mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 22:28:51 +00:00
Allow scheduler's creation of transactions to be async and error
I don't love this, but it's the only way to select decoys without using a local database. While the prior commit added such a databse, the performance of it presumably wasn't viable, and while TODOs marked the needed improvements, it was still messy with an immense scope re: any auditing. The relevant scheduler functions now take `&self` (intentional, as all mutations should be via the `&mut impl DbTxn` passed). The calls to `&self` are expected to be completely deterministic (as usual).
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 723 additions and 854 deletions
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use serai_db::{Get, DbTxn, Db as DbTrait, create_db, db_channel};
use primitives::EncodableG;
use ::key_gen::{KeyGenParams, KeyGen};
use scheduler::SignableTransaction;
use scheduler::{SignableTransaction, TransactionFor};
use scanner::{ScannerFeed, Scanner, KeyFor, Scheduler};
use signers::{TransactionPublisher, Signers};
@ -161,22 +161,23 @@ async fn first_block_after_time<S: ScannerFeed>(feed: &S, serai_time: u64) -> u6
pub async fn main_loop<
S: ScannerFeed,
K: KeyGenParams<ExternalNetworkCiphersuite: Ciphersuite<G = KeyFor<S>>>,
Sch: Scheduler<
Sch: Clone
+ Scheduler<
SignableTransaction: SignableTransaction<Ciphersuite = K::ExternalNetworkCiphersuite>,
P: TransactionPublisher<<Sch::SignableTransaction as SignableTransaction>::Transaction>,
mut db: Db,
feed: S,
publisher: P,
scheduler: Sch,
publisher: impl TransactionPublisher<TransactionFor<Sch::SignableTransaction>>,
) {
let mut coordinator = Coordinator::new(db.clone());
let mut key_gen = key_gen::<K>();
let mut scanner = Scanner::new::<Sch>(db.clone(), feed.clone()).await;
let mut scanner = Scanner::new(db.clone(), feed.clone(), scheduler.clone()).await;
let mut signers =
Signers::<Db, S, Sch, P>::new(db.clone(), coordinator.coordinator_send(), publisher);
Signers::<Db, S, Sch, _>::new(db.clone(), coordinator.coordinator_send(), publisher);
loop {
let db_clone = db.clone();
@ -242,8 +243,10 @@ pub async fn main_loop<
if session == Session(0) {
let start_block = first_block_after_time(&feed, serai_time).await;
scanner =
Some(Scanner::initialize::<Sch>(db_clone, feed.clone(), start_block, key.0).await);
scanner = Some(
Scanner::initialize(db_clone, feed.clone(), scheduler.clone(), start_block, key.0)
messages::substrate::CoordinatorMessage::SlashesReported { session } => {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ use crate::key_gen::KeyGenParams;
mod rpc;
use rpc::Rpc;
mod scheduler;
use scheduler::Scheduler;
use scheduler::{Planner, Scheduler};
// Our custom code for Bitcoin
mod db;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ async fn main() {
tokio::spawn(TxIndexTask(feed.clone()).continually_run(index_task, vec![]));
bin::main_loop::<_, KeyGenParams, Scheduler<_>, Rpc<bin::Db>>(db, feed.clone(), feed).await;
bin::main_loop::<_, KeyGenParams, _>(db, feed.clone(), Scheduler::new(Planner), feed).await;
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
use core::future::Future;
use ciphersuite::{Ciphersuite, Secp256k1};
use bitcoin_serai::{
@ -89,8 +91,10 @@ fn signable_transaction<D: Db>(
.map(|bst| (SignableTransaction { inputs, payments, change, fee_per_vbyte }, bst))
pub(crate) struct Planner;
impl<D: Db> TransactionPlanner<Rpc<D>, EffectedReceivedOutputs<Rpc<D>>> for Planner {
type EphemeralError = ();
type FeeRate = u64;
type SignableTransaction = SignableTransaction;
@ -153,11 +157,19 @@ impl<D: Db> TransactionPlanner<Rpc<D>, EffectedReceivedOutputs<Rpc<D>>> for Plan
fn plan(
fee_rate: Self::FeeRate,
inputs: Vec<OutputFor<Rpc<D>>>,
payments: Vec<Payment<AddressFor<Rpc<D>>>>,
change: Option<KeyFor<Rpc<D>>>,
) -> PlannedTransaction<Rpc<D>, Self::SignableTransaction, EffectedReceivedOutputs<Rpc<D>>> {
) -> impl Send
+ Future<
Output = Result<
PlannedTransaction<Rpc<D>, Self::SignableTransaction, EffectedReceivedOutputs<Rpc<D>>>,
> {
async move {
let key = inputs.first().unwrap().key();
for input in &inputs {
assert_eq!(key, input.key());
@ -165,7 +177,7 @@ impl<D: Db> TransactionPlanner<Rpc<D>, EffectedReceivedOutputs<Rpc<D>>> for Plan
let singular_spent_output = (inputs.len() == 1).then(|| inputs[0].id());
match signable_transaction::<D>(fee_rate, inputs.clone(), payments, change) {
Ok(tx) => PlannedTransaction {
Ok(tx) => Ok(PlannedTransaction {
signable: tx.0,
eventuality: Eventuality { txid: tx.1.txid(), singular_spent_output },
auxilliary: EffectedReceivedOutputs({
@ -185,7 +197,7 @@ impl<D: Db> TransactionPlanner<Rpc<D>, EffectedReceivedOutputs<Rpc<D>>> for Plan
TransactionError::NoInputs | TransactionError::NoOutputs | TransactionError::DustPayment,
) => panic!("malformed arguments to plan"),
@ -201,5 +213,6 @@ impl<D: Db> TransactionPlanner<Rpc<D>, EffectedReceivedOutputs<Rpc<D>>> for Plan
pub(crate) type Scheduler<D> = GenericScheduler<Rpc<D>, Planner>;
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
use core::{
ops::{Bound, RangeBounds},
use curve25519_dalek::{
edwards::{CompressedEdwardsY, EdwardsPoint},
use monero_wallet::{
transaction::{Timelock, Input, Pruned, Transaction},
