2022-03-27 13:57:32 +02:00

1.8 KiB


Basicswap can be configured to route all traffic through a tor proxy.

Note that TOR integration is experimental and should not yet be relied upon.


basicswap-prepare can be configured to download all binaries through tor and to enable or disable tor in all active coin config files.

Create initial files

Docker will create directories instead of files if these don't exist.

touch $COINDATA_PATH/tor/torrc

For a new install

Note that some download links, notably for Litecoin, are unreachable when using tor.

If running through docker start the tor container with the following command as the torrc configuration file won't exist yet.

docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml run --name tor --rm tor \
        tor --allow-missing-torrc --SocksPort

docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml run -e TOR_PROXY_HOST= --rm swapclient \
        basicswap-prepare --usetorproxy --datadir=/coindata --withcoins=monero,particl

Start Basicswap with:

docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml up

Enable tor on an existing datadir

docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml run -e TOR_PROXY_HOST= --rm swapclient \
        basicswap-prepare --datadir=/coindata --enabletor

Disable tor on an existing datadir

docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml run --rm swapclient \
        basicswap-prepare --datadir=/coindata --disabletor

Update coin release

docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml up -d tor
docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml run -e TOR_PROXY_HOST= --rm swapclient \
        basicswap-prepare --usetorproxy --datadir=/coindata --preparebinonly --withcoins=bitcoin
docker compose -f docker-compose_with_tor.yml stop