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2024-11-08 19:29:39 +00:00
convert.to.subnet <- function(x, mask) {
result <- intToBits(IP::ipv4(x)@ipv4)
result <- matrix(result, nrow = 32)
result[seq_len(32 - mask), ] <- raw(1)
result <- packBits(c(result), "integer")
result <- suppressWarnings(as.character(IP::ipv4(result)))
# Gets a warning about negative values because the actual value is an unsigned integer
in.malicious.ips <- function(x, malicious.ips) {
# x can have duplicated elements
malicious.ips.singletons <- malicious.ips[ ! grepl("/", malicious.ips)]
malicious.ips.ranges <- malicious.ips[grepl("/", malicious.ips)]
result <- x %in% malicious.ips.singletons
result <- result | (! is.na(IP::ip.match(IP::ipv4(x), IP::ipv4r(malicious.ips.ranges))))
#' Collect connected peers' IP addresses
#' @description Collects IP addreses of peers that the local node has
#' established outbound connections to. The time and set of IP addreses are
#' saved to a CSV file. These IP addreses are checked against an optional
#' set of suspected malicious IP addresses. Information about the share of
#' outbound connections to suspected maclicious IP addreses is printed.
#' IP addresses are grouped by subnet and information is printed to check for
#' possible "subnet saturation" by malicious entities. This function is an
#' infinite loop. `ctrl + c` to interrupt the function.
#' @param csv.file The name of the CSV file to write to and read from. If it
#' already exists, data will be appended to it and the whole file will be
#' used to compute top subnet information.
#' @param unrestricted.rpc.url URL and port of the `monerod` unrestricted RPC.
#' Default is ``
#' @param malicious.ips A character vector of IP addreses that are suspected
#' to be malicious.
#' @param top.subnet.mask Numeric value. The IP address subnet mask to print
#' summary information about.
#' @param n.top.subnets Number of subnets to print summary information about.
#' @param poll.time How often, in seconds, to collect data from the local
#' monero node. Default is 30 seconds.
#' @return
#' NULL (invisible)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' suspected.malicious.ips <- readLines(
2024-11-08 19:29:39 +00:00
#' "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Boog900/monero-ban-list/refs/heads/main/ban_list.txt")
#' peers.ip.collect(malicious.ips = suspected.malicious.ips)
#' }
peers.ip.collect <- function(csv.file = "xmr-peers-ip.csv",
unrestricted.rpc.url = "", malicious.ips = NULL,
top.subnet.mask = 24, n.top.subnets = 10, poll.time = 30) {
if ( ! (is.null(malicious.ips) | is.vector(malicious.ips)) ) {
stop("malicious.ips must be an atomic vector, i.e. not a data.frame or matrix.")
if (file.exists(csv.file)) {
peer.ip.data <- as.matrix(read.csv(csv.file, header = FALSE))
peer.ip.data <- peer.ip.data[, -1] # Remove the time column
} else {
peer.ip.data <- matrix(NA_character_, ncol = 24, nrow = 0)
json.post <- RJSONIO::toJSON(
jsonrpc = "2.0",
id = "0",
method = "get_connections",
params = ""
session.start.time <- Sys.time()
cat(paste0(format(session.start.time, "%Y-%m-%d %T"),
ifelse(length(malicious.ips) > 0, " Start collecting peer data...\n",
" Start collecting peer data (no malicious peer list)...\n")))
# peer.malicious.ips.data <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = 24, nrow = 0)
while (TRUE) {
RPC.time <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
peers <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(
RCurl::postForm(paste0(unrestricted.rpc.url, "/json_rpc"),
.opts = list(
userpwd = "",
postfields = json.post,
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
), asText = TRUE
if(length(peers$result$connections) == 0 ) {
cat("Unexpected results from node's RPC response. Check that monerod's unrestricted RPC port is at ",
unrestricted.rpc.url, "\n")
peers <- peers$result$connections
peer.address <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {gsub("[:][0-9]*", "", x$address)})
peer.incoming <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {x$incoming})
peer.address <- peer.address[ ! peer.incoming]
peer.address.ipv4 <- IP::ipv4(peer.address)
peer.address <- peer.address[order(peer.address.ipv4)]
peer.ip.data <- rbind(peer.ip.data,
matrix(c(peer.address, rep(NA_character_, 24 - length(peer.address))),
ncol = 24, nrow = 1))
write.table(cbind(RPC.time, peer.ip.data[nrow(peer.ip.data), , drop = FALSE]), file = csv.file,
sep = ",", append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
if (length(malicious.ips) > 0) {
peer.address.malicious.ips <- as.numeric(in.malicious.ips(peer.address, malicious.ips))
# peer.malicious.ips.data <- rbind(peer.malicious.ips.data,
# matrix(c(peer.address.malicious.ips, rep(NA_real_, 24 - length(peer.address.malicious.ips))),
# ncol = 24, nrow = 1))
cat(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %T"), " Outbound peers on malicious IPs list: ",
sum(peer.address.malicious.ips), "/", length(peer.address.malicious.ips),
" (", round(100 * mean(peer.address.malicious.ips)), "%)", "\n", sep = "")
peer.ip.data.unique <- na.omit(unique(c(peer.ip.data)))
peer.ip.data.unique.subnet <- convert.to.subnet(peer.ip.data.unique, top.subnet.mask)
if (length(peer.ip.data.unique.subnet) < n.top.subnets) { Sys.sleep(poll.time); next }
subnets.message <- sort(table(peer.ip.data.unique.subnet), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n.top.subnets]
subnets.message <- paste0(names(subnets.message), "/", top.subnet.mask,
": ", subnets.message, collapse = ", ")
cat("Top subnets (", 2^(32 - top.subnet.mask) - 2,
" possible /", top.subnet.mask, " IPs each): ", subnets.message,
"\n", sep = "")