// Constants specific for Linux distro packaging of Gupax
#[cfg(feature = "distro")]
pubconstDISTRO_NO_UPDATE: &str=
r#"This [Gupax] was compiled for use as a Linux distro package. Built-in updates are disabled. The below settings [Update-via-Tor] & [Auto-Update] will not do anything. Please use your package manager to update [Gupax/P2Pool/XMRig]."#;
r#"The large hashrate difference between XMRig and other miners like Monero and P2Pool's built-in miners is mostly due to XMRig configuring CPU MSRs and setting up hugepages. Other miners like Monero or P2Pool's built-in miner do not do this. It can be done manually but it isn't recommended since XMRig does this for you automatically, but only if it has the proper admin privileges."#;
pubconstWINDOWS_NOT_ADMIN: &str="XMRig will most likely mine slower than normal without Administrator permissions. Please consider restarting Gupax as an Administrator.";
pubconstSTATUS_GUPAX_SYSTEM_CPU_USAGE: &str="How much CPU your entire system is currently using. This accounts for all your threads (it is out of 100%)";
pubconstSTATUS_P2POOL_UPTIME: &str="How long P2Pool has been online";
pubconstSTATUS_P2POOL_PAYOUTS: &str="The total amount of payouts received in this instance of P2Pool and an extrapolated estimate of how many you will receive. Warning: these stats will be quite inaccurate if your P2Pool hasn't been running for a long time!";
pubconstSTATUS_P2POOL_XMR: &str="The total amount of XMR mined in this instance of P2Pool and an extrapolated estimate of how many you will mine in the future. Warning: these stats will be quite inaccurate if your P2Pool hasn't been running for a long time!";
pubconstSTATUS_P2POOL_HASHRATE: &str="The total amount of hashrate your P2Pool has pointed at it in 15 minute, 1 hour, and 24 hour averages";
pubconstSTATUS_P2POOL_SHARES: &str="The total amount of shares found on P2Pool";
pubconstSTATUS_P2POOL_EFFORT: &str="The average amount of effort needed to find a share, and the current effort";
pubconstSTATUS_XMRIG_UPTIME: &str="How long XMRig has been online";
pubconstSTATUS_XMRIG_CPU: &str="The average CPU load of XMRig. [1.0] represents 1 thread is maxed out, e.g: If you have 8 threads, [4.0] means half your threads are maxed out.";
pubconstSTATUS_XMRIG_HASHRATE: &str="The average hashrate of XMRig";
pubconstSTATUS_XMRIG_DIFFICULTY: &str="The current difficulty of the job XMRig is working on";
pubconstSTATUS_XMRIG_SHARES: &str="The amount of accepted and rejected shares";
pubconstSTATUS_XMRIG_POOL: &str="The pool XMRig is currently mining to";
pubconstSTATUS_XMRIG_THREADS: &str="The amount of threads XMRig is currently using";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_PAYOUT: &str="The total amount of payouts received via P2Pool across all time. This includes all payouts you have ever received using Gupax and P2Pool.";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_XMR: &str="The total of XMR mined via P2Pool across all time. This includes all the XMR you have ever mined using Gupax and P2Pool.";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_LATEST: &str="Sort the payouts from latest to oldest";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_OLDEST: &str="Sort the payouts from oldest to latest";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_BIGGEST: &str="Sort the payouts from biggest to smallest";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_SMALLEST: &str="Sort the payouts from smallest to biggest";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_YOUR_CPU: &str="The CPU detected by Gupax";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_YOUR_BENCHMARKS: &str="How many benchmarks your CPU has had uploaded to [https://xmrig.com/benchmark] ";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_YOUR_RANK: &str="Your CPU's rank out of all CPUs listed on [https://xmrig.com/benchmark] (higher is better)";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_YOUR_HIGH: &str="The highest hashrate recorded for your CPU on [https://xmrig.com/benchmark]";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_YOUR_AVERAGE: &str="The average hashrate of your CPU based off the data at [https://xmrig.com/benchmark]";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_YOUR_LOW: &str="The lowest hashrate recorded for your CPU on [https://xmrig.com/benchmark]";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_OTHER_CPUS: &str="A list of ALL the recorded CPU benchmarks. The CPUs most similar to yours are listed first. All this data is taken from [https://github.com/hinto-janai/xmrig-benchmarks] which itself takes from [https://xmrig.com/benchmark].";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_OTHER_CPU: &str="The CPU name";
pubconstSTATUS_SUBMENU_OTHER_RELATIVE: &str="The relative hashrate power compared to the fastest recorded CPU, which is current: [AMD EPYC 7T83 64-Core Processor]";
pubconstGUPAX_UPDATE_VIA_TOR: &str="WARNING: This option is unstable on macOS. Update through the Tor network. Tor is embedded within Gupax; a Tor system proxy is not required";
