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The coordinator is a service which communicates with all of the processors, all of the other coordinators over a secondary P2P network, and with the Serai node.

This document primarily details its flow with regards to the Serai node and processor.

New Set Event

On validator_sets::pallet::Event::NewSet, the coordinator spawns a tributary for the new set. It additionally sends the processor key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::GenerateKey.

Generated Key Pair

On key_gen::ProcessorMessage::GeneratedKeyPair, a validator_sets::pallet::vote transaction is made to vote in the new key.

The Serai blockchain needs to know the key pair in order for it to be able to publish Batchs. Additionally, having the Serai blockchain confirm the keys provides a BFT consensus guarantee. While the tributary itself could also offer a BFT consensus guarantee, there's no point when we'd then get BFT consensus on the Serai blockchain anyways.

Key Generation Event

On validator_sets::pallet::Event::KeyGen, the coordinator sends substrate::CoordinatorMessage::ConfirmKeyPair to the processor.


On key_gen::ProcessorMessage::Update, the coordinator publishes an unsigned transaction containing the signed batch to the Serai blockchain.

Sign Completed

On sign::ProcessorMessage::Completed, the coordinator broadcasts the contained information to all validators.