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synced 2025-03-21 06:38:55 +00:00
- minor updates to reflect the status of the project - change openalias donation address to fund@haveno.exchange
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<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haveno-dex/haveno-meta/721e52919b28b44d12b6e1e5dac57265f1c05cda/logo/haveno_logo_landscape.svg" alt="Haveno logo">

[](https://github.com/orgs/haveno-dex/projects/2) |
## What is Haveno?
Haveno (pronounced ha‧ve‧no) is a platform for people who want to exchange [Monero](https://getmonero.org) for fiat currencies like EUR, GBP and USD or other cryptocurrencies, like BTC, ETH, BCH .
Main features:
- All communications are routed through **Tor**, to preserve your privacy
- Trades are **peer-to-peer**: trades on Haveno will happen between people only, there is no central authority.
- Trades are **non-custodial**: Haveno provides arbitration in case something goes wrong during the trade, but we will never have access to your funds.
- There is **No token**, because we don't need it. Transactions between traders are secured by non-custodial multisignature transactions on the Monero network.
- The revenue generated by Haveno will be managed by an entity called Council (more info soon), composed by members of the Monero/Haveno community, not the Haveno Core Team and will be used to **fund Haveno and Monero** development.
See the [FAQ on our website](https://haveno.exchange/faq/) for more information.
Haveno is still work in progress. There are no binaries available at this stage. If you want to test Haveno you have to compile it first (see [docs/installing.md](docs/installing.md)).
## Status of the project
Haveno is currently being developed, but it's already possible to test XMR <->fiat/crypto trades using the legacy user interface. The development of Haveno's own user interface was [funded by the Monero community](https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/haveno-frontend.html).
The project is divided between multiple repositories:
- **[haveno](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno)** - This repository. The heart of Haveno.
- **[haveno-ui-poc](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-ui-poc)** - The PoC of the future user interface. Uses gRPC APIs to serve the UI in React.
- **[haveno-meta](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-meta)** - For project-wide discussions and proposals.
- **[haveno-site](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-site)** - The repository of the website.
If you wish to help, take a look at the [issue tracker](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues). We run a bounty program to incentivize development. See [Bounties](#bounties)
The project is lead by a core Team formed of 2 people: ErCiccione and Woodser. The PGP keys of the core team members are in `gpg_keys/`.
## Keep in touch and help out!
Haveno is a community-driven project. For it to be successful it's fundamental to have the support and help of the community. We have our own Matrix server. Registrations are not open at the moment, but the rooms are public and can be joined from any matrix client (like Element).
- General discussions: **Haveno** ([#haveno:haveno.network](https://matrix.to/#/#haveno:haveno.network)) relayed on IRC/Libera (`#haveno`)
- Development discussions: **Haveno Development** ([#haveno-dev:haveno.network](https://matrix.to/#/#haveno-dev:haveno.network)) relayed on IRC/Libera (`#haveno-dev`)
Email: contact@haveno.exchange
Website: [haveno.exchange](https://haveno.exchange)
## Running a local Haveno test network
See [docs/installing.md](docs/installing.md)
## Contributing to Haveno
We are looking for help building Haveno. There are many [tasks](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues) to complete, and many tasks have bounties.
See the [developer guide](docs/developer-guide.md) to get started developing for Haveno..
See [docs/CONTRIBUTING.md](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) for our styling guides.
If you are not able to contribute code and want to contribute development resources, [donations](#support) fund development bounties.
## Bounties
To incentivize development and reward contributors we adopt a simple bounty system. Contributors may be awarded bounties after completing a task (resolving an issue). Take a look at the issues eligible for a bounty on the [dedicated Kanban board](https://github.com/orgs/haveno-dex/projects/2) or look for [issues labelled '💰bounty'](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%F0%9F%92%B0bounty) in the main `haveno` repository. [Details and conditions for receiving a bounty](docs/bounties.md).
## Sponsors
Would you like to help us build Haveno? Become a sponsor! We will show your logo here. Contact us at contact@haveno.exchange.
<a href="https://getmonero.org"><img src="/media/sponsors/monero-community.png" title="Monero community" alt="Monero community logo" width="100px"></a>
<a href="https://samouraiwallet.com/"><img src="/media/sponsors/samourai.png" title="Samourai wallet" alt="Samourai wallet logo" width="100px"></a>
<a href="https://cakewallet.com/"><img src="/media/sponsors/cake-logo-blue.jpg" title="Cake wallet" alt="Cake wallet logo" width="100px"></a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/DonYakka"><img src="/media/sponsors/donyakka.jpg" title="Don Yakka" alt="Don Yakka logo" width="100px"></a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/mikedogsmd"><img src="/media/sponsors/mikedogsmd.jpg" title="Mike Dogs, MD" alt="Mike Dogs logo" width="100px"></a>
<a href="https://majesticbank.sc"><img src="/media/sponsors/mb.png" title="MajesticBank" alt="MajesticBank logo" width="100px"></a>
## Support
To bring Haveno to life, we need resources. If you have the possibility, please consider donating to the project:
### Monero

If you are using a wallet that supports Openalias (like the 'official' CLI and GUI wallets), you can simply put `fund@haveno.exchange` as the "receiver" address.
### Bitcoin