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synced 2025-03-20 14:08:44 +00:00
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Monero Release Naming Convention
Monero's naming convention of a chemical element (in sequence), and celestial object, and was decided on via a discussion on the official forum in 2015. Alliteration or assonance is also required, for maximum awesomeness. As an example, the first Monero release following this convention was named "Hydrogen Helix".
Note that the only time a chemical element has been out of periodic table sequence was with the release of Wolfram Warptangent, so named in memory of warptangent after his passing, and in recognition of all of his early contributions to Monero.
Below is a list of elements and galactic bodies, as prepared by palexander.
Elements | Celestial Objects |
Hydrogen | Ambartsumian's Knot |
Helium | Andromeda |
Lithium | Antennae |
Beryllium | Antila |
Boron | Aquarius Dwarf |
Carbon | Arp's |
Nitrogen | Atom For Peace |
Oxygen | Baade's |
Fluorine | Barbon's |
Neon | Barnard's |
Sodium | Bears Paw |
Magnesium | Beehive Cluster |
Aluminium | BL Lacertae |
Silicon | Black Eye |
Phosphorus | Bode's |
Sulfur | Burbidge Chain |
Chlorine | Butterfly Cluster |
Argon | BW Tauri |
Potassium | Capricorn Dwarf |
Calcium | Carafe |
Scandium | Carina Dwarf |
Titanium | Cartwheel |
Vanadium | Centauras A |
Chromium | Cetus A Galaxy |
Manganese | Cigar Galaxy |
Iron | Circinus |
Cobalt | Coddington's Nebula |
Nickel | Comet |
Copper | Copeland Septet |
Zinc | Crab Nebula |
Gallium | Cygnus A |
Germanium | De Mairan's Nebula |
Arsenic | Draco Dwarf |
Selenium | Dumbbell Nebula |
Bromine | Dwingeloo |
Krypton | Eagle Nebula |
Rubidium | Exclamation Mark |
Strontium | Fath 703 |
Yttrium | Fornax A |
Zirconium | Fourcade-Figuero |
Niobium | Gibson Reaves |
Molybdenum | Great Globular Cluster |
Technetium | Grus Quartet |
Ruthenium | Hanny's Object |
Rhodium | Hardcastle's |
Palladium | Helix |
Silver | Hercules A |
Cadmium | Hoag's Object |
Indium | Holmberg I |
Tin | Horologium Dwarf |
Antimony | Horseshoe Nebula |
Tellurium | Hucra's Lens |
Iodine | Hydra A |
Xenon | Integral Sign |
Caesium | Keenan's System |
Barium | Komossa's Object |
Lanthanum | Kowal's Object |
Cerium | Lagoon Nebula |
Praseodymium | Large Magellanic Cloud |
Neodymium | Leo Triplet |
Promethium | Lindsay-Shapley Ring |
Samarium | Little Dumbbell Nebula |
Europium | Lost |
Gadolinium | Maffei I |
Terbium | Malin 1 |
Dysprosium | Mayall's Object |
Holmium | McLeish's Object |
Erbium | Mice |
Thulium | Milky Way |
Ytterbium | Miniature Spiral |
Lutetium | Minkowski's Object |
Hafnium | Orion Nebula |
Tantalum | Owl Nebula |
Tungsten | Pancake |
Rhenium | Papillon |
Osmium | Pegasus Dwarf |
Iridium | Perseus A |
Platinum | Phoenix Dwarf Irregular G. |
Gold | Pinwheel |
Mercury | Pisces Cloud |
Thallium | Pleiades |
Lead | Polarissima Australis |
Bismuth | Ptolemy Cluster |
Polonium | Reinmuth 80 |
Astatine | Reticulum Dwarf |
Radon | Ring Nebula |
Francium | Sagittarius Dwarf |
Radium | Sagittarius Star Cloud |
Actinium | Sculptor Dwarf |
Thorium | Seashell |
Protactinium | Serpens Dwarf |
Uranium | Sextans A |
Neptunium | Seyfert's Sextet |
Plutonium | Shapley-Ames 1 |
Americium | Siamese Twins |
Curium | Silver Coin |
Berkelium | Small Magellanic Cloud |
Californium | Sombrero |
Einsteinium | Southern Pinwheel Galaxy |
Fermium | Spider |
Mendelevium | Spindle |
Nobelium | Stephan's Quintet |
Lawrencium | Sunflower |
Rutherfordium | Tadpole |
Dubnium | The Eyes |
Seaborgium | The Garland |
Bohrium | Triangulum |
Hassium | Trifid Nebula |
Meitnerium | Tucana Dwarf |
Darmstadtium | Ursa Minor Dwarf |
Roentgenium | Virgo A |
Copernicium | Whirlpool |
Ununtrium | Wild Duck Cluster |
Flerovium | Wild's Triplett |
Ununpentium | Wilman 1 |
Livermorium | Winnecke 4 |
Ununseptium | Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte |
Ununoctium | Zwicky's Triplet |