mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 01:59:00 +00:00
Add a database of all Monero outs into the processor
Enables synchronous transaction creation (which requires synchronous decoy selection).
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 457 additions and 156 deletions
@ -8515,6 +8515,7 @@ version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ fn rpc_point(point: &str) -> Result<EdwardsPoint, RpcError> {
/// While no implementors are directly provided, [monero-simple-request-rpc](
/// https://github.com/serai-dex/serai/tree/develop/networks/monero/rpc/simple-request
/// ) is recommended.
pub trait Rpc: Sync + Clone + Debug {
pub trait Rpc: Sync + Clone {
/// Perform a POST request to the specified route with the specified body.
/// The implementor is left to handle anything such as authentication.
@ -1003,10 +1003,10 @@ pub trait Rpc: Sync + Clone + Debug {
/// An implementation is provided for any satisfier of `Rpc`. It is not recommended to use an `Rpc`
/// object to satisfy this. This should be satisfied by a local store of the output distribution,
/// both for performance and to prevent potential attacks a remote node can perform.
pub trait DecoyRpc: Sync + Clone + Debug {
pub trait DecoyRpc: Sync {
/// Get the height the output distribution ends at.
/// This is equivalent to the hight of the blockchain it's for. This is intended to be cheaper
/// This is equivalent to the height of the blockchain it's for. This is intended to be cheaper
/// than fetching the entire output distribution.
fn get_output_distribution_end_height(
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ scale = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "3", default-features = fals
borsh = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = ["std", "derive", "de_strict_order"] }
transcript = { package = "flexible-transcript", path = "../../crypto/transcript", default-features = false, features = ["std", "recommended"] }
curve25519-dalek = { version = "4", default-features = false, features = ["alloc", "zeroize"] }
dalek-ff-group = { path = "../../crypto/dalek-ff-group", default-features = false, features = ["std"] }
ciphersuite = { path = "../../crypto/ciphersuite", default-features = false, features = ["std", "ed25519"] }
dkg = { path = "../../crypto/dkg", default-features = false, features = ["std", "evrf-ed25519"] }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
use core::{
ops::{Bound, RangeBounds},
use curve25519_dalek::{
edwards::{CompressedEdwardsY, EdwardsPoint},
use monero_wallet::{
transaction::{Timelock, Input, Pruned, Transaction},
rpc::{OutputInformation, RpcError, Rpc as MRpcTrait, DecoyRpc},
use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize};
use serai_db::{Get, DbTxn, Db, create_db};
use primitives::task::ContinuallyRan;
use scanner::ScannerFeed;
use crate::Rpc;
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
struct EncodableOutputInformation {
height: u64,
timelocked: bool,
key: [u8; 32],
commitment: [u8; 32],
create_db! {
MoneroProcessorDecoys {
NextToIndexBlock: () -> u64,
PriorIndexedBlock: () -> [u8; 32],
DistributionStartBlock: () -> u64,
Distribution: () -> Vec<u64>,
Out: (index: u64) -> EncodableOutputInformation,
We want to be able to select decoys when planning transactions, but planning transactions is a
synchronous process. We store the decoys to a local database and have our database implement
`DecoyRpc` to achieve synchronous decoy selection.
This is only needed as the transactions we sign must have decoys decided and agreed upon. With
FCMP++s, we'll be able to sign transactions without the membership proof, letting any signer
prove for membership after the fact (with their local views). Until then, this task remains.
pub(crate) struct DecoysTask<D: Db> {
pub(crate) rpc: Rpc<D>,
pub(crate) current_distribution: Vec<u64>,
impl<D: Db> ContinuallyRan for DecoysTask<D> {
fn run_iteration(&mut self) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<bool, String>> {
async move {
let finalized_block_number = self
.map_err(|e| format!("couldn't fetch latest block number: {e:?}"))?
"blockchain only just started and doesn't have {} blocks yet",
if NextToIndexBlock::get(&self.rpc.db).is_none() {
let distribution = self
.get_output_distribution(..= finalized_block_number)
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to get output distribution: {e:?}"))?;
if distribution.is_empty() {
Err("distribution was empty".to_string())?;
let distribution_start_block = finalized_block_number - (distribution.len() - 1);
// There may have been a reorg between the time of getting the distribution and the time of
// getting this block. This is an invariant and assumed not to have happened in the split
// second it's possible.