rpc::{OutputInformation, RpcError, Rpc as MRpcTrait, DecoyRpc},
use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize};
use serai_db::{Get, DbTxn, Db, create_db};
use primitives::task::ContinuallyRan;
use scanner::ScannerFeed;
use crate::Rpc;
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
struct EncodableOutputInformation {
height: u64,
timelocked: bool,
key: [u8; 32],
commitment: [u8; 32],
create_db! {
MoneroProcessorDecoys {
NextToIndexBlock: () -> u64,
PriorIndexedBlock: () -> [u8; 32],
DistributionStartBlock: () -> u64,
Distribution: () -> Vec<u64>,
Out: (index: u64) -> EncodableOutputInformation,
We want to be able to select decoys when planning transactions, but planning transactions is a
synchronous process. We store the decoys to a local database and have our database implement
`DecoyRpc` to achieve synchronous decoy selection.
This is only needed as the transactions we sign must have decoys decided and agreed upon. With
FCMP++s, we'll be able to sign transactions without the membership proof, letting any signer
prove for membership after the fact (with their local views). Until then, this task remains.
pub(crate) struct DecoysTask<D: Db> {
pub(crate) rpc: Rpc<D>,
pub(crate) current_distribution: Vec<u64>,
impl<D: Db> ContinuallyRan for DecoysTask<D> {
fn run_iteration(&mut self) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<bool, String>> {
async move {
let finalized_block_number = self
.map_err(|e| format!("couldn't fetch latest block number: {e:?}"))?
"blockchain only just started and doesn't have {} blocks yet",
if NextToIndexBlock::get(&self.rpc.db).is_none() {
let distribution = self
.get_output_distribution(..= finalized_block_number)
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to get output distribution: {e:?}"))?;
if distribution.is_empty() {
Err("distribution was empty".to_string())?;
let distribution_start_block = finalized_block_number - (distribution.len() - 1);
// There may have been a reorg between the time of getting the distribution and the time of
// getting this block. This is an invariant and assumed not to have happened in the split
// second it's possible.
let block = self
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to get the start block for the distribution: {e:?}"))?;
let mut txn = self.rpc.db.txn();
NextToIndexBlock::set(&mut txn, &distribution_start_block.try_into().unwrap());
PriorIndexedBlock::set(&mut txn, &block.header.previous);
DistributionStartBlock::set(&mut txn, &u64::try_from(distribution_start_block).unwrap());
let next_to_index_block =
if next_to_index_block >= finalized_block_number {
return Ok(false);
for b in next_to_index_block ..= finalized_block_number {
// Fetch the block
let block = self
.map_err(|e| format!("decoys task failed to fetch block: {e:?}"))?;
let prior = PriorIndexedBlock::get(&self.rpc.db).unwrap();
if block.header.previous != prior {
"decoys task detected reorg: expected {}, found {}",
// Fetch the transactions in the block
let transactions = self
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to get the pruned transactions within a block: {e:?}"))?;
fn outputs(
list: &mut Vec<EncodableOutputInformation>,
block_number: u64,
tx: Transaction<Pruned>,
) {
match tx {
Transaction::V1 { .. } => {}
Transaction::V2 { prefix, proofs } => {
for (i, output) in prefix.outputs.into_iter().enumerate() {
list.push(EncodableOutputInformation {
// This is correct per the documentation on OutputInformation, which this maps to
height: block_number,
timelocked: prefix.additional_timelock != Timelock::None,
key: output.key.to_bytes(),
commitment: if matches!(
prefix.inputs.first().expect("Monero transaction had no inputs"),
) {
output.amount.expect("miner transaction outputs didn't have amounts set"),
} else {
.expect("non-miner V2 transaction didn't have proofs")
.expect("amount of commitments didn't match amount of outputs")
let block_hash = block.hash();
let b = u64::try_from(b).unwrap();
let mut encodable = Vec::with_capacity(2 * (1 + block.transactions.len()));
outputs(&mut encodable, b, block.miner_transaction.into());
for transaction in transactions {
outputs(&mut encodable, b, transaction);
let existing_outputs = self.current_distribution.last().copied().unwrap_or(0);
let now_outputs = existing_outputs + u64::try_from(encodable.len()).unwrap();
let mut txn = self.rpc.db.txn();
NextToIndexBlock::set(&mut txn, &(b + 1));
PriorIndexedBlock::set(&mut txn, &block_hash);
// TODO: Don't write the entire 10 MB distribution to the DB every two minutes
Distribution::set(&mut txn, &self.current_distribution);
for (b, out) in (existing_outputs .. now_outputs).zip(encodable) {
Out::set(&mut txn, b, &out);
// TODO: Cache the distribution in a static
pub(crate) struct Decoys<'a, G: Get>(&'a G);
impl<'a, G: Sync + Get> DecoyRpc for Decoys<'a, G> {
fn get_output_distribution_end_height(
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<usize, RpcError>> {
async move {
Ok(NextToIndexBlock::get(self.0).map_or(0, |b| usize::try_from(b).unwrap() + 1))
fn get_output_distribution(
range: impl Send + RangeBounds<usize>,
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<Vec<u64>, RpcError>> {
async move {
let from = match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(from) => *from,
