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synced 2025-03-26 09:08:58 +00:00
Simplify versioning system for user guides
This new approach doesn't require version numbers and make easier for contributors to understand the status of the document. There are only 3 states: - Outdated: The page is outdated and might not work as expected - Untranslated: The page needs to be translated - Translation outdated: The page is translated, but the original (English) document has been updated To mark a guide as outdated, we change the boolean of the front matter entry 'outdated' in /resources/user-guides/GUIDE. If 'False', the guide is updated. If 'True' all versions of the guide (English included) will show a warning at the bottom of the page. The other 2 states are related to the status of the translated pages and we control them from the language-specific user guides: /_i18n/LANG/resources/user-guides/GUIDE. At the top of the page a snippet will include 2 parameters: - translated: "yes" if the page is translated, "no" if it's not. - translationOutdated: "yes" if the translation is outdated, "no" if it's not This new system aims to be simpler than the precedent, avoiding to compare versioning numbers and using a higher level system instead (yes, no, True, False). I also removed the middle way status 'only minor changes', because if there are only minor changes that don't affect the usability of the guide, we don't need to point it out. The old system was complex and people didn't use it. These changes will hopefully make things easier for translators and other contributors.
This commit is contained in:
296 changed files with 572 additions and 650 deletions
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## How to mine Monero (XMR) without a mining equipment?
If you don’t have a profitable mining equipment, nor time or
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## نظام التشغيل : إصدارات مُختلِفه من ليُنكس وويندوز 7 و 8
### برنامج المحفظه : Simplewallet
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# عزل واجهه سطر الأوامر/الخادم في نظام Qubes + Whonix
مع نظام [Qubes](https://qubes-os.org) + [Whonix](https://whonix.org) يُمكنك إنشاء محفظه مونيرو بدون إتصال بالإنترنت تعمل علي نظام إفتراضي معزول عن خادم مونيرو الذي يَمر كل بياناته من خلال شبكه التور [Tor](https://torproject.org).
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في بعض الأحيان سوف تتعلق أموالك - سيكون لديك بعض الأموال المغلقه. هذه هي طريقة إصلاحها.
- شغل محفظتك في واجهه سطر الأوامر (monero-wallet-cli)
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### الخطوه 1
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## How to generate a Ledger Monero wallet with the CLI (monero-wallet-cli)
### Table of Content
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# إختيار حقل (تجمّع للتعدين)
هُناك العديد من الحقول يمكنك الإختيار منها , قائمه بالحقول المتاحه موجوده بـ [moneropools.com](https://moneropools.com).
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# واجهه سطر الأوامر (monero-wallet-cli)
واجهه سطر الأوامر `monero-wallet-cli` هو برنامج المحفظه الذي يأتي مع مونيرو. إنه برنامج وحده تحكم ويُدير الحساب. بينما في البتكوين تُدير المحفظه كلاً من الحساب وسلسله الكُتل. يقوم مونيرو بفصلهم : الخادم `monerod` يُدير سلسله الكُتل و واجهه سطر الأوامر `monero-wallet-cli` تُدير الحساب.
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# أدوات مونيرو
هذه الأدوات يُمكن إستخدامها لجمع المعلومات حول شبكه مونيرو أو بيانات مُعاملاتك في سلسله الكتل.
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# Multisig Transactions with MMS and CLI Wallet
## Introduction
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### إثبات المدفوعات
عند إرسال أموال إلى أحد الأطراف ويتم التنازع علي أن المعامله قد تمت أم لا يجب أن تكون قادرًا على إثبات الدفع.
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## إيجاد خادم
أولاً يجب عليك إيجاد خادم للإتصال به! يحتوي [moneroworld.com](https://moneroworld.com/#nodes) علي العديد من الموارد العظيمه لإيجاد خوادم. أسهل هذه الطرق هو إستخدام الخادم المُشغل بواسطه moneroworld بالفعل, لكن لديهم أيضاً أداه لإيجاد خوادم عشوائيه.
