**\<fluffypony>** this in particular: https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero/issues/80#issuecomment-223596750
**\<hyc>** ah
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: do you want me to PR changes to your branch then? will save you a rebase?
**\<moneromooo>** Sure.
**\<fluffypony>** ok great
**\<moneromooo>** Would rct be merged before the wallet2_api stuff then ?
**\<fluffypony>** so that's the next thing for discussion
**\<fluffypony>** the massive wallet2 PR
**\<fluffypony>** it's rebased against master now
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: what are your thoughts on merging before or after ?
**\<moneromooo>** I don't really have one.
**\<moneromooo>** Maybe merge Ilya's first, since there's not going to be much review/fixes anyway.
**\<fluffypony>** ok
**\<gingeropolous>** so wallet2 a buncha stuff specifically designed for GUI?
**\<moneromooo>** wallet2_api is.
**\<fluffypony>** there's also been a fair amount of review on that PR because it's so hefty - is everyone comfortable that major issues (especially in git history) have been resolved and it can be merged?
**\<moneromooo>** Depends on how high you put the bar.
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: it's low - we can open issues to fix stuff after the merge
**\<moneromooo>** But assuming the GPL code is gone, I think it's ok. It can be changed later.
**\<fluffypony>** oh the GPL cmake stuff, I'll check on that
**\<fluffypony>** looks like there's a BSD licensed replacement now
**\<moneromooo>** I saw the comment, I did not look at the new code.
**\<fluffypony>** hokay
**\<fluffypony>** then there are a bunch of new PRs if anyone wants to take a glance at them
**\<fluffypony>** I need someone to check mine (885, just a readme change) before merging plx
**\<hyc>** huh i only see up to 881
**\<hyc>** oh PRs not issues
**\<moneromooo>** I seem to have reviewed all these, except the windows packages one which I have no clue about.
**\<fluffypony>** it compiled successfully
**\<fluffypony>** couple of weird complaints about deprecations at the end
**\<fluffypony>** C:/msys64/mingw64/include/boost/type_traits/detail/template_arity_spec.hpp:13:84: note: #pragma message: NOTE: Use of this header (template_arity_spec.hpp) is deprecated
**\<fluffypony>** # pragma message("NOTE: Use of this header (template_arity_spec.hpp) is deprecated")
**\<hyc>** I've been getting that on most builds now
**\<hyc>** boost 1.60
**\<fluffypony>** ah
**\<fluffypony>** boost, sigh.
**\<hyc>** not sure what there is to do about that since it's an internal header file, not one thata we explicitly include
**\<fluffypony>** tewinget doesn't seem to be around, he can update us on 0MQ when he is
**\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: how goes ringct?
**\<moneromooo>** I'm kinda blocked today, so I didn't do much.
**\<fluffypony>** I mean in the last two weeks since the last meeting, lol
**\<moneromooo>** Both that watch only thing that nobody wants to talk about, and waiting for shen's sybil resistant upgrade.
**\<fluffypony>** kk
**\<moneromooo>** Well, last two weeks, more tests, fixes, sweep_all now uses rct, and better output selection (for the general case).
**\<hyc>** does rct let us do watch only with both deposits and withdrawals?
**\<moneromooo>** No.
**\<fluffypony>** this sorta bounces back to the MRL, so we wait for feedback
**\<fluffypony>** hyc: are you doing anything interesting at the moment?
**\<hyc>** not really. I still need to come up with a fix for txn_full on 32bit
**\<hyc>** I'm traveling most of the the rest of this month
**\<hyc>** so not much hacking time
**\<fluffypony>** cool beans
**\<fluffypony>** ok - anything else from anyone else?
**\<luigi1112>** Hi
**\<luigi1112>** :-)
**\<moneromooo>** If anyone wants to start reviewing the rct-rptest branch, I don't think it's going to change again (save new commits).
**\<moneromooo>** Like, find how to pwn it.
**\<fluffypony>** oh luigi1112 I forgot to tag you at the beginning, apologies
**\<moneromooo>** Would be a good job for Heuristic, except there's no picture of hte code...
**\<moneromooo>** Oh, some other dev related thing: luigi1112, any news on the change to signing something from a standard address ? :)
**\<luigi1112>** Nah I've been reading but don't have any time to participate atm
**\<luigi1112>** Oops :-)
**\<luigi1112>** Still soon
**\<fluffypony>** you forgot the tm
**\<fluffypony>** it's not soon if it's not tm
**\<luigi1112>** Well it should be this week or next :-)
**\<fluffypony>** ok I think that brings the meeting to a close - Kovri meeting is only in 23 minutes, so feel free to add / discuss new things and it'll be in the log
**\<hyc>** i got nothing, catch y'all next time
**\<gingah>** any new thoughts on the auto fee thing?
**\<rg>** id like to bring up the most imporant issue, fluffypony -- free XMR for me
**\<fluffypony>** gingah: auto fee?
**\<moneromooo>** The thing ArticMine was looking at - scaling fees based on... stuff.
**\<ArticMine>** Setting fees based on the blocksize
**\<ArticMine>** and the reward penalty
**\<ArticMine>** One also has to look at optimizing what transactions miners will accept vs block penalty and fees paid