title: Issue 25: September 5-12, 2019
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[]({% post_url 2019-09-12-issue-25 %}.html)
Revuo Monero Weekly: Week of September 5 - September 12, 2019.
September 14, 2019 (Saturday) – 17:00 UTC
Community Workgroup Meeting - #monero-community IRC channel
September 16, 2019 (Monday) – 17:00 UTC
Research Lab Meeting - #monero-research-lab IRC channel
September 22, 2019 (Sunday) – 17:00 UTC
Dev Meeting - #monero-dev IRC channel
October 29-31, 2019 – The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV
Monero presence (booth and speakers) at World Crypto Con
Below you can find recent CCS proposal ideas open for discussion.
New Localization platform: Weblate by ErCiccione
Raised 6.48 of 11.00 XMR (59%)
Block height: 1921803
Hash rate: 343.085 MH/s
Median block size: 12.3 kB
Average Tx per block: 7.65
Weekly Moving Average Tx per day: 5464
Block reward: 2.37 XMR
Data taken on September 12, 2019
Monero (XMR) Price
XMR to | 09/12/19 | Week | Month | Year |
USD | $75.00 | +2.1% | -17.3% | -28.6% |
EUR | €67.82 | +1.8% | -16.2% | -25.1% |
BTC | Ƀ0.00722128 | +3.6% | -9.6% | -56.9% |
Data taken on September 12, 2019
XMR Price Graph for September 6 - 12, 2019
 Sources: community.xmr.to, moneroblocks.info, minexmr.com, bitinfocharts.com, coingecko.com, localmonero.coGratuitas is a social impact startup that allows the consumer to tip coffee producers in developing nations using Monero.
How does it work? Gratuitas is using products that are produced by under appreciated, hard-working people living in developing countries. Now you are able to thank those workers directly with a tip.
As a proof-of-concept, Gratuitas has provided coffee farmers in Brazil with Monero private keys. These keys correspond with public key QR codes printed on the bags your coffee is delivered in. You can scan that code to tip the coffee producer directly. If the coffee pilot is a success, Gratuitas will add other products to our offerings, and seek partnerships.
If you want to get involved in making Monero better, but aren’t sure how, check out the volunteer opportunities below.
Anyone with moderate technical ability is encouraged to try to build and run Monero nightlies. Do not trust it with your Monero, but feel free to open an Issue on Github as problems arise. Instructions to build on your OS of choice can be found on GitHub.
If you enjoy this publication and want to support it, we encourage you to donate to the Monero General Fund, using the following address:
Comments, criticism, complaints or corrections? Please contact rehrar at **rehrar** at **tuta.io**. Say rehrar sent you.