mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 17:31:53 +00:00
163 changed files with 6988 additions and 6 deletions
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ gems:
- jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin
# jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin settings:
languages: ["en", "es", "it", "pl"]
languages: ["en", "es", "it", "pl", "fr"]
exclude_from_localizations: ["img", "css", "fonts", "media", "404", "feed.xml", "404", "meta", "forum-funding-system", "_posts", "legal"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
- title: Resources
- name: À propos de Monero
url: resources/about/
- name: Moneropedia
url: resources/moneropedia/
- name: Guides du Dévelopeur
url: resources/developer-guides/
- name: Guides Utilisateur
url: resources/user-guides/
- name: Flux RSS
url: https://getmonero.org/feed.xml
- title: Canaux IRC
- name: monero
url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero
- name: monero-dev
url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-dev
- name: monero-markets
url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-markets
- name: monero-pools
url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools
- name: monero-community
url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-community
- name: monero-translations
url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-translations
- name: monero-hardware
url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-hardware
- title: Communauté
- name: Reddit
url: https://reddit.com/r/monero
- name: Stack Exchange
url: https://monero.stackexchange.com/
- name: Fil BitcoinTalk
url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.0
- name: Discussion Mattermost
url: https://mattermost.getmonero.org/
- name: Discussion Telegram
url: https://telegram.me/bitmonero
- title: Le Projet Monero
- name: Open Alias
url: https://openalias.org/
- name: Kovri
url: https://getkovri.org/
- name: Laboratoire de Recherche Monero
url: resources/research-lab/
- name: Dossier de Presse Monero
url: press-kit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- name: Juridique
url: legal
- name: Code Source
url: https://github.com/monero-project
- name: Spécifications Techniques
url: technical-specs/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
- title: Commencer
- page: Qu'est-ce que Monero ?
url: get-started/what-is-monero
- page: Utiliser
url: get-started/using
- page: Accepter
url: get-started/accepting
- page: Contribuer
url: get-started/contributing
- page: Miner
url: get-started/mining
- page: FAQ
url: get-started/faq
- title: Téléchargements
url: downloads/
- title: Actualités
- page: Toutes
url: blog
- page: Missives
url: blog/tags/monero%20missives.html
- page: Comptes-rendus de Réunions
url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
- page: Versions
url: blog/tags/releases.html
- title: Communauté
- page: Équipe
url: community/team
- page: Rencontres
url: community/hangouts
- page: Parrainages
url: community/sponsorships
- page: Commerçants
url: community/merchants
- title: Ressources
- page: À propos
url: resources/about
- page: Feuille de route
url: resources/roadmap
- page: Laboratoire de Recherche
url: resources/research-lab
- page: Moneropedia
url: resources/moneropedia
- page: Guides Utilisateur
url: resources/user-guides
- page: Guides du Dévelopeur
url: resources/developer-guides
- page: Spécifications Techniques
url: technical-specs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
- year: 2014
- name: Lancé sur Bitcointalk
date: 2014-04-18
status: terminé
- name: Renommé de Bitmonero à Monero
date: 2014-04-23
status: terminé
- name: Rétablissement suite à une attaque par spam
date: 2014-09-04
status: terminé
- name: Publication des notes 1 et 2 du Laboratoire de Recherche Monero
date: 2014-09-12
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la note 3 du Laboratoire de Recherche Monero
date: 2014-09-25
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la version
date: 2014-12-08
status: terminé
- year: 2015
- name: Publication de la note 4 du Laboratoire de Recherche Monero
date: 2015-01-26
status: terminé
- year: 2016
- name: Publication de la version 0.9.0 Hydrogen Helix
date: 2016-01-01
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la note 5 du Laboratoire de Recherche Monero
date: 2016-02-10
status: terminé
- name: Hardfork pour imposer un ringsize minimum de 3 pour toutes les transactions
date: 2016-03-22
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la version 0.10.0 Wolfram Warptangent
date: 2016-09-18
status: terminé
- name: Hardfork pour séparer la coinbase en dénominations
date: 2016-09-21
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la version 0.10.1 Wolfram Warptangent
date: 2016-12-14
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la Beta 1 de la GUI officielle
date: 2016-12-22
status: terminé
- year: 2017
- name: Hardfork pour activer les transactions RingCT
date: 2017-01-05
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la version 0.10.2; Correction d'une vulnérabilité critique
date: 2017-02-22
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la version Wolfram Warptangent
date: 2017-03-27
status: terminé
- name: Hardfork pour ajuster les algorithmes de frais dynamiques et la taille minimal de block
date: 2017-04-15
status: terminé
- name: Refonte du site Web
date: 2017-07-04
status: terminé
- name: Publication de la version Helium Hydra
date: 2017-09-07
status: terminé
- name: Fluffy blocks
date: 2017-09-07
status: terminé
- name: Sortie de beta de la GUI
date: 2017-09-10
status: terminé
- name: Hardfork pour augmenter la ringsize minimal à 5 et imposer les transactions RingCT
date: 2017-09-15
status: terminé
- name: 0MQ/ZeroMQ
date: September, 2017
status: terminé
- name: Fluffy blocks
status: en cours
- name: Portage de la GUI sur android
status: en cours
- name: Refonte du Forum Funding System
status: en cours
- name: Sous-adresses
status: en cours
- name: Multi-signatures (multisig)
status: en cours
- name: Version alpha de Kovri
status: à venir
- year: 2018
- name: Notes de recherches MRL additionnelles
status: à venir
- name: Solutions de seconde couche pour la vitesse et la capacité d'expension
status: à venir
- name: Range proofs plus efficaces pour RingCT pour réduire la taille des transactions
status: à venir
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ langs:
es: Español
it: Italiano
pl: Polski
fr: Français
date: '%Y/%m/%d'
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ More coming soon...
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ langs:
es: Español
it: Italiano
pl: Polish
fr: Français
date: '%Y/%m/%d'
@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ More coming soon...
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
en: English
es: Español
it: Italiano
fr: Français
date: '%Y/%m/%d'
monero: Monero
getting_started: Démarrer
copyright: Copyright
monero_project: Le Projet Monero
sitename: getmonero.org, Le Projet Monero
wiki: Moneropedia
tags: Articles Par Tag
wikimeta: Moneropedia, l'encyclopédie libre des connaissances Monero
tagsmeta: Tous les articles de blog Monero qui sont taggés
titlemeta: accueil de Monero, une monnaie digitale qui est sécurisée, confidentielle, et intracable
terms: Modalités
privacy: Confidentialité
copyright: Propriété intellectuelle
edit: Modifier cette page
untranslated: Cette page n'a pas encore été traduite. Si vous voulez aider à la traduire, voyez le
index: Accueil
whatismonero: Qu'est-ce que Monero ?
using: Utiliser Monero
accepting: Accepter Monero
contributing: Améliorer Monero
mining: Miner Monero
faq: FAQ
downloads: Téléchargements
allposts: Tous les articles du Blog
team: Équipe Monero
hangouts: Rencontres
events: Évènements
sponsorships: Partenarias
merchants: Commerçants & Services
about: À propos de Monero
roadmap: Feuille de route
researchlab: Laboratoire de Recherche Monero
moneropedia: Moneropedia
userguides: Guides Utilisateur
developerguides: Guides du Dévelopeur
technicalspecs: Spécifications Techniques
themoneroproject: Le Projet Monero
presskit: Dossier de Presse Monero
legal: Juridique
ffs: Forum Funding System
ffs-cp: Propositions Terminées
ffs-fr: Financement Nécessaire
ffs-ideas: Idées
ffs-ot: Taches Ouvertes
ffs-wip: Travail en Cours
blogbytag: Blog par Tag
page_title: "Monero - sécurisé, confidentiel, intracable"
what_is_1: Qu'est-ce que
what_is_2: " ?"
what_is_orange_block: "Monero est une monnaie sécurisée, confidentielle, intracable qui est open-source et librement accessible à tous."
what_is_text_block_1: "Avec Monero, vous êtes votre propre banque; Vous avez le contrôle total de vos capitaux. Avec Monero, vos comptes et transactions restent confidentiels."
what_is_text_block_2: "Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Ci-dessous un tour d'horizon des fonctionnalités principales de Monero. Si vous voulez essayer Monero vous-même, la section"
what_is_text_block_3: "Commencer"
what_is_text_block_4: "est un excellent point de départ."
news: Actualités
the_latest: Les Dernières
private: confidentiel
secure: Sécurisé
untraceable: intracable
private_text: "Monero utilise des montants, éméteurs et destinataires de @transactions masqués. Cela signifie que persnonne ne peut savoir combien vous envoyez dans une transaction, hormis vous. Cela permet de garantir que vos achats et autres transferts restent confidentiels par défaut."
untraceable_text: "En tirant parti des des @ring-signatures (signatures en cercle), Monero vous permet d'envoyer et de recevoir des fonds de manière privé. Même si vos transcations sont vérifiables publiquement sur la @blockchain, elles utilisent des signatures numériques qui indiquent un groupe de signataires, si bien qu'un valideur est incapable de déterminer qui à effectivement réalisé la signature. Parce qu'il est ambigu de savoir quels fonds ont été dépensés, votre transaction reste privée et ne peut pas vous être attribuée."
secure_text: "Monero utilise un réseau peer-to-peer à @consensus et chaque transaction est signé cryptographiquement. Vos pièces de monnaie sont stockées en toute sécurité sur la @blockchain et peuvent être restaurées à tout moment en utilisant une @mnemonic-seed de 25 mots sur n'importe quel ordinateur avec le logiciel Monero. Les fichiers du portefeuil sont stoqués par chiffrement et vérouillés par mot de passe, les rendants inutilisables en cas de vol."
how_do_i_1: "Comment puis-je "
how_do_i_2: " ?"
get_started: commencer
get_started_1: "La façon la plus rapide de commencer à utiliser Monero est avec un gestionnaire de @account en ligne comme "
mymonero: "MyMonero"
get_started_2: "."
get_started_3: "Alternativement, si vous voulez faire fonctionner un [noeud Monero complet](/getting-started/running) vous pouvez télécharger le client et un kick-starter @blockchain (pour ammener votre client local au bon niveau) en utilisant le lien de téléchargement situé à droite."
where_can_i: Où puis-je
download_1: Télécharger
download_2: " ?"
different_os: "Besoin d'un système d'exploitation différent ?"
all_downloads: Voir tous les téléchargements disponibles ici
c_download: Téléchargements
monero_for: Monero pour
latest_blockchain: Dernière @Blockchain
title_1: Tous les
title_2: Blog
title_3: Posts
tagged: Taggés comme
author: Publiés par
date: Publiés à
forum: Cliquer ici pour participer à la discussion de cet entrée sur le Forum Monero
all: Articles par Tag
notags: Il n'y a aucun post pour ce tag.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
La communauté Monero est diverse et variée. Nous venons de toutes parts, mais nous avons certainement nos lieux de rencontres favoris. Vous trouverez la plupart d'entre eux ci-dessous. Rejoignez-nous!
<div class="hangouts">
<section class="container">
<ul class="row center-xs">
<a href="https://twitter.com/monerocurrency" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon twitter"></div></a>
<a href="https://reddit.com/r/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/monerocurrency/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon facebook"></div></a>
<a href="https://github.com/monero-project" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><div class="social-icon github"></div></a>
<section class="container">
<div class="row">
<!-- left two-thirds block-->
<div class="left two-thirds col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Groupes de Travail</h2>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p>Afin de maintenir des groupes de travail organiques, Monero dispose de plusieurs ressources que la communauté peut utiliser pour se retrouver et planifier des projets. Mattermost a même des relais dans les canaux IRC liés à Monero les plus populaires.</p>
<div class="row relays around-xs">
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://monero.slack.com/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Slack</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://mattermost.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Mattermost</a></p>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<p><a href="https://taiga.getmonero.org/" class="btn-link btn-fixed">Taiga</a></p>
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Canaux IRC</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>La communauté Monero s'appuie sur différents cannaux IRC qui répondent à des besoins spécifiques. Certains pour travailler, et d'autres simplement pour se rencontrer. Vous trouverez les plus populaires d'entre eux ci-dessous.</p>
<div class="row irc">
{% for channel in site.data.irc %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12">
<a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#{{ channel.channel }}">#{{ channel.channel }}</a>
<p>{{ channel.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<!-- end left two-thirds block-->
<!-- right one-third block-->
<div class="right one-third col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col"><h2>Stack Exchange</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Le Stack Exchange de Monero est l'emplacement le plus rapide et facile d'accès pour poser des questions et trouver des réponses. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques-une des meilleures questions/réponses qui sont fréquemment recherchées.</p>
<div class="row start-xs sequestions">
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4277/why-does-monero-have-higher-transaction-fees-than-bitcoin">Pourquoi Monero a des frais de transactions supérieurs à Bitcoin ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4335/what-does-moneros-scaling-roadmap-look-like">A quoi ressemble la feuille de route de l'expension de Monero ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4302/what-cryptography-primitives-concepts-other-than-the-basic-ones-does-monero-us">Quels sont les principes et concepts de cryptographie, au delà des plus simples, que Monero utilise ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4242/how-to-extract-data-from-local-blockchain">Comment extraire des données depuis la chaîne de blocs stockée localement ?</a>
<a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4377/hiding-tcp-traffic-for-monero-miners">Comment masquer le trafic TCP des mineurs Monero ?</a>
<div class="row center-xs">
<p><a href="https://monero.stackexchange.com" class="btn-link btn-auto">Aller sur Stack Exchange</a></p>
<!-- end right one-third block-->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Toute sorte de commerçants ont fini par apprécier la confidentialité financière qu'apporte Monero. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de commerçants que nous savons acceptant Monero comme moyen de paiement pour leurs biens ou leurs services. Si une société a cessé d'accepter Monero, ou bien si vous souhaitez y faire figurer votre affaire, merci [d'ouvrir un problème sur GitHub pour nous le faire savoir](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues).
<div class="merchants">
{% for toplevel in site.data.merchants %}
<div class="container full" id="{{toplevel.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row">
{% assign sortedMerchants = toplevel.merchants | sort: 'name' %}
{% for merchants in sortedMerchants %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
<a href="{{merchants.url}}">{{merchants.name}}</a>
{% endfor %}
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
*Notez que les liens sont fournis à titre informatif uniquement. Aucun des produits, services, opinions des compagnies, sociétés et individus cités ne sont approuvés par la communauté en raison de leur présence dans cette liste. La communauté Monero n'assume aucune responsabilité quant à l'exactitude, la légalité ou le contenu de ces sites externes. Pour des questions concernant leurs contenus, contactez directement ces sites externes. Comme toujours, seul l'acheteur est responsable de son achat (acheteurs, méfiez-vous). C'est à vous de faire vos propres recherches. Toujours faire preuve de bon sens lorsque vous effectuez des achats en ligne.*
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Les entreprises suivantes ont soutenues le projet Monero et son objectif d'apporter au monde la confidentialité financière. Nous ne pourrions être plus fiers de leurs contributions. Si vous souhaitez sponsoriser Monero et être cité sur cette page, merci de nous contacter par e-mail à dev@getmonero.org.
<section class="container sponsors">
<div class="row">
<div class="left one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>My Monero</h2>
<a href="https://mymonero.com/#/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><img src="/img/mymonero.png"></a>
<div class="center one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.araxis.com/"><img src="/img/araxis.png"></a>
<div class="right one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Dome9 Security</h2>
<a href="https://dome9.com/"><img src="/img/dome9.png"></a>
<div class="row">
<div class="left one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.kitware.com/"><img src="/img/kitware.png"></a>
<div class="center one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<h2>Fork Networking</h2>
<a href="https://www.forked.net"><img src="/img/forked_logo.png"></a>
<div class="right one-third no-pad-sm col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="http://www.jetbrains.com/"><img src="/img/jetbrains.png"></a>
<div class="row">
<div class="left half no-pad-sm col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://www.navicat.com"><img src="/img/navicat.png"></a>
<div class="right half no-pad-sm col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col">
<a href="https://symas.com/"><img src="/img/symas.png"></a>
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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
<div class="team">
<section class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="tabPanel-widget">
<label for="tab-1" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-1" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Core" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-2" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-2" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="container full">
<div class="info-block text-adapt">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 text-adapt">
<p>Le Projet Monero a déjà eu plus de 200 contributeurs sur sa durée. Pour une liste exhaustive, consultez la page <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero/contributors">contributeurs OpenHub</a>. Ci dessous quelques personnes qui sont allées bien au delà pour Monero.</p>
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Developers" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-3" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Community" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Laboratoire de Recherche</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Monero Research Lab" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<h2>Remerciements Particuliers</h2>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
<div class="row">
{% for toplevel in site.data.team %}
{% if toplevel.area == "Special Thanks" %}
{% for member in toplevel.member %}
<div class="half col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-6">
<div class="info-block">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="row center-xs icons">
{% if member.github %}
<a href="{{member.github}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon github"></div></a>
{% if member.twitter %}
<a href="{{member.twitter}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon twitter"></div></a>
{% if member.reddit %}
<a href="{{member.reddit}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener"><div class="col social-icon reddit"></div></a>
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<div class="downloads">
<div class="container description" markdown="1">
Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour choisir la bonne application, merci de cliquer [ici](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/64b5lf/what_is_the_best_monero_wallet/) pour une réponse rapide, puis sélectionner va version appropriée pour votre système d'exploitation ci-dessous.
Note : les sommes de contrôle SHA256 sont indiquées à côté des téléchargements par commodité, mais une liste signée par GPG des sommes de contrôle est disponible à [getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt](https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt) et devrait être traitée de manière canonique, en vérifiant la signature vis-à-vis de la clef GPG appropriée dans le code source (dans /utils/gpg_keys).
<div class="container full downdropdown">
<div class="info-block download-nav row middle-xs between-xs" id="selections">
<div class="col"><a href="#windows">Windows</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mac">Mac</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#linux">Linux</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#arm">Arm (v7 & 8)</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#bsd">BSD</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#source">Source & Chaîne de blocs</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Léger</a></div>
<div class="col"><a href="#hardware">Matériel</a></div>
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<label for="check01">Choose your OS</label>
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<li><a href="#windows">Windows</a></li>
<li><a href="#mac">Mac</a></li>
<li><a href="#linux">Linux</a></li>
<li><a href="#arm">Arm (v7 & 8)</a></li>
<li><a href="#bsd">BSD</a></li>
<li><a href="#source">Source & Chaîne de blocs</a></li>
<li><a href="#mobilelight">Mobile & Léger</a></li>
<li><a href="#hardware">Matériel</a></li>
<div class="download-platforms">
{% for data_downloads in site.data.downloads %}
<section class="container full" id="{{ data_downloads.id}}">
<div class="info-block">
{% if data_downloads.icon != null %}
<span class="{{data_downloads.icon}}"></span>
{% endif %}
{% if data_downloads.version != null %}
<p class="text-center">Current Version: {{ data_downloads.version }} {{ data_downloads.tag }}</p>
{% if data_downloads.cli_hash == "source" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">Code Source</a>
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" markdown="1">
Si vous préférer utiliser une amorce de la chaîne de blocs, plutôt que de synchroniser à partir de zéro, vous pouvez [utiliser ce lien pour obtenir le bootstrap le plus récent](https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw). Il est cependant habituellement plus rapide de synchroniser à partir de zéro, et cela consomme également nettement moins de RAM (l'import est particulièrement gourmand).
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "hardware" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>La communauté Monero vient de financer un <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88149/dedicated-monero-hardware-wallet" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">Portefeuille Matériel Dédié</a> qui est en cours d'avancement. De même, Ledger travail sur une <a href="https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">intégration de Monero dans leurs portefeuilles matériels</a>.</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "mobilelight" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>Ci-dessous des portefeuilles mobiles ou légers jugés sûrs par des membres de confiance de la communauté. Si un portefeuille n'est pas cité ici, vous pouvez demander à la communauté de le vérifier. Allez à la page <a href="/community/hangouts/">Rencontres</a> pour voir où nous sommes.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-xs-6">
<a href="https://mymonero.com"><img src="/img/mymonero.png" alt="MyMonero Logo"></a>
<div class="col-xs-6">
<a href="https://monerujo.io"><img style="height: 115px;" src="/img/Monerujo-wallet.png" alt="Monerujo Logo"></a>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash == nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"><h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}"> {{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-line Tools Only)</a>
<div class="row"><div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p></div>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash == nil %}
<div class="row">
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<div class="row">
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.gui_hash != nil and data_downloads.cli_hash != nil %}
<div class="row start-md">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12" >
<h4 id="{{ data_downloads.platform | slugify }}">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/gui/{{ data_downloads.gui_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }}</a>
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 (GUI) :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.gui_hash }}</p>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<a href="//downloads.getmonero.org/cli/{{ data_downloads.cli_url }}">{{ data_downloads.platform }} (Command-Line Tools Only)</a>
<p><strong>Somme de contrôle SHA256 (CLI) :</strong></p> <p class="hash"> {{ data_downloads.cli_hash }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#" class="arrow-up"><i></i></a>
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<h2>Instructions pour l'Interface en Ligne de Commande (CLI)</h2>
<div markdown="1">
### Les Bases
Monero fonctionne légèrement différemment de ce dont vous pourriez avoir l'habitude avec les autres @cryptocurrencies. Dans le cas d'une monnaie digitale comme Bitcoin ou ses nombreux dérivés, les systèmes de paiements des commerçants devront habituellement créer une nouvelle @address de destinataire pour chaque paiement ou chaque utilisateur.
Cependant, comme Monero utilise des @stealth-addresses il n'y a pas de nécessité à disposer d'adresses de destinataires séparées pour chaque paiement ou utilisateur, et une seule adresse de @account peut être publiée. A la place, lors de la réception d'un paiement un commerçant va fournir un "ID de Paiement" à la personne effectuant ce paiement.
Un @payment-ID est une chaine de caractère héxédécimale de 64 caractères, et est normalement créer de manière aléatoire par le commerçant. Voici un exemple d'ID de Paiement :
### Vérifier un ID de Paiement dans monero-wallet-cli
Si vous voulez vérifier un paiement en utilisant monero-wallet-cli vous pouvez utiliser la commande "payments" suivit de l'ID, ou des IDs, de Paiement que vous voulez vérifier. Par exemple :
[wallet 49VNLa]: payments 666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572
payment transaction height amount unlock time
666c75666679706f6e79206973207 7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e 441942 30.00000 0
[wallet 49VNLa]: █
Si vous avez besoin de vérifier les paiements de manière programmatique, vous trouverez les détails après la section suivante.
### Recevoir un Paiement Pas-à-Pas
* Générer aléatoirement une chaine de 64 caractères hexadécimaux pour le paiement
* Fournir l'ID de paiement et l'adresse Monero à l'individu qui effectue le paiement
* Vérifier le paiement en utilisant la commande "payments" dans monero-wallet-cli
### Vérifier un Paiement de manière Programmatique
Afin de vérifier un paiement de manière programmatique, vous pouvez utiliser les requêtes get_payments ou get_bulk_payments de l'API JSON RPC.
*get_payments* : nécessite un paramètre payment_id contenant un unique ID de Paiement.
*get_bulk_payments* : méthode privilégiée, nécessitant deux paramètres, un payment_ids - un tableau JSON d'IDs de Paiement - et un min_block_height optionel - la hauteur de bloc à partir de laquelle effectuer la recherche.
Voici un exemple de donné renvoyée :
[ monero->~ ]$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_bulk_payments","id":"test", "params":{"payment_ids": ["666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
"id": "test",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"amount": 30000000000000,
"block_height": 441942,
"payment_id": "666c75666679706f6e7920697320746865206265737420706f6e792065766572",
"tx_hash": "7ba4cd810c9b4096869849458181e98e18b6474ab66415de0f4ccf7ab1162fdf",
"unlock_time": 0
Il est important de noter que les montant sont retournés en unités Monero de base et pas en unités normalement utilisées dans les applications pour utilisateurs-finaux. De plus, dans la mesure où une transaction aura typiquement de multiples sorties qui s'ajoutent pour obtenir le total requis pour le paiement, les montants devraient être groupés pax tx_hash ou par payment_id afin de les additionner. Enfin, comme de multiples sorties peuvent avoir le même montant, il est impératif de ne pas essayer de filter les résultat d'une unique requête get_bulk_payments.
Avant de rechercher un paiement, il peut être utile de vérifier auprès du démon RPC API (avec une requête RPC get_info) si de nouveaux blocs ont été reçus. Typiquement, vous voudrez n'effectuer la recherche qu'à partir de ce bloc en le spécifiant comme paramètre min_block_height lors de la requête get_bulk_payments.
### Rechercher des Paiement de manière programmatique
* Récupérer la hauteur actuelle de bloc auprès du démon, et ne procéder à la recherche que si celle-ci à augmentée depuis la dernière recherche
* Lancer une requête API RPC get_bulk_payments avec cette dernière hauteur de bloc et la liste de tous les IDs de paiement à rechercher
* Enregistrer la hauteur de bloc actuelle en tant que dernière hauteur de bloc recherchée
* Supprimer les doublons en fonction des hachages de transaction déjà reçus et traités
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<div markdown="1" class="text-center container description">
Monero est un projet open-source, emmené par sa communauté. Ci-dessous se trouvent différents moyens pour soutenir le projet.
<div class="contribute">
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<div class="col"><h2>Soutenir le Réseau</h2></div>
<div class="row start-xs" markdown="1">
### Développer
Monero est principalement écrit en C ++. Comme il s'agit d'un projet décentralisé, n'importe qui peut ajouter ou apporter des modifications au code existant. Les Pull Requests sont fusionnées en fonction du consensus de la communauté. Voir les <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">dépôts</a> et <a href="https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues">problèmes</a> en suspens.
### Faire fonctionner un nœud complet
Faire fonctionner monerod ouvert sur le port TCP 18080. Faire fonctionner un nœud complet garantit une confidentialité maximale lors d'une transaction Monero. Il améliore également la distribution de la chaîne de blocs aux nouveaux utilisateurs.
### Miner
L'extraction minière garantit que le réseau reste sécurisé et décentralisé. Dans les interfaces graphiques et ligne de commande de Monero, l'extraction minière en arrière plan peut être activé. Plus de ressources concernant l'extraction minière sont disponibles [ici](https://reddit.com/r/MoneroMining).
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<h2>Voir le Forum Funding System</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Monero utilise un <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org">forum funding system</a> au travers duquel des projets sont proposé au développement et financés par la communauté. Le financement est gardé en entiercement et rémunèrent les développeurs lorsque des jalons de programmation sont atteints. Chacun peut faire de nouvelle proposition ou en financer d'existantes.</p>
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<h2>Faire un don</h2>
<div class="row start-xs">
<p>Le développement en cours est soutenu par des donations et des <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/sponsorships/">partenariats</a>.</p>
