2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"about_cake_pay": "Cake Pay memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah membeli kartu hadiah dengan aset virtual, yang dapat digunakan segera di lebih dari 150.000 pedagang di Amerika Serikat.",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"account": "Akun",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"accounts": "Akun",
"accounts_subaddresses": "Akun dan sub-alamat",
"activate": "Aktifkan",
"active": "Aktif",
"active_cards": "Kartu Aktif",
"activeConnectionsPrompt": "Koneksi aktif akan muncul di sini",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"add": "Menambahkan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"add_contact": "Tambah kontak",
2024-03-19 22:44:00 +00:00
"add_contact_to_address_book": "Apakah Anda ingin menambahkan kontak ini ke buku alamat Anda?",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"add_custom_node": "Tambahkan Node Kustom Baru",
"add_custom_redemption": "Tambahkan Tukar Kustom",
"add_fund_to_card": "Tambahkan dana pra-bayar ke kartu (hingga ${value})",
"add_new_node": "Tambah node baru",
"add_new_word": "Tambahkan kata baru",
"add_receiver": "Tambahkan penerima lain (opsional)",
"add_secret_code": "Atau, tambahkan kode rahasia ini ke aplikasi autentikator",
"add_tip": "Tambahkan Tip",
"add_token_disclaimer_check": "Saya telah mengonfirmasi alamat dan informasi kontrak token menggunakan sumber yang memiliki reputasi baik. Menambahkan informasi jahat atau salah dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya dana.",
"add_token_warning": "Jangan mengedit atau menambahkan token seperti yang diinstruksikan oleh penipu.\nSelalu konfirmasikan alamat token dengan sumber tepercaya!",
"add_value": "Tambahkan nilai",
"address": "Alamat",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"address_book": "Buku Alamat",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"address_book_menu": "Buku alamat",
"address_detected": "Alamat terdeteksi",
"address_from_domain": "Alamat ini dari ${domain} di Unstoppable Domains",
"address_from_yat": "Alamat ini berasal dari ${emoji} di Yat",
"address_label": "Label alamat",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"address_remove_contact": "Hapus kontak",
"address_remove_content": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus kontak yang dipilih?",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"addresses": "Alamat",
"advanced_settings": "Pengaturan lanjutan",
"aggressive": "Terlalu bersemangat",
"agree": "Setuju",
"agree_and_continue": "Setuju & Lanjutkan",
"agree_to": "Dengan membuat akun Anda setuju dengan ",
2024-10-05 00:30:52 +00:00
"alert_notice": "Melihat",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"all": "SEMUA",
2024-11-28 15:53:03 +00:00
"all_coins": "Semua koin",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"all_trades": "Semua perdagangan",
"all_transactions": "Semua transaksi",
"alphabetical": "Alfabetis",
"already_have_account": "Sudah punya akun?",
"always": "Selalu",
"amount": "Jumlah: ",
2024-03-29 18:51:34 +00:00
"amount_is_below_minimum_limit": "Saldo Anda setelah biaya akan kurang dari jumlah minimum yang dibutuhkan untuk pertukaran (${min})",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"amount_is_estimate": "Jumlah penerimaan diperkirakan",
"amount_is_guaranteed": "Jumlah penerimaan dijamin",
"and": "dan",
"anonpay_description": "Hasilkan ${type}. Penerima dapat ${method} dengan cryptocurrency apa pun yang didukung, dan Anda akan menerima dana di dompet ini.",
"apk_update": "Pembaruan APK",
"approve": "Menyetujui",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"arrive_in_this_address": "${currency} ${tag} akan tiba di alamat ini",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"ascending": "Naik",
"ask_each_time": "Tanyakan setiap kali",
"auth_store_ban_timeout": "ban_timeout",
"auth_store_banned_for": "Dilarang selama ",
"auth_store_banned_minutes": "menit",
"auth_store_incorrect_password": "PIN yang salah",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"authenticated": "Terotentikasi",
"authentication": "Otentikasi",
2024-04-10 01:28:31 +00:00
"auto_generate_addresses": "Auto menghasilkan alamat",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"auto_generate_subaddresses": "Menghasilkan subalamat secara otomatis",
"automatic": "Otomatis",
"available_balance": "Saldo Tersedia",
"available_balance_description": "“Saldo yang Tersedia” atau “Saldo yang Dikonfirmasi” adalah dana yang dapat langsung dibelanjakan. Jika dana muncul di saldo bawah tetapi tidak di saldo atas, maka Anda harus menunggu beberapa menit agar dana masuk mendapatkan konfirmasi jaringan lainnya. Setelah mereka mendapatkan lebih banyak konfirmasi, mereka akan dapat dibelanjakan.",
"avg_savings": "Rata-rata Pembayaran",
"awaitDAppProcessing": "Mohon tunggu hingga dApp menyelesaikan pemrosesan.",
"awaiting_payment_confirmation": "Menunggu Konfirmasi Pembayaran",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"background_sync_mode": "Mode Sinkronisasi Latar Belakang",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"backup": "Cadangan",
"backup_file": "File cadangan",
"backup_password": "Kata sandi cadangan",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"balance": "Keseimbangan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"balance_page": "Halaman Saldo",
"bill_amount": "Jumlah Tagihan",
"billing_address_info": "Jika diminta alamat billing, berikan alamat pengiriman Anda",
"biometric_auth_reason": "Pindai sidik jari Anda untuk mengautentikasi",
"bitcoin_dark_theme": "Tema Gelap Bitcoin",
"bitcoin_light_theme": "Tema Cahaya Bitcoin",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"bitcoin_payments_require_1_confirmation": "Pembayaran Bitcoin memerlukan 1 konfirmasi, yang bisa memakan waktu 20 menit atau lebih. Terima kasih atas kesabaran Anda! Anda akan diemail saat pembayaran dikonfirmasi.",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"block_remaining": "1 blok tersisa",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"Blocks_remaining": "${status} Blok Tersisa",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"bright_theme": "Cerah",
2024-04-08 14:54:58 +00:00
"bump_fee": "Biaya benjolan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"buy": "Beli",
"buy_alert_content": "Saat ini kami hanya mendukung pembelian Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, dan Monero. Harap buat atau alihkan ke dompet Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, atau Monero Anda.",
"buy_bitcoin": "Beli Bitcoin",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"buy_now": "Beli sekarang",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"buy_provider_unavailable": "Penyedia saat ini tidak tersedia.",
"buy_with": "Beli dengan",
"by_cake_pay": "oleh Cake Pay",
"cake_2fa_preset": "Preset Kue 2FA",
2024-02-28 02:15:18 +00:00
"cake_dark_theme": "Tema Kue Gelap",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"cake_pay_account_note": "Daftar hanya dengan alamat email untuk melihat dan membeli kartu. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan tersedia dengan diskon!",
"cake_pay_learn_more": "Beli dan tukar kartu hadiah secara instan di aplikasi!\nGeser ke kanan untuk informasi lebih lanjut.",
2024-07-19 20:55:01 +00:00
"cake_pay_save_order": "Kartu harus dikirim ke email Anda dalam 1 hari kerja \n Simpan ID pesanan Anda:",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"cake_pay_subtitle": "Beli kartu prabayar di seluruh dunia dan kartu hadiah",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"cake_pay_web_cards_subtitle": "Beli kartu prabayar dan kartu hadiah secara global",
"cake_pay_web_cards_title": "Kartu Web Cake Pay",
"cake_wallet": "Cake Wallet",
2024-11-28 16:50:30 +00:00
"cakepay_ios_not_available": "Maaf, kartu hadiah ini tidak tersedia di iOS. Anda dapat membelinya di Android atau melalui situs web kami sebagai gantinya.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"cakepay_prepaid_card": "Kartu Debit Prabayar CakePay",
"camera_consent": "Kamera Anda akan digunakan untuk mengambil gambar untuk tujuan identifikasi oleh ${provider}. Silakan periksa Kebijakan Privasi mereka untuk detailnya.",
"camera_permission_is_required": "Izin kamera diperlukan.\nSilakan aktifkan dari pengaturan aplikasi.",
"cancel": "Batal",
"card_address": "Alamat:",
"cardholder_agreement": "Persetujuan Pemegang Kartu",
"cards": "Kartu",
"chains": "Rantai",
"change": "Ubah",
"change_backup_password_alert": "File cadangan sebelumnya tidak akan tersedia untuk diimpor dengan kata sandi cadangan baru. Kata sandi cadangan baru hanya akan digunakan untuk file cadangan baru. Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengubah kata sandi cadangan?",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"change_currency": "Ganti Mata Uang",
"change_current_node": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengubah node saat ini menjadi ${node}?",
"change_current_node_title": "Ubah node saat ini",
2024-10-14 21:31:27 +00:00
"change_exchange_provider": "Ubah penyedia swap",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"change_language": "Ganti bahasa",
"change_language_to": "Ganti bahasa ke ${language}?",
"change_password": "Ubah kata sandi",
"change_rep": "Ubah Perwakilan",
"change_rep_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengubah perwakilan?",
"change_rep_successful": "Berhasil mengubah perwakilan",
"change_wallet_alert_content": "Apakah Anda ingin mengganti dompet saat ini ke ${wallet_name}?",
"change_wallet_alert_title": "Ganti dompet saat ini",
2024-11-09 19:00:56 +00:00
"choose_a_payment_method": "Pilih metode pembayaran",
"choose_a_provider": "Pilih penyedia",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"choose_account": "Pilih akun",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"choose_address": "\n\nSilakan pilih alamat:",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"choose_card_value": "Pilih nilai kartu",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"choose_derivation": "Pilih dompet dompet",
"choose_from_available_options": "Pilih dari pilihan yang tersedia:",
"choose_one": "Pilih satu",
"choose_relay": "Silakan pilih relai yang akan digunakan",
"choose_wallet_currency": "Silahkan pilih mata uang dompet:",
CW-580: BIP39 Wallets Shared Seed Implementation: "One Seed - Multiple Wallets" (#1307)
* feat: Implement creating new BIP39 wallet with same seed used for other owned BIP39 wallets
* feat: Use same seed for BIP39 Wallets
* Update pre_existing_seeds_page.dart
* Feat: BIP39 Same seed wallet creation using the Common Parent Wallet Strategy
* feat: Finalize implementing preexisting seeds
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Bitcoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Litecoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for BitcoinCash wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Nano wallet type, although disabled entry for now
* fix: Remove non bip39 seed wallet type from listing
* feat: Implement grouped and single wallets lists in wallets listing page and implement editing and saving group names
* fix: Issue where the ontap always references the leadwallet, also make shared seed wallets section header only display when the multi wallet groups list is not empty
* fix: Add translation and adjust the way the groups display
* feat: Activate bip39 as an option for creating Nano wallet types
* fix: Handle edgecase with creating new wallet with group address, handle case where only bip39 derivation type is allowed with child wallets, activate nano wallet type for shared seed
* chore: Modify the UI to fit adjustment made on figma
* fix: Disposed box triggering error in hive and causing wallet list view to display error
* fix: Switch wallet groups title in wallets list page and also fix issue with renaming groups
* Update lib/reactions/bip39_wallet_utils.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Update lib/router.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* fix: Review fixes: Combine New Wallet Page Type arguments into a single model
* fix: Review fixes: Add failure guard when fetching mnemonic for selected wallet in pre-existing wallets page
* fix: Review fixes - Add loading indicator when mnemonic is being selected for wallet
* fix: Review fixes - Modify variable name to avoid clashes
* fix: Review fixes - Access WalletManager through dependency injection instead of service location
* fix: Review fixes - Add testnet to convertWalletInfoToWalletlistItem function, and adjust according where used
* fix: Review fixes - Add walletPassword to nano, tron and wownero wallets and confirm it is properly handled as it should be
* fix: Remove leadWallet, modify filtering flow to reflect this and not depend on leadWallet, and adjust privacy settings
* fix: Review Fixes - Modify restore flow to reflect current nature of bip39 as default for majority of wallet types
* fix: QA Fixes - Modify preexisting page to display wallet group names if set, and display them in incremental order if not set
* fix: Add wallet group description page and rename pre-existingseeds page to wallet group display page
* fix: Product Fix - Rename pre-existing seeds file name to wallet group display filename
* fix: Product fix - Separate multiwallets groups from single wallets and display separately
* fix - Product Fix - Add empty state for wallet group listing when creating a new wallet, adjust CTAs across buttons relating to the flow also
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-09-20 18:25:08 +00:00
"choose_wallet_group": "Pilih Grup Dompet",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"clear": "Hapus",
"clearnet_link": "Tautan clearnet",
"close": "Menutup",
"coin_control": "Kontrol koin (opsional)",
2024-11-09 18:59:47 +00:00
"cold_or_recover_wallet": "Tambahkan dompet hanya baca dari Cupcake atau dompet dingin atau memulihkan dompet kertas",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"color_theme": "Tema warna",
"commit_transaction_amount_fee": "Lakukan transaksi\nJumlah: ${amount}\nBiaya: ${fee}",
"confirm": "Konfirmasi",
"confirm_delete_template": "Tindakan ini akan menghapus template ini. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?",
"confirm_delete_wallet": "Tindakan ini akan menghapus dompet ini. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?",
2024-04-08 14:54:58 +00:00
"confirm_fee_deduction": "Konfirmasi pengurangan biaya",
"confirm_fee_deduction_content": "Apakah Anda setuju untuk mengurangi biaya dari output?",
2024-09-26 01:51:38 +00:00
"confirm_passphrase": "Konfirmasi frasa sandi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"confirm_sending": "Konfirmasi pengiriman",
2024-07-21 00:46:43 +00:00
"confirm_silent_payments_switch_node": "Node Anda saat ini tidak mendukung pembayaran diam \\ ncake Wallet akan beralih ke simpul yang kompatibel, hanya untuk pemindaian",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"confirmations": "Konfirmasi",
"confirmed": "Saldo Terkonfirmasi",
"confirmed_tx": "Dikonfirmasi",
"congratulations": "Selamat!",
"connect_an_existing_yat": "Hubungkan Yat yang ada",
"connect_yats": "Hubungkan Yats",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"connect_your_hardware_wallet": "Hubungkan dompet perangkat keras Anda menggunakan Bluetooth atau USB",
"connect_your_hardware_wallet_ios": "Hubungkan dompet perangkat keras Anda menggunakan Bluetooth",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"connection_sync": "Koneksi dan sinkronisasi",
"connectWalletPrompt": "Hubungkan dompet Anda dengan WalletConnect untuk melakukan transaksi",
"contact": "Kontak",
"contact_list_contacts": "Kontak",
"contact_list_wallets": "Dompet Saya",
"contact_name": "Nama Kontak",
2024-11-09 18:59:47 +00:00
"contact_name_exists": "Kontak dengan nama tersebut sudah ada. Silakan pilih nama lain.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"contact_support": "Hubungi Dukungan",
"continue_text": "Lanjutkan",
2024-09-11 21:19:47 +00:00
"contract_warning": "Alamat kontrak ini telah ditandai sebagai berpotensi curang. Silakan memproses dengan hati -hati.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"contractName": "Nama Kontrak",
"contractSymbol": "Simbol Kontrak",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"copied_key_to_clipboard": "Kunci ${key} disalin ke Clipboard",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"copied_to_clipboard": "Disalin ke Clipboard",
"copy": "Salin",
"copy_address": "Salin Alamat",
"copy_id": "Salin ID",
"copyWalletConnectLink": "Salin tautan WalletConnect dari dApp dan tempel di sini",
2024-11-28 19:28:31 +00:00
"corrupted_seed_notice": "File untuk dompet ini rusak dan tidak dapat dibuka. Silakan lihat frasa benih, simpan, dan kembalikan dompet.\n\nJika nilainya kosong, maka benih tidak dapat dipulihkan dengan benar.",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"countries": "Negara",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"create_account": "Buat Akun",
"create_backup": "Buat cadangan",
"create_donation_link": "Buat tautan donasi",
"create_invoice": "Buat faktur",
"create_new": "Buat Dompet Baru",
"create_new_account": "Buat akun baru",
CW-580: BIP39 Wallets Shared Seed Implementation: "One Seed - Multiple Wallets" (#1307)
* feat: Implement creating new BIP39 wallet with same seed used for other owned BIP39 wallets
* feat: Use same seed for BIP39 Wallets
* Update pre_existing_seeds_page.dart
* Feat: BIP39 Same seed wallet creation using the Common Parent Wallet Strategy
* feat: Finalize implementing preexisting seeds
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Bitcoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Litecoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for BitcoinCash wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Nano wallet type, although disabled entry for now
* fix: Remove non bip39 seed wallet type from listing
* feat: Implement grouped and single wallets lists in wallets listing page and implement editing and saving group names
* fix: Issue where the ontap always references the leadwallet, also make shared seed wallets section header only display when the multi wallet groups list is not empty
* fix: Add translation and adjust the way the groups display
* feat: Activate bip39 as an option for creating Nano wallet types
* fix: Handle edgecase with creating new wallet with group address, handle case where only bip39 derivation type is allowed with child wallets, activate nano wallet type for shared seed
* chore: Modify the UI to fit adjustment made on figma
* fix: Disposed box triggering error in hive and causing wallet list view to display error
* fix: Switch wallet groups title in wallets list page and also fix issue with renaming groups
* Update lib/reactions/bip39_wallet_utils.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Update lib/router.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* fix: Review fixes: Combine New Wallet Page Type arguments into a single model
* fix: Review fixes: Add failure guard when fetching mnemonic for selected wallet in pre-existing wallets page
* fix: Review fixes - Add loading indicator when mnemonic is being selected for wallet
* fix: Review fixes - Modify variable name to avoid clashes
* fix: Review fixes - Access WalletManager through dependency injection instead of service location
* fix: Review fixes - Add testnet to convertWalletInfoToWalletlistItem function, and adjust according where used
* fix: Review fixes - Add walletPassword to nano, tron and wownero wallets and confirm it is properly handled as it should be
* fix: Remove leadWallet, modify filtering flow to reflect this and not depend on leadWallet, and adjust privacy settings
* fix: Review Fixes - Modify restore flow to reflect current nature of bip39 as default for majority of wallet types
* fix: QA Fixes - Modify preexisting page to display wallet group names if set, and display them in incremental order if not set
* fix: Add wallet group description page and rename pre-existingseeds page to wallet group display page
* fix: Product Fix - Rename pre-existing seeds file name to wallet group display filename
* fix: Product fix - Separate multiwallets groups from single wallets and display separately
* fix - Product Fix - Add empty state for wallet group listing when creating a new wallet, adjust CTAs across buttons relating to the flow also
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-09-20 18:25:08 +00:00
"create_new_seed": "Buat benih baru",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"creating_new_wallet": "Membuat dompet baru",
"creating_new_wallet_error": "Error: ${description}",
"creation_date": "Tanggal Pembuatan",
"custom": "kustom",
"custom_drag": "Khusus (tahan dan seret)",
"custom_redeem_amount": "Jumlah Tukar Kustom",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"custom_value": "Nilai khusus",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"dark_theme": "Gelap",
"debit_card": "Kartu Debit",
"debit_card_terms": "Penyimpanan dan penggunaan nomor kartu pembayaran Anda (dan kredensial yang sesuai dengan nomor kartu pembayaran Anda) dalam dompet digital ini tertakluk pada Syarat dan Ketentuan persetujuan pemegang kartu yang berlaku dengan penerbit kartu pembayaran, seperti yang berlaku dari waktu ke waktu.",
"decimal_places_error": "Terlalu banyak tempat desimal",
2024-04-08 22:53:14 +00:00
"decimals_cannot_be_zero": "Token desimal tidak bisa nol.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"default_buy_provider": "Penyedia beli default",
"default_sell_provider": "Penyedia Penjualan Default",
"delete": "Hapus",
"delete_account": "Hapus Akun",
"delete_wallet": "Hapus dompet",
"delete_wallet_confirm_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus dompet ${wallet_name}?",
"deleteConnectionConfirmationPrompt": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus koneksi ke",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"denominations": "Denominasi",
2024-08-26 17:06:54 +00:00
"derivationpath": "Jalur derivasi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"descending": "Menurun",
"description": "Keterangan",
"destination_tag": "Tag tujuan:",
2024-06-10 07:30:58 +00:00
"dfx_option_description": "Beli crypto dengan EUR & CHF. Untuk pelanggan ritel dan perusahaan di Eropa",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"didnt_get_code": "Tidak mendapatkan kode?",
"digit_pin": "-digit PIN",
"digital_and_physical_card": " kartu debit pra-bayar digital dan fisik",
"disable": "Cacat",
2024-03-25 18:28:45 +00:00
"disable_bulletin": "Nonaktifkan Buletin Status Layanan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"disable_buy": "Nonaktifkan tindakan beli",
"disable_cake_2fa": "Nonaktifkan Kue 2FA",
"disable_exchange": "Nonaktifkan pertukaran",
2024-08-26 17:07:25 +00:00
"disable_fee_api_warning": "Dengan mematikan ini, tarif biaya mungkin tidak akurat dalam beberapa kasus, jadi Anda mungkin akan membayar lebih atau membayar biaya untuk transaksi Anda",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"disable_fiat": "Nonaktifkan fiat",
"disable_sell": "Nonaktifkan aksi jual",
2024-11-09 19:00:56 +00:00
"disable_trade_option": "Nonaktifkan opsi perdagangan",
2024-02-08 23:11:41 +00:00
"disableBatteryOptimization": "Nonaktifkan optimasi baterai",
"disableBatteryOptimizationDescription": "Apakah Anda ingin menonaktifkan optimasi baterai untuk membuat sinkronisasi latar belakang berjalan lebih bebas dan lancar?",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"disabled": "Dinonaktifkan",
"discount": "Hemat ${value}%",
"display_settings": "Pengaturan tampilan",
"displayable": "Dapat ditampilkan",
"do_not_have_enough_gas_asset": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup ${currency} untuk melakukan transaksi dengan kondisi jaringan blockchain saat ini. Anda memerlukan lebih banyak ${currency} untuk membayar biaya jaringan blockchain, meskipun Anda mengirimkan aset yang berbeda.",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"do_not_send": "Jangan kirim",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"do_not_share_warning_text": "Jangan berikan ini pada siapapun, termasuk dukungan.\n\nDana Anda bisa dan akan dicuri!",
"do_not_show_me": "Jangan tampilkan ini lagi",
"domain_looks_up": "Pencarian domain",
"donation_link_details": "Detail tautan donasi",
"e_sign_consent": "E-Sign Consent",
"edit": "Edit",
"edit_backup_password": "Edit Kata Sandi Cadangan",
"edit_node": "Sunting Node",
"edit_token": "Mengedit token",
"electrum_address_disclaimer": "Kami menghasilkan alamat baru setiap kali Anda menggunakan satu, tetapi alamat sebelumnya tetap berfungsi",
"email_address": "Alamat Email",
2024-10-12 23:13:52 +00:00
"enable": "Memungkinkan",
2024-09-20 14:24:25 +00:00
"enable_mempool_api": "API Mempool untuk biaya dan tanggal yang akurat",
2024-04-08 14:54:58 +00:00
"enable_replace_by_fee": "Aktifkan ganti-by-fee",
2024-09-20 14:24:25 +00:00
"enable_silent_payments_scanning": "Mulailah memindai pembayaran diam, sampai ujung tercapai",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"enabled": "Diaktifkan",
"enter_amount": "Masukkan Jumlah",
"enter_backup_password": "Masukkan kata sandi cadangan di sini",
"enter_code": "Masukkan kode",
"enter_seed_phrase": "Masukkan frasa benih Anda",
"enter_totp_code": "Masukkan Kode TOTP.",
CW-676 Add Linux scripts to build monero_c for linux platform (#1527)
* Revert "Revert btc address types"
This reverts commit a49e57e3
* Re-add Bitcoin Address types
Fix conflicts with main
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* Update Monero
* not sure why it's failing
* Enable Exolix
Improve service updates indicator
New versions
* Add exolix Api token to limits api
* Ignore reporting network issues
* Change default bitcoin node
* Merge main and update linux version
* Update app version [skip ci]
* New versions
* Fix conflicts and update linux version
* minor fix
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* update linux version
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* various fixes for build issues
* initial monero.dart implementation
* ...