Bound::Excluded(from) => from.checked_add(1).ok_or_else(|| {
RpcError::InternalError("range's from wasn't representable".to_string())
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
let to = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(to) => *to,
Bound::Excluded(to) => to
.ok_or_else(|| RpcError::InternalError("range's to wasn't representable".to_string()))?,
Bound::Unbounded => {
panic!("requested distribution till latest block, which is non-deterministic")
if from > to {
"malformed range: inclusive start {from}, inclusive end {to}"
let distribution_start_block = usize::try_from(
DistributionStartBlock::get(self.0).expect("never populated the distribution start block"),
let len_of_distribution_until_to =
to.checked_sub(distribution_start_block).ok_or_else(|| {
"requested distribution until a block when the distribution had yet to start"
})? +
let distribution = Distribution::get(self.0).expect("never populated the distribution");
distribution.len() >= len_of_distribution_until_to,
"requested distribution until block we have yet to index"
distribution[from.saturating_sub(distribution_start_block) .. len_of_distribution_until_to]
fn get_outs(
_indexes: &[u64],
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<Vec<OutputInformation>, RpcError>> {
async move { unimplemented!("get_outs is unused") }
fn get_unlocked_outputs(
indexes: &[u64],
height: usize,
fingerprintable_deterministic: bool,
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<Vec<Option<[EdwardsPoint; 2]>>, RpcError>> {
assert!(fingerprintable_deterministic, "processor wasn't using deterministic output selection");
async move {
let mut res = vec![];
for index in indexes {
let out = Out::get(self.0, *index).expect("requested output we didn't index");
let unlocked = (!out.timelocked) &&
((usize::try_from(out.height).unwrap() + DEFAULT_LOCK_WINDOW) <= height);
res.push(unlocked.then(|| CompressedEdwardsY(out.key).decompress()).flatten().map(|key| {
.expect("output with invalid commitment"),
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ use crate::key_gen::KeyGenParams;
mod rpc;
use rpc::Rpc;
mod decoys;
mod scheduler;
use scheduler::Scheduler;
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ use monero_simple_request_rpc::SimpleRequestRpc;
use serai_client::primitives::{NetworkId, Coin, Amount};
use serai_db::Db;
use scanner::ScannerFeed;
use signers::TransactionPublisher;
@ -15,12 +14,11 @@ use crate::{
pub(crate) struct Rpc<D: Db> {
pub(crate) db: D,
pub(crate) struct Rpc {
pub(crate) rpc: SimpleRequestRpc,
impl<D: Db> ScannerFeed for Rpc<D> {
impl ScannerFeed for Rpc {
const NETWORK: NetworkId = NetworkId::Monero;
// Outputs aren't spendable until 10 blocks later due to the 10-block lock
// Since we assumed scanned outputs are spendable, that sets a minimum confirmation depth of 10
@ -39,15 +37,16 @@ impl<D: Db> ScannerFeed for Rpc<D> {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<u64, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
// The decoys task only indexes finalized blocks
.ok_or_else(|| {
RpcError::InternalError("decoys task hasn't indexed any blocks yet".to_string())
.ok_or_else(|| {
RpcError::InternalError("only the genesis block has been indexed".to_string())
.expect("connected to an invalid Monero RPC")
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ impl<D: Db> ScannerFeed for Rpc<D> {
impl<D: Db> TransactionPublisher<Transaction> for Rpc<D> {
impl TransactionPublisher<Transaction> for Rpc {
type EphemeralError = RpcError;
fn publish(
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use core::{marker::PhantomData, future::Future};
use core::future::Future;
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
use group::GroupEncoding;
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ fn intake_eventualities<S: ScannerFeed>(
pub(crate) struct EventualityTask<D: Db, S: ScannerFeed, Sch: Scheduler<S>> {
db: D,
feed: S,
scheduler: PhantomData<Sch>,
scheduler: Sch,
impl<D: Db, S: ScannerFeed, Sch: Scheduler<S>> EventualityTask<D, S, Sch> {
pub(crate) fn new(mut db: D, feed: S, start_block: u64) -> Self {
pub(crate) fn new(mut db: D, feed: S, scheduler: Sch, start_block: u64) -> Self {
if EventualityDb::<S>::next_to_check_for_eventualities_block(&db).is_none() {
// Initialize the DB
let mut txn = db.txn();
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ impl<D: Db, S: ScannerFeed, Sch: Scheduler<S>> EventualityTask<D, S, Sch> {
Self { db, feed, scheduler: PhantomData }
Self { db, feed, scheduler }
@ -167,7 +167,9 @@ impl<D: Db, S: ScannerFeed, Sch: Scheduler<S>> EventualityTask<D, S, Sch> {
intaked_any = true;
let new_eventualities = Sch::fulfill(
let new_eventualities = self
&mut txn,
@ -175,7 +177,9 @@ impl<D: Db, S: ScannerFeed, Sch: Scheduler<S>> EventualityTask<D, S, Sch> {
.filter_map(|burn| Payment::<AddressFor<S>>::try_from(burn).ok())
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to queue fulfilling payments: {e:?}"))?;
intake_eventualities::<S>(&mut txn, new_eventualities);
@ -443,8 +447,11 @@ impl<D: Db, S: ScannerFeed, Sch: Scheduler<S>> ContinuallyRan for EventualityTas
determined off an earlier block than this (enabling an earlier LifetimeStage to be
used after a later one was already used).
