branch, please feel free.
**\<moneromooo>** There are a couple patches still unmerged, but they shouldn't impact any testing.
**\<moneromooo>** Pony will likely start building later today, or maybe tomorrow.
**\<moneromooo>** Other than that, I guess we'll go through people to see what they're up to.
**\<moneromooo>** Who wants to start ? hyc ?
**\<hyc>** hm, I've mostly been doing little patches for the release
**\<hyc>** whenever I tripped over something
**\<moneromooo>** And safe sync mode :)
**\<hyc>** new stuff worth mentioning - safesyncmode, salvage
**\<hyc>** yeah - so now monerod will automatically switch to SAFE sync mode whenever it catches up to the network
**\<hyc>** and will switch back to FAST if it falls behind
**\<hyc>** so hopefully we won't need to use the salvage flag ...
**\<hyc>** I think that's my highlights. next?
**\<moneromooo>** So... knaccc ?
**\<hyc>** (oh yeah, also cleaned up readline deadlocks etc)
**\<moneromooo>** So knaccc may not be around, but knaccc's been doing prototyping of the Ruffing et al sig scheme. Maybe later.
**\<moneromooo>** surae: around ?
**\<serhack>** Hey!
**\<serhack>** is there meeting?
**\<TinusMars>** no idea
**\<moneromooo>** surae also seems away, so serhack: anything you want to say about what you've done recently ?
**\<dEBRUYNE>** serhack, TinusMars: yes
**\<vtnerd>** @serhack yes, on going
**\<serhack>** okay
**\<serhack>** moneromoo: I'm going to release prestashop plugin!!
**\<serhack>** Second milestone is completed
**\<hyc>** congrats
**\<serhack>** but I have to do some maintanance ;) prestashop plugin is beta
**\<moneromooo>** This and woocommerce are among the most used plugins for that kind of thing, is that right ?
**\<serhack>** yep
**\<serhack>** in the future, whmcs, magento, shopify
**\<serhack>** so let's wait for another ffs
**\<moneromooo>** Great, and congrats for your first maintenance contract too :)
**\<serhack>** moneromoo: you can go on
**\<serhack>** thanks!
**\<hyc>** (oh one more note, we've cleaned up blockchain\_db code structure a bit. no more backend-specific includes in the rest of the source tree, only blockchain\_db is exposed now)
**\<moneromooo>** vtnerd: you've been cleaning up some stuff about network addresses, etc recently, want to say anything about this or other things ?
**\<moneromooo>** Or mymonero related things.
**\<vtnerd>** um, not sure what to report because I don't think I have any hidden patches pending core
**\<vtnerd>** the focus of mymonero is improving the perf of that poor guy, the DB is getting killed on the current design
**\<vtnerd>** so hopefully finally less complaints about "where is mymonero XMR?"
**\<hyc>** is that still using mySQL?
**\<vtnerd>** yeah for the time being
**\<serhack>** Vtnerd: Can I ask you any question about mymonero?
**\<endogenic>** That's one, serhack!
**\<vtnerd>** fluffypony discussed using LMDB for the open sourced version so that a dependency was not added
**\<serhack>** Why don't you use another db for example sqlite?
**\<serhack>** Endogenic: oh! :)
**\<moneromooo>** If it's going to be that kind of question, maybe leave it out for later, or #mymonero :)
**\<vtnerd>** at this point Im dealing with a legacy made before I joined the project. so I do not know the actual rationale
**\<hyc>** If you *must* use SQL you can use sqlightning on LMDB
**\<vtnerd>** I'd probably move it to LMDB first however
**\<serhack>** Oh okay sorry moneromoo
**\<hyc>** but I see no value add from using SQL itself
**\<vtnerd>** yes I have a partially written experimental hybrid mode
**\<vtnerd>** because currently the transactions on the network are pulled from mySQL too, so theres overhead in that
**\<endogenic>** No value from sql?
**\* endogenic** defers flamewar
**\<moneromooo>** endogenic: anything you want to add, apart from SQL discussion ? :)
**\<endogenic>** :'(
**\<hyc>** yeah give us the scoop endo
**\<endogenic>** You get an ios app, and you get an ios app...!
**\<serhack>** Wow! Endogenic :)
**\<endogenic>** Switched back to js (desktop and android) to bring new features over
**\<vtnerd>** the value of mysql is doing arbitrary queries easily, with the cost of building them
**\<hyc>** so both android and ios are ready to go now?
**\<endogenic>** Dun and bradstreet is having a little difficulty verifying mymonero for apple for some reason so we're waiting on that
