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synced 2024-12-28 06:29:38 +00:00
513 lines
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513 lines
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use core::{marker::PhantomData, fmt};
use std::{
time::{SystemTime, Duration},
use rand_core::OsRng;
use group::GroupEncoding;
use frost::{
sign::{Writable, PreprocessMachine, SignMachine, SignatureMachine},
use log::{info, debug, warn, error};
use tokio::{
sync::{RwLock, mpsc},
use messages::sign::*;
use crate::{
DbTxn, Db,
coins::{Transaction, Eventuality, Coin},
const CHANNEL_MSG: &str = "Signer handler was dropped. Shutting down?";
pub enum SignerEvent<C: Coin> {
SignedTransaction { id: [u8; 32], tx: <C::Transaction as Transaction<C>>::Id },
pub type SignerEventChannel<C> = mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<SignerEvent<C>>;
struct SignerDb<C: Coin, D: Db>(D, PhantomData<C>);
impl<C: Coin, D: Db> SignerDb<C, D> {
fn sign_key(dst: &'static [u8], key: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Vec<u8> {
D::key(b"SIGNER", dst, key)
fn completed_key(id: [u8; 32]) -> Vec<u8> {
Self::sign_key(b"completed", id)
fn complete(
&mut self,
txn: &mut D::Transaction,
id: [u8; 32],
tx: <C::Transaction as Transaction<C>>::Id,
) {
// Transactions can be completed by multiple signatures
// Save every solution in order to be robust
let mut existing = txn.get(Self::completed_key(id)).unwrap_or(vec![]);
// TODO: Don't do this if this TX is already present
txn.put(Self::completed_key(id), existing);
fn completed(&self, id: [u8; 32]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
fn eventuality_key(id: [u8; 32]) -> Vec<u8> {
Self::sign_key(b"eventuality", id)
fn save_eventuality(
&mut self,
txn: &mut D::Transaction,
id: [u8; 32],
eventuality: C::Eventuality,
) {
txn.put(Self::eventuality_key(id), eventuality.serialize());
fn eventuality(&self, id: [u8; 32]) -> Option<C::Eventuality> {
C::Eventuality::read::<&[u8]>(&mut self.0.get(Self::eventuality_key(id))?.as_ref()).unwrap(),
fn attempt_key(id: &SignId) -> Vec<u8> {
Self::sign_key(b"attempt", bincode::serialize(id).unwrap())
fn attempt(&mut self, txn: &mut D::Transaction, id: &SignId) {
txn.put(Self::attempt_key(id), []);
fn has_attempt(&mut self, id: &SignId) -> bool {
fn save_transaction(&mut self, txn: &mut D::Transaction, tx: &C::Transaction) {
txn.put(Self::sign_key(b"tx", tx.id()), tx.serialize());
/// Coded so if the processor spontaneously reboots, one of two paths occur:
/// 1) It either didn't send its response, so the attempt will be aborted
/// 2) It did send its response, and has locally saved enough data to continue
pub struct Signer<C: Coin, D: Db> {
coin: C,
db: SignerDb<C, D>,
keys: ThresholdKeys<C::Curve>,
signable: HashMap<[u8; 32], (SystemTime, C::SignableTransaction)>,
attempt: HashMap<[u8; 32], u32>,
preprocessing: HashMap<[u8; 32], <C::TransactionMachine as PreprocessMachine>::SignMachine>,
signing: HashMap<
[u8; 32],
<C::TransactionMachine as PreprocessMachine>::SignMachine as SignMachine<C::Transaction>
events: mpsc::UnboundedSender<SignerEvent<C>>,
impl<C: Coin, D: Db> fmt::Debug for Signer<C, D> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("coin", &self.coin)
.field("signable", &self.signable)
.field("attempt", &self.attempt)
pub struct SignerHandle<C: Coin, D: Db> {
signer: Arc<RwLock<Signer<C, D>>>,
pub events: SignerEventChannel<C>,
impl<C: Coin, D: Db> Signer<C, D> {
pub fn new(db: D, coin: C, keys: ThresholdKeys<C::Curve>) -> SignerHandle<C, D> {
let (events_send, events_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let signer = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Signer {
db: SignerDb(db, PhantomData),
signable: HashMap::new(),
attempt: HashMap::new(),
preprocessing: HashMap::new(),
signing: HashMap::new(),
events: events_send,
SignerHandle { signer, events: events_recv }
fn verify_id(&self, id: &SignId) -> Result<(), ()> {
