4 KiB
Source code
$ git clone https://github.com/tecnovert/basicswap.git
Run Using Docker
Docker must be installed and started:
$ sudo systemctl status docker | grep Active
Should return a line containing active (running)
Create the images:
$ cd basicswap/docker
$ docker-compose build
Prepare the datadir:
Set XMR_RPC_HOST and BASE_XMR_RPC_PORT to a public XMR node or exclude to run a local node.
Set xmrrestoreheight to the current xmr chain height.
Adjust --withcoins
and --withoutcoins
as desired, eg: --withcoins=monero,bitcoin
. By default Particl and Litecoin are loaded.
$ export COINDATA_PATH=/var/data/coinswaps
$ docker run -e XMR_RPC_HOST="node.xmr.to" -e BASE_XMR_RPC_PORT=18081 -t --name swap_prepare -v $COINDATA_PATH:/coindata i_swapclient \
basicswap-prepare --datadir=/coindata --withcoins=monero --withoutcoins=litecoin --htmlhost="" --xmrrestoreheight=2245107
Record the mnemonic from the output of the above command.
Remove swap_prepare container (and logs):
$ docker rm swap_prepare
Start the container
$ export COINDATA_PATH=/var/data/coinswaps
$ docker-compose up
Open in browser: http://localhost:12700
Add a coin
$ docker-compose stop
$ export COINDATA_PATH=/var/data/coinswaps
$ docker run -t --name swap_prepare -v $COINDATA_PATH:/coindata i_swapclient basicswap-prepare --datadir=/coindata --addcoin=bitcoin
You can copy an existing pruned datadir (excluding bitcoin.conf and any wallets) over to $COINDATA_PATH/bitcoin
Remove any existing wallets after copying over a pruned chain or the Bitcoin daemon won't start.
Run Without Docker:
Ubuntu Setup:
$ apt-get install -y wget python3-pip gnupg unzip protobuf-compiler automake libtool pkg-config
OSX Setup:
Install Homebrew:
Command Line Tools:
$ xcode-select --install
$ brew install wget unzip python git protobuf gnupg automake libtool pkg-config
$ export SWAP_DATADIR=/Users/$USER/coinswaps
$ mkdirs -p "$SWAP_DATADIR/venv"
$ python3 -m venv "$SWAP_DATADIR/venv"
$ . $SWAP_DATADIR/venv/bin/activate && python -V
$ wget -O coincurve-anonswap.zip https://github.com/tecnovert/coincurve/archive/anonswap.zip
$ unzip coincurve-anonswap.zip
$ cd $SWAP_DATADIR/coincurve-anonswap
$ python3 setup.py install --force
$ git clone https://github.com/tecnovert/basicswap.git
$ cd $SWAP_DATADIR/basicswap
$ protoc -I=basicswap --python_out=basicswap basicswap/messages.proto
$ pip3 install .
Prepare the datadir:
XMR_RPC_HOST="node.xmr.to" BASE_XMR_RPC_PORT=18081 basicswap-prepare --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR --withcoins=monero --withoutcoins=litecoin --xmrrestoreheight=2245107
OR using a local XMR daemon:
basicswap-prepare --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR --withcoins=monero --withoutcoins=litecoin --xmrrestoreheight=2245107
Record the mnemonic from the output of the above command.
Start the app
$ basicswap-run --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR
Open in browser: http://localhost:12700
Start after installed:
$ export SWAP_DATADIR=/Users/$USER/coinswaps
$ python3 -m venv "$SWAP_DATADIR/venv"
$ basicswap-run --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR
Old notes
Run Without Installing
$ cd basicswap
$ pip install sqlalchemy protobuf pyzmq
$ protoc -I=basicswap --python_out=basicswap basicswap/messages.proto
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
$ python bin/basicswap-prepare.py
$ python bin/basicswap-run.py
Install git and python3:
Remember to select the 'Add Python to environment variables' option.
Right click in the directory you want to install into and select 'Git Bash Here':
$ git clone https://github.com/tecnovert/basicswap.git
$ cd basicswap
$ pip3 install .
$ basicswap-prepare
$ basicswap-run
Open url in browser: http://localhost:12700
Shutdown by pressing ctrl + c in the Git Bash console window.