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<img src="/img/donate-monero.png" alt=""/>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<img src="/img/donate-bitcoin.png" alt=""/>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h3>Faire un don en Monero</h3>
<p>Les donations peuvent être envoyées à donate.getmonero.org ou 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A</p>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h3>Faire un don en Bitcoin</h3>
<p>Les donations peuvent être envoyées à donate.getmonero.org ou 1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H</p>
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<p>E-mail <a href="mailto:dev@getmonero.org">dev@getmonero.org</a> pour un autre moyen de don ou si vous souhaitez devenir un sponsor pour le projet Monero.</p>
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<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-one" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">Pourquoi Monero a de la valeur ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Monero a de la valeur car des personnes veulent en acheter. Si personne ne voulait acheter Monero, alors il n'aurait pas de valeur. Le prix du Monero augmente lorsque la demande dépasse l'offre et diminue lorsque l'offre dépasse la demande.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">Comment puis-je obtenir du Monero ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Vous pouvez acheter du Monero sur une bourse ou auprès d'un individu. Sinon, vous pouvez essayer de miner Monero pour obtenir des pièces de monnaie grâce à la prime de bloc (block reward).
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-three" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">Qu'est-ce qu'une Phrase mnémonique (mnemonic seed) ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Une Phrase mnémonique est un lot de 25 mots qui peut être utilisé pour restaurer votre compte n'importe où. Conservez ces mots en lieux sûr et ne les partagez avec personne. Vous pouvez utiliser cette phrase pour restaurer votre compte, même si votre ordinateur plante.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">Pourquoi la confidentialité de Monero est différente de celle des autres cryptomonnaies ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Monero s'appuie sur trois technologies différentes : les signature de cercle (ring signatures), les transaction confidentielles de cercle (RingCT) et les adresses furtives (stealth addresses). Celles-ci masquent respectivement l'émetteur, le montant et le destinataire d'une transaction. Toutes les transaction sur le réseaux sont ainsi obligatoirement sécurisées. Il est impossible de faire une transaction non-sécurisée par accident. Cette fonctionnalité est une exclusivité de Monero. Votre confidentialité ne repose pas sur la confiance que vous devriez avoir en qui que ce soit.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-five" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">Pourquoi mon portefeuille met-il si longtemps à se synchroniser ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Si vous faites fonctionner un nœud complet localement, vous devez copier la totalité de la chaîne de blocs sur votre ordinateur. Cela peut prendre très longtemps, particulièrement sur un vieux disque dur ou derrière une connection internet lente. Si vous utilisez un nœud distant, votre ordinateur doit tout de même demander une copie de toutes les sorties, ce qui peut prendre plusieurs heures. Soyez patients, et si vous préférez sacrifier votre confidentialité pour de meilleurs temps de synchronisation, considérer plutôt l'utilisation d'un portefeuille léger.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-six" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-six" class="accordion">Quelle est la différence entre un portefeuille léger et un portefeuille ordinaire ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Pour un portefeuille léger, vous communiquer votre clef publique d'audit à un nœud, qui recherche pour vous les transactions qui vous sont adressées sur la chaîne de blocs. Ce nœud saura quand vous aurez reçu des fonds, mais ne saura pas combien, de la part de qui, ou à destination de qui. Selon l'application de portefeuille, vous pourriez pouvoir disposer d'un nœud que vous contrôleriez pour vous prémunir des fuites de confidentialité. Pour plus de confidentialité, utilisez un portefeuille traditionnel qui peut être utilisé avec votre propre nœud.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-seven" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-seven" class="accordion">Quelles sont les différences de Monero avec Bitcoin ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Monero n'est pas basé sur Bitcoin. Il est basé sur le protocole CryptoNote. Bitcoin est un système totalement transparent, où chacun peut voir quel est le montant exacte d'une transaction envoyé d'un utilisateur à un autre. Monero masque ces informations afin de protéger la confidentialité de ses utilisateurs dans toutes les transactions. Il dispose également d'une taille de bloc et de frais de transferts dynamiques, d'une preuve de travail (proof of work) résistant aux ASICs, d'une émission de queue de pièces de monnaies, ainsi que d'autres changements.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-eight" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-eight" class="accordion">Est-ce que la taille de bloc de Monero a une limite ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Non, Monero n'a pas de taille de bloc limite fixe. Au lieu de cela, la taille de bloc peut augmenter ou diminuer au fil du temps selon la demande. Son rythme d'augementation est cependant limité afin d'éviter une croissance scandaleuse.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-nine" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-nine" class="accordion">Qu"est ce qu'une chaîne de blocs ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Une chaîne de blocs est un système qui enregistre une copie de tous l'historique de transaction du réseau Monero. Toutes les deux minutes, un nouveau bloc contenant les dernières transactions est ajouté à la chaîne de blocs. Cette chaine permet au réseau de vérifier la quantité d'argent dont disposent les comptes et le rend resistant aux attaques et tentatives de centralisation.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-ten" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-ten" class="accordion">Qu'est ce que Kovri ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
Kovri est un routeur I2P écrit en C++. I2P est un réseau caché comme Tor avec quelques différences techniques. Kovri est un projet indépendant de Monero, mais fonctionnera avec Monero et quelques autres projets. Kovri masque les diffusions des transactions, de sorte que les autres nœuds ne puisse savoir qui a créé les transactions. En condition adverses, Kovri peut être utilisé pour masquer tous le trafic de Monero à travers I2P, empêchant de savoir que Monero est en cours d'utilisation. Kovri est actuellement en version alpha, et n'est toujours pas pleinement intégré à Monero. Découvrez-en plus sur Kovri sur le [Site web du projet.](https://getkovri.org)
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-eleven" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-eleven" class="accordion">Quest-ce que la fongibilité, et pourquoi est-elle importante ?</label>
<div class="tab-content" markdown="1">
La fongibilité est une propriété basique de la monnaie selon laquelle il n'y a pas de différence entre deux montants de la même valeur. Si deux personnes échange 10 contre deux fois 5, personne n'y perd. Cependant, supposons que tout le monde sache que le 10 a été utilisé lors d'une attack par ransomware. Est-ce que la seconde personne sera toujours d'accord pour procéder à l'échange ? Probablement pas, même si la personne au 10 n'a aucun lien avec le ransomware. C'est un problème, puisqu'une personne recevant de l'argent devra constamment vérifier si cet argent n'est pas de l'argent sale. Monero est fongible, ce qui signifie qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'appliquer ces mesures.
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-twelve" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-twelve" class="accordion">Si Monero est si confidentiel, comment sait-on qu'il ne sont pas créés à partir de rien ?</label>
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Avec Monero, chaque sortie de transaction est uniquement associée à une image clé qui ne peut être générée que par le détenteur de cette sortie. Les images clés qui sont utilisées plus d'une fois sont rejetées par les mineurs en tant que doubles dépenses et ne peuvent pas être ajoutées à un bloc valide. Lorsqu'une nouvelle transaction est reçue, les mineurs vérifient que l'image clé n'existe pas déjà pour une transaction précédente afin de s'assurer qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une double dépense.
Nous pouvons également savoir que les montants des transactions sont valides même si la valeur des entrées que vous dépensez et la valeur des sorties que vous envoyez sont chiffrées (celles-ci sont masquées pour tous, sauf le destinataire). Parce que les montants sont chiffrés en utilisant les engagements de Pedersen, cela signifie qu'aucun observateur ne peut dire le montant des entrées et des sorties, mais ils peuvent faire des calculs sur les engagements de Pedersen pour déterminer qu'aucun Monero n'a été créé à partir de rien.
Tant que les montants de sortie chiffrés que vous créez sont égaux à la somme des entrées dépensées (qui incluent une sortie pour le destinataire, une sortie de changement revenant vers vous et les frais de transaction non chiffrés), vous avez une transaction légitime et savez qu'aucun Monero ne s'est créé à partir de rien. Les engagements de Pedersen signifient que les sommes peuvent être vérifiées comme étant égales, mais la valeur de Monero de chacune des sommes et la valeur de Monero des entrées et des sorties individuellement sont indéterminables.
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<div class="center-xs container description">
<p>Monero est une cryptomonnaie qui s'appuie sur une extraction minière par preuve de travail (Proof-of-Work) pour permettre un consensus distribué. Vous trouvez ci-dessous des ressources et des informations vous permettant de commencer à miner.</p>
<p><strong>Le projet Monero ne plébiscite aucun pool, logiciel ou matériel particulier. Le contenu suivant n'est fournit qu'à titre purement informatif.</strong></p>
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<p>Parcourrez <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/"> les Rencontres</a>, <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">/r/moneromining</a> et <a href="irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">#monero-pools</a>.</p>
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<p>Une liste de confiance de pools Monero est disponible <a href="http://moneropools.com/"> ici</a>.</p>
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<h2>Capacités du matériel</h2>
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<p><a href="http://monerobenchmarks.info/">Ici</a> ce trouve une liste de GPUs/CPUs et leurs taux de hachage respectifs.</p>
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<p>Veuillez noter que certains mineurs pourrait soustraire des frais de développement.</p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMR Stak</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig AMD</a></p>
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<p><a href="https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">XMRig NVIDIA</a></p>
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<p>Les transactions sont simples avec Monero. Cette page est conçue pour permettre aux utilisateurs de les réaliser.</p>
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<h2>1. Apprendre</h2>
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<p>Monero est une cryptomonnaie sécurisée, confidentielle et intraçable. Les développeurs et la communauté s'engagent à protéger ces valeurs. Pour en savoir plus, lisez la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/what-is-monero/">Qu'est-ce que Monero</a>. Le <a href="https://github.com/monero-project">code source</a> est également disponible pour examen et discussion.</p>
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<h2>2. Demander de l'Assistance</h2>
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<p>Il y a une large communauté de soutien qui vous aidera si vous rencontrez quelconques difficultés. Allez voir la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/hangouts/">Rencontres</a> pour plus d'informations.</p>
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<h2>3. Créer un portefeuille</h2>
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<p>Vous devez posséder un portefeuille Monero pour sécurisé vos fonds. Regardez la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Téléchargements</a> pour trouver une liste des portefeuilles disponibles.</p>
<p>La façon la plus simple de faire fonctionner un nœud Monero, sans affecter votre bande passante, est de louer un VPS (Virtual Private Server). Nous recommandons fortement d'utiliser le code de réduction 'MONERO' sur <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">InterServer.net</a> afin d'obtenir une réduction supplémentaire sur leur tarif déjà abordable de VPS à 6$ par mois. En utilisant ce code de réduction et/ou <a href="https://interserver.net/dock/vps-231552.html">notre lien affilié</a> vous aiderez également au développement continue de Monero.</p>
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<h2>4. Acquérir Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero peut être acheté sur des <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants#exchanges">bourses</a> par monnaies fiduciaires ou autres cryptomonnaies. Une autre manière d'acquérir Monero est en <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/mining/">minant</a>, le processus de calcul complexe dans lequel les transactions sont enregistrées de manière immuable sur la chaîne de blocs.</p>
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<h2>5. Envoyer et recevoir Monero</h2>
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<p>Découvrez comment envoyer et recevoir Monero en lisant le <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/accepting/">guide</a>.</p>
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<h2>6. Faire des transactions avec Monero</h2>
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<p>Monero peut être utilisé pour acheter des biens et des services. Allez à la page <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/community/merchants/">Commerçants</a> en avoir une liste. </p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Ce que vous devez savoir</h2></div>
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<h3>Monero est la pricipale cryptomonnaie avec un accent sur la confidentialité et la résistance à la censure de ses transactions.</h3>
<p>La pluspart des cryptomonnaies existante, Bitcoin et Ethereum compris, ont des chaînes de blocs transparentes, signifiant que les transactions sont ouvertement vérifiable et traçables par quiconque sur le réseau. De plus, les adresses d'envoie et de réception de ces transactions peuvent potentiellement être liées à l'identité réelle d'une personne. </p>
<p>Monero utilise la cryptographie pour protéger les adresses d'émission et de réception, de même que les montants des transactions.</p>
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<img src="/img/crypto-lock.png" alt="Encrypted lock" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Les transactions Monero sont confidentielles et intraçables.</h3>
<p>Chaque transaction Monero masque par défaut les adresses d'émission, de réception et les montants échangés. Every Monero transaction, by default, obfuscates sending and receiving addresses as well as transacted amounts. Cette confidentialité permanente signifie que l'activité de chaque utilisateur Monero améliore la confidentialité de tous les autres utilisateurs, contrairement aux cryptomonnaies à transparence sélective (p.e. Z-Cash).</p>
<p>Monero est fongible. is fungible. En vertu de l'obfuscation, Monero ne peut pas être sali par une participation à des transactions précédentes. Cela signifie que Monero sera toujours accepté sans risque de censure.</p>
<p>Le projet Kovri, <a href="https://getkovri.org/">actuellement en développement</a>, permettra de router et chiffrer les transactions via des nœuds I2P (Invisible Internet Project). Cela masquera l'adresse IP du transacteur et fournira plus de protection contre la surveillance du réseau.</p>
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<h3>Monero est une communauté populaire qui attire les meilleurs chercheurs en cryptomonnaie et les meilleurs talents en ingénierie au monde.</h3>
<p>Plus de <a href="https://www.openhub.net/p/monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">240 développeurs</a> ont contribués au projet Monero, dont 30 développeurs principaux. Les Forums et cannaux de discussion sont actifs et accueillant.</p>
<p>Le Laboratoire de Recherche de Monero, l'équipe de dévelopement Principale et les développeurs de la communauté repoussent en permanence les limites du possible dans la confidentialité et la sécurité des cryptomonnaies.</p>
<p>Monero n'est pas une société. Il est développé par des experts en cryptographie et en systèmes distribués du monde entier qui donnent de leur temps ou sont financés par des dons communautaires. Cela signifie que Monero ne peut être fermé par un pays et n'est soumis à aucune juridiction légale particulière.</p>
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<img src="/img/academic-growth.png" alt="Academic growth" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/monero-electronic-cash.png" alt="Electronic cash" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Monero est de l'argent électronique qui permet des paiements rapides et peu couteux dans le monde entier.</h3>
<p>Il n'y a pas de frais de garde et aucun risque de rétrofacturation frauduleuse. Il est à l'abri des « contrôles de capitaux » - qui sont des mesures limitant les flux de monnaies traditionnelles, parfois à un degré extrême, dans des pays en proie à une instabilité économique.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Vidéos Monero</h2></div>
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<h3>Promouvoir Monero</h3>
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<source src="/media/Monero_Promo.m4v">
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<h3>Monero : L'essentiel</h3>
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<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20The%20Essentials.m4v">
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<h3>Les Adresses Furtives (Stealth Addresses)</h3>
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<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20Stealth%20Addresses.m4v">
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<h3>Les Signatures de Cercle (Ring Signatures)</h3>
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<source src="/media/Monero%20-%20Ring%20Signatures.m4v">
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<h3>Transactions de Cercle Confidentielles (RingCT)</h3>
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<h1 id="main-h1">Monero</h1>
<h2 id="main-h2">Monnaie Digitale Confidentielle</h2>
<p id="main-text">Monero de l'argent pour un monde connecté. C'est rapide, confidentiel et sécurisé. Avec Monero, vous êtes votre propre banque. Vous pouvez le dépenser en toute sécurité, en sachant que perdonne ne peut voir votre solde ni suivre votre activité.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/using/" class="btn-link btn-auto btn-primary">Commencer</a></p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Pourquoi Monero est différent</h2></div>
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<h3>Monero est sécurisé</h3>
<p>Monero est une cryptomonnaie décentralisée, cela signifie qu'il s'agit d'argent digital sécurisé manœuvré par un réseau d'utilisateurs. Les transactions sont confirmées par un consensus distribué puis enregistrées de manière immuable sur la chaîne de blocs. Il n'est pas nécessaire de faire confiance à des tiers pour garder vos Moneroj en sécurité. </p>
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<img src="/img/secure-monero.png" alt="Secure safe" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/private-monero.png" alt="No surveillance" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Monero est confidentiel</h3>
<p>Monero utilise des signatures de cercle, des transactions de cercle confidentielles et des adresses furtives pour dissimuler les origines, les montants et les destinations de toutes les transactions. Monero fournit tous les avantage d'une cryptomonnaie décentralisée, sans aucune des concessions de Confidentialité usuelles. </p>
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<h3>Monero est intraçable</h3>
<p>Les adresses d'émission et de réception, tout comme les montants sont masqués par défaut. Les transaction de la chaîne de blocs de Monero ne peuvent pas être rattachées à un utilisateur particulier où à une identité du monde réel.</p>
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<img src="/img/untraceable-monero.png" alt="Untraceable Monero paths" class="main-icon">
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<img src="/img/fungible-monero.png" alt="Monero gold" class="main-icon">
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<h3>Monero est fongible</h3>
<p> Monero est <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/fungibility.html">fongible</a> car il est confidentiel par défaut. Des unités de Monero ne peuvent pas être mis sur liste noir par des vendeurs ou des bourses en raison de leur association à de précédentes transactions.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Downloads</h2></div>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#windows" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-windows"></span>Monero pour Windows</a></p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#mac" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-apple"></span>Monero pour Mac</a></p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#linux" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-linux"></span>Monero pour Linux</a></p>
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<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads#source" class="btn-link btn-fixed"><span class="icon-blockchain"></span>Dernière chaîne de blocs</a></p>
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<div class="col-xs-12"><p class="main-downloads">Need it for a different operating system? <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/downloads/">Voir tous les téléchargements disponibles ici.</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Souhaitez-vous rechercher les significations des termes et concepts utilisés dans Monero ? Vous trouverez ici un guide alphabétique des termes et leurs significations des projets Monero et Kovri.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/moneropedia/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Lire Moneropedia</a></p>
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<h2>User Guides</h2>
<p class="main-resources">Les guides pas à pas de tous les aspects de Monero sont séparés par catégories et couvrent tout, de la création d'un portefeuille au soutient du réseau, et même comment modifier ce site.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Lire les guides utilisateur</a></p>
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<p class="main-resources">Nous avons répondu à beaucoup de questions au fil du temps, compilées dans une FAQ complète et variée. S'il vous manque une réponse, pas d'inquiétude vous pouvez toujours demander à la communauté.</p>
<p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}/get-started/faq/" class="btn-link btn-auto">Lire les réponses</a></p>
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<p>Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les symboles et logos Monero. Vous pouvez choisir la taille qui vous convient, ou télécharger le fichier au format .ai pour jouer avec le logo vous-même. <strong>Notez que seul l'option fond blanc dispose d'un fond blanc derrière le symbole Monero UNIQUEMENT, et non derrière l'image entière.</strong> Enfin, vous pouvez télécharger tous les éléments de cette page dans un seul fichier zip en cliquant <a href="/press-kit/monero-press-kit.zip">ici</a>.</p>
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<h2>Symbole Monero</h2>
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<img src="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-480.png" alt="Monero Symbol" class="symbol-logo">
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<p>Sans fond (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-480.png">Small</a>
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<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Fond blanc (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
<a href="/press-kit/symbols/monero-symbol.ai" class="adi">Symbole au format .ai</a>
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<h2>Logo Monero</h2>
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<img src="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png" alt="Monero Logo" class="monero-symbol-logo">
<div class="row center-xs press">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Sans fond (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p>Fond blanc (PNG)</p>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-480.png">Small</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-800.png">Medium</a>
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo-symbol-on-white-1280.png">Large</a>
<div class="row center-xs press">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<a href="/press-kit/logos/monero-logo.ai" class="adi">Logo au format .ai</a>
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<h2>Un rapide historique</h2>
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Monero a été lancé en Avril 2014. Il s'agissait d'un lancement équitable et pré-annoncé du code de référence CryptoNote. Il n'y avait eu aucun pré-extraction minière ou extraction minière instantanée, et aucune partie de la récompense de bloc n'est reversé au développement. Vous trouverez la discussion d'origine de BitcoinTalk [ici](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=563821.0). Le fondateur, thankful_for_today, avait proposé quelques changements controversés avec lesquels la communauté n'était pas d'accord. Des retombées s'en suivirent, et l'équipe principale de Monero créa une variante du projet qui fut suivit par la communauté.
Monero a progressé de manière importante depuis son lancement. La chaîne de blocs a été migrée vers une structure de base de donnée différente pour offrir plus d'efficacité et de flexibilité, la taille minimale des signatures de cercle a été définie afin que toutes les transactions soient obligatoirement privées, et RingCT a été implémenté pour masquer les montants des transactions. La quasi-totalité des ces améliorations ont bénéficiées à la sécurité et à la confidentialité, ou bien en ont facilité l'usage. Monero continue son développement avec comme premier objectif la sécurité et la confidentialité, et comme second objectif l'accessibilité et l'efficacité.
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<h2>Nos Valeurs</h2>
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Monero est plus qu'une simple technologie. C'est aussi ce que la technologie représente. Ci-dessous certaines de ses philosophies directrices.
### Sécurité
Les utilisateurs doivent pouvoir faire confiance à Monero avec leurs transactions, sans risque d'erreur ou d'attaque. Monero donne la totalité de la récompense du bloc aux mineurs, qui sont les membres les plus critiques du réseau et qui fournissent cette sécurité. Les transactions sont sécurisées cryptographiquement en utilisant les outils de chiffrement les plus récents et les plus résistants disponibles.
### Confidentialité
Monero prend la confidentialité très au sérieux. Monero doit pouvoir protéger ses utilisateur devant une cours de justice, ou dans les cas les plus extrêmes, de la peine de mort. Ce niveau de confidentialité doit être accessible à tous les utilisateurs, qu'ils disposent ou non de compétences techniques ou aient ou non la moindre idée du fonctionnement interne de Monero. Un utilisateur doit pouvoir être en total confiance avec Monero de sorte qu'il ne puisse se sentir contraint à modifier ses habitudes de paiement de peur que d'autres ne s'en rendent compte.
### Décentralisation
Monero s'engage à fournir le maximum de décentralisation possible. Avec Monero, vous n'avez besoin de faire confiance quelqu'un d'autre sur le réseau, et il n'est géré par aucun grand groupe. Un algorithme de « Preuve de Travail » (Proof of Work) accessible facilite l'extraction minière de Monero sur des ordinateurs normaux, ce qui rend plus difficile l'achat d'une grande quantité de puissance minière. Les nœuds se connectent les uns aux autres grâce à I2P pour réduire les risques de révéler des informations sensibles sur les transactions et la censure (disponible bientôt). Les décisions de développement sont extrêmement claires et ouvertes à la discussion publique. Les compte-rendus des réunions des développeurs sont intégralement publiés en ligne et disponibles publiquement.
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<p class="text-center">Attention, les guides ci-dessous sont actuellement obsolètes, mais sont considérés comme de bons points de départ pour la plupart des appels de procédures distantes.</p>
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<h2>Documentation RPC</h2>
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[Documentation RPC du Démon](daemon-rpc.html)
[Documentation RPC du Portefeuille](wallet-rpc.html)
A suivre...
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## Introduction
This is a list of the monerod daemon RPC calls, their inputs and outputs, and examples of each.
Many RPC calls use the daemon's JSON RPC interface while others use their own interfaces, as demonstrated below.
Note: "atomic units" refer to the smallest fraction of 1 XMR according to the monerod implementation. **1 XMR = 1e12 atomic units.**
### [JSON RPC Methods](#json-rpc-methods):
* [getblockcount](#getblockcount)
* [on_getblockhash](#on_getblockhash)
* [getblocktemplate](#getblocktemplate)
* [submitblock](#submitblock)
* [getlastblockheader](#getlastblockheader)
* [getblockheaderbyhash](#getblockheaderbyhash)
* [getblockheaderbyheight](#getblockheaderbyheight)
* [getblock](#getblock)
* [get_connections](#get_connections)
* [get_info](#get_info)
* [hard_fork_info](#hard_fork_info)
* [setbans](#setbans)
* [getbans](#getbans)
### [Other RPC Methods](#other-daemon-rpc-calls):
* [/getheight](#getheight)
* [/gettransactions](#gettransactions)
* [/is_key_image_spent](#is_key_image_spent)
* [/sendrawtransaction](#sendrawtransaction)
* [/get_transaction_pool](#get_transaction_pool)
* [/stop_daemon](#stop_daemon)
## JSON RPC Methods
The majority of monerod RPC calls use the daemon's `json_rpc` interface to request various bits of information. These methods all follow a similar structure, for example:
curl \
-X POST http://$IP:$PORT/json_rpc \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"'$METHOD'","params":'$PARAMS'}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Some methods include parameters, while others do not. Examples of each JSON RPC method follow.
### **getblockcount**
Look up how many blocks are in the longest chain known to the node.
Inputs: *None*.
* *count* - unsigned int; Number of blocks in longest chain seen by the node.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblockcount"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"count": 993163,
"status": "OK"
### **on_getblockhash**
Look up a block's hash by its height.
* block height (int array of length 1)
* block hash (string)
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"on_getblockhash","params":[912345]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "e22cf75f39ae720e8b71b3d120a5ac03f0db50bba6379e2850975b4859190bc6"
### **getblocktemplate**
* *wallet_address* - string; Address of wallet to receive coinbase transactions if block is successfully mined.
* *reserve_size* - unsigned int; Reserve size.
* *blocktemplate_blob* - string; Blob on which to try to mine a new block.
* *difficulty* - unsigned int; Difficulty of next block.
* *height* - unsigned int; Height on which to mine.
