msgid "You should restore your @wallet in the following situations: - You lost access to your wallet (you forgot its password, your wallet file is corrupted or your device stopped working/is lost). - You want to create a copy of your wallet on another device."
msgid "If you want to restore a wallet from its private keys, please read [this guide]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html)."
msgid "A valid Monero mnemonic seed is a phrase with 13, 14, or 25 random words (multiple languages are supported). Your mnemonic seed has all the information needed to restore your wallet."
msgid "Most Monero wallets ask the user to write down a mnemonic seed on a paper backup when a wallet is being created. So it's up to you to remember where and how you stored your mnemonic seed."
msgid "Alternatively, if you still have access to the wallet being restored, you can usually find your mnemonic seed in a menu with some name like `Seed`, `Keys`, `Secrets`, or `Master Private Key`."
msgid "The wallet restore height is a setting that tells your wallet software at which block height it should start scanning the blockchain looking for transactions. Ideally it should be the number of the block which included the first incoming transaction to your wallet."
msgid "If you set a restore height higher than the block height of your first incoming transaction, your wallet software will not detect all transactions of your wallet. In consequence, your balance will be wrong and your wallet software will not work properly."
msgid "If you set a restore height lower than the block height of your first incoming transaction, your wallet software will scan unnecessary blocks. In consequence, your initial wallet synchronization will take longer than necessary, but your wallet software will still work."
msgid "Therefore, if you're unsure about the block height of your first incoming transaction, it's always better to set a lower restore height instead of a higher one."
msgid "On the next field, type your 25 word `mnemonic seed`. It is expected that some mnemonic seeds have repeated words, as they work as a verification for errors (checksum)."
msgid "Use the field `Seed offset passphrase` to enter your passphrase, if you have one. When you enter a passphrase, Monero GUI will use your mnemonic seed together with your passphrase to compute a new wallet."
msgid "The next field allows you to enter a `Restore height`. Even though this field is optional, it's not recommended to leave it blank, since setting a restore height makes your wallet synchronization faster. Ideally it should be the number of the block which included the first incoming transaction to your wallet:"
#| msgid "On the next page, give your wallet a strong password and confirm it before clicking the `Right` arrow:"
msgid "On the next page, give your wallet a strong password and confirm it. Since your wallet will hold your private keys and seed, it is really important to enter a strong password."
msgstr "Na następnej stronie ustaw silne hasło i potwierdź je, zanim ponownie klikniesz w strzałkę w `prawo`:"
msgid "If your wallet is in `Advanced mode`, the `Daemon settings` page will be displayed. Here you can choose whether you want to start a local node or connect to a remote node. Choose your desired option and click on `Next` button."
msgid "Monero CLI will then ask you to give your wallet a password and confirm it. Since your wallet will hold your private keys and seed, it is really important to enter a strong password."
msgid "Next, Monero CLI will ask for a `Restore height`. Even though it is optional, it's not recommended to leave it blank, since setting a restore height makes your wallet synchronization faster. Ideally it should be the number of the block which included the first incoming transaction to your wallet. Alternatively, you can also enter the date or an estimated date (YYYY-MM-DD format) of the first incoming transaction."
msgid "After you have entered restore height, Monero CLI will then restore your wallet and start the wallet synchronization. Please be patient as this process may take a while. You will need to wait for it to finish before start using your wallet."
msgid "If you run into any trouble, running `./monero-wallet-cli --help` will show you the options available to you at wallet startup. Once you're inside your wallet, running the `help` command will list the help for the commands available to you within the wallet."
msgid "This problem usually occurs when you set a restore height that is higher than the block height of the first incoming transaction to your wallet. To solve this issue, you will have to change the wallet restore height. Please read [this guide]({{site.baseurl}}/resources/user-guides/change-restore-height.html) for detailed instructions on how to do this."