let new_eventualities =
Sch::update(&mut txn, &block, &keys_with_stages, scheduler_update);
let new_eventualities = self
.update(&mut txn, &block, &keys_with_stages, scheduler_update)
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to update scheduler: {e:?}"))?;
// Intake the new Eventualities
for key in new_eventualities.keys() {
@ -464,8 +471,11 @@ impl<D: Db, S: ScannerFeed, Sch: Scheduler<S>> ContinuallyRan for EventualityTas
key.key != keys.last().unwrap().key,
"key which was forwarding was the last key (which has no key after it to forward to)"
let new_eventualities =
Sch::flush_key(&mut txn, &block, key.key, keys.last().unwrap().key);
let new_eventualities = self
.flush_key(&mut txn, &block, key.key, keys.last().unwrap().key)
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to flush key from scheduler: {e:?}"))?;
intake_eventualities::<S>(&mut txn, new_eventualities);
@ -256,8 +256,17 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed> SchedulerUpdate<S> {
/// Eventualities, keyed by the encoding of the key the Eventualities are for.
pub type KeyScopedEventualities<S> = HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>>;
/// The object responsible for accumulating outputs and planning new transactions.
pub trait Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed>: 'static + Send {
/// An error encountered when handling updates/payments.
/// This MUST be an ephemeral error. Retrying handling updates/payments MUST eventually
/// resolve without manual intervention/changing the arguments.
type EphemeralError: Debug;
/// The type for a signable transaction.
type SignableTransaction: scheduler_primitives::SignableTransaction;
@ -278,11 +287,12 @@ pub trait Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed>: 'static + Send {
/// If the retiring key has any unfulfilled payments associated with it, those MUST be made
/// the responsibility of the new key.
fn flush_key(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
retiring_key: KeyFor<S>,
new_key: KeyFor<S>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>>;
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>>;
/// Retire a key as it'll no longer be used.
@ -300,11 +310,12 @@ pub trait Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed>: 'static + Send {
/// The `Vec<u8>` used as the key in the returned HashMap should be the encoded key the
/// Eventualities are for.
fn update(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
update: SchedulerUpdate<S>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>>;
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>>;
/// Fulfill a series of payments, yielding the Eventualities now to be scanned for.
@ -339,11 +350,12 @@ pub trait Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed>: 'static + Send {
has an output-to-Serai, the new primary output).
fn fulfill(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
payments: Vec<Payment<AddressFor<S>>>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>>;
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>>;
/// A representation of a scanner.
@ -358,14 +370,15 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed> Scanner<S> {
/// This will begin its execution, spawning several asynchronous tasks.
/// This will return None if the Scanner was never initialized.
pub async fn new<Sch: Scheduler<S>>(db: impl Db, feed: S) -> Option<Self> {
pub async fn new(db: impl Db, feed: S, scheduler: impl Scheduler<S>) -> Option<Self> {
let start_block = ScannerGlobalDb::<S>::start_block(&db)?;
let index_task = index::IndexTask::new(db.clone(), feed.clone(), start_block).await;
let scan_task = scan::ScanTask::new(db.clone(), feed.clone(), start_block);
let report_task = report::ReportTask::<_, S>::new(db.clone(), start_block);
let substrate_task = substrate::SubstrateTask::<_, S>::new(db.clone());
let eventuality_task = eventuality::EventualityTask::<_, _, Sch>::new(db, feed, start_block);
let eventuality_task =
eventuality::EventualityTask::<_, _, _>::new(db, feed, scheduler, start_block);
let (index_task_def, _index_handle) = Task::new();
let (scan_task_def, scan_handle) = Task::new();
@ -394,9 +407,10 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed> Scanner<S> {
/// This will begin its execution, spawning several asynchronous tasks.
/// This passes through to `Scanner::new` if prior called.
pub async fn initialize<Sch: Scheduler<S>>(
pub async fn initialize(
mut db: impl Db,
feed: S,
scheduler: impl Scheduler<S>,
start_block: u64,
start_key: KeyFor<S>,
) -> Self {
@ -407,7 +421,7 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed> Scanner<S> {
Self::new::<Sch>(db, feed).await.unwrap()
Self::new(db, feed, scheduler).await.unwrap()
/// Acknowledge a Batch having been published on Serai.
