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synced 2025-03-16 17:12:02 +00:00
update translations for higher chargeback warnings
Some checks are pending
Some checks are pending
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 62 additions and 6 deletions
@ -2702,9 +2702,9 @@ payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n\
This will not affect your account age signing status.
This will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=Cash App has higher chargeback risk than most bank transfers. Please be aware of this when trading with Cash App.
payment.cashapp.info=Please be aware that Cash App has higher chargeback risk than most bank transfers.
payment.venmo.info=Venmo has higher chargeback risk than most bank transfers. Please be aware of this when trading with Venmo.
payment.venmo.info=Please be aware that Venmo has higher chargeback risk than most bank transfers.
payment.paypal.info=PayPal has higher chargeback risk than most bank transfers. Please be aware of this when trading with PayPal.
payment.paypal.info=Please be aware that PayPal has higher chargeback risk than most bank transfers.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
@ -1994,6 +1994,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut vyžaduje „uživatelské jméno“ jako ID účtu
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nVáš stávající účet Revolut ({1}) nemá "Uživatelské jméno".\nChcete-li aktualizovat údaje o svém účtu, zadejte své "Uživatelské jméno" Revolut.\nTo neovlivní stav podepisování věku vašeho účtu.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nVáš stávající účet Revolut ({1}) nemá "Uživatelské jméno".\nChcete-li aktualizovat údaje o svém účtu, zadejte své "Uživatelské jméno" Revolut.\nTo neovlivní stav podepisování věku vašeho účtu.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Aktualizujte účet Revolut
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Aktualizujte účet Revolut
payment.cashapp.info=Upozorňujeme, že Cash App má vyšší riziko zpětného strhu než většina bankovních převodů.
payment.venmo.info=Upozorňujeme, že Venmo má vyšší riziko zpětného strhu než většina bankovních převodů.
payment.paypal.info=Upozorňujeme, že PayPal má vyšší riziko zpětného strhu než většina bankovních převodů.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Platba kartou Amazon eGift nyní vyžaduje také nastavení země.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Platba kartou Amazon eGift nyní vyžaduje také nastavení země.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nVáš stávající účet pro platbu kartou Amazon eGift ({1}) nemá nastavenou zemi.\nVyberte prosím zemi, ve které je možné vaše karty Amazon eGift uplatnit.\nTato aktualizace vašeho účtu nebude mít vliv na stáří tohoto účtu.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nVáš stávající účet pro platbu kartou Amazon eGift ({1}) nemá nastavenou zemi.\nVyberte prosím zemi, ve které je možné vaše karty Amazon eGift uplatnit.\nTato aktualizace vašeho účtu nebude mít vliv na stáří tohoto účtu.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Aktualizace účtu pro platbu kartou Amazon eGift
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Aktualizace účtu pro platbu kartou Amazon eGift
@ -1995,6 +1995,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut benötigt den "Benutzernamen" als Account ID und ni
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nDein existierendes Revolut Konto ({1}) hat keinen "Benutzernamen".\nBitte geben Sie Ihren Revolut "Benutzernamen" ein um Ihre Kontodaten zu aktualisieren.\nDas wird Ihr Kontoalter und die Verifizierung nicht beeinflussen.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nDein existierendes Revolut Konto ({1}) hat keinen "Benutzernamen".\nBitte geben Sie Ihren Revolut "Benutzernamen" ein um Ihre Kontodaten zu aktualisieren.\nDas wird Ihr Kontoalter und die Verifizierung nicht beeinflussen.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Revolut Account updaten
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Revolut Account updaten
payment.cashapp.info=Bitte beachten Sie, dass Cash App ein höheres Rückbuchungsrisiko hat als die meisten Banküberweisungen.
payment.venmo.info=Bitte beachten Sie, dass Venmo ein höheres Rückbuchungsrisiko hat als die meisten Banküberweisungen.