* multiple wallets
new lib
minor fixes
* other fixes from monero.dart and monero_c
* fix: nodes & build
* update build scripts
fix polyseed
* remove unnecessary code
* Add windows app, build scripts and build guide for it.
* Minor fix in generated monero configs
* Merge and fix main
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* add missing monero_c command
* add android build script
* update version
* Merge and fix main
* undo android ndk removal
* Fix modified exception_handler.dart
* Temporarily remove haven
* fix build issues
* fix pr script
* Fixes for build monero.dart (monero_c) for windows.
* monero build script
* wip: ios build script
* refactor: unchanged file
* Added build guides for iOS and macOS. Replaced nproc call on macOS. Added macOS configuration for configure_cake_wallet.sh script.
* Update monero.dart and monero_c versions.
* Add missed windows build scripts
* Update the application configuration for windows build script.
* Update cw_monero pubspec lock file for monero.dart
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* Fix conflicts with main
* fix for multiple wallets
* update app version [skip ci]
* Add tron to windows application configuration.
* Add macOS option for description message in configure_cake_wallet.sh
* fix missing encryption utils in hardware wallet functions [skip ci]
* fix conflicts
* Include missed monero dll for windows.
* reformatting [skip ci]
* fix conflicts with main
* Disable haven configuration for iOS as default. Add ability to configure cakewallet for iOS with for configuration script. Remove cw_shared configuration for cw_monero.
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* add missing nano secrets file [skip ci]
* ios library
* don't pull prebuilds android
* Add auto generation of manifest file for android project even for iOS, macOS, Windows.
* remove tron
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* store crash fix
* make init async so it won't lag
disable print starts
* fix monero_c build issues
* libstdc++
* merge main and update version
* Fix MacOS saving wallet file issue
Fix Secure Storage issue (somehow)
* update pubspec.lock
* fix build script
* Use dylib as iOS framework. Use custom path for loading of iOS framework for monero.dart. Add script for generate iOS framework for monero wallet.
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* bump monero_c hash
* bump monero_c commit
* bump moneroc version
* bump monero_c commit
* Add ability to build monero wallet lib as universal lib. Update macOS build guide. Change default arch for macOS project to .
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* update version
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* get App Dir correctly in default_settings_migration.dart
* handle previous issue with fetching linux documents directory [skip ci]
* backup fix
* fix NTFS issues
* Add Tron
Update Linux version
* Close the wallet when the wallet gets changed
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* bump monero_c commit
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* Only stop wallet on rename and delete
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* bump monero_c commit
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
* merge main
* Update macOS build guide. Change brew dependencies for build unbound locally.
* fix: Tron file write, build scripts
* - merge linux with Monero Dart
- Temporarily disable Monero
* fix other issues with linux
* linux ci
fix build script
* Update pr_test_build_linux.yml
install required packages
* add linux desktop dependencies
* don't use apk in linux build releases
* don't copy the file to test-apk
* fix linux runtime issues
* remove libc++_shared.so
* fix issues with linux
* prepare both android and linux (because otherwise it will fail)
* ci script updates
* run apt update
* bump image to ubuntu 22.04
note: remember to put it down later
* bump python version
* remove some dependencies
* remove unused import
* add missing dependencies
* fix dependencies
* some fixes
* remove print [skip ci]
* Add back RunnerBase.entitlements
minor fixes [skip ci]
* fix memory leak / infinite recurrsion when opening xmr wallet
* url_launcher_linux: 3.1.1 # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/153083
* fix conflicts with main
* handle walletKeysFile with encryptionUtils
* update app version [skip ci]
* add wownero [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rafael Saes <git@rafael.saes.dev>
Co-authored-by: M <m@cakewallet.com>
Co-authored-by: Konstantin Ullrich <konstantinullrich12@gmail.com>
2024-08-12 22:18:14 +00:00
"enter_wallet_password": "Masukkan Kata Sandi Dompet",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"enter_your_note": "Masukkan catatan Anda...",
"enter_your_pin": "Masukkan PIN Anda",
"enter_your_pin_again": "Masukkan PIN Anda lagi",
"enterTokenID": "Masukkan ID tokennya",
"enterWalletConnectURI": "Masukkan URI WalletConnect",
"error": "Kesalahan",
2024-11-29 10:43:10 +00:00
"error_dialog_content": "Ups, kami mendapat kesalahan.\n\nSilakan kirim laporan kesalahan ke tim dukungan kami untuk membuat aplikasi lebih baik.",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"error_text_account_name": "Nama akun hanya dapat berisi huruf, angka\ndan harus antara 1 dan 15 karakter panjang",
"error_text_address": "Alamat dompet harus sesuai dengan tipe\nmata uang kripto",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"error_text_amount": "Jumlah hanya dapat berisi angka",
"error_text_contact_name": "Nama kontak tidak boleh berisi simbol `, ' \"\ndan harus antara 1 dan 32 karakter panjang",
"error_text_crypto_currency": "Jumlah digit pecahan harus kurang atau sama dengan 12",
"error_text_fiat": "Nilai jumlah tidak boleh melebihi saldo yang tersedia.\nJumlah digit pecahan harus kurang atau sama dengan 2",
"error_text_input_above_maximum_limit": "Jumlah lebih dari maksimal",
"error_text_input_below_minimum_limit": "Jumlah kurang dari minimal",
"error_text_keys": "Kunci dompet hanya dapat berisi 64 karakter dalam hex",
"error_text_limits_loading_failed": "Perdagangan untuk ${provider} tidak dibuat. Gagal memuat batas",
"error_text_maximum_limit": "Perdagangan untuk ${provider} tidak dibuat. Jumlah lebih dari maksimal: ${max} ${currency}",
"error_text_minimal_limit": "Perdagangan untuk ${provider} tidak dibuat. Jumlah kurang dari minimal: ${min} ${currency}",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"error_text_node_address": "Silakan masukkan alamat iPv4",
"error_text_node_port": "Port node hanya dapat berisi angka antara 0 dan 65535",
2023-08-02 11:48:52 +00:00
"error_text_node_proxy_address": "Masukkan <alamat IPv4>:<port>, misalnya",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"error_text_payment_id": "ID pembayaran hanya dapat berisi dari 16 hingga 64 karakter dalam hex",
"error_text_subaddress_name": "Nama subalamat tidak boleh berisi simbol `, ' \"\ndan harus antara 1 dan 20 karakter panjang",
"error_text_template": "Nama template dan alamat tidak boleh berisi simbol ` , ' \"\ndan harus antara 1 dan 106 karakter panjang",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"error_text_wallet_name": "Nama dompet hanya dapat berisi huruf, angka, _ - simbol\ndan harus antara 1 dan 33 karakter panjang",
"error_text_xmr": "Nilai XMR tidak boleh melebihi saldo yang tersedia.\nJumlah digit pecahan harus kurang atau sama dengan 12",
"errorGettingCredentials": "Gagal: Terjadi kesalahan saat mendapatkan kredensial",
"errorSigningTransaction": "Terjadi kesalahan saat menandatangani transaksi",
"estimated": "Diperkirakan",
2024-04-08 14:54:58 +00:00
"estimated_new_fee": "Perkiraan biaya baru",
2024-07-23 00:20:55 +00:00
"estimated_receive_amount": "Diperkirakan jumlah menerima",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"etherscan_history": "Sejarah Etherscan",
"event": "Peristiwa",
"events": "Acara",
2024-10-14 21:31:27 +00:00
"exchange": "Menukar",
"exchange_incorrect_current_wallet_for_xmr": "Jika Anda ingin bertukar XMR dari Saldo Monero Dompet Kue Anda, silakan beralih ke Monero Wallet Anda terlebih dahulu.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"exchange_new_template": "Template baru",
"exchange_provider_unsupported": "${providerName} tidak lagi didukung!",
"exchange_result_confirm": "Dengan menekan tombol konfirmasi, Anda akan mengirimkan ${fetchingLabel} ${from} dari dompet Anda yang disebut ${walletName} ke alamat yang ditampilkan di bawah. Anda juga dapat mengirim dari dompet eksternal Anda ke alamat/QR code di bawah.\n\nSilakan tekan konfirmasi untuk melanjutkan atau kembali untuk mengubah jumlah.",
"exchange_result_description": "Anda harus mengirimkan minimal ${fetchingLabel} ${from} ke alamat yang ditampilkan di halaman berikutnya. Jika Anda mengirimkan jumlah yang lebih rendah dari ${fetchingLabel} ${from} maka uang tersebut mungkin tidak akan diubah dan mungkin tidak akan dikembalikan.",
"exchange_result_write_down_ID": "*Silakan salin atau tulis ID Anda yang ditampilkan di atas.",
"exchange_result_write_down_trade_id": "Silakan salin atau tulis ID perdagangan untuk melanjutkan.",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"exchange_sync_alert_content": "Silakan tunggu sampai dompet Anda tersinkronisasi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"expired": "Kedaluwarsa",
"expires": "Kadaluarsa",
"expiresOn": "Kadaluarsa pada",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"expiry_and_validity": "Kedaluwarsa dan validitas",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"export_backup": "Ekspor cadangan",
2024-11-07 02:57:36 +00:00
"export_logs": "Log ekspor",
2024-11-09 18:59:47 +00:00
"export_outputs": "Ekspor output",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"extra_id": "ID tambahan:",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"extracted_address_content": "Anda akan mengirim dana ke\n${recipient_name}",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"failed_authentication": "Otentikasi gagal. ${state_error}",
"faq": "Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"features": "Fitur",
2024-09-23 14:10:40 +00:00
"fee_less_than_min": "Biaya yang dipilih kurang dari minimum, harap tingkatkan biaya untuk dapat mengirim transaksi",
2024-09-20 14:24:25 +00:00
"fee_rate": "Tarif biaya",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"fetching": "Mengambil",
"fiat_api": "API fiat",
"fiat_balance": "Saldo Fiat",
"field_required": "Bagian ini diperlukan",
"fill_code": "Silakan isi kode verifikasi yang diterima di email Anda",
"filter_by": "Filter berdasarkan",
"first_wallet_text": "Dompet luar biasa untuk Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, dan Haven",
2024-10-14 21:31:27 +00:00
"fixed_pair_not_supported": "Pasangan tetap ini tidak didukung dengan layanan swap yang dipilih",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"fixed_rate": "Rate tetap",
"fixed_rate_alert": "Anda akan dapat memasukkan jumlah penerimaan saat mode rate tetap dicentang. Apakah Anda ingin beralih ke mode rate tetap?",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"forgot_password": "Lupa Kata Sandi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"freeze": "Freeze",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"frequently_asked_questions": "Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"frozen": "Dibekukan",
"full_balance": "Saldo Penuh",
"generate_name": "Hasilkan Nama",
"generating_gift_card": "Membuat Kartu Hadiah",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"get_a": "Dapatkan ",
"get_card_note": " yang dapat Anda muat ulang dengan mata uang digital. Tidak perlu informasi tambahan!",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"get_your_yat": "Dapatkan Yat Anda",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"gift_card_amount": "Jumlah Kartu Hadiah",
"gift_card_balance_note": "Kartu hadiah dengan saldo yang tersisa akan muncul di sini",
"gift_card_is_generated": "Kartu Hadiah telah dibuat",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"gift_card_number": "Nomor Kartu Hadiah",
"gift_card_redeemed_note": "Kartu hadiah yang sudah Anda tukar akan muncul di sini",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"gift_cards": "Kartu hadiah",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"gift_cards_unavailable": "Kartu hadiah hanya tersedia untuk dibeli dengan Monero, Bitcoin, dan Litecoin saat ini",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"got_it": "Sudah paham",
"gross_balance": "Saldo Kotor",
"group_by_type": "Grup demi jenis",
"haven_app": "Haven Oleh Cake Wallet",
"haven_app_wallet_text": "Dompet luar biasa untuk Haven",
"help": "bantuan",
2024-11-09 18:59:47 +00:00
"hidden_addresses": "Alamat tersembunyi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"hidden_balance": "Saldo Tersembunyi",
2024-11-09 18:59:47 +00:00
"hide": "Bersembunyi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"hide_details": "Sembunyikan Rincian",
"high_contrast_theme": "Tema Kontras Tinggi",
"home_screen_settings": "Pengaturan layar awal",
"how_to_use": "Cara Penggunaan",
"how_to_use_card": "Bagaimana menggunakan kartu ini",
"id": "ID: ",
"ignor": "Abaikan",
"import": "Impor",
"importNFTs": "Impor NFT",
"in_store": "Di Toko",
"incoming": "Masuk",
"incorrect_seed": "Teks yang dimasukkan tidak valid.",
2024-04-08 14:54:58 +00:00
"inputs": "Input",
2024-08-16 22:21:03 +00:00
"insufficient_lamport_for_tx": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup SOL untuk menutupi transaksi dan biaya transaksinya. Mohon tambahkan lebih banyak sol ke dompet Anda atau kurangi jumlah sol yang Anda kirim.",
"insufficient_lamports": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup SOL untuk menutupi transaksi dan biaya transaksinya. Anda membutuhkan setidaknya ${solValueNeeded} sol. Mohon tambahkan lebih banyak sol ke dompet Anda atau kurangi jumlah sol yang Anda kirim",
2024-08-09 23:02:47 +00:00
"insufficientFundsForRentError": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup SOL untuk menutupi biaya transaksi dan menyewa untuk akun tersebut. Mohon tambahkan lebih banyak sol ke dompet Anda atau kurangi jumlah sol yang Anda kirim",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"introducing_cake_pay": "Perkenalkan Cake Pay!",
"invalid_input": "Masukan tidak valid",
CW-676 Add Linux scripts to build monero_c for linux platform (#1527)
* Revert "Revert btc address types"
This reverts commit a49e57e3
* Re-add Bitcoin Address types
Fix conflicts with main
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* Update Monero
* not sure why it's failing
* Enable Exolix
Improve service updates indicator
New versions
* Add exolix Api token to limits api
* Ignore reporting network issues
* Change default bitcoin node
* Merge main and update linux version
* Update app version [skip ci]
* New versions
* Fix conflicts and update linux version
* minor fix
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* update linux version
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* various fixes for build issues
* initial monero.dart implementation
* ...