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
use core::{fmt::Debug, future::Future};
use serai_primitives::{Coin, Amount};
use primitives::{ReceivedOutput, Payment};
@ -40,8 +42,14 @@ pub struct AmortizePlannedTransaction<S: ScannerFeed, ST: SignableTransaction, A
/// An object able to plan a transaction.
pub trait TransactionPlanner<S: ScannerFeed, A>: 'static + Send + Sync {
/// An error encountered when handling planning transactions.
/// This MUST be an ephemeral error. Retrying planning transactions MUST eventually resolve
/// resolve manual intervention/changing the arguments.
type EphemeralError: Debug;
/// The type representing a fee rate to use for transactions.
type FeeRate: Clone + Copy;
type FeeRate: Send + Clone + Copy;
/// The type representing a signable transaction.
type SignableTransaction: SignableTransaction;
@ -82,11 +90,15 @@ pub trait TransactionPlanner<S: ScannerFeed, A>: 'static + Send + Sync {
/// `change` will always be an address belonging to the Serai network. If it is `Some`, a change
/// output must be created.
fn plan(
fee_rate: Self::FeeRate,
inputs: Vec<OutputFor<S>>,
payments: Vec<Payment<AddressFor<S>>>,
change: Option<KeyFor<S>>,
) -> PlannedTransaction<S, Self::SignableTransaction, A>;
) -> impl Send
+ Future<
Output = Result<PlannedTransaction<S, Self::SignableTransaction, A>, Self::EphemeralError>,
/// Obtain a PlannedTransaction via amortizing the fee over the payments.
@ -98,12 +110,20 @@ pub trait TransactionPlanner<S: ScannerFeed, A>: 'static + Send + Sync {
/// Returns `None` if the fee exceeded the inputs, or `Some` otherwise.
// TODO: Enum for Change of None, Some, Mandatory
fn plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
operating_costs: &mut u64,
fee_rate: Self::FeeRate,
inputs: Vec<OutputFor<S>>,
mut payments: Vec<Payment<AddressFor<S>>>,
mut change: Option<KeyFor<S>>,
) -> Option<AmortizePlannedTransaction<S, Self::SignableTransaction, A>> {
) -> impl Send
+ Future<
Output = Result<
Option<AmortizePlannedTransaction<S, Self::SignableTransaction, A>>,
> {
async move {
// If there's no change output, we can't recoup any operating costs we would amortize
// We also don't have any losses if the inputs are written off/the change output is reduced
let mut operating_costs_if_no_change = 0;
@ -147,9 +167,9 @@ pub trait TransactionPlanner<S: ScannerFeed, A>: 'static + Send + Sync {
Ideally, we wouldn't use a ceil div yet would be accurate about it. Any remainder could
be amortized over the largest outputs, which wouldn't be relevant here as we only work
with the smallest output. The issue is the theoretical edge case where all outputs have
the same value and are of the minimum value. In that case, none would be able to have the
remainder amortized as it'd cause them to need to be dropped. Using a ceil div avoids
the same value and are of the minimum value. In that case, none would be able to have
the remainder amortized as it'd cause them to need to be dropped. Using a ceil div
avoids this.
let per_payment_fee = adjusted_fee.div_ceil(u64::try_from(payments.len()).unwrap());
// Pop the last payment if it can't pay the fee, remaining about the dust limit as it does
@ -168,7 +188,7 @@ pub trait TransactionPlanner<S: ScannerFeed, A>: 'static + Send + Sync {
// If we don't have a change output, we simply return here
// We no longer have anything to do here, nor any expectations
if change.is_none() {
return Ok(None);
let inputs = inputs.iter().map(|input| input.balance().amount.0).sum::<u64>();
@ -181,7 +201,7 @@ pub trait TransactionPlanner<S: ScannerFeed, A>: 'static + Send + Sync {
// The dropped payments will be worth less than the inputs + operating_costs we started
// with, so this shouldn't use `saturating_sub`
*operating_costs_in_effect -= amortized;
return Ok(None);
} else {
// Since we have payments which can pay the fee we ended up with, amortize it
@ -215,15 +235,17 @@ pub trait TransactionPlanner<S: ScannerFeed, A>: 'static + Send + Sync {
// Because we amortized, or accrued as operating costs, the fee, make the transaction
let effected_payments = payments.iter().map(|payment| payment.balance().amount).collect();
let has_change = change.is_some();
let PlannedTransaction { signable, eventuality, auxilliary } =
Self::plan(fee_rate, inputs, payments, change);
Some(AmortizePlannedTransaction {
self.plan(fee_rate, inputs, payments, change).await?;
Ok(Some(AmortizePlannedTransaction {
/// Create a tree to fulfill a set of payments.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::{marker::PhantomData, future::Future};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use group::GroupEncoding;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use serai_db::DbTxn;
use primitives::{ReceivedOutput, Payment};
use scanner::{
LifetimeStage, ScannerFeed, KeyFor, AddressFor, OutputFor, EventualityFor, BlockFor,
SchedulerUpdate, Scheduler as SchedulerTrait,
SchedulerUpdate, KeyScopedEventualities, Scheduler as SchedulerTrait,
use scheduler_primitives::*;
use utxo_scheduler_primitives::*;
@ -23,16 +23,27 @@ mod db;
use db::Db;
/// A scheduler of transactions for networks premised on the UTXO model.