* *prev_hash* - string; Hash of the most recent block on which to mine the next block.
* *reserved_offset* - unsigned int; Reserved offset.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblocktemplate","params":{"wallet_address":"44GBHzv6ZyQdJkjqZje6KLZ3xSyN1hBSFAnLP6EAqJtCRVzMzZmeXTC2AHKDS9aEDTRKmo6a6o9r9j86pYfhCWDkKjbtcns","reserve_size":60}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"blocktemplate_blob": "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",
"difficulty": 982540729,
"height": 993231,
"prev_hash": "68b84a11dc9406ace9e635918ca03b008f7728b9726b327c1b482a98d81ed830",
"reserved_offset": 246,
"status": "OK"
### **submitblock**
Submit a mined block to the network.
* Block blob data - string
* *status* - string; Block submit status.
### **getlastblockheader**
Block header information for the most recent block is easily retrieved with this method. No inputs are needed.
Inputs: *None*.
* *block_header* - A structure containing block header information.
* *depth* - unsigned int; The number of blocks succeeding this block on the blockchain. A larger number means an older block.
* *difficulty* - unsigned int; The strength of the Monero network based on mining power.
* *hash* - string; The hash of this block.
* *height* - unsigned int; The number of blocks preceding this block on the blockchain.
* *major_version* - unsigned int; The major version of the monero protocol at this block height.
* *minor_version* - unsigned int; The minor version of the monero protocol at this block height.
* *nonce* - unsigned int; a cryptographic random one-time number used in mining a Monero block.
* *orphan_status* - boolean; Usually `false`. If `true`, this block is not part of the longest chain.
* *prev_hash* - string; The hash of the block immediately preceding this block in the chain.
* *reward* - unsigned int; The amount of new atomic units generated in this block and rewarded to the miner. Note: 1 XMR = 1e12 atomic units.
* *timestamp* - unsigned int; The time the block was recorded into the blockchain.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
In this example, the most recent block (990793 at the time) is returned:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getlastblockheader"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"block_header": {
"depth": 0,
"difficulty": 746963928,
"hash": "ac0f1e226268d45c99a16202fdcb730d8f7b36ea5e5b4a565b1ba1a8fc252eb0",
"height": 990793,
"major_version": 1,
"minor_version": 1,
"nonce": 1550,
"orphan_status": false,
"prev_hash": "386575e3b0b004ed8d458dbd31bff0fe37b280339937f971e06df33f8589b75c",
"reward": 6856609225169,
"timestamp": 1457589942
"status": "OK"
### **getblockheaderbyhash**
Block header information can be retrieved using either a block's hash or height. This method includes a block's hash as an input parameter to retrieve basic information about the block.
* *hash* - string; The block's sha256 hash.
* *block_header* - A structure containing block header information. See [getlastblockheader](#getlastblockheader).
In this example, block 912345 is looked up by its hash:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblockheaderbyhash","params":{"hash":"e22cf75f39ae720e8b71b3d120a5ac03f0db50bba6379e2850975b4859190bc6"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"block_header": {
"depth": 78376,
"difficulty": 815625611,
"hash": "e22cf75f39ae720e8b71b3d120a5ac03f0db50bba6379e2850975b4859190bc6",
"height": 912345,
"major_version": 1,
"minor_version": 2,
"nonce": 1646,
"orphan_status": false,
"prev_hash": "b61c58b2e0be53fad5ef9d9731a55e8a81d972b8d90ed07c04fd37ca6403ff78",
"reward": 7388968946286,
"timestamp": 1452793716
"status": "OK"
### **getblockheaderbyheight**
Similar to `getblockheaderbyhash` above, this method includes a block's height as an input parameter to retrieve basic information about the block.
* *height* - unsigned int; The block's height.
* *block_header* - A structure containing block header information. See [getlastblockheader](#getlastblockheader).
In this example, block 912345 is looked up by its height (notice that the returned information is the save as in the previous example):
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblockheaderbyheight","params":{"height":912345}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"block_header": {
"depth": 78376,
"difficulty": 815625611,
"hash": "e22cf75f39ae720e8b71b3d120a5ac03f0db50bba6379e2850975b4859190bc6",
"height": 912345,
"major_version": 1,
"minor_version": 2,
"nonce": 1646,
"orphan_status": false,
"prev_hash": "b61c58b2e0be53fad5ef9d9731a55e8a81d972b8d90ed07c04fd37ca6403ff78",
"reward": 7388968946286,
"timestamp": 1452793716
"status": "OK"
### **getblock**
Full block information can be retrieved by either block height or hash, like with the above block header calls. For full block information, both lookups use the same method, but with different input parameters.
Inputs (pick one of the following):
* *height* - unsigned int; The block's height.
* *hash* - string; The block's hash.
* *blob* - string; Hexadecimal blob of block information.
* *block_header* - A structure containing block header information. See [getlastblockheader](#getlastblockheader).
* *json* - json string; JSON formatted block details:
* *major_version* - Same as in block header.
* *minor_version* - Same as in block header.
* *timestamp* - Same as in block header.
* *prev_id* - Same as `prev_hash` in block header.
* *nonce* - Same as in block header.
* *miner_tx* - Miner transaction information
* *version* - Transaction version number.
* *unlock_time* - The block height when the coinbase transaction becomes spendable.
* *vin* - List of transaction inputs:
* *gen* - Miner txs are coinbase txs, or "gen".
* *height* - This block height, a.k.a. when the coinbase is generated.
* *vout* - List of transaction outputs. Each output contains:
* *amount* - The amount of the output, in atomic units.
* *target* -
* *key* -
* *extra* - Usually called the "transaction ID" but can be used to include any random 32 byte/64 character hex string.
* *signatures* - Contain signatures of tx signers. Coinbased txs do not have signatures.
* *tx_hashes* - List of hashes of non-coinbase transactions in the block. If there are no other transactions, this will be an empty list.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
**Look up by height:**
In the following example, block 912345 is looked up by its height. Note that block 912345 does not have any non-coinbase transactions. (See the next example for a block with extra transactions):
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblock","params":{"height":912345}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"blob": "...",
"block_header": {
"depth": 80694,
"difficulty": 815625611,
"hash": "e22cf75f39ae720e8b71b3d120a5ac03f0db50bba6379e2850975b4859190bc6",
"height": 912345,
"major_version": 1,
"minor_version": 2,
"nonce": 1646,
"orphan_status": false,
"prev_hash": "b61c58b2e0be53fad5ef9d9731a55e8a81d972b8d90ed07c04fd37ca6403ff78",
"reward": 7388968946286,
"timestamp": 1452793716
"json": "{\n \"major_version\": 1, \n \"minor_version\": 2, \n \"timestamp\": 1452793716, \n \"prev_id\": \"b61c58b2e0be53fad5ef9d9731a55e8a81d972b8d90ed07c04fd37ca6403ff78\", \n \"nonce\": 1646, \n \"miner_tx\": {\n \"version\": 1, \n \"unlock_time\": 912405, \n \"vin\": [ {\n \"gen\": {\n \"height\": 912345\n }\n }\n ], \n \"vout\": [ {\n \"amount\": 8968946286, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"378b043c1724c92c69d923d266fe86477d3a5ddd21145062e148c64c57677008\"\n }\n }, {\n \"amount\": 80000000000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"73733cbd6e6218bda671596462a4b062f95cfe5e1dbb5b990dacb30e827d02f2\"\n }\n }, {\n \"amount\": 300000000000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"47a5dab669770da69a860acde21616a119818e1a489bb3c4b1b6b3c50547bc0c\"\n }\n }, {\n \"amount\": 7000000000000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"1f7e4762b8b755e3e3c72b8610cc87b9bc25d1f0a87c0c816ebb952e4f8aff3d\"\n }\n }\n ], \n \"extra\": [ 1, 253, 10, 119, 137, 87, 244, 243, 16, 58, 131, 138, 253, 164, 136, 195, 205, 173, 242, 105, 123, 61, 52, 173, 113, 35, 66, 130, 178, 250, 217, 16, 14, 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 11, 223, 194, 193, 108\n ], \n \"signatures\": [ ]\n }, \n \"tx_hashes\": [ ]\n}",
"status": "OK"
**Look up by hash:**
In the following example, block 993056 is looked up by its hash. Note that block 993056 has 3 non-coinbase transactions:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblock","params":{"hash":"510ee3c4e14330a7b96e883c323a60ebd1b5556ac1262d0bc03c24a3b785516f"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"blob": "...",
"block_header": {
"depth": 12,
"difficulty": 964985344,
"hash": "510ee3c4e14330a7b96e883c323a60ebd1b5556ac1262d0bc03c24a3b785516f",
"height": 993056,
"major_version": 1,
"minor_version": 2,
"nonce": 2036,
"orphan_status": false,
"prev_hash": "0ea4af6547c05c965afc8df6d31509ff3105dc7ae6b10172521d77e09711fd6d",
"reward": 6932043647005,
"timestamp": 1457720227
"json": "{\n \"major_version\": 1, \n \"minor_version\": 2, \n \"timestamp\": 1457720227, \n \"prev_id\": \"0ea4af6547c05c965afc8df6d31509ff3105dc7ae6b10172521d77e09711fd6d\", \n \"nonce\": 2036, \n \"miner_tx\": {\n \"version\": 1, \n \"unlock_time\": 993116, \n \"vin\": [ {\n \"gen\": {\n \"height\": 993056\n }\n }\n ], \n \"vout\": [ {\n \"amount\": 2043647005, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"59e9d685b3484886bc7b47c133e6099ecdf212d5eaa16ce19cd58e8c3c1e590a\"\n }\n }, {\n \"amount\": 30000000000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"4c5e2f542d25513c46b9e3b7d40140a22d0ae5314bfcae492ad9f56fff8185f0\"\n }\n }, {\n \"amount\": 900000000000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"13dd8ffdac9e6a2f71e327dad65328198dc879a492d145eae72677c0703a3515\"\n }\n }, {\n \"amount\": 6000000000000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"62bda00341681dccbc066757862da593734395745bdfe1fdc89b5948c86a5d4c\"\n }\n }\n ], \n \"extra\": [ 1, 182, 145, 133, 28, 240, 87, 185, 195, 2, 163, 219, 202, 135, 158, 28, 186, 76, 196, 80, 97, 202, 85, 170, 166, 224, 60, 220, 103, 171, 158, 69, 80, 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 12, 97, 127, 223, 22\n ], \n \"signatures\": [ ]\n }, \n \"tx_hashes\": [ \"79c6b9f00db027bde151705aafe85c495883aae2597d5cb8e1adb2e0f3ae1d07\", \"d715db73331abc3ec588ef07c7bb195786a4724b08dff431b51ffa32a4ce899b\", \"b197066426c0ed89f0b431fe171f7fd62bc95dd29943daa7cf3585cf1fdfc99d\"\n ]\n}",
"status": "OK",
"tx_hashes": ["79c6b9f00db027bde151705aafe85c495883aae2597d5cb8e1adb2e0f3ae1d07","d715db73331abc3ec588ef07c7bb195786a4724b08dff431b51ffa32a4ce899b","b197066426c0ed89f0b431fe171f7fd62bc95dd29943daa7cf3585cf1fdfc99d"]
### **get_connections**
Retrieve information about incoming and outgoing connections to your node.
Inputs: *None*.
* *connections* - List of all connections and their info:
* *avg_download* - unsigned int; Average bytes of data downloaded by node.
* *avg_upload* - unsigned int; Average bytes of data uploaded by node.
* *current_download* - unsigned int; Current bytes downloaded by node.
* *current_upload* - unsigned int; Current bytes uploaded by node.
* *incoming* - boolean; Is the node getting information from your node?
* *ip* - string; The node's IP address.
* *live_time* - unsigned int
* *local_ip* - boolean
* *localhost* - boolean
* *peer_id* - string; The node's ID on the network.
* *port* - string; The port that the node is using to connect to the network.
* *recv_count* - unsigned int
* *recv_idle_time* - unsigned int
* *send_count* - unsigned int
* *send_idle_time* - unsigned int
* *state* - string
Following is an example of `get_connections` and it's return:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_connections"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"connections": [{
"avg_download": 0,
"avg_upload": 0,
"current_download": 0,
"current_upload": 0,
"incoming": false,
"ip": "",
"live_time": 1865,
"local_ip": false,
"localhost": false,
"peer_id": "3bfe29d6b1aa7c4c",
"port": "18080",
"recv_count": 116396,
"recv_idle_time": 23,
"send_count": 176893,
"send_idle_time": 1457726610,
"state": "state_normal"
"status": "OK"
### **get_info**
Retrieve general information about the state of your node and the network.
Inputs: *None*.
* *alt_blocks_count* - unsigned int; Number of alternative blocks to main chain.
* *difficulty* - unsigned int; Network difficulty (analogous to the strength of the network)
* *grey_peerlist_size* - unsigned int; Grey Peerlist Size
* *height* - unsigned int; Current length of longest chain known to daemon.
* *incoming_connections_count* - unsigned int; Number of peers connected to and pulling from your node.
* *outgoing_connections_count* - unsigned int; Number of peers that you are connected to and getting information from.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
* *target* - unsigned int; Current target for next proof of work.
* *target_height* - unsigned int; The height of the next block in the chain.
* *testnet* - boolean; States if the node is on the testnet (true) or mainnet (false).
* *top_block_hash* - string; Hash of the highest block in the chain.
* *tx_count* - unsigned int; Total number of non-coinbase transaction in the chain.
* *tx_pool_size* - unsigned int; Number of transactions that have been broadcast but not included in a block.
* *white_peerlist_size* - unsigned int; White Peerlist Size
Following is an example `get_info` call and its return:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"alt_blocks_count": 5,
"difficulty": 972165250,
"grey_peerlist_size": 2280,
"height": 993145,
"incoming_connections_count": 0,
"outgoing_connections_count": 8,
"status": "OK",
"target": 60,
"target_height": 993137,
"testnet": false,
"top_block_hash": "",
"tx_count": 564287,
"tx_pool_size": 45,
"white_peerlist_size": 529
### **hard_fork_info**
Look up information regarding hard fork voting and readiness.
Inputs: *None*.
* *earliest_height* - unsigned int; Block height at which hard fork would be enabled if voted in.
* *enabled* - boolean; Tells if hard fork is enforced.
* *state* - unsigned int; Current hard fork state: 0 (There is likely a hard fork), 1 (An update is needed to fork properly), or 2 (Everything looks good).
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
* *threshold* - unsigned int; Minimum percent of votes to trigger hard fork. Default is 80.
* *version* - unsigned int; The major block version for the fork.
* *votes* - unsigned int; Number of votes towards hard fork.
* *voting* - unsigned int; Hard fork voting status.
* *window* - unsigned int; Number of blocks over which current votes are cast. Default is 10080 blocks.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"hard_fork_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"earliest_height": 1009827,
"enabled": false,
"state": 2,
"status": "OK",
"threshold": 0,
"version": 1,
"votes": 7277,
"voting": 2,
"window": 10080
### **setbans**
Ban another node by IP.
* *bans* - A list of nodes to ban:
* *ip* - unsigned int; IP address to ban, in Int format.
* *ban* - boolean; Set `true` to ban.
* *seconds* - unsigned int; Number of seconds to ban node.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"setbans","params":{"bans":[{"ip":838969536,"ban":true,"seconds":30}]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"status": "OK"
### **getbans**
Inputs: *None*.
* *bans* - List of banned nodes:
* *ip* - unsigned int; Banned IP address, in Int format.
* *seconds* - unsigned int; Local Unix time that IP is banned until.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getbans"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"bans": [{
"ip": 838969536,
"seconds": 1457748792
"status": "OK"
## Other Daemon RPC Calls
Not all daemon RPC calls use the JSON_RPC interface. This section gives examples of these calls.
The data structure for these calls is different than the JSON RPC calls. Whereas the JSON RPC methods were called using the `/json_rpc` extension and specifying a method, these methods are called at their own extensions. For example:
curl \
-X POST http://$IP:$PORT/$METHOD \
-d $PARAMS \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Note: It is recommended to use JSON RPC where such alternatives exist, rather than the following methods. For example, the recommended way to get a node's height is via the JSON RPC methods [get_info](#getinfo) or [getlastblockheader](#getlastblockheader), rather than [getheight](#getheight) below.
### **/getheight**
Get the node's current height.
Inputs: *None*.
* *height* - unsigned int; Current length of longest chain known to daemon.
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"height": 993488,
"status": "OK"
### **/gettransactions**
Look up one or more transactions by hash.
* *txs_hashes* - string list; List of transaction hashes to look up.
* *decode_as_json* - boolean; Optional. If set `true`, the returned transaction information will be decoded rather than binary.
* *status* - General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
* *txs_as_hex* - string; Full transaction information as a hex string.
* *txs_as_json* - json string; (Optional - returned if set in inputs.) List of transaction info:
* *version* - Transaction version
* *unlock_time* - If not 0, this tells when a transaction output is spendable.
* *vin* - List of inputs into transaction:
* *key* - The public key of the previous output spent in this transaction.
* *amount* - The amount of the input, in atomic units.
* *key_offsets* - A list of integer offets to the input.
* *k_image* - The key image for the given input
* *vout* - List of outputs from transaction:
* *amount* - Amount of transaction output, in atomic units.
* *target* - Output destination information:
* *key* - The stealth public key of the receiver. Whoever owns the private key associated with this key controls this transaction output.
* *extra* - Usually called the "payment ID" but can be used to include any random 32 bytes.
* *signatures* - List of ignatures used in ring signature to hide the true origin of the transaction.
Example 1: Return transaction information in binary format.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"txs_hashes":["d6e48158472848e6687173a91ae6eebfa3e1d778e65252ee99d7515d63090408"]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"status": "OK",
"txs_as_hex": ["..."]
Example 2: Decode returned transaction information in JSON format. Note: the "vout" list has been truncated in the displayed return for space considerations.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"txs_hashes":["d6e48158472848e6687173a91ae6eebfa3e1d778e65252ee99d7515d63090408"],"decode_as_json":true}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"status": "OK",
"txs_as_hex": ["..."],
"txs_as_json": ["{\n \"version\": 1, \n \"unlock_time\": 0, \n \"vin\": [ {\n \"key\": {\n \"amount\": 70000000, \n \"key_offsets\": [ 35952\n ], \n \"k_image\": \"d16908468dff9438a9814fe96bdaa575f06fe8da85772b72e54926428712293d\"\n }\n }, {\n \"key\": {\n \"amount\": 400000000000000, \n \"key_offsets\": [ 6830\n ], \n \"k_image\": \"c7a7024b763df1181ae6fe821b70669735e38a68162ac02362e33acbe829b605\"\n }\n }\n ], \n \"vout\": [ {\n \"amount\": 50000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"f6be43f7be4f06adcb1d06f4a07c637c7359e009cf3e57bb32b8c9ea636509c3\"\n }\n }, {\n \"amount\": 200000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"b0a7a8e32f2b5302552bcd8d85112c62838b1f56cccd844eb9b63e0a732d0353\"\n }\n }, ... \n ], \n \"extra\": [ 1, 225, 240, 98, 34, 169, 73, 47, 237, 117, 192, 30, 192, 60, 155, 47, 4, 115, 20, 21, 11, 13, 252, 219, 129, 13, 174, 37, 36, 78, 191, 141, 109\n ], \n \"signatures\": [ \"e6a3be8003d481d2855c8127f56871de3d28a4fb52385b999eb986c831c5cc08361c126b0db24a21b6c4299b438ee2be201d44d57a371230b9cd04395ab8c400\", \"8309851abaf2cf2a7091e0cdb9c83704fa7d68838a7a8ef8c178bb55a1e93a038dd18bb4a7549dc056b7a70e037cabd80911a03f427e36f712756d4c00f38f0b\"]\n}"]
### **/is_key_image_spent**
Check if outputs have been spent using the key image associated with the output.
* *key_images* - string list; List of key image hex strings to check.
* *spent_status* - unsigned int list; List of statuses for each image checked. Statuses are follows: 0 = unspent, 1 = spent in blockchain, 2 = spent in transaction pool
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"key_images":["8d1bd8181bf7d857bdb281e0153d84cd55a3fcaa57c3e570f4a49f935850b5e3","7319134bfc50668251f5b899c66b005805ee255c136f0e1cecbb0f3a912e09d4"]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"spent_status": [1,2],
"status": "OK"
### **/sendrawtransaction**
Broadcast a raw transaction to the network.
* *tx_as_hex* - string; Full transaction information as hexidecimal string.
* *do_not_relay* - boolean; Stop relaying transaction to other nodes (default is `false` now; in versions 0.11.1 it was `true`).
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good. Any other value means that something went wrong.
* *double_spend* - boolean; Transaction is a double spend (`true`) or not (`false`).
* *fee_too_low* - boolean; Fee is too low (`true`) or OK (`false`).
* *invalid_input* - boolean; Input is invalid (`true`) or valid (`false`).
* *invalid_output* - boolean; Output is invalid (`true`) or valid (`false`).
* *low_mixin* - boolean; Mixin count is too low (`true`) or OK (`false`).
* *not_rct* - boolean; Transaction is not a ring transaction (`true`) or a ring transaction (`false`).
* *not_relayed* - boolean; Transaction was not relayed (`true`) or relayed (`false`).
* *overspend* - boolean; Transaction uses more money than available (`true`) or not (`false`).
* *reason* - string; Additional information. Currently empty or "Not relayed" if transaction was accepted but not relayed.
* *too_big* - boolean; Transaction size is too big (`true`) or OK (`false`).
Example (No return information included here.):
$ curl -X POST -d '{"tx_as_hex":"de6a3...", "do_not_relay":false}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
### **/get_transaction_pool**
Show information about valid transactions seen by the node but not yet mined into a block, as well as spent key image information in the node's memory.
Inputs: *None*.
* *spent_key_images* - List of spent output key images:
* *id_hash* - string; Key image ID hash.
* *txs_hashes* - string list; Key image transaction hashes.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
* *transactions* - List of transactions in the mempool that have not been included in a block:
* *blob_size* - unsigned int; The size of the full transaction blob.
* *fee* - unsigned int; The amount of the mining fee included in the transaction, in atomic units.
* *id_hash* - string; The transaction ID hash.
* *kept_by_block* - boolean; We do not accept transactions that timed out before, unless set `true`.
* *last_failed_height* - unsigned int; If the transaction has previously timed out, this tells at what height that occured.
* *last_failed_id_hash* - string; Like the previous, this tells the previous transaction ID hash.
* *max_used_block_height* - unsigned int; Tells the height of the most recent block with an output used in this transaction.
* *max_used_block_hash* - string; Tells the hash of the most recent block with an output used in this transaction.
* *receive_time* - unsigned int; The Unix time that the transaction was first seen on the network by the node.
* *tx_json* - json string; JSON structure of all information in the transaction:
* *version* - Transaction version
* *unlock_time* - If not 0, this tells when a transaction output is spendable.
* *vin* - List of inputs into transaction:
* *key* - The public key of the previous output spent in this transaction.
* *amount* - The amount of the input, in atomic units.
* *key_offsets* - A list of integer offets to the input.
* *k_image* - The key image for the given input
* *vout* - List of outputs from transaction:
* *amount* - Amount of transaction output, in atomic units.
* *target* - Output destination information:
* *key* - The stealth public key of the receiver. Whoever owns the private key associated with this key controls this transaction output.
* *extra* - Usually called the "transaction ID" but can be used to include any random 32 bytes.
* *signatures* - List of ignatures used in ring signature to hide the true origin of the transaction.
Example (Note: Some lists in the returned information have been truncated for display reasons):
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"spent_key_images": [{
"id_hash": "1edb9ecc39602040282d326070ad22cb473c952c0d6280c9c4c3b853fb34f3bc",
"txs_hashes": ["409911b2be02e3f0e930b326c67ab9e74675885ce23d71bb3bd28b62bc3e7803"]
"id_hash": "4adb4bb63b3397027340ca4e6c45f4ce2147dfb3a4e0fafdec18834ae594a05e",
"txs_hashes": ["946f1f4c52e3426a41959c93b60078f314813bc4bdebcf69b8ee11d593b2bd14"]
"status": "OK",
"transactions": [{
"blob_size": 25761,
"fee": 290000000000,
"id_hash": "11d4cff23e610fac6a2b89187ad61d429a5e226652693dcac5d83d506eb92b96",
"kept_by_block": false,
"last_failed_height": 0,
"last_failed_id_hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"max_used_block_height": 954508,
"max_used_block_id_hash": "03f96b374778bc059e47b96e2beec2e6d4d9e0ad39afeabdbcd77e1bd5a62f81",
"receive_time": 1457676127,
"tx_json": "{\n \"version\": 1, \n \"unlock_time\": 0, \n \"vin\": [ {\n \"key\": {\n \"amount\": 70000000000, \n \"key_offsets\": [ 63408, 18978, 78357, 16560\n ], \n \"k_image\": \"7319134bfc50668251f5b899c66b005805ee255c136f0e1cecbb0f3a912e09d4\"\n }\n }, ... ], \n \"vout\": [ {\n \"amount\": 80000000000, \n \"target\": {\n \"key\": \"094e6a1b187385533665f89db741149f42d95fdc50bdd2a2384bcd1dc5209c55\"\n }\n }, ... ], \n \"extra\": [ 2, 33, 0, 15, 56, 190, 21, 169, 77, 13, 182, 209, 51, 35, 54, 96, 89, 237, 96, 23, 24, 107, 240, 79, 40, 86, 64, 68, 45, 166, 119, 192, 17, 225, 23, 1, 31, 159, 145, 15, 173, 255, 165, 192, 55, 84, 127, 154, 163, 25, 85, 204, 212, 127, 147, 133, 118, 218, 166, 52, 78, 188, 131, 235, 9, 159, 105, 158\n ], \n \"signatures\": [ \"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\", ... ]\n}"
### **/stop_daemon**
Send a command to the daemon to safely disconnect and shut down.
Inputs: *None*.
* *status* - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good.
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"status": "OK"
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: ""
terms: ["", ""]
summary: ""
### The Basics
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Account"
terms: ["account", "accounts", "wallet", "wallets"]
summary: "similar in function to a bank account, contains all of your sent and received transactions"
### The Basics
Those familiar with Monero's predecessors will be more familiar with the term *wallet* to describe this. In Monero we call this an account, and it is a private account owned and operated by a Monero user.
Your account contains all of the Monero @transactions you have sent and received. Your account balance is a sum of all the Monero you've received, less the Monero you've sent. When using Monero you may notice that your account has two balances, a locked and an unlocked balance. The unlocked balance contains funds that can be spent immediately, and the locked balance contains funds that you can't spend right now. You may receive a transaction that has an @unlock-time set, or you may have sent some Monero and are waiting for the @change to come back to your wallet, both situations that could lead to those funds being locked for a time.
A key difference between traditional electronic currency and Monero is that your account resides only under your control, normally on your computer, and cannot be accessed by anyone else if you [practice good security](#practicing-good-security).
### Multiple Accounts
There are no costs attached to creating a Monero account, and there are no fees charged except for individual @transaction fees that go to @miners.
This means that individuals can easily create a Monero account for themselves as well as a joint account to share with their partner, and individual accounts for their children. Similarly, a business could create separate accounts for each division or group. Since Monero's @transaction fees are quite low, moving funds between accounts is not an expensive exercise.
### Cryptographic Keys
Monero relies heavily on a cryptography principle known as *public/private key cryptography* or *asymmetric cryptography*, which is thoroughly detailed in [this Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography).
Your account is based on two keys, a @spend-key and a @view-key. The @spend-key is special in that it is the single key required to spend your Monero funds, whereas the @view-key allows you to reveal your @transactions to a third party, for example for auditing or accounting purposes. These keys in your account also play an important role in Monero's @transaction-privacy.
The private keys for both of these must be protected by you in order to retain your account privacy. On the other hand, the public keys are obviously public (they are part of your Monero account address). For normal public/private key cryptography someone could send you a private message by encrypting it with either of your public keys, and you would then be the only one able to decrypt it with your private keys.
### Backing Up Your Account
When you manage your own Monero Account with the private @spend-key, you are solely responsible for the security of your funds. Thankfully, Monero makes it very easy to backup your account. When creating a Monero account for the first time you will be given a unique @mnemonic-seed for your account that consists of 13 or 25 words in the language of your choosing. **This seed is the only thing you need to backup for your account**, and so it is imperative that it is written down and stored securely. Never store this seed in a form or location that would allow someone else to see it!
List of available languages for your wallet's seed:
0 : Deutsch
1 : English
2 : Español
3 : Français
4 : Italiano
5 : Nederlands
6 : Português
7 : русский язык
8 : 日本語
9 : 简体中文 (中国)
10 : Esperanto
Enter the number corresponding to the language of your choice: 1
Generated new wallet: 4B15ZjveuttEaTmfZjLVioPVw7bfSmRLpSgB33CJbuC6BoGtZrug9TDAmhZEWD6XoFDGz55bgzisT9Dnv61sbsA6Sa47TYu
view key: 4130fa26463d9451781771a8baa5d0b8085c47c4500cefe4746bab48f1d15903
Your wallet has been generated.
To start synchronizing with the daemon, use "refresh" command.
Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
Always use "exit" command when closing monero-wallet-cli to save your
current session's state. Otherwise, you might need to synchronize
your wallet again (your wallet keys are NOT at risk in any case).
PLEASE NOTE: the following 25 words can be used to recover access to your wallet. Please write them down and store them somewhere safe and secure. Please do not store them in your email or on file storage services outside of your immediate control.
aunt knuckle italics moisture hawk thorn iris abort
chlorine smog uphill glass aptitude nowhere sewage plywood
dual relic fierce divers anvil nodes bubble cabin abort
Starting refresh...
Refresh done, blocks received: 21939
Balance: 0.000000000000, unlocked balance: 0.000000000000
Background refresh thread started
[wallet 4B15Zj]: █
As the example above indicates, it is incredibly important to store these words in safe locations. If you are concerned about the risk of critical loss at your home, for instance, you may want to store a second copy of your seed with your attorney or in a safety deposit box. It is also recommended that it is stored in a way that does not make it obvious that it is your seed, so writing it into a letter or as part of other notes is advisable.
### Practicing Good Security
Over and above backing up your @mnemonic-seed so that you have access to your account in the event of critical data loss, it is also important to practice good security. Use a secure password when creating a local Monero account (not used on [MyMonero](https://mymonero.com) or other web-based account systems).
Don't ever give your Monero account password to anyone, as this can be used to access the Monero on your computer without knowing your @mnemonic-seed. Similarly, make sure you have running and up-to-date antivirus, especially on Windows computers. Finally, be careful when clicking links in emails or on unknown and untrusted websites, as malware installed on your computer can sit and wait for you to access your Monero account before taking the funds from it.
### Leaving Your Account to Next of Kin
Providing access to your Monero account to your next of kin is just as easy as it is to backup your Monero account. Simply leave your @mnemonic-seed to them in your will, or store it somewhere safe where it will be given to them upon the execution of your will. A key advantage to this is that your next of kin won't have to wait for months for a third party to release the funds to them.
