
475 lines
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2022-04-30 08:32:19 +00:00
use core::{convert::TryFrom, cmp::min, fmt};
use std::rc::Rc;
use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng};
use ff::{Field, PrimeField};
use group::Group;
use transcript::Transcript;
2022-04-30 08:32:19 +00:00
use crate::{Curve, FrostError, MultisigParams, MultisigKeys, MultisigView, algorithm::Algorithm};
/// Calculate the lagrange coefficient
pub fn lagrange<F: PrimeField>(
i: usize,
included: &[usize],
) -> F {
let mut num = F::one();
let mut denom = F::one();
for l in included {
if i == *l {
let share = F::from(u64::try_from(*l).unwrap());
num *= share;
denom *= share - F::from(u64::try_from(i).unwrap());
// Safe as this will only be 0 if we're part of the above loop
// (which we have an if case to avoid)
num * denom.invert().unwrap()
/// Pairing of an Algorithm with a MultisigKeys instance and this specific signing set
pub struct Params<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
algorithm: A,
keys: Rc<MultisigKeys<C>>,
2022-04-30 08:32:19 +00:00
view: MultisigView<C>,
// Currently public to enable more complex operations as desired, yet solely used in testing
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> Params<C, A> {
pub fn new(
algorithm: A,
keys: Rc<MultisigKeys<C>>,
included: &[usize],
2022-04-29 19:28:04 +00:00
) -> Result<Params<C, A>, FrostError> {
let mut included = included.to_vec();
(&mut included).sort_unstable();
2022-04-30 08:32:19 +00:00
// Included < threshold
if included.len() < keys.params.t {
Err(FrostError::InvalidSigningSet("not enough signers".to_string()))?;
// Invalid index
if included[0] == 0 {
Err(FrostError::InvalidParticipantIndex(included[0], keys.params.n))?;
// OOB index
if included[included.len() - 1] > keys.params.n {
Err(FrostError::InvalidParticipantIndex(included[included.len() - 1], keys.params.n))?;
// Same signer included multiple times
for i in 0 .. included.len() - 1 {
if included[i] == included[i + 1] {
// Not included
if !included.contains(&keys.params.i) {
Err(FrostError::InvalidSigningSet("signing despite not being included".to_string()))?;
2022-04-30 08:32:19 +00:00
// Out of order arguments to prevent additional cloning
Ok(Params { algorithm, view: keys.view(&included).unwrap(), keys })
pub fn multisig_params(&self) -> MultisigParams {
2022-04-29 19:28:04 +00:00
2022-04-30 08:32:19 +00:00
pub fn view(&self) -> MultisigView<C> {
2022-04-29 19:28:04 +00:00
struct PreprocessPackage<C: Curve> {
nonces: [C::F; 2],
commitments: [C::G; 2],
serialized: Vec<u8>,
// This library unifies the preprocessing step with signing due to security concerns and to provide
// a simpler UX
fn preprocess<R: RngCore + CryptoRng, C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>>(
rng: &mut R,
params: &mut Params<C, A>,
) -> PreprocessPackage<C> {
let nonces = [C::F::random(&mut *rng), C::F::random(&mut *rng)];
let commitments = [C::generator_table() * nonces[0], C::generator_table() * nonces[1]];
let mut serialized = C::G_to_bytes(&commitments[0]);
2022-04-29 19:28:04 +00:00
PreprocessPackage { nonces, commitments, serialized }
struct Package<C: Curve> {
Ris: Vec<C::G>,
R: C::G,
share: C::F
// Has every signer perform the role of the signature aggregator
// Step 1 was already deprecated by performing nonce generation as needed
// Step 2 is simply the broadcast round from step 1
fn sign_with_share<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>>(
params: &mut Params<C, A>,
our_preprocess: PreprocessPackage<C>,
commitments: &[Option<Vec<u8>>],
msg: &[u8],
) -> Result<(Package<C>, Vec<u8>), FrostError> {
let multisig_params = params.multisig_params();
if commitments.len() != (multisig_params.n + 1) {
commitments.len() - min(1, commitments.len())
if commitments[0].is_some() {
let mut B = Vec::with_capacity(multisig_params.n + 1);
// Commitments + a presumed 32-byte hash of the message
let commitments_len = 2 * C::G_len();