* multiple wallets
new lib
minor fixes
* other fixes from monero.dart and monero_c
* fix: nodes & build
* update build scripts
fix polyseed
* remove unnecessary code
* Add windows app, build scripts and build guide for it.
* Minor fix in generated monero configs
* Merge and fix main
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* add missing monero_c command
* add android build script
* update version
* Merge and fix main
* undo android ndk removal
* Fix modified exception_handler.dart
* Temporarily remove haven
* fix build issues
* fix pr script
* Fixes for build monero.dart (monero_c) for windows.
* monero build script
* wip: ios build script
* refactor: unchanged file
* Added build guides for iOS and macOS. Replaced nproc call on macOS. Added macOS configuration for configure_cake_wallet.sh script.
* Update monero.dart and monero_c versions.
* Add missed windows build scripts
* Update the application configuration for windows build script.
* Update cw_monero pubspec lock file for monero.dart
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* Fix conflicts with main
* fix for multiple wallets
* update app version [skip ci]
* Add tron to windows application configuration.
* Add macOS option for description message in configure_cake_wallet.sh
* fix missing encryption utils in hardware wallet functions [skip ci]
* fix conflicts
* Include missed monero dll for windows.
* reformatting [skip ci]
* fix conflicts with main
* Disable haven configuration for iOS as default. Add ability to configure cakewallet for iOS with for configuration script. Remove cw_shared configuration for cw_monero.
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* add missing nano secrets file [skip ci]
* ios library
* don't pull prebuilds android
* Add auto generation of manifest file for android project even for iOS, macOS, Windows.
* remove tron
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* store crash fix
* make init async so it won't lag
disable print starts
* fix monero_c build issues
* libstdc++
* merge main and update version
* Fix MacOS saving wallet file issue
Fix Secure Storage issue (somehow)
* update pubspec.lock
* fix build script
* Use dylib as iOS framework. Use custom path for loading of iOS framework for monero.dart. Add script for generate iOS framework for monero wallet.
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* bump monero_c hash
* bump monero_c commit
* bump moneroc version
* bump monero_c commit
* Add ability to build monero wallet lib as universal lib. Update macOS build guide. Change default arch for macOS project to .
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* update version
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* get App Dir correctly in default_settings_migration.dart
* handle previous issue with fetching linux documents directory [skip ci]
* backup fix
* fix NTFS issues
* Add Tron
Update Linux version
* Close the wallet when the wallet gets changed
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* bump monero_c commit
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* Only stop wallet on rename and delete
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* bump monero_c commit
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
* merge main
* Update macOS build guide. Change brew dependencies for build unbound locally.
* fix: Tron file write, build scripts
* - merge linux with Monero Dart
- Temporarily disable Monero
* fix other issues with linux
* linux ci
fix build script
* Update pr_test_build_linux.yml
install required packages
* add linux desktop dependencies
* don't use apk in linux build releases
* don't copy the file to test-apk
* fix linux runtime issues
* remove libc++_shared.so
* fix issues with linux
* prepare both android and linux (because otherwise it will fail)
* ci script updates
* run apt update
* bump image to ubuntu 22.04
note: remember to put it down later
* bump python version
* remove some dependencies
* remove unused import
* add missing dependencies
* fix dependencies
* some fixes
* remove print [skip ci]
* Add back RunnerBase.entitlements
minor fixes [skip ci]
* fix memory leak / infinite recurrsion when opening xmr wallet
* url_launcher_linux: 3.1.1 # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/153083
* fix conflicts with main
* handle walletKeysFile with encryptionUtils
* update app version [skip ci]
* add wownero [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rafael Saes <git@rafael.saes.dev>
Co-authored-by: M <m@cakewallet.com>
Co-authored-by: Konstantin Ullrich <konstantinullrich12@gmail.com>
2024-08-12 22:18:14 +00:00
"invalid_password": "Kata sandi salah",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"invoice_details": "Detail faktur",
"is_percentage": "adalah",
"last_30_days": "30 hari terakhir",
"learn_more": "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"ledger_connection_error": "Gagal terhubung ke buku besar Anda. Tolong coba lagi.",
"ledger_error_device_locked": "Ledger terkunci",
"ledger_error_tx_rejected_by_user": "Transaksi ditolak pada perangkat",
"ledger_error_wrong_app": "Pastikan Anda membuka aplikasi yang tepat di buku besar Anda",
"ledger_please_enable_bluetooth": "Harap aktifkan Bluetooth untuk mendeteksi buku besar Anda",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"light_theme": "Terang",
litecoin mweb support (#1455)
* Fix stub creation
* Generate MWEB addresses
* Fix mweb address derivation
* Use camel-case
* Show utxos in tx list
* A few fixes
* Add spent processing
* Update balance
* Balance fixes
* Update address records
* Get rid of debounce hack
* Get sending up to the confirmation box
* Fee estimation
* Stop the daemon if plugin is unloaded
* Normal fee for non-mweb txns
* Fix fee estimation for send all
* Don't hash mweb addresses
* More fee fixes
* Broadcast mweb
* Remove test files
* One more
* Confirm sent txns
* Couple of fixes
* Resign inputs after mweb create
* Some more fixes
* Update balance after sending
* Correctly update address records
* Update confs
* [skip ci] updates
* [skip ci] add dep overrides
* working
* small fix
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor fixes
* silent payment fixes [skip ci]
* updates [skip ci]
* save [skip ci]
* use mwebutxos box
* [skip ci] lots of fixes, still testing
* add rescan from height feature and test workflow build
* install go
* use sudo
* correct package name
* move building mweb higher for faster testing
* install fixes
* install later version of go
* go fixes
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* should workgit add .github/workflows/pr_test_build.yml
* ???
* ??? pt.2
* should work, for real this time
* fix tx history not persisting + update build_mwebd script
* updates
* fix some rescan and address gen issues
* save [skip ci]
* fix unconfirmed balance not updating when receiving
* unspent coins / coin control fixes
* coin control fixes
* address balance and txCount fixes, try/catch electrum call
* fix txCount for addresses
* save [skip ci]
* potential fixes
* minor fix
* minor fix - 2
* sync status fixes, potential fix for background state issue
* workflow and script updates
* updates
* expirimental optimization
* [skip ci] minor enhancements
* workflow and script fixes
* workflow minor cleanup [skip ci]
* minor code cleanup & friendlier error message on failed tx's
* balance when sending fix
* experimental
* more experiments
* save
* updates
* coin control edge cases
* remove neutrino.db if no litecoin wallets left after deleting
* update translations
* updates
* minor fix
* [skip ci] update translations + minor fixes
* state fixes
* configure fix
* ui updates
* translation fixes
* [skip ci] addressbook updates
* fix popup
* fix popup2
* fix litecoin address book
* fix ios mwebd build script
* fix for building monero.com
* minor fix
* uncomment fix for state issues
* potential mweb sync fix (ios)
* remove print [skip ci]
* electrum stream potential fix
* fix ios build issues [skip ci]
* connection reliability updates, update kotlin code to match swift code, minor electrum error handling
* dep fixes
* minor fix
* more merge fixes
* bitcoin_flutter removal fixes
* [skip ci] fix always scan setting, swift updates
* updates
* fixes
* small fix
* small fix
* fix
* dart:convert != package:convert
* change address fixes
* update bitcoin_base to fix mweb address program checking
* fix ios xcode project [skip ci]
* updates
* more fixes
* more fixes
* ensure we don't initialize mweb until we really have to
* fix regression
* improve mweb reliability
* [skip ci] wip adress generation
* wip
* wip
* [skip ci] wip
* updates [skip ci]
* ios fixes
* fix workflows + ios fix
* test old mweb version
* update go version and mwebd hash
* review updates pt.1
* Update cw_bitcoin/lib/litecoin_wallet.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* remove non-litecoin address types regex [skip ci]
* more minor fixes
* remove duplicate [skip ci]
* Update lib/store/settings_store.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* script updates, swap params on createLitecoinWalletService
* topup fix
* [skip ci] wip
* [skip ci] testing
* [skip ci] file didn't get saved
* more address generation reliability fixes
* [skip ci] minor
* minor code cleanup
* hopefully prevents send issue
* [skip ci] wip address changes
* [skip ci] save
* save mweb addresses, auto-restart sync process if it gets stuck [skip ci]
* address generation issues mostly resolved
* more performance fixes
* [skip ci]
* this should maybe be refactored, pt.1
* separate mweb balances, pt.2
* [skip ci] save
* add translations [skip ci]
* fix sending with mweb amounts
* works for simple mweb-mweb case, further testing needed
* found an edge case
* [skip ci] make failed broadcast error message less serious
* minor
* capture all grpc errors and much better error handling overall
* [skip ci] minor
* prevent transactions with < 6 confirmations from being used + hide mweb balances if mweb is off
* fix
* merge fixes pt.1 [skip ci]
* fix mweb tags
* fix
* [skip ci] fix tag spacing
* fix transaction history not showing up
* fix mweb crash on non-fully deleted mweb cache, sync status ETA, other connection fixes
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* additional cleanup
* silent payments eta fixes and updates
* revert sync eta changes into separate pr
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* revert sync status title
* review fixes, additional cleanup
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* trigger build
* review fixes, pt.2
* check if still processing utxos before updating sync status [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor
* balance fix
* minor
* minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] fix test net btc
* don't use mwebd for non-mweb tx's
* [skip ci] minor cleanup
* don't show all 1000+ mweb addresses on receive page
* minor cleanup + additional logging
Co-authored-by: Hector Chu <hectorchu@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Czarek Nakamoto <cyjan@mrcyjanek.net>
2024-09-28 02:22:25 +00:00
"litecoin_enable_mweb_sync": "Aktifkan pemindaian MWEB",
"litecoin_mweb": "Mweb",
"litecoin_mweb_always_scan": "Atur mWeb selalu memindai",
2024-10-05 00:30:52 +00:00
"litecoin_mweb_description": "MWEB adalah protokol baru yang membawa transaksi yang lebih cepat, lebih murah, dan lebih pribadi ke Litecoin",
"litecoin_mweb_dismiss": "Membubarkan",
litecoin mweb support (#1455)
* Fix stub creation
* Generate MWEB addresses
* Fix mweb address derivation
* Use camel-case
* Show utxos in tx list
* A few fixes
* Add spent processing
* Update balance
* Balance fixes
* Update address records
* Get rid of debounce hack
* Get sending up to the confirmation box
* Fee estimation
* Stop the daemon if plugin is unloaded
* Normal fee for non-mweb txns
* Fix fee estimation for send all
* Don't hash mweb addresses
* More fee fixes
* Broadcast mweb
* Remove test files
* One more
* Confirm sent txns
* Couple of fixes
* Resign inputs after mweb create
* Some more fixes
* Update balance after sending
* Correctly update address records
* Update confs
* [skip ci] updates
* [skip ci] add dep overrides
* working
* small fix
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor fixes
* silent payment fixes [skip ci]
* updates [skip ci]
* save [skip ci]
* use mwebutxos box
* [skip ci] lots of fixes, still testing
* add rescan from height feature and test workflow build
* install go
* use sudo
* correct package name
* move building mweb higher for faster testing
* install fixes
* install later version of go
* go fixes
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* should workgit add .github/workflows/pr_test_build.yml
* ???
* ??? pt.2
* should work, for real this time
* fix tx history not persisting + update build_mwebd script
* updates
* fix some rescan and address gen issues
* save [skip ci]
* fix unconfirmed balance not updating when receiving
* unspent coins / coin control fixes
* coin control fixes
* address balance and txCount fixes, try/catch electrum call
* fix txCount for addresses
* save [skip ci]
* potential fixes
* minor fix
* minor fix - 2
* sync status fixes, potential fix for background state issue
* workflow and script updates
* updates
* expirimental optimization
* [skip ci] minor enhancements
* workflow and script fixes
* workflow minor cleanup [skip ci]
* minor code cleanup & friendlier error message on failed tx's
* balance when sending fix
* experimental
* more experiments
* save
* updates
* coin control edge cases
* remove neutrino.db if no litecoin wallets left after deleting
* update translations
* updates
* minor fix
* [skip ci] update translations + minor fixes
* state fixes
* configure fix
* ui updates
* translation fixes
* [skip ci] addressbook updates
* fix popup
* fix popup2
* fix litecoin address book
* fix ios mwebd build script
* fix for building monero.com
* minor fix
* uncomment fix for state issues
* potential mweb sync fix (ios)
* remove print [skip ci]
* electrum stream potential fix
* fix ios build issues [skip ci]
* connection reliability updates, update kotlin code to match swift code, minor electrum error handling
* dep fixes
* minor fix
* more merge fixes
* bitcoin_flutter removal fixes
* [skip ci] fix always scan setting, swift updates
* updates
* fixes
* small fix
* small fix
* fix
* dart:convert != package:convert
* change address fixes
* update bitcoin_base to fix mweb address program checking
* fix ios xcode project [skip ci]
* updates
* more fixes
* more fixes
* ensure we don't initialize mweb until we really have to
* fix regression
* improve mweb reliability
* [skip ci] wip adress generation
* wip
* wip
* [skip ci] wip
* updates [skip ci]
* ios fixes
* fix workflows + ios fix
* test old mweb version
* update go version and mwebd hash
* review updates pt.1
* Update cw_bitcoin/lib/litecoin_wallet.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* remove non-litecoin address types regex [skip ci]
* more minor fixes
* remove duplicate [skip ci]
* Update lib/store/settings_store.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* script updates, swap params on createLitecoinWalletService
* topup fix
* [skip ci] wip
* [skip ci] testing
* [skip ci] file didn't get saved
* more address generation reliability fixes
* [skip ci] minor
* minor code cleanup
* hopefully prevents send issue
* [skip ci] wip address changes
* [skip ci] save
* save mweb addresses, auto-restart sync process if it gets stuck [skip ci]
* address generation issues mostly resolved
* more performance fixes
* [skip ci]
* this should maybe be refactored, pt.1
* separate mweb balances, pt.2
* [skip ci] save
* add translations [skip ci]
* fix sending with mweb amounts
* works for simple mweb-mweb case, further testing needed
* found an edge case
* [skip ci] make failed broadcast error message less serious
* minor
* capture all grpc errors and much better error handling overall
* [skip ci] minor
* prevent transactions with < 6 confirmations from being used + hide mweb balances if mweb is off
* fix
* merge fixes pt.1 [skip ci]
* fix mweb tags
* fix
* [skip ci] fix tag spacing
* fix transaction history not showing up
* fix mweb crash on non-fully deleted mweb cache, sync status ETA, other connection fixes
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* additional cleanup
* silent payments eta fixes and updates
* revert sync eta changes into separate pr
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* revert sync status title
* review fixes, additional cleanup
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* trigger build
* review fixes, pt.2
* check if still processing utxos before updating sync status [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor
* balance fix
* minor
* minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] fix test net btc
* don't use mwebd for non-mweb tx's
* [skip ci] minor cleanup
* don't show all 1000+ mweb addresses on receive page
* minor cleanup + additional logging
Co-authored-by: Hector Chu <hectorchu@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Czarek Nakamoto <cyjan@mrcyjanek.net>
2024-09-28 02:22:25 +00:00
"litecoin_mweb_display_card": "Tunjukkan kartu mWeb",
2024-11-07 02:57:36 +00:00
"litecoin_mweb_enable": "Aktifkan MWEB",
2024-10-05 00:30:52 +00:00
"litecoin_mweb_enable_later": "Anda dapat memilih untuk mengaktifkan MWEB lagi di bawah pengaturan tampilan.",
2024-11-07 02:57:36 +00:00
"litecoin_mweb_logs": "Log MWeb",
"litecoin_mweb_node": "Node MWEB",
2024-10-05 00:30:52 +00:00
"litecoin_mweb_pegin": "Pasak masuk",
"litecoin_mweb_pegout": "Mati",
litecoin mweb support (#1455)
* Fix stub creation
* Generate MWEB addresses
* Fix mweb address derivation
* Use camel-case
* Show utxos in tx list
* A few fixes
* Add spent processing
* Update balance
* Balance fixes
* Update address records
* Get rid of debounce hack
* Get sending up to the confirmation box
* Fee estimation
* Stop the daemon if plugin is unloaded
* Normal fee for non-mweb txns
* Fix fee estimation for send all
* Don't hash mweb addresses
* More fee fixes
* Broadcast mweb
* Remove test files
* One more
* Confirm sent txns
* Couple of fixes
* Resign inputs after mweb create
* Some more fixes
* Update balance after sending
* Correctly update address records
* Update confs
* [skip ci] updates
* [skip ci] add dep overrides
* working
* small fix
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor fixes
* silent payment fixes [skip ci]
* updates [skip ci]
* save [skip ci]
* use mwebutxos box
* [skip ci] lots of fixes, still testing
* add rescan from height feature and test workflow build
* install go
* use sudo
* correct package name
* move building mweb higher for faster testing
* install fixes
* install later version of go
* go fixes
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* should workgit add .github/workflows/pr_test_build.yml
* ???
