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# v0.7.0
## Prototype Release
* Added `Simple` XMRig tab:
- Console
- Thread slider
- Pause on active slider (Windows/macOS only)
* Added `Advanced` XMRig tab:
- Includes all simple features
- Manual pool database, select/add/edit/delete a custom `Name/IP/Port/RigID` (max 1000 pools), saved at:
- Windows: `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Gupax\pool.toml`
- macOS: `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Gupax/pool.toml`
- Linux: `/home/USER/.local/share/gupax/pool.toml`
- Overriding `config.json` option
- Manual Monero address option
- HTTP API IP/Port option
- TLS option
- Keepalive option
* Added `Simple` Gupax tab:
- Package updater
- `Auto-update` setting
- `Update-via-Tor` setting
- `Ask-before-quit` setting
- `Save-before-quit` setting
* Added `Advanced` Gupax tab:
- Includes all simple features
- P2Pool binary path selector
- XMRig binary path selector
- Gupax window width/height adjuster
* Default resolution change `1280x720, 16:9` -> `1280x800, 16:10`
* Added plowsof to community nodes:
- Plowsof1: `IP: node.monerodevs.org, RPC: 18089, ZMQ: 18084`
- Plowsof2: `IP: node2.monerodevs.org, RPC: 18089, ZMQ: 18084`
## v0.5.0
## Prototype Release
* Added `Simple` P2Pool tab:
- Monero address input with valid address check (base58 regex)
- [Community Monero node selector](https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/gupax/tree/main/README.md#community-monero-nodes)
- Community node ping button (asynchronous `JSON-RPC` calls to all nodes)
- Color coded list after ping:
<300ms = GREEN
<1000ms = YELLOW
<5000ms = RED
>5000ms = BLACK
- `Auto-select` - Pick the fastest node after ping automatically
- `Auto-ping` - Automatically ping nodes on Gupax startup
* Added `Advanced` P2Pool tab:
- Manual node database, select/add/edit/delete a custom `Name/IP/RPC/ZMQ` (max 1000 nodes), saved at:
- Windows: `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Gupax\node.toml`
- macOS: `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Gupax/node.toml`
- Linux: `/home/USER/.local/share/gupax/node.toml`
- Overriding command arguments to P2Pool
- P2Pool main/mini toggle
- Out/In Peers slider
- Log level slider
* Added command arguments:
--help Print this help message
--version Print version and build info
--state Print Gupax state
--nodes Print the manual node list
--no-startup Disable all auto-startup settings for this instance
--reset-state Reset all Gupax state (your settings)
--reset-nodes Reset the manual node list in the [P2Pool] tab
--reset-all Reset both the state and the manual node list
--ferris Print an extremely cute crab
* Added fullscreen GUI error handler (Error message + UI buttons for response, Yes/No, Quit, etc)
* Added a native `File Explorer/Finder/GTK` file selector for picking P2Pool/XMRig binary path in `Gupax` tab
* Added detailed console log levels `RUST_LOG=(trace|debug|info|warn|error) ./gupax`
* [Added new PGP key](https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/gupax/blob/main/pgp/hinto-janaiyo.asc)
* Created website (HTML/CSS only, no JavaScript): https://gupax.io
## v0.1.0
## Prototype Release
* Added package updater (by default, via Tor using [`Arti`](https://blog.torproject.org/arti_100_released/))
* Added [custom icons per OS](https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/gupax/tree/main/images/icons) (File Explorer, Taskbar, Finder, App header, etc)
* Added Monero node [`JSON-RPC ping`](https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/gupax/blob/main/src/node.rs) system, not yet in GUI
* Added `F11` fullscreen toggle
* Implemented `Ask before quit`
* Implemented `Auto-save`
* Binaries for all platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
* Added state file to save settings:
- Windows: `C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Gupax\gupax.toml`
- macOS: `/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Gupax/gupax.toml`
- Linux: `/home/USER/.local/share/gupax/gupax.toml`
## v0.0.1
## Prototype Release
* Functional (slightly buggy) GUI external
* Elements have state (buttons, sliders, etc)
* No internals, no connections, no processes
* Only binaries for x86_64 Windows/Linux for now