let mut b: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity((multisig_params.t * commitments_len) + 32);
// Parse the commitments and prepare the binding factor
for l in 1 ..= multisig_params.n {
if l == multisig_params.i {
if commitments[l].is_some() {
b.extend(&our_preprocess.serialized[0 .. (C::G_len() * 2)]);
let included = params.view.included.contains(&l);
if commitments[l].is_some() && (!included) {
Err(FrostError::InvalidCommitmentQuantity(l, 0, commitments.len() / C::G_len()))?;
if commitments[l].is_none() {
if included {
Err(FrostError::InvalidCommitmentQuantity(l, 2, 0))?;
let commitments = commitments[l].as_ref().unwrap();
if commitments.len() < commitments_len {
Err(FrostError::InvalidCommitmentQuantity(l, 2, commitments.len() / C::G_len()))?;
let D = C::G_from_slice(&commitments[0 .. C::G_len()])
.map_err(|_| FrostError::InvalidCommitment(l))?;
let E = C::G_from_slice(&commitments[C::G_len() .. commitments_len])
.map_err(|_| FrostError::InvalidCommitment(l))?;
B.push(Some([D, E]));
b.extend(&commitments[0 .. commitments_len]);
// Process the commitments and addendums
let view = &params.view;
for l in &params.view.included {
if *l == multisig_params.i {
&our_preprocess.serialized[commitments_len .. our_preprocess.serialized.len()]
} else {
commitments_len .. commitments[*l].as_ref().unwrap().len()
// Finish the binding factor
// Let the algorithm provide a transcript of its variables
// While Merlin, which may or may not be the transcript used here, wants application level
// transcripts passed around to proof systems, this maintains a desired level of abstraction and
// works without issue
let mut transcript = params.algorithm.transcript();
// If the offset functionality provided by this library is in use, include it in the transcript.
// Not compliant with the IETF spec which doesn't have a concept of offsets, nor does it use
// transcripts
if params.keys.offset.is_some() {
let mut offset_transcript = transcript.unwrap_or(A::Transcript::new(b"FROST_offset"));
offset_transcript.append_message(b"offset", &C::F_to_le_bytes(&params.keys.offset.unwrap()));
transcript = Some(offset_transcript);
// If a transcript was defined, move the commitments used for the binding factor into it
// Then, obtain its sum and use that as the binding factor
if transcript.is_some() {
let mut transcript = transcript.unwrap();
transcript.append_message(b"commitments", &b);
b = transcript.challenge(b"binding", 64);
let b = C::hash_to_F(&b);
let mut Ris = vec![];
let mut R = C::G::identity();
for i in 0 .. params.view.included.len() {
let commitments = B[params.view.included[i]].unwrap();
let this_R = commitments[0] + (commitments[1] * b);
R += this_R;
let view = &params.view;
let share = params.algorithm.sign_share(
our_preprocess.nonces[0] + (our_preprocess.nonces[1] * b),
Ok((Package { Ris, R, share }, C::F_to_le_bytes(&share)))
// This doesn't check the signing set is as expected and unexpected changes can cause false blames
// if legitimate participants are still using the original, expected, signing set. This library
// could be made more robust in that regard
fn complete<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>>(
sign_params: &Params<C, A>,
sign: Package<C>,
serialized: &[Option<Vec<u8>>],
) -> Result<A::Signature, FrostError> {
let params = sign_params.multisig_params();
if serialized.len() != (params.n + 1) {
FrostError::InvalidParticipantQuantity(params.n, serialized.len() - min(1, serialized.len()))
if serialized[0].is_some() {
let mut responses = Vec::with_capacity(params.t);
let mut sum = sign.share;
for i in 0 .. sign_params.view.included.len() {
let l = sign_params.view.included[i];
if l == params.i {
// Make sure they actually provided a share
if serialized[l].is_none() {
let part = C::F_from_le_slice(serialized[l].as_ref().unwrap())
.map_err(|_| FrostError::InvalidShare(l))?;
sum += part;
// Perform signature validation instead of individual share validation
// For the success route, which should be much more frequent, this should be faster
