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synced 2025-03-12 09:29:25 +00:00
Add peers.ip.collect()
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 225 additions and 3 deletions
@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ Suggests:
testthat (>= 3.0.0),
Config/testthat/edition: 3
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ export("newborn.nodes")
importFrom("utils", "read.csv", "write.csv", "untar", "installed.packages")
importFrom("stats", "complete.cases", "quantile")
importFrom("utils", "read.csv", "write.csv", "write.table", "untar", "installed.packages")
importFrom("stats", "complete.cases", "quantile", "na.omit")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
convert.to.subnet <- function(x, mask) {
result <- intToBits(IP::ipv4(x)@ipv4)
result <- matrix(result, nrow = 32)
result[seq_len(32 - mask), ] <- raw(1)
result <- packBits(c(result), "integer")
result <- suppressWarnings(as.character(IP::ipv4(result)))
# Gets a warning about negative values because the actual value is an unsigned integer
in.malicious.ips <- function(x, malicious.ips) {
# x can have duplicated elements
malicious.ips.singletons <- malicious.ips[ ! grepl("/", malicious.ips)]
malicious.ips.ranges <- malicious.ips[grepl("/", malicious.ips)]
result <- x %in% malicious.ips.singletons
result <- result | (! is.na(IP::ip.match(IP::ipv4(x), IP::ipv4r(malicious.ips.ranges))))
#' Collect connected peers' IP addresses
#' @description Collects IP addreses of peers that the local node has
#' established outbound connections to. The time and set of IP addreses are
#' saved to a CSV file. These IP addreses are checked against an optional
#' set of suspected malicious IP addresses. Information about the share of
#' outbound connections to suspected maclicious IP addreses is printed.
#' IP addresses are grouped by subnet and information is printed to check for
#' possible "subnet saturation" by malicious entities. This function is an
#' infinite loop. `ctrl + c` to interrupt the function.
#' @param csv.file The name of the CSV file to write to and read from. If it
#' already exists, data will be appended to it and the whole file will be
#' used to compute top subnet information.
#' @param unrestricted.rpc.url URL and port of the `monerod` unrestricted RPC.
#' Default is ``
#' @param malicious.ips A character vector of IP addreses that are suspected
#' to be malicious.
#' @param top.subnet.mask Numeric value. The IP address subnet mask to print
#' summary information about.
#' @param n.top.subnets Number of subnets to print summary information about.
#' @param poll.time How often, in seconds, to collect data from the local
#' monero node. Default is 30 seconds.
#' @return
#' NULL (invisible)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' suspected.malicious.ips <-readLines(
#' "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Boog900/monero-ban-list/refs/heads/main/ban_list.txt")
#' peers.ip.collect(malicious.ips = suspected.malicious.ips)
#' }
peers.ip.collect <- function(csv.file = "xmr-peers-ip.csv",
unrestricted.rpc.url = "", malicious.ips = NULL,
top.subnet.mask = 24, n.top.subnets = 10, poll.time = 30) {
if ( ! (is.null(malicious.ips) | is.vector(malicious.ips)) ) {
stop("malicious.ips must be an atomic vector, i.e. not a data.frame or matrix.")