* ??? pt.2
* should work, for real this time
* fix tx history not persisting + update build_mwebd script
* updates
* fix some rescan and address gen issues
* save [skip ci]
* fix unconfirmed balance not updating when receiving
* unspent coins / coin control fixes
* coin control fixes
* address balance and txCount fixes, try/catch electrum call
* fix txCount for addresses
* save [skip ci]
* potential fixes
* minor fix
* minor fix - 2
* sync status fixes, potential fix for background state issue
* workflow and script updates
* updates
* expirimental optimization
* [skip ci] minor enhancements
* workflow and script fixes
* workflow minor cleanup [skip ci]
* minor code cleanup & friendlier error message on failed tx's
* balance when sending fix
* experimental
* more experiments
* save
* updates
* coin control edge cases
* remove neutrino.db if no litecoin wallets left after deleting
* update translations
* updates
* minor fix
* [skip ci] update translations + minor fixes
* state fixes
* configure fix
* ui updates
* translation fixes
* [skip ci] addressbook updates
* fix popup
* fix popup2
* fix litecoin address book
* fix ios mwebd build script
* fix for building monero.com
* minor fix
* uncomment fix for state issues
* potential mweb sync fix (ios)
* remove print [skip ci]
* electrum stream potential fix
* fix ios build issues [skip ci]
* connection reliability updates, update kotlin code to match swift code, minor electrum error handling
* dep fixes
* minor fix
* more merge fixes
* bitcoin_flutter removal fixes
* [skip ci] fix always scan setting, swift updates
* updates
* fixes
* small fix
* small fix
* fix
* dart:convert != package:convert
* change address fixes
* update bitcoin_base to fix mweb address program checking
* fix ios xcode project [skip ci]
* updates
* more fixes
* more fixes
* ensure we don't initialize mweb until we really have to
* fix regression
* improve mweb reliability
* [skip ci] wip adress generation
* wip
* wip
* [skip ci] wip
* updates [skip ci]
* ios fixes
* fix workflows + ios fix
* test old mweb version
* update go version and mwebd hash
* review updates pt.1
* Update cw_bitcoin/lib/litecoin_wallet.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* remove non-litecoin address types regex [skip ci]
* more minor fixes
* remove duplicate [skip ci]
* Update lib/store/settings_store.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* script updates, swap params on createLitecoinWalletService
* topup fix
* [skip ci] wip
* [skip ci] testing
* [skip ci] file didn't get saved
* more address generation reliability fixes
* [skip ci] minor
* minor code cleanup
* hopefully prevents send issue
* [skip ci] wip address changes
* [skip ci] save
* save mweb addresses, auto-restart sync process if it gets stuck [skip ci]
* address generation issues mostly resolved
* more performance fixes
* [skip ci]
* this should maybe be refactored, pt.1
* separate mweb balances, pt.2
* [skip ci] save
* add translations [skip ci]
* fix sending with mweb amounts
* works for simple mweb-mweb case, further testing needed
* found an edge case
* [skip ci] make failed broadcast error message less serious
* minor
* capture all grpc errors and much better error handling overall
* [skip ci] minor
* prevent transactions with < 6 confirmations from being used + hide mweb balances if mweb is off
* fix
* merge fixes pt.1 [skip ci]
* fix mweb tags
* fix
* [skip ci] fix tag spacing
* fix transaction history not showing up
* fix mweb crash on non-fully deleted mweb cache, sync status ETA, other connection fixes
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* additional cleanup
* silent payments eta fixes and updates
* revert sync eta changes into separate pr
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* revert sync status title
* review fixes, additional cleanup
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* trigger build
* review fixes, pt.2
* check if still processing utxos before updating sync status [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor
* balance fix
* minor
* minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] fix test net btc
* don't use mwebd for non-mweb tx's
* [skip ci] minor cleanup
* don't show all 1000+ mweb addresses on receive page
* minor cleanup + additional logging
Co-authored-by: Hector Chu <hectorchu@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Czarek Nakamoto <cyjan@mrcyjanek.net>
2024-09-28 02:22:25 +00:00
"litecoin_mweb_scanning": "Pemindaian MWEB",
"litecoin_mweb_settings": "Pengaturan MWEB",
"litecoin_mweb_warning": "Menggunakan MWEB pada awalnya akan mengunduh ~ 600MB data, dan dapat memakan waktu hingga 30 menit tergantung pada kecepatan jaringan. Data awal ini hanya akan mengunduh sekali dan tersedia untuk semua dompet litecoin",
"litecoin_what_is_mweb": "Apa itu MWEB?",
2024-08-26 17:07:25 +00:00
"live_fee_rates": "Tarif biaya langsung melalui API",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"load_more": "Muat lebih banyak",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"loading_your_wallet": "Memuat dompet Anda",
"login": "Masuk",
"logout": "Keluar",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"low_fee": "Biaya rendah",
"low_fee_alert": "Anda saat ini menggunakan prioritas biaya jaringan rendah. Ini dapat menyebabkan tunggu yang lama, kurs yang berbeda, atau perdagangan yang dibatalkan. Kami merekomendasikan menetapkan biaya yang lebih tinggi untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"manage_nodes": "Kelola node",
"manage_pow_nodes": "Kelola Node PoW",
"manage_yats": "Kelola Yats",
"mark_as_redeemed": "Tandai sebagai Ditukar",
"market_place": "Pasar",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Tema Matrix Green Dark",
"max_amount": "Max: ${value}",
"max_value": "Max: ${value} ${currency}",
"memo": "Memo:",
"message": "Pesan",
2024-08-17 23:10:27 +00:00
"message_verified": "Pesan itu berhasil diverifikasi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"methods": "Metode",
"min_amount": "Min: ${value}",
"min_value": "Min: ${value} ${currency}",
2023-01-28 05:37:25 +00:00
"minutes_to_pin_code": "${minute} menit",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"mm": "MM",
"modify_2fa": "Ubah Kue 2FA",
"monero_com": "Monero.com Oleh Cake Wallet",
"monero_com_wallet_text": "Dompet luar biasa untuk Monero",
"monero_dark_theme": "Tema Gelap Monero",
"monero_light_theme": "Tema Cahaya Monero",
"moonpay_alert_text": "Nilai jumlah harus lebih atau sama dengan ${minAmount} ${fiatCurrency}",
"more_options": "Opsi Lainnya",
litecoin mweb support (#1455)
* Fix stub creation
* Generate MWEB addresses
* Fix mweb address derivation
* Use camel-case
* Show utxos in tx list
* A few fixes
* Add spent processing
* Update balance
* Balance fixes
* Update address records
* Get rid of debounce hack
* Get sending up to the confirmation box
* Fee estimation
* Stop the daemon if plugin is unloaded
* Normal fee for non-mweb txns
* Fix fee estimation for send all
* Don't hash mweb addresses
* More fee fixes
* Broadcast mweb
* Remove test files
* One more
* Confirm sent txns
* Couple of fixes
* Resign inputs after mweb create
* Some more fixes
* Update balance after sending
* Correctly update address records
* Update confs
* [skip ci] updates
* [skip ci] add dep overrides
* working
* small fix
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor fixes
* silent payment fixes [skip ci]
* updates [skip ci]
* save [skip ci]
* use mwebutxos box
* [skip ci] lots of fixes, still testing
* add rescan from height feature and test workflow build
* install go
* use sudo
* correct package name
* move building mweb higher for faster testing
* install fixes
* install later version of go
* go fixes
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* should workgit add .github/workflows/pr_test_build.yml
* ???
* ??? pt.2
* should work, for real this time
* fix tx history not persisting + update build_mwebd script
* updates
* fix some rescan and address gen issues
* save [skip ci]
* fix unconfirmed balance not updating when receiving
* unspent coins / coin control fixes
* coin control fixes
* address balance and txCount fixes, try/catch electrum call
* fix txCount for addresses
* save [skip ci]
* potential fixes
* minor fix
* minor fix - 2
* sync status fixes, potential fix for background state issue
* workflow and script updates
* updates
* expirimental optimization
* [skip ci] minor enhancements
* workflow and script fixes
* workflow minor cleanup [skip ci]
* minor code cleanup & friendlier error message on failed tx's
* balance when sending fix
* experimental
* more experiments
* save
* updates
* coin control edge cases
* remove neutrino.db if no litecoin wallets left after deleting
* update translations
* updates
* minor fix
* [skip ci] update translations + minor fixes
* state fixes
* configure fix
* ui updates
* translation fixes
* [skip ci] addressbook updates
* fix popup
* fix popup2
* fix litecoin address book
* fix ios mwebd build script
* fix for building monero.com
* minor fix
* uncomment fix for state issues
* potential mweb sync fix (ios)
* remove print [skip ci]
* electrum stream potential fix
* fix ios build issues [skip ci]
* connection reliability updates, update kotlin code to match swift code, minor electrum error handling
* dep fixes
* minor fix
* more merge fixes
* bitcoin_flutter removal fixes
* [skip ci] fix always scan setting, swift updates
* updates
* fixes
* small fix
* small fix
* fix
* dart:convert != package:convert
* change address fixes
* update bitcoin_base to fix mweb address program checking
* fix ios xcode project [skip ci]
* updates
* more fixes
* more fixes
* ensure we don't initialize mweb until we really have to
* fix regression
* improve mweb reliability
* [skip ci] wip adress generation
* wip
* wip
* [skip ci] wip
* updates [skip ci]
* ios fixes
* fix workflows + ios fix
* test old mweb version
* update go version and mwebd hash
* review updates pt.1
* Update cw_bitcoin/lib/litecoin_wallet.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* remove non-litecoin address types regex [skip ci]
* more minor fixes
* remove duplicate [skip ci]
* Update lib/store/settings_store.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* script updates, swap params on createLitecoinWalletService
* topup fix
* [skip ci] wip
* [skip ci] testing
* [skip ci] file didn't get saved
* more address generation reliability fixes
* [skip ci] minor
* minor code cleanup
* hopefully prevents send issue
* [skip ci] wip address changes
* [skip ci] save
* save mweb addresses, auto-restart sync process if it gets stuck [skip ci]
* address generation issues mostly resolved
* more performance fixes
* [skip ci]
* this should maybe be refactored, pt.1
* separate mweb balances, pt.2
* [skip ci] save
* add translations [skip ci]
* fix sending with mweb amounts
* works for simple mweb-mweb case, further testing needed
* found an edge case
* [skip ci] make failed broadcast error message less serious
* minor
* capture all grpc errors and much better error handling overall
* [skip ci] minor
* prevent transactions with < 6 confirmations from being used + hide mweb balances if mweb is off
* fix
* merge fixes pt.1 [skip ci]
* fix mweb tags
* fix
* [skip ci] fix tag spacing
* fix transaction history not showing up
* fix mweb crash on non-fully deleted mweb cache, sync status ETA, other connection fixes
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* additional cleanup
* silent payments eta fixes and updates
* revert sync eta changes into separate pr
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* revert sync status title
* review fixes, additional cleanup
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* trigger build
* review fixes, pt.2
* check if still processing utxos before updating sync status [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor
* balance fix
* minor
* minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] fix test net btc
* don't use mwebd for non-mweb tx's
* [skip ci] minor cleanup
* don't show all 1000+ mweb addresses on receive page
* minor cleanup + additional logging
Co-authored-by: Hector Chu <hectorchu@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Czarek Nakamoto <cyjan@mrcyjanek.net>
2024-09-28 02:22:25 +00:00
"mweb_confirmed": "Mengkonfirmasi mWeb",
"mweb_unconfirmed": "MWEB yang belum dikonfirmasi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"name": "Nama",
2024-04-12 12:36:42 +00:00
"nano_current_rep": "Perwakilan saat ini",
2024-05-08 14:26:57 +00:00
"nano_gpt_thanks_message": "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Nanogpt! Ingatlah untuk kembali ke browser setelah transaksi Anda selesai!",
2024-04-12 12:36:42 +00:00
"nano_pick_new_rep": "Pilih perwakilan baru",
2024-05-08 14:26:57 +00:00
"nanogpt_subtitle": "Semua model terbaru (GPT-4, Claude). \\ Nno langganan, bayar dengan crypto.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"narrow": "Sempit",
2024-11-27 21:05:04 +00:00
"new_first_wallet_text": "Menjaga crypto Anda aman adalah sepotong kue",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"new_node_testing": "Pengujian node baru",
"new_subaddress_create": "Buat",
"new_subaddress_label_name": "Nama label",
"new_subaddress_title": "Alamat baru",
"new_template": "Template Baru",
"new_wallet": "Dompet Baru",
"newConnection": "Koneksi Baru",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"no_cards_found": "Tidak ada kartu yang ditemukan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"no_id_needed": "Tidak perlu ID!",
"no_id_required": "Tidak perlu ID. Isi ulang dan belanja di mana saja",
"no_relay_on_domain": "Tidak ada relai untuk domain pengguna atau relai tidak tersedia. Silakan pilih relai yang akan digunakan.",
"no_relays": "Tidak ada relay",
"no_relays_message": "Kami menemukan catatan Nostr NIP-05 untuk pengguna ini, tetapi tidak berisi relay apa pun. Harap instruksikan penerima untuk menambahkan relay ke catatan Nostr mereka.",
"node_address": "Alamat Node",
"node_connection_failed": "Koneksi gagal",
"node_connection_successful": "Koneksi berhasil",
"node_new": "Node Baru",
"node_port": "Port Node",
"node_reset_settings_title": "Atur ulang pengaturan",
"node_test": "Uji",
"nodes": "Node",
"nodes_list_reset_to_default_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengatur ulang pengaturan ke default?",
2024-10-14 21:31:27 +00:00
"none_of_selected_providers_can_exchange": "Tak satu pun dari penyedia yang dipilih dapat melakukan pertukaran ini",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"noNFTYet": "Belum ada NFT",
"normal": "Normal",
"note_optional": "Catatan (opsional)",
"note_tap_to_change": "Catatan (tap untuk mengubah)",
"nullURIError": "URI adalah nol",
"offer_expires_in": "Penawaran kedaluwarsa dalam: ",
"offline": "Offline",
"ok": "OK",
2024-04-08 14:54:58 +00:00
"old_fee": "Biaya lama",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"onion_link": "Tautan bawang",
"online": "Online",
"onramper_option_description": "Beli crypto dengan cepat dengan banyak metode pembayaran. Tersedia di sebagian besar negara. Spread dan biaya bervariasi.",
"open_gift_card": "Buka Kartu Hadiah",
"openalias_alert_content": "Anda akan mengirim dana ke\n${recipient_name}",
"openalias_alert_title": "Alamat Terdeteksi",
2023-03-24 15:26:42 +00:00
"optional_description": "Deskripsi opsional",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"optional_email_hint": "Email pemberitahuan penerima pembayaran opsional",
2023-03-24 15:26:42 +00:00
"optional_name": "Nama penerima opsional",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"optionally_order_card": "Opsional memesan kartu fisik.",
"orbot_running_alert": "Pastikan Orbot sedang berjalan sebelum menghubungkan ke node ini.",
"order_by": "Dipesan oleh",
"order_id": "ID Pesanan",
"order_physical_card": "Pesan Kartu Fisik",
"other_settings": "Pengaturan lainnya",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_description": "Dompet Bitcoin baru yang dibuat di Cake sekarang memiliki biji semai 24 kata. Wajib bagi Anda untuk membuat dompet Bitcoin baru dan mentransfer semua dana Anda ke dompet 24 kata baru, dan berhenti menggunakan dompet dengan biji semai 12 kata. Silakan lakukan ini segera untuk mengamankan dana Anda.",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_receive_warning": "Jika dompet ini memiliki biji semai 12 kata dan dibuat di Cake, JANGAN deposit Bitcoin ke dalam dompet ini. BTC apapun yang ditransfer ke dompet ini mungkin hilang. Buat dompet 24 kata baru (ketuk menu di pojok kanan atas, pilih Dompet, pilih Buat Dompet Baru, lalu pilih Bitcoin) dan SEGERA pindahkan BTC Anda ke sana. Dompet BTC (24 kata) baru dari Cake aman",
"outgoing": "Keluar",
2024-04-08 14:54:58 +00:00
"outputs": "Output",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"overwrite_amount": "Timpa jumlah",
"pairingInvalidEvent": "Menyandingkan Acara Tidak Valid",
Bitcoin derivations (#1089)
* - Update and Fix Conflicts with main
* Add Balances for ERC20 tokens
* Fix conflicts with main
* Add erc20 abi json
* Add send erc20 tokens initial function
* add missing getHeightByDate in Haven [skip ci]
* Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag
* Add Shiba Inu icon
* Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow
* Add missing import in generated file
* Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens
* Refactor signing/sending transactions
* Add initial flow for transactions subscription
* Refactor signing/sending transactions
* Add home settings icon
* Fix conflicts with main
* Initial flow for home settings
* Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens
* Fix initial UI
* Finalize UI for Tokens
* Integrate UI with Ethereum flow
* Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens
* Add initial Erc20 tokens
* Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features
* Fix price sorting
* Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes
* - Improve sorting balances flow
- Add initial add token from search bar flow
* Fix Accounts Popup UI
* Fix Pin native token
* Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens
Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened
Improve token availability mechanism
* Fix deleting token
Fix renaming tokens
* Fix issue with search
* Add more tokens
* - Fix scroll issue
- Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker
* - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens
- Fix scrolling
- Add token placeholder images in picker
- Sort disabled tokens alphabetically
* Change BNB token initial availability [skip ci]
* Fix Conflicts with main
* Fix Conflicts with main
* Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list
* Add rename wallet to Ethereum
* Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions
Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package
* Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens
* Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space
* Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2)
* Fix Transaction Fee display
* Save transaction history
* Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions
* Minor Fixes and Enhancements
* Fix sending erc20
fix block explorer issue
* Fix int overflow
* Fix transaction amount conversions
* Minor: `slow` -> `Slow` [skip-ci]
* initial changes
* more base config stuff
* config changes
* successfully builds!
* save
* successfully add nano wallet
* save
* seed generation
* receive screen + node screen working
* tx history working and fiat fixes
* balance working
* derivation updates
* nano-unfinished
* sends working
* remove fees from send screen, send and receive transactions working
* fixes + auto receive incoming txs
* fix for scanning QR codes
* save
* update translations
* fixes
* more fixes
* more strings
* small fix
* fix github actions workflow
* potential fix
* potential fix
* ci/cd fix
* change rep working
* seed generation fixes
* fixes
* save
* change rep screen functional
* save
* banano changes
* fixes, start adding ui for PoW
* pow node changes
* update translations
* fix
* account changing barely working
* save
* disable account generation
* small fix
* save
* UI work
* save
* fixes after merge main
* fixes
* remove monero stuff, work on derivation ui
* lots of fixes + finish up seed derivation
* last minute fixes
* node related fixes
* more fixes
* small fix
* more fixes
* fixes
* pretty big refactor for pow, still some bugs
* finally works!