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## نظام التشغيل : ويندوز وليُنكس وماك
- إستعاده ال25 كلمه (@mnemonic-seed) الذي قمت بحفظهم عند إنشائك محفظه مونيرو القديمه (@wallet)
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### الإستعاده من خلال المفاتيح
إستعاده المحفظه من المفاتيح أمر بسيط للغايه إذا توافرت لديك البيانات اللازمه هذا الدليل سيُساعدك علي إستعاده محفظتك. ملاحظه: كلمه المرور غير ضروريه لإستعاده المحفظه من المفاتيح.
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## كيفية شراء مونيرو وتخزينه بأمان.
هذا دليل لشراء وتخزين مونيرو بشكل آمن اعتبارًا من يونيو 2017.
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من السهل جداً التعدين منفرداً بإستخدام الواجهه الرسوميه. إذا لم تقم بتنزيل الواجهه الرسوميه بعد توجه إلي <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">صفحه تنزيلات مونيرو </a> وقم بتنزيل الواجهه الرسوميه الخاصه بنظام تشغيلك. بعد ذلك قم بتشغيلها وكُن صبوراً خلال قيام مونيرو بالتزامن مع الشبكه. يجب أن تري كلمه " مُتصل " في أسفل اليسار .
<img src="png/solo_mine_GUI/01.PNG" style="width: 600px;"/>
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Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo](https://www.monerujo.io/) should also work via [Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.android/). Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
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# التأكد من ملفات التثبيت : ليُنكس وماك وويندوز بإستخدام واجهه سطر الأوامر (مُتطور)
التأكد من صحه ملفات التثبيت يجب أن يكون قبل فك الضغط أو التثبيت أو إستخدام البرامج. هذه هي الطريقه الوحيده للتأكد من حصولك علي البرامج الرسميه. إذا حصلت علي ملفات تثبيت مزيفه ( مثال هجمات التصيد و إختراق الإتصال وخلافه) بمتابعه هذا لدليل سوف تحمي نفسك من الوقوع ضحيه لهذه الملفات.
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# تأكد من ملفات التسطيب علي ويندوز (للمُبتدئين)
التأكد من صحه ملفات التثبيت يجب أن يكون قبل فك الضغط أو التثبيت أو إستخدام البرامج. هذه هي الطريقه الوحيده للتأكد من حصولك علي البرامج الرسميه. إذا حصلت علي ملفات تثبيت مزيفه ( مثال هجمات التصيد و إختراق الإتصال وخلافه) بمتابعه هذا لدليل سوف تحمي نفسك من الوقوع ضحيه لهذه الملفات.
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محفظه الرؤيه فقط يمكنها رؤيه المعاملات الوارده إلي المحفظه ولا يمكنها القيام بإنفاق الأموال, في الواقع لا يُمكنها حتي رؤيه المعاملات الصادره من هذه المحفظه. وهذا يجعلها مثيره للإهتمام لكل من
* المُطورين القائمين بكتابه مكتبات للتحقق من المدفوعات
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# monerod
`monerod` هو برنامج خادم مونيرو. وهو برنامج وحده تحكم في سلسله الكتل. بينما تُدير محفظه البيتكوين كلاً من الحساب وسلسله الكتل, يقوم مونيرو بفصلهم, فالخادم `monerod` يتحكم في سلسله الكتل وواجهه سطر الأوامر `monero-wallet-cli` تتحكم في الحساب.
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## How to mine Monero (XMR) without a mining equipment?
If you don’t have a profitable mining equipment, nor time or
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## Operating Systems: Various versions of Linux and Windows 7, 8
### Wallet Software: Simplewallet
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# CLI Wallet/Daemon Isolation with Qubes + Whonix
With [Qubes](https://qubes-os.org) + [Whonix](https://whonix.org) you can have a Monero wallet that is without networking and running on a virtually isolated system from the Monero daemon which has all of its traffic forced over [Tor](https://torproject.org).