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Address Book"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Address-Book"]
summary: "Allows you to visit I2P websites/services that have the .i2p domain"
### The Basics
In order to browse @I2P sites or services with @Kovri, you'll need an address book. An address book will allow you to translate @I2P websites/services that use the `.i2p` [top-level domain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_level_domain) into an address that @I2P network will understand.
Without an address book, you would be stuck using a @base32-address every time you visit an @I2P website/service - and that's not fun!
### In-depth information
Since [DNS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS) does not exist on the @I2P network, @Kovri also does **not** use DNS or any sort of @canonically-unique-host resolution. Instead, Kovri pairs a @locally-unique-host to a @base64-address @destination in a @subscription. Once your address book is filled with a @subscription, you can resolve your favorite `.i2p` domain site into a usable @I2P destination.
### Creating an Address Book
By default, your installation will come with a default public @subscription called `hosts.txt` in your @data-directory. When @Kovri starts, it loads this subscription and fetches any other subscriptions you've specified. Once loaded, your address book will be appropriately filled. For details on how to manage subscriptions, see @subscription.
### Updating the Address Book
Currently, there are several ways to update your address book:
1. Use a @jump-service to insert I2P addresses into your address book
2. Use a @jump-service to copy/paste an address into your private @subscription
3. Manually add or subtract from a private @subscription
**Note: Kovri is in heavy development. In the future there *will* be easier ways to update the address book**
### Address Book / Naming specification
For specification details and more, visit the [Address Book and Naming Specification](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/naming)
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Address"
terms: ["address", "addresses"]
summary: "either an alias, such as donate.getmonero.org, or a set of 95 characters starting with a 4"
### The Basics
When you send Monero to someone you only need one piece of information, and that is their Monero address. A *raw* Monero address is a set of 95 characters starting with a '4'. The Monero donation address, for instance, is <span class="long-term">44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A</span>.
Because those addresses are long and complex you will often encounter an @OpenAlias address instead. For example, Monero donations can be sent to <span class="long-term">donate@getmonero.org</span> or <span class="long-term">donate.getmonero.org</span>.
If you would like to get an @OpenAlias address of your own then there is some information on the [OpenAlias page](/knowledge-base/openalias).
### Integrated address
An integrated address is an address combined with an encrypted 64-bit @payment-ID. A raw integrated address is 106 characters long.
### In-depth Information
The address is actually the concatenation, in Base58 format, of the *public* @spend-key and the *public* @view-key, prefixed with the network byte (the number 18 for Monero) and suffixed with the first four bytes of the Keccac-256 hash of the whole string (used as a checksum).
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Airgap"
terms: ["airgap"]
summary: "An airgap is a security measure to physically separate a computer or device from all other networks, such as the Internet."
### The Basics
"An air gap, air wall or air gapping is a network security measure employed on one or more computers to ensure that a secure computer network is physically isolated from unsecured networks, such as the public Internet or an unsecured local area network.[2] The name arises from the technique of creating a network that is physically separated (with a conceptual air gap) from all other networks. The air gap may not be completely literal, as networks employing the use of dedicated cryptographic devices that can tunnel packets over untrusted networks while avoiding packet rate or size variation can be considered air gapped, as there is no ability for computers on opposite sides of the gap to communicate."
Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_gap_(networking)
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Base32 address"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Base32-address", "Base32-addresses"]
summary: "Base32 encoded hash of a Base64 address"
### The Basics
A Base32 address is a shortened, encoded version of an @I2P address. The Base32 address is the first part in a `.b32.i2p` hostname.
`i35yftyyb22xhcvghmev46t5knefur5v66qzekkajatwfwhyklvq` is the Base32 address.
### In-depth Information
Ultimately, a Base32 address is a 52 character [Base32 encoded representation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base32) of the full SHA-256 hash of an @I2P @base64-address.
### Notes
**Note: `.b32` is not a sub-domain of `.i2p`**
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Base64 address"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Base64-address", "Base64-addresses"]
summary: "Base64 encoded I2P destination"
### The Basics
A @base64-address is a 516-character [Base64 encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64) @I2P @destination. @base64-addresses are primarily used for @address-book, @jump-service, and also internally.
### In-depth Information
See @destination for details behind @base64-address
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Block"
terms: ["block", "blocks"]
summary: "a container of transactions, a sequence of which forms a blockchain"
### The Basics
A block is a container of @transactions, with a new block being added to the @blockchain once every 2 minutes (see constant `DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V2` defined as 120 seconds), on average.
Blocks also contain a special type of transaction, the @coinbase-transaction, which add newly created Monero to the network.
Blocks are created through the process of @mining, and the @node that successfully mines the block then broadcasts it to each of the @nodes connected to it, who subsequently re-broadcast the block until the entire Monero network has received it.
Fake or bad blocks generally cannot be created, as @nodes that receive blocks always verify the @transactions they contain against a set of consensus rules that all nodes adhere to, including validating the cryptographic @signatures on each transaction.
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Blockchain"
terms: ["blockchain", "blockchains"]
summary: "a distributed ledger of all transactions both past and present, without revealing who the funds came from or went to"
### The Basics
A @blockchain is a distributed database that continuously grows with a record of all of the transactions that have occurred with a given cryptocurrency. This database is often referred to as a ledger because the data contains a large list of transactions that have taken place. In Monero, these transactions are packaged together into 'blocks' every 2 minutes (on average) and all miners and nodes on the network have copies of these blocks.
### Monero's @Blockchain
Unlike Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, transactions in the Monero @blockchain do not reveal where funds came from or went to, providing anonymity and making the currency completely @fungible. Additionally, the amounts of all transactions are hidden by @RingCT, a feature of Monero. For auditing or other transparency purposes a user can share a @view-key to prove they control certain amounts of @Moneroj.
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Canonically-unique host"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Canonically-unique-host"]
summary: "A host that is canonically resolved to an address or set of addresses"
### The Basics
A Canonically-unique host is a [FQDN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FQDN) that will canonically resolve to a designated address or set of addresses. Not to be confused with a @locally-unique-host.
### In-depth information
A Canonically-unique host is defined by remote authoritative sources; usually through [DNS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS). When resolving a peer's hostname, you will most likely use an external source for resolution unless you have the following implemented:
- a database file similar to a [hosts file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/etc/hosts)
- an internal-network resolver (which eventually pulls from external sources)
### Notes
- Monero primarily uses @canonically-unique-host resolution while @I2P only uses @locally-unique-host resolution.
- @I2P's and @Kovri's self-assigned top-level domain is currently `.i2p` and @Kovri intends to only process/use the `.i2p` [top-level domain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_level_domain)
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Change"
terms: ["change"]
summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
### The Basics
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### More Information
The @wallet in the the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an @input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The @input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. @Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a @fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Clearnet"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Clearnet"]
summary: "The internet in which anonymous overlay networks are built upon"
### The Basics
When you use the internet for things like news, email, social media, and even Monero, you are most likely using a clearnet connection. This means that *all* of your connections can be tracked, traced, and monitored by:
- your [ISP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISP)
- the website/service/person you're communicating with
- possibly a [Five Eyes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_Eyes) capable entity
and even if you use [HTTPS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS) or similar (which *encrypts* your transmission), your route is not hidden nor is it anonymous, thus; it is in the *clear*.
### In-depth information
Since a traditional [VPN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VPN) cannot save you from clearnet (as you are still using *clearnet* (though you are more proxied than without a VPN)), you should use an *anonymous overlay network* to avoid using clearnet directly:
- @Kovri
- @Java-I2P
- [Tor](https://torproject.org/)
These technologies protect you from clearnet by building an anonymous network **over** clearnet to keep your transmissions both encrypted **and** anonymous.
Here is an accurate, [interactive diagram](https://www.eff.org/pages/tor-and-https) provided by the [EFF](https://www.eff.org/) which describes *clearnet* as it relates to **Tor**. The concept also (somewhat) applies to @Kovri and @I2P in terms of anonymity with the exception that:
- @Kovri does not use exit nodes when connecting to an @eepsite
- Your traffic never need to leave the @I2P network
- You do not need HTTPS to use @Kovri (with the exception of @reseed)
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Coinbase Transaction"
terms: ["coinbase-transaction"]
summary: "a special type of transaction included in each block, which contains a small amount of Monero sent to the miner as a reward for their mining work"
### The Basics
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Consensus"
terms: ["consensus", "consensus-network"]
summary: "consensus describes a property of distributed networks like Monero where most of the participants follow the rules, and thus reject bad participants"
### The Basics
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Cryptocurrency"
terms: ["cryptocurrency", "cryptocurrencies", "altcoin", "altcoins"]
summary: "a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, usually operating independently of a central bank"
### The Basics
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
### More Information
Cryptocurrency is the generic term for a large set of digital assets that use encryption techniques to generate units of currency, verify the transactions, and transfer value. Generally, cryptocurrencies are considered to be decentralized. Cryptocurrency should not be confused with virtual currency which is a type of digital money that is usually controlled by it's creators or developers. (Some examples of virtual currency are gametime in World of Warcraft, ROBUX in Roblox, reward points programs, or Ripple, all of which can be exchanged for currency or cash value, but are not considered cryptocurrency because they are centalized and controlled/issued by a single entity).
Monero is one of many cryptocurrencies currently available. Other examples are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash, etc, but nearly all other cryptocurrencies lack features that make them a true money (most importantly @fungability which is a requirement for it to be a @store-of-value).
Not all cryptocurrencies operate the same, but they usually share the properties of @decentralization, encryption, and the ability to send and receive transactions. Most are irreversible, pseudonymous, global, and permissionless. Most aim to be a @store-of-value or be digital cash that allows you to transact.
Most cryptocurrencies (including Monero) use a distributed ledger (called a @blockchain) to keep track of previous transactions . The blockchain serves to tell other users on the network that transactions have happened. There are many different ways for cryptocurrencies to create their blockchain, and not all are the same. Monero uses @proof-of-work to craft blocks, where other cryptocurrencies may use proof-of-stake or other consolidated methods.
Ultimately, cryptocurrency is an attempt to create @trustless value; that is free from borders, governments, and banks. Whether that be to transact or to be digital gold is up to the users of each.
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Data Directory"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Data-Directory"]
summary: "Where essential kovri data for runtime is stored"
### The Basics
Depending on your OS, @Kovri currently stores all run-time data in the following directory:
- Linux/FreeBSD:
- `$HOME/.kovri`
- OSX:
- `$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Kovri`
- Windows:
- `"$APPDATA"\\Kovri`
This includes all configuration files, @address-book, certificates, and resources.
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Denominations"
terms: ["denominations", "subunits", "tacoshi", "piconero", "nanonero", "micronero", "millinero", "centinero", "decinero","decanero","hectonero","kilonero","meganero","giganero"]
summary: "A denomination is a proper description of a currency amount. It is oftentimes a sub-unit of the currency. For example, traditionally a cent is 1/100th of a a particular unit of currency.)"
### The Basics
A denomination is a proper description of a currency amount, oftentimes a sub-unit of the currency (for example, traditionally a cent is 1/100th of a a unit of currency). Monero denomination names add SI prefixes after dropping the initial "mo" for ease of use. The smallest unit of Monero is 1 piconero (0.000000000001 XMR).
### Denominations of Monero
| Name | Base 10 | Amount |
|-----------:|:--------:| -----------------:|
| piconero | 10^-12 | 0.000000000001 |
| nanonero | 10^-9 | 0.000000001 |
| micronero | 10^-6 | 0.000001 |
| millinero | 10^-3 | 0.001 |
| centinero | 10^-2 | 0.01 |
| decinero | 10^-1 | 0.1 |
| **monero** | **10^0** | **1** |
| decanero | 10^1 | 10 |
| hectonero | 10^2 | 100 |
| kilonero | 10^3 | 1,000 |
| meganero | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
### In-depth Information
Support for input using SI prefixes was [added to the Monero codebase](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/1826) on March 3, 2017 by [Moneromooo](https://github.com/moneromooo-monero). The smallest unit of monero (10^-12 XMR) was originally called a tacoshi in honor of user [Tacotime](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=19270), an early Monero contributor and was later renamed for ease of use and consistancy.
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Destination"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Destination", "Destinations"]
summary: "A in-net address that serves as a final endpoint (either local or remote)"
### The Basics
A @destination is the @I2P @in-net address of the final endpoint you are trying to connect to (example: an @I2P website, service, or Monero node). This can also include a *local destination* of which *other* peers need to connect to in order to make contact for communication (similar to how, in @clearnet, your IP address is given to a website when you connect so it knows *where* to send the information back to).
### In-depth Information
An @I2P destination can be encoded into a @base32-address or @base64-address. Most users will only care about @base32-address or a `.i2p` hostname while, internally, @Kovri / @I2P @address-book uses @base64-addresses. Ultimately, all @destinations in @I2P are 516-byte (or longer) keys:
`256-byte public key + 128-byte signing key + a null certificate = 516 bytes in Base64 representation`
Note: certificates are not used now but, if they were, the keys would be longer.
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Eepsite"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Eepsite", "Hidden-Service", "Garlic-Site", "Garlic-Service"]
summary: "A website or service hosted within the I2P network"
### The Basics
Is it [**EEP!** *(in response to the site's content)*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onomatopoeia), or **end-to-end protocol**, or something else entirely different?
While the original definition of eepsite has been lost with time, its use-case remains: an eepsite is a website or service that is hosted within (and only accessible by) the @I2P network.
### In-depth Information
Alternate names include:
1. *Hidden Service*
- because the site/service is *hidden* within the @I2P network and can only be visited within the network
2. *Garlic Site*
- because the website utilizes @I2P's @garlic-routing technology as a means of communicating with a client
- because the service is hosted as a website and not any other type of service
3. *Garlic Service*
- because the service utilizes @I2P's @garlic-routing technology as a means of communicating with a client
- because the service is specific to services like IRC, email, or a Monero peer (but may also include websites)
### Notes
To learn how to setup an Eepsite (Hidden Service, Garlic Site, Garlic Service) visit the @Kovri [user-guide](https://github.com/monero-project/kovri/blob/master/doc/USER_GUIDE.md).
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Encryption"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["encryption", "encrypted", "encrypting", "decryption", "decrypted", "decrypting"]
summary: "The process of encoding messages or information in a way that only authorized parties can decode and read"
### The Basics
From [Encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encryption):
In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can decode and read what is sent. Encryption does not of itself prevent interception, but denies the message content to the interceptor.
### In-depth information
From [Encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encryption):
In an encryption scheme, the intended communication information or message (referred to as *plaintext*), is encrypted using an encryption algorithm, generating ciphertext that can only be read if decrypted. For technical reasons, an encryption scheme usually uses a pseudo-random encryption key generated by an algorithm. It is in principle possible to decrypt the message without possessing the key, but, for a well-designed encryption scheme, large computational resources and skill are required. An authorized recipient can easily decrypt the message with the key provided by the originator to recipients, but not to unauthorized interceptors.
The purpose of encryption is to ensure that only somebody who is authorized to access data (e.g. a text message or a file), will be able to read it, using the decryption key. Somebody who is not authorized can be excluded, because he or she does not have the required key, without which it is impossible to read the encrypted information.
### Kovri
@Kovri implements various types of encryption in *at least* 4 essential capacities:
- @Reseed for bootstrapping
- @Garlic-routing: three layers of encryption (@garlic-encryption) are used to verify the secure delivery of @messages to the recipient/peer/@destination
- @Tunnel encryption: garlic messages are passed through a @tunnel and encrypted by the @tunnel gateway to the @tunnel endpoint
- @Transport layer encryption prevents the ability to decrypt @messages at the [media layer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model)
For details on the types of encryption and cryptographic @signatures used in @Kovri and @I2P, visit @Java-I2P's [Cryptography](https://geti2p.net/spec/cryptography)
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Floodfill"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Floodfill"]
summary: "An I2P router which maintains a distributed network-database"
### The Basics
By actively managing a distributed network-database, a router with *floodfill* capability has the ability to help maintain network stability and resiliancy while also being decentralized and trust-less.
### In-depth information
Though floodfill itself is a simple storage system, the technical underpinnings of floodfill as it relates to @network-database and other protocols within @I2P are much more complex. Visit the [Network Database](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/network-database) page for details.
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Fungibility"
terms: ["fungibility"]
summary: "property of a currency whereby two units can be substituted in place of one another"
### The Basics
Fungibility means that two units of a currency can be mutually substituted and the substituted currency is equal to another unit of the same size. For example, two $10 bills can be exchanged and they are functionally identical to any other $10 bills in circulation (although $10 bills have unique ID numbers and are therefore not completely fungible). Gold is probably a closer example of true fungibility, where any 1 oz. of gold of the same grade is worth the same as another 1 oz of gold. Monero is fungible due to the nature of the currency which provides no way to link transactions together nor trace the history of any particular XMR. 1 XMR is functionally identical to any other 1 XMR.
Fungibility is an advantage Monero has over Bitcoin and almost every other cryptocurrency, due to the privacy inherent in the Monero @blockchain and the permanently traceable nature of the Bitcoin blockchain. With Bitcoin, any BTC can be tracked by anyone back to it's creation @coinbase-transaction. Therefore, if a coin has been used for an illegal purpose in the past, this history will be contained in the @blockchain in perpetuity. This lack of fungibility means that certain businesses will be obligated to avoid accepting BTC that have been previously used for purposes which are illegal, or simply run afoul of their Terms of Service. Currently some large Bitcoin companies are blocking, suspending, or closing accounts that have received Bitcoin used in online gambling or other purposes deemed unsavory by said companies.
Monero has been built specifically to address the problem of traceability and non-fungability inherent in other cryptocurrencies. By having completely private transactions Monero is truly fungible and there can be no blacklisting of certain XMR, while at the same time providing all the benefits of a secure, decentralized, permanent blockchain.
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Garlic-Encryption"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Garlic-Encryption", "Layered-Encryption"]
summary: "Layered encryption as implemented in Kovri / I2P"
### The Basics
@garlic-encryption is @I2P's implementation of @message based @layered-encryption (similar to flow-based [Onion-Routing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_routing)).
By @encrypting @messages in layers, this allows a @message to be routed through a sequence of proxies without allowing the proxies (or any intermediaries) to read the contents of the @message. @Layered-Encryption is a fundamental feature in @Kovri, @I2P, and [Tor](https://torproject.org) and is the cornerstone for securing anonymity within these overlay-networks.
### In-depth information
For @garlic-encryption, the primary difference between @Kovri/@I2P and Tor is:
- @Kovri/@I2P bundles multiple @messages together to form garlic "cloves"
- any number of messages can be contained in a "clove" instead of *only* a single message
- @Kovri/@I2P uses [ElGamal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ElGamal)/[AES](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard) @encryption for @messages and @transports
### Notes
For details, see @garlic-routing.
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Garlic Routing"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Garlic-Routing"]
summary: "Routing technology as implemented in Kovri"
### The Basics
The term *@garlic-routing* has a diverse history of varying interpretations. As it currently stands, Monero defines *@garlic-routing* as the method in which @Kovri and @I2P create a @message-based anonymous overlay network of internet peers.
The @Garlic-Encryption of @Garlic-Routing is similar to the @Layered-Encryption of [Onion Routing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_routing) and effectively conceals the IP address of the sender and secures information sent from the sender to its @destination (and vice-versa).
### History
In written form, the term *@garlic-routing* can be seen as early as June of 2000 in Roger Dingledine's [Free Haven Master's thesis](http://www.freehaven.net/papers.html) (Section 8.1.1) as derived from the term Onion Routing.
As recent as October of 2016, [#tor-dev](https://oftc.net/WebChat/) has offered insight into the creation of the term *@garlic-routing*:
[Nick Mathewson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tor_Project,_Inc):
>[I think that there was some attempt to come up with a plant whose structure resembled the 'leaky-pipe' topology of tor, but I don't believe we ever settled on one.]
[Roger Dingledine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Dingledine):
>during the free haven brainstorming, there was a moment where we described a routing mechanism, and somebody said "garlic routing!", and everybody laughed.
so we for sure thought we had invented the name, at the time.
*Note: permission to use the aforementioned quotes was granted by Nick Mathewson and Roger Dingledine*
### In-depth Information
In technical terms, for @Kovri and @I2P, *@garlic-routing* translates to any/all of the following:
- @Layered-Encryption (similar to the @layered-encryption in Onion Routing)
- Bundling multiple @messages together (garlic cloves)
- ElGamal/AES @encryption
*Note: though [Tor](https://torproject.org/) uses @layered-encryption, Tor does not use ElGamal and is not message-based.*
**Read more in @garlic-encryption.**
### Notes
- In terms of Onion/Garlic Routing, another way to envision layered @encryption is by replacing the onion/garlic with a [Matryoshka doll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matryoshka_doll) - with each outer/inner doll having a lock and public key to the next/previous doll
- For more technical details on Garlic Routing, read the @Java-I2P entry on [Garlic Routing](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/garlic-routing)
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "I2NP"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["I2NP"]
summary: "The I2P Network Protocol: the mechanism in which I2NP messages are sent over the I2P network"
### The Basics
From @Java-I2P:
@I2NP manages the routing and mixing of messages between routers, as well as the selection of what transports to use when communicating with a peer for which there are multiple common transports supported
### In-depth information
From @Java-I2P:
@I2NP (@I2P Network Protocol) @messages can be used for one-hop, router-to-router, point-to-point @messages. By @encrypting and wrapping @messages in other @messages, they can be sent in a secure way through multiple hops to the ultimate @destination. @I2NP does not specify nor require any particular @transport layer but does require at least one @transport in use.
Whenever a @destination wants to send a message to to another @destination, it provides its local router with both the @destination structure and the raw bytes of the message to be sent. The router then determines where to send it, delivers it through outbound @tunnels, instructing the end point to pass it along to the appropriate inbound @tunnel, where it is passed along again to that @tunnel's end point and made available to the target for reception.
### Notes
Read more about the @I2NP [protocol](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/protocol/i2np) and [specification](https://geti2p.net/spec/i2np).
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "I2P"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["I2P"]
summary: "The Invisible Internet Project: an anonymizing overlay network"
### Monero
For Monero's implementation of @I2P, see @Kovri. For a comparison of @I2P to [Tor](https://torproject.org/), read the [Comparison](https://geti2p.net/en/comparison/tor) page.
### The Basics
From @Java-I2P:
>The I2P network provides strong privacy protections for communication over the Internet. Many activities that would risk your privacy on the public Internet can be conducted anonymously inside I2P.
### In-depth information
From @Java-I2P:
>I2P is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network. It is intended to protect communication from dragnet surveillance and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs.
>I2P is used by many people who care about their privacy: activists, oppressed people, journalists and whistleblowers, as well as the average person.
>No network can be "perfectly anonymous". The continued goal of I2P is to make attacks more and more difficult to mount. Its anonymity will get stronger as the size of the network increases and with ongoing academic review.
### Notes
@I2P documentation and specifications are available [here](https://geti2p.net/docs/).
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "I2PControl"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["I2PControl"]
summary: "An API inteface for Kovri and Java-I2P that allows simple remote control"
### The Basics
@I2Pcontrol is [JSONRPC2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON-RPC) [API](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface) for @Kovri and @Java-I2P which allows an @I2PControl client to remote control/monitor a running instance.
Two available @I2PControl clients are: [qtoopie](https://github.com/EinMByte/qtoopie) (C++ client) and [itoopie](https://github.com/i2p/i2p.itoopie) (Java client). Read `kovri.conf` to configure @I2PControl for @Kovri.
### In-depth information
Details and specification available on the [I2PControl](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/i2pcontrol) page.
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "In-net"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["In-net"]
summary: "Within the I2P network"
### The Basics
**In-net** is a [colloquial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colloquial) term of which describes activities, protocols, or functionality that exist *only* within the @I2P network.
### In-depth information
Example: *in-net download* would be defined as downloading *only* within @I2P.
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title: "Moneropedia"
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Java I2P"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Java-I2P"]
summary: "The original implementation of I2P - written in Java"
### The Basics
The term "Java I2P" is often used to describe the original @I2P implementation currently most known and used today. There are various other @I2P implementations, including @Kovri; all of which look up to the original Java implementation.