**\<endogenic>** Vtnerd and transactions? Or can that be done in application layer?
**\<vtnerd>** anyway serhack, ask in mymonero as opposed to this meeting
**\<serhack>** Oh okay
**\<vtnerd>** I was going to pull the transactions directly from the monerod file
**\<endogenic>** Oh you must mean for mm specifically
**\<vtnerd>** so read it in real-time, like LMDB was designed to do
**\<endogenic>** Sorry i mean db txs
**\<endogenic>** Er
**\<vtnerd>** currently mymonero mirrors the entire tx history in a MySQL DB
**\<hyc>** I thought we weren't going to have the DB discussion right this moment but ... there's no value-add for that ;)
**\<vtnerd>** anyway, for monero specifically it looks like I will do anonimal suggestion of making the supercop code a separate project lib, I think moneromooo thought that was a good idea too
**\<hyc>** makes sense
**\<moneromooo>** Hmm, I didn't follow any discussion on that PR, I was going to go there after the release is done.
**\<ArticMine>** Are we having s meeting?
**\<moneromooo>** We are.
**\<ArticMine>** ok
**\<moneromooo>** OK, seems we're done here, vtnerd and endogenic, unless you have anything else ?
**\<vtnerd>** nope
**\<vtnerd>** direct all complaints to #mymonero haha
**\<msvb-lab>** Just curious, it was reported in the community meeting like a doubling of members or traffic. Has that translated to development/developer too?
**\<hyc>** I've noticed a few new people in this channel asking how to help devel
**\<moneromooo>** Jaquee: around ? Want to say something about the GUI and/or the light wallet changes ?
**\<serhack>** Yep, @lessless has done a good work with api
**\<hyc>** is the GUI frozen for release now? are those binaries in that reddit thread basically final?
**\<lessless>** thanks serhack, being my pleasure. what is the topic btw? :)
**\<moneromooo>** I think it was a week delayed (IIRC Jaquee was going to be busy).
**\<serhack>** Your website helped a lot some devs :)
**\<moneromooo>** Alright, so Jaquee AFK too. msvb-lab, you wanted to say something about your hardware project ?
**\<Jaquee>** nothing new from me since last meeting
**\<moneromooo>** OK, thanks :)
**\<msvb-lab>** moneromooo: Yes, I want mention to any newcomers the current debate surrounding hw wallets and the FFS proposal.
**\<msvb-lab>** for a firmware port but:
**\<msvb-lab>** is the main effort towards a dedicated Monero hardware wallet.
**\<msvb-lab>** This is just a brief mention, because we've had discussion already last week on dev, this week on community.
**\<dEBRUYNE>** \<hyc> is the GUI frozen for release now? are those binaries in that reddit thread basically final? \<= Jaquee said he wanted to focus on fixing bugs that were reported by people using those bins
**\<dEBRUYNE>** So basically that + bug fixes
**\<msvb-lab>** Anyone with opinions/suggestions please write a comment in the forum (FFS thread.)
**\<moneromooo>** Alright. Who wants to say something next ?
**\<msvb-lab>** moneromooo: Thanks, that's all for props 88149 and 88160.
**\<rehrar>** I can. I have something that needs dev input.
**\<moneromooo>** Please go ahead.
**\<Jaquee>** dEBRUYNE hyc: code freeze was done aug 23rd afaik. (one week after monero code freeze)
**\<rehrar>** This is the recent Monero Revuo that will be published soon.
**\<rehrar>** Just want to get any last opinions on the development section. Anything else major been done that I've missed?
**\<serhack>** Great work @rehrar
**\<serhack>** Android wallet @rehrar ?
**\<rehrar>** Also, can someone tell me if I understood the purpose of 0MQ correctly?
**\<rehrar>** Android wallet is September. Doesn't quite make the cut. But maybe it can be in there. Who cares, right?
**\<serhack>** Mm. Right
**\<lessless>** serhack I would really love that work to be carried on - there are much more calls to cover. Can it become a part of official documentation? I think that way there more chance for contributions
**\<rehrar>** Oh, I should probably add a "What to expect in the hard fork" section.
**\<serhack>** I think yes. But I don't know where we can post your website lessless
**\<dEBRUYNE>** lessless: You can simply make a PR to the site repository on github
**\<moneromooo>** So, mooo next. I fixed a few things, but mostly more work on multisig based on luigi's new directions for N-1/N. Getting a bit lost in the sea of stuff to juggle, but it's progressing.