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Sometimes, your funds will become stuck - you will have some locked funds that never become unlocked. This is how you fix it.
- Load your wallet in monero-wallet-cli.
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### Step 1
Download the Current bootstrap from https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw; you can skip this step if you are importing the Blockchain from another source.
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## How to generate a Ledger Monero wallet with the CLI (monero-wallet-cli)
### Table of Content
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# Selecting a pool
There are many pools to choose from, a list is available at
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# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
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# Monero tools
These tools can be used to gain information about the Monero network or your transaction data in the blockchain.
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# Multisig Transactions with MMS and CLI Wallet
## Introduction
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### Prove payments
When you send money to a party who then disputes the payment was made, you need to be able to prove the payment was made.
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## Finding a node
First things first, you need to find a node to connect to! [moneroworld.com](https://moneroworld.com/#nodes) has some great resources for finding nodes. One of the easiest methods
would be to use a node run by moneroworld, but they have a tool for finding random nodes too.
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## Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac
- Retrieve your 25 word @mnemonic-seed that you saved when creating your old Monero @wallet
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### Restoring from keys
Restoring a wallet from private keys is pretty simple. If you have the necessary information, with this guide you can completely restore your wallet. Note: you do NOT have to have your password to restore from keys.
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## How to purchase Monero and securely store it.
This is a guide to purchase and securely store Monero as of June 2017.
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It is very easy to solo mine with the official GUI. If you have not done so already, go to the <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Monero downloads page</a> and download the official GUI for your operating system. Then, run the setup and be patient as Monero synchronizes with the network. You should see that it displays "Connected" in the lower left corner.
<img src="png/solo_mine_GUI/01.PNG" style="width: 600px;"/>
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Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo](https://www.monerujo.io/) should also work via [Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.android/). Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
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# Binary Verification: Linux, Mac, or Windows Using CLI Tools (Advanced)
Verification of the Monero binary files should be done prior to extracting, installing, or using the Monero software. This is the only way to ensure that you are using the official Monero software. If you receive a fake Monero binary (eg. phishing, MITM, etc.), following this guide will protect you from being tricked into using it.
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# Verify Binaries: Windows (Beginner)
Verification of the Monero binary files should be done prior to extracting, installing, or using the Monero software. This is the only way to ensure that you are using the official Monero binary. If you receive a fake binary (eg. phishing, MITM, etc.), following this guide will protect you from being tricked into using it.
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A view-only wallet can only see which incoming transactions belong to you. It can not spend any of your Monero, in fact it can't even see outgoing transactions from this wallet. This makes view-only wallets particularly interesting for
* Developers writing libraries to validate payments
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# monerod
`monerod` is the daemon software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program, and manages the blockchain. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain, Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ global:
terms: Terms
privacy: Privacy
untranslated: This page is not yet translated. If you would like to help translate it, please see the
outdatedMax: This page is outdated. We do not recommend using it. Instead, please see the
outdated: The content of this page is outdated and the might be not valid anymore. Contact the community if you need support.
outdatedMin: This page has been updated since the translation. You can use this version, but it may be incomplete. Please use the
outdatedVersion: English version
outdatedMin: This page has been updated since the translation. You can use this version, but it may be incomplete.
upgrade: To continue using Monero, make sure your software is up-to-date with the November 30th network upgrade.
moreinfo: More info
lang_tag: "@lang_tag_en"
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If you don’t have a profitable mining equipment, nor time or
money to invest into building it, you can still mine Monero with NiceHash.
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## Operating Systems: Various versions of Linux and Windows 7, 8
### Wallet Software: Simplewallet
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With [Qubes](https://qubes-os.org) + [Whonix](https://whonix.org) you can have a Monero wallet that is without networking and running on a virtually isolated system from the Monero daemon which has all of its traffic forced over [Tor](https://torproject.org).
