#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]// Arti library has issues on macOS
pubconstGUPAX_UPDATE_VIA_TOR: &'staticstr="WARNING: This option is unstable on macOS. Update through the Tor network. Tor is embedded within Gupax; a Tor system proxy is not required";
pubconstGUPAX_SELECT: &str="Open a file explorer to select a file";
pubconstGUPAX_PATH_P2POOL: &str="The location of the P2Pool binary: Both absolute and relative paths are accepted; A red [X] will appear if there is no file found at the given path";
pubconstGUPAX_PATH_XMRIG: &str="The location of the XMRig binary: Both absolute and relative paths are accepted; A red [X] will appear if there is no file found at the given path";
pubconstP2POOL_MAIN: &str="Use the P2Pool main-chain. This P2Pool finds shares faster, but has a higher difficulty. Suitable for miners with more than 50kH/s";
pubconstP2POOL_MINI: &str="Use the P2Pool mini-chain. This P2Pool finds shares slower, but has a lower difficulty. Suitable for miners with less than 50kH/s";
pubconstP2POOL_OUT: &str="How many out-bound peers to connect to? (you connecting to others)";
pubconstP2POOL_IN: &str="How many in-bound peers to allow? (others connecting to you)";
pubconstP2POOL_LOG: &str="Verbosity of the console log";
pubconstP2POOL_AUTO_NODE: &str="Automatically ping the community Monero nodes at Gupax startup";
pubconstP2POOL_AUTO_SELECT: &str="Automatically select the fastest community Monero node after pinging";
pubconstP2POOL_SELECT_FASTEST: &str="Select the fastest community Monero node";
pubconstP2POOL_PING: &str="Ping the built-in community Monero nodes";
pubconstP2POOL_ADDRESS: &str="You must use a primary Monero address to mine on P2Pool (starts with a 4). It is highly recommended to create a new wallet for P2Pool mining; wallet addresses are public on P2Pool!";
pubconstP2POOL_COMMAND: &str="Start P2Pool with these arguments and override all below settings; If the [--data-api] flag is not given, Gupax will append it to the arguments automatically so that the [Status] tab can work";
pubconstP2POOL_NAME: &str="Add a unique name to identify this node; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";
pubconstP2POOL_NODE_IP: &str="Specify the Monero Node IP to connect to with P2Pool; It must be a valid IPv4 address or a valid domain name; Max length = 255 characters";
pubconstP2POOL_RPC_PORT: &str="Specify the RPC port of the Monero node; [1-65535]";
pubconstP2POOL_ZMQ_PORT: &str="Specify the ZMQ port of the Monero node; [1-65535]";
pubconstXMRIG_CONFIG: &str="Start XMRig with this config file and override all below settings; If the [http-api] options are not set, the [Status] tab will not properly show XMRig stats. If they are set, Gupax will detect which automatically IP/Port you are using";
pubconstXMRIG_ADDRESS: &str="Specify which Monero address to send payouts to; Must be a valid primary address (starts with 4)";
pubconstXMRIG_NAME: &str="Add a unique name to identify this pool; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";
pubconstXMRIG_IP: &str="Specify the pool IP to connect to with XMRig; It must be a valid IPv4 address or a valid domain name; Max length = 255 characters";
pubconstXMRIG_PORT: &str="Specify the port of the pool; [1-65535]";
pubconstXMRIG_RIG: &str="Add an optional rig ID. This will be the name shown on the pool; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";