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synced 2025-03-27 01:29:10 +00:00
The country flag icons no longer use edge.ditatompel.com. It's compiled to the server binary. I'm using https://github.com/hampusborgos/country-flags for country flag svg icons, but the commited svgs was optimized using `svgo`.
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4-29-2-41-17-21 9-25 9-43-2-1 14-6 10-15 9 1 18-6 26-22 20 12 25-19 36-34 15-14 1-15-3-22-8-6 20-28 17-32 6-28-4-25-19-2-20 2-16 16-13 25-11 1-10 7-8 12-6-3-7-1-11 8-13-13-17-5-23 8-29-7-16 5-15 14-16-1-17 4-20 22-22-2-6 1-11 11-11-6-17 2-20.9 20-18 3-24.7 56-13 52 21 15 2 20 5 24 17z"/><g fill="none"><path d="M1748 1031c4 2 9 0 10 11 8-14 18-6 18 10M1831 1023c-4 6-19 6-17 22-5-7-15-9-19-2M1855 1040c0 4-1 16-5 22M1917 1057c1 1-14 0-21 5M1954 1117c-4-2-12-7-18 1 0-4 0-15-11-15M1919 1131c0-10-2-13-4-16M1886 1117c-8-6-16 3-16 8M1828 1108c0-4-3-12 4-15M1714 1150c2-10 9-10 8-15-1-8-10-15-21-4"/><path d="M1722 1135c6-2 12-1 14 2M1705 1098c4-4 14-3 20 0M1725 1074c5 0 14-2 17 7 11-17 19-15 21-11M1783 1068c8-3 22 5 30 19 4-11 10-9 16-10M1867 1087c13-6 21 6 25 11 6-8 11-8 17-8M1746 1111c3-5 10-6 15-3-1-9 5-13 9-11"/></g><g fill="gold" stroke-width="3.5"><path d="m1787 902.6-22 1-11 19.7-12-18.8-22 .9 10-19.8-12-18.8 23-1 10-19.7 12 18.8 22-.9-10 19.8zM1693 909.9l-22 5.4-6 21.3-16-16-21 5.2 6-21.3-15-16.2 21-5.3 6-21.4 16 16 22-5.2-7 21.4zM1602 928.6l-20 9.9-1 22.2-19-12.2-20 9.8 2-22.2-19-12.3 20-10 2-22.2 18 12.2 20-9.8-1 22.2zM1816 902.6l22 1 10 19.7 12-18.8 22 .9-10-19.8 12-18.8-22-1-11-19.7-12 18.8-22-.9 10 19.8zM1910 909.9l21 5.4 6 21.3 16-16 21 5.2-6-21.3 16-16.2-22-5.3-6-21.4-16 16-21-5.2 6 21.4zM2000 928.6l20 9.9 1 22.2 19-12.2 20 9.8-1-22.2 18-12.3-20-10-1-22.2-19 12.2-20-9.8 2 22.2z"/></g><g fill="#fff" stroke-width="3.5"><path d="m2027 1352 25 36 23-34-16-29zM1868 1457l2 36s10 0 19-3c8-3 15-9 15-9l-1-19zM1734 1457l-2 35s-9 0-18-2c-8-2-15-7-15-7l-10-24zM1573 1352l-26 36-28-46 21-22z"/><path d="M1698 1529c0 34 206 34 206 0v-48c0 25-206 20-206 0z"/><path d="M1514 1418c18 92 184 94 184 94v-31c-4-12 3-16 30-20 11-1 6-17 6-17s-72 13-123-7c-69-28-79-82-79-82s-5 42-18 63zM2087 1418c-17 92-183 94-183 94v-31c3-12-4-16-31-20-11-1-5-17-5-17s72 13 123-7c68-28 76-82 76-82s7 42 20 63z"/><path d="M1527 1383c-46-25-10-51-6-125 7 45 58 64 52 93-21 1-31-31-41 4zM2074 1383c46-26 8-51 4-125-7 