Qubes gives the flexibility to easily create separate VMs for different purposes. First you will create a Whonix workstation for the wallet with no networking. Next, another Whonix workstation for the daemon which will use your Whonix gateway as it's NetVM. For communication between the wallet and daemon you can make use of Qubes [qrexec](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/qrexec3/).
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Sometimes, your funds will become stuck - you will have some locked funds that never become unlocked. This is how you fix it.
- Load your wallet in monero-wallet-cli.
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### Step 1
Download the Current bootstrap from https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw; you can skip this step if you are importing the Blockchain from another source.
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### Table of Content
* [1. Windows](#1-windows)
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## Selecting a pool
There are many pools to choose from, a list is available at
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# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` is the wallet software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program,
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These tools can be used to gain information about the Monero network or your transaction data in the blockchain.
### [Check that a recipient has received your funds](http://xmrtests.llcoins.net/checktx.html)
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## Introduction
This manual describes the *Multisig Messaging System*, abbreviated as *MMS*. It's a system that aims to **simplify multisig transactions** for Monero and similar CrypoNote-based cryptocurrencies by making it easy to exchange info like key sets and sync data between wallets and by offering some "workflow support" guiding you through the various steps.
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### Prove payments
When you send money to a party who then disputes the payment was made, you need to be able to prove the payment was made.
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## Finding a node
First things first, you need to find a node to connect to! [moneroworld.com](https://moneroworld.com/#nodes) has some great resources for finding nodes. One of the easiest methods
would be to use a node run by moneroworld, but they have a tool for finding random nodes too.
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## Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac
- Retrieve your 25 word @mnemonic-seed that you saved when creating your old Monero @wallet
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Restoring a wallet from private keys is pretty simple. If you have the necessary information, with this guide you can completely restore your wallet. Note: you do NOT have to have your password to restore from keys.
You need to have 3 pieces of data from your wallet, or your .keys file which holds this info and the password to decrypt it. The 3 wallet components that you need are:
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This is a guide to purchase and securely store Monero as of June 2017.
#### Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
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It is very easy to solo mine with the official GUI. If you have not done so already, go to the <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Monero downloads page</a> and download the official GUI for your operating system. Then, run the setup and be patient as Monero synchronizes with the network. You should see that it displays "Connected" in the lower left corner.
<img src="png/solo_mine_GUI/01.PNG" style="width: 600px;"/>
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Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo](https://www.monerujo.io/) should also work via [Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.android/). Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
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Verification of the Monero binary files should be done prior to extracting, installing, or using the Monero software. This is the only way to ensure that you are using the official Monero software. If you receive a fake Monero binary (eg. phishing, MITM, etc.), following this guide will protect you from being tricked into using it.
To protect the integrity of the binaries the Monero team provides a cryptographically signed list of all the [SHA256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) hashes. If your downloaded binary has been tampered with it will be produce a [different hash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_verification) than the one in the file.
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Verification of the Monero binary files should be done prior to extracting, installing, or using the Monero software. This is the only way to ensure that you are using the official Monero binary. If you receive a fake binary (eg. phishing, MITM, etc.), following this guide will protect you from being tricked into using it.
To protect the integrity of the binaries the Monero team provides a cryptographically signed list of all the [SHA256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) hashes. If your downloaded binary has been tampered with it will be produce a [different hash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_verification) than the one in the file.
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A view-only wallet can only see which incoming transactions belong to you. It can not spend any of your Monero, in fact it can't even see outgoing transactions from this wallet. This makes view-only wallets particularly interesting for
* Developers writing libraries to validate payments
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# monerod
`monerod` is the daemon software that ships with the Monero tree. It is a console program, and manages the blockchain. While a bitcoin wallet manages both an account and the blockchain, Monero separates these: `monerod` handles the blockchain, and `monero-wallet-cli` handles the account.
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## Cómo minar Monero (XMR) sin un equipo de minado?