### Notes
To download/learn more about the Java implementation, visit their [website](https://geti2p.net/).
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Jump Service"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Jump-Service"]
summary: "An I2P website service that adds addresses to your address book"
### The Basics
In your @I2P configured web browser, you can use a Jump Service to *jump* to an @I2P address that you don't have in your @address-book. Once you've *jumped* to the address, the address will be saved into your @address-book.
### In-depth Information
In an @I2P configured browser, visit: http://stats.i2p/i2p/lookup.html (courtesy of @Java-I2P's lead developer *zzz*)
Then, you'll have two options:
1. *Hostname lookup* the address you wish to visit and then manually copy/paste the result
2. *Jump* to the @I2P website by entering the @I2P hostname (**recommended**)
### Using hostname lookup
For example, entering `pinkpaste.i2p` into the *Hostname lookup* box (and then submitting) will return:
Copy/paste this host=@base64-address pairing into your **private** @subscription.
### Directly jumping
For example, entering `pinkpaste.i2p` into the *Jump* box (and then submitting) will automatically redirect you to the website **and** insert the @locally-unique-host into @address-book.
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Kovri"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Kovri"]
summary: "Monero's C++ router implementation of the I2P network"
### The Basics
[Kovri](https://github.com/monero-project/kovri/) is a C++ implementation of the @I2P network. @Kovri is currently in heavy, active development and not yet integrated with Monero. When Kovri is integrated into your Monero @node, your transactions will be more secure than ever before.
### In-depth information
Kovri will protect you and Monero from:
- @Node partitioning attacks
- Associations between a particular txid and your IP address
- Mining and/or running a node in highly adversarial environments
- Metadata leakage (e.g., @OpenAlias lookups)
...and much more.
Read [anonimal's FFS proposal](https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/86967/anonimal-s-kovri-full-time-development-funding-thread) for more details and for reasoning behind the project. Also read the FAQ and User Guide in the [Kovri repository](https://github.com/monero-project/kovri/).
### @Kovri / @I2P Terminology
#### Client + API
- @Address-Book
- @Base32-address
- @Base64-address
- @Canonically-unique-host
- @Eepsite (@Hidden-Service, @Garlic-Site, @Garlic-Service)
- @I2PControl
- @Jump-Service
- @Locally-unique-host
- @Reseed
- @Subscription
#### Core + Router
- @Clearnet
- @Data-Directory
- @Destination
- @Encryption
- @Floodfill
- @Garlic-Encryption
- @Garlic-Routing
- @I2NP
- @In-net
- @Java-I2P
- @Layered-Encryption
- @Lease
- @LeaseSet
- @Message @Messages
- @Network-Database
- @Router-Info
- @SSU
- @Transports
- @Tunnel
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Lease-Set"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["LeaseSet", "LeaseSets"]
summary: "Contains all currently authorized Leases for a particular I2P Destination"
### The Basics
A Lease-Set contains a set of authorized @leases (and other related information) for a particular @destination.
### In-depth information
A Lease-Set contains:
- all of the currently authorized @leases for a particular @destination
- the public key to which garlic messages can be encrypted (see @garlic-routing)
- the signing public key that can be used to revoke this particular version of the structure
The Lease-Set is one of the two structures stored in the @network-database (the other being @router-info), and is keyed under the SHA256 of the contained @destination.
### Notes
For further details, read @Java-I2P's [LeaseSet](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/network-database#leaseSet)
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Lease"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Lease", "Leases"]
summary: "Authorizes an I2P tunnel to receive messages targeting a destination"
### The Basics
A lease defines the authorization for a particular @I2P @tunnel to receive a @messages targeting a @destination.
### In-depth information
For further details, read @Java-I2P's [Lease](https://geti2p.net/spec/common-structures#lease)
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Locally-unique host"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Locally-unique-host"]
summary: "A host defined by you and resolved only by you"
### The Basics
A locally-unique host is a [FQDN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FQDN) defined by **you** and resolved only by you; similar to how a [hosts file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/etc/hosts) is implemented. Not to be confused with @canonically-unique-host.
### In-depth information
You have the option to share your interpretation of how the host is resolved (e.g., `localhost` always resolves to ``) but the resolution is not canonically enforced (e.g., someone else can map `localhost` to any arbitrary IP address).
Hosts in a public subscription can be considered @canonically-unique-host's within the @I2P network but, ultimately, you are free to re-define them as you wish.
### Notes
- Monero primarily uses @canonically-unique-host resolution while @I2P only uses @locally-unique-host resolution.
- @I2P's and @Kovri's assigned top-level domain is currently `.i2p` and @Kovri intends to only process/use the `.i2p` [top-level domain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_level_domain)
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Message"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Message", "Messages"]
summary: "The mechanisms in which information travels within I2P"
### The Basics
*Messages* (which exist on top of the @transports layer), contain varying types of information that are needed for the network but, most importantly, everything you see, do, send, or receive, will come and go in the form of *messages*.
There are 2 essential types of *messages* in @I2P:
- @Tunnel messages
- @I2NP messages
Essentially: *@tunnel messages* **contain** @I2NP **message fragments** which are then [reassembled](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/tunnels/implementation) at certain points within a @tunnel's path.
### In-depth information
@I2NP messages have a close relationship with @tunnel @messages so it is easy to get the term *messages* confused when reading @Java-I2P specifications:
1. First, the tunnel gateway accumulates a number of I2NP messages and preprocesses them into tunnel messages for delivery.
2. Next, that gateway encrypts that preprocessed data, then forwards it to the first hop.
3. That peer, and subsequent tunnel participants, unwrap a layer of the encryption, verifying that it isn't a duplicate, then forward it on to the next peer.
4. Eventually, the tunnel messages arrive at the endpoint where the I2NP messages originally bundled by the gateway are reassembled and forwarded on as requested.
### Notes
- @I2NP @messages need to be fragmented because they are variable in size (from 0 to almost 64 KB) and @tunnel @messages are fixed-size (approximately 1 KB).
- For details and specifications, visit the [I2NP spec](https://geti2p.net/spec/i2np) and [Tunnel Message spec](https://geti2p.net/spec/tunnel-message)
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layout: moneropedia
entry: "Mining"
terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"]
summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain"
### The Basics
Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.
Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPU's). Monero uses the @CryptoNight Proof of Work (@PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs.
The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency.
As of June 2017, botnets made of hacked computers account for a not-insignificant portion of the miners on the Monero network. This is due to the profitability of mining on CPUs via the @CryptoNight algorithm.
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layout: moneropedia
entry: "Mnemonic Seed"
terms: ["mnemonic-seed", "mnemonic"]
summary: "a 13 or 25 word phrase used to backup a Monero account, available in a number of languages"
### The Basics
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}. This 25-word phrase (13 words in the case of MyMonero) has all the information needed to view and spend funds from a Monero @account.
### In-depth Information
In the official wallet, the mnemonic seed comprises 25 words with the last word being used as a checksum. Those words correspond to a 256-bit integer, which is the account's *private* @spend-key. The *private* @view-key is derived by hashing the private spend key with Keccak-256, producing a second 256-bit integer. The corresponding *public* keys are then derived from the private keys.
By storing the 25 word mnemonic key in a secure location, you have a backup of your private keys and hence all of your Moneroj. Sharing this 25 word key is the equivalent of allowing another person complete access to your funds.
It's not a good idea to store more than you want to lose in a "hot wallet" aka a wallet which is currently or has ever been connected to the internet or loaded onto any device that has or may in the future be connected to the internet or any untrusted source!
By creating a cold, or @paper-wallet you can safely store Moneroj.
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Network Database"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Network-Database"]
summary: "A distributed database which contains needed router information so the network can stay intact"
### The Basics
@network-database is a [distributed database](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_database) which contains router information that peers must use so the network can stay intact.
### In-depth information
From @Java-I2P:
@I2P's @network-database is a specialized distributed database, containing just two types of data - router contact information (@Router-Infos) and @destination contact information (@LeaseSets). Each piece of data is signed by the appropriate party and verified by anyone who uses or stores it. In addition, the data has liveliness information within it, allowing irrelevant entries to be dropped, newer entries to replace older ones, and protection against certain classes of attack.
The @network-database is distributed with a simple technique called "@floodfill", where a subset of all routers, called "@floodfill routers", maintains the distributed database.
### Notes
Read [Network-Database](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/network-database) for details.
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Node"
terms: ["node", "nodes", "full-node", "full-nodes"]
summary: "a device on the Internet running the Monero software, with a full copy of the Monero blockchain, actively assisting the Monero network"
### The Basics
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### More Information
Nodes participate in the Monero network and secure @transactions by enforcing the rules of the network. Nodes download the entire @blockchain to know what transactions have taken place. Nodes assist the network by relaying transactions to other nodes on the network. Nodes may also choose contribute to the Monero network by participating in crafting @blocks (this is called @mining).
Mining is the process by which nodes create a block from the previously accepted block, transactions that are waiting to be processed in the @tx-pool, and the @coinbase. When a node believes it has crafted a valid block it will transmit the completed block to other nodes on the network and those nodes signal agreement by working on the next block in the chain.
The rules that nodes follow are built into the Monero software; When all nodes agree about the rules to follow this is called @consensus). Consensus is necessary for a cryptocurrency because it is how the blockchain is built; If nodes don't agree about which blocks are valid, for example people who have not updated their Monero software, those nodes that don't agree will no longer be able to participate in the Monero network.
The Monero Core Team plans for a @hardforks every 6 months, to occur in September and March of each year. At that time, if you are running a node it must be updated to the most recent version of the Monero software or it will no longer be able to participate in the network.
##### Other Resources
<sub>1. *Fluffypony gives a great explanation of why mandatory hardforks are good for Monero.* ([Monero Missives for the Week of 2016-06-20](https://getmonero.org/2016/06/20/monero-missive-for-the-week-of-2016-06-20.html))</sub>
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "NTCP"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["NTCP"]
summary: "NIO-Based TCP (Non-blocking I/O based TCP): one of two Kovri transports"
### The Basics
*NIO-Based TCP (Non-blocking I/O based TCP)* is one of two encrypted @transports for @Kovri.
Similar to @SSU, @NTCP's *primary* purpose is to securely transmit @in-net @I2NP messages through @tunnels but, unlike @SSU, @NTCP functions solely over encrypted [TCP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol).
### In-depth information
- Passes along individual @I2NP messages (both Standard and Time Sync) after:
- TCP has been established
- Establishment Sequence has been completed
- Uses the following @encryption:
- 2048-bit [Diffie-Hellman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffie-hellman)
- [AES-256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard)/[CBC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation)
- Establishment Sequence has the following *states*:
- Pre-establishment
- Establishment
- Post-establishment or "Established"
- Uses the following from the @network-database:
- Transport name: NTCP
- Host: IP (IPv4 or IPv6) or host name (shortened IPv6 address (with "::") is allowed)
- Port: 1024 - 65535
### Notes
For further details, read @Java-I2P's [NTCP](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/transport/ntcp)
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "OpenAlias"
terms: ["OpenAlias"]
summary: "a standard that allows you to use an email or domain syntax to pay someone instead of an address, eg. donate@getmonero.org or donate.getmonero.org"
### The Basics
The Monero Core Team released a standard called OpenAlias which permits much more human-readable addresses and "squares" the Zooko's triangle. OpenAlias can be used for any cryptocurrency and is already implemented in Monero, Bitcoin (in latest Electrum versions) and HyperStake.
OpenAlias seeks to provide a way to simplify aliasing amidst a rapidly shifting technology climate. Users are trying to cross the bridge to private and cryptographically secure infrastructure and systems, but many of them have just barely started remembering the email addresses of their friends and family.
As part of the ongoing development of the Monero cryptocurrency project, we asked ourselves: how can we simplify payments for users unfamiliar with cryptocurrency? Monero stealth addresses are at least 95 characters long - memorizing them is not an option, and asking someone to send a payment to <95-character-string> is only going to lead to confusion.
At its most basic, OpenAlias is a TXT DNS record on a FQDN (fully qualified domain name). By combining this with DNS-related technologies we have created an aliasing standard that is extensible for developers, intuitive and familiar for users, and can interoperate with both centralized and decentralized domain systems.
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More information can be found on the [OpenAlias page](/knowledge-base/openalias) or on the [OpenAlias website](https://openalias.org)
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Paper Wallet"
terms: ["paperwallet", "paperwallets", "paper-wallet", "paper-wallets"]
summary: "A paper wallet stores the information necessary to send and receive Monero"
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Payment ID"
terms: ["payment-ID", "payment-IDs"]
summary: "an optional flag that is added to identify transactions to merchants, consisting of 64 hexadecimal characters"
### The Basics
Payment ID is an **arbitrary** and **optional** transaction attachment that consists of 32 bytes (64 hexadecimal characters) or 8 bytes (in the case of integrated addresses).
The Payment ID is usually used to identify transactions to merchants and exchanges: Given the intrinsic privacy features built into Monero, where a single public address is usually used for incoming transactions, the Payment ID is especially useful to tie incoming payments with user accounts.
### Compact Payment ID's and Integrated Addresses
Since the 0.9 Hydrogen Helix version, the Payment IDs can be encrypted and embedded in a payment address. The payment ID's of this type should be 64-bits and are encrypted with a random one-time key known only to the sender and receiver.
### Creating a Payment ID
It is recommended to use the official wallet's `integrated_address` command to automatically generate Integrated Addresses that contain Compact Payment ID's. If you want to use the command line, you can generate Payment ID's as follows:
Creating a compact Payment ID for an Integrated Address:
```# openssl rand -hex 8```
Creating an old-style Payment ID:
```# openssl rand -hex 32```
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Pedersen Commitment"
terms: ["commitments", "commitment", "pedersen"]
summary: "Pedersen commitments are cryptographic algorythms that allow a prover to commit to a certain value without revealing it or being able to change it."
### The Basics
When you spend Monero, the value of the inputs that you are spending and the value of the outputs you are sending are encrypted and opaque to everyone except the recipient of each of those outputs. Pedersen commitments allow you to send Monero without revealing the value of the transactions. Pedersen commitments also make it possible for people to verify that transactions on the blockchain are valid and not creating Monero out of thin air.
### What It Means
As long as the encrypted output amounts created, which include an output for the recipient and a change output back to the sender, and the unencrypted transaction fee is equal to the sum of the inputs that are being spent, it is a legitimate transaction and can be confirmed to not be creating Monero out of thin air.
Pedersen commitments mean that the sums can be verified as being equal, but the Monero value of each of the sums and the Monero value of the inputs and outputs individually are undeterminable. Pedersen commitments also mean that even the ratio of one input to another, or one output to another is undeterminable.
Even though it's unclear which inputs are really being spent (the ring signature lists both the real inputs being spent and decoy inputs therefore you don't actually know which input Pedersen commitments you need to sum) that's okay, because the RingCT ring signature only has to prove is that for one combination of the inputs the outputs are equal to the sum of the inputs. For mathematical reasons, this is impossible to forge.
### In-depth Information
See information in [Ring Confidential Transactions paper](https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.pdf) by Shen Noether of the Monero Research Lab.
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layout: moneropedia
entry: "Reseed"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Reseed"]
summary: "The method of which Kovri uses to bootstrap into the I2P network"
### The Basics
When you start @Kovri for the first time (or if it's been offline for a long time), @Kovri will need a list of peers to connect to so it can [bootstrap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrap) into the @I2P network. @Kovri gets these peers from a special file stored on a reseed server. On this file are all the various pieces of information @Kovri needs in order to connect with @I2P peers.
### In-depth information
@Kovri has a list of [hard-coded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard-coded) reseed servers available to fetch from. These servers securely serve an [SU3](https://geti2p.net/spec/updates#su3) file (signed with a cryptographic @signature) over @clearnet with [HTTPS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS). This SU3 file contains information that's used to verify both the integrity of the file and its content.
Aside from the technical elements needed to verify and process the file, the file's main contents consist of a series of @router-info files which @Kovri and @I2P routers use to locate and communicate with other @I2P peers. These peers are then stored into a @network-database.
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Ring Size"
terms: ["ring-size"]
summary: "total number of possible signers in a ring signature"
### The Basics
Ring size refers to the total number of possible signers in a @ring-signature. If a ring size of 4 is selected for a given @transaction, this means that there are 3 foreign outputs in addition to your “real” output. A higher ring size number will typically provide more privacy than a lower number. However, reusing an odd, recognizable ring size number for transactions could possibly make transactions stand out.
`Ring size = foreign outputs + 1 (your output)`
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Ring CT"
terms: ["ringCT", "ring-CT"]
summary: "a way to hide the amount sent in a Monero transaction"
### The Basics
RingCT, short for Ring Confidential Transactions, is how transaction amounts are hidden in Monero.
Ring CT was implemented in block #1220516 in January 2017. After September 2017, this feature became mandatory for all transactions on the network.
RingCT introduces an improved version of @ring-signatures called A Multi-layered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature, which allows for hidden amounts, origins and destinations of transactions with reasonable efficiency and verifiable, trustless coin generation.
For more information, please read the creator Shen Noether's paper [here](https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098).
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layout: moneropedia
entry: "Ring Signature"
terms: ["ring-signature", "ring-signatures"]
summary: "a group of cryptographic signatures with at least one real participant, but no way to tell which in the group is the real one as they all appear valid"
### The Basics
In cryptography, a ring signature is a type of digital signature that can be performed by any member of a group of users that each have keys. Therefore, a message signed with a ring signature is endorsed by someone in a particular group of people. One of the security properties of a ring signature is that it should be computationally infeasible to determine *which* of the group members' keys was used to produce the signature.
For instance, a ring signature could be used to provide an anonymous signature from "a high-ranking White House official", without revealing which official signed the message. Ring signatures are right for this application because the anonymity of a ring signature cannot be revoked, and because the group for a ring signature can be improvised (requires no prior setup).
### Application to Monero
A ring signature makes use of your @account keys and a number of public keys (also known as outputs) pulled from the @blockchain using a triangular distribution method. Over the course of time, past outputs could be used multiple times to form possible signer participants. In a "ring" of possible signers, all ring members are equal and valid. There is no way an outside observer can tell which of the possible signers in a signature group belongs to your @account. So, ring signatures ensure that transaction outputs are untraceable. Moreover, there are no fungibility issues with Monero given that every transaction output has plausible deniability (e.g. the network can not tell which outputs are spent or unspent).
To read how Monero gives you privacy by default (unlinkability), see @stealth-addresses.
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Router-Info"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Router-Info", "Router-infos"]
summary: "A data structure or file which contains an I2P peer's needed network information"
### The Basics
@Router-Info is a data structure (periodically written to a [binary file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_file)) which contains all needed information to locate, identify, and communicate with an @I2P peer. @Router-Info includes IP address, router identity, other misc. technical details; is needed for @network-database and is published to @floodfill routers.
### In-depth information
In human-readable form, Router-Info may look like this:
Identity: [RouterIdentity:
Hash: nYZ5Qe7gQ-~QgfgJVRUG4c0JnVeVqzM~duUX1EGT1ek=
Certificate: [Certificate: type: Key certificate
Crypto type: 0
Sig type: 7 (EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519)]
PublicKey: [PublicKey: size: 256]
SigningPublicKey: [SigningPublicKey EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519: size: 32]
Padding: 96 bytes]
Signature: [Signature EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519: size: 64]
Published: Sun Oct 09 01:34:59 UTC 2016
Options (5):
[caps] = [LfR]
[netId] = [2]
[netdb.knownLeaseSets] = [37]
[netdb.knownRouters] = [2435]
[router.version] = [0.9.26]
Addresses (4):
Type: SSU
Cost: 4
Options (5):
[caps] = [BC]
[host] = [2a01:e35:8b5c:b240:71a2:6750:8d4:47fa]
[key] = [nYZ5Qe7gQ-~QgfgJVRUG4c0JnVeVqzM~duUX1EGT1ek=]
[mtu] = [1472]
[port] = [22244]]
Type: NTCP
Cost: 9
Options (2):
[host] = [2a01:e35:8b5c:b240:71a2:6750:8d4:47fa]
[port] = [22244]]
Type: SSU
Cost: 6
Options (4):
[caps] = [BC]
[host] = []
[key] = [nYZ5Qe7gQ-~QgfgJVRUG4c0JnVeVqzM~duUX1EGT1ek=]
[port] = [22244]]
Type: NTCP
Cost: 11
Options (2):
[host] = []
[port] = [22244]]]
### Notes
For details and specification, visit @Java-I2P [Network Database](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/network-database) page.
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Scalability"
terms: ["scalability"]
summary: "Growth potential of Monero, resources required, and methods of increasing efficiency"
### The Basics
Monero has no hardcoded maximum block size, which means that unlike Bitcoin it does not have a 1 MB block size limit preventing scaling. However, a block reward penalty mechanism is built into the protocol to avoid a too excessive block size increase: The new block's size (NBS) is compared to the median size M100 of the last 100 blocks. If NBS>M100, the block reward gets reduced in quadratic dependency of how much NBS exceeds M100. E.g. if NBS is [10%, 50%, 80%, 100%] greater than M100, the nominal block reward gets reduced by [1%, 25%, 64%, 100%]. Generally, blocks greater than 2*M100 are not allowed, and blocks <= 60kB are always free of any block reward penalties.
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Cryptographic Signature"
terms: ["signature", "signatures"]
summary: "a cryptographic method for proving ownership of a piece of information, as well as proving that the information has not been modified after being signed"
### The Basics
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Smart Mining"
terms: ["smart-mining"]
summary: "a process of having a throttled miner mine when it otherwise does not cause drawbacks"
### The Basics
Smart mining is the process of having a throttled miner mine when it otherwise does not cause drawbacks.
Drawbacks include increases heat, slower machine, depleting battery, etc. The intent of smart mining is to increase network security by allowing as many people as possible to let the smart miner on all the time. For this to work, the miner must prove unobtrusive, or it will be turned off, depriving the Monero network from a little bit of security. As such, it is likely that a smart miner will mine slower than a normal miner on the same hardware.
Smart mining is available in the official CLI and GUI wallet, which are available in the [downloads page](https://getmonero.org/downloads/).
It is hoped that the relative slowness of a smart miner (especially on low-power machines) will be offset by the large amount of people running a miner for a possible "lottery win", and thus increase the Monero network security by a non trivial amount. The increased hash rate from many different sources helps keep the Monero network decentralized.
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Spend Key"
terms: ["spend-key", "spend-keys"]
summary: "one of the two pairs of private and public cryptographic keys that each account has, with the *private* spend key used to spend any funds in the account"
### The Basics
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
### In-depth Information
The *private* spend key is a 256-bit integer that is used to sign Monero transactions. With the current deterministic key derivation method of the official wallet, the private spend key is also an alternate representation of the @mnemonic-seed. It can be used to derive all other account keys.
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "SSU"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["SSU"]
summary: "Secure Semi-reliable UDP: one of two Kovri transports"
### The Basics
*Secure Semi-reliable UDP* is one of two encrypted @transports for @Kovri.
Similar to @NTCP, @SSU's *primary* purpose is to securely transmit @in-net @I2NP messages through @tunnels but, unlike @NTCP, @SSU functions solely over encrypted [UDP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Datagram_Protocol).
### In-depth information
- Like @NTCP, @SSU is a connection-oriented, point-to-point data transport
- Termed *semi-reliable* because @SSU will repeatedly retransmit *unacknowledged* messages (up to maximum number then dropped)
- @SSU also provides several unique services (in addition to its function as a @transport layer):
- IP detection (local inspection or with [peer testing](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/transport/ssu#peerTesting))
- [NAT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_address_translation) traversal (using [introducers](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/transport/ssu#introduction))
- [Firewall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firewall_%28computing%29) status and, if implemented, @SSU can notify @NTCP if the external address or firewall status changes
### Notes
For further details, read @Java-I2P's [SSU](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/transport/ssu)
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Stealth Address"
terms: ["stealth-address", "stealth-addresses"]
summary: "automatic one-time addresses for every transaction"
### The Basics
Stealth addresses are an important part of Monero's inherent privacy. They allow and require the sender to create random one-time addresses for every @transaction on behalf of the recipient. The recipient can publish just one address, yet have all of his/her incoming payments go to unique addresses on the @blockchain, where they cannot be linked back to either the recipient's published address or any other transactions' addresses. By using stealth addresses, only the sender and receiver can determine where a payment was sent.
When you create a Monero account you’ll have a private @view-key, a private @spend-key, and a Public Address. The @spend-key is used to send payments, the @view-key is used to display incoming transactions destined for your account, and the Public Address is for receiving payments. Both the @spend-key and @view-key are used to build your Monero address. You can have a “watch only” wallet that only uses the @view-key. This feature can be used for accounting or auditing purposes but is currently unreliable due to the inability to track outgoing transactions. You can decide who can see your Monero balance by sharing your @view-key. Monero is private by default and optionally semi-transparent!
When using the Monero Wallet all this is handled by the software. Sending Monero is as easy as entering the destination address, the amount, and pressing Send. To recieve Monero, simply provide the sender your Public Address.
To learn how Monero prevents tracking history (untraceability), see @ring-signatures.
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Subscription"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Subscription"]
summary: "A file used by address book which contains I2P hosts paired with I2P destinations"
