r#"The large hashrate difference between XMRig and other miners like Monero and P2Pool's built-in miners is mostly due to XMRig configuring CPU MSRs and setting up hugepages. Other miners like Monero or P2Pool's built-in miner do not do this. It can be done manually but it isn't recommended since XMRig does this for you automatically, but only if it has the proper admin privileges."#;
pubconstWINDOWS_NOT_ADMIN: &str="XMRig will most likely mine slower than normal without Administrator permissions. Please consider restarting Gupax as an Administrator.";
pubconstSTATUS_GUPAX_UPTIME: &str="How long Gupax has been online";
pubconstSTATUS_GUPAX_CPU_USAGE: &str="How much CPU Gupax is currently using. This accounts for all your threads (it is out of 100%)";
pubconstSTATUS_GUPAX_MEMORY_USAGE: &str="How much memory Gupax is currently using in Megabytes";
pubconstSTATUS_GUPAX_SYSTEM_CPU_USAGE: &str="How much CPU your entire system is currently using. This accounts for all your threads (it is out of 100%)";
pubconstSTATUS_GUPAX_SYSTEM_MEMORY: &str="How much memory your entire system has (including swap) and is currently using in Gigabytes";
pubconstSTATUS_GUPAX_SYSTEM_CPU_MODEL: &str="The detected model of your system's CPU and its current frequency";
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]// Arti library has issues on macOS
pubconstGUPAX_UPDATE_VIA_TOR: &'staticstr="WARNING: This option is unstable on macOS. Update through the Tor network. Tor is embedded within Gupax; a Tor system proxy is not required";
pubconstGUPAX_AUTO_P2POOL: &str="Automatically start P2Pool on Gupax startup. If you are using [P2Pool Simple], this will NOT wait for your [Auto-Ping] to finish, it will start P2Pool on the pool you already have selected. This option will fail if your P2Pool settings aren't valid!";
pubconstGUPAX_AUTO_XMRIG: &str="Automatically start XMRig on Gupax startup. This option will fail if your XMRig settings aren't valid!";
pubconstGUPAX_SELECT: &str="Open a file explorer to select a file";
pubconstGUPAX_PATH_P2POOL: &str="The location of the P2Pool binary: Both absolute and relative paths are accepted; A red [X] will appear if there is no file found at the given path";
pubconstGUPAX_PATH_XMRIG: &str="The location of the XMRig binary: Both absolute and relative paths are accepted; A red [X] will appear if there is no file found at the given path";
pubconstP2POOL_MAIN: &str="Use the P2Pool main-chain. This P2Pool finds shares faster, but has a higher difficulty. Suitable for miners with more than 50kH/s";
pubconstP2POOL_MINI: &str="Use the P2Pool mini-chain. This P2Pool finds shares slower, but has a lower difficulty. Suitable for miners with less than 50kH/s";
pubconstP2POOL_OUT: &str="How many out-bound peers to connect to? (you connecting to others)";
pubconstP2POOL_IN: &str="How many in-bound peers to allow? (others connecting to you)";
pubconstP2POOL_LOG: &str="Verbosity of the console log";
pubconstP2POOL_AUTO_NODE: &str="Automatically ping the community Monero nodes at Gupax startup";
pubconstP2POOL_AUTO_SELECT: &str="Automatically select the fastest community Monero node after pinging";
pubconstP2POOL_SELECT_FASTEST: &str="Select the fastest community Monero node";
pubconstP2POOL_PING: &str="Ping the built-in community Monero nodes";
pubconstP2POOL_ADDRESS: &str="You must use a primary Monero address to mine on P2Pool (starts with a 4). It is highly recommended to create a new wallet since addresses are public on P2Pool!";
pubconstP2POOL_ARGUMENTS: &str="Start P2Pool with these arguments and override all below settings; If the [--data-api] & [--local-api] flag is not given, Gupax will append it to the arguments automatically so that the [Status] tab can work";
pubconstP2POOL_NAME: &str="Add a unique name to identify this node; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";
pubconstP2POOL_NODE_IP: &str="Specify the Monero Node IP to connect to with P2Pool; It must be a valid IPv4 address or a valid domain name; Max length = 255 characters";
pubconstP2POOL_RPC_PORT: &str="Specify the RPC port of the Monero node; [1-65535]";
pubconstP2POOL_ZMQ_PORT: &str="Specify the ZMQ port of the Monero node; [1-65535]";
pubconstXMRIG_ARGUMENTS: &str="Start XMRig with these arguments and override all below settings; If the [http-api] options are not set, Gupax will append it to the arguments automatically so that the [Status] tab can work";
pubconstXMRIG_ADDRESS: &str="Specify which Monero address to payout to. This does nothing if mining to P2Pool since the address being payed out to will be the one P2Pool started with. This doubles as a rig identifier for P2Pool and some pools.";
pubconstXMRIG_NAME: &str="Add a unique name to identify this pool; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";
pubconstXMRIG_IP: &str="Specify the pool IP to connect to with XMRig; It must be a valid IPv4 address or a valid domain name; Max length = 255 characters";
pubconstXMRIG_PORT: &str="Specify the port of the pool; [1-65535]";
pubconstXMRIG_RIG: &str="Add an optional rig ID. This will be the name shown on the pool; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";