Si no cuentas con un equipo de minado rentable, tiempo o
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## Sistemas operativos: varias versiones de Linux y Windows 7, 8
### Software de monedero: Simplewallet
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# Aislamiento de Monedero CLI/Daemon con Qubes + Whonix
Con [Qubes](https://qubes-os.org) más [Whonix](https://whonix.org) puedes tener un monedero de Monero sin conexión a la red y en ejecución en un sistema virtualmente aislado del daemon de Monero que tiene todo su tráfico sobre [Tor](https://torproject.org).
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Algunas veces, tus fondos estarán estancados - tendrás fondos bloqueados que nunca se podrán desbloquear. Esta es la forma de arreglarlo.
- Carga tu monedero en monero-wallet-cli.
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### Paso 1
Descarga la blockchain actual de https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw; puedes saltar este paso si estás importando la blockchain de otra fuente.
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## Cómo generar un monedero Ledger Monero con la consola de comandos (monero-wallet-cli)
### Tabla de Contenido
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# Seleccionando una pool
Hay muchas pools para escoger, una lista está disponible en
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# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` es el software de monedero que viene con el árbol de Monero. Es un programa de consola,
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# Herramientas Monero
Estas herramientas pueden ser utilizadas para obtener información acerca de la red de Monero o datos de tu transacción en la blockchain.
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# Multisig Transactions with MMS and CLI Wallet
## Introduction
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### Probar pagos
Cuando envías dinero a una parte quien después reclama que el pago haya sido realizado, necesitas ser capaz de probar que el pago fue realizado.
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## Encontrando un nodo
Primero lo primero, necesitas encontrar un modo para conectarte. [moneroworld.com](https://moneroworld.com/#nodes) cuenta con buenos recursos para encontrar nodos. Uno de los métodos más fáciles
sería ejecutar un nodo por moneroworld, pero también tienen una herramienta para encontrar nodos aleatorios.
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## Sistemas Operativos: Windows, Linux, Mac
- Recupera la semilla mnemónica de 25 palabras que guardaste cuando creaste tu viejo monedero de Monero.
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### Restaurar desde claves
Restaurar un monedero desde las claves privadas es muy simple. Si cuentas con la información necesaria, con esta guía puedes restaurar tu monedero completamente. Nota: no necesitas tener tu contraseña para restaurar desde claves privadas.
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## Cómo comprar y guardar Monero de manera segura.
Esta es una guía para comprar y guardar Monero de manera segura a Junio del 2017.
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Es muy fácil minar en solitario en la GUI oficial. Si no lo has hecho aún, ve a <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Monero downloads page</a> y descarga la GUI oficial para tu sistema operativo. Después, ejecuta el programa y espera a que Monero se sincronice con la red. Deberás ver que se muestre "Conectado" en la esquina inferior izquierda.
<img src="png/solo_mine_GUI/01.PNG" style="width: 600px;"/>
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Below we'll show an example configuration that allows you to run a Monero daemon (eg on a home server or VPS) that you can connect to from another computer running your wallet. We do this over the Tor anonymity network to retrieve the transaction information needed by your wallet. The benefit of this approach is that the daemon (`monerod`) can stay on all of the time sending / receiving blocks, while the wallet can connect when needed and have access to the full blockchain. [Monerujo](https://www.monerujo.io/) should also work via [Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.android/). Because Tor hidden services provide encryption and authentication, you can be confident that your RPC credentials will not be sent in the clear. Tor also solves problems often seen on home servers related to port-forwarding, IP addresses changing, etc -- it just works. This setup will also obfuscate the fact that you are connecting to a remote Monero node. Tested with Monero `v0.15.0.1` connecting a Mac laptop wallet to a remote Linux node (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
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# Verificación de Binarios: Linux, Mac, o Windows Usando las herramientas de la Consola de Comandos (Avanzado)
La verificación de los archivos binarios de Monero debería ser hecha antes de extraer, instalar o usar el software Monero. Esta es la única forma de asegurar que estás utilizando software oficial de Monero. Si recibes un falso binario Monero (e.g. phishing, MITM, entre otros), seguir esta guía te protegerá de ser engañado en usarlo.
