accepting: rename merchant to tools

This commit is contained in:
plowsof 2023-02-04 00:24:28 +00:00
parent c1125519b6
commit 099d688df9
11 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsthirdp1: Einige davon bieten weitere Funktionen, beispielsweise die Möglichkeit,
einen Teil deines Einkommens automatisch in Fiatgeld umzutauschen, oder auch die
Option, neben Monero auch andere Kryptowährungen zu akzeptieren.
merchthirdlink: der Händlerseite
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp: Solltest du nach anderen Drittanbieter-Integrationen suchen, findest
du eine Liste von Zahlungs-Gateways auf
merchantsintlink: der Seite der GitHub organization

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@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ accepting:
άλλων κρυπτονομισμάτων μαζί με το Monero.
merchantsthirdp: Εάν αναζητάτε άλλο σύστημα ενσωμάτωσης από τρίτους, υπάρχει μια
λίστα πυλών πληρωμής
merchthirdlink: στη σελίδα εμπόρων
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsintlink: στον οργανισμό GitHub
merchantsint: Εάν προτιμάτε να μην ασχοληθείτε άμεσα με τα πορτοφόλια, μπορείτε
να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα σύστημα πληρωμών από τρίτους. Τα μέλη της κοινότητας του

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@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsint: "If you prefer to not directly deal with the wallets, you can use a third party payment system. Members of the Monero community have created a set of integrations for various platforms and languages. You can find more info on"
merchantsintlink: the GitHub organization
merchantsthirdp: If you are looking for other third party integration system, there is a list of payment gateways on
merchthirdlink: the merchant page
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp1: Some of those offer nice features like the possibility to automatically convert part of your income in fiat money or to accept other cryptocurrencies along with Monero.

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@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsthirdp1: Algunos de ellos ofrecen buenas características como la posibilidad
de convertir automáticamente parte de tus ingresos en dinero fiat, o aceptar otras
criptomonedas junto con Monero.
merchthirdlink: la página del comerciante
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchdevguides: guías para desarrolladores
merchantstitle: Instrucciones para comerciantes
guiol3: Introduce la cantidad a recibir y luego comparte con quien paga la URL del

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsthirdp1: Certaines d'entre elles offrent des fonctionnalités intéressantes,
comme la possibilité de convertir automatiquement une partie de vos revenus en
monnaie fiduciaire ou d'accepter d'autres cryptomonnaies en plus du Monero.
merchthirdlink: la page Commerçants
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp: Si vous recherchez un autre système d'intégration tierce partie,
il existe une liste de passerelles de paiement sur
merchantsintlink: l'organisation GitHub

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@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ accepting:
\ å gi CLI-en din denne kommandoen: «kontobytte 1». Nå sitter du på din «Donasjoner»-konto,\
\ og du kan begynne å bruke den med én gang.\n"
merchdevguides: utviklerguider
merchthirdlink: forhandlersiden
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp: Hvis du er på utkikk etter et annet tredjeparts integrasjonssystem,
finnes en liste over betalingsporter på
merchantsintlink: GitHub-organisasjonen

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@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsthirdp1: Niektóre z nich oferują fajne funkcje, takie jak możliwość automatycznej
zamiany części twojego dochodu na waluty rządowe lub akceptowanie innych kryptowalut
wraz z Monero.
merchthirdlink: stronie sprzedawców
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp: Jeśli szukasz innego systemu integracji strony trzeciej, znajdziesz
listę bramek płatniczych na
merchantsintlink: organizacji GitHub

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@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsthirdp1: Alguns deles oferecem recursos interessantes como a possibilidade
de converter parte da sua receita automaticamente para dinheiro ou permitem aceitar
outras criptomoedas juntamente com Monero.
merchthirdlink: página de comerciantes
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp: Se estiver procurando por outros sistemas de integração terceirizados,
existe uma lista de "gateways" de pagamentos na
merchantsintlink: na organização GitHub

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@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsint: ""
merchantsintlink: ''
merchantsthirdp: ''
merchthirdlink: ''
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp1: ''

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@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsintlink: странице GitHub
merchantsthirdp: Если вы решили найти другую стороннюю интегрированную систему,
merchthirdlink: странице для предпринимателей
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp1: Некоторые из них обеспечивают превосходные возможности, такие
как автоматический перевод части вашего дохода в фиатные деньги или приём других
криптовалют помимо Monero.

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@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ accepting:
merchantsintlink: GitHub organizaciji
merchantsthirdp: Ako tražite drugi nezavisni sistem integracije, postoji lista usluga
za različite načine plaćanja na
merchthirdlink: stranici za trgovce
merchthirdlink: the tools page
merchantsthirdp1: Neki od njih nude fine pogodnosti kao što su mogućnost automatskog
pretvaranja dela vašeg prihoda u dekretni novac ili prihvatanje drugih kriptovaluta
zajedno sa Monerom.