pub struct Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>>(PhantomData<S>, PhantomData<P>);
pub struct Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> {
planner: P,
_S: PhantomData<S>,
impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
fn aggregate_inputs(
/// Create a new scheduler.
pub fn new(planner: P) -> Self {
Self { planner, _S: PhantomData }
async fn aggregate_inputs(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
key_for_change: KeyFor<S>,
key: KeyFor<S>,
coin: Coin,
) -> Vec<EventualityFor<S>> {
) -> Result<Vec<EventualityFor<S>>, <Self as SchedulerTrait<S>>::EphemeralError> {
let mut eventualities = vec![];
let mut operating_costs = Db::<S>::operating_costs(txn, coin).0;
@ -41,13 +52,17 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
while outputs.len() > P::MAX_INPUTS {
let to_aggregate = outputs.drain(.. P::MAX_INPUTS).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let Some(planned) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(planned) = self
&mut operating_costs,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
) else {
else {
@ -57,7 +72,7 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
Db::<S>::set_outputs(txn, key, coin, &outputs);
Db::<S>::set_operating_costs(txn, coin, Amount(operating_costs));
fn fulfillable_payments(
@ -140,31 +155,36 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
fn handle_branch(
async fn handle_branch(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
eventualities: &mut Vec<EventualityFor<S>>,
output: OutputFor<S>,
tx: TreeTransaction<AddressFor<S>>,
) -> bool {
) -> Result<bool, <Self as SchedulerTrait<S>>::EphemeralError> {
let key = output.key();
let coin = output.balance().coin;
let Some(payments) = tx.payments::<S>(coin, &P::branch_address(key), output.balance().amount.0)
else {
// If this output has become too small to satisfy this branch, drop it
return false;
return Ok(false);
let Some(planned) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(planned) = self
// Uses 0 as there's no operating costs to incur/amortize here
&mut 0,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
) else {
else {
// This Branch isn't viable, so drop it (and its children)
return false;
return Ok(false);
TransactionsToSign::<P::SignableTransaction>::send(txn, &key, &planned.signable);
@ -172,15 +192,16 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
Self::queue_branches(txn, key, coin, planned.effected_payments, tx);
fn step(
async fn step(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
block: &BlockFor<S>,
key: KeyFor<S>,
) -> Vec<EventualityFor<S>> {
) -> Result<Vec<EventualityFor<S>>, <Self as SchedulerTrait<S>>::EphemeralError> {
let mut eventualities = vec![];
let key_for_change = match active_keys[0].1 {
@ -198,7 +219,8 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
let coin = *coin;
// Perform any input aggregation we should
eventualities.append(&mut Self::aggregate_inputs(txn, block, key_for_change, key, coin));
.append(&mut self.aggregate_inputs(txn, block, key_for_change, key, coin).await?);
// Fetch the operating costs/outputs
let mut operating_costs = Db::<S>::operating_costs(txn, coin).0;
@ -228,7 +250,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
// scanner API)
let mut planned_outer = None;
for i in 0 .. 2 {
let Some(planned) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(planned) = self
&mut operating_costs,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
@ -236,7 +260,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
.payments::<S>(coin, &branch_address, tree[0].value())
.expect("payments were dropped despite providing an input of the needed value"),
) else {
else {
// This should trip on the first iteration or not at all
assert_eq!(i, 0);
// This doesn't have inputs even worth aggregating so drop the entire tree
@ -272,46 +298,53 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> Scheduler<S, P> {
Self::queue_branches(txn, key, coin, planned.effected_payments, tree.remove(0));
fn flush_outputs(
async fn flush_outputs(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
eventualities: &mut HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>>,
eventualities: &mut KeyScopedEventualities<S>,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
from: KeyFor<S>,
to: KeyFor<S>,
coin: Coin,
) {
) -> Result<(), <Self as SchedulerTrait<S>>::EphemeralError> {
let from_bytes = from.to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec();
// Ensure our inputs are aggregated
.append(&mut Self::aggregate_inputs(txn, block, to, from, coin));
.append(&mut self.aggregate_inputs(txn, block, to, from, coin).await?);
// Now that our inputs are aggregated, transfer all of them to the new key
let mut operating_costs = Db::<S>::operating_costs(txn, coin).0;
let outputs = Db::<S>::outputs(txn, from, coin).unwrap();
if outputs.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let planned = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let planned = self
&mut operating_costs,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
Db::<S>::set_operating_costs(txn, coin, Amount(operating_costs));
let Some(planned) = planned else { return };
let Some(planned) = planned else { return Ok(()) };
TransactionsToSign::<P::SignableTransaction>::send(txn, &from, &planned.signable);
impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Scheduler<S, P> {
type EphemeralError = P::EphemeralError;
type SignableTransaction = P::SignableTransaction;
fn activate_key(txn: &mut impl DbTxn, key: KeyFor<S>) {
@ -324,11 +357,13 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
fn flush_key(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
retiring_key: KeyFor<S>,
new_key: KeyFor<S>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>> {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
let mut eventualities = HashMap::new();
for coin in S::NETWORK.coins() {
// Move the payments to the new key
@ -344,9 +379,10 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
// Move the outputs to the new key
Self::flush_outputs(txn, &mut eventualities, block, retiring_key, new_key, *coin);
self.flush_outputs(txn, &mut eventualities, block, retiring_key, new_key, *coin).await?;