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# Verificación de Binarios: Windows (Principiante)
La verificación de los archivos binarios de Monero debería ser hecha antes de extraer, instalar o usar el software Monero. Esta es la única forma de asegurar que estás utilizando software oficial de Monero. Si recibes un falso binario Monero (e.g. phishing, MITM, entre otros), seguir esta guía te protegerá de ser engañado en usarlo.
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Un monedero de visualización solamente puede ver qué transacciones de entrada te pertenecen. No puede utilizar nada de tu Monero, de hecho ni siquiera puede ver las transacciones de salida del monedero. Esto hace a los monederos de sólo visualización interesantes para
* Desarrolladores escribiendo librerías para validar pagos
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# monerod
`monerod` es el software daemon que viene con el árbol de Monero. Es un programa de consola, y administra la blockchain. Mientras bitcoin administra tanto cuenta como blockchain, Monero lo separa en: `monerod` se encarga de la blockchain, y `monero-wallet-cli` de la cuenta.
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## Comment miner Monero (XMR) sans matériel d'extraction minière ?
Si vous ne disposez pas d'un matériel d'extraction minière rentable, ni de temps ou
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## Système d'exploitations : Différentes versions de Linux et Windows 7, 8
### Application de portefeuille : Simplewallet
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# Isolation du Portefeuille CLI et du Démon avec Qubes et Whonix
Avec [Qubes](https://qubes-os.org) et [Whonix](https://whonix.org) vous pouvez disposer d'un portefeuille Monero hors connexion fonctionnant sur un système virtuel isolé du démon Monero dont tout le trafic est forcé à passer à travers [Tor](https://torproject.org).
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Parfois, vos fonds pourraient être bloqués, ou vous auriez des fonds bloqués qui ne se débloqueraient jamais. Voici comment solutionner ce problème.
- Chargez votre portefeuille dans monero-wallet-cli.
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### Étape 1
Téléchargez l'amorce actuelle depuis https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw ; vous pouvez sauter cette étape si vous importez la chaîne de blocs depuis une autre source.
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## Comment générer un portefeuille Monero Ledger avec la CLI (monero-wallet-cli)
### Table des Matières
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# Choisir un pool
Il y a de nombreux pool parmi lesquels choisir, une liste est disponible sur
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# monero-wallet-cli
`monero-wallet-cli` est une application de portefeuille qui est incluse dans la suite Monero. C'est un
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# Outils Monero
Ces outils peuvent être utilisés pour obtenir des informations concernant le réseau Monero ou les données de vos transactions dans la chaîne de blocs.
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# Multisig Transactions with MMS and CLI Wallet
## Introduction
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### Prouver un paiement
Lorsque vous envoyez un paiement à une partie qui conteste qu'il ait été effectué, vous devez pouvoir prouver qu'il a bien été effectué.
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## Trouver un nœud
Commencez par le commencement, vous devez trouver un nœud auquel vous connecter ! [moneroworld.com](https://moneroworld.com/#nodes) propose quelques bonnes ressources pour trouver
des nœuds. L'une des méthodes les plus simple serait d'utiliser un nœud appartenant à moneroworld, mais ils propose également un outil pour trouver des nœuds aléatoires.
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## Systèmes d'exploitation : Windows, Linux, Mac
- Récupérez votre @mnemonic-seed de 25 mots que vous avez sauvegardé lorsque vous avez créé votre ancien @wallet Monero ;
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### Restoring from keys
Restaurer un portefeuille à partir de la clef privé est très simple. Si vous avez les informations nécessaire, avec ce guide vous pourrez totalement restaurer votre portefeuille. Notez : vous n'avez pas besoin de connaître votre mot de passe pour restaurer depuis la clef.
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## Comment acheter des Moneroj et les conserver en toute sécurité
Voici un guide d'achat et de conservation en toute sécurité de Monero à la date de Juin 2017.
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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