* get transactions after send
* fix
* merge conflict fixes
* save
* fix pow node showing up twice
* done
* initial changes
* small fix
* more merge fixes
* fixes
* more fixes
* fix
* save
* fix manage pow nodes setting appearing on other wallets
* fix contact bug
* fixes
* fiat fixes
* save
* save
* save
* save
* updates
* cleanup
* restore fix
* fixes
* remove deprecated alert
* fix
* small fix
* remove outdated warning
* electrum restore fixes
* fixes
* fixes
* fix
* derivation fixes
* nano fixes pt.1
* nano fixes pt.2
* bip39 fixes
* pownode refactor
* nodes pages fixes
* observer fix
* ssl fix
* remove old references
* remove unused imports
* code cleanup
* small fix
* small potential fix
* save
* derivation fixes
* deterministic fix
* fix pt.2
* derivation class fixes
* review fixes from nano that also apply here
* formatting
* stuff that should've stayed deleted
* post merge fixes
* remove problematic imports and duplicate changes
* Delete lib/nano/nano.dart
* move wallet restore page proxy code to the view model
* fix dashboard page indicators being the same color
* debatably better refactoring of derivationInfo, migration needed
* additional refactor improvements
* blanket comment some stuff out to narrow down this issue
* refactor fixes
* fix nano exchange
* fix , bug, i.e. replace , with . when making a nano transaction
* fix nano sending, update restore page wording, and other minor fixes
* write migration for existing bitcoin and nano wallets
* merge fixes
* minor fixes
* use default derivation type when restoring from qr code
* fixes for restoring
* fixes
* fixes
* merge fix
* Fix issues with Creating Electrum and Restoring Bip39
* updates & fixes
* Add missing case for no transactions BIP39 wallet restore
* Make the default BIP39 the 84 derivation path
* Add Samourai Deposit
* litecoin mnemonic error fix
* Bip39 passphrase support (#1412)
* save
* passphrase working
* fix for when loading wallets + translation update
* minor fix
* Fix Nano
* minor fix [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* change error state seed conditions into throwables [skip ci]
* litecoin fixes
* Bip39 minor enhancements (#1416)
* minor enhancements
* rename bitcoin_derivations -> electrum_derivations
* Remove duplicate derivations
handle default case
* minor fix
* Enable passphrase for Litecoin
* obscure text of passphrase
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <justin.ehrenhofer@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: fossephate <fosse@book.local>
2024-04-30 00:49:56 +00:00
"passphrase": "Frasa sandi (opsional)",
2024-09-26 01:51:38 +00:00
"passphrases_doesnt_match": "Sandi tidak cocok, coba lagi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"password": "Kata Sandi",
"paste": "Tempel",
"pause_wallet_creation": "Kemampuan untuk membuat Haven Wallet saat ini dijeda.",
"payment_id": "ID Pembayaran: ",
"payment_was_received": "Pembayaran Anda telah diterima.",
"pending": " (pending)",
"percentageOf": "dari ${amount}",
"pin_at_top": "sematkan ${token} di atas",
"pin_is_incorrect": "PIN salah",
"pin_number": "Nomor PIN",
"placeholder_contacts": "Kontak Anda akan ditampilkan di sini",
"placeholder_transactions": "Transaksi Anda akan ditampilkan di sini",
"please_fill_totp": "Harap isi kode 8 digit yang ada di perangkat Anda yang lain",
"please_make_selection": "Silahkan membuat pilihan di bawah ini untuk membuat atau memulihkan dompet Anda.",
"please_reference_document": "Silakan referensikan dokumen di bawah ini untuk informasi lebih lanjut.",
"please_select": "Silakan pilih:",
"please_select_backup_file": "Silakan pilih file cadangan dan masukkan kata sandi cadangan.",
"please_try_to_connect_to_another_node": "Silakan coba untuk terhubung ke node lain",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"please_wait": "Harap tunggu",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"polygonscan_history": "Sejarah PolygonScan",
"powered_by": "Didukung oleh ${title}",
"pre_seed_button_text": "Saya mengerti. Tampilkan seed saya",
"pre_seed_description": "Di halaman berikutnya Anda akan melihat serangkaian kata ${words}. Ini adalah seed unik dan pribadi Anda dan itu SATU-SATUNYA cara untuk mengembalikan dompet Anda jika hilang atau rusak. Ini adalah TANGGUNG JAWAB Anda untuk menuliskannya dan menyimpan di tempat yang aman di luar aplikasi Cake Wallet.",
"pre_seed_title": "PENTING",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"prepaid_cards": "Kartu prabayar",
2023-05-15 12:26:56 +00:00
"prevent_screenshots": "Cegah tangkapan layar dan perekaman layar",
2024-11-09 18:59:47 +00:00
"primary_address": "Alamat utama",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"privacy": "Privasi",
"privacy_policy": "Kebijakan Privasi",
"privacy_settings": "Pengaturan privasi",
"private_key": "Kunci privat",
"proceed_after_one_minute": "Jika layar tidak bergerak setelah 1 menit, periksa email Anda.",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"proceed_on_device": "Lanjutkan di perangkat Anda",
"proceed_on_device_description": "Harap ikuti instruksi yang diminta di dompet perangkat keras Anda",
2023-07-11 21:21:59 +00:00
"profile": "Profil",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"provider_error": "${provider} error",
"public_key": "Kunci publik",
"purchase_gift_card": "Beli Kartu Hadiah",
2024-02-23 18:49:21 +00:00
"purple_dark_theme": "Tema gelap ungu",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"qr_fullscreen": "Tap untuk membuka layar QR code penuh",
"qr_payment_amount": "QR code ini berisi jumlah pembayaran. Apakah Anda ingin menimpa nilai saat ini?",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"quantity": "Kuantitas",
2023-07-10 13:54:22 +00:00
"question_to_disable_2fa": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menonaktifkan Cake 2FA? Kode 2FA tidak lagi diperlukan untuk mengakses dompet dan fungsi tertentu.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"receivable_balance": "Saldo piutang",
"receive": "Menerima",
"receive_amount": "Jumlah",
"received": "Diterima",
"recipient_address": "Alamat penerima",
"reconnect": "Sambungkan kembali",
"reconnect_alert_text": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menyambungkan kembali?",
"reconnection": "Koneksi kembali",
2024-02-23 18:49:21 +00:00
"red_dark_theme": "Tema gelap merah",
"red_light_theme": "Tema lampu merah",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"redeemed": "Ditukar",
"refund_address": "Alamat pengembalian",
"reject": "Menolak",
"remaining": "sisa",
"remove": "Hapus",
"remove_node": "Hapus node",
"remove_node_message": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus node yang dipilih?",
"rename": "Ganti nama",
2024-04-12 12:36:42 +00:00
"rep_warning": "Peringatan Perwakilan",
"rep_warning_sub": "Perwakilan Anda tampaknya tidak bereputasi baik. Ketuk di sini untuk memilih yang baru",
CW-676 Add Linux scripts to build monero_c for linux platform (#1527)
* Revert "Revert btc address types"
This reverts commit a49e57e3
* Re-add Bitcoin Address types
Fix conflicts with main
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* Update Monero
* not sure why it's failing
* Enable Exolix
Improve service updates indicator
New versions
* Add exolix Api token to limits api
* Ignore reporting network issues
* Change default bitcoin node
* Merge main and update linux version
* Update app version [skip ci]
* New versions
* Fix conflicts and update linux version
* minor fix
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* update linux version
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* various fixes for build issues
* initial monero.dart implementation
* ...
* multiple wallets
new lib
minor fixes
* other fixes from monero.dart and monero_c
* fix: nodes & build
* update build scripts
fix polyseed
* remove unnecessary code
* Add windows app, build scripts and build guide for it.
* Minor fix in generated monero configs
* Merge and fix main
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* add missing monero_c command
* add android build script
* update version
* Merge and fix main
* undo android ndk removal
* Fix modified exception_handler.dart
* Temporarily remove haven
* fix build issues
* fix pr script
* Fixes for build monero.dart (monero_c) for windows.
* monero build script
* wip: ios build script
* refactor: unchanged file
* Added build guides for iOS and macOS. Replaced nproc call on macOS. Added macOS configuration for configure_cake_wallet.sh script.
* Update monero.dart and monero_c versions.
* Add missed windows build scripts
* Update the application configuration for windows build script.
* Update cw_monero pubspec lock file for monero.dart
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* Fix conflicts with main
* fix for multiple wallets
* update app version [skip ci]
* Add tron to windows application configuration.
* Add macOS option for description message in configure_cake_wallet.sh
* fix missing encryption utils in hardware wallet functions [skip ci]
* fix conflicts
* Include missed monero dll for windows.
* reformatting [skip ci]
* fix conflicts with main
* Disable haven configuration for iOS as default. Add ability to configure cakewallet for iOS with for configuration script. Remove cw_shared configuration for cw_monero.
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* add missing nano secrets file [skip ci]
* ios library
* don't pull prebuilds android
* Add auto generation of manifest file for android project even for iOS, macOS, Windows.
* remove tron
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* store crash fix
* make init async so it won't lag
disable print starts
* fix monero_c build issues
* libstdc++
* merge main and update version
* Fix MacOS saving wallet file issue
Fix Secure Storage issue (somehow)
* update pubspec.lock
* fix build script
* Use dylib as iOS framework. Use custom path for loading of iOS framework for monero.dart. Add script for generate iOS framework for monero wallet.
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* bump monero_c hash
* bump monero_c commit
* bump moneroc version
* bump monero_c commit
* Add ability to build monero wallet lib as universal lib. Update macOS build guide. Change default arch for macOS project to .
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* update version
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* get App Dir correctly in default_settings_migration.dart
* handle previous issue with fetching linux documents directory [skip ci]
* backup fix
* fix NTFS issues
* Add Tron
Update Linux version
* Close the wallet when the wallet gets changed
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* bump monero_c commit
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* Only stop wallet on rename and delete
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* bump monero_c commit
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
* merge main
* Update macOS build guide. Change brew dependencies for build unbound locally.
* fix: Tron file write, build scripts
* - merge linux with Monero Dart
- Temporarily disable Monero
* fix other issues with linux
* linux ci
fix build script
* Update pr_test_build_linux.yml
install required packages
* add linux desktop dependencies
* don't use apk in linux build releases
* don't copy the file to test-apk
* fix linux runtime issues
* remove libc++_shared.so
* fix issues with linux
* prepare both android and linux (because otherwise it will fail)
* ci script updates
* run apt update
* bump image to ubuntu 22.04
note: remember to put it down later
* bump python version
* remove some dependencies
* remove unused import
* add missing dependencies
* fix dependencies
* some fixes
* remove print [skip ci]
* Add back RunnerBase.entitlements
minor fixes [skip ci]
* fix memory leak / infinite recurrsion when opening xmr wallet
* url_launcher_linux: 3.1.1 # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/153083
* fix conflicts with main
* handle walletKeysFile with encryptionUtils
* update app version [skip ci]
* add wownero [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rafael Saes <git@rafael.saes.dev>
Co-authored-by: M <m@cakewallet.com>
Co-authored-by: Konstantin Ullrich <konstantinullrich12@gmail.com>
2024-08-12 22:18:14 +00:00
"repeat_wallet_password": "Ulangi Kata Sandi Dompet",
"repeated_password_is_incorrect": "Kata sandi yang diulang tidak benar. Harap ulangi kata sandi dompet lagi.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"require_for_adding_contacts": "Membutuhkan untuk menambahkan kontak",
"require_for_all_security_and_backup_settings": "Memerlukan untuk semua pengaturan keamanan dan pencadangan",
2023-08-04 13:49:26 +00:00
"require_for_assessing_wallet": "Diperlukan untuk mengakses dompet",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"require_for_creating_new_wallets": "Diperlukan untuk membuat dompet baru",
"require_for_exchanges_to_external_wallets": "Memerlukan pertukaran ke dompet eksternal",
"require_for_exchanges_to_internal_wallets": "Diperlukan untuk pertukaran ke dompet internal",
2023-08-22 18:49:37 +00:00
"require_for_sends_to_contacts": "Membutuhkan untuk mengirim ke kontak",
"require_for_sends_to_internal_wallets": "Diperlukan untuk mengirim ke dompet internal",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"require_for_sends_to_non_contacts": "Wajibkan untuk mengirim ke non-kontak",
"require_pin_after": "Meminta PIN setelah",
"rescan": "Pindai ulang",
"resend_code": "Silakan kirim ulang",
"reset": "Reset",
"reset_password": "Atur Ulang Kata Sandi",
"restore_active_seed": "Seed aktif",
"restore_address": "Alamat",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_keys": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari string WIF yang dihasilkan dari private keys Anda",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_seed": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari kombinasi kode 24 kata",
"restore_bitcoin_title_from_keys": "Pulihkan dari WIF",
"restore_description_from_backup": "Anda dapat memulihkan seluruh aplikasi Cake Wallet dari file cadangan Anda",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"restore_description_from_hardware_wallet": "Kembalikan dari dompet perangkat keras Ledger",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"restore_description_from_keys": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari tombol yang dihasilkan yang disimpan dari kunci pribadi Anda",
"restore_description_from_seed": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dari kombinasi kode 25 atau 13 kata",
"restore_description_from_seed_keys": "Dapatkan kembali dompet Anda dari seed/kunci yang Anda simpan di tempat yang aman",
2024-11-27 21:05:04 +00:00
"restore_existing_wallet": "Kembalikan dompet yang ada",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"restore_from_date_atau_blockheight": "Silakan masukkan tanggal beberapa hari sebelum Anda membuat dompet ini. Atau jika Anda tahu blockheight, silakan masukkannya sebagai gantinya",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"restore_from_date_or_blockheight": "Harap masukkan tanggal beberapa hari sebelum Anda membuat dompet ini. Atau jika Anda tahu blockheight, silakan masukkan sebagai gantinya",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"restore_from_seed_placeholder": "Silakan masukkan atau tempel seed Anda di sini",
"restore_new_seed": "Seed baru",
"restore_next": "Selanjutnya",
"restore_recover": "Pulihkan",
"restore_restore_wallet": "Pulihkan Dompet",
"restore_seed_keys_restore": "Pulihkan Seed/Kunci",
"restore_spend_key_private": "Habiskan kunci (pribadi)",
"restore_title_from_backup": "Pulihkan dari cadangan",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"restore_title_from_hardware_wallet": "Kembalikan dari dompet perangkat keras",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"restore_title_from_keys": "Pulihkan dari kunci",
"restore_title_from_seed": "Pulihkan dari seed",
"restore_title_from_seed_keys": "Pulihkan dari seed/kunci",
"restore_view_key_private": "Lihat kunci (pribadi)",
"restore_wallet": "Pulihkan Dompet",
"restore_wallet_name": "Nama dompet",
"restore_wallet_restore_description": "Deskripsi pemulihan dompet",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"robinhood_option_description": "Beli dan transfer secara instan menggunakan kartu debit, rekening bank, atau saldo robinhood Anda. Hanya AS.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"router_no_route": "Tidak ada rute yang ditentukan untuk ${name}",
"save": "Simpan",
"save_backup_password": "Pastikan Anda telah menyimpan kata sandi cadangan Anda. Anda tidak akan dapat mengimpor file cadangan Anda tanpa itu.",
"save_backup_password_alert": "Simpan kata sandi cadangan",
"save_to_downloads": "Simpan ke Unduhan",
"saved_the_trade_id": "Saya telah menyimpan ID perdagangan",
2024-11-24 22:05:09 +00:00
"scan": "Pindai",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"scan_one_block": "Pindai satu blok",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"scan_qr_code": "Scan kode QR untuk mendapatkan alamat",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"scan_qr_code_to_get_address": "Pindai kode QR untuk mendapatkan alamat",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"scan_qr_on_device": "Pindai kode QR ini di perangkat lain",
"search": "Cari",
2023-08-04 17:01:49 +00:00
"search_add_token": "Cari / Tambahkan token",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"search_category": "Cari kategori",
"search_currency": "Cari mata uang",
"search_language": "Cari bahasa",
"second_intro_content": "Yat Anda adalah satu alamat emoji yang unik yang menggantikan semua alamat heksadesimal panjang Anda untuk semua mata uang Anda.",
"second_intro_title": "Satu alamat emoji untuk menguasainya semua",
"security_and_backup": "Keamanan dan cadangan",
"seed_alert_back": "Kembali",
"seed_alert_content": "Seed adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mengembalikan dompet Anda. Apakah Anda sudah menuliskannya?",
"seed_alert_title": "Perhatian",
"seed_alert_yes": "Ya, sudah",
"seed_choose": "Pilih bahasa bibit",
"seed_hex_form": "Biji dompet (bentuk hex)",
"seed_key": "Kunci benih",
"seed_language": "Bahasa benih",
"seed_language_chinese": "Cina",
"seed_language_chinese_traditional": "Cina (tradisional)",
"seed_language_czech": "Ceko",
"seed_language_dutch": "Belanda",
"seed_language_english": "Inggris",
"seed_language_french": "Perancis",
"seed_language_german": "Jerman",
"seed_language_italian": "Italia",
"seed_language_japanese": "Jepang",
"seed_language_korean": "Korea",
"seed_language_next": "Selanjutnya",
"seed_language_portuguese": "Portugis",
"seed_language_russian": "Rusia",
"seed_language_spanish": "Spanyol",
"seed_phrase_length": "Panjang frase benih",
"seed_reminder": "Silakan tulis ini di tempat yang aman jika kamu kehilangan atau menghapus ponselmu",
"seed_share": "Bagikan bibit",
"seed_title": "Bibit",
"seedtype": "Seedtype",
CW-580: BIP39 Wallets Shared Seed Implementation: "One Seed - Multiple Wallets" (#1307)
* feat: Implement creating new BIP39 wallet with same seed used for other owned BIP39 wallets
* feat: Use same seed for BIP39 Wallets
* Update pre_existing_seeds_page.dart
* Feat: BIP39 Same seed wallet creation using the Common Parent Wallet Strategy
* feat: Finalize implementing preexisting seeds
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Bitcoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Litecoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for BitcoinCash wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Nano wallet type, although disabled entry for now
* fix: Remove non bip39 seed wallet type from listing
* feat: Implement grouped and single wallets lists in wallets listing page and implement editing and saving group names
* fix: Issue where the ontap always references the leadwallet, also make shared seed wallets section header only display when the multi wallet groups list is not empty
* fix: Add translation and adjust the way the groups display
* feat: Activate bip39 as an option for creating Nano wallet types
* fix: Handle edgecase with creating new wallet with group address, handle case where only bip39 derivation type is allowed with child wallets, activate nano wallet type for shared seed
* chore: Modify the UI to fit adjustment made on figma
* fix: Disposed box triggering error in hive and causing wallet list view to display error
* fix: Switch wallet groups title in wallets list page and also fix issue with renaming groups
* Update lib/reactions/bip39_wallet_utils.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Update lib/router.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* fix: Review fixes: Combine New Wallet Page Type arguments into a single model
* fix: Review fixes: Add failure guard when fetching mnemonic for selected wallet in pre-existing wallets page
* fix: Review fixes - Add loading indicator when mnemonic is being selected for wallet
* fix: Review fixes - Modify variable name to avoid clashes
* fix: Review fixes - Access WalletManager through dependency injection instead of service location
* fix: Review fixes - Add testnet to convertWalletInfoToWalletlistItem function, and adjust according where used
* fix: Review fixes - Add walletPassword to nano, tron and wownero wallets and confirm it is properly handled as it should be
* fix: Remove leadWallet, modify filtering flow to reflect this and not depend on leadWallet, and adjust privacy settings
* fix: Review Fixes - Modify restore flow to reflect current nature of bip39 as default for majority of wallet types
* fix: QA Fixes - Modify preexisting page to display wallet group names if set, and display them in incremental order if not set
* fix: Add wallet group description page and rename pre-existingseeds page to wallet group display page
* fix: Product Fix - Rename pre-existing seeds file name to wallet group display filename
* fix: Product fix - Separate multiwallets groups from single wallets and display separately
* fix - Product Fix - Add empty state for wallet group listing when creating a new wallet, adjust CTAs across buttons relating to the flow also
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-09-20 18:25:08 +00:00
