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Split container setup
This will setup Basicswap so that each coin runs in it's own container.
Copy and edit .env config:
cp example.env .env
Set the latest Monero chain height, or the height your wallet must restore from:
echo "DEFAULT_XMR_RESTORE_HEIGHT=$(curl https://localmonero.co/blocks/api/get_stats | jq .height)" >> .env
Create docker-compose config:
cat compose-fragments/0_start.yml > docker-compose.yml
# Add the relevant coin fragments
cat compose-fragments/1_bitcoin.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_litecoin.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_monero-wallet.yml >> docker-compose.yml
# Copy for prepare script config
cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose-prepare.yml
cat compose-fragments/9_swapprepare.yml >> docker-compose-prepare.yml
# Add the Monero daemon if required (should not go in docker-compose-prepare.yml)
cat compose-fragments/8_monero-daemon.yml >> docker-compose.yml
# Add the swapclient
cat compose-fragments/8_swapclient.yml >> docker-compose.yml
Create the docker network, with a specific subnet (for optional tor use):
docker network create coinswap_network --subnet=""
Build the swapclient container:
docker-compose build swapclient
Build the monero container, if required:
docker-compose build monero_daemon
Build the remaining coin containers:
docker-compose build
Build the prepare-only containers:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml build
Create config files:
# Select relevant coins:
export WITH_COINS=bitcoin,litecoin,monero
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml run --rm swapprepare \
basicswap-prepare --nocores --withcoins=${WITH_COINS} --htmlhost="" --particl_mnemonic=none
Start coin cores only:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml up -d --scale swapprepare=0
Initialise wallets:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml run --rm swapprepare \
basicswap-prepare --initwalletsonly
Stop cores:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml stop
Start BasicSwap:
docker-compose up