if !id.signing_set(&self.keys.params()).contains(&self.keys.params().i()) {
panic!("coordinator sent us preprocesses for a signing attempt we're not participating in");
// Check the attempt lines up
match self.attempt.get(&id.id) {
// If we don't have an attempt logged, it's because the coordinator is faulty OR
// because we rebooted
None => {
warn!("not attempting {:?}. this is an error if we didn't reboot", id);
// Don't panic on the assumption we rebooted
Some(attempt) => {
// This could be an old attempt, or it may be a 'future' attempt if we rebooted and
// our SystemTime wasn't monotonic, as it may be
if attempt != &id.attempt {
debug!("sent signing data for a distinct attempt");
fn emit(&mut self, event: SignerEvent<C>) -> bool {
if self.events.send(event).is_err() {
info!("{}", CHANNEL_MSG);
} else {
async fn handle(&mut self, msg: CoordinatorMessage) {
match msg {
CoordinatorMessage::Preprocesses { id, mut preprocesses } => {
if self.verify_id(&id).is_err() {
let machine = match self.preprocessing.remove(&id.id) {
// Either rebooted or RPC error, or some invariant
None => {
warn!("not preprocessing for {:?}. this is an error if we didn't reboot", id);
Some(machine) => machine,
let preprocesses = match preprocesses
.map(|(l, preprocess)| {
.read_preprocess::<&[u8]>(&mut preprocess.as_ref())
.map(|preprocess| (l, preprocess))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()
Ok(preprocesses) => preprocesses,
Err(e) => todo!("malicious signer: {:?}", e),
// Use an empty message, as expected of TransactionMachines
let (machine, share) = match machine.sign(preprocesses, &[]) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(e) => todo!("malicious signer: {:?}", e),
self.signing.insert(id.id, machine);
// Broadcast our share
self.emit(SignerEvent::ProcessorMessage(ProcessorMessage::Share {
share: share.serialize(),
CoordinatorMessage::Shares { id, mut shares } => {
if self.verify_id(&id).is_err() {
let machine = match self.signing.remove(&id.id) {
// Rebooted, RPC error, or some invariant
None => {
// If preprocessing has this ID, it means we were never sent the preprocess by the
// coordinator
if self.preprocessing.contains_key(&id.id) {
panic!("never preprocessed yet signing?");
warn!("not preprocessing for {:?}. this is an error if we didn't reboot", id);
Some(machine) => machine,
let shares = match shares
.map(|(l, share)| {
machine.read_share::<&[u8]>(&mut share.as_ref()).map(|share| (l, share))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()
Ok(shares) => shares,
Err(e) => todo!("malicious signer: {:?}", e),
let tx = match machine.complete(shares) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(e) => todo!("malicious signer: {:?}", e),
// Save the transaction in case it's needed for recovery
let mut txn = self.db.0.txn();
self.db.save_transaction(&mut txn, &tx);
self.db.complete(&mut txn, id.id, tx.id());
// Publish it
if let Err(e) = self.coin.publish_transaction(&tx).await {
error!("couldn't publish {:?}: {:?}", tx, e);
} else {
info!("published {:?}", hex::encode(tx.id()));
// Stop trying to sign for this TX
self.emit(SignerEvent::SignedTransaction { id: id.id, tx: tx.id() });
CoordinatorMessage::Completed { key: _, id, tx: tx_vec } => {
let mut tx = <C::Transaction as Transaction<C>>::Id::default();
if tx.as_ref().len() != tx_vec.len() {
"a validator claimed {} completed {id:?} yet that's not a valid TX ID",
if let Some(eventuality) = self.db.eventuality(id) {
// Transaction hasn't hit our mempool/was dropped for a different signature
// The latter can happen given certain latency conditions/a single malicious signer
// In the case of a single malicious signer, they can drag multiple honest
// validators down with them, so we unfortunately can't slash on this case
let Ok(tx) = self.coin.get_transaction(&tx).await else {
todo!("queue checking eventualities"); // or give up here?