"seedtype_alert_content": "Berbagi biji dengan dompet lain hanya dimungkinkan dengan BIP39 seedtype.",
"seedtype_alert_title": "Peringatan seedtype",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"seedtype_legacy": "Legacy (25 kata)",
"seedtype_polyseed": "Polyseed (16 kata)",
2024-09-23 14:10:40 +00:00
"seedtype_wownero": "Wownero (14 kata)",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"select_backup_file": "Pilih file cadangan",
"select_buy_provider_notice": "Pilih penyedia beli di atas. Anda dapat melewatkan layar ini dengan mengatur penyedia pembelian default Anda di pengaturan aplikasi.",
"select_destination": "Silakan pilih tujuan untuk file cadangan.",
"select_sell_provider_notice": "Pilih penyedia jual di atas. Anda dapat melewati layar ini dengan mengatur penyedia penjualan default Anda di pengaturan aplikasi.",
2024-11-07 05:50:48 +00:00
"select_your_country": "Pilih negara Anda",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"sell": "Jual",
"sell_alert_content": "Saat ini kami hanya mendukung penjualan Bitcoin, Ethereum, dan Litecoin. Harap buat atau alihkan ke dompet Bitcoin, Ethereum, atau Litecoin Anda.",
"sell_monero_com_alert_content": "Menjual Monero belum didukung",
"send": "Mengirim",
"send_address": "Alamat ${cryptoCurrency}",
"send_amount": "Jumlah:",
2024-09-20 14:24:25 +00:00
"send_change_to_you": "Ubah, untukmu:",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"send_creating_transaction": "Membuat transaksi",
"send_error_currency": "Mata uang hanya dapat berisi angka",
"send_error_minimum_value": "Nilai minimum jumlah adalah 0.01",
"send_estimated_fee": "Biaya yang diperkirakan:",
"send_fee": "Biaya:",
"send_name": "Nama",
"send_new": "Baru",
"send_payment_id": "ID Pembayaran (opsional)",
"send_priority": "Saat ini biaya diatur dengan prioritas ${transactionPriority}.\nPrioritas transaksi dapat diubah pada pengaturan",
"send_sending": "Mengirim...",
"send_success": "${crypto}mu berhasil dikirim",
"send_templates": "Template",
"send_title": "Kirim",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"send_to_this_address": "Kirim ${currency} ${tag} ke alamat ini",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"send_xmr": "Kirim XMR",
"send_your_wallet": "Dompetmu",
"sending": "Mengirim",
"sent": "Dikirim",
2024-04-15 22:45:40 +00:00
"service_health_disabled": "Buletin Kesehatan Layanan dinonaktifkan",
"service_health_disabled_message": "Ini adalah halaman Buletin Kesehatan Layanan, Anda dapat mengaktifkan halaman ini di bawah Pengaturan -> Privasi",
2024-11-27 21:05:04 +00:00
"set_a_pin": "Atur pin",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"settings": "Pengaturan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"settings_all": "SEMUA",
"settings_allow_biometrical_authentication": "Izinkan otentikasi biometrik",
"settings_can_be_changed_later": "Pengaturan ini dapat diubah nanti di pengaturan aplikasi",
"settings_change_language": "Ganti bahasa",
"settings_change_pin": "Ganti PIN",
"settings_currency": "Mata uang",
"settings_current_node": "Node saat ini",
"settings_dark_mode": "Mode gelap",
"settings_display_balance": "Tampilkan saldo",
"settings_display_on_dashboard_list": "Tampilkan di daftar dashboard",
"settings_fee_priority": "Prioritas biaya",
"settings_nodes": "Nodes",
"settings_none": "Tidak ada",
"settings_only_trades": "Hanya perdagangan",
"settings_only_transactions": "Hanya transaksi",
"settings_personal": "Pribadi",
"settings_save_recipient_address": "Simpan alamat penerima",
"settings_support": "Dukungan",
"settings_terms_and_conditions": "Syarat dan Ketentuan",
"settings_title": "Pengaturan",
"settings_trades": "Perdagangan",
"settings_transactions": "Transaksi",
"settings_wallets": "Dompet",
"setup_2fa": "Siapkan Kue 2FA",
"setup_2fa_text": "Cake 2FA bekerja menggunakan TOTP sebagai faktor otentikasi kedua.\n\nTOTP Cake 2FA memerlukan SHA-512 dan dukungan 8 digit; ini memberikan peningkatan keamanan. Informasi lebih lanjut dan aplikasi yang didukung dapat ditemukan di panduan.",
"setup_pin": "Pasang PIN",
"setup_successful": "PIN Anda telah berhasil diatur!",
"setup_totp_recommended": "Pengaturan TOTP",
"setup_warning_2fa_text": "Anda perlu memulihkan dompet Anda dari benih mnemonik.\n\nDukungan kue tidak akan dapat membantu Anda jika Anda kehilangan akses ke 2FA atau benih mnemonik.\nCake 2FA adalah otentikasi kedua untuk tindakan tertentu di dompet. Sebelum menggunakan Cake 2FA, kami sarankan untuk membaca panduannya.Ini TIDAK seaman penyimpanan dingin.\n\nJika Anda kehilangan akses ke aplikasi 2FA atau kunci TOTP, Anda AKAN kehilangan akses ke dompet ini. ",
"setup_your_debit_card": "Pasang kartu debit Anda",
2023-07-11 21:21:59 +00:00
"share": "Membagikan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"share_address": "Bagikan alamat",
CW-580: BIP39 Wallets Shared Seed Implementation: "One Seed - Multiple Wallets" (#1307)
* feat: Implement creating new BIP39 wallet with same seed used for other owned BIP39 wallets
* feat: Use same seed for BIP39 Wallets
* Update pre_existing_seeds_page.dart
* Feat: BIP39 Same seed wallet creation using the Common Parent Wallet Strategy
* feat: Finalize implementing preexisting seeds
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Bitcoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Litecoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for BitcoinCash wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Nano wallet type, although disabled entry for now
* fix: Remove non bip39 seed wallet type from listing
* feat: Implement grouped and single wallets lists in wallets listing page and implement editing and saving group names
* fix: Issue where the ontap always references the leadwallet, also make shared seed wallets section header only display when the multi wallet groups list is not empty
* fix: Add translation and adjust the way the groups display
* feat: Activate bip39 as an option for creating Nano wallet types
* fix: Handle edgecase with creating new wallet with group address, handle case where only bip39 derivation type is allowed with child wallets, activate nano wallet type for shared seed
* chore: Modify the UI to fit adjustment made on figma
* fix: Disposed box triggering error in hive and causing wallet list view to display error
* fix: Switch wallet groups title in wallets list page and also fix issue with renaming groups
* Update lib/reactions/bip39_wallet_utils.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Update lib/router.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* fix: Review fixes: Combine New Wallet Page Type arguments into a single model
* fix: Review fixes: Add failure guard when fetching mnemonic for selected wallet in pre-existing wallets page
* fix: Review fixes - Add loading indicator when mnemonic is being selected for wallet
* fix: Review fixes - Modify variable name to avoid clashes
* fix: Review fixes - Access WalletManager through dependency injection instead of service location
* fix: Review fixes - Add testnet to convertWalletInfoToWalletlistItem function, and adjust according where used
* fix: Review fixes - Add walletPassword to nano, tron and wownero wallets and confirm it is properly handled as it should be
* fix: Remove leadWallet, modify filtering flow to reflect this and not depend on leadWallet, and adjust privacy settings
* fix: Review Fixes - Modify restore flow to reflect current nature of bip39 as default for majority of wallet types
* fix: QA Fixes - Modify preexisting page to display wallet group names if set, and display them in incremental order if not set
* fix: Add wallet group description page and rename pre-existingseeds page to wallet group display page
* fix: Product Fix - Rename pre-existing seeds file name to wallet group display filename
* fix: Product fix - Separate multiwallets groups from single wallets and display separately
* fix - Product Fix - Add empty state for wallet group listing when creating a new wallet, adjust CTAs across buttons relating to the flow also
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-09-20 18:25:08 +00:00
"shared_seed_wallet_groups": "Kelompok dompet benih bersama",
2024-11-09 18:59:47 +00:00
"show": "Menunjukkan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"show_details": "Tampilkan Rincian",
"show_keys": "Tampilkan seed/kunci",
"show_market_place": "Tampilkan Pasar",
"show_seed": "Tampilkan seed",
2024-08-17 23:10:27 +00:00
"sign_message": "Pesan tanda",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"sign_up": "Daftar",
2024-09-23 14:10:40 +00:00
"sign_verify_message": "Tanda / verifikasi",
2024-08-17 23:10:27 +00:00
"sign_verify_message_sub": "Menandatangani atau memverifikasi pesan menggunakan kunci pribadi Anda",
"sign_verify_title": "Tanda / verifikasi",
"signature": "Tanda tangan",
"signature_invalid_error": "Tanda tangan tidak valid untuk pesan yang diberikan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"signTransaction": "Tandatangani Transaksi",
"signup_for_card_accept_terms": "Daftar untuk kartu dan terima syarat dan ketentuan.",
2024-09-20 14:24:25 +00:00
"silent_payment": "Pembayaran diam",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"silent_payments": "Pembayaran diam",
"silent_payments_always_scan": "Tetapkan pembayaran diam selalu pemindaian",
"silent_payments_disclaimer": "Alamat baru bukanlah identitas baru. Ini adalah penggunaan kembali identitas yang ada dengan label yang berbeda.",
"silent_payments_display_card": "Tunjukkan kartu pembayaran diam",
2024-10-04 14:49:49 +00:00
"silent_payments_register_key": "Daftar Kunci Lihat untuk pemindaian yang lebih cepat",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"silent_payments_scan_from_date": "Pindai dari tanggal",
"silent_payments_scan_from_date_or_blockheight": "Harap masukkan ketinggian blok yang ingin Anda mulai pemindaian untuk pembayaran diam yang masuk, atau, gunakan tanggal sebagai gantinya. Anda dapat memilih jika dompet terus memindai setiap blok, atau memeriksa hanya ketinggian yang ditentukan.",
"silent_payments_scan_from_height": "Pindai dari Tinggi Blok",
"silent_payments_scanned_tip": "Pindai untuk memberi tip! (${tip})",
"silent_payments_scanning": "Pemindaian pembayaran diam",
"silent_payments_settings": "Pengaturan pembayaran diam",
CW-580: BIP39 Wallets Shared Seed Implementation: "One Seed - Multiple Wallets" (#1307)
* feat: Implement creating new BIP39 wallet with same seed used for other owned BIP39 wallets
* feat: Use same seed for BIP39 Wallets
* Update pre_existing_seeds_page.dart
* Feat: BIP39 Same seed wallet creation using the Common Parent Wallet Strategy
* feat: Finalize implementing preexisting seeds
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Bitcoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Litecoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for BitcoinCash wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Nano wallet type, although disabled entry for now
* fix: Remove non bip39 seed wallet type from listing
* feat: Implement grouped and single wallets lists in wallets listing page and implement editing and saving group names
* fix: Issue where the ontap always references the leadwallet, also make shared seed wallets section header only display when the multi wallet groups list is not empty
* fix: Add translation and adjust the way the groups display
* feat: Activate bip39 as an option for creating Nano wallet types
* fix: Handle edgecase with creating new wallet with group address, handle case where only bip39 derivation type is allowed with child wallets, activate nano wallet type for shared seed
* chore: Modify the UI to fit adjustment made on figma
* fix: Disposed box triggering error in hive and causing wallet list view to display error
* fix: Switch wallet groups title in wallets list page and also fix issue with renaming groups
* Update lib/reactions/bip39_wallet_utils.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Update lib/router.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* fix: Review fixes: Combine New Wallet Page Type arguments into a single model
* fix: Review fixes: Add failure guard when fetching mnemonic for selected wallet in pre-existing wallets page
* fix: Review fixes - Add loading indicator when mnemonic is being selected for wallet
* fix: Review fixes - Modify variable name to avoid clashes
* fix: Review fixes - Access WalletManager through dependency injection instead of service location
* fix: Review fixes - Add testnet to convertWalletInfoToWalletlistItem function, and adjust according where used
* fix: Review fixes - Add walletPassword to nano, tron and wownero wallets and confirm it is properly handled as it should be
* fix: Remove leadWallet, modify filtering flow to reflect this and not depend on leadWallet, and adjust privacy settings
* fix: Review Fixes - Modify restore flow to reflect current nature of bip39 as default for majority of wallet types
* fix: QA Fixes - Modify preexisting page to display wallet group names if set, and display them in incremental order if not set
* fix: Add wallet group description page and rename pre-existingseeds page to wallet group display page
* fix: Product Fix - Rename pre-existing seeds file name to wallet group display filename
* fix: Product fix - Separate multiwallets groups from single wallets and display separately
* fix - Product Fix - Add empty state for wallet group listing when creating a new wallet, adjust CTAs across buttons relating to the flow also
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-09-20 18:25:08 +00:00
"single_seed_wallets_group": "Dompet biji tunggal",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"slidable": "Dapat digeser",
"sort_by": "Sortir dengan",
"spend_key_private": "Kunci pengeluaran (privat)",
"spend_key_public": "Kunci pengeluaran (publik)",
"status": "Status: ",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"string_default": "Bawaan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"subaddress_title": "Daftar sub-alamat",
"subaddresses": "Sub-alamat",
"submit_request": "kirim permintaan",
"successful": "Berhasil",
"support_description_guides": "Dokumentasi dan dukungan untuk masalah umum",
2023-08-15 00:47:25 +00:00
"support_description_live_chat": "Gratis dan Cepat! Perwakilan dukungan terlatih tersedia untuk membantu",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"support_description_other_links": "Bergabunglah dengan komunitas kami atau hubungi kami mitra kami melalui metode lain",
2023-08-15 00:47:25 +00:00
"support_title_guides": "Panduan Dompet Kue",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"support_title_live_chat": "Dukungan langsung",
2023-08-15 00:47:25 +00:00
"support_title_other_links": "Tautan dukungan lainnya",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"sweeping_wallet": "Dompet menyapu",
"sweeping_wallet_alert": "Ini seharusnya tidak memakan waktu lama. Jangan tinggalkan layar ini atau dana swept mungkin hilang.",
2023-11-15 23:12:23 +00:00
"switchToETHWallet": "Silakan beralih ke dompet Ethereum dan coba lagi",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"switchToEVMCompatibleWallet": "Silakan beralih ke dompet yang kompatibel dengan EVM dan coba lagi (Ethereum, Polygon)",
2023-11-22 17:43:26 +00:00
"symbol": "Simbol",
2024-02-06 20:44:21 +00:00
"sync_all_wallets": "Sinkronkan semua dompet",
2024-09-20 14:24:25 +00:00
"sync_status_attempting_scan": "Mencoba memindai",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"sync_status_attempting_sync": "MENCOBA SINKRONISASI",
"sync_status_connected": "TERHUBUNG",
"sync_status_connecting": "MENGHUBUNGKAN",
"sync_status_failed_connect": "GAGAL TERHUBUNG",
"sync_status_not_connected": "TIDAK TERHUBUNG",
2024-09-20 14:24:25 +00:00
"sync_status_starting_scan": "Mulai pemindaian (dari ${height})",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"sync_status_starting_sync": "MULAI SINKRONISASI",
"sync_status_syncronized": "SUDAH TERSINKRONISASI",
"sync_status_syncronizing": "SEDANG SINKRONISASI",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"sync_status_timed_out": "WAKTU HABIS",
"sync_status_unsupported": "Node yang tidak didukung",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"syncing_wallet_alert_content": "Saldo dan daftar transaksi Anda mungkin belum lengkap sampai tertulis “SYNCHRONIZED” di bagian atas. Klik/ketuk untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.",
"syncing_wallet_alert_title": "Dompet Anda sedang disinkronkan",
"template": "Template",
"template_name": "Nama Templat",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"testnet_coins_no_value": "Koin TestNet tidak memiliki nilai",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"third_intro_content": "Yats hidup di luar Cake Wallet juga. Setiap alamat dompet di dunia dapat diganti dengan Yat!",
"third_intro_title": "Yat bermain baik dengan yang lain",
2024-04-25 01:14:11 +00:00
"thorchain_contract_address_not_supported": "Thorchain tidak mendukung pengiriman ke alamat kontrak",
2024-03-28 12:41:11 +00:00
"thorchain_taproot_address_not_supported": "Penyedia Thorchain tidak mendukung alamat Taproot. Harap ubah alamatnya atau pilih penyedia yang berbeda.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"time": "${minutes}m ${seconds}s",
"tip": "Tip:",
"today": "Hari ini",
"token_contract_address": "Alamat kontrak token",
"token_decimal": "Desimal token",
"token_name": "Nama token misalnya: Tether",
"token_symbol": "Simbol token misalnya: USDT",
"tokenID": "PENGENAL",
"tor_connection": "koneksi Tor",
"tor_only": "Hanya Tor",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"total": "Total",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"total_saving": "Total Pembayaran",
"totp_2fa_failure": "Kode salah. Silakan coba kode lain atau buat kunci rahasia baru. Gunakan aplikasi 2FA yang kompatibel yang mendukung kode 8 digit dan SHA512.",
"totp_2fa_success": "Kesuksesan! Cake 2FA diaktifkan untuk dompet ini. Ingatlah untuk menyimpan benih mnemonik Anda jika Anda kehilangan akses dompet.",
"totp_auth_url": "URL Otentikasi TOTP",
"totp_code": "Kode TOTP",
"totp_secret_code": "Kode Rahasia TOTP",
"totp_verification_success": "Verifikasi Berhasil!",
2024-03-28 12:41:11 +00:00
"track": "Melacak",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"trade_details_copied": "${title} disalin ke Clipboard",
"trade_details_created_at": "Dibuat pada",
"trade_details_fetching": "Mengambil",
"trade_details_id": "ID",
"trade_details_pair": "Pasangan",
"trade_details_provider": "Penyedia",
"trade_details_state": "Status",
"trade_details_title": "Detail Transaksi",
"trade_for_not_created": "Perdagangan untuk ${title} belum dibuat.",
"trade_history_title": "Riwayat Transaksi",
"trade_id": "ID Perdagangan:",
"trade_id_not_found": "Perdagangan ${tradeId} dari ${title} tidak ditemukan.",
"trade_is_powered_by": "Perdagangan ini didukung oleh ${provider}",
"trade_not_created": "Perdagangan belum dibuat",
"trade_not_found": "Perdagangan tidak ditemukan.",
"trade_state_btc_sent": "Btc dikirim",
"trade_state_complete": "Selesai",
"trade_state_confirming": "Menegkonfirmasi",
"trade_state_created": "Dibuat",
"trade_state_finished": "Selesai",
"trade_state_paid": "Dibayar",
"trade_state_paid_unconfirmed": "Dibayar belum dikonfirmasi",
"trade_state_pending": "Menunggu",
"trade_state_timeout": "Waktu habis",
"trade_state_to_be_created": "Akan dibuat",
"trade_state_traded": "Telah Berdagang",
"trade_state_trading": "Berdagang",
"trade_state_underpaid": "Kurang bayar",
"trade_state_unpaid": "Belum dibayar",
"trades": "Perdagangan",
"transaction_details_amount": "Jumlah",
"transaction_details_copied": "${title} disalin ke Clipboard",
"transaction_details_date": "Tanggal",
"transaction_details_fee": "Biaya",
"transaction_details_height": "Tinggi",
"transaction_details_recipient_address": "Alamat Penerima",
"transaction_details_source_address": "Alamat sumber",
"transaction_details_title": "Rincian Transaksi",
"transaction_details_transaction_id": "ID Transaksi",
"transaction_key": "Kunci transaksi",
"transaction_priority_fast": "Cepat",
"transaction_priority_fastest": "Tercepat",
"transaction_priority_medium": "Sedang",
"transaction_priority_regular": "Normal",
"transaction_priority_slow": "Lambat",
"transaction_sent": "Transaksi terkirim!",
"transaction_sent_notice": "Jika layar tidak bergerak setelah 1 menit, periksa block explorer dan email Anda.",
"transactions": "Transaksi",
"transactions_by_date": "Transaksi berdasarkan tanggal",
2024-05-08 14:26:57 +00:00
"trongrid_history": "Sejarah Trongrid",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"trusted": "Dipercayai",
2024-03-29 18:51:34 +00:00
"tx_commit_exception_no_dust_on_change": "Transaksi ditolak dengan jumlah ini. Dengan koin ini Anda dapat mengirim ${min} tanpa perubahan atau ${max} yang mengembalikan perubahan.",
"tx_commit_failed": "Transaksi Gagal. Silakan hubungi Dukungan.",
litecoin mweb support (#1455)
* Fix stub creation
* Generate MWEB addresses
* Fix mweb address derivation
* Use camel-case
* Show utxos in tx list
* A few fixes
* Add spent processing
* Update balance
* Balance fixes
* Update address records
* Get rid of debounce hack
* Get sending up to the confirmation box
* Fee estimation
* Stop the daemon if plugin is unloaded
* Normal fee for non-mweb txns
* Fix fee estimation for send all
* Don't hash mweb addresses
* More fee fixes
* Broadcast mweb
* Remove test files
* One more
* Confirm sent txns
* Couple of fixes
* Resign inputs after mweb create
* Some more fixes
* Update balance after sending
* Correctly update address records
* Update confs
* [skip ci] updates
* [skip ci] add dep overrides
* working
* small fix
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* merge fixes [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor fixes
* silent payment fixes [skip ci]
* updates [skip ci]
* save [skip ci]
* use mwebutxos box
* [skip ci] lots of fixes, still testing
* add rescan from height feature and test workflow build
* install go
* use sudo
* correct package name
* move building mweb higher for faster testing
* install fixes
* install later version of go
* go fixes
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* testing
* should workgit add .github/workflows/pr_test_build.yml
* ???
