2024-09-24 14:17:28 -07:00

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Instructions are used to communicate with networks connected to Serai, and they come in two forms:

  • In Instructions are programmable specifications paired with incoming coins, encoded into transactions on connected networks. Serai will parse included instructions when it receives coins, executing the included specs.

  • Out Instructions detail how to transfer coins, either to a Serai address or an address native to the network of the coins in question.

A transaction containing an In Instruction and an Out Instruction (to a native address) will receive coins to Serai and send coins from Serai, without requiring directly performing any transactions on Serai itself.

All instructions are encoded under Shorthand. Shorthand provides frequent use cases to create minimal data representations on connected networks.

Instructions are interpreted according to their non-Serai network. Addresses have no validation performed unless otherwise noted. If the processor is instructed to act on invalid data, it will drop the entire instruction.


Instructions are SCALE encoded.

In Instruction

InInstruction is an enum of:

  • Transfer
  • Dex(Data)

The specified target will be minted an appropriate amount of the respective Serai token. If Dex, the encoded call will be executed.

Refundable In Instruction

  • origin (Option<ExternalAddress>): Address, from the network of origin, which sent coins in.
  • instruction (InInstruction): The action to perform with the incoming coins.

Networks may automatically provide origin. If they do, the instruction may still provide origin, overriding the automatically provided value.

If the instruction fails, coins are scheduled to be returned to origin, if provided.

Out Instruction

  • address (ExternalAddress): Address to transfer the coins included with this instruction to.
  • data (Option): Data to include when transferring coins.

No validation of external addresses/data is performed on-chain. If data is specified for a chain not supporting data, it is silently dropped.


Destination is an enum of SeraiAddress and OutInstruction.


Shorthand is an enum which expands to an Refundable In Instruction.


Raw Shorthand contains a Refundable In Instruction directly. This is a verbose fallback option for infrequent use cases not covered by Shorthand.

  • origin (Option<ExternalAddress>): Refundable In Instruction's origin.
  • coin (Coin): Coin to swap funds for.
  • minimum (Amount): Minimum amount of coin to receive.
  • out (Destination): Final destination for funds.

which expands to:

RefundableInInstruction {
  instruction: InInstruction::Dex(swap(Incoming Asset, coin, minimum, out)),

where swap is a function which:

  1. Swaps the incoming funds for SRI.
  2. Swaps the SRI for coin.
  3. Checks the amount of coin received is greater than minimum.
  4. Executes out with the amount of coin received.
Add Liquidity
  • origin (Option<ExternalAddress>): Refundable In Instruction's origin.
  • minimum (Amount): Minimum amount of SRI tokens to swap half for.
  • gas (Amount): Amount of SRI to send to address to cover gas in the future.
  • address (Address): Account to send the created liquidity tokens.

which expands to:

RefundableInInstruction {
  instruction: InInstruction::Dex(
    swap_and_add_liquidity(Incoming Asset, minimum, gas, address)

where swap_and_add_liquidity is a function which:

  1. Swaps half of the incoming funds for SRI.
  2. Checks the amount of SRI received is greater than minimum.
  3. Calls swap_and_add_liquidity with the amount of SRI received - gas, and a matching amount of the incoming coin.
  4. Transfers any leftover funds to address.