payment.paypal.info=Bitte beachten Sie, dass PayPal ein höheres Rückbuchungsrisiko hat als die meisten Banküberweisungen.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Bei der Zahlungsmethode Amazon Geschenkkarten muss das Land angegeben werden.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Bei der Zahlungsmethode Amazon Geschenkkarten muss das Land angegeben werden.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nDein bestehendes Amazon Geschenkkarten Konto ({1}) wurde keinem Land zugeteilt.\nBitte geben Sie das Amazon Geschenkkarten Land ein um Ihre Kontodaten zu aktualisieren.\nDas wird ihr Kontoalter nicht beeinflussen.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nDein bestehendes Amazon Geschenkkarten Konto ({1}) wurde keinem Land zugeteilt.\nBitte geben Sie das Amazon Geschenkkarten Land ein um Ihre Kontodaten zu aktualisieren.\nDas wird ihr Kontoalter nicht beeinflussen.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Amazon Geschenkkarte Konto updaten
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Amazon Geschenkkarte Konto updaten
@ -1996,6 +1996,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requiere el 'nombre de usuario' como ID de cuenta y
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nSu cuenta de Revolut ({1}) no tiene un "nombre de usuario".\nPor favor introduzca su "nombre de usuario" en Revolut para actualizar sus datos de cuenta.\nEsto no afectará a su estado de edad de firmado de cuenta.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nSu cuenta de Revolut ({1}) no tiene un "nombre de usuario".\nPor favor introduzca su "nombre de usuario" en Revolut para actualizar sus datos de cuenta.\nEsto no afectará a su estado de edad de firmado de cuenta.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Revolut
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Revolut
payment.cashapp.info=Tenga en cuenta que Cash App tiene un mayor riesgo de contracargos que la mayoría de las transferencias bancarias.
payment.venmo.info=Tenga en cuenta que Venmo tiene un mayor riesgo de contracargos que la mayoría de las transferencias bancarias.
payment.paypal.info=Tenga en cuenta que PayPal tiene un mayor riesgo de contracargos que la mayoría de las transferencias bancarias.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=El método de pago Tarjetas regalo Amazon requiere que se especifique el país
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=El método de pago Tarjetas regalo Amazon requiere que se especifique el país
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nSu cuenta actual de Tarjeta regalo Amazon ({1}) no tiene un País especificado.\nPor favor introduzca el país de su Tarjeta regalo Amazon para actualizar sus datos de cuenta.\nEsto no afectará el estatus de edad de su cuenta.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nSu cuenta actual de Tarjeta regalo Amazon ({1}) no tiene un País especificado.\nPor favor introduzca el país de su Tarjeta regalo Amazon para actualizar sus datos de cuenta.\nEsto no afectará el estatus de edad de su cuenta.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Tarjeta regalo Amazon
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Tarjeta regalo Amazon
@ -1988,6 +1988,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'Username' as account ID not the phone
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=لطفاً توجه داشته باشید که Cash App ریسک بازپرداخت بالاتری نسبت به بیشتر انتقالات بانکی دارد.
payment.venmo.info=لطفاً توجه داشته باشید که Venmo ریسک بازپرداخت بالاتری نسبت به بیشتر انتقالات بانکی دارد.
payment.paypal.info=لطفاً توجه داشته باشید که PayPal ریسک بازپرداخت بالاتری نسبت به بیشتر انتقالات بانکی دارد.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1997,6 +1997,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut nécessite le 'Nom d'utilisateur' en tant qu'ID de
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nVotre compte Revolut existant ({1}) n'a pas de "Nom d'utilisateur".\nVeuillez entrer votre "Nom d'utilisateur" Revolut pour mettre à jour les données de votre compte.\nCeci n'affectera pas l'âge du compte.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nVotre compte Revolut existant ({1}) n'a pas de "Nom d'utilisateur".\nVeuillez entrer votre "Nom d'utilisateur" Revolut pour mettre à jour les données de votre compte.\nCeci n'affectera pas l'âge du compte.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Mettre à jour le compte Revolut
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Mettre à jour le compte Revolut
payment.cashapp.info=Veuillez noter que Cash App présente un risque de rétrofacturation plus élevé que la plupart des virements bancaires.
