2023-04-21 18:08:42 -04:00

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Building CakeWallet for Linux

Requirements and Setup

The following are the system requirements to build CakeWallet for your Linux device.

Ubuntu >= 16.04 
Flutter 3 or above

Building CakeWallet on Linux

These steps will help you configure and execute a build of CakeWallet from its source code.

1. Installing Package Dependencies

CakeWallet requires some packages to be install on your build system. You may easily install them on your build system with the following command:

$ sudo apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config git curl autoconf libtool

2. Installing Flutter

Need to install flutter. For this please check section How to install flutter on Linux.

3. Verify Installations

Verify that the Flutter have been correctly installed on your system with the following command:

$ flutter doctor

The output of this command will appear like this, indicating successful installations. If there are problems with your installation, they must be corrected before proceeding.

Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.x.x, on Linux, locale en_US.UTF-8)

4. Acquiring the CakeWallet Source Code

Download CakeWallet source code

$ git clone --branch linux/password-direct-input

Proceed into the source code before proceeding with the next steps:

$ cd cake_wallet/scripts/linux/

To configure some project properties run:

$ ./

Build the Monero libraries and their dependencies:

$ ./

Now the dependencies need to be copied into the CakeWallet project with this command:

$ ./

It is now time to change back to the base directory of the CakeWallet source code:

$ cd ../../

Install Flutter package dependencies with this command:

$ flutter pub get

If you will get an error like:

The plugin `cw_shared_external` requires your app to be migrated to the Android embedding v2. Follow the steps on the migration doc above and re-run
this command.

Then need to config Android project settings. For this open scripts/android ($ cd scripts/android) directory and run followed commands:

$ source ./ cakewallet
$ ./
$ cd ../..

Then re-configure Linux project again. For this open scripts/linux ($cd scripts/linux) directory and run: $ ./ and back to project root directory: $ cd ../.. and fetch dependecies again $ flutter pub get

Your CakeWallet binary will be built with some specific keys for iterate with 3rd party services. You may generate these secret keys placeholders with the following command:

$ flutter packages pub run tool/generate_new_secrets.dart

We will generate mobx models for the project.

$ ./

Then we need to generate localization files.

$ flutter packages pub run tool/generate_localization.dart

5. Build!

$ flutter build linux --release

Path to executable file will be:


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