let block = self
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to get the start block for the distribution: {e:?}"))?;
let mut txn = self.rpc.db.txn();
NextToIndexBlock::set(&mut txn, &distribution_start_block.try_into().unwrap());
PriorIndexedBlock::set(&mut txn, &block.header.previous);
DistributionStartBlock::set(&mut txn, &u64::try_from(distribution_start_block).unwrap());
let next_to_index_block =
if next_to_index_block >= finalized_block_number {
return Ok(false);
for b in next_to_index_block ..= finalized_block_number {
// Fetch the block
let block = self
.map_err(|e| format!("decoys task failed to fetch block: {e:?}"))?;
let prior = PriorIndexedBlock::get(&self.rpc.db).unwrap();
if block.header.previous != prior {
"decoys task detected reorg: expected {}, found {}",
// Fetch the transactions in the block
let transactions = self
.map_err(|e| format!("failed to get the pruned transactions within a block: {e:?}"))?;
fn outputs(
list: &mut Vec<EncodableOutputInformation>,
block_number: u64,
tx: Transaction<Pruned>,
) {
match tx {
Transaction::V1 { .. } => {}
Transaction::V2 { prefix, proofs } => {
for (i, output) in prefix.outputs.into_iter().enumerate() {
list.push(EncodableOutputInformation {
// This is correct per the documentation on OutputInformation, which this maps to
height: block_number,
timelocked: prefix.additional_timelock != Timelock::None,
key: output.key.to_bytes(),
commitment: if matches!(
prefix.inputs.first().expect("Monero transaction had no inputs"),
) {
output.amount.expect("miner transaction outputs didn't have amounts set"),
} else {
.expect("non-miner V2 transaction didn't have proofs")
.expect("amount of commitments didn't match amount of outputs")
let block_hash = block.hash();
let b = u64::try_from(b).unwrap();
let mut encodable = Vec::with_capacity(2 * (1 + block.transactions.len()));
outputs(&mut encodable, b, block.miner_transaction.into());
for transaction in transactions {
outputs(&mut encodable, b, transaction);
let existing_outputs = self.current_distribution.last().copied().unwrap_or(0);
let now_outputs = existing_outputs + u64::try_from(encodable.len()).unwrap();
let mut txn = self.rpc.db.txn();
NextToIndexBlock::set(&mut txn, &(b + 1));
PriorIndexedBlock::set(&mut txn, &block_hash);
// TODO: Don't write the entire 10 MB distribution to the DB every two minutes
Distribution::set(&mut txn, &self.current_distribution);
for (b, out) in (existing_outputs .. now_outputs).zip(encodable) {
Out::set(&mut txn, b, &out);
// TODO: Cache the distribution in a static
pub(crate) struct Decoys<'a, G: Get>(&'a G);
impl<'a, G: Sync + Get> DecoyRpc for Decoys<'a, G> {
fn get_output_distribution_end_height(
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<usize, RpcError>> {
async move {
Ok(NextToIndexBlock::get(self.0).map_or(0, |b| usize::try_from(b).unwrap() + 1))
fn get_output_distribution(
range: impl Send + RangeBounds<usize>,
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<Vec<u64>, RpcError>> {
async move {
let from = match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(from) => *from,
Bound::Excluded(from) => from.checked_add(1).ok_or_else(|| {
RpcError::InternalError("range's from wasn't representable".to_string())
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
let to = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(to) => *to,
Bound::Excluded(to) => to
.ok_or_else(|| RpcError::InternalError("range's to wasn't representable".to_string()))?,
Bound::Unbounded => {
panic!("requested distribution till latest block, which is non-deterministic")
if from > to {
"malformed range: inclusive start {from}, inclusive end {to}"
let distribution_start_block = usize::try_from(
DistributionStartBlock::get(self.0).expect("never populated the distribution start block"),
let len_of_distribution_until_to =
to.checked_sub(distribution_start_block).ok_or_else(|| {
"requested distribution until a block when the distribution had yet to start"
})? +
let distribution = Distribution::get(self.0).expect("never populated the distribution");
distribution.len() >= len_of_distribution_until_to,
"requested distribution until block we have yet to index"
distribution[from.saturating_sub(distribution_start_block) .. len_of_distribution_until_to]
fn get_outs(
_indexes: &[u64],
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<Vec<OutputInformation>, RpcError>> {
async move { unimplemented!("get_outs is unused") }
fn get_unlocked_outputs(
indexes: &[u64],
height: usize,
fingerprintable_deterministic: bool,
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<Vec<Option<[EdwardsPoint; 2]>>, RpcError>> {
assert!(fingerprintable_deterministic, "processor wasn't using deterministic output selection");
async move {
let mut res = vec![];
for index in indexes {
let out = Out::get(self.0, *index).expect("requested output we didn't index");
let unlocked = (!out.timelocked) &&
((usize::try_from(out.height).unwrap() + DEFAULT_LOCK_WINDOW) <= height);
res.push(unlocked.then(|| CompressedEdwardsY(out.key).decompress()).flatten().map(|key| {
.expect("output with invalid commitment"),
@ -107,146 +107,6 @@ impl Monero {
Ok(FeeRate::new(fee.max(MINIMUM_FEE), 10000).unwrap())
async fn make_signable_transaction(
block_number: usize,
plan_id: &[u8; 32],
inputs: &[Output],
payments: &[Payment<Self>],
change: &Option<Address>,
calculating_fee: bool,
) -> Result<Option<MakeSignableTransactionResult>, NetworkError> {
for payment in payments {
assert_eq!(payment.balance.coin, Coin::Monero);
// TODO2: Use an fee representative of several blocks, cached inside Self
let block_for_fee = self.get_block(block_number).await?;
let fee_rate = self.median_fee(&block_for_fee).await?;
// Determine the RCT proofs to make based off the hard fork
// TODO: Make a fn for this block which is duplicated with tests
let rct_type = match block_for_fee.header.hardfork_version {
14 => RctType::ClsagBulletproof,
15 | 16 => RctType::ClsagBulletproofPlus,
_ => panic!("Monero hard forked and the processor wasn't updated for it"),
let mut transcript =
RecommendedTranscript::new(b"Serai Processor Monero Transaction Transcript");
transcript.append_message(b"plan", plan_id);
// All signers need to select the same decoys
// All signers use the same height and a seeded RNG to make sure they do so.
