import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:haveno/providers/offers_provider.dart'; import 'package:haveno/proto/compiled/pb.pb.dart'; import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart' as fixnum; import 'dart:convert'; // Import the dart:convert library class NewTradeOfferForm extends StatefulWidget { final GlobalKey<FormState> formKey; final List<PaymentAccount> paymentAccounts; final String direction; // New argument for direction ('BUY' or 'SELL') const NewTradeOfferForm({ required this.formKey, required this.paymentAccounts, required this.direction, }); @override __NewTradeOfferFormState createState() => __NewTradeOfferFormState(); } class __NewTradeOfferFormState extends State<NewTradeOfferForm> { PaymentAccount? _selectedPaymentAccount; TradeCurrency? _selectedTradeCurrency; int _selectedPricingTypeIndex = 0; // 0 for Fixed, 1 for Dynamic bool _reserveExactAmount = false; final TextEditingController _priceController = TextEditingController(); final TextEditingController _depositController = TextEditingController(text: '15'); final TextEditingController _marginController = TextEditingController(text: '0'); final TextEditingController _amountController = TextEditingController(); final TextEditingController _minAmountController = TextEditingController(); final TextEditingController _triggerPriceController = TextEditingController(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final isBuy = widget.direction == 'BUY'; return Padding( padding: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets, child: Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: Form( key: widget.formKey, child: SingleChildScrollView( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: <Widget>[ Text( 'Open a New XMR ${isBuy ? 'Buy' : 'Sell'} Offer', style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 18), ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), ToggleButtons( isSelected: [ _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 0, _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1 ], onPressed: (index) { setState(() { _selectedPricingTypeIndex = index; }); }, children: const [ Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0), child: Text('Fixed'), ), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0), child: Text('Dynamic'), ), ], ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), DropdownButtonFormField<PaymentAccount>( decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Your Sender Account', border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), value: _selectedPaymentAccount, items: { return DropdownMenuItem<PaymentAccount>( value: account, child: Text(account.accountName), ); }).toList(), onChanged: (account) { setState(() { _selectedPaymentAccount = account; _selectedTradeCurrency = null; // Reset currency code }); }, validator: (value) { if (value == null) { return 'Please select a payment account'; } return null; }, ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), DropdownButtonFormField<TradeCurrency>( decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Currency Code', border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), value: _selectedTradeCurrency, items: _selectedPaymentAccount?.tradeCurrencies .map((tradeCurrency) { return DropdownMenuItem<TradeCurrency>( value: tradeCurrency, child: Text(, ); }).toList() ?? [], onChanged: (value) { setState(() { _selectedTradeCurrency = value; }); }, validator: (value) { if (value == null) { return 'Please select a currency code'; } return null; }, ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), if (_selectedPricingTypeIndex == 0) TextFormField( controller: _priceController, decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Price', border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), validator: (value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty) { return 'Please enter the price'; } return null; }, ), if (_selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1) TextFormField( controller: _marginController, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: isBuy ? 'Market Price Below Margin (%)' : 'Market Price Above Margin (%)', border: const OutlineInputBorder(), ), validator: (value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty) { return 'Please enter the market price margin'; } final margin = double.tryParse(value); if (margin == null || margin < 1 || margin > 90) { return 'Please enter a value between 1 and 90'; } return null; }, ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), TextFormField( controller: _amountController, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Amount of XMR to ${isBuy ? 'Buy' : 'Sell'}', border: const OutlineInputBorder(), ), validator: (value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty) { return 'Please enter the maximum amount you wish to ${isBuy ? 'buy' : 'sell'}'; } return null; }, ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), TextFormField( controller: _minAmountController, decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Minimum Transaction Amount (XMR)', border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), validator: (value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty) { return 'Please enter the minimum transaction amount in XMR'; } return null; }, ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), TextFormField( controller: _depositController, decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Mutual Security Deposit (%)', border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), validator: (value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty) { return 'Please enter the mutual security deposit'; } final deposit = double.tryParse(value); if (deposit == null || deposit < 0 || deposit > 50) { return 'Please enter a value between 0 and 50'; } return null; }, ), if (_selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1) const SizedBox(height: 16.0), if (_selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1) TextFormField( controller: _triggerPriceController, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Delist If Market Price Goes Above (${_selectedTradeCurrency?.code ?? ''})', border: const OutlineInputBorder(), ), validator: (value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty) { return 'Please enter the trigger price to suspend your offer'; } return null; }, ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), Row( children: [ Expanded( child: CheckboxListTile( title: const Row( children: [ Text('Reserve only the funds needed'), SizedBox(width: 4), Tooltip( message: 'If selected, only the exact amount of funds needed for this trade will be reserved. This may also incur a mining fee and will require 10 confirmations therefore it will take ~20 minutes longer to post your trade.', child: Icon( Icons.info_outline, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], ), value: _reserveExactAmount, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { _reserveExactAmount = value ?? false; }); }, controlAffinity: ListTileControlAffinity.leading, ), ), ], ), const SizedBox(height: 16.0), ElevatedButton( onPressed: () async { if (widget.formKey.currentState?.validate() ?? false) { // Prepare the data to be sent final offerData = { 'currencyCode': _selectedTradeCurrency?.code ?? '', 'direction': widget.direction, 'price': _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 0 ? _priceController.text : '', 'useMarketBasedPrice': _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1, 'marketPriceMarginPct': double.parse( _marginController.text.isNotEmpty ? _marginController.text : '0'), 'amount': fixnum.Int64( ((double.tryParse(_amountController.text) ?? 0) * 1000000000000) .toInt()) .toString(), 'minAmount': fixnum.Int64( ((double.tryParse(_minAmountController.text) ?? 0) * 1000000000000) .toInt()) .toString(), 'buyerSecurityDepositPct': double.parse(_depositController.text) / 10, 'triggerPrice': _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1 ? _triggerPriceController.text : '', 'reserveExactAmount': _reserveExactAmount, 'paymentAccountId': _selectedPaymentAccount?.id ?? '', }; // Print the JSON representation of the offer debugPrint(jsonEncode(offerData)); // Call the postOffer method try { final offersProvider = Provider.of<OffersProvider>(context, listen: false); offersProvider.postOffer( currencyCode: _selectedTradeCurrency?.code ?? '', direction: widget.direction, price: _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 0 ? _priceController.text : '', // Use the price from the controller useMarketBasedPrice: _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1, marketPriceMarginPct: double.parse( _marginController.text.isNotEmpty ? _marginController.text : '0'), amount: fixnum.Int64( ((double.tryParse(_amountController.text) ?? 0) * 1000000000000) .toInt()), minAmount: fixnum.Int64( ((double.tryParse(_minAmountController.text) ?? 0) * 1000000000000) .toInt()), buyerSecurityDepositPct: double.parse(_depositController.text) / 100, triggerPrice: _selectedPricingTypeIndex == 1 ? _triggerPriceController.text : '', // Use the trigger price from the controller reserveExactAmount: _reserveExactAmount, paymentAccountId: _selectedPaymentAccount?.id ?? '', ); Navigator.pop(context); } catch (e) { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( const SnackBar( content: Text( 'Failed to post offer (likely cooldown limit)')), ); } } }, child: const Text('Post Offer'), ), ], ), ), ), ), ); } }