fn retire_key(txn: &mut impl DbTxn, key: KeyFor<S>) {
@ -359,11 +395,13 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
fn update(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
update: SchedulerUpdate<S>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>> {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
let mut eventualities = HashMap::new();
// Accumulate the new outputs
@ -372,13 +410,16 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
for output in update.outputs() {
// If this aligns for a branch, handle it
if let Some(branch) = Db::<S>::take_pending_branch(txn, output.key(), output.balance()) {
if Self::handle_branch(
if self
) {
// If we could use it for a branch, we do and move on
// Else, we let it be accumulated by the standard accumulation code
@ -405,7 +446,7 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
.append(&mut Self::step(txn, active_keys, block, *key));
.append(&mut self.step(txn, active_keys, block, *key).await?);
// If this key has been flushed, forward all outputs
@ -415,14 +456,16 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
LifetimeStage::UsingNewForChange => {}
LifetimeStage::Forwarding | LifetimeStage::Finishing => {
for coin in S::NETWORK.coins() {
&mut eventualities,
@ -438,7 +481,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
assert_eq!(active_keys[1].1, LifetimeStage::Active);
let forward_to_key = active_keys[1].0;
let Some(plan) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(plan) = self
// This uses 0 for the operating costs as we don't incur any here
// If the output can't pay for itself to be forwarded, we simply drop it
&mut 0,
@ -446,7 +491,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
vec![Payment::new(P::forwarding_address(forward_to_key), forward.balance(), None)],
) else {
else {
planned_txs.push((key, plan));
@ -455,7 +502,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
let key = to_return.output().key();
let out_instruction =
Payment::new(to_return.address().clone(), to_return.output().balance(), None);
let Some(plan) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(plan) = self
// This uses 0 for the operating costs as we don't incur any here
// If the output can't pay for itself to be returned, we simply drop it
&mut 0,
@ -463,7 +512,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
) else {
else {
planned_txs.push((key, plan));
@ -477,16 +528,19 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
fn fulfill(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
payments: Vec<Payment<AddressFor<S>>>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>> {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
// Find the key to filfill these payments with
let fulfillment_key = match active_keys[0].1 {
LifetimeStage::ActiveYetNotReporting => {
@ -505,9 +559,10 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, ()>> SchedulerTrait<S> for Schedul
// Handle the queued payments
Self::step(txn, active_keys, block, fulfillment_key),
self.step(txn, active_keys, block, fulfillment_key).await?,
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::{marker::PhantomData, future::Future};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use group::GroupEncoding;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use serai_db::DbTxn;
use primitives::{OutputType, ReceivedOutput, Payment};
use scanner::{
LifetimeStage, ScannerFeed, KeyFor, AddressFor, OutputFor, EventualityFor, BlockFor,
SchedulerUpdate, Scheduler as SchedulerTrait,
SchedulerUpdate, KeyScopedEventualities, Scheduler as SchedulerTrait,
use scheduler_primitives::*;
use utxo_scheduler_primitives::*;
@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ pub struct EffectedReceivedOutputs<S: ScannerFeed>(pub Vec<OutputFor<S>>);
/// A scheduler of transactions for networks premised on the UTXO model which support
/// transaction chaining.
pub struct Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>>(
pub struct Scheduler<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> {
planner: P,
_S: PhantomData<S>,
impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Scheduler<S, P> {
/// Create a new scheduler.
pub fn new(planner: P) -> Self {
Self { planner, _S: PhantomData }
fn accumulate_outputs(txn: &mut impl DbTxn, outputs: Vec<OutputFor<S>>, from_scanner: bool) {
let mut outputs_by_key = HashMap::new();
for output in outputs {
@ -59,13 +66,14 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
fn aggregate_inputs(
async fn aggregate_inputs(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
key_for_change: KeyFor<S>,
key: KeyFor<S>,
coin: Coin,
) -> Vec<EventualityFor<S>> {
) -> Result<Vec<EventualityFor<S>>, <Self as SchedulerTrait<S>>::EphemeralError> {
let mut eventualities = vec![];
let mut operating_costs = Db::<S>::operating_costs(txn, coin).0;
@ -74,13 +82,17 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
let to_aggregate = outputs.drain(.. P::MAX_INPUTS).collect::<Vec<_>>();
Db::<S>::set_outputs(txn, key, coin, &outputs);
let Some(planned) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(planned) = self
&mut operating_costs,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
) else {
else {
@ -93,7 +105,7 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
Db::<S>::set_operating_costs(txn, coin, Amount(operating_costs));
fn fulfillable_payments(
@ -151,12 +163,13 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
fn step(
async fn step(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
block: &BlockFor<S>,
key: KeyFor<S>,
) -> Vec<EventualityFor<S>> {
) -> Result<Vec<EventualityFor<S>>, <Self as SchedulerTrait<S>>::EphemeralError> {
let mut eventualities = vec![];
let key_for_change = match active_keys[0].1 {
@ -174,7 +187,8 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
let coin = *coin;
// Perform any input aggregation we should
eventualities.append(&mut Self::aggregate_inputs(txn, block, key_for_change, key, coin));
.append(&mut self.aggregate_inputs(txn, block, key_for_change, key, coin).await?);
// Fetch the operating costs/outputs
let mut operating_costs = Db::<S>::operating_costs(txn, coin).0;
@ -211,7 +225,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
// scanner API)
let mut planned_outer = None;
for i in 0 .. 2 {