#~ msgid "- Open a command prompt and navigate to the drive and directory that contains monero-wallet-cli"
#~ msgstr "- Otwórz wiersz polecenia i przejdź do dysku i folderu zawierającego monero-wallet-cli"
#~ msgid "- Once you press enter you will be prompted for a wallet file name. Give your wallet a new name, any name will do"
#~ msgstr "- Po wciśnięciu Enter zostaniesz poproszony o podanie nowej nazwy pliku portfela. Nazwij go jakkolwiek"
#~ msgid "- Press enter again and you will be prompted for a password. Give your wallet a new and long password"
#~ msgstr "- Naciśnij Enter ponownie i zostaniesz poproszony o hasło. Nadaj swojemu portfelowi nowe, długie hasło"
#~ msgid "- Press enter again you will be prompted to repeat the password"
#~ msgstr "- Naciśnij Enter ponownie i zostaniesz poproszony o powtórzenie hasła"
#~ msgid "- Press enter again and you will be prompted for the 25 word electrum style mnemonic seed that you retrieved earlier"
#~ msgstr "- Naciśnij Enter ponownie i zostaniesz poproszony o 25-słowny kod mnemoniczny, który przygotowałeś wcześniej"
#~ msgid "- You will then be prompted with \"Restore from specific blockchain height (optional, default 0):\" Default will start the restore process from the beginning of the Monero blockchain. If you don't know the specific blockchain height, just hit enter. (Specifying a specific blockchain height will start the restore process from that specific height. This will save a bit of time in scanning, if you know what starting blockchain height your initial funds were transacted for this specific account.)"
#~ msgstr "- Następnie pojawi się wiadomość \"Przywróć z określonej wysokości łańcucha bloków (opcjonalne, domyślnie 0)\". Domyślnie proces przywracania zacznie się od początku łańcucha bloków monero. Jeśli nie znasz dokładnej wysokości łańcucha, naciśnij Enter. Uściślenie wysokości łańcucha rozpocznie proces przywracania od tej konkretnej wysokości. Oszczędzi to trochę czasu przy skanowaniu, jeśli wiesz, na jakiej wysokości łańcucha twoje pierwsze fundusze zostały przesłane dla tego konta."
#~ msgid "After you have entered the 25 word mnemonic seed and have chosen your specific blockchain height, monero-wallet-cli will generate the same public address and view key as your old wallet and begin the refresh process automatically. (Please be patient as the refresh process may take a while.)"
#~ msgstr "Po wpisaniu 25-słownego kodu mnemonicznego i wybraniu wysokości łańcucha bloków, monero-wallet-cli wygeneruje taki sam adres publiczny i klucz widoczności jak w twoim starym portfelu i automatycznie rozpocznie proces aktualizacji. Bądź cierpliwy, aktualizacja może zająć chwilę."
#~ msgid "Lauch `monero-wallet-gui`. If this is the first time you launched it go to the next step, otherwise click `Cancel`:"
#~ msgstr "Uruchom Graficzny Interfejs Użytkownika Monero. Jeśli uruchamiasz go po raz pierwszy, przejdź do następnego kroku, jeśli nie - kliknij `Anuluj`:"
#~ msgid "Keep `Restore from seed` selected, give your wallet a name & storage location, and complete the `Enter your 25 (or 24) word mnemonic seed`. Optionaly, specify a `Restore height (optional)` to avoid scanning of oldest blocks. Then click the `Right` arrow:"
#~ msgstr "Zaznacz opcję `Przywróć portfel z seeda`, nazwij swój portfel i wybierz jego lokalizację i wpisz swój kod mnemoniczny w polu `Enter your 25 (or 24) word mnemonic seed`. Możesz opcjonalnie uściślić wysokość bloku w polu `Wysokość początkowa przywracania portfela (opcjonalne)`, aby uniknąć skanowania starszych bloków. Następniej kliknij w strzałkę w `prawo`:"
#~ msgid "Specify your @daemon settings and click the `Right` arrow:"
#~ msgstr "Sprecyzuj ustawienia swojego demona i kliknij w strzałkę w `prawo`:"
#~ msgid "Click on `USE MONERO` to enjoy your restored wallet:"
#~ msgstr "Kliknij w `UŻYJ MONERO`, aby skorzystać ze swojego przywróconego portfela:"