pubconstGUPAX_ASK_BEFORE_QUIT: &str="Ask before quitting Gupax";
pubconstGUPAX_AUTO_P2POOL: &str="Automatically start P2Pool on Gupax startup. If you are using [P2Pool Simple], this will NOT wait for your [Auto-Ping] to finish, it will start P2Pool on the pool you already have selected. This option will fail if your P2Pool settings aren't valid!";
pubconstGUPAX_AUTO_XMRIG: &str="Automatically start XMRig on Gupax startup. This option will fail if your XMRig settings aren't valid!";
pubconstGUPAX_ADJUST: &str="Adjust and set the width/height of the Gupax window";
pubconstGUPAX_WIDTH: &str="Set the width of the Gupax window";
pubconstGUPAX_HEIGHT: &str="Set the height of the Gupax window";
pubconstGUPAX_LOCK_WIDTH: &str="Automatically match the HEIGHT against the WIDTH in a 4:3 ratio";
pubconstGUPAX_LOCK_HEIGHT: &str="Automatically match the WIDTH against the HEIGHT in a 4:3 ratio";
pubconstGUPAX_NO_LOCK: &str="Allow individual selection of width and height";
pubconstGUPAX_SET: &str="Set the width/height of the Gupax window to the current values";
pubconstGUPAX_TAB: &str="Set the default tab Gupax starts on";
pubconstGUPAX_TAB_ABOUT: &str="Set the tab Gupax starts on to: About";
pubconstGUPAX_TAB_STATUS: &str="Set the tab Gupax starts on to: Status";
pubconstGUPAX_TAB_GUPAX: &str="Set the tab Gupax starts on to: Gupax";
pubconstGUPAX_TAB_P2POOL: &str="Set the tab Gupax starts on to: P2Pool";
pubconstGUPAX_TAB_XMRIG: &str="Set the tab Gupax starts on to: XMRig";
pubconstGUPAX_PATH_P2POOL: &str="The location of the P2Pool binary: Both absolute and relative paths are accepted; A red [X] will appear if there is no file found at the given path";
pubconstGUPAX_PATH_XMRIG: &str="The location of the XMRig binary: Both absolute and relative paths are accepted; A red [X] will appear if there is no file found at the given path";
pubconstP2POOL_MAIN: &str="Use the P2Pool main-chain. This P2Pool finds blocks faster, but has a higher difficulty. Suitable for miners with more than 50kH/s";
pubconstP2POOL_MINI: &str="Use the P2Pool mini-chain. This P2Pool finds blocks slower, but has a lower difficulty. Suitable for miners with less than 50kH/s";
pubconstP2POOL_OUT: &str="How many out-bound peers to connect to? (you connecting to others)";
pubconstP2POOL_IN: &str="How many in-bound peers to allow? (others connecting to you)";
pubconstP2POOL_LOG: &str="Verbosity of the console log";
pubconstP2POOL_ADDRESS: &str="You must use a primary Monero address to mine on P2Pool (starts with a 4). It is highly recommended to create a new wallet since addresses are public on P2Pool!";
pubconstP2POOL_NODE_IP: &str="Specify the Monero Node IP to connect to with P2Pool; It must be a valid IPv4 address or a valid domain name; Max length = 255 characters";
pubconstP2POOL_RPC_PORT: &str="Specify the RPC port of the Monero node; [1-65535]";
pubconstP2POOL_ZMQ_PORT: &str="Specify the ZMQ port of the Monero node; [1-65535]";
pubconstP2POOL_PATH_NOT_FILE: &str="P2Pool binary not found at the given PATH in the Gupax tab! To fix: goto the [Gupax Advanced] tab, select [Open] and specify where P2Pool is located.";
pubconstP2POOL_PATH_NOT_VALID: &str="P2Pool binary at the given PATH in the Gupax tab doesn't look like P2Pool! To fix: goto the [Gupax Advanced] tab, select [Open] and specify where P2Pool is located.";
pubconstXMRIG_ADDRESS: &str="Specify which Monero address to payout to. This does nothing if mining to P2Pool since the address being payed out to will be the one P2Pool started with. This doubles as a rig identifier for P2Pool and some pools.";
pubconstXMRIG_NAME: &str="Add a unique name to identify this pool; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_.] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";
pubconstXMRIG_IP: &str="Specify the pool IP to connect to with XMRig; It must be a valid IPv4 address or a valid domain name; Max length = 255 characters";
pubconstXMRIG_PORT: &str="Specify the port of the pool; [1-65535]";
pubconstXMRIG_RIG: &str="Add an optional rig ID. This will be the name shown on the pool; Only [A-Za-z0-9-_] and spaces allowed; Max length = 30 characters";
pubconstXMRIG_PAUSE: &str="THIS SETTING IS DISABLED IF SET TO [0]. Pause mining if user is active, resume after";
pubconstXMRIG_API_IP: &str="Specify which IP to bind to for XMRig's HTTP API; If empty: [localhost/]";
pubconstXMRIG_API_PORT: &str="Specify which port to bind to for XMRig's HTTP API; If empty: [18088]";
pubconstXMRIG_TLS: &str="Enable SSL/TLS connections (needs pool support)";
pubconstXMRIG_KEEPALIVE: &str="Send keepalive packets to prevent timeout (needs pool support)";
pubconstXMRIG_THREADS: &str="Number of CPU threads to use for mining";
pubconstXMRIG_PATH_NOT_FILE: &str="XMRig binary not found at the given PATH in the Gupax tab! To fix: goto the [Gupax Advanced] tab, select [Open] and specify where XMRig is located.";
pubconstXMRIG_PATH_NOT_VALID: &str="XMRig binary at the given PATH in the Gupax tab doesn't look like XMRig! To fix: goto the [Gupax Advanced] tab, select [Open] and specify where XMRig is located.";