let mut inputs_actual = Vec::with_capacity(inputs.len());
for input in inputs {
&mut ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(transcript.rng_seed(b"decoys")),
// TODO: Have Decoys take RctType
match rct_type {
RctType::ClsagBulletproof => 11,
RctType::ClsagBulletproofPlus => 16,
_ => panic!("selecting decoys for an unsupported RctType"),
block_number + 1,
// Monero requires at least two outputs
// If we only have one output planned, add a dummy payment
let mut payments = payments.to_vec();
let outputs = payments.len() + usize::from(u8::from(change.is_some()));
if outputs == 0 {
return Ok(None);
} else if outputs == 1 {
payments.push(Payment {
address: Address::new(
ViewPair::new(EdwardsPoint::generator().0, Zeroizing::new(Scalar::ONE.0))
balance: Balance { coin: Coin::Monero, amount: Amount(0) },
data: None,
let payments = payments
.map(|payment| (payment.address.into(), payment.balance.amount.0))
match MSignableTransaction::new(
// Use the plan ID as the outgoing view key
Change::fingerprintable(change.as_ref().map(|change| change.clone().into())),
) {
Ok(signable) => Ok(Some({
if calculating_fee {
} else {
Err(e) => match e {
SendError::UnsupportedRctType => {
panic!("trying to use an RctType unsupported by monero-wallet")
SendError::NoInputs |
SendError::InvalidDecoyQuantity |
SendError::NoOutputs |
SendError::TooManyOutputs |
SendError::NoChange |
SendError::TooMuchArbitraryData |
SendError::TooLargeTransaction |
SendError::WrongPrivateKey => {
panic!("created an invalid Monero transaction: {e}");
SendError::MultiplePaymentIds => {
panic!("multiple payment IDs despite not supporting integrated addresses");
SendError::NotEnoughFunds { inputs, outputs, necessary_fee } => {
"Monero NotEnoughFunds. inputs: {:?}, outputs: {:?}, necessary_fee: {necessary_fee:?}",
match necessary_fee {
Some(necessary_fee) => {
// If we're solely calculating the fee, return the fee this TX will cost
if calculating_fee {
} else {
// If we're actually trying to make the TX, return None
// We didn't have enough funds to even cover the outputs
None => {
// Ensure we're not misinterpreting this
assert!(outputs > inputs);
SendError::MaliciousSerialization | SendError::ClsagError(_) | SendError::FrostError(_) => {
panic!("supposedly unreachable (at this time) Monero error: {e}");
fn test_view_pair() -> ViewPair {
ViewPair::new(*EdwardsPoint::generator(), Zeroizing::new(Scalar::ONE.0)).unwrap()
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ mod key_gen;
use crate::key_gen::KeyGenParams;
mod rpc;
use rpc::Rpc;
mod decoys;
mod scheduler;
use scheduler::Scheduler;
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use monero_simple_request_rpc::SimpleRequestRpc;
use serai_client::primitives::{NetworkId, Coin, Amount};
use serai_db::Db;
use scanner::ScannerFeed;
use signers::TransactionPublisher;
@ -14,11 +15,12 @@ use crate::{
pub(crate) struct Rpc {
pub(crate) struct Rpc<D: Db> {
pub(crate) db: D,
pub(crate) rpc: SimpleRequestRpc,
impl ScannerFeed for Rpc {
impl<D: Db> ScannerFeed for Rpc<D> {
const NETWORK: NetworkId = NetworkId::Monero;
// Outputs aren't spendable until 10 blocks later due to the 10-block lock
// Since we assumed scanned outputs are spendable, that sets a minimum confirmation depth of 10
@ -37,16 +39,15 @@ impl ScannerFeed for Rpc {
) -> impl Send + Future<Output = Result<u64, Self::EphemeralError>> {
async move {
.expect("connected to an invalid Monero RPC")
// The decoys task only indexes finalized blocks
.ok_or_else(|| {
RpcError::InternalError("decoys task hasn't indexed any blocks yet".to_string())
.ok_or_else(|| {
RpcError::InternalError("only the genesis block has been indexed".to_string())
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ impl ScannerFeed for Rpc {
impl TransactionPublisher<Transaction> for Rpc {