**\<moneromooo>** Who else wants to talk a bit about dev happenings ?
**\<lessless>** dEBRUYNE hmm, yeah! I can do that :)
**\<gingeropolous>** we still set for 9/21 for the fork? And its definitely ?
**\<moneromooo>** 9/21 ?
**\<moneromooo>** Oh. I get it.
**\<gingeropolous>** september 21st .. ?
**\<moneromooo>** It's supposed to be around the 16th IIRC.
**\<gingeropolous>** aight, well the readme is wrong then
**\<gingeropolous>** so the version is ?
**\<moneromooo>** I don't think I edited that. I did not realize it was already set in te readme :)
**\<moneromooo>** Yes.
**\<hyc>** daemon says 12.4 days away
**\<gingeropolous>** yeah, down in the magic table i try to maintain
**\<hyc>** so yeah around the 16th
**\* moneromooo** afk for a bit. If anyone else wants to say something about dev happenings, please feel free :)
**\<msvb-lab>** Sarang got hired as mathematician, congratulations.
**\<msvb-lab>** Any word from him (I'm curious) on plans this week or current dev work?
**\<knaccc>** My update on RuffCT - sarang and surae are working on resolving some notation issues between the Ruffing paper and the Bootle paper, and once they resolve a few things that aren't 100% clear from the papers, we'll be able to complete the prototype very quickly and will be able to share performance benchmarks so that we can all decide what kind of ring size we can use RuffCT to achieve.
**\<msvb-lab>** ...but he isn't here it seems.
**\<Jaquee>** rehrar: you might want to add a text about openmonero/mymonero backend support. PR #2109
**\<rehrar>** Thanks Jaquee, will look into it.
**\<hyc>** hmm. might also mention rangeproof work? we had some more discussion on how to approach that this past week
**\<ArticMine>** knaccc Any idea on the impact of RuffCT on tx size?
**\<hyc>** knaccc you had a paste of expected sizes, can you repost the link?
**\<knaccc>** ArticMine not yet, it looks extremely promising from a tx size perspective, but there is a problem with the implementation so preliminary figures are probably completely wrong
**\<knaccc>** in a week hopefully we'll have proper figures
**\<ArticMine>** great
**\<erciccione>** @rehar if you can, would be nice to mention the increased number of languages that monero "speaks" in the community section, we got really a lot of stuff in these last months
**\<rehrar>** Will do eric, thanks.
**\<hyc>** hm, maybe we should keep the Sep 21 date. gives almost an extra week for people to upgrade
**\<hyc>** (hardfork date)
**\<gingeropolous>** and if they were going by the repo... its what they were expecting :/
**\<gingeropolous>** but no one reads the docs, so theres that
**\<hyc>** true
**\<hyc>** looks like we're out of topics then
**\<hyc>** anyone else?
**\<msvb-lab>** Is Sarang here?
**\<erciccione>** @rehrar if for eric you meant me, thank you :)
**\<msvb-lab>** Let's hear from him, I'm dying to find out what's he's working on.
**\<hyc>** seems no Sarang
**\<knaccc>** Sarang has been looking at the Ruffing and Bootle papers
**\<knaccc>** that's his immediate work, I think
**\<msvb-lab>** knaccc: Okay, cool enough. Thanks.
**\<rehrar>** Oops. Yeah. Just realized that you're erciccione, but that's ok cuz you misspelled my name just a bit ago too
**\<erciccione>** ooops just noticed . sorry :)
**\<rehrar>** moneromooo save us!
**\<iDunk>** Yeah, it's a bit... romanesco :)
**\<serhack>** :)
**\<gingeropolous>** thought mooo was afk
**\<rehrar>** Yeah, so instead of floundering about, perhaps we can confirm next meeting time and end?
**\<hyc>** well, if no one has any additional meeting items, I think we just confirm next
**\<rehrar>** \^ this guy
**\<hyc>** Sep 17 would be right after the hardfork
**\<hyc>** unless we decide to change the block height to match sep 21.
**\<rehrar>** I think that's a pretty important decision to make fairly urgently, no?
**\<iDunk>** 1403616? To keep with \*16 recent tradition.
**\<hyc>** certainly in the next few hours if we're going to freeze and tag today
**\<gingeropolous>** well, i think i put the 9/21 there because in 2016 it was 9/21
**\<gingeropolous>** but i dunno if its better to fork on a weekend or a weekday
**\<gingeropolous>** what was 9/21/2016?
**\<hyc>** wednesday
**\<hyc>** So, saturday or following thursday this time
**\<rehrar>** If the docs have said 21 for some time, perhaps it's best to keep it?
**\<iDunk>** 1400000 was on target for 21 when it was set, I think.
**\<iDunk>** But then nethash shot up and the diff struggled to keep the block target time to 120 seconds.
**\<hyc>** so it sounds like Sep 21 was always the intended date
**\<hyc>** and we should fix the height
**\<hyc>** ok let's confirm Sep 17 next meeting, 17:00 UTC, and call it a day. Thanks everyone
**\<rehrar>** Cya. :)
**\<rehrar>** No Kovri meeting today!