let Some(planned) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(planned) = self
&mut operating_costs,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
@ -219,7 +235,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
.payments::<S>(coin, &branch_address, tree[0].value())
.expect("payments were dropped despite providing an input of the needed value"),
) else {
else {
// This should trip on the first iteration or not at all
assert_eq!(i, 0);
// This doesn't have inputs even worth aggregating so drop the entire tree
@ -300,14 +318,18 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
let branch_output_id = branch_output.id();
let Some(mut planned) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(mut planned) = self
// Uses 0 as there's no operating costs to incur/amortize here
&mut 0,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
) else {
else {
// This Branch isn't viable, so drop it (and its children)
@ -328,49 +350,56 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
fn flush_outputs(
async fn flush_outputs(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
eventualities: &mut HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>>,
eventualities: &mut KeyScopedEventualities<S>,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
from: KeyFor<S>,
to: KeyFor<S>,
coin: Coin,
) {
) -> Result<(), <Self as SchedulerTrait<S>>::EphemeralError> {
let from_bytes = from.to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec();
// Ensure our inputs are aggregated
.append(&mut Self::aggregate_inputs(txn, block, to, from, coin));
.append(&mut self.aggregate_inputs(txn, block, to, from, coin).await?);
// Now that our inputs are aggregated, transfer all of them to the new key
let mut operating_costs = Db::<S>::operating_costs(txn, coin).0;
let outputs = Db::<S>::outputs(txn, from, coin).unwrap();
if outputs.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let planned = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let planned = self
&mut operating_costs,
P::fee_rate(block, coin),
Db::<S>::set_operating_costs(txn, coin, Amount(operating_costs));
let Some(planned) = planned else { return };
let Some(planned) = planned else { return Ok(()) };
TransactionsToSign::<P::SignableTransaction>::send(txn, &from, &planned.signable);
Self::accumulate_outputs(txn, planned.auxilliary.0, false);
impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> SchedulerTrait<S>
for Scheduler<S, P>
type EphemeralError = P::EphemeralError;
type SignableTransaction = P::SignableTransaction;
fn activate_key(txn: &mut impl DbTxn, key: KeyFor<S>) {
@ -383,11 +412,13 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
fn flush_key(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
retiring_key: KeyFor<S>,
new_key: KeyFor<S>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>> {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
let mut eventualities = HashMap::new();
for coin in S::NETWORK.coins() {
// Move the payments to the new key
@ -403,9 +434,10 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
// Move the outputs to the new key
Self::flush_outputs(txn, &mut eventualities, block, retiring_key, new_key, *coin);
self.flush_outputs(txn, &mut eventualities, block, retiring_key, new_key, *coin).await?;
fn retire_key(txn: &mut impl DbTxn, key: KeyFor<S>) {
@ -418,18 +450,20 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
fn update(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
update: SchedulerUpdate<S>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>> {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
Self::accumulate_outputs(txn, update.outputs().to_vec(), true);
// Fulfill the payments we prior couldn't
let mut eventualities = HashMap::new();
for (key, _stage) in active_keys {
.insert(key.to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec(), Self::step(txn, active_keys, block, *key))
.insert(key.to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec(), self.step(txn, active_keys, block, *key).await?)
@ -440,14 +474,16 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
LifetimeStage::UsingNewForChange => {}
LifetimeStage::Forwarding | LifetimeStage::Finishing => {
for coin in S::NETWORK.coins() {
&mut eventualities,
@ -463,7 +499,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
assert_eq!(active_keys[1].1, LifetimeStage::Active);
let forward_to_key = active_keys[1].0;
let Some(plan) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(plan) = self
// This uses 0 for the operating costs as we don't incur any here
// If the output can't pay for itself to be forwarded, we simply drop it
&mut 0,
@ -471,7 +509,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
vec![Payment::new(P::forwarding_address(forward_to_key), forward.balance(), None)],
) else {
else {
planned_txs.push((key, plan));
@ -480,7 +520,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
let key = to_return.output().key();
let out_instruction =
Payment::new(to_return.address().clone(), to_return.output().balance(), None);
let Some(plan) = P::plan_transaction_with_fee_amortization(
let Some(plan) = self
// This uses 0 for the operating costs as we don't incur any here
// If the output can't pay for itself to be returned, we simply drop it
&mut 0,
@ -488,7 +530,9 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
) else {
else {
planned_txs.push((key, plan));
@ -502,16 +546,19 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
fn fulfill(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
block: &BlockFor<S>,
active_keys: &[(KeyFor<S>, LifetimeStage)],
payments: Vec<Payment<AddressFor<S>>>,
) -> HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<EventualityFor<S>>> {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<KeyScopedEventualities<S>, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
// Find the key to filfill these payments with
let fulfillment_key = match active_keys[0].1 {
LifetimeStage::ActiveYetNotReporting => {
@ -530,9 +577,10 @@ impl<S: ScannerFeed, P: TransactionPlanner<S, EffectedReceivedOutputs<S>>> Sched
// Handle the queued payments
Self::step(txn, active_keys, block, fulfillment_key),
self.step(txn, active_keys, block, fulfillment_key).await?,
Reference in a new issue