### The Basics
A subscription is a file which contains a list of `.i2p` hosts paired with their respective @destination. Subscriptions are used by the @address-book.
### In-depth information
Similar to how a [hosts file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/etc/hosts) can map an internet hostname to a specified address, a subscription matches a `.i2p` address to @base64-address by using the following format (no spaces allowed): `host=address`
More specifically, a subscription pairs a @locally-unique-host to @base64-address.
1. `anonimal.i2p` is the @locally-unique-host
2. `=` is the separator
3. Everything that remains is the @base64-address
### Subscription types
For @Kovri, there are two types of subscription files: *public* and *private*.
A *public* subscription:
- is used when bootstrapping to use essential services (IRC, email, Monero, etc.)
- is static and is refreshed every 12 hours from Monero's @address-book server
- allows you to safely share the subscription with everyone as it is publically available (anyone who shares the same public subscription will also be able to resolve the same hostname to the same destination as you)
A *private* subscription:
- is used exclusively by you and is not shared with others unless you explicitly choose to share the file
- default file is `private_hosts.txt` in your @data-directory
### Updating a private subscription
You can use a @jump-service to manually update your private subscription. The updated subscription will then be fed into the @address-book for you to use.
### Notes
To learn how to subscribe to multiple subscriptions, see the [user-guide](https://github.com/monero-project/kovri/blob/master/doc/USER_GUIDE.md).
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Tail Emission"
terms: ["Tail-Emission"]
summary: "the block reward at the end of the emission curve"
### The Basics
Monero block rewards will never drop to zero. Block rewards will gradually drop until tail emission commences at the end of May 2022. At this point, rewards will be fixed at 0.6 XMR per block.
### Why
Miners need an incentive to mine. Because of the dynamic blocksize, competition between miners will cause fees to decrease. If mining is not profitable due to a high cost and low reward, miners lose their incentive and will stop mining, reducing the security of the network.
Tail emission ensures that a dynamic block size and fee market can develop.
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Transactions"
terms: ["transaction", "transactions"]
summary: "a cryptographically signed container that details the transfer of Monero to a recipient (or recipients)"
### The Basics
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
The parameters of a transaction contain one or more recipient addresses with corresponding amounts of funds and a `mixin_count` parameter that specifies the number of foreign outputs bound to the transaction. The more outputs that are used, a higher degree of obfuscation is possible, but that comes with a cost. Since a transaction gets larger with more outputs, the transaction fee would be higher. It is possible to form a transaction offline, which is a huge benefit for privacy.
A transaction can be uniquely identified with the use of an optional Transaction ID, which is usually represented by a 32-byte string (64 hexadecimal characters).
### In-depth Information
Every transaction involves two keys: a public @spend-key, and a public @view-key. The destination for an output in a transaction is actually a one-time public key computed from these two keys.
When a wallet is scanning for incoming transactions, every transaction is scanned to see if it is for "you". This only requires your private view key and your public spend key, and this check is immutable and cannot be faked. You cannot receive transactions and identify them without a corresponding private view key.
In order to spend the funds you have to compute a one-time private spend key for that output. This is almost always done automatically by the Monero Wallet software.
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Transports"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Transports", "Transport"]
summary: "The two encrypted transport layers for Kovri"
### The Basics
@I2P comes with two encrypted transport layer technologies that allow @Kovri to securely use [TCP/IP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcp/ip) connections. These technologies (@SSU and @NTCP) are called *@transports*.
### In-depth information
@SSU is encrypted [UDP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Datagram_Protocol) and @NTCP is encrypted [TCP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol). They provide @encryption at the [transport layer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_layer) so higher level @messages can be sent through @tunnels across the @I2P network.
### Notes
- Read about @I2P's transports on the [Transport](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/transport) page
- Read about the transports layer within the [OSI model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model)
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Tunnel"
tags: ["kovri"]
terms: ["Tunnel", "Tunnels"]
summary: "Uni-directional virtual paths that pass messages through a defined sequence of I2P routers"
### The Basics
When you communicate over @I2P (visit an @eepsite / use a @garlic-service), you'll first need to connect to a peer by using @transports and then build virtual *tunnels*. These virtual tunnels are temporary, uni-directional paths that pass information through a defined sequence of @I2P routers to your @destination. Tunnels are built, and then used, with layered @garlic-encryption and are a general-purpose mechanism to transport all @I2NP @messages.
Each peer builds, at a minimum, *two* uni-directional tunnels: one for **outbound traffic**, and one for **inbound traffic**. These tunnels are classified as either **inbound tunnels** (where @messages come toward the creator of the tunnel) or **outbound tunnels** (where the tunnel creator sends @messages away from the creator of the tunnel). Thus, *four* tunnels are required for a single round-trip @message and reply to your @destination (two for your, two for your destination).
### In-depth information
From @Java-I2P:
Within I2P, @messages are passed in one direction through a virtual tunnel of peers, using whatever means are available to pass the @message on to the next hop. Messages arrive at the tunnel's gateway, get bundled up and/or fragmented into fixed-size @tunnel @messages, and are forwarded on to the next hop in the tunnel, which processes and verifies the validity of the @message and sends it on to the next hop, and so on, until it reaches the @tunnel endpoint. That endpoint takes the messages bundled up by the gateway and forwards them as instructed - either to another router, to another tunnel on another router, or locally.
Tunnels all work the same, but can be segmented into two different groups - inbound tunnels and outbound tunnels. The inbound tunnels have an untrusted gateway which passes messages down towards the tunnel creator, which serves as the tunnel endpoint. For outbound tunnels, the tunnel creator serves as the gateway, passing messages out to the remote endpoint.
The tunnel's creator selects exactly which peers will participate in the tunnel, and provides each with the necessary configuration data. They may have any number of hops. It is the intent to make it hard for either participants or third parties to determine the length of a tunnel, or even for colluding participants to determine whether they are a part of the same tunnel at all (barring the situation where colluding peers are next to each other in the tunnel).
### Notes
From @Java-I2P:
@I2P is an inherently packet switched network, even with these tunnels, allowing it to take advantage of multiple tunnels running in parallel, increasing resilience and balancing load. Even though the tunnels within I2P bear a resemblance to a circuit switched network, everything within I2P is strictly message based - tunnels are merely accounting tricks to help organize the delivery of messages. No assumptions are made regarding reliability or ordering of messages, and retransmissions are left to higher levels (e.g. I2P's client layer streaming library).
### Documentation
For specification and detailed documentation, visit the [Tunnel-Routing](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/tunnel-routing) and [Tunnel-Implementation](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/tunnels/implementation) page.
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Transaction Unlock Time"
terms: ["unlock-time"]
summary: "a special transaction where the recipient can only spend the funds after a future date, as set by the sender"
### The Basics
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
Unlock time allows you to send a transaction to someone, such that they can not spend it until after a certain number of blocks, or until a certain time.
Note that this works differently than Bitcoin's [nLockTime](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/NLockTime), in which the transaction is not valid until the given time.
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "View Key"
terms: ["view-key", "view-keys"]
summary: "one of two sets of private and public cryptographic keys that each account has, with the private view key required to view all transactions related to the account"
### The Basics
Monero features an opaque blockchain (with an explicit allowance system called the @view-key), in sharp contrast with transparent blockchains used by any other cryptocurrency not based on @CryptoNote. Thus, Monero is said to be "private, optionally transparent".
Every Monero address has a private viewkey which can be shared. By sharing a viewkey a person is allowing access to view every incoming transaction for that address. However, outgoing transactions cannot be reliably viewed as of June 2017. Therefore the balance of a Monero address as shown via a viewkey should not be relied upon.
{{ page.summary | capitalize }}.
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
layout: moneropedia
entry: "Wallet"
terms: ["wallet", "wallets"]
summary: "A wallet stores the information necessary to send and receive Monero"
### The Basics
A Monero account, or wallet, stores the information necessary to send and receive Moneroj. In addition to sending and receiving, the Monero Wallet software keeps a private history of your transactions and allows you to cryptographically sign messages. It also includes Monero mining software and an address book.
The term "hot wallet" describes a Monero @account which is connected to the Internet. You can send funds easily but security is much lower than a cold wallet. Never store large amounts of cryptocurrency in a hot wallet!
A cold wallet is generated on a trusted device or computer via an @airgap. If the device is to be reused, the data storage should be securely overwritten. As soon as a cold wallet is connected to the internet or its mnemonic phrase or @spend-key is entered on an internet-connected device, it's no longer "cold" and should be considered "hot".
A Monero @paper-wallet can be generated by downloading the source code of https://moneroaddress.org/. Verify the signature of the code on a trusted airgapped device. Create the wallet and print or store it on the media of your choice.
Monero accounts and paper-wallets can be stored on any media - paper, USB drive, CD/DVD, or a hardware wallet device (none available for Monero as of June 2017).
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<div class="container description">
<p>Monero ne s'engage pas seulement à créer une monnaie fongible, mais également à continuer la recherche dans le domaine de la confidentialité financière qu'impliquent les cryptomonnaies. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le résultat du travail de notre Laboratoire de Recherche Monero, d'autres rapports s'y ajouterons.</p>
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<div class="col"><h2>Rapports du Laboratoire de Recherche Monero</h2></div>
<div class="tab">
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<label for="tab-one" class="accordion">MRL-0001: Rapport des réaction de la chaine à la traçabilité dans CryptoNote 2.0</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong> Ce bulletin de recherche décrit une attaque plausible sur un système anonyme basé
sur les signatures de cercle. Nous nous appuyons sur le protocol de cryptomonnaie
CryptoNote 2.0 apparemment publié par Nicolas van Saberhagen en 2012. Il a déjà
été démontré que l'intraçabilité obscurcissant une pair de clefs à usage
unique peut être dépendant de l'intraçabilité de toutes les clefs utilisées
dans la composition de cette signature de cercle. Cela rend possible des réactions
en chaine de la traçabilité entre les signatures de cercle, pouvant causer une
réduction drastique de l'intraçabilité de l'ensemble du réseau si les paramètres
sont piètrement choisis et si un attaquant possède un pourcentage suffisant du
réseau. Les signatures sont cependant toujours à usage unique, et une telle
attaque ne permettrait pas nécessairement de violer l'anonymat des utilisateurs.
Cependant, une telle attaque pourrait potentiellement réduire la résistance dont
fait preuve CryptoNote contre l'analyse de la chaîne de blocs. Ce bulletin de recherche
n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne reflète que les résultats
d'investigations internes.
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0001.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-two" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-two" class="accordion">MRL-0002: Contrefaçon par l'exploitation de l'arbre de Merkle dans des monnaies virtuelles employant le protocole CryptoNote.</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong> Le 4 Septembre 2014, une nouvelle et inhabituelle attaque a été lancé contre
le réseau de cryptomonnaie Monero. Cette attaque a segmentée le réseau en deux
sous-ensembles distincts qui refusaient d'accepter les transactions légitimes
de l'autre sous-ensemble. Cela causa une myriade d'effet, qui n'ont pour le
moment pas tous été identifiés. L'attaquant a disposé d'une courte fenêtre
temporelle pendant laquelle une forme de contrefaçon pu, par exemple, avoir lieux.
Ce bulletin de recherche décrit les lacunes du code de référence CryptoNote ayant
permis cette attaque, décrit la solution initialement mise en avant par Rafal
Freeman de Tigusoft.pl et ultérieurement par l'équipe CryptoNote, décrit les
correctifs actuels du code de base de Monero et donne des détails concrets sur
ce que le bloc fautif a causé au réseau. Ce bulletin de recherche
n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne reflète que les résultats
d'investigations internes.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0002.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
<div class="tab">
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<label for="tab-three" class="accordion">MRL-0003: Monero n'est pas si mystérieux</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Introduction :</strong> Récemment, quelques vagues de frayeurs concernant le code source et le protocole
CryptoNote on circulé sur internet fondé sur le fait qu'il s'agisse d'un protocole
plus complexe que, par exemple Bitcoin. Ce rapport tentera d'éclaircir ces méconnaissances
et avec un peu de chance retirera une partie du mystère entourant les signatures de
cercle de Monero. Nous commencerons par comparer les calculs mathématiques impliqués
dans les signatures de cercle CryptoNote (comme décrit dans [CN]) à ceux de [FS], sur
lesquelles est basé CryptoNote. Après cela, nous comparerons les calculs mathématiques
des signatures de cercle à ce qui se trouve actuellement dans la base de code de CryptoNote.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0003.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
<div class="tab">
<input id="tab-four" type="checkbox" name="tabs" class="accordion">
<label for="tab-four" class="accordion">MRL-0004: Amélioration de l'obscurcissement dans le protocole CryptoNote</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong> Nous avons identifier plusieurs attaques d'analyse de la chaîne de blocs pouvant
dégrader l'intraçabilité du protocol CryptoNote 2.0. Nous analysons de
possibles solutions, discutons de leurs avantages et inconvénients et
recommandons des améliorations du protocole Monero qui devraient fournir une
résistance à l'analyse de la chaîne de blocs de la cryptomonnaie sur le long terme.
Nos recommandations d'améliorations incluent une politique minimale protocolaire
de mixage des entrées minimale de
= 2
sortie distantes par signature de cercle, une augmentation protocolaire de
cette valeur à
= 4
au bout de deux ans et une valeur par défaut dans le portefeuille à
= 4
dans l'intervalle. Nous recommandons également une méthode d'émission des sorties
Monero "à la torrent". Nous discutons aussi d'une méthode de sélection du mixage
des entrées non-uniforme et dépendante du temps pour atténuer les autres formes
d'analyse de la chaîne de blocs identifiés ici, mais nous ne faisons aucune
recommandations formelles de son implémentation pour diverses raisons. Nous y
détaillons par ailleurs les répercussions découlant de ces améliorations. Ce
bulletin de recherche n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen par des tiers, et ne
reflète que les résultats d'investigations internes.<br>
<a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0004.pdf">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
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<label for="tab-five" class="accordion">MRL-0005: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions</label>
<div class="tab-content">
<p><strong>Résumé :</strong>
Cet article présente une méthode de masquage du montant des transactions dans
la cryptomonnaie anonyme fortement décentralisée Monero. De la même manière
que Bitcoin, Monero est une cryptomonnaie basée sur un processus "d'extraction minière"
basé sur une preuve de travail. Le protocole originel de Monero était basé sur
CryptoNote , qui utilise les signatures de cercle et des clefs à usage unique
pour masquer l'origine et la destination des transactions. Récemment, une
technique utilisant un mécanisme déterministe pour masquer le montant d'une
transaction a été étudié et implémenté par Gregory Maxwell, l'un des développeur
principaux de Bitcoin. Dans cette article, nous exposons un nouveau type de
signatures de cercle, une Signature de Groupe Associable Anonyme et Spontané à
Plusieurs Niveaux permettant de masquer les montants, les origines et les
destinations des transactions avec une efficacité raisonnable et une génération
de pièces de monnaie vérifiable et fiable. Quelques extensions protocolaires
sont fournies, telles que la preuve à divulgation nulle de connaissance de
Schnorr, et les multi-signatures en cercle. L'auteur voudrait faire remarquer
que les premières ébauches ont été publiées dans la communauté Monero et sur le
canal IRC de recherche bitcoin. Des brouillons de chaîne de blocs sont disponibles
dans [14], montrant que ce travail a débuté à l'été 2015 et s'est achevé début
octobre 2015. Une impression électronique est également disponible sur
<a href="https://lab.getmonero.org/pubs/MRL-0005.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Lire le rapport complet (en Anglais)</a></p>
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<h2>Livres Blancs CryptoNote</h2>
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[Livre Blanc Cryptonote](https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf)
Voici le document originel de CryptoNote écrit par l'équipe CryptoNote. En le lisant, vous comprendrez comment l'algorithme CryptoNote fonctionne d'une manière générale.
[Livre Blanc Commenté](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_annotated.pdf)
Le Laboratoire de Recherche Monero a publié une version commentée du Livre Blanc CryptoNote. The Monero Research Lab released an annotated version of the cryptonote whitepaper. Il s'agit en quelque sorte d'un examen informel des allégations qui sont faites lignes après lignes dans le livre blanc. Il explique également certains des concepts les plus compliqués dans des termes relativement simples.
[Examen du Livre Blanc de Brandon Goodell](https://downloads.getmonero.org/whitepaper_review.pdf)
Ce document est une revue formelle par Brandon Goodell, chercheur au MRL, du document CryptoNote originel. Il analyse en détail les allégations et les calculs mathématiques présentés dans le document CryptoNote.
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{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2014 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-2" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-2" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2015 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-3" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-3" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2016 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-4" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-4" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true" checked>
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2017 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs middle-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
<label for="tab-5" tabindex="0"></label>
<input id="tab-5" type="radio" name="tabs" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="tabPanel-content">
{% for toplevel in site.data.lang[site.lang].roadmap %}
{% if toplevel.year == 2018 %}
{% for roadlist in toplevel.accomplishments %}
<div class="row start-xs">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<span class="{{roadlist.status}}"></span>
<div class="col-xs-11">
{% if roadlist.date %}
<p>{{roadlist.date}}: {{roadlist.name}}</p>
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## Comment miner Monero (XMR) sans matériel d'extraction minière ?
Si vous ne disposez pas d'un matériel d'extraction minière rentable, ni de temps ou
d'argent à y investir, vous pouvez tout de même miner Monero avec NiceHash.
NiceHash est une bourse de puissance de hachage. Des vendeurs de puissance de
hachage, c'est à dire des mineurs, fournissent de la puissance de hachage à
des acheteurs (qui souhaitent acheter un service d'extraction minière d'une monnaie
particulière). En conséquence, NiceHash peut vous fournir une importante
puissance de hachage en un cours laps de temps. Vous n'aurez pas à attendre
des années pour savoir si vous ferez ou non des profits et vous pouvez contrôler
quelle monnaie vous minez, sur quel pool et pour quelle durée.
### **Étape 1 :** Créer un compte sur NiceHash
Rendez vous à la page [enregistrement (registration)](https://www.nicehash.com/?p=register)
et enregistrez-vous avec votre adresse e-mail.
### **Étape 2 :** Verser des Bitcoins sur votre compte
Vous allez miner Monero, mais vous ne pouvez acheter de la puissance d'extraction minière
sur NiceHash qu'avec des Bitcoins. Vous pourrez toujours retirer les Bitcoins
non dépensé depuis votre compte sur n'importe quel portefeuille Bitcoin.
Aller sur votre page [portefeuille (wallet)](https://www.nicehash.com/?p=wallet) et
faites un versement. Notez que le montant minimal pour passer une commande est
de 0,01 BTC.
### **Étape 3 :** Trouver un pool approprié pour l'extraction minière et l'ajouter à votre liste de pools
Le choix du pool joue un rôle important dans le montant final de cryptomonnaie
que vous minerez. Soyez sûr que le pool que vous avez choisis sera capable de
supporter une grande puissance de hachage et un grand nombre de shares,
particulièrement depuis une connexion unique. Vous trouverez une liste de pools
Monero [Ici] (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.0).
Notez que vous vous aurez probablement à créer également un compte sur le pool que
vous aurez choisis. Le pool devrait vous fournir toutes les informations nécessaires.
Vous pouvez enregistrer votre pool préféré sur [cette page]
### **Étape 4 :** Passer une nouvelle commande et commencer à miner
Lorsque vous créez une [nouvelle commande (new order)](https://www.nicehash.com/?p=orders&new),
soyez certain de choisir l'algorythme CryptoNightV7 pour miner Monero (à partir du
6 Avril 2018, CryptoNight ne sera plus compatible avec Monero). Si vous préférez
commencer par apprendre comment passer une commande sur NiceHash, nous vous
recommandons de lire cette [foire aux questions](https://www.nicehash.com/?p=faq#faqb0).
Si vous voulez faire une offre de puissance de hachage, sélectionnez le type de
commande standard (bidding), et si vous souhaitez un type de commande fixe qui ne
pourra pas être surenchérie, sélectionnez le type de commande fixe (Fixed). L'état
du marché et les tarifs approximatifs d'extraction minière peuvent être vérifier sur le
[marché en direct (live marketplace)](https://www.nicehash.com/index.jsp?p=orders).
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## Système d'exploitations : Différentes versions de Linux et Windows 7, 8
### Logiciel de portefeuille : Simplewallet
#### Ressource pour la création d'un disque bootable : [Linux](http://www.pendrivelinux.com/), [Windows](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/windows-usb-dvd-download-tool)
#### Ressource pour les binaires Monero : [Binaires Monero](https://getmonero.org/downloads/)
- Prenez n'importe quel ordinateur se trouvant à votre disposition, aussi bien votre station de travail habituelle. Vous pourriez trouver plus simple d'utiliser un vieil ordinateur qui n'ait ni wifi ni bluetooth si vous êtes particulièrement paranoiac.
- Créez un disque bootable Linux ou Windows, et assurez-vous d'avoir les binaires monero sur le même disque ou sur un second disque (pour linux, assurez-vous d'avoir également copié les dépendances dont vous aurez besoin, libboost1.55 et miniupnpc notament).
- Déconnectez le réseau et/ou la connexion internet de votre ordinateur, enlever physiquement la carte wifi ou désactivez le wifi/bluetooth si possible sur un portable.
- Démarrez sur le disque bootable, installez les dépendances si nécessaire.
- Copiez les binaires Monero sur un disque en RAM (/dev/shm sur Linux, une ISO bootable Windows devrait normallement avoir un disque comme Z:).
- Ne lancez pas le démon Monero. A la place, lancez monero-wallet-cli depuis un terminal en ligne de commande pour créer un nouveau @account Monero.
- Lorsqu'un nom vous est demandé, donnez n'importe lequel, cela n'a aucune importance.
- Lorsqu'on vous demande un mot de passe, saisissez de 50 à 100 caractères aléatoires. Ne vous souciez pas de devoir connaître le mot de passe, saisissez-en juste un long.
- **ÉTAPE CRITIQUE** : Notez (sur un papier) votre @mnemonic-seed de 25 mots.
**ATTENTION**: Si vous oubliez de notez cette information, vos fonds pourraient être perdus pour toujours.
- Notez (sur votre smartphone, un papier, un autre ordinateur, n'importe où) votre adresse et votre clef d'audit.
- Éteignez votre ordinateur, enlevez la batterie s'il y en a une, et laissez le physiquement arrêté pendant quelques heures.
Le compte que vous avez créé se trouvait en mémoire vive, et les fichiers sont maintenant innaccessibles. Si un ennemi parvenait d'une quelconque manière à obtenir ces données, il lui manquerait le long mot de passe pour pouvoir l'ouvrir. Si vous avez besoin de recevoir des paiements, vous avez votre adresse publique, et vous avez votre clef d'audit si nécessaire. Si vous avez besoin d'y accéder, vous avez votre @mnemonic-seed de 25 mots, et vous pouvez maintenant en faire quelques copies, dont une copie externe (par exemple, dans le coffre d'une banque).
Mérite : Riccardo Spagni
Lié : [Générateur de Compte Hors-Ligne](http://moneroaddress.org/)
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# Isolation du Portefeuille CLI et du Démon avec Qubes et Whonix
Avec [Qubes](https://qubes-os.org) et [Whonix](https://whonix.org) vous pouvez disposer d'un portefeuille Monero hors connexion fonctionnant sur un système virtuel isolé du démon Monero dont tout le trafic est forcé à passer à travers [Tor](https://torproject.org).
Qubes permet de créer facilement des machines virtuelles pour différents besoins. Tout d'abord, vous crérez une station de travail Whonix sans réseau pour le portefeuille. Ensuite, une seconde station de travail Whonix pour le démon qui utilisera votre passerelle Whonix comme réseau de machine virtuelle. La communication dentre le portefeuille et le démon pourra être réalisée en utilisant Qubes [qrexec](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/qrexec3/).
Il s'agit d'une approche plus sûre que d'autres solutions routant les appels de procédure distantes du portefeuille à travers un service Tor caché, ou utilisant une isolation physique mais disposant toujours du réseau pour le raccordement au démon. De cette manière vou sn'avez besoin d'aucune connectivité réseau sur le portefeuille, vous préserver les ressources du réseau Tor et vous minimisez la latence.
## 1. [Créer une machine virtuelle applicative Whonix](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Install):
+ En utilisant un modèle Whonix de station de travail, créez deux stations de travail comme suit :
- La première station de travail sera utilisé pour le portefeuille, on s'y réfèrera en tant que `monero-wallet-ws`. Vous aurez `NetVM` définit à `none`.
- La seconde station de travail sera pour le démon `monerod`, on s'y réfèrera en tant que `monerod-ws`. Vous aurez `NetVM` définit sur la passerelle Whonix `sys-whonix`.
## 2. Dans la machine virtuelle applicative `monerod-ws`:
+ Télécharger, vérifier et installer le logiciel Monero.
user@host:~$ curl -O "https://downloads.getmonero.org/cli/monero-linux-x64-v0.11.1.0.tar.bz2" -O "https://getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt"
user@host:~$ gpg --recv-keys BDA6BD7042B721C467A9759D7455C5E3C0CDCEB9
user@host:~$ gpg --verify hashes.txt
gpg: Signature made Wed 01 Nov 2017 10:01:41 AM UTC
gpg: using RSA key 0x55432DF31CCD4FCD
gpg: Good signature from "Riccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: BDA6 BD70 42B7 21C4 67A9 759D 7455 C5E3 C0CD CEB9
Subkey fingerprint: 94B7 38DD 3501 32F5 ACBE EA1D 5543 2DF3 1CCD 4FCD
user@host:~$ echo '6581506f8a030d8d50b38744ba7144f2765c9028d18d990beb316e13655ab248 monero-linux-x64-v0.11.1.0.tar.bz2' | shasum -c
monero-linux-x64-v0.11.1.0.tar.bz2: OK
user@host:~$ tar xf monero-linux-x64-v0.11.1.0.tar.bz2
user@host:~$ sudo cp monero-v0.11.1.0/monerod /usr/local/bin/
+ Créez un fichier `systemd`.
user@host:~$ sudo gedit /home/user/monerod.service
Collez-y le contenu suivant :
Description=Monero Full Node
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/monerod --detach --data-dir=/home/user/.bitmonero \
--no-igd --pidfile=/home/user/.bitmonero/monerod.pid \
--log-file=/home/user/.bitmonero/bitmonero.log --p2p-bind-ip=
+ Copiez l'exécutable `monero-wallet-cli` dans la VM `monero-wallet-ws`.
user@host:~$ qvm-copy-to-vm monero-wallet-ws monero-v0.11.1.0/monero-wallet-cli
+ Configurez le lancement du démon `monerod` au démarrage en éditant le fichier `/rw/config/rc.local`.
user@host:~$ sudo gedit /rw/config/rc.local
Ajoutez les lignes suivantes à la fin du fichier :
cp /home/user/monerod.service /lib/systemd/system/
systemctl start monerod.service
Rendez le fichier exécutable.
user@host:~$ sudo chmod +x /rw/config/rc.local
+ Créez le fichier d'action d'appel de procédure distante.
user@host:~$ sudo mkdir /rw/usrlocal/etc/qubes-rpc
user@host:~$ sudo gedit /rw/usrlocal/etc/qubes-rpc/user.monerod
Ajoutez cette ligne :
socat STDIO TCP:localhost:18081
+ Éteignez `monerod-ws`.
## 3. Dans la machine virtuelle applicative `monero-wallet-ws`:
+ Déplacez l'exécutable `monero-wallet-cli`.
user@host:~$ sudo mv QubesIncoming/monerod-ws/monero-wallet-cli /usr/local/bin/
+ Éditez le fichier `/rw/config/rc.local`.
user@host:~$ sudo gedit /rw/config/rc.local
Ajoutez-y la ligne suivante à la fin :
socat TCP-LISTEN:18081,fork,bind= EXEC:"qrexec-client-vm monerod-ws user.monerod"
Rendez le fichier exécutable.
user@host:~$ sudo chmod +x /rw/config/rc.local
+ Éteignez `monero-wallet-ws`.
## 4. Dans `dom0`:
+ Créez le fichier `/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/user.monerod`:
[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo nano /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/user.monerod
Ajoutez la ligne suivante :
monero-wallet-ws monerod-ws allow
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
### Système d'exploitation : Ubuntu
- Téléchargez les [binaires officiels](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) ou compilez les dernières sources disponibles sur [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)


