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synced 2025-03-12 09:27:15 +00:00
Simplify and enhance language detection and file loading mechanism: - Parse primary language from browser settings more accurately. - Remove redundant scanning of language files. - Load default English language file as a base. - Add support for region-specific language files if available. - Remove unused language strings from various translation files. These changes enhance the robustness and efficiency of language handling, ensuring better support for user language preferences.
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4.3 KiB
85 lines
4.3 KiB
// For the HTML meta specification, e.g. <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">
$lang_meta = "it"; // https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp
$page_title = "Conversione XMR in EUR/BTC/CHF/USD e molti altri"; // The browser tab title or search engine title
$meta_description = "Il tasso di cambio Monero live in molte valute diverse, gratis per tutti."; // Search engine description / text
$meta_keywords = "Monero, XMR, fiat, valore, tasso, live, scambio, conversione"; // Search engine keywords
$title_h1 = "conversione in"; // ↓ XMR [...] ↓
$moneroooTable = "Service provided by <a href='https://moner.ooo/'>Moner.ooo</a>, Data provided by <a href='https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/monero' hreflang='en' rel='external'>CoinGecko</a>";
// Info Text
$info = "I tassi di cambio su questo sito sono solo a scopo informativo. Non è garantita la loro accuratezza e sono soggetti a modifiche senza preavviso. I tassi di cambio sono aggiornati circa una volta al minuto. Ultimo aggiornamento alle <u title='Hours:Minutes:Seconds (hh:mm:ss)'>".$time."</u>, Europe/Berlin. Dati forniti da <a class='text-white' href='https://www.coingecko.com/it/monete/monero' hreflang='it' rel='external' target='_blank'>CoinGecko</a>.<br/><a target='_blank' href='https://kuno.anne.media/donate/onml/' rel='external' hreflang='it'><img loading='lazy' src='./img/kuno-monero-26x26.png' width='17' height='17' alt='Kuno - Moner.ooo donation page'></a> <a target='_blank' href='https://kuno.anne.media/lang/it/' class='text-white' rel='external' hreflang='it'>Kuno – Raccogli fondi con Monero</a> | <a class='text-white' href='{$github_url}' hreflang='en' rel='external' target='_blank'>GitHub</a>";
$servers_guru = " | <a style='text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;' class='text-white' href='https://servers.guru/' hreflang='en' rel='external' target='_blank'>Webhosting provided by<img loading='lazy' src='./img/servers-guru.svg' height='19' alt='Servers Guru' title='Servers Guru' /></a>";
$clipboard_copy_tooltip = "Copia negli appunti";
// Tooltip Titel
$l_eur = "Euro";
$l_btc = "Bitcoin";
$l_chf = "Franco Svizzero";
$l_usd = "Dollaro degli Stati Uniti";
$l_ltc = "Litecoin";
$l_gbp = "Sterlina GBP";
$l_rub = "Rublo Russo";
$l_jpy = "Yen Giapponese";
$l_try = "Lira Turca";
$l_cad = "Dollaro Canadese";
$l_aud = "Dollaro Australiano";
$l_hkd = "Dollaro di Hong Kong";
$l_sgd = "Dollaro di Singapore";
$l_pln = "Złoty Polacco";
$l_zar = "ZAR sudafricano";
$l_inr = "Rupia Indiana";
$l_aed = "UAE Dirham";
$l_eth = "Ethereum";
$l_uah = "Hryvnia";
$l_krw = "Won Sudcoreano";
$l_brl = "Real Brasiliano";
$l_myr = "Ringgit Brasiliano";
$l_cny = "Renminbi Cinese";
$l_xag = "Argento (31,1g)";
$l_xau = "Oro (31,1g)";
$l_vnd = "Dong Vietnamita";
$l_vef = "Blívar Venezuelano";
$l_thb = "Baht";
$l_sar = "Saudi Riyal";
$l_sek = "Corona Svedese";
$l_pkr = "Rupia Pakistana";
$l_nzd = "Dollaro della Nuova Zelanda";
$l_php = "Peso Filippino";
$l_nok = "Corona Norvegese";
$l_lkr = "Rupia di Sri Lanka";
$l_mmk = "Kyat del Myanmar";
$l_huf = "Forint Ungarese";
$l_ils = "New Shekel Istaeliano";
$l_kwd = "Dinar del Kuwaiti";
$l_ngn = "Naira Nigeriano";
$l_idr = "Rupia Indonesiana";
$l_twd = "Dollaro Neotaiwanese";
$l_ars = "Peso Argentino";
$l_bdt = "Taka Bangladese";
$l_bhd = "Dinar Bahraini";
$l_bmd = "Dollaro delle Bermuda";
$l_czk = "Corona Ceca";
$l_dkk = "Corona Danese";
$l_clp = "Peso cileno";
$l_mxn = "Peso messicano";
$l_bch = "Bitcoin Cash";
$l_bnb = "Binance Coin";
$l_eos = "EOS.IO";
$l_xrp = "Ripple";
$l_xlm = "Stellar Lumens";
$l_link = "Chainlink";
$l_dot = "Polkadot";
$l_yfi = "Yearn.Finance";
$l_gel = "Lari Georgiano";
$l_xdr = "Diritti Speciali di Prelievo";
// Link di Monero
$getmonero = '<a class="text-white" href="https://www.getmonero.org/it/" hreflang="it" target="_blank" rel="external">Sito ufficiale</a> | <a class="text-white" href="https://ccs.getmonero.org/" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">Community Crowdfunding System (CCS)</a> | <a class="text-white" href="https://www.monero.observer/resources/" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">Monero Observer</a> | <a class="text-white" href="https://www.monerotalk.live/" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">Monero Talk</a>';
$countrymonero = ' | <a class="text-white" href="https://t.me/moneroitalia" hreflang="en" target="_blank" rel="external">Telegram - Monero Italia</a>';