* ??? pt.2
* should work, for real this time
* fix tx history not persisting + update build_mwebd script
* updates
* fix some rescan and address gen issues
* save [skip ci]
* fix unconfirmed balance not updating when receiving
* unspent coins / coin control fixes
* coin control fixes
* address balance and txCount fixes, try/catch electrum call
* fix txCount for addresses
* save [skip ci]
* potential fixes
* minor fix
* minor fix - 2
* sync status fixes, potential fix for background state issue
* workflow and script updates
* updates
* expirimental optimization
* [skip ci] minor enhancements
* workflow and script fixes
* workflow minor cleanup [skip ci]
* minor code cleanup & friendlier error message on failed tx's
* balance when sending fix
* experimental
* more experiments
* save
* updates
* coin control edge cases
* remove neutrino.db if no litecoin wallets left after deleting
* update translations
* updates
* minor fix
* [skip ci] update translations + minor fixes
* state fixes
* configure fix
* ui updates
* translation fixes
* [skip ci] addressbook updates
* fix popup
* fix popup2
* fix litecoin address book
* fix ios mwebd build script
* fix for building monero.com
* minor fix
* uncomment fix for state issues
* potential mweb sync fix (ios)
* remove print [skip ci]
* electrum stream potential fix
* fix ios build issues [skip ci]
* connection reliability updates, update kotlin code to match swift code, minor electrum error handling
* dep fixes
* minor fix
* more merge fixes
* bitcoin_flutter removal fixes
* [skip ci] fix always scan setting, swift updates
* updates
* fixes
* small fix
* small fix
* fix
* dart:convert != package:convert
* change address fixes
* update bitcoin_base to fix mweb address program checking
* fix ios xcode project [skip ci]
* updates
* more fixes
* more fixes
* ensure we don't initialize mweb until we really have to
* fix regression
* improve mweb reliability
* [skip ci] wip adress generation
* wip
* wip
* [skip ci] wip
* updates [skip ci]
* ios fixes
* fix workflows + ios fix
* test old mweb version
* update go version and mwebd hash
* review updates pt.1
* Update cw_bitcoin/lib/litecoin_wallet.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* remove non-litecoin address types regex [skip ci]
* more minor fixes
* remove duplicate [skip ci]
* Update lib/store/settings_store.dart
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* script updates, swap params on createLitecoinWalletService
* topup fix
* [skip ci] wip
* [skip ci] testing
* [skip ci] file didn't get saved
* more address generation reliability fixes
* [skip ci] minor
* minor code cleanup
* hopefully prevents send issue
* [skip ci] wip address changes
* [skip ci] save
* save mweb addresses, auto-restart sync process if it gets stuck [skip ci]
* address generation issues mostly resolved
* more performance fixes
* [skip ci]
* this should maybe be refactored, pt.1
* separate mweb balances, pt.2
* [skip ci] save
* add translations [skip ci]
* fix sending with mweb amounts
* works for simple mweb-mweb case, further testing needed
* found an edge case
* [skip ci] make failed broadcast error message less serious
* minor
* capture all grpc errors and much better error handling overall
* [skip ci] minor
* prevent transactions with < 6 confirmations from being used + hide mweb balances if mweb is off
* fix
* merge fixes pt.1 [skip ci]
* fix mweb tags
* fix
* [skip ci] fix tag spacing
* fix transaction history not showing up
* fix mweb crash on non-fully deleted mweb cache, sync status ETA, other connection fixes
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* [skip ci] minor code cleanup
* additional cleanup
* silent payments eta fixes and updates
* revert sync eta changes into separate pr
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* revert sync status title
* review fixes, additional cleanup
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] minor
* trigger build
* review fixes, pt.2
* check if still processing utxos before updating sync status [skip ci]
* [skip ci] minor
* balance fix
* minor
* minor
* [skip ci] minor
* [skip ci] fix test net btc
* don't use mwebd for non-mweb tx's
* [skip ci] minor cleanup
* don't show all 1000+ mweb addresses on receive page
* minor cleanup + additional logging
Co-authored-by: Hector Chu <hectorchu@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Czarek Nakamoto <cyjan@mrcyjanek.net>
2024-09-28 02:22:25 +00:00
"tx_commit_failed_no_peers": "Transaksi gagal untuk disiarkan, silakan coba lagi sebentar lagi",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"tx_invalid_input": "Anda menggunakan jenis input yang salah untuk jenis pembayaran ini",
2024-03-29 18:51:34 +00:00
"tx_no_dust_exception": "Transaksi ditolak dengan mengirimkan jumlah yang terlalu kecil. Silakan coba tingkatkan jumlahnya.",
"tx_not_enough_inputs_exception": "Tidak cukup input yang tersedia. Pilih lebih banyak lagi di bawah Kontrol Koin",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"tx_rejected_bip68_final": "Transaksi memiliki input yang belum dikonfirmasi dan gagal mengganti dengan biaya.",
2024-03-29 18:51:34 +00:00
"tx_rejected_dust_change": "Transaksi ditolak oleh aturan jaringan, jumlah perubahan rendah (debu). Coba kirim semua atau mengurangi jumlahnya.",
"tx_rejected_dust_output": "Transaksi ditolak oleh aturan jaringan, jumlah output rendah (debu). Harap tingkatkan jumlahnya.",
"tx_rejected_dust_output_send_all": "Transaksi ditolak oleh aturan jaringan, jumlah output rendah (debu). Silakan periksa saldo koin yang dipilih di bawah kontrol koin.",
"tx_rejected_vout_negative": "Tidak cukup saldo untuk membayar biaya transaksi ini. Silakan periksa saldo koin di bawah kendali koin.",
"tx_wrong_balance_exception": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup ${currency} untuk mengirim jumlah ini.",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"tx_wrong_balance_with_amount_exception": "Anda tidak memiliki cukup ${currency} untuk mengirim jumlah total ${amount}",
2024-03-29 18:51:34 +00:00
"tx_zero_fee_exception": "Tidak dapat mengirim transaksi dengan biaya 0. Coba tingkatkan tarif atau periksa koneksi Anda untuk perkiraan terbaru.",
2023-11-16 23:22:10 +00:00
"unavailable_balance": "Saldo tidak tersedia",
"unavailable_balance_description": "Saldo Tidak Tersedia: Total ini termasuk dana yang terkunci dalam transaksi yang tertunda dan dana yang telah Anda bekukan secara aktif di pengaturan kontrol koin Anda. Saldo yang terkunci akan tersedia setelah transaksi masing-masing selesai, sedangkan saldo yang dibekukan tetap tidak dapat diakses untuk transaksi sampai Anda memutuskan untuk mencairkannya.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"unconfirmed": "Saldo Belum Dikonfirmasi",
"understand": "Saya mengerti",
CW-676 Add Linux scripts to build monero_c for linux platform (#1527)
* Revert "Revert btc address types"
This reverts commit a49e57e3
* Re-add Bitcoin Address types
Fix conflicts with main
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* Update Monero
* not sure why it's failing
* Enable Exolix
Improve service updates indicator
New versions
* Add exolix Api token to limits api
* Ignore reporting network issues
* Change default bitcoin node
* Merge main and update linux version
* Update app version [skip ci]
* New versions
* Fix conflicts and update linux version
* minor fix
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* update linux version
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* various fixes for build issues
* initial monero.dart implementation
* ...
* multiple wallets
new lib
minor fixes
* other fixes from monero.dart and monero_c
* fix: nodes & build
* update build scripts
fix polyseed
* remove unnecessary code
* Add windows app, build scripts and build guide for it.
* Minor fix in generated monero configs
* Merge and fix main
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* add missing monero_c command
* add android build script
* update version
* Merge and fix main
* undo android ndk removal
* Fix modified exception_handler.dart
* Temporarily remove haven
* fix build issues
* fix pr script
* Fixes for build monero.dart (monero_c) for windows.
* monero build script
* wip: ios build script
* refactor: unchanged file
* Added build guides for iOS and macOS. Replaced nproc call on macOS. Added macOS configuration for configure_cake_wallet.sh script.
* Update monero.dart and monero_c versions.
* Add missed windows build scripts
* Update the application configuration for windows build script.
* Update cw_monero pubspec lock file for monero.dart
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* Fix conflicts with main
* fix for multiple wallets
* update app version [skip ci]
* Add tron to windows application configuration.
* Add macOS option for description message in configure_cake_wallet.sh
* fix missing encryption utils in hardware wallet functions [skip ci]
* fix conflicts
* Include missed monero dll for windows.
* reformatting [skip ci]
* fix conflicts with main
* Disable haven configuration for iOS as default. Add ability to configure cakewallet for iOS with for configuration script. Remove cw_shared configuration for cw_monero.
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* add missing nano secrets file [skip ci]
* ios library
* don't pull prebuilds android
* Add auto generation of manifest file for android project even for iOS, macOS, Windows.
* remove tron
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* store crash fix
* make init async so it won't lag
disable print starts
* fix monero_c build issues
* libstdc++
* merge main and update version
* Fix MacOS saving wallet file issue
Fix Secure Storage issue (somehow)
* update pubspec.lock
* fix build script
* Use dylib as iOS framework. Use custom path for loading of iOS framework for monero.dart. Add script for generate iOS framework for monero wallet.
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* bump monero_c hash
* bump monero_c commit
* bump moneroc version
* bump monero_c commit
* Add ability to build monero wallet lib as universal lib. Update macOS build guide. Change default arch for macOS project to .
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* update version
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* get App Dir correctly in default_settings_migration.dart
* handle previous issue with fetching linux documents directory [skip ci]
* backup fix
* fix NTFS issues
* Add Tron
Update Linux version
* Close the wallet when the wallet gets changed
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* bump monero_c commit
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* Only stop wallet on rename and delete
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* bump monero_c commit
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
* merge main
* Update macOS build guide. Change brew dependencies for build unbound locally.
