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Running Monero Open Node with Tor Onion Support |
Running Monero Open Node + Tor Onion
!!! success "The end goal" You will publicly offer the following services, where xxx.yyy.zzz.vvv is your server IP address.
* xxx.yyy.zzz.vvv:18080 - clearnet P2P service (for other nodes)
* xxx.yyy.zzz.vvv:18089 - clearnet RPC service (for wallets)
* yourlongv3onionaddress.onion:18084 - onion P2P service (for other onion nodes)
* yourlongv3onionaddress.onion:18089 - onion RPC service (for wallets connecting over Tor)
??? info "P2P ports"
Q: Why different P2P ports for clearnet and onion?
A: The data served by the Onion differs from clearnet P2P. A different port is required
??? warning "May be resource intensive" Providing a Public RPC may use a sizeable amount of resources on your PC.
If you have concerns about data/bandwidth, CPU or RAM usage, you may disable the `public-node` setting by commenting [#] or deleting the line from the [config](#config)
Why run this specific setup?
You will be able to connect your desktop and mobile Monero wallets to your own trusted Monero node, in a secure and private way over Tor.
Running as a systemd service will allow your node to always remain synced, as opposed to intermittently running node.
Serving blocks and transactions in Monero P2P network helps new users to bootstrap and sync up their nodes. It also strenghtens Monero P2P network against DDoS attacks and network partitioning.
Open wallet inteface - The public-node
config option allows anyone to connect their wallets to Monero network through your node.
This is useful to users who don't run their own nodes.
Tor onion for wallet interface is useful for wallet users connecting over Tor because it mitigates Clearnet and Tor exit node MiTM risks (which are very real). By connecting wallet to an onion service, no MiTM attack is realistic because onion connections are end-to-end encrypted.
Tor onion for P2P network is useful for other full node users as it allows them to broadcast transactions over Tor (using --tx-proxy
You possess:
- Basic understanding of Linux administration
- Root access to a Linux server
- Recommended 4 GB+ RAM
- Recommended available SSD storage of
- {{ multiply(lmdb_size_full, 2.5) }} GB+ for the full node
- {{ multiply(lmdb_size_pruned, 2.5) }} GB+ for the pruned.
!!! note "Current blockchain size as of {{ lmdb_size_updated }}"
The current blockchain sizes are approximately:
Full node: {{ lmdb_size_full }} GB
Pruned node: {{ lmdb_size_pruned }} GB
Some commands assume Ubuntu but you will easily translate them to your distribution.
Install Tor
Elevate to root:
sudo su -
Add the following lines to
:HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/monerod HiddenServicePort 18089 # interface for wallet ("RPC") HiddenServicePort 18084 # interface for P2P network
Enable tor service:
systemctl enable tor systemctl restart tor
Verify the Tor is running:
systemctl status tor@default
View/Copy your new Onion Address:
cat /var/lib/tor/monerod/hostname
??? info "Backup Onion keys"
You may want to backup your keys folder (/var/lib/tor/monerod
) to secure control over your onion address.
??? info "How Tor onion services work?"
A fresh onion address and corresponding key pair were created for you in /var/lib/tor/monero/.
This happens on restart whenever you add a new `HiddenServiceDir` to the `/etc/tor/torrc` config file.
The tor daemon will forward traffic from a virtual onion port to an actual localhost port, where some service is listening (in our case, this will be `monerod`).
A single onion address can offer multiple services at various virtual ports.
