Serhii 02f53055b1
Cw 657 new buy sell flow ()
* init commit

* onramper

* moonPay

* dfx provider

* meld

* dfx payment methods

* fiat buy credentials

* moonpay payment method

* payment loading state

* dfx sell quote

* onramper launch trade

* meld launch trade

* country picker

* update option tile

* buy/sell action

* meld refactor

* update pr_test_build.yml

* ui fixes

* revert country picker commit

* update the ui

* recommended providers

* payment method [skip ci]

* provider option tile

* remove buy action

* minor fixes

* update the best rate when the amount is changed

* fixes for currency title

* fix icons

* code refactoring

* null issue

* code review fixes

* Update pr_test_build_linux.yml

* Update meld_buy_provider.dart

* Update meld_buy_provider.dart

* add show wallets action

* remove default sell / buy provider setting

* localisation

* providerTypes

* icons

* remove duplicate file [skip ci]

* minor changes [skip ci]

* fixes from review

* disable dfx for non eur/chf currencies
fix providers to be fetched with the selected currency

* fix breaking from loop if one element failed

* fix minor naming issue from merging conflicts

* add fiat check for moonpay

* fix address validation

* merge conflict

* fix destination and source currency

* minor fix

* minor fix

* update the flow

* fix bch address format

* fix wallet addresses

* fix initial fetching amount.

* Update address_validator.dart

* review comments

* revert switch case to return null

* minor fix


Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>
2024-11-09 21:00:56 +02:00

9 lines
2.8 KiB

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