payment.venmo.info=Veuillez noter que Venmo présente un risque de rétrofacturation plus élevé que la plupart des virements bancaires.
payment.paypal.info=Veuillez noter que PayPal présente un risque de rétrofacturation plus élevé que la plupart des virements bancaires.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=La méthode de paiement via carte cadeaux Amazon nécessite que le pays soit spécifié.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=La méthode de paiement via carte cadeaux Amazon nécessite que le pays soit spécifié.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nVotre compte carte cadeau Amazon existant ({1}) n'a pas de pays spécifé.\nVeuillez entrer le pays de votre compte carte cadeau Amazon pour mettre à jour les données de votre compte.\nCeci n'affectera pas le statut de l'âge du compte.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nVotre compte carte cadeau Amazon existant ({1}) n'a pas de pays spécifé.\nVeuillez entrer le pays de votre compte carte cadeau Amazon pour mettre à jour les données de votre compte.\nCeci n'affectera pas le statut de l'âge du compte.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Mettre à jour le compte des cartes cadeaux Amazon
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Mettre à jour le compte des cartes cadeaux Amazon
@ -1991,6 +1991,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'Username' as account ID not the phone
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=Si prega di notare che Cash App ha un rischio di chargeback più elevato rispetto alla maggior parte dei bonifici bancari.
payment.venmo.info=Si prega di notare che Venmo ha un rischio di chargeback più elevato rispetto alla maggior parte dei bonifici bancari.
payment.paypal.info=Si prega di notare che PayPal ha un rischio di chargeback più elevato rispetto alla maggior parte dei bonifici bancari.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1994,6 +1994,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=以前の場合と違って、Revolutは電話番号やメ
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n現在の「Revolut」アカウント({1})には「ユーザ名」がありません。 \nアカウントデータを更新するのにRevolutの「ユーザ名」を入力して下さい。\nアカウント年齢署名状況に影響を及ぼしません。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n現在の「Revolut」アカウント({1})には「ユーザ名」がありません。 \nアカウントデータを更新するのにRevolutの「ユーザ名」を入力して下さい。\nアカウント年齢署名状況に影響を及ぼしません。
payment.cashapp.info=Cash App はほとんどの銀行振込よりもチャージバックリスクが高いことにご注意ください。
payment.venmo.info=Venmo はほとんどの銀行振込よりもチャージバックリスクが高いことにご注意ください。
payment.paypal.info=PayPal はほとんどの銀行振込よりもチャージバックリスクが高いことにご注意ください。
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1998,6 +1998,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'Username' as account ID not the phone
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=Por favor, esteja ciente de que o Cash App tem um risco maior de estorno do que a maioria das transferências bancárias.
payment.venmo.info=Por favor, esteja ciente de que o Venmo tem um risco maior de estorno do que a maioria das transferências bancárias.
payment.paypal.info=Por favor, esteja ciente de que o PayPal tem um risco maior de estorno do que a maioria das transferências bancárias.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1988,6 +1988,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'Username' as account ID not the phone
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=Esteja ciente de que o Cash App tem um risco de estorno maior do que a maioria das transferências bancárias.
payment.venmo.info=Esteja ciente de que o Venmo tem um risco de estorno maior do que a maioria das transferências bancárias.
payment.paypal.info=Esteja ciente de que o PayPal tem um risco de estorno maior do que a maioria das transferências bancárias.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1989,6 +1989,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'Username' as account ID not the phone
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=Обратите внимание, что Cash App имеет более высокий риск возврата платежей, чем большинство банковских переводов.
payment.venmo.info=Обратите внимание, что Venmo имеет более высокий риск возврата платежей, чем большинство банковских переводов.
payment.paypal.info=Обратите внимание, что PayPal имеет более высокий риск возврата платежей, чем большинство банковских переводов.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1989,6 +1989,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'Username' as account ID not the phone
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=โปรดทราบว่า Cash App มีความเสี่ยงในการเรียกเงินคืนสูงกว่าการโอนเงินผ่านธนาคารส่วนใหญ่
payment.venmo.info=โปรดทราบว่า Venmo มีความเสี่ยงในการเรียกเงินคืนสูงกว่าการโอนเงินผ่านธนาคารส่วนใหญ่
payment.paypal.info=โปรดทราบว่า PayPal มีความเสี่ยงในการเรียกเงินคืนสูงกว่าการโอนเงินผ่านธนาคารส่วนใหญ่
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -2689,9 +2689,9 @@ payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n\
Bu, hesap yaş imza durumunuzu etkilemeyecektir.