- Décompressez les fichiers avec le gestionnaire d'archive (comme avec Winzip sur Windows). Notez le répertoire dans lequel les fichiers "monerod" et "monero-wallet-cli" se trouvent


- Vous n'aurez besoin d'effectuer cette étape qu'une seule fois : ouvrez un terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) et installez les dépendances requises en tapant : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". Lorsque cela vous sera demandé, tapez sur les touches O (ou Y sur une installation en langue Anglaise) puis la touche Entrée pour continuer


- Ouvrez un terminal et déplacez-vous dans le répertoire où les binaires ont été extrait (voir l'étape 2) en tapant : "*cd répertoireÉtape2 *"

- Lancez monerod en tapant la commande suivante dans votre terminal : "*./monerod*". Patientez le temps de la synchronisation avec le réseau (monerod met à niveau la chaîne de blocs que vous avez téléchargé à l'étape 4 ou la télécharge intégralement). Cela peut prendre un très grand moment, alors soyez patient.




- Une fois monerod synchronisé avec le réseau, ouvrez un nouveau terminal, chagez de répertoire (voir l'étape 5) et lancez le portefeuille CLI en tapant "*./monero-wallet-cli*"

- Entrez le nom que vous souhaitez pour votre portefeuille et suivez les instructions du terminal