45-57 64-51 93 20 1 30-31 40 4l7 27z"/></g><g stroke="none"><path d="m1555 1417 5 4-11 12c-4.403 4.803-5.467 7.98-2.41 10.905 3.797 3.63 6.466 2.368 10.41-1.905l12-13 4 4-11.99 13.989c-6.508 7.594-12.55 5.856-17.617 1.123-4.416-4.124-6.947-10.102-.454-17.454l12.1-13.6zM1575 1434l5 3-1 24 11-17 5 3-16 26-6-3 1-24-11 17-5-3zM1584 1476l14-28 5 3-13 27zM1606 1452l-11.04 28.98L1606 1485c10.29 3.75 15.12-.78 18.39-9.48 3.3-8.85 1.86-15.36-8.43-19.5zm3.96 7.02c10.35 3.6 10.98 7.53 8.16 14.64-2.73 6.75-5.28 9.39-15.12 4.32zM1639 1463l-18 27 6.96 2.04 4.02-7.02 12 3 1.02 7.02 6.96.96-6.96-31.98zm1.98 7.02 1.98 12-7.98-1.02zM1656.1 1465.6l-1.084 30.99 11.772.23c10.941.208 14.051-5.62 14.318-14.91.271-9.45-3.208-15.153-14.298-15.715zm6.003 5.377c10.964.044 12.838 3.543 12.453 11.195-.366 7.273-1.955 10.588-12.884 8.969l.43-20.164zM1761 1509v31.98h7.02v-12s6 .36 10.98-.96c3.93-1.02 6.66-3.54 6.75-9.75.09-6.09-3.45-9.27-9.57-9.27h-15.2zm7.02 4.98 7.05.09c5.88 0 4.77 8.91.18 8.91h-7.23zM1797 1509l-13.02 31.98h7.02l3-7.98h13.02l3 7.98h6.96l-13-32h-7zm3 7.02 4.98 12h-9zM1817 1535l17-21h-15v-5h24v5l-18 21h18v6h-26zM1918 1473l6-1 3 18c1.067 6.401-1.858 10.764-6.414 12.445-5.19 1.914-11.806.164-12.586-8.445l5-1c1.165 5.152 3.237 5.599 5.636 4.791 1.904-.64 2.889-3.64 2.364-6.79zM1928 1471.2l5.92-1.123 2.74 14.98c1.172 6.409 3.183 9.135 7.351 8.407 5.174-.903 5.741-3.8 4.64-9.51l-3.68-15.98 6.057-.915 4.019 16.623c2.35 9.722-2.729 13.578-9.546 14.851-5.939 1.11-12.253-.399-14.322-9.987zM1959 1485l5-2c2.453 4.405 6.28 4.178 9.255 2.863 4.133-1.827 4.606-5.44 2.562-6.663-2.914-1.743-9.869.733-13.615-.634-4.482-1.635-6.406-4.156-6.177-8.032.276-4.666 4.381-7.23 8.846-8.615 4.996-1.55 9.926-1.003 13.129 5.081l-6 2c-1.953-3.287-4.466-3.131-6.697-2.078-1.866.882-4.784 2.538-3.222 5.206 1.277 2.18 8.626.765 12.498.923 4.004.164 7.24 2.836 7.781 6.687.755 5.368-1.234 8.276-7.44 10.697-7.667 2.99-14.583-.36-15.92-5.435zM1986 1460l-8 4-2-5 22-9 2 4-8 4 9 22-5 3zM1999 1449l5-3 14 26-5 3zM2033 1451l6-2c2.822 5.932-1.415 16.715-11.775 16.493-15.164-.325-16.805-17.027-14.421-22.536 4.005-9.252 15.224-9.075 20.196-3.957l-5 4c-3.17-4.067-10.212-1.504-10.688 2.237-.776 6.106 1.912 11.788 7.371 14.483 4.629 2.285 11.761-3.46 8.316-8.72zM2030 1430l5-4 18 24-5 4zM2049 1415l-4.98 4.02 10.98 30 4.98-4.98-3-6 9-8.04 6 3 5.04-3.96zm1.98 7.02L2061 1427l-6 6z"/></g></g></svg> |