// It also acts as an integrity check of this library's signing function
let res = sign_params.algorithm.verify(sign_params.view.group_key, sign.R, sum);
if res.is_some() {
return Ok(res.unwrap());
// Find out who misbehaved
for i in 0 .. sign_params.view.included.len() {
match responses[i] {
Some(part) => {
let l = sign_params.view.included[i];
if !sign_params.algorithm.verify_share(
) {
// Happens when l == i
None => {}
// If everyone has a valid share and there were enough participants, this should've worked
"everyone had a valid share yet the signature was still invalid".to_string()
/// State of a Sign machine
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum State {
impl fmt::Display for State {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
pub trait StateMachine {
type Signature;
/// Perform the preprocessing round required in order to sign
/// Returns a byte vector which must be transmitted to all parties selected for this signing
/// process, over an authenticated channel
fn preprocess<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
&mut self,
rng: &mut R
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, FrostError>;
/// Sign a message
/// Takes in the participant's commitments, which are expected to be in a Vec where participant
/// index = Vec index. None is expected at index 0 to allow for this. None is also expected at
/// index i which is locally handled. Returns a byte vector representing a share of the signature
/// for every other participant to receive, over an authenticated channel
fn sign(
&mut self,
commitments: &[Option<Vec<u8>>],
msg: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, FrostError>;
/// Complete signing
/// Takes in everyone elses' shares submitted to us as a Vec, expecting participant index =
/// Vec index with None at index 0 and index i. Returns a byte vector representing the serialized
/// signature
fn complete(&mut self, shares: &[Option<Vec<u8>>]) -> Result<Self::Signature, FrostError>;
fn multisig_params(&self) -> MultisigParams;
fn state(&self) -> State;
/// State machine which manages signing for an arbitrary signature algorithm
pub struct AlgorithmMachine<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
params: Params<C, A>,
state: State,
preprocess: Option<PreprocessPackage<C>>,
sign: Option<Package<C>>,
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> AlgorithmMachine<C, A> {
/// Creates a new machine to generate a key for the specified curve in the specified multisig
pub fn new(
algorithm: A,
keys: Rc<MultisigKeys<C>>,
included: &[usize],
) -> Result<AlgorithmMachine<C, A>, FrostError> {
AlgorithmMachine {
params: Params::new(algorithm, keys, included)?,
state: State::Fresh,
preprocess: None,
sign: None,
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> StateMachine for AlgorithmMachine<C, A> {
type Signature = A::Signature;
fn preprocess<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
&mut self,
rng: &mut R
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, FrostError> {
if self.state != State::Fresh {
Err(FrostError::InvalidSignTransition(State::Fresh, self.state))?;
let preprocess = preprocess::<R, C, A>(rng, &mut self.params);
let serialized = preprocess.serialized.clone();
self.preprocess = Some(preprocess);
self.state = State::Preprocessed;
fn sign(
&mut self,
commitments: &[Option<Vec<u8>>],
msg: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, FrostError> {
if self.state != State::Preprocessed {
Err(FrostError::InvalidSignTransition(State::Preprocessed, self.state))?;
let (sign, serialized) = sign_with_share(
&mut self.params,
self.sign = Some(sign);
self.state = State::Signed;
fn complete(&mut self, shares: &[Option<Vec<u8>>]) -> Result<A::Signature, FrostError> {
if self.state != State::Signed {
Err(FrostError::InvalidSignTransition(State::Signed, self.state))?;
let signature = complete(
self.state = State::Complete;
fn multisig_params(&self) -> MultisigParams {
fn state(&self) -> State {