*Voici votre clef privée. Notez-là et conservez-là en lieu sûr !*

*Voici votre clef privée d'audit. Vous en aurez besoin pour créer un portefeuille d'audit. (voir le guidu utilisateur associé)*

*Voici l'adresse de votre portefeuille.*





- Pour quiter le portefeuille CLI tapez simplement "*exit*" dans le terminal correspondant.
À partir de maintenant, pour accéder au portefeuille que vous venez de créer, vous aurez besoin de démarrer monerod, d'attendre qu'il soit syncrhonisé avec le réseau, de lancer le portefeuille CLI, et de taper le nom de votre portefeuille et son mot de passe.
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
## Comment obtenir Monero
Voici un guide pour obtenir vos propre Moneroj datant du 9 Septembre 2015. Il s'agit peut être de la façon la plus simple d'acheter et posséder des Moneroj.
####Étape 1 : Acheter du Bitcoin
Il y a différentes façon d'acheter du Bitcoin. La plus simple est peut-être via circle.com. Une fois que vous avez acheté du Bitcoin, vous êtes prêt à acheter du Monero ! Acheter du Bitcoin se fait directement. Allez sur circle.com et suivez les instructions qui s'y trouvent.
####Étape 2 : Créer un compte mymonero.com
MyMonero.com est un portefeuille en ligne, maintenu par Ricardo Spagni (fluffypony), l'un des développeurs principaux de Monero. C'est le portefeuille le plus siple à utiliser. Contentez-vous d'aller sur MyMonero.com et de cliquer sur le bouton "Create an Account".

Après avoir cliqué sur le bouton, votre clef privée sera affichée. C'est cette clef qui vous donne accès à vos fonds. Ne la partagez avec quiconque !

Saisissez votre clef privé dans le champ en dessous et cliquez sur le bouton.
Sur la page suivante se trouve votre adresse.

Copiez votre adresse dans le presse-papier en la sélectionnant en totalité puis en effectuant un Ctrl+C (ou menu éditer > Copier), ou cliquez sur la petite icône à coté de votre adresse. Sauvegardez votre adresse quelque part. C'est grâce à elle que d'autres pourront vous envoyer des Moneroj, et vous l'utiliserez pour déposer vos Moneroj sur votre compte !
#### Step 3: Acheter des Moneroj et les transférer sur votre nouvelle adresse
Allez sur www.shapeshift.io . Sur la droite de l'écran, cliquer sur l'icône en dessous de "Receive" pour sélectionner Monero.


Collez votre adresse dans le champ sous le logo Monero. Sélectionnez le bouton "agree to terms", puis cliquez sur "Start"

Sur la nouvelle fenêtre qui se présente, copiez l'adresse de dépôt dans votre presse-papier (sélectionnez-là et faites un Ctrl+C ou edition> copier)

Retournez sur la page circle.com, cliquez sur le bouton "transfer" collez l'adresse Bitcoin dans le champ
Entrez le montant en Bitcoin que vous souhaitez dépenser.


Une demande de confirmation va s'afficher. Entrez le code de validation et cliquez sur send.

Vous verrez shapeshift passer à "awaiting exchange"

Puis cela passera à "COMPLETE!"

Après un moment, vous le retrouverez sur votre compte Monero

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Parfois, vos fonds pourraient être bloqués, ou vous auriez des fonds bloqués qui ne se débloqueraient jamais. Voici comment solutionner ce problème.
- Chargez votre portefeuille dans monero-wallet-cli.
- Tapez
> seed
Dans l'invite de commande. Notez votre phrase mnemonique de 25 mots, si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait. C'est la meilleure façon de vous assurer que vous ne perdez pas l'accès à vos fonds.
- Fermez monero-wallet-cli en tapant
> exit
- Sauvegardez tous les fichiers relatifs à votre portefeuille, à savoir :
> nomdevotreportefeuille.bin
> nomdevotreportefeuille.bin.keys
> nomdevotreportefeuille.bin.address.txt
Vous pouvez réaliser ceci en copiant les fichiers dans un nouveau répertoire.
Parfois, lors de la création de votre portefeuille, vous pourriez lui avoir donner un nom sans la partie .bin. Dans ce cas, votre portefeuille s'appellera nomdevotreportefeuille sans le .bin à la fin.
- Supprimez nomdevotreportefeuille.bin
- Lancez monero-wallet-cli, et tapez le nom de votre portefeuille que vous venez de supprimer.
- Entrez votre mot de passe. Votre portefeuille sera alors mis à jour et avec un peu de change vos fonds bloqués seront alors débloqués.
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Importer la chaîne de blocs dans le portefeuille GUI
### Étape 1
Téléchargez l'amorce actuelle depuis https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw ; vous pouvez sauter cette étape si vous importez la chaîne de blocs depuis une autre source.
### Étape 2
Trouvez le répertoire de votre portefeuille Monero (le dossier où vous avez extrait votre portefeuille). Par exemple, le mien est :
Votre répertoire peut être différent en fonction de l'endroit ou vous avez décidé de télécharger votre portefeuille et de la version de portefeuille Monero que vous utilisez.
### Étape 3
Trouvez ke répertoire dans lequel vous avez téléchargé la chaîne de blocs, par exemple le mien était :
Le votre pourrait être différent selon l'endroit ou vous avez téléchargé la chaîne de blocs.
### Étape 4
Ouvrez une invite de commande. Vous pouvez le faire en tapant les touches Windows + R, puis en tapant `CMD` dans la fenêtre qui s'affiche.
### Étape 5
Vous devez maintenant vous déplacer dans le répertoire de votre portefeuille Monero depuis l'invite de commande (la fenêtre CMD). Pour cela tapez :
Cela devrait ressembler à :
`cd D:\monero-gui-`
Si votre portefeuille Monero est sur un autre disque vous devez utiliser `LettreDeLecteur:` par exemple, si votre portefeuille Monero est sur votre disque D, vous devez taper `D:` avant d'utiliser la commande cd.
### Étape 6
Maintenant, dans l'invite de commande, tapez :
`monero-blockchain-import --verify 1 --input-file C:\LE\REPERTOIRE\DE\LA\CHAINE\DE\BLOCS`
Par exemple, je taperais :
`monero-blockchain-import --verify 1 --input-file C:\Users\KeeJef\Downloads\blockchain.raw`
Si vous avez téléchargé la chaîne de blocs depuis une source fiable et réputée, vous pouvez positionner `verify 0` cela réduira le temps nécessaire à la synchronisation de la chaîne de blocs.
### Étape 7
Après la fin de la synchronisation de la chaîne de blocs vous pouvez ouvrir votre portefeuille Monero normallement. Le fichier blockchain.raw de la chaîne de blocs que vous avez téléchargé peut être supprimé.
Auteur : Kee Jefferys
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