Install Monero
user and group:useradd --system monero
Create monero config, data and log directories:
mkdir -p /etc/monero # config mkdir -p /var/lib/monero # blockchain mkdir -p /var/log/monero # logs chown monero:monero /etc/monero chown monero:monero /var/lib/monero chown monero:monero /var/log/monero
Feel free to adjust above to your preferred conventions, just remember to adjust the paths in the
config files accordingly. -
Extract the binaries (adjust filename if necessary):
tar -xvf monero-linux-x64-{{ cli_vers }}.tar.bz2 rm monero-linux-x64-{{ cli_vers }}.tar.bz2
Move binaries to /usr/local/bin/:
mv monero-x86_64-linux-gnu-{{ cli_vers }}/* /usr/local/bin/. chown monero:monero /usr/local/bin/monero*
Monerod Config
as shown below and replacePASTE_YOUR_ONION_HOSTNAME
with your Onion address.# /etc/monero/monerod.conf # # Configuration file for monerod. For all available options see the MoneroDocs: # https://docs.getmonero.org/interacting/monerod-reference/ # Data directory (blockchain db and indices) data-dir=/var/lib/monero/bitmonero # Optional pruning #prune-blockchain=1 # Pruning saves 2/3 of disk space w/o degrading functionality but contributes less to the network #sync-pruned-blocks=1 # Allow downloading pruned blocks instead of prunning them yourself # Centralized services check-updates=disabled # Do not check DNS TXT records for a new version enable-dns-blocklist # Block known malicious nodes # Log file log-file=/var/log/monero/monero.log log-level=0 # Minimal logs, WILL NOT log peers or wallets connecting max-log-file-size=2147483648 # Set to 2GB to mitigate log trimming by monerod; configure logrotate instead # P2P full node #p2p-bind-ip= # Bind to all interfaces (the default) #p2p-bind-port=18080 # Bind to default port #no-igd=1 # Disable UPnP port mapping # RPC open node public-node=1 # Advertise to other users they can use this node for connecting their wallets rpc-restricted-bind-ip= # Bind to all interfaces (the Open Node) rpc-restricted-bind-port=18089 # Bind to a new RESTICTED port (the Open Node) # RPC TLS rpc-ssl=autodetect # Use TLS if client wallet supports it (Default); A new certificate will be regenerated every restart # ZMQ #zmq-rpc-bind-ip= # Default #zmq-rpc-bind-port=18082 # Default 18082 zmq-pub=tcp:// # ZMQ pub #no-zmq=1 # Disable ZMQ RPC server # Mempool size max-txpool-weight=2684354560 # Maximum unconfirmed transactions pool size in bytes (here ~2.5GB, default ~618MB) # Database sync mode #db-sync-mode=safe:sync # Slow but reliable db writes # Network limits out-peers=24 # This will enable much faster sync and tx awareness; the default 8 is suboptimal nowadays in-peers=48 # The default is unlimited; we prefer to put a cap on this limit-rate-up=1048576 # 1048576 kB/s == 1GB/s; a raise from default 2048 kB/s; contribute more to p2p network limit-rate-down=1048576 # 1048576 kB/s == 1GB/s; a raise from default 8192 kB/s; allow for faster initial sync # Tor/I2P: broadcast transactions originating from connected wallets over Tor/I2P (does not concern relayed transactions) tx-proxy=tor,,16,disable_noise # Tor #tx-proxy=i2p,,16.disable_noise # I2P # Tor/I2P: tell monerod your onion address so it can be advertised on P2P network anonymous-inbound=PASTE_YOUR_ONION_HOSTNAME:18084,,64 #anonymous-inbound=PASTE_YOUR_I2P_HOSTNAME,,64 # Tor: be forgiving to connecting wallets; suggested by http://xmrguide42y34onq.onion/remote_nodes disable-rpc-ban=1
as shown below.# /etc/systemd/system/monerod.service [Unit] Description=Monero Daemon After=network-online.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/monerod --detach --config-file /etc/monero/monerod.conf --pidfile /run/monero/monerod.pid ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 0.1 PIDFile=/run/monero/monerod.pid Type=forking Restart=on-failure RestartSec=30 User=monero Group=monero RuntimeDirectory=monero StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Enable the monerod service:
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable monerod systemctl restart monerod
Verify it is up:
systemctl status monerod
Verify it is working as intended:
tail -n100 /var/log/monero/monero.log
Open firewall ports
If you use a firewall (and you should), open 18080
and 18089
ports for incoming TCP connections.
These are for the incoming clearnet connections, P2P and RPC respectively.
You do not need to open any ports for Tor.
For example, for popular ufw firewall, that would be:
ufw allow 18080/tcp
ufw allow 18089/tcp
To verify, use ufw status
. The output should be similar to the following (the 22
being default SSH port, unrelated to Monero):
To Action From
-- ------ ----
22/tcp LIMIT Anywhere
18080/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
18089/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
22/tcp (v6) LIMIT Anywhere (v6)
18080/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
18089/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
On server
List all services listening on ports and make sure it is what you expect:
sudo netstat -lntpu
The output should include these (in any order); obviously the PID values will differ.
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 259255/monerod
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 259255/monerod
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 259255/monerod
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 258786/tor
On client machine
Finally, we want to test connections from your client machine.
Install tor
and torsocks
on your laptop, you will want them anyway for Monero wallet.
Just for testing, you will also need nmap
and proxychains
Test clearnet P2P connection:
nmap -Pn -p 18080 YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE
Test clearnet RPC connection:
curl --digest -X POST http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE:18089/json_rpc -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Test onion P2P connection (skip if you don't have proxychains):
proxychains nmap -Pn -p 18084 YOUR_ONION_ADDRESS_HERE.onion
Test onion RPC connection:
curl -x socks5h:// --digest -X POST http://YOUR_ONION_ADDRESS_HERE.onion:18089/json_rpc -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
- Status:
systemctl status tor@default
- Logs:
journalctl -xe --unit tor@default
- Status:
systemctl status monero
- Logs:
tail -n100 /var/log/monero/monero.log
- Logs more info: change
(remember to revert once solved)