if self.coin.confirm_completion(&eventuality, &tx) {
// Stop trying to sign for this TX
let mut txn = self.db.0.txn();
self.db.save_transaction(&mut txn, &tx);
self.db.complete(&mut txn, id, tx.id());
self.emit(SignerEvent::SignedTransaction { id, tx: tx.id() });
} else {
warn!("a validator claimed {} completed {id:?} when it did not", hex::encode(&tx.id()));
// An async function, to be spawned on a task, to handle signing
async fn run(signer_arc: Arc<RwLock<Self>>) {
const SIGN_TIMEOUT: u64 = 30;
loop {
// Sleep until a timeout expires (or five seconds expire)
// Since this code start new sessions, it will delay any ordered signing sessions from
// starting for up to 5 seconds, hence why this number can't be too high (such as 30 seconds,
// the full timeout)
// This won't delay re-attempting any signing session however, nor will it block the
// sign_transaction function (since this doesn't hold any locks)
let now = SystemTime::now();
let mut lowest = Duration::from_secs(5);
let signer = signer_arc.read().await;
for (id, (start, _)) in &signer.signable {
let until = if let Some(attempt) = signer.attempt.get(id) {
// Get when this attempt times out
(*start + Duration::from_secs(u64::from(attempt + 1) * SIGN_TIMEOUT))
} else {
if until < lowest {
lowest = until;
// Because a signing attempt has timed out (or five seconds has passed), check all
// sessions' timeouts
let mut signer = signer_arc.write().await;
let keys = signer.signable.keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for id in keys {
let (start, tx) = &signer.signable[&id];
let start = *start;
let attempt = u32::try_from(
SystemTime::now().duration_since(start).unwrap_or(Duration::ZERO).as_secs() /
// Check if we're already working on this attempt
if let Some(curr_attempt) = signer.attempt.get(&id) {
if curr_attempt >= &attempt {
// Start this attempt
// Clone the TX so we don't have an immutable borrow preventing the below mutable actions
// (also because we do need an owned tx anyways)
let tx = tx.clone();
// Delete any existing machines
// Update the attempt number so we don't re-enter this conditional
signer.attempt.insert(id, attempt);
let id =
SignId { key: signer.keys.group_key().to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec(), id, attempt };
// Only preprocess if we're a signer
if !id.signing_set(&signer.keys.params()).contains(&signer.keys.params().i()) {
info!("selected to sign {:?}", id);
// If we reboot mid-sign, the current design has us abort all signs and wait for latter
// attempts/new signing protocols
// This is distinct from the DKG which will continue DKG sessions, even on reboot
// This is because signing is tolerant of failures of up to 1/3rd of the group
// The DKG requires 100% participation
// While we could apply similar tricks as the DKG (a seeded RNG) to achieve support for
// reboots, it's not worth the complexity when messing up here leaks our secret share
// Despite this, on reboot, we'll get told of active signing items, and may be in this
// branch again for something we've already attempted
// Only run if this hasn't already been attempted
if signer.db.has_attempt(&id) {
warn!("already attempted {:?}. this is an error if we didn't reboot", id);
let mut txn = signer.db.0.txn();
signer.db.attempt(&mut txn, &id);
// Attempt to create the TX
let machine = match signer.coin.attempt_send(tx).await {
Err(e) => {
error!("failed to attempt {:?}: {:?}", id, e);
Ok(machine) => machine,
let (machine, preprocess) = machine.preprocess(&mut OsRng);
signer.preprocessing.insert(id.id, machine);
// Broadcast our preprocess
if !signer.emit(SignerEvent::ProcessorMessage(ProcessorMessage::Preprocess {
preprocess: preprocess.serialize(),
})) {
impl<C: Coin, D: Db> SignerHandle<C, D> {
pub async fn keys(&self) -> ThresholdKeys<C::Curve> {
pub async fn sign_transaction(
id: [u8; 32],
start: SystemTime,
tx: C::SignableTransaction,
eventuality: C::Eventuality,
) {
let mut signer = self.signer.write().await;
if let Some(txs) = signer.db.completed(id) {
debug!("SignTransaction order for ID we've already completed signing");
// Find the first instance we noted as having completed *and can still get from our node*
let mut tx = None;
let mut buf = <C::Transaction as Transaction<C>>::Id::default();
let tx_id_len = buf.as_ref().len();
assert_eq!(txs.len() % tx_id_len, 0);
for id in 0 .. (txs.len() / tx_id_len) {
let start = id * tx_id_len;
buf.as_mut().copy_from_slice(&txs[start .. (start + tx_id_len)]);
if signer.coin.get_transaction(&buf).await.is_ok() {
tx = Some(buf);
// Fire the SignedTransaction event again
if let Some(tx) = tx {
if !signer.emit(SignerEvent::SignedTransaction { id, tx }) {
} else {
warn!("completed signing {} yet couldn't get any of the completing TXs", hex::encode(id));
let mut txn = signer.db.0.txn();
signer.db.save_eventuality(&mut txn, id, eventuality);
signer.signable.insert(id, (start, tx));
pub async fn handle(&self, msg: CoordinatorMessage) {