Bu, hesap yaş imza durumunuzu etkilemeyecektir.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Revolut hesabını güncelle
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Revolut hesabını güncelle
payment.cashapp.info=Cash App, çoğu banka transferine göre daha yüksek geri ödeme riskine sahiptir. Cash App ile ticaret yaparken bunun farkında olun.
payment.cashapp.info=Lütfen Cash App'in çoğu banka transferinden daha yüksek geri ödeme riski taşıdığını unutmayın.
payment.venmo.info=Venmo, çoğu banka transferine göre daha yüksek geri ödeme riskine sahiptir. Venmo ile ticaret yaparken bunun farkında olun.
payment.venmo.info=Lütfen Venmo'nun çoğu banka transferinden daha yüksek geri ödeme riski taşıdığını unutmayın.
payment.paypal.info=PayPal, çoğu banka transferine göre daha yüksek geri ödeme riskine sahiptir. PayPal ile ticaret yaparken bunun farkında olun.
payment.paypal.info=Lütfen PayPal'in çoğu banka transferinden daha yüksek geri ödeme riski taşıdığını unutmayın.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon hediye kartları ödeme yöntemi için ülkenin belirtilmesi gerekmektedir.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon hediye kartları ödeme yöntemi için ülkenin belirtilmesi gerekmektedir.
@ -1991,6 +1991,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'Username' as account ID not the phone
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''Username''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''Username'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.cashapp.info=Vui lòng lưu ý rằng Cash App có rủi ro bồi hoàn cao hơn so với hầu hết các chuyển khoản ngân hàng.
payment.venmo.info=Vui lòng lưu ý rằng Venmo có rủi ro bồi hoàn cao hơn so với hầu hết các chuyển khoản ngân hàng.
payment.paypal.info=Vui lòng lưu ý rằng PayPal có rủi ro bồi hoàn cao hơn so với hầu hết các chuyển khoản ngân hàng.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1998,6 +1998,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut 要求使用“用户名”作为帐户 ID,而不
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n您现有的 Revolut 帐户({1})尚未设置“用户名”。\n请输入您的 Revolut ``用户名''以更新您的帐户数据。\n这不会影响您的账龄验证状态。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n您现有的 Revolut 帐户({1})尚未设置“用户名”。\n请输入您的 Revolut ``用户名''以更新您的帐户数据。\n这不会影响您的账龄验证状态。
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=更新 Revolut 账户
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=更新 Revolut 账户
payment.cashapp.info=请注意,Cash App 的退款风险高于大多数银行转账。
payment.venmo.info=请注意,Venmo 的退款风险高于大多数银行转账。
payment.paypal.info=请注意,PayPal 的退款风险高于大多数银行转账。
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
@ -1992,6 +1992,10 @@ payment.revolut.info=Revolut 要求使用“用户名”作為帳户 ID,而不
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n您現有的 Revolut 帳户({1})尚未設置“用户名”。\n請輸入您的 Revolut ``用户名''以更新您的帳户數據。\n這不會影響您的賬齡驗證狀態。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n您現有的 Revolut 帳户({1})尚未設置“用户名”。\n請輸入您的 Revolut ``用户名''以更新您的帳户數據。\n這不會影響您的賬齡驗證狀態。
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=更新 Revolut 賬户
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=更新 Revolut 賬户
payment.cashapp.info=請注意,Cash App 的退款風險高於大多數銀行轉帳。
payment.venmo.info=請注意,Venmo 的退款風險高於大多數銀行轉帳。
payment.paypal.info=請注意,PayPal 的退款風險高於大多數銀行轉帳。
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
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