impl<D: Db> TransactionPublisher<Transaction> for Rpc<D> {
type EphemeralError = RpcError;
fn publish(
@ -1,3 +1,144 @@
async fn make_signable_transaction(
block_number: usize,
plan_id: &[u8; 32],
inputs: &[Output],
payments: &[Payment<Self>],
change: &Option<Address>,
calculating_fee: bool,
) -> Result<Option<MakeSignableTransactionResult>, NetworkError> {
for payment in payments {
assert_eq!(payment.balance.coin, Coin::Monero);
// TODO2: Use an fee representative of several blocks, cached inside Self
let block_for_fee = self.get_block(block_number).await?;
let fee_rate = self.median_fee(&block_for_fee).await?;
// Determine the RCT proofs to make based off the hard fork
// TODO: Make a fn for this block which is duplicated with tests
let rct_type = match block_for_fee.header.hardfork_version {
14 => RctType::ClsagBulletproof,
15 | 16 => RctType::ClsagBulletproofPlus,
_ => panic!("Monero hard forked and the processor wasn't updated for it"),
let mut transcript =
RecommendedTranscript::new(b"Serai Processor Monero Transaction Transcript");
transcript.append_message(b"plan", plan_id);
// All signers need to select the same decoys
// All signers use the same height and a seeded RNG to make sure they do so.
let mut inputs_actual = Vec::with_capacity(inputs.len());
for input in inputs {
&mut ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(transcript.rng_seed(b"decoys")),
// TODO: Have Decoys take RctType
match rct_type {
RctType::ClsagBulletproof => 11,
RctType::ClsagBulletproofPlus => 16,
_ => panic!("selecting decoys for an unsupported RctType"),
block_number + 1,
// Monero requires at least two outputs
// If we only have one output planned, add a dummy payment
let mut payments = payments.to_vec();
let outputs = payments.len() + usize::from(u8::from(change.is_some()));
if outputs == 0 {
return Ok(None);
} else if outputs == 1 {
payments.push(Payment {
address: Address::new(
ViewPair::new(EdwardsPoint::generator().0, Zeroizing::new(Scalar::ONE.0))
balance: Balance { coin: Coin::Monero, amount: Amount(0) },
data: None,
let payments = payments
.map(|payment| (payment.address.into(), payment.balance.amount.0))
match MSignableTransaction::new(
// Use the plan ID as the outgoing view key
Change::fingerprintable(change.as_ref().map(|change| change.clone().into())),
) {
Ok(signable) => Ok(Some({
if calculating_fee {
} else {
Err(e) => match e {
SendError::UnsupportedRctType => {
panic!("trying to use an RctType unsupported by monero-wallet")
SendError::NoInputs |
SendError::InvalidDecoyQuantity |
SendError::NoOutputs |
SendError::TooManyOutputs |
SendError::NoChange |
SendError::TooMuchArbitraryData |
SendError::TooLargeTransaction |
SendError::WrongPrivateKey => {
panic!("created an invalid Monero transaction: {e}");
SendError::MultiplePaymentIds => {
panic!("multiple payment IDs despite not supporting integrated addresses");
SendError::NotEnoughFunds { inputs, outputs, necessary_fee } => {
"Monero NotEnoughFunds. inputs: {:?}, outputs: {:?}, necessary_fee: {necessary_fee:?}",
match necessary_fee {
Some(necessary_fee) => {
// If we're solely calculating the fee, return the fee this TX will cost
if calculating_fee {
} else {
// If we're actually trying to make the TX, return None
// We didn't have enough funds to even cover the outputs
None => {
// Ensure we're not misinterpreting this
assert!(outputs > inputs);
SendError::MaliciousSerialization | SendError::ClsagError(_) | SendError::FrostError(_) => {
panic!("supposedly unreachable (at this time) Monero error: {e}");
use ciphersuite::{Ciphersuite, Secp256k1};
use bitcoin_serai::{
@ -186,3 +327,4 @@ impl TransactionPlanner<Rpc, ()> for Planner {
pub(crate) type Scheduler = utxo_standard_scheduler::Scheduler<Rpc, Planner>;
Reference in a new issue