* fix: Tron file write, build scripts
* - merge linux with Monero Dart
- Temporarily disable Monero
* fix other issues with linux
* linux ci
fix build script
* Update pr_test_build_linux.yml
install required packages
* add linux desktop dependencies
* don't use apk in linux build releases
* don't copy the file to test-apk
* fix linux runtime issues
* remove libc++_shared.so
* fix issues with linux
* prepare both android and linux (because otherwise it will fail)
* ci script updates
* run apt update
* bump image to ubuntu 22.04
note: remember to put it down later
* bump python version
* remove some dependencies
* remove unused import
* add missing dependencies
* fix dependencies
* some fixes
* remove print [skip ci]
* Add back RunnerBase.entitlements
minor fixes [skip ci]
* fix memory leak / infinite recurrsion when opening xmr wallet
* url_launcher_linux: 3.1.1 # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/153083
* fix conflicts with main
* handle walletKeysFile with encryptionUtils
* update app version [skip ci]
* add wownero [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rafael Saes <git@rafael.saes.dev>
Co-authored-by: M <m@cakewallet.com>
Co-authored-by: Konstantin Ullrich <konstantinullrich12@gmail.com>
2024-08-12 22:18:14 +00:00
"unlock": "Membuka kunci",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"unmatched_currencies": "Mata uang dompet Anda saat ini tidak cocok dengan yang ditandai QR",
2023-11-18 13:43:15 +00:00
"unspent_change": "Mengubah",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"unspent_coins_details_title": "Rincian koin yang tidak terpakai",
"unspent_coins_title": "Koin yang tidak terpakai",
"unsupported_asset": "Kami tidak mendukung tindakan ini untuk aset ini. Harap buat atau alihkan ke dompet dari jenis aset yang didukung.",
2024-04-12 12:36:42 +00:00
"uptime": "Uptime",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"upto": "hingga ${value}",
2024-05-05 01:44:50 +00:00
"usb": "USB",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"use": "Beralih ke ",
"use_card_info_three": "Gunakan kartu digital secara online atau dengan metode pembayaran tanpa kontak.",
"use_card_info_two": "Dana dikonversi ke USD ketika disimpan dalam akun pra-bayar, bukan dalam mata uang digital.",
"use_ssl": "Gunakan SSL",
"use_suggested": "Gunakan yang Disarankan",
Btc address types (#1263)
* inital migration changes
* feat: rest of changes
* minor fix [skip ci]
* fix: P2wshAddress & wallet address index
* fix: address review comments
* fix: address type restore
* feat: add testnet
* Fix review comments
Remove bitcoin_base from cw_core
* Fix address not matching selected type on start
* remove un-necessary parameter [skip ci]
* Remove bitcoin specific code from main lib
Fix possible runtime exception from list wrong access
* Minor fix
* fix: fixes for Testnet
* fix: bitcoin receive option dependency breaks monerocom
* Fix issues when building Monero.com
* feat: Transaction Builder changes
* fix: discover addresses, testnet restoring, duplicate unspent coins, and taproot address vs schnorr sig tweak
* fix: remove print
* feat: improve error when failed broadcast response
* feat: create fish shell env script
* fix: unmodifiable maps
* fix: build
* fix: build
* fix: computed observable side effect bug
* feat: add nix script for android build_all
* fix: wrong keypairs used for signing
* fix: wrong addresses when using fromScriptPubKey scripts
* fix(actual commit): testnet tx expanded + wrong addresses when using fromScriptPubKey scripts (update bitcoin_base deps)
* fix: self-send [skip ci]
* fix: p2wsh
* fix: testnet fees
* New versions
* Update macos build number
Minor UI fix
* fix: use new bitcoin_base ref, fix tx list wrong hex value & refactor hidden vs hd use
- if always use sideHd for isHidden, it is easier to simplify the functions instead of passing both which can be error prone
- (ps: now this could probably be changed, for example from isHidden to isChange since with address list we now see "hidden" addresses)
* Fix if condition to handle litecoin case
* fix: self-send, change address was always making direction incoming
* refactor: improve estimation function, add more inputs if balance missing
* fix: new bitcoin_base update, fixes script issues
* Update evm chain wallet service arguments
* Fix translation [skip ci]
* Fix translation [skip ci]
* Update strings_fr.arb [skip ci]
* fix: async isChange function not being awaited, refactor to reduce looping into a single place
* fix: _address vs address, missing p2sh
* fix: minor mistake in storing p2sh page type [skip ci]
* refactor: use already matched addresses property
* feat: improved perfomance for fetching transaction histories
* feat: continue perfomance change, improve address discovery only to last address by type with history
* fix: make sure transaction list is sorted by date
* refactor: isTestnet only for bitcoin
* fix: walletInfo type null case
* fix: deprecated p2pk
* refactor: make condition more readable
* refactor: remove unnecessary Str variant
* refactor: make condition more readable
* fix: infinite loop possible
* Revert removing isTestnet from other wallets [skip ci]
* refactor: rename addresses when matched by receive type
* Make the beta build [skip ci]
Remove app_env.fish
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-02-23 16:13:30 +00:00
"use_testnet": "Gunakan TestNet",
2024-06-06 04:51:22 +00:00
"value": "Nilai",
"value_type": "Jenis Nilai",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"variable_pair_not_supported": "Pasangan variabel ini tidak didukung dengan bursa yang dipilih",
"verification": "Verifikasi",
2024-08-17 23:10:27 +00:00
"verify_message": "Verifikasi pesan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"verify_with_2fa": "Verifikasi dengan Cake 2FA",
"version": "Versi ${currentVersion}",
"view_all": "Lihat Semua",
"view_in_block_explorer": "Lihat di Block Explorer",
"view_key_private": "Kunci tampilan (privat)",
"view_key_public": "Kunci tampilan (publik)",
"view_transaction_on": "Lihat Transaksi di ",
2024-04-12 12:36:42 +00:00
"voting_weight": "Berat voting",
2024-02-28 02:15:18 +00:00
"waitFewSecondForTxUpdate": "Mohon tunggu beberapa detik hingga transaksi terlihat di riwayat transaksi",
2024-11-27 21:05:04 +00:00
"wallet": "Dompet",
CW-580: BIP39 Wallets Shared Seed Implementation: "One Seed - Multiple Wallets" (#1307)
* feat: Implement creating new BIP39 wallet with same seed used for other owned BIP39 wallets
* feat: Use same seed for BIP39 Wallets
* Update pre_existing_seeds_page.dart
* Feat: BIP39 Same seed wallet creation using the Common Parent Wallet Strategy
* feat: Finalize implementing preexisting seeds
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Bitcoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Litecoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for BitcoinCash wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Nano wallet type, although disabled entry for now
* fix: Remove non bip39 seed wallet type from listing
* feat: Implement grouped and single wallets lists in wallets listing page and implement editing and saving group names
* fix: Issue where the ontap always references the leadwallet, also make shared seed wallets section header only display when the multi wallet groups list is not empty
* fix: Add translation and adjust the way the groups display
* feat: Activate bip39 as an option for creating Nano wallet types
* fix: Handle edgecase with creating new wallet with group address, handle case where only bip39 derivation type is allowed with child wallets, activate nano wallet type for shared seed
* chore: Modify the UI to fit adjustment made on figma
* fix: Disposed box triggering error in hive and causing wallet list view to display error
* fix: Switch wallet groups title in wallets list page and also fix issue with renaming groups
* Update lib/reactions/bip39_wallet_utils.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Update lib/router.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* fix: Review fixes: Combine New Wallet Page Type arguments into a single model
* fix: Review fixes: Add failure guard when fetching mnemonic for selected wallet in pre-existing wallets page
* fix: Review fixes - Add loading indicator when mnemonic is being selected for wallet
* fix: Review fixes - Modify variable name to avoid clashes
* fix: Review fixes - Access WalletManager through dependency injection instead of service location
* fix: Review fixes - Add testnet to convertWalletInfoToWalletlistItem function, and adjust according where used
* fix: Review fixes - Add walletPassword to nano, tron and wownero wallets and confirm it is properly handled as it should be
* fix: Remove leadWallet, modify filtering flow to reflect this and not depend on leadWallet, and adjust privacy settings
* fix: Review Fixes - Modify restore flow to reflect current nature of bip39 as default for majority of wallet types
* fix: QA Fixes - Modify preexisting page to display wallet group names if set, and display them in incremental order if not set
* fix: Add wallet group description page and rename pre-existingseeds page to wallet group display page
* fix: Product Fix - Rename pre-existing seeds file name to wallet group display filename
* fix: Product fix - Separate multiwallets groups from single wallets and display separately
* fix - Product Fix - Add empty state for wallet group listing when creating a new wallet, adjust CTAs across buttons relating to the flow also
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-09-20 18:25:08 +00:00
"wallet_group": "Kelompok dompet",
"wallet_group_description_four": "Untuk membuat dompet dengan benih yang sama sekali baru.",
"wallet_group_description_one": "Di dompet kue, Anda dapat membuat file",
"wallet_group_description_three": "Untuk melihat layar dompet dan/atau grup dompet yang tersedia. Atau pilih",
"wallet_group_description_two": "dengan memilih dompet yang ada untuk berbagi benih dengan. Setiap grup dompet dapat berisi satu dompet dari setiap jenis mata uang. \n\n Anda dapat memilih",
"wallet_group_empty_state_text_one": "Sepertinya Anda tidak memiliki grup dompet yang kompatibel !\n\n tap",
"wallet_group_empty_state_text_two": "di bawah ini untuk membuat yang baru.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"wallet_keys": "Seed/kunci dompet",
"wallet_list_create_new_wallet": "Buat Dompet Baru",
CW-580: BIP39 Wallets Shared Seed Implementation: "One Seed - Multiple Wallets" (#1307)
* feat: Implement creating new BIP39 wallet with same seed used for other owned BIP39 wallets
* feat: Use same seed for BIP39 Wallets
* Update pre_existing_seeds_page.dart
* Feat: BIP39 Same seed wallet creation using the Common Parent Wallet Strategy
* feat: Finalize implementing preexisting seeds
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Bitcoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Litecoin wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for BitcoinCash wallet type
* feat: Implement shared bip39 wallet seed for Nano wallet type, although disabled entry for now
* fix: Remove non bip39 seed wallet type from listing
* feat: Implement grouped and single wallets lists in wallets listing page and implement editing and saving group names
* fix: Issue where the ontap always references the leadwallet, also make shared seed wallets section header only display when the multi wallet groups list is not empty
* fix: Add translation and adjust the way the groups display
* feat: Activate bip39 as an option for creating Nano wallet types
* fix: Handle edgecase with creating new wallet with group address, handle case where only bip39 derivation type is allowed with child wallets, activate nano wallet type for shared seed
* chore: Modify the UI to fit adjustment made on figma
* fix: Disposed box triggering error in hive and causing wallet list view to display error
* fix: Switch wallet groups title in wallets list page and also fix issue with renaming groups
* Update lib/reactions/bip39_wallet_utils.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Update lib/router.dart [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* fix: Review fixes: Combine New Wallet Page Type arguments into a single model
* fix: Review fixes: Add failure guard when fetching mnemonic for selected wallet in pre-existing wallets page
* fix: Review fixes - Add loading indicator when mnemonic is being selected for wallet
* fix: Review fixes - Modify variable name to avoid clashes
* fix: Review fixes - Access WalletManager through dependency injection instead of service location
* fix: Review fixes - Add testnet to convertWalletInfoToWalletlistItem function, and adjust according where used
* fix: Review fixes - Add walletPassword to nano, tron and wownero wallets and confirm it is properly handled as it should be
* fix: Remove leadWallet, modify filtering flow to reflect this and not depend on leadWallet, and adjust privacy settings
* fix: Review Fixes - Modify restore flow to reflect current nature of bip39 as default for majority of wallet types
* fix: QA Fixes - Modify preexisting page to display wallet group names if set, and display them in incremental order if not set
* fix: Add wallet group description page and rename pre-existingseeds page to wallet group display page
* fix: Product Fix - Rename pre-existing seeds file name to wallet group display filename
* fix: Product fix - Separate multiwallets groups from single wallets and display separately
* fix - Product Fix - Add empty state for wallet group listing when creating a new wallet, adjust CTAs across buttons relating to the flow also
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-09-20 18:25:08 +00:00
"wallet_list_edit_group_name": "Edit Nama Grup",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"wallet_list_edit_wallet": "Edit dompet",
"wallet_list_failed_to_load": "Gagal memuat ${wallet_name} dompet. ${error}",
"wallet_list_failed_to_remove": "Gagal menghapus ${wallet_name} dompet. ${error}",
"wallet_list_load_wallet": "Muat dompet",
"wallet_list_loading_wallet": "Memuat ${wallet_name} dompet",
"wallet_list_removing_wallet": "Menghapus ${wallet_name} dompet",
"wallet_list_restore_wallet": "Pulihkan Dompet",
"wallet_list_title": "Dompet Monero",
"wallet_list_wallet_name": "Nama dompet",
"wallet_menu": "Menu",
"wallet_name": "Nama Dompet",
"wallet_name_exists": "Nama dompet sudah ada. Silakan pilih nama yang berbeda atau ganti nama dompet yang lain terlebih dahulu.",
CW-676 Add Linux scripts to build monero_c for linux platform (#1527)
* Revert "Revert btc address types"
This reverts commit a49e57e3
* Re-add Bitcoin Address types
Fix conflicts with main
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* Update Monero
* not sure why it's failing
* Enable Exolix
Improve service updates indicator
New versions
* Add exolix Api token to limits api
* Ignore reporting network issues
* Change default bitcoin node
* Merge main and update linux version
* Update app version [skip ci]
* New versions
* Fix conflicts and update linux version
* minor fix
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* update linux version
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* various fixes for build issues
* initial monero.dart implementation
* ...
* multiple wallets
new lib
minor fixes
* other fixes from monero.dart and monero_c
* fix: nodes & build
* update build scripts
fix polyseed
* remove unnecessary code
* Add windows app, build scripts and build guide for it.
* Minor fix in generated monero configs
* Merge and fix main
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* add missing monero_c command
* add android build script
* update version
* Merge and fix main
* undo android ndk removal
* Fix modified exception_handler.dart
* Temporarily remove haven
* fix build issues
* fix pr script
* Fixes for build monero.dart (monero_c) for windows.
* monero build script
* wip: ios build script
* refactor: unchanged file
* Added build guides for iOS and macOS. Replaced nproc call on macOS. Added macOS configuration for configure_cake_wallet.sh script.
* Update monero.dart and monero_c versions.
* Add missed windows build scripts
* Update the application configuration for windows build script.
* Update cw_monero pubspec lock file for monero.dart
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* Fix conflicts with main
* fix for multiple wallets
* update app version [skip ci]
* Add tron to windows application configuration.
* Add macOS option for description message in configure_cake_wallet.sh
* fix missing encryption utils in hardware wallet functions [skip ci]
* fix conflicts
* Include missed monero dll for windows.
* reformatting [skip ci]
* fix conflicts with main
* Disable haven configuration for iOS as default. Add ability to configure cakewallet for iOS with for configuration script. Remove cw_shared configuration for cw_monero.
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* add missing nano secrets file [skip ci]
* ios library
* don't pull prebuilds android
* Add auto generation of manifest file for android project even for iOS, macOS, Windows.
* remove tron
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* store crash fix
* make init async so it won't lag
disable print starts
* fix monero_c build issues
* libstdc++
* merge main and update version
* Fix MacOS saving wallet file issue
Fix Secure Storage issue (somehow)
* update pubspec.lock
* fix build script
* Use dylib as iOS framework. Use custom path for loading of iOS framework for monero.dart. Add script for generate iOS framework for monero wallet.
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* bump monero_c hash
* bump monero_c commit
* bump moneroc version
* bump monero_c commit
* Add ability to build monero wallet lib as universal lib. Update macOS build guide. Change default arch for macOS project to .
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* update version
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* get App Dir correctly in default_settings_migration.dart
* handle previous issue with fetching linux documents directory [skip ci]
* backup fix
* fix NTFS issues
* Add Tron
Update Linux version
* Close the wallet when the wallet gets changed
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* bump monero_c commit
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* Only stop wallet on rename and delete
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* bump monero_c commit
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
* merge main
* Update macOS build guide. Change brew dependencies for build unbound locally.
* fix: Tron file write, build scripts
* - merge linux with Monero Dart
- Temporarily disable Monero
* fix other issues with linux
* linux ci
fix build script
* Update pr_test_build_linux.yml
install required packages
* add linux desktop dependencies
* don't use apk in linux build releases
* don't copy the file to test-apk
* fix linux runtime issues
* remove libc++_shared.so
* fix issues with linux
* prepare both android and linux (because otherwise it will fail)
* ci script updates
* run apt update
* bump image to ubuntu 22.04
note: remember to put it down later
* bump python version
* remove some dependencies
* remove unused import
* add missing dependencies
* fix dependencies
* some fixes
* remove print [skip ci]
* Add back RunnerBase.entitlements
minor fixes [skip ci]
* fix memory leak / infinite recurrsion when opening xmr wallet
* url_launcher_linux: 3.1.1 # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/153083
* fix conflicts with main
* handle walletKeysFile with encryptionUtils
* update app version [skip ci]
* add wownero [skip ci]
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rafael Saes <git@rafael.saes.dev>
Co-authored-by: M <m@cakewallet.com>
Co-authored-by: Konstantin Ullrich <konstantinullrich12@gmail.com>
2024-08-12 22:18:14 +00:00
"wallet_password_is_empty": "Kata sandi dompet kosong. Kata sandi dompet tidak boleh kosong",
2024-06-18 06:00:07 +00:00
"wallet_recovery_height": "Tinggi pemulihan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length": "Panjang seed yang salah",
"wallet_seed": "Seed dompet",
2023-12-13 14:03:07 +00:00
"wallet_seed_legacy": "Biji dompet warisan",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"wallet_store_monero_wallet": "Dompet Monero",
"walletConnect": "DompetConnect",
"wallets": "Dompet",
"warning": "Peringatan",
"welcome": "Selamat datang di",
2024-11-27 21:05:04 +00:00
"welcome_subtitle_new_wallet": "Jika Anda ingin memulai segar, ketuk membuat dompet baru di bawah ini dan Anda akan pergi ke balapan.",
"welcome_subtitle_restore_wallet": "Jika Anda memiliki dompet yang ada yang ingin Anda bawa ke dalam kue, cukup pilih kembalikan dompet yang ada dan kami akan memandu Anda melalui prosesnya.",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"welcome_to_cakepay": "Selamat Datang di Cake Pay!",
Cw 453 (#1306)
* feat: rebase btc-addr-types, migrate to bitcoin_base
* feat: allow scanning elect-rs using get_tweaks
* feat: scanning and adding addresses working with getTweaks, add btc SP address type
* chore: pubspec.lock
* chore: pubspec.lock
* fix: scan when switching, fix multiple unspents in same tx
* fix: initial scan
* fix: initial scan
* fix: scanning issues
* fix: sync, storing silent unspents
* chore: deps
* fix: label issues, clear spent utxo
* chore: deps
* fix: build
* fix: missing types
* feat: new electrs API & changes, fixes for last block scanning
* feat: Scan Silent Payments homepage toggle
* chore: build configure
* feat: generic fixes, testnet UI improvements, useSSL on bitcoin nodes
* fix: invalid Object in sendData
* feat: improve addresses page & address book displays
* feat: silent payments labeled addresses disclaimer
* fix: missing i18n
* chore: print
* feat: single block scan, rescan by date working for btc mainnet
* feat: new cake features page replace market page, move sp scan toggle, auto switch node pop up alert
* feat: delete silent addresses
* fix: red dot in non ssl nodes
* fix: inconsistent connection states, fix tx history
* fix: tx & balance displays, cpfp sending
* feat: new rust lib
* chore: node path
* fix: check node based on network
* fix: missing txcount from addresses
* style: padding in feature page cards
* fix: restore not getting all wallet addresses by type
* fix: auto switch node broken
* fix: silent payment txs not being restored
* feat: change scanning to subscription model, sync improvements
* fix: scan re-subscription
* fix: default nodes
* fix: improve scanning by date, fix single block scan
* refactor: common function for input tx selection
* fix: nodes & build
* fix: send all with multiple outs
* refactor: unchanged file
* Update pr_test_build.yml
* chore: upgrade
* chore: merge changes
* refactor: unchanged files [skip ci]
* fix: scan fixes, add date, allow sending while scanning
* feat: sync fixes, sp settings
* feat: fix resyncing
* fix: date from height logic, status disconnected & chain tip get
* fix: params
* feat: electrum migration if using cake electrum
* fix nodes
update versions
* re-enable tron
* update sp_scanner to work on iOS [skip ci]
* fix: wrong socket for old electrum nodes
* Fix unchecked wallet type call
* fix: double balance
* feat: node domain
* fix: menu name
* fix: update tip on set scanning
* fix: connection switching back and forth
* feat: check if node is electrs, and supports sp
* chore: fix build
* minor enhancements
* fixes and enhancements
* solve conflicts with main
* fix: status toggle
* minor enhancement
* Monero.com fixes
* update sp_scanner to include windows and linux
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
2024-05-29 14:43:48 +00:00
"what_is_silent_payments": "Apa itu pembayaran diam?",
2024-02-06 20:12:51 +00:00
"widgets_address": "Alamat",
"widgets_or": "atau",
"widgets_restore_from_blockheight": "Pulihkan dari tinggi blok",
"widgets_restore_from_date": "Pulihkan dari tanggal",
"widgets_seed": "Biji",
"wouoldLikeToConnect": "ingin terhubung",
"write_down_backup_password": "Silakan menuliskan kata sandi cadangan Anda, yang digunakan untuk impor file cadangan Anda.",
"xlm_extra_info": "Jangan lupa untuk menentukan ID Memo saat mengirim transaksi XLM untuk pertukaran",
"xmr_available_balance": "Saldo Tersedia",
"xmr_full_balance": "Saldo Penuh",
"xmr_hidden": "Tersembunyi",
"xmr_to_error": "XMR.TO error",
"xmr_to_error_description": "Jumlah tidak valid. Batas maksimal 8 digit setelah koma",
"xrp_extra_info": "Jangan lupa untuk menentukan Tag Tujuan saat mengirim transaksi XRP untuk pertukaran",
"yat": "Yat",
"yat_address": "Alamat Yat",
"yat_alert_content": "Pengguna Cake Wallet sekarang dapat mengirim dan menerima semua mata uang favorit mereka dengan nama pengguna berbasis emoji yang satu-of-a-kind.",
"yat_alert_title": "Kirim dan terima crypto dengan lebih mudah dengan Yat",
"yat_error": "Kesalahan Yat",
"yat_error_content": "Tidak ada alamat yang terkait dengan Yat ini. Coba Yat lain",
"yat_popup_content": "Anda sekarang dapat mengirim dan menerima crypto di Cake Wallet dengan Yat Anda - nama pengguna berbasis emoji yang pendek. Kelola Yats kapan saja pada layar pengaturan",
"yat_popup_title": "Alamat dompet Anda dapat diubah menjadi emoji.",
"yesterday": "Kemarin",
"you_now_have_debit_card": "Anda sekarang memiliki kartu debit",
"you_pay": "Anda Membayar",
"you_will_get": "Konversi ke",
"you_will_send": "Konversi dari",
2024-02-28 02:15:18 +00:00
"yy": "YY"