if (file.exists(csv.file)) {
peer.ip.data <- as.matrix(read.csv(csv.file, header = FALSE))
peer.ip.data <- peer.ip.data[, -1] # Remove the time column
} else {
peer.ip.data <- matrix(NA_character_, ncol = 24, nrow = 0)
json.post <- RJSONIO::toJSON(
jsonrpc = "2.0",
id = "0",
method = "get_connections",
params = ""
session.start.time <- Sys.time()
cat(paste0(format(session.start.time, "%Y-%m-%d %T"),
ifelse(length(malicious.ips) > 0, " Start collecting peer data...\n",
" Start collecting peer data (no malicious peer list)...\n")))
# peer.malicious.ips.data <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = 24, nrow = 0)
while (TRUE) {
RPC.time <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
peers <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(
RCurl::postForm(paste0(unrestricted.rpc.url, "/json_rpc"),
.opts = list(
userpwd = "",
postfields = json.post,
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
), asText = TRUE
if(length(peers$result$connections) == 0 ) {
cat("Unexpected results from node's RPC response. Check that monerod's unrestricted RPC port is at ",
unrestricted.rpc.url, "\n")
peers <- peers$result$connections
peer.address <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {gsub("[:][0-9]*", "", x$address)})
peer.incoming <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {x$incoming})
peer.address <- peer.address[ ! peer.incoming]
peer.address.ipv4 <- IP::ipv4(peer.address)
peer.address <- peer.address[order(peer.address.ipv4)]
peer.ip.data <- rbind(peer.ip.data,
matrix(c(peer.address, rep(NA_character_, 24 - length(peer.address))),
ncol = 24, nrow = 1))
write.table(cbind(RPC.time, peer.ip.data[nrow(peer.ip.data), , drop = FALSE]), file = csv.file,
sep = ",", append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
if (length(malicious.ips) > 0) {
peer.address.malicious.ips <- as.numeric(in.malicious.ips(peer.address, malicious.ips))
# peer.malicious.ips.data <- rbind(peer.malicious.ips.data,
# matrix(c(peer.address.malicious.ips, rep(NA_real_, 24 - length(peer.address.malicious.ips))),
# ncol = 24, nrow = 1))
cat(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %T"), " Outbound peers on malicious IPs list: ",
sum(peer.address.malicious.ips), "/", length(peer.address.malicious.ips),
" (", round(100 * mean(peer.address.malicious.ips)), "%)", "\n", sep = "")
peer.ip.data.unique <- na.omit(unique(c(peer.ip.data)))
peer.ip.data.unique.subnet <- convert.to.subnet(peer.ip.data.unique, top.subnet.mask)
if (length(peer.ip.data.unique.subnet) < n.top.subnets) { Sys.sleep(poll.time); next }
subnets.message <- sort(table(peer.ip.data.unique.subnet), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n.top.subnets]
subnets.message <- paste0(names(subnets.message), "/", top.subnet.mask,
": ", subnets.message, collapse = ", ")
cat("Top subnets (", 2^(32 - top.subnet.mask) - 2,
" possible /", top.subnet.mask, " IPs each): ", subnets.message,
"\n", sep = "")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/ip.R
\title{Collect connected peers' IP addresses}
csv.file = "xmr-peers-ip.csv",
unrestricted.rpc.url = "",
malicious.ips = NULL,
top.subnet.mask = 24,
n.top.subnets = 10,
poll.time = 30
\item{csv.file}{The name of the CSV file to write to and read from. If it
already exists, data will be appended to it and the whole file will be
used to compute top subnet information.}
\item{unrestricted.rpc.url}{URL and port of the \code{monerod} unrestricted RPC.
Default is \verb{}}
\item{malicious.ips}{A character vector of IP addreses that are suspected
to be malicious.}
\item{top.subnet.mask}{Numeric value. The IP address subnet mask to print
summary information about.}
\item{n.top.subnets}{Number of subnets to print summary information about.}
\item{poll.time}{How often, in seconds, to collect data from the local
monero node. Default is 30 seconds.}
NULL (invisible)
Collects IP addreses of peers that the local node has
established outbound connections to. The time and set of IP addreses are
saved to a CSV file. These IP addreses are checked against an optional
set of suspected malicious IP addresses. Information about the share of
outbound connections to suspected maclicious IP addreses is printed.
IP addresses are grouped by subnet and information is printed to check for
possible "subnet saturation" by malicious entities. This function is an
infinite loop. \code{ctrl + c} to interrupt the function.
suspected.malicious.ips <-readLines(
peers.ip.collect(malicious